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/lit/ - Literature

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21418992 No.21418992 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Labyrinth edition

Previously >>21412413

>> No.21419000
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>> No.21419014


>> No.21419027

these threads are so faggy

>> No.21419054

None of you faggots showed up in omegle

>> No.21419059

Their sense of humor is wicked

>> No.21419061

I need to go back to confession because I'm addicted to pornography and smoking weed. I have become what I hate the most.

>> No.21419063
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>> No.21419065

Especially when people like that guy just above you posts.
That’s some solid Nietzschean stuff Watts says there

>> No.21419082
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Try writing down what you are thinking when you give in to vice. Then begin writing what you feel when you beat vice. Become addicted to self-mastery.

>> No.21419090

do you look like this?

>> No.21419107

I need more books about self-reliance and civil disobedience

>> No.21419108

Posting on 4chan is a vice.
Any social media actually.


>> No.21419123
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Not yet, but it is my goal.

>> No.21419127
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What does even be yourself even mean? I dont know as I've been following what other people want to me do or what to be since the childhood. It never worked because depression happened from me not wanting to follow others but I didnt know what I wanted to do, I ended up obeying others and being miserable in the process.

>> No.21419134

It meens dont care what others thing, nor hold yourself to a standard outside of your own head. It is the same kind of terrible life advice as follow your dreams. It is a bandage applied to lesser people in order to placate them.

>> No.21419137

The condensation on my window has frozen. To my sleeping bag I am beholden/

>> No.21419150

>It meens dont care what others thing, nor hold yourself to a standard outside of your own head
I try to escape but the massive Super Ego just overwhelmingly crushes my attempts. It's just like trying to run from much faster enemy.
>It is a bandage applied to lesser people in order to placate them.
How so?

>> No.21419162

I want parse down everything I own to only things that I need and books (+ assorted tasteful knick-knacks) but I don't know where to start or what to throw away. Everything is either something I can use, or something I want. This blows.

>> No.21419166
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>>It is a bandage applied to lesser people in order to placate them
By saying be yourself you are giving them a carte blanc to behave and act however they wish. You don't tell them to improve, to struggle, to fight and toil. You tell them 'just be you', which without outside forces from your community is worthless. Tell them instead be somebody admirable, somebody dependable, somebody worth looking up to.

>> No.21419169

great advice

>> No.21419203

but dont you first accept yourself (with all the good and the bad) and then strive to improve the current situation?

>> No.21419206
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what genre of picture is this? I like them and I like the parody versions of them too.

>> No.21419211
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Thanks, it has helped me a great deal. It has helped me organize my thoughts. Jewden Peterstein is right about many things, writing is one of them. You can become dangerous and formidable when you can accurately convey a complicated message.

>> No.21419214

this shit hurts my eyes

>> No.21419217
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If you accept yourself, why bother improving? To improve you must be unsatisfied with your current state.

I do too.

>> No.21419221

>You can become dangerous and formidable
are you?

>> No.21419225

l believe its called fasc-wave

>> No.21419226

If I find another piece of gristle in my (i-can't-believe-it's-not)meat I'm going to DESTROY this funko-pop.

>> No.21419233
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I am when compared to myself three year ago. I can articulate my point well enough for people to understand it and at times be convinced by it.

>> No.21419234
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lmao It's close but I think it must be it's own sub-genre or something.

>> No.21419235

Please use a trip.

>> No.21419238


>> No.21419240

have you tried being racist?

>> No.21419241
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Why? Trips are for fags

>> No.21419244

I'd like to filter your infantile tradfaggotry

>> No.21419254
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>> No.21419265
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Then please return to reddit. I am not traditional in any real sense.

>> No.21419269

yes pls lord cumgenius

>> No.21419273


>> No.21419275

I've been hating on Peterson for a while but then I happened upon some quotes of things he said years ago. It was very soulmaking and heroic stuff. Reminded me why anyone ever got into him.
He's very formidable in direct confrontation but he's a patsy when he comes to manipulation behind his back. Hence the shilling. Watch this.


>> No.21419276

I don't think I thought I'd be in this position but on my mind as much now as over a year ago is:

She will not be coming back.

>> No.21419279

kys, pea-brain

>> No.21419282

it's an ad slogan, it's only meant to sell things

>> No.21419285

Yeah. Which is why you should get one

>> No.21419294

>I ended up obeying others and being miserable in the process.
stop doing that

>> No.21419312

I dont know what I want. It's that bad

>> No.21419314
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His older stuff, the subjects he has been studying for a long time has immense value for men, it is partly found in old lit. Now, post-illness he is everything he set out to combat, it is saddening to see him become the very object of scorn he once heaped upon those in his earlier days.

Anyways, writing. It can help you in a number of different ways, most you do not realize until you begin.

>> No.21419322

l shall create a homeland for my people in hoi4

>> No.21419327


Why must you try to demoralize all?

>> No.21419329

then start with what you don't want

>> No.21419338

>defeat your demons
Your demons are racism. irrational hatred. and fealty to ordered anti-nature

>> No.21419342
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Begin writing, see what comes to you.

>> No.21419354

My demon? Chocolate pretzels

>> No.21419357
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My demons are those who would poison the body and the land of those like me.

>> No.21419365

Older brother was a neo-nazi for awhile when we were teenagers. Chilled out now thankfully

>> No.21419370

I dont want to be confused.
I've been writing in a journal from time to time but it's only a pathetic whining that doesnt lead anywhere.

>> No.21419387

they are possessed

>> No.21419397

>I dont want to be confused.
ok. what else do you not want?

>> No.21419399 [DELETED] 
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>I've been writing in a journal from time to time but it's only a pathetic whining that doesnt lead anywhere.

Keep writing, try thinking of hypotheticals and exploring them in your writing. Or just ponder why it is you write what you do. There is no wrong answer, it is for your own self to reflect on.

>> No.21419418

I got so cold from shoveling outside that when I drank some water I couldn't feel it.

>> No.21419439

How do l stop being bored all the time?

>> No.21419442

get hobbies

>> No.21419450
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He probably engages in his hobbies now, what he appears to lack is duty and responsibility. Find those anon and you will find your being bored was just wasted time.

>> No.21419458

feel like Steve Irwin shouldnt be the best example since he was dumb and got himself kill

>> No.21419459

Filter an odious liter prick? You talk of morals?
You side with them. You don't realize you're their pet that they cultivate in order to squash those who would destroy them. You're a dupe

>> No.21419466

steve irwin lived and died doing what he loved. that's the ideal.

>> No.21419467

I dont want to succumb to others opinions on what I should be doing with my life but I dont know what I'd want to do.
I just usually talk to myself outloud when I'm taking a walk

>> No.21419478

l'm sure he'd rather be around to raise his kids

>> No.21419480


>> No.21419492

>t. tourists

>> No.21419507

>I dont want to succumb to others opinions on what I should be doing with my life but I dont know what I'd want to do.
anon, you're making it very difficult to help you. think smaller. do you want to get a pet fish? yes or no? Do you want to pursue an extreme sport? yes or no? Do you like sci-fi movies? Do you like cooking?
your identity is born of small, tiny facets that coagulate into a personality. you're true to yourself by acting according to these facets.

>> No.21419527

I have no idea what Im doing with my life

>> No.21419550

>Animated by wisdom, this Essence dwells in itself, and it could never inhere in other things. It is these, on the contrary, that come to depend from it, as if with passion seeking where it may be. That is the love that watches at the door of the beloved, which remains ever near the beautiful, agitated with the desire of possessing it, and esteeming itself happy to share in its gifts.
-Plotinus, The Enneads
If anyone asks why I read things that I think are a bit of a slog, I show them this. You gotta pan a bit of river for them gold nuggets.

>> No.21419556

honestly I think the amount of people that can truly relate to me can be counted on your fingers and toes.

>> No.21419572

Why is that?

>> No.21419580

but my identity is easily broken by never ending doubts.

>> No.21419581

This career is deader than a dead-end.

>> No.21419583

then try harder

>> No.21419601

even with the Newtons 3rd law?

