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/lit/ - Literature

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21422559 No.21422559 [Reply] [Original]

Now that nobody reads books and the only people trying to write "literature" are more obsessed with the aesthetic of being an artist than actually trying to create good art, which medium will the Shakespeares and Edgar Allan Poes of the future be associated with? Is it YouTube videos? I feel like it is.

>> No.21422668

Who is he?

>> No.21422675

You don't wanna know.

>> No.21422703

Definitely web content. It's something barely anyone is taking note of seriously yet, but it is overwhelmingly the artistic expression of the younger generations. There's no getting around it.
You can decide if that's depressing or not.

>> No.21422748

I think he's a youtuber grifter that appeals to the pretentious people who don't read.

>> No.21422749

You're missing it entirely. In a world where no one reads, there are no Shakespeares or EAPs among the plebs. Society will be fully stratified. There will only be big brains among the new class of globalist plutocrats, thus our bawdiness is converted into hyms, squiggling like saxophones.

>> No.21422752

faith in humanity = restored

>> No.21422797
File: 147 KB, 1440x1440, Waldun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a YouTube intellectual. He's published multiple books too, which is a lot more than you can say about most of the poseurs on /lit/.

>> No.21422804

>He's published multiple books too, which is a lot more than you can say about most of the poseurs on /lit/.
Are they any good tho?

>> No.21423153

the proses truly flow sir...

>> No.21423311

truly they flow

>> No.21423326
File: 231 KB, 545x530, 1671663197416836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like white trash but i want to be the next Faulkner or to atleast try

>> No.21423602

Don't be the next Faulkner, be the first you.

>> No.21423612
File: 588 KB, 598x605, 1671578438883175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, i will, now have a happy duck for your good post

>> No.21423708

>the pipe
HAHAHHAHA why is he larping that damn hard wtf why can't he just read books like a normal person

>> No.21423719

the flow trully is with them

>> No.21423724

Yeah I really don't understand how people feel zero shame or embarrassment doing shit like this

>> No.21423748

It's a little depressing at least given how very middling in quality even the most detailed 'video essays' are
Too much emphasis on the consumption of web content by a large audience. Much of the magic of a good old fashioned paper or book is lost

>> No.21423770
File: 691 KB, 1170x1175, reading-griftcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waldun is perfect unity of grifter and griftee. The final form of literature.
If the red slayer thinks he slays.
Or if the slain thinks he is slain,
Thev know not well the subtle ways
I keep, and pass, and turn again.

>> No.21423801
File: 9 KB, 250x266, trust me you dumb proles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why is spamming faggot allowed on this board? Why are the mods aren't doing anything about it?

>> No.21424009

"YouTube" """Intellectual"""

>> No.21424045
File: 378 KB, 726x734, Screenshot_20221006-132239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YouTube videos are the Modern Shakespeare! And at LEAST as profound!

Anon, if any part of you truly believes this, then I must sincerely, earnestly urge you not to breed.

>> No.21425191

>stupid rat thinks a couple threads is spamming
>doesn't appreciate board culture
>cries to the mods
>commie poster and likely a newfag
Checks out.

>> No.21425215
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>> No.21425225

I know you won't have the brainpower to understand this even if spelled out for you, but the point anon was making was not that the current selection of YouTube essays is equivalent to Shakespeare, but that any young person today of such artistic potential will likely be producing art in the common medium of their generation. He doesn't actually comment whether this selection's good or bad.

>> No.21425228

If he just read like a normal person how would people sitting at other tables in the coffee shop know he is LE DEEP?

>> No.21425251

A Harry Potter cosplayer.

>> No.21425281
File: 342 KB, 946x1953, 1630303518125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YouTuber who buddied up with Waldun to gain subscribers/hyped his book before release
>tries to join in on L'Academie memeing to ape /lit/ by throwing Waldun under the bus
>/lit/ takes offence to his pandering and the fact he was two-faced to our man
>autistic anon finds social media accounts that evidence a notable obsession with lizard cock
>anons start commenting about it--he writes multiple seething replies to them and deletes comments
>ends with open message about deleting his instagram (but totally not because of /lit/!), spergs about how we didn't get to him, and claims he has no idea what we're talking about in regard to evidence of his furry fetish
Those threads were fucking great.

>> No.21425316
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1626913567076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bet you $500 that mom/his landlord doesn't allow smoking indoors and that he has never lit that pipe.

>> No.21425462

He's smoked a lot of pipe if you know what I mean...

>> No.21425614
File: 90 KB, 498x600, 37134608_1_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothing yourself in attire fit for the likes of a fifty year old gentleman when you look as though you're still in middle school is truly a grotesque endeavor. Same with young men who smoke pipes. To everyone around you with even the basest level of discernment you look (and most likely are) like a performance actor of the queerest alignments. No different than those silly little niggers who pimp out their hoopties with trinkets that they either cannot afford outright, or aren't genuine in brand nor quality of construction. It's a vain attempt to skip the time necessary to earn the status associated with the look, and in this blind haste the end result is a caricature. In place of wisdom one emanates an almost pitied foolishness, and class becomes a shadow in the blinding tawdry.