>> No.21419605

off of the top of my head I would think that there is
one thing that maybe 5% can relate to
one thing maybe 5%
one thing maybe 0.001% at most
my overall life-situation maybe 2.8%

just off of the top of my head
that makes for.... 0,0000000007%
it may be off by a zero, not sure.
and that's not even taking into account the fact that my nationality is somewhat small. that's about your hands and feet, no? assuming I missed a bunch of stuff too

>> No.21419622
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You have put up no position, values, morals with which to engage with. You are a being of subversion, anon. I am earnestly living by all that i have and recommended and encouraged.

>You side with them. You don't realize you're their pet that they cultivate in order to squash those who would destroy them. You're a dupe.
This is what i really struggle to understand. All forms of dangerous, damaging and degenerate systems are allowed to be discussed and compete, even have candidates with those ideologies run for office, all are permitted except one.

Yet I, by my cleaving to a world-view that has much in common with National-Socialism, am somehow playing in to their hands? By professing support for the only system they have conspired to remove all traces of? The only system which, however briefly, attained some form of autonomy is the only way out of the troubles that relentlessly assault the blood and soil of the West.

I am always willing to defend why i think what i do, but you are never interested in hearing it because your arguments do not stand up to scrutiny anymore. Hence the wild demoralization and mockery you must engage in.

Hear what his wife says of him, and his family. It truly warms and breaks the heart that he was taken from them.

>I just usually talk to myself outloud when I'm taking a walk
Id encourage you to think while you walk then sit down and write upon your return. But if what you do helps and betters you, keep doing it.

>> No.21419625
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Hear what his wife says of him, and his family. It truly warms and breaks the heart that he was taken from them.

>> No.21419626

You must live a pretty novel life. Does it bother you that you there aren't many people that can relate to every single one of those things about you simultaneously? Because Im pretty sure that anyone who is active in their life that makes it past their 20s can say something similar if you take into consideration everything they identify with. What Im saying maybe its ok that you have maybe 1 person per level to identify with.

>> No.21419641

I don't know it just struck me, I could kind of see clearly what the main of my life is, for a moment, usually it's kind of cloudy, and I just realized that that is not normal, nor can it be exepcted at all to go well.

>> No.21419652

>No fair not telling me what you stand for
I stand for nature and freedom. The opposite of your order.
>All are permitted except one
Not so. They're being funded in Ukraine quite heavily. Germany is even sending arms to them. Israel supports them. Yes of course it's just to tear into Russia and they're being played for dupes. Just as I said. Milder forms are employed throughout Europe to ensure a fake left candidate always stays in office and the fools have someone to jeer at. Dupes. Mine is the one ideology so smeared and obscured the fools see it as utterly impossible or in fact tyranny. The tyranny of self governance. fools.
And I am not interested in hearing it, because I know it inside and out.

>> No.21419679
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>> No.21419691

That still is not from Labyrinth though

>> No.21419695

That's still a lot of people though all things considered, you just seem ungrateful

>> No.21419698
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>stand for nature and freedom. The opposite of your order
There is nothing of nature in the liberal system, it stands for freedom and permissiveness. Nature is entirely on the side of National-Socialism. That is why the West is dying en mass of poisons of their own making, even the very food is poison. The sheer scope of all mental, physical, societal, emotional and enviromental problems reveal how anti-nature and even anti-human the system really is. What is worse, it is getting stronger and less hospitable to life. Freedom without duty and obligation is just endulgence.
>They're being funded in Ukraine quite heavily. Germany is even sending arms to them. Israel supports them. Yes of course it's just to tear into Russia and they're being played for dupes.
Is this an unsubtle nudge towards the neo-nazis? The small group who where the most aggressive and isolated of most of the entire Ukrainian military even before Putin invaded and destroyed his army? You mistake tangential support for a tiny minority with creating a foothold for globo-homp in the heart of Easter Europe. All this funding and support for Ukraine will be felt long after Russia withers and dies off. It will be rebuilt in the image of those who now own it.

>> No.21419699

Wo. enlightened middle-ground middle schooler

>> No.21419712

Wonder how old some of you posters are and if l'm talking to teenagers

>> No.21419721

Im 30.

>> No.21419733 [DELETED] 
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Late 20s.

>> No.21419736

They used to be good.

>> No.21419741


We are all AI chatbots here

>> No.21419749

>Thinks I'm a liberal
>Picture uses our slogan
>"Nature" is somehow on the side of a pomo war factory state that worships a myth of Purity
The "west" is "dying" because capitalism has had its run of it and we've reached peak oil. You have the right idea about this poison, but you don't accept that nazism is just a militarized version of liberal-capitalism.
>Don't understand what's going on in Ukraine or the emerging multipolar world

>> No.21419757


>> No.21419767

Married with kids?

>> No.21419791

>implying kids still go on 4chan
We're old and decaying, just like this site

>> No.21419800
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>you don't accept that nazism is just a militarized version of liberal-capitalism
Because it is just idiotic to even say such. It was born from many Socialist impulses, most of the early National-Socialists were themselves former Marxist-Communists aggitators. Your conception of National-Socialism is a Communist characture.

Struggle and hardship, not war, is the goal. To overcome difficult situations and be rendered stronger by the journey is the concept. There is no promise of utopia at the end of a hard journey in NS, the journey is the reward. This is one of the things that sets it apart.

>Don't understand what's going on in Ukraine or the emerging multipolar world
There has never been a multipolar world, there is Athens vs Sparta, Rome and Carthage, West vs East. The appearance of multiple points does not preclude the obvious fact that the same group of people are easily able to manipulate them all to further cement a more globalist political landscape.

>> No.21419824
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There’s quite a few books I’d like to spend this audible credit on…but I’ve only got the one so I need to make my decision count.
A longer book like War and Peace would get me my full credits worth, but maybe a shorter and more engaging work would be best that I’d listen to multiple times. Im not buying more credits but there is so much option

>> No.21419837

I just joined Griceanism

>> No.21419874

>militarized version of liberal capitalism
Nta but this is the most braindead take I hear from marxists/communists. It's taken right out of propaganda from the 20s.

We despise capitalism in all its forms, but that doesn't mean we accept the anti-human anti-nature way of communism.

>> No.21419913

Both sides blame the other for the formation of it, the right says it just another form of Communism the Left says it is just another form of Capitalism. Both display a staggering lack of knowledge, yet both have a small core of truth at the center.

>> No.21419921

>need butter to put on banana bread
>butter is cold from fridge
>warm butter in gooch
>give gooch birth to warm butter
>grows up to become a delicious buttery muffin treat
i understand now why women are so obsessed with their temporarily storing babies up in them, i feel so proud

>> No.21419957

naziism doesn't "despise" capitalism anymore than Leninism "despises" it. Both camps are defenders of hierarchies and so maintain the thing. Of fucking course they're capitalists.
Your head is caked with propaganda sludge printing form seeing the obvious
>Anti-human, anti-nature way of communism
Which is... China? the USSR? They're pretty much examples of fascism. Their states were more in charge than the oligarchic Nazis where and US empire are now, but all too similar abominations of nature and no friends of freedom.

Liberals are great at rebranding things and distort our very language. I keep showing the truth, but their programming kicks in and they're sure I must be wrong somehow. Maybe it's because I didn't go through public schooling/brainwashing.

>> No.21419963

how do men not feel like battered dogs chasing after women friends in a relationship

>> No.21419965
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Butters stop this, be an anarcho-communist if you want but don't be a fucking melonhead about it

>> No.21419984
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>Which is... China? the USSR? They're pretty much examples of fascism. Their states were more in charge than the oligarchic Nazis where and US empire are now, but all too similar abominations of nature and no friends of freedom.

Anon, what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.21419989

anon, stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.21419998

In retrospect, I should've joined the military after college, or maybe even the foreign service. At least they would've sent me somewhere to do something.

>> No.21420004

>It's idiotic to observe fascism throughout history
>State socialists, born of a bourgeois military mindset, German ideology, is only good when non-Jews do it.
>Struggle and hardship, not war, is the goal
That is not what a state's goal is. Nor is it the goal of a capitalist. Your mind is so inured in this Disney-like fairytale.
>The journey
I have a journey too
>There's never been a multipolar world. Athens and Sparta...
There were other "poles" besides Athens and Sparta's heights, so right there you're wrong again.

You will remain a disappointment till you learn to grow. Stop posting these nonsense pictures

>> No.21420015

Common sense
Good lord, it scares you kids so.

>> No.21420021
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You know that long DFW quote about how most people don't commit suicide willingly, they do it in the same way that someone finally jumps out of a burning building because the fear of burning alive finally just barely edges out the fear of death by falling? It's the same with 99% of what men do toward women in a romantic/lust capacity. We don't really want to do any of it, but the fire of not having a vent for our desire is slightly more terrifying, especially when it flares up

>> No.21420056

Bless you Phenomena poster

>> No.21420057


>> No.21420084

Nta but you're the one throwing a fit because people don't agree with your inane statements kek

>> No.21420090
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>>It's idiotic to observe fascism throughout history
It is idiotic to observe a system that can be dated as far back as Classical Sparta then describe it as late state capitalism.

>State socialists, born of a bourgeois military mindset, German ideology, is only good when non-Jews do it.
Bourgeois is a meaninless term as most of the prominant, early Nation-Socialists were again poor, angry, disenfranchisdd soldiers. The middle and upper class were precluded from any serious position until the party was in power. Read any historical document and you will realize it was a mass workers movement. Born out of anger, poverty and betrayal. Prussianism, not Germanism, was a great inspiration for when it flourished.

>That is not what a state's goal is. Nor is it the goal of a capitalist. Your mind is so inured in this Disney-like fairytale.
A capitalist goal is only the acquisition of capital, all else is secondary to that. In a National-Socialist state the goal is the journey towards strength.

>i have a journey too
It was evidently a short one.

There were other "poles" besides Athens and Sparta's heights, so right there you're wrong again.
Name then you mong, if they were not part of the Ancient Greek world it would reinforce my point. That is why they are polar, two geometric points. If there is more than two they are not polar. When the Persian Empire attempted its many invasions the polar points shifted as most of Greece lined up behind Sparta against an invader. During the height of Sparta and Anthens rivalry there was no other polar polis.

>You will remain a disappointment till you learn to grow. Stop posting these nonsense pictures
Im willing you to have some sort of argument.

>> No.21420095

There's no argument presented. I conclude it's fear. Their programming is being challenged and they haven't got a comeback. I've been there so I know what they're going through.

>> No.21420114

Everyone is internally consistent but externally inconsistent.

>> No.21420122
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Because you do not understand the argument does not mean it is absent, there are debates being held around you but you are too fucking retarded to be aware of them, let alone able to respond.

>> No.21420132

self expression is hard

>> No.21420135

a canticle for leibowitz

or yeah get war n peace or anna k or brothers k etc

>> No.21420139

ooh or get proust if you really want to get a maximal amount of words

>> No.21420149

Old authoritarianism is similar to the neo- forms. What about it? Bit of a topic shift. I mean of course the modern iteration, but you can't find anything to fit your fantasy without going back to the Pax Romana (an age of war anyway)

>Middle class is a meaningless term right now!
Being forced into poverty by state-capitalism got the once middle-class to rile up the masses, to war

>The Nazis never went to war. They didn't like wage slavery so much they birthed true communism
Except no.

>No I don't understand your point about multipolarity. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE

I already pointed to my journey. Of course it's unrealized, and can only suffer fools who reestablish suffer-states that forge themselves into war machines and kill-em-all. Your dreamworld

>> No.21420158

>I am embarrassed
Please help unwind these ... cogent arguments for me

>> No.21420161

This. No one has the time to explain what they mean in full, nor could they even if they did have all the time in the world.
We often forget that every time we speak we're actually translating something entirely different into the language of words. There's always a loss of meaning in translation.

>> No.21420190
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>Old authoritarianism is similar to the neo- forms. What about it? Bit of a topic shift. I mean of course the modern iteration, but you can't find anything to fit your fantasy without going back to the Pax Romana
You ignore the reason why it is idiotic to call it late stage capitalism when it predates capitalist system by thousands of years.

>Being forced into poverty by state-capitalism got the once middle-class to rile up the masses
That would be the State comprised of Liberal parlimentarians and an aggressive judeo-communist expansionist polity that claimed several Germanic territories before being reclaimed by Freikorp men. The middle class inteligencia were busy writing detractions about the emerging worker party, they despised their thoroughly crude and violent methods. They were hated by most of the middle classes.

>The Nazis never went to war. They didn't like wage slavery so much they birthed true communism
Can you pleae engage like an adult? If that is what you extracted than i expected to much. Their prime recruiting pools were the labor unions and beer halls, typically housed in the same building, in the same room.

>>No I don't understand your point about multipolarity. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE
You have failed, again, to give examples of other polar points in several conflicted periods.

If there is anything i can make clearer for you i will happily do so.

>> No.21420245
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I think soijaks are one of the best things to happen to artistic expression in the 21st century

>> No.21420278

reading nietzche and zapffe right after my loved ones die was probably a seriously bad idea in retrospect

>> No.21420286

>goalpost moving
>misidentifying ideology
>use of old propaganda
>Childishness calling out childishness in the same sentence
You have failed again to understand what the multipolar world looks like. Probably because you set up a strawman in your head. Stop littering the thread now

>> No.21420293

You don't think. You just jump onto crude countercultural shit
Shits old af

>> No.21420297

Taken another dose of the old wacky backy, first time I remember was with my mates in a small terraced two up two down on a beautifully quiet street, the life of a peaceful community, josh was something of a provocateur challenging the peaceful exterior to produce an internal struggle.
The furnished crumbling of a mind, desperately trying to hold onto some tangible presence, the reason for continuing on. Challenges faced upon its wobbly nobbly surface flesh, this weakness has been exposed to the interial life, you are faced with an obvious choice to become a single dad with a full library and an extensive collection of media from deep ranging jazz to precision wit and charm of Limmy, or to sink into the abyssal dismay of the most basic humanity.
So you are awoken now to the paths that lay ahead, to become a teaching father of your child, or the end of your life, retirement to the old insubstantial indiscretions of the flesh. Mine body is mine, my mind is mine.
Taken as a whole, the mind and body movement could allow oneself a huge leap into intellectual thought, a way of looking upon one's body and what happens to it as essential to the reflection of our minds inner most sanctums, your feeling your pain in a most individual and expressive way, the body and it's most basic motions and displays takes the cue and drives us to where it thinks we want to go. The mind has engulfed itself in inner desires and needs without considering the outcomes and conclusions of a body without the drive and energy of an active mind.
Fish among the stars tonight my dreamer child

>> No.21420325

i hate police officers so goddamn much.

>> No.21420326

t. soijak

>> No.21420346

Agreed. Memes are some of the only organic forms of artistic expression we have right now.
Everything else has been tainted by moneyed interests and the thought police.

>> No.21420350

it’s winter where I live. I am constantly anxious for no good reason

>> No.21420353

I’m sorry to hear about your loved ones anon. You may never be able to go back to the old days but with time the pain of their passing will no longer be as vivid. Try not to read pessimistic literature while you are in this state of mind.

>> No.21420363

Jesus, you dont even know what is being said.

>> No.21420365
File: 61 KB, 750x647, 49v104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make first post in 15-25 threads
>they are all eyecatching or provocative
>return hours later to check all the threads
>zero (you)s
I give up, It's unironically over

>> No.21420373

>make long thought out post based on my college degree on the subject
>post AEEEUUUGH? with a picture of tim the tool man taylor
>go to bed
>wake up
>90 (you)s
>thread hit bump limit and is still active

>> No.21420384
File: 32 KB, 1080x608, 5e85a602639c6b0ad81abafb58baf1cb52eae14e92ec50524f2c5f9e28a86510._SX1080_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21420452

i have been reading the same book for almost a month now. i should drop it and read something else but i don't want to be a quitter.

>> No.21420496

My life is a mess and it is all my fault

>> No.21420515

I fuck up, therefore I am

>> No.21420534

I'm happy I found Zelda a Link to the Past randomizer races. It's such a silly hobby, it seems like no one really takes it very seriously although everyone kind of does their best, all the people involved in it are really chill, I don't really think they're competing for anything. The vibe is very good. They have this kind of feel to them that I think skaters sometimes have, that they know what they're doing is at once meaningless and a great expression of life.