>> No.21425759
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, BD71F93B-F63E-45C2-A052-E6E01BD6FC90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh rlly?

>> No.21425778
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>> No.21425779

This gives me anxiety. It's so clean. I hope he doesn't drip any sauce on it.

>> No.21425790

Are there any youtubers creating fiction? Shakespeare didn't write essays. Are there any videos that tell a story with characters? Is that not just a movie?

>> No.21425808

reviewbrah is a special case. he's autistic and he doesn't overdo it so he doesn't come off as a larping pseud

>> No.21425815

Reviewbrah's the exception that proves the rule.
He's the rare kind of person who can pull off not pulling something off.
Like this anon >>21425808 is saying; he's a charming autist, not a LARPing pseud.

>> No.21425832
File: 831 KB, 2320x3088, IMG_6629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga sounds like the Rodge lmao

why's this CCP goblin baby adopting an american psycho accent and gay non gook pseudonym? I'd break every one of his yellow digits yī, èr, sān,
sì, wǔ and teach him to even think a sideways sexual thought about blonde women, as he undoubtedly does, every day, in his deviant autistic yellow nigger brain, leering at flaxen haired thots through his hooded slant eyes on his uni campus.

One thousand years ago the noble steppe nomads were packing payloads of civilizationally enervated phrenologically frail gook skulls like his in the buckets of catapults rice bowl style and propelling them over the manned walls of large Song Dynasty towns and cities. I'd love to unleash a khagan horde on the commons of every major western university that is infested with insectile CCP yellows and see them dropping their schoolbooks and Xiaomi spy phones, fleeing to belied safety in the nooks and crannies of their academic institution, good stonework built by dead whitey.

I miss Liveleak. Here's my body by the way.

>> No.21425837

o shit this isn't /fit/

>> No.21425839

Where is your chest? You're not raping any gooks. He'd slide off your perfectly smooth undifferentiated chest like a waterslide, grazing his hairless little asian balls over your forehead, and escape.

>> No.21425847
File: 671 KB, 2320x3088, 123123123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a double bicep nigga also kek

>> No.21425871

Reading and writing were always partially about aesthetics and status. Even in ancient Greece it was a way for nobles to show off. Ancient Roman philisophers even larped as Greek by having full beards while most normal Roman men shaved.

>> No.21426590

video essays are just junk and rambling. pure cancer. people who never evolved from university. the only decent ones are about videogames but who in their right mind would give a fuck about videogames. it's such a stunted state of affairs.

>> No.21426642

Literature is the cheapest hobby, you can go into any secondhand bookstore and nab a classic for like two or three bucks. It’s like making a hobby out of playing original X-Box games. Got into reading because I was working a job that gave just a little more than what I needed to afford shelter and sustenance and I could use a bit of what was left over to acquire a nice piece of paperback entertainment. That’s a lie; I got into reading because they did what the smartphone would later do for me and that’s help me ignore those around me and occasionally learn something. Nonetheless, reading is still the noblest poorfag pass time

>> No.21426666

Your chest looks like a baboon's ass you raging homosexual.

>> No.21426679

>navel is far below the kitchen counter
>fridge towers over him.
>going to seethe at this being pointed out
>will tell me to post body for strangers online
>will not understand how weird that is

>> No.21426721

Cinema is by far the most interesting and artistic creative medium right now. There are great films that come out every year.

>> No.21426780

I believe that artists will always gravitate to wherever freedom of expression is the greatest
So it can't possibly be anywhere run by leftists I'll say that much...

>> No.21426793
File: 119 KB, 1160x770, 1670488775221920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So it can't possibly be anywhere run by leftists I'll say that much...

Or right wingers, I'd say. Wingcucks won't let anyone express themselves unless it panders to their petty prejudices about the proverbial Other.

>> No.21426827

People will disagree with this I'm certain but leftists actually have more of a predilection towards censorship.
People always point to the most extremist authoritarian regimes when bringing up censorship without noticing that in far more moderate leftist societies censorship becomes in fashion at a much earlier stage. The irony of course is that the more in your face censorship is the easier it is to notice and stop or even use to your advantage. Leftist societies engage in a more insidious and oppressive form of censorship that flies under the radar.

>> No.21426837


>> No.21427292

You sound like a woman or a gay man.

>> No.21427300
File: 73 KB, 897x877, 1664337859549081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an irrational hatred for him
i don't know why i care so much, but i do. i want to claw his eyes out

>> No.21427328

I don't know. There's a lot of humble beauty in web culture. Truth in honesty, or some shit. It doesn't have to be a bad thing at all.
Seething retard babble that communicates something about the corner we've gotten ourselves wedged in as a culture. Call me crazy, but I see some value in it.