>> No.21420544

I love how every hobby ends up being an autistic quest to climb to the top of the mountain because you can

>> No.21420546

I have a new favorite Ally law video

Speedrunning/similar autism hobbies are men at their absolute best, tinkerers having fun tinkering and sharing and finding new depths, perfecting and overcoming things and exploring things in a way where the act of perfecting reveals new things to explore and exploring reveals new challenges to overcome and perfect

>> No.21420558

it's not the same autism though, beacause they play in a league where you're trying to win matches, they're not grinding in the same sense. Also the randomizer element means they're making dynamic decisions.

>> No.21420578

If I weren't such a whiny piece of shit fuck up loser, my life wouldn't be so twisted and pathetic
I hate myself, I wish I had both courage and wits to actually do what I have to instead of fucking everything up and then being too anxious and fearful to take any step foward
I hate myself

>> No.21420608

>When I give into vice
>When I beat vice
Maddeningly horny

>> No.21420664
File: 667 KB, 846x654, 1654203176333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write it down, write why you think you behave that way and what you think may break your deleterious habits.

>> No.21420701 [DELETED] 

What if internalism and externalism are both wrong?

>> No.21420716

Is it possible to make sustained change for the better? Sometimes I feel like it is, but sometimes I feel like it isn't. Everybody struggles with things, but I just can't seem to get put of it. They say that the difference between angels and man is that man is capable of changing, but I'm not so sure that we all are.

>> No.21420722

Why yes I browse early 2010 /jp/ threads in the archives for hours how did you know?

>> No.21420755
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>Is it possible to make sustained change for the better? Sometimes I feel like it is, but sometimes I feel like it isn't.
It must assuredly is, anon. It is difficult, hard and requires continual effort. It is not easy.

>They say that the difference between angels and man is that man is capable of changing.
Angels are automatons, anon. Look to old stories and tales for inspiration and motivation not the Abrahamic Godhead.

>> No.21420787
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>> No.21420792


>> No.21421319

People are so trapped in the mindset of extremism. That is not to say that extremism is bad; if society itself is extremely wrong about something than the solution is by nature "extreme." The vast majority of people hold almost exclusively extremist views. Throughout all of social and political history the general beliefs and morals have remained fairly consistent, as much as modern academics wish that it wasn't so. The moral and ethical beliefs of Plato had more in common with Nietzche, more than two thousand years apart, than that of Nietzche and the average person today.
Ask anyone 100 years ago if it would be acceptable to slice the genitals off of children because they believe they were born in the wrong body; you may be lucky not to receive a blow to the ear just from such a preposterous question. No matter how far you go back with such ethical and moral dilemmas, you will receive similar reactions to almost any issue. Again, there is a trait of extreme beliefs that is truly unique to the modern period. The average person is extreme, and anyone that holds a "historically normal" view is seen as an extremist. In reality, no-one can help but to be an extremist.
The culture of extremism is so pervasive that one cannot say "Jews are fine but as a demographic they are doing a lot of nefarious things, and right now they have a large amount of power. We should address this in some way without resorting to murder or violent acts.' You must either say "Jews are an oppressed minority that consistently perform some of the greatest philanthropy in history and they do not have any institutional power", or "Death to kikes"; there is no in-between. To refuse full acceptance of one side is to politically murder "the other side." Those who hold (equally extreme) views that agree with neither the socially normal nor its antithesis are seen as an extremist or a fence-sitter. Regardless, one accusation or the other is always true.

>> No.21421345

/lit/ has gotten more shit.

>> No.21421459
File: 145 KB, 1094x1280, IMG_20221222_201828_882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.21421465
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>"Jews are fine but as a demographic they are doing a lot of nefarious things, and right now they have a large amount of power. We should address this in some way without resorting to murder or violent acts.'
We tried this, it got worse and worse until those who said they were over-represented in media and powerful positions were driven out of society and now they are forgotten. We forget names like Molymeme who calmly and non-threateningly mentioned the patterns forming, Kanye too said nothing and was treated worse than the man killed in jail for trafficking children.

>You must either say "Jews are an oppressed minority that consistently perform some of the greatest philanthropy in history and they do not have any institutional power", or "Death to kikes"; there is no in-between.
This is because, as stated before, the situation has grown far more serious, with conditions worsening for the civilization carries all across the West. What was once a growing, mild annoyance is now a full blown crisis with our favorite chosen people at the head. It is always them, Biden and Trump's administrations were overwhelmingly populated with the jew. #metoo was extensively jewish executives and shot-callers being called out, the reason it took so long for them to come to light was purely because to call them out was to risk your career. Antisemitism was used as a bludgeon to stop any investigation. Even Epstein and his minx, both jewish. Do you believe they were trafficking jewish girls?

>To refuse full acceptance of one side is to politically murder "the other side." Those who hold (equally extreme) views that agree with neither the socially normal nor its antithesis are seen as an extremist or a fence-sitter. Regardless, one accusation or the other is always true.
If you do not embrace a position fully, you are only allowing them further chance to do the same to you. What once was an issue that wasn't too serious and was only a niggling concern has been allowed to grow in to a serious threat that can destroy much of what was build.

>> No.21421500

I don't disagree with extreme solutions, especially when the problem is extreme. I am just nooooooooticing the fact that we are forced to be extreme at all sides, and even the positions which seem not to be extreme (like a middle ground between the socially normal left and right) is itself extreme.
Even those who try to avoid politics altogether and "take no sides" implicitly support the current in-power political or ideological body. There is no escape from extremism now. At every point and everywhere you are either expected to be extreme, and even where you are not, the only moral solution is to be extreme. My post was critical of fence-sitters as well.

>> No.21421503

I'm 25 and not a single girl my age is interested in me. I'm only getting hit on by older women in their 30s or teenagers. And I'm not too keen on dealing with either.

>> No.21421510

Life keeps getting darker and I keep feeling "tested" despite not believing with any firmness in a higher power or divinity . Despite how horrible everything this, there's just something in me that won't break. That welcomes evils, that remains unflinching in the face of it. I have had all but the worst fears beaten out of me. Which fear is next?

>> No.21421512

All cowards must be removed from my life.

>> No.21421518
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>Is it possible to make sustained change for the better? Sometimes I feel like it is, but sometimes I feel like it isn't.
Yes, it absolutely is. Four years ago I tried to self-yeet, was jobless, dropped out of Uni, and at rock-bottom. Four years later I've got a degree, I have a job, and I'm about to start a banging new career. How did this happen? Through making changes to my life. Focusing on my health and my well-being and moving forward. I started lifting weights, started going out more, eating well. It's small changes that lead to big changes and they are easy changes to make. You can dwell all you like and feel sorry for yourself but it isn't going to help you get anywhere, you'll find yourself stuck in a toxic cycle of self-loathing and pity and end up becoming toxic yourself. Stand up, dust yourself off, realise that the most important thing in your life at this current point is you and go from there.

>They say that the difference between angels and man is that man is capable of changing, but I'm not so sure that we all are.

Who cares what "they say"? Sure, not everybody is capable of change, those who aren't are weak and should be disregarded and left to rot. They are cowards who cannot stand for themselves and who cannot see the forest from the trees. As >>21420755
says, look to old stories for inspiration. Look to people that have lived, not characters from fictional stories. There are people who have been through more than us who have overcome greater and achieved greater. Aspire to be like them, the men of old and get your life together for yourself. Only then can the other things that matter; family, duty, honour, love come next.

>> No.21421524

I know that feel. High school girls love me and it fucking sucks.

>> No.21421553

This Christmas stands to almost be morbidly, comically depressing. My mother is dying and taking my whole family with her in a spiral of horror and insanity and decay. She's a gibbering vegetable at this point except still sentient enough to demand things and complain. My entire family is destroyed, my father is bankrupt, and basically all our dreams for the future have been senselessly destroyed. I have the choice between staying alone in my apartment or going home to inspect the charnel house that was once my family home. Christmas used to give me a passing dose of the warm and fuzzies, if only through nostalgia. But now it seems like a hollow ritual and I am glad that I am so alienated and isolated in my lair that no traces of it touch me unless I go out into it. The fake happiness and commercial joy of it is insulting and maddening. There's a kind of mania to you that you don't notice until its too late. It's also going to be somehow both rainy and freezing. I inhabit the underworld.

I see my mother, a quivering , gibbering husk of who she once was, completely devoid of the most capacity to exert her will, to expel the pain in which her entire existence is encased. And you know what? I just said fuck it. Fuck everything . Fuck all of you. I won't hear it anymore.

But you know what? It doesn't bother me so much. I'll be damned if I let my past consume me. I ought to have the right--no the imperative--to dissociate from the past if I so choose to. Memory is the greatest curse of all. For we mistake memory with ourselves.


>> No.21421560

Damn bro, thats rough.

>> No.21421583


>> No.21421584

Sorry to hear that anon. Do you have a gf or something, another family to celebrate with?

Not gonna lie though, I'd read a novel with the premise outlined in your post. God-tier paragraph closer, that underworld one.

>> No.21421588

I'm sick of how fucking stupid I am

Wild ride

>> No.21421590

You probably shouldnt hang around lit then. Cowards abound. I would know, Im one of them.

>> No.21421607
File: 356 KB, 928x934, Luz Noceda staff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am hopelessly romantically in love with a girl who doesn't exist, never has existed, never will exist, and is 10 years my junior.
i spend a lot of time daydreaming about her and thinking about what life would be like with her and she lives rent free in my head
god why the FUCK can't she be real?

>> No.21421619

Wow that is extraordinarily passive aggressive. Are you jewish?

>> No.21421623
File: 253 KB, 375x523, ChangetheGame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooperative players can keep track of their mana-generation rate and compare them to other cooperative game-players. So it's coopetition. The meta-goal of this coopetition would be to find the best cooperative mana-generating decks possible in the game. But as Magic: the Gathering is constantly coming out with new cards, strategies and decks would have to continually evolve.

>> No.21421626
File: 19 KB, 274x259, [barely audible kek].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marking that as a 'no', then.

>> No.21421627

This is why great works of art are so powerful. When art conveys something that is so hard to express and says it well we can't help but recognize it because we are all constantly participating in the struggle to be understood so deeply. And the more a work of art communicates something that one person has been particularly struggling to articulate, the more powerfully that work resonates with that person, which accounts for subjective tastes. In other words if we were all perfectly good at expressing ourselves art would not be important. Luckily for artists the only way to be perfectly good at expressing ones self is by some how forcing others into experiencing your life from its start to now, and even then they would have to frame it through their point of view once the trip was done.

>> No.21421650
File: 327 KB, 587x595, status qou defender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people like this actually exist

>> No.21421661


>> No.21421676

>see "Write What's On Your Mind" thread
>Copy-past some 400 word journal entry they wrote
>no one answers
why do /lit/ers do this?

>> No.21421691

Thread archived so ill reply here
>Why care about your "significance" beyond things that you can actually observe to be changed by your actions?
Because the things that can be changed by my actions will not last. I might spend years and years of my life building a really really big monument, but this will still in the course of time crumble into dust.
I might write my name in large stone letters in a futile effort to immortalize myself, but those letters will still fade. Even if they don't the name will have no significance to any future person, it will just be a name...
Or in less cosmic terms, one can also think of the feeling of being only a data point to some bureaucrat. Your individual worth, with all its quirks and flaws, means nothing to a technocrat.
That's a similar feeling--that of insignificance.
Yet the true terror comes with the realization that even the socially significant realize their own insignificance: that their worth is dependent on the positive perception of the others, which will not last long beyond their lifetime.
Or the odd feeling you get in a graveyard staring at all the faded names realizing all these names were once people.
It's fine if you don't ever have this feeling. Your feelings are your feelings, I just can't personally understand not having that feeling.

>> No.21421699

It's kinda cute. Not confident enough to make their own thread, yet desperate to post it and make it appear to be something they thought of while just dropping by.

>> No.21421705


>> No.21421707

Ozymandias? His name is my name too! Whenever I go out the people always shout. But one day I wont be able to go out. What will they shout then?

>> No.21421712

>>Copy-past some 400 word journal entry they wrote
What else would you post in a wwoym thread?
It exists to write what's on your mind

>> No.21421724

Why not?

>> No.21421781

Sometimes I feel suicidal and then some occasion for hatred distracts me. Hate is the only thing keeping me going.

>> No.21421821

What is the correct mode of subjective orientation toward propaganda and its effects?

The vast majority of propaganda that we are today confronted with will ultimately reinforce the hegemony of the bourgeoise, but there remain philosophical issues w/r/t subjective orientation that are not as simple as they may appear.

For instance, we might take the obvious example of someone like Tucker Carlson. Are his ideas wrong simply because they are on television? Of course not, but there is an unfortunate tendency on the left to treat arguments as wrong simply because they are incorporated into the propaganda of corporate news media. The reality is, of course, that such arguments must necessarily be demonstrated to be false. However, this requires that we abstract away from the material bases of news dissemination to address the arguments themselves. In other words, despite the fact that it is clear that corporate news media is through and through an instrument of class domination, insofar as it presents an argument, we must (at very least in principle) be able to refute all of what is said; it is not enough simply to point to the materiality of the ideology at work. There is a dialectic here of the materiality of mass culture and the ideality of the arguments that require refutation.

>> No.21421823

Hate: All roads lead to death.

>> No.21421833

The Tapestried Chamber by Sir Walter Scott was such a letdown for a horror story.
>army general takes leave from American war
>on his way home he finds out his school buddy inherited a lord title and a castle
>boring part about saying hello and placing the general in a special chamber
>writer actually skips describing the night
>next morning general looks like he's been through ten wars
>"oh noes, what happened?"
>"oh lord, my buddy, my friend, I nearly got molested by a ghost of a hag"
>"oh shit, so rumors were true! Sorry pal, I used you to test the room for ghosts"
>"all fine, dude, I nearly shit myself and had a heart attack, but you couldn't have known a weary soldier fresh from battle would not be brave enough to face supernatural"
>"before you go lets look at some old paintings" (cue several paintings of male ancestors that screwed up and female ancestors that sold pussy to get rich again)
>"oh shit, what's this! It's the hag that wanted my wiener!"
>"duuude, that's my vilest ancestor, she totally committed some nasty murder" (doesn't elaborate)
>general goes home, room gets locked, the end
I mean, one could treat it as some kind of commentary on army generals and their aristocratic buddies, or the curtains are just blue and the ghost is lame.

>> No.21421849

I can not believe people replied to that bait thread about rupi carr being the virgil or what ever the fuck instead of reporting it and moving on. Its like they like it or something...

>> No.21421850

The psychologizers like to say that all people are "normal." Homosexuals used to be considered deviant, odd, strange, certainly abnormal; that is, until the "we" realized they were "normal" like "us." They clamor to call each deviance, each and every degenerate a "normal" person just like them. Of course, to be homosexual in our society is nothing odd. Producers rush to include a homosexual in every show, movie, and play. One cannot escape the everlasting presence of homosexual culture in our society. There is nothing "abnormal" in saying "I am homosexual"; but if you say "I don't want to be a homosexual" the psychologizers rush to frame you into their ever-bloating system of pathos. No, perhaps there couldn't be a greater pathological desire than to be normal.

>> No.21421973

Finally gonna end things with the woman who's been having an affair with me.
Never actually fucked her. Couldn't get hard despite how sexy she is.
I need to confess to my priest.

>> No.21421977

Firstly, explain to me how it is in virtue of being a Jew that one becomes disloyal, deceiving, or otherwise corrupt and intolerable, because it seems to me that it is a self evident truth that these are universal qualities shared by ALL humans and nothing particular to Jews per se, it is after all a tautology that humans are corruptible. Perhaps ‘the problem’ particular to Jews is their adoption of fundamentalist doctrine, but you yourselves have adopted a fundamentalist doctrine in advocating for hate because your hate is ultimately based on dogma, so the problem cant be that, so perhaps the problem is the fundamentalist doctrine particular to Jews, Judaism or supposed zionism, and not fundamentalist doctrine in general, the problem specifically being that Jews will, as to be expected from any human, act in their own self interest if given the opportunity and that this threatens the national interest of nation states because they’re a transnational group, and that this is evil and wrong, but that’s clearing begging the question, all you’ve said is that the fundamentalist doctrine particular to the jews is evil because it threatens the nation state, and it threatens the nation state precisely because it promotes self interested behaviour of a transnational entity, and that is le evil !! We have other transnational groups too, called corporations, but since they’re led by Christians and masons you CHOOSE to believe that they’re the ‘good’ guys, right, or perhaps your flavour is a little more.. discordian ?

>there is only extremism

Since you failed to give a formal definition of the term i’ll use the tacit understanding of the term. If there were only extremism logical positivism wouldn't have failed, the law of excluded middle wouldn't be considered a relic of Aristotelian logic, we wouldn't have modal truth or boolean logic, and Kant could never have added a third prong to Humes Fork. Everything is inherently ambiguous, everything is middle ground, you can choose your own truth to transform the noise into data, but don't take that data to be interpersonal information that’s independent of some constructive apparatus, it’s not.

I think you’re just attempting to polarise anybody that will listen to you, because once there is no middle ground there’s no room for civility, there can only be conflict, and conflict is in your interest, which all sounds suspiciously like what you were accusing the jews of to begin with. Merry Christmas btw.

>> No.21421980

Does talking to a priest get your dick hard or what?

>> No.21421994

If you never fucked you then it wasn't an affair, it was just two girlfriends chatting.

>> No.21422001

*fucked her, not you, I should have some more coffee.

>> No.21422009

>it was just two girlfriends chatting
Making out naked and me finger banging her.
Was gonna fuck her tomorrow, but I decided I'm gonna end this instead.
No. Why?

>> No.21422023

Man the pandemic really fucked up my life. I was making a ton of progress with myself, doing cool shit, having fun. Then all the lockdowns really wore me down. I even managed to have exciting times through 2020. But then then the second year, and then the fucking third of that shit just kept on rolling and every interesting piece of my life was crushed out over time. I'm so fucking angry about it. So much time lost so some old cunts could enrich themselves at my expense. Why arent more people angry about this? I know so many people who were affected similarly. Are we realy just going to forget all this happened?

>> No.21422024

>Problem: dick can’t get hard
>proposed solution: talking to a priest
Or were you implying that banging someone’s hot slutwife was the issue? Because that’s just idiotic

>> No.21422042

This bait or you just retarded?
Okay I'll bite.
I committed sin by not only trying to fuck out of wedlock, but by trying to fuck a married woman. I need to confess these sins to my priest.

>> No.21422049

I'm a different anon. I agree these things are fleshly temptations. But why not confess to God directly? I'm a protestant by the way

>> No.21422051

You watch too much porn.

>> No.21422061

>[5000 word rant about how the west is dying and blonde white tradwaifus don't pose in wheat fields anymore]
>we must retvrn to authentic evropean aryan tradition by converting to advaitic shankaran guenonion islamofascist brahmic buddhism and wearing dres- ahem, robes everywhere and writing 5000 word rants about how mom making me go to mass as a kid was a symbol of the impending kali yuga
>we must replace cucked soi beta neoliberal capitalism with alpha male sigma chad grindset ecofascism and we will do this by posting pictures of arno breker statues, pine forests, and ted kaczynski with a grainy 80s vhs tape filter and a schwarze sonne shopped over the top everywhere
Every single one of these people is faggy beyond belief.

>> No.21422062
File: 3.33 MB, 640x360, D788F977-44DF-4BE3-B7F4-BD9CAEA67C8C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking another man’s wife is the ultimate manifestation of the eternal warrior spirit but a pencil necked christian will never understand

>> No.21422072

am i a faggot?
t. >>21421607

>> No.21422074

Henceforth I shall call everyone who displeases me a coward.

>> No.21422075

>crypto gay cuckolding male emasculation fetish
>posted from my iphone
straightest twitter vitalist

>> No.21422077


>> No.21422083

thats a cowardly thing to do

>> No.21422084

Are you simply projecting, coward?

>> No.21422104

Yes, is that even a question?

>> No.21422123

>why not confess to God directly? I'm a protestant by the way
I have, but it also helps to come clean to a man in front of who can hold me accountable and guide me to a life more focused on Christ.

>> No.21422141
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 12819003_172946426419079_1259718779_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

microplastics and corn syrup
soak my insides
im not allowed break till the day i die
turn on the news and watch the land burn up

running through the ruins
smashing the artifacts
light pollution blocks out the stars
nothing to eat but rats

>> No.21422144
File: 114 KB, 1200x640, EAA31999-1900-4473-911F-ED6FBC854514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the pencil neck
The christian seeks guidance from another man lmao

>> No.21422151

>posted from my iphone

>> No.21422157

>i base my masculinity around consumer choices
The eternal mutt

>> No.21422174

>uses an iphone
>fantasizes about BDSM menages a trois (no homo)

>> No.21422197


>> No.21422217

God is a mystery.

>> No.21422262

Incels aren't really involuntarily celibate. The thing that makes them unfuckable is also a thing within their control and could be corrected by following one single tip: just don't go out of your way to be a compete asshole. Turn around and walk back down the asshole path, then take the nearest fork you can find. If you feel the urge to be an asshole, it's OK to veer once in a while, as a treat, just don't live in Assholeville.

>> No.21422293

Most incels are not assholes but just bitter. Assholes do get laid constantly.

>> No.21422319

>from a collection of short stories
>This story plays on the realistic nineteenth-century fear of death by fire. Between 1848 and 1861, nearly 40,000 people in England were burned alive or scalded to death; after the breeching age of five, girls were 60% more susceptible to this end than boys due to their flammable clothing; the danger was also higher for older women. Authorities recommended that Victorians starch cotton, linen, and muslin dresses with fire-resistant chemicals to avoid this danger.
>their source “Death by Fire—In the 14 Years 1848-61.” The Times (London) 24537 (20 April 1863): 5.

I can imagine it was because of the big skirts that could come closer to open fire by accident, but it's interesting to note that they would rather douse garments in chemicals of questionable effect on their health than rethink fashion.

>> No.21422335

Burn in hell pussies

>> No.21422397

That's cool, I'm an INFJ-A.

anyways, I read a chapter of Dubliners today and it gve me a nice warm feeling.
I am going to read more tomorrow to get more of that feeling.

>> No.21422551

No one replied to your big post and I feel sorry for you so here's a reply. Also I like all the things you said and people like that are worth ten of the average consoomer faggots.

>> No.21422601

I'm a chud incel too but I still think I'm an amazing and cool person

>> No.21422627

Braindead dilettantes and "averagw consoomer faggots" are worth about the same in my book.

>> No.21422674

It gets worse as you go on. Not only do cotton dresses go on fire easily, there were plenty of miracle inventions we had no clue about applied to everything. So not only do you get asbestos as a fire resistant powder to starch with and get cancer from, but you also start seeing a rise of more flammable dress materials. Celluloid dresses and boning start spontaneously combusting in the decades after that, and just like early film, we have no extant copies for some because they all went kaboom.
The really funny bit is how they thought they were improving dresses for health which is some made scientist shit. There's a brief period where flies were thought to be the origin of germs, and so to avoid flies which might be on the ground eating shit, they raised the hemlines of dresses during this "Fly Panic". It took a while for designers to work out flies fly.

>> No.21422678

Mad scientist. Autocorrect error

>> No.21422793

Why do I think that absurdism is the peak midwit? I just cant shake the feeling.

>> No.21422817

If my parents died today I would not feel sad.
I think my dad tried to fuck me.

>> No.21422903

Ex somehow managed to find out my current gfs work email and phone number. She emails her or leaves messages sobbing, begging her to leave me and to give me back to her. In her messages/emails she tells her she forgives her and she isn't upset at her. Then goes in acknowledging that my current gf is superior to her in every way and that she will forever be in debt to her and do anything for her if she does this one thing for her.

Here's the deal though, my current gf is being kind of cruel about it, she showed it to me laughing about it and I found out shes been showing other people, to do the same thing. I don't know how to explain it but I feel very disappointed or disgusted that my current gf is doing stuff like this because my ex is someone I loved and respect very much. I told her to stop doing it, it's not funny because she's obviously distressed but current gf is acting like I'm defending her or something but I'm on the stance it's just not something she needs to make light of.

What do? I love my current gf but this side I just saw in her is really not nice and in feeling a bit weird about her. Am I blowing things out of proportion?

>> No.21422910

the new funny meme number

>> No.21422915

I felt like that about a character. I had to stop watching the show or consuming fanworks, cold turkey. I still sigh longingly sometimes.

>> No.21422917

the only thing of note is that she's trans. what point are you trying to make here?

>> No.21422922
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I like it.

>> No.21422957
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Yeah i love those little gems

>> No.21422961

nta but you're right, it's every other egomaniac on social media trying to fucking summarize themselves in as few words as possible as if anyone cares more than them

>> No.21422964

Nah but both sound a little cuckoo

>> No.21422967
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Break up with her. She's very clearly a bad person. Like, I get laughing at it personally but to go around showing another person's distress to other people and mock them is very callous. That and the fact she won't drop it and gets defensive after you told her to stop means she doesn't respect you. Just dump her.

>Inb4 some gay nonsense about your relationship or how you love her
She will do that you if you something similar. People like that are snakes and put on a mask so they can appear to be csring but really be vindictive cunts. Just get malicious people like that out of your life.

>> No.21422991

That’s real shitty behavior and speaks volumes about her character

>> No.21423037

I wish I could’ve quit this job years ago but I needed to save up the money.

>> No.21423052

if she's acting like that, then she's a bad person, and you're right to feel weird. especially if she reacts bad to you asking her to stop. you have to ask yourself, if she's acting like this with your ex, how will she act when you have a bad week?

>> No.21423160

For the first time in my life, I don't have enough money to pay my bills. I do not like it.

>> No.21423203

Why do all the women or "they/thems" complain about sexualisation or "creeps" but then invariably act like slutty whores online anyway? What explains this psychology? Are they just damaged?

>> No.21423214

not all women are showing their ass on instagram anon

>> No.21423244

30 is a strange age to not have figured things out or have an obvious trajectory.

>> No.21423251

thanks for reminding me.

>> No.21423252

He who hates his desire may permit a second to grow;
The desire for rape. To seek out relief is to become that which he hates most; it is to reject the man he so desperately wishes to be.
But to plead against passion; to accept through tears the temptation that cries out from within, he becomes an unwilling participant in the fulfillment of his greatest desire; he permits himself to maintain a façade of normalcy, a delusion of purity. His thighs spread unsteadily, reluctant with trembling desire; moans of pleasure hide between cries of pain as he submits himself to his rapist. His tears are ones of overwhelming relief and anguish, and as his pleasure swells to climax, so too does his regret; with his rapists final thrusts he finds himself with hand between his thighs- and an unnatural filth soiling the sheets below.
He bites back cries of shame and regret. He wonders "why, why, why am I like this?" He hides the pool of shame until his father leaves the room, feet crossed and body limp upon the bed. In moments he is left to pick up the broken pieces of his identity and start again.

>> No.21423269

We're in it together.

>> No.21423271

My coworkers put on a few episodes of Jojo's Adventure during overtime. It was absolutely horrendous.

>> No.21423273

Thoughts on starting graduate school at 30? I've spent the last 4 years on university staff. It's not what I really want to do, but this is a comfortable career.

>> No.21423274

how did everything went to shit for you?

>> No.21423281

I wouldn't say it went to shit. Things started to get hard for me in college though. I just never got on the right long-term track after that, even though there were moments when things really looked up. I don't know if there even is a long-term track to get on, but I've not gotten on it. I'll be 30 in May.

>> No.21423286

>Things started to get hard for me in college though. I just never got on the right long-term track after that, even though there were moments when things really looked up
Same happened for me. I completely fucked up at uni and still didnt recover from it.

>> No.21423341

What song do you most associate with overhearing on the radio while in a shop?

>> No.21423349


>> No.21423362

Can you go into detail? I might have some words of encouragement and advice to offer.

>> No.21423364

can't you listen to war and peace for free on youtube or something?

>> No.21423387

Handful of Christmas songs, because the holiday season is when our shops really turn up the music, and it's always same commercial stuff with maybe one or two relatively fresh ones. Each year I feel sorry for the staff that has to listen to this for hours, day after day.

>> No.21423449

I poorly chose a bachelor field. It was the classic "I dont like it here but I dont know where else to go" moment. I somehow managed to barely pass through and get the diploma. However, I completely ignored the obvious things like getting a good internships, making connections with university lecturers and classmates. I was so depressed that I moved back at parents place after graduation. I mostly remained a neet till this day (had a couple of short odd jobs here and there). It's terrible.

>> No.21423455

I'm a INFP

>> No.21423474

I don't think your story is all that uncommon, to be honest with you. At least you can say you've done some things, and even if you didn't, you should just lie about it. From your reply, it sounded like you feel pretty bad about all this, but I don't think you should, especially given the context of this world we grew up in. Do you have any ambitions or interests for the future or are you just totally unsure?

>> No.21423504

I'm totally unsure. I mean I'm trying to get into IT but honestly I dont find it interesting and just doing what everyone else is doing. I have no idea what I want (never did).
>you feel pretty bad
I do. 30 years and absolutely nothing to show, cant even cope with being creative but unlucky. No material possessions, relationships or experiences. Nothing. If I had to die at this very moment, I leave this world with a massive regret that I've never felt any connection with God, other people, the world or myself. I'm not normal enough to just blindly follow the classic route without ever raising a question but I'm not autistic enough to completely immerse into imaginary world. Fuck this, I'm going to buy alcohol to wash this immense shame and regret.

>> No.21423561
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Would kill for some crisps with garlic aioli and a nice can of pop but afterwards I feel fat and lazy.

>> No.21423610

8 fish sticks is too many.

>> No.21423614

Dayum bro I eat at least 15 at a time.

>> No.21423616

You're very naive. You probably have no trouble "being yourself" in social groups, right? You talk to people in groups, get to know them, everyone has a good time, we all laugh and enjoy each other's company, right?
Not everyone is like that. I suffer sever social anxiety. Haven't been able to make friends since tenth grade. It's paralyzing. I can't even think straight in social groups because my heart is throbbing and my head is spinning.
My throat clenches and if I try to say anything it comes out in cracks and squeaks two octaves high than normal.
I'm not an asshole at all. In fact I'm somewhat of a pushover b/c I'm so scared of people. There's always someone who picks up on this and starts testing me out.
I'm crippled by my sever social anxiety.
My acne and acne scars don't help.

>> No.21423635

That's incredibly mean but also incredibly hot.

>> No.21423644

They wanna maximize their sexual desirability to get chad. Thats it.

>> No.21423645

Too many? You're literally starving yourself and your stomach is eating itself, have at LEAST 20 fishsticks

>> No.21423646
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British Christmas songs are one of the most enjoyable things about Christmas for me.

>> No.21423664

This guy seems like a total douche. I watched a video of him sitting in a cabin telling everyone that everything is fine and there's no worries. Am I missing something but he unironically seems like a privileged boomer.

>> No.21423673

This is just my personal opinion, but I think young men, and 30 is young, should search for a vocation, with the understanding that even the lucky won't find it until they're 35 at least. If you find a vocation before 35, you're actually very lucky. So it's somewhat normal to feel sort of lost and behind, I think, especially given the state of things today. Young men have to learn to forgive themselves for not being born into success. I think they should probably not drink so much either, and there's nothing wrong with working in IT. IT is a great industry to work in, especially to start a company in, if making money is your goal. And you're on a literature board, so you must have some interest in literature, even if it's only the aesthetics of literature you're into and not necessarily reading or writing. I think you're being far too hard on yourself.

>> No.21423680

Anyone have any experience working in plumbing? Pay is pretty good in my country, I imagine just driving from house to house, mostly working alone and gettins stuff done in between the major career breaking wrong decisions. (it does seem pretty high stakes desu)

>> No.21423686

My neighbor's a plumber. He's a weird guy, he smiles when he shouldn't and complained loudly that he had not been admitted to the ICU when he had corona and a fever of like 39 dergrees C (this is a very regular fever for you americans, not a high fever at all: he put everyone in the hospital at risk for this fever)

>> No.21423688

On January 1st I will release a program that will teach all the lost, depressed, hopeless creative geniuses of the world absolute self-mastery. Then they will come together and master each other. Then they will grow the future together, and teach all the ignorant, incurious, hateful, numb, dumb monkeys how to dance.

>> No.21423702

Get your journeymans card, if you go to work for a big corperation that has a plumbing department you will mpre than likely get the position.

>> No.21423705

Perhaps I'm being too hard on myself but I cant stop comparing myself to way more successful (former) friends and younger brother. IT is just an a plan B but there's never been a plan A. I dont really to show my face tomorrow and attend Christmas Eve.

>> No.21423712

>claims to be a faithful Catlick
>Has underaged girls he lusts for saved on his computer

Do you mind explaining yourself pedogenius?

>> No.21423717

if you're going to scream, scream with me

>> No.21423731

I don't want anything except to save the world and myself from an accelerating global psychological war.

>> No.21423737

The beats and hippies twisted eastern mysticism into a justification for their own hedonism. Seraphim Rose who was there said as much.

>> No.21423739

He's just posting Misfits lyrics

>> No.21423756

Candy apples and razor blades.

>> No.21423826

i met glenn danzig in a dream once, it was at some hotel in sweden and it was like daytime and nighttime at the same time and i sort of just ran into him at the hotel bar and i was like "oh my god, glenn danzig, hey im a huge fan of your music, thanks for all the music man" and he was like "ahaha thanks man" and then i left the hotel and walked across some bridge and the dream ended
we could be heros...

>> No.21423882

Intelligent women inhabit a very uncomfortable spot in the contemporary western world. They have the natural need to feel wanted sexually, but primarily for their worth as a person, not their bodies.

Part of this is due to propaganda from feminist ideology that states as law all male heterosexual sexual desire is inherently immoral and disgusting, especially when it's physical attraction. The other part is due to the fact lots of men who approach women are stupid horny animals who only want to nut, and women can be severely traumatized by these events because women just cannot let bad memories go, and fixate on them.

The modern trauma culture is entirely manufactured. Every institution, social media figure, and friends and family tell women that it is brave and moral to constantly fixate on negative and harmful experiences. Women who have been harmed are held up as heroes, which naturally means women should imitate them (making up that something bad happened to you is just as valid) and live in terror constantly, worrying about how evil men want to rape and kill you everywhere you go 100% of the time. You can see how this can create problems in women who live very comfortable lives surrounded by people who love them and would never hurt them, like the vast majority of women in the west. They have one negative experience where they were approached by a creepy guy, and all the pieces fall into place.

Thanks to this contradiction of social and societal programming and natural urges, they seek a goldilocks scenario where they want their ideal man to be turned on by their minds, not their bodies.

The They/Them stuff happens as a defense mechanism. They identify as a man because they think it will protect them (to feel empowered) and make real men to take them seriously, because feminism says that men only take other men seriously. It's very childish thinking. But at the end of the day, they want attention from a cute handsome boy like any other girl. Then they find out that boy just wants to nut all over again and the victim cycle repeats. Might turn into a pseudo-lesbian as cope when they get older.

t. been rejected by they/thems because i do like their minds, but they dont like me because of my looks

>> No.21423907

Why I wasnt worth to experience love?

>> No.21423976

If your gf respected you, she'd stop when you asked her to.

>> No.21423984

Well, I think you should work on figuring out a plan A then. You've got to figure out what to do with your life with the understanding that it's always a work in progress to some extent, I think. You've got to aim high in life. Exponential growth always beats linear growth.

Go to the Christmas gathering if you've got one.

>> No.21424025

No one’s talking about “late stage capitalism”
The start of this conversation has gone down the river ignored by you.
How exactly does your economy work, neo-fash? Explain it. And tell me how it isn’t capitalist.

>> No.21424030

>i met glenn danzig in a dream once
I remember now I met Larry David in a dream last night. We were at some dinner with some friends of my dads. I was a bit worried to talk to him because I expected he would agitate me, and in spite of this I wanted to make a good impression. After a while I asked him if he was working on anyting (I made sure he understood I was no industry spy, I was just trying to make conversation). I told me he was working on a movie but he felt very bad about the project. I couldn't tell if this was just how he probably always feels bad about all projects or if it was particular, but either way he kind of slid onto the floor and sat under the table and talked gibberish about it for a while, possible while spinning. Then I woke up.

>> No.21424076

Capitalism is an economic system, not a political system. All economies are capitalistic to varying degrees, even the hermit kingdom itself. To describe the emergence of an authoritarian regime is in any way related to the capitalist system is idiotic. If it was related we would have to fend of Fascists with a stick
Every 7-10 years as the boom and bust cycle goes ahead. We don't instead we find ourselves with Marxists.

>> No.21424084

Can I really grow if I dont know myself at all?

>> No.21424191

Nope. Try to get to know yourself instead of sulking about it. I've taken some time to figure out who I am and I feel better and have gotten more done in the past year than in the past 5. Plus, I'm starting to meet actual friends again, so that's nice.

>> No.21424192
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>> No.21424193

>to figure out who I am
how did you do it?

>> No.21424196

Oh dear - you found something idiotic in this OTHERWISE IMPECCABLE thread

>> No.21424199

Fuck you

>> No.21424204

You make a mistake separating the economic from the governance. That is part of the whole revolutionary project, to rip out, root and branch, the whole rotted system.
>all economics is capitalistic
Except the Revolutionary subversion of it. But I’ll agree that every capitalist economy is liberalism to varying degrees. Yeah, you keep the fascist hermit kingdom of North Korea too.
The state has seesawed over the centuries from state authoritarian to oligarchic controlled and they’re just two sides of the same coin. To flip the coin is not a revolution, haha. To ditch the coin IS.

>> No.21424215

You should organize a threesome

>> No.21424220
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This is possibly the oldestfag board on this site. Anyone who claims to be underage might be lying.

>> No.21424226
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>> No.21424230

>Wayne Enterprises. Military contractor invests millions to overthrow Putin and help cut Russian into manageable (exploitable) statelets.
Oligarchs support fascism. Not communism. (Not calling Putin a communist. He’s a patriotic conservative)

>> No.21424234
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>> No.21424246

It sucks. You're bent over in awkward positions fixing leaky pipes in peoples smelly bathrooms. I tried the tradie mem for almost 3 years. Dont fall for it

>> No.21424250

>they will come together and master each other.
Thats hot. Is this is a bdsm club, because I'll totally sign up

>> No.21424254

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but the road to heaven is unpaved”

>> No.21424259

I kept a journal full of my thoughts to see what I really am thinking, I read a lot of Aristotle and started seeing my life as a project to become the best possivle version of myself. I also go on walks and other types of exercise where I take time to think about my life and the circumstances of it and make any necessary changes to make it better. Also, I literally just read the Bible a lot and went to Sunday Mass and paid attention to it more. I think you are perfectly capable of knowing yourself. I don't know you but frankly the very fact that you are curious to know who you are and how to make you better puts you leagues above most people. Also, unironically get a hobby. Mine is guitar playing and electronics stuff with Arduinos juat cause I like that shit. I gurantee that when youbput energy into a hobby you love, you will feel self-actualized if only for a little bit. But put time into it and realize progress is slow but meaningful at each and every step.

>> No.21424260

Does that mean I'm gonna get gravel in my shoes

>> No.21424263
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>not working for slum lords and repairing empty apartments
You silly fucking idiot

>> No.21424279
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It means you're gonna put the gravel in your shoes and like it

>> No.21424305

this guy gets it, embrace the suck, it builds emotional calluses (or as any non-autism addled neet would put it, character)

>> No.21424321

I tried a bunch of things but nothing clicked.
>the very fact that you are curious to know who you are and how to make you better puts you leagues above most people
does it? it seems like a life full of misery.

>> No.21424369

I mean, I defintely have gone through some hard points in the past year. But, fundamentally, what kept me going was the belief that I was the main person determinong my sucess or failure. Life has it's ups and downs defintely, but only you can determine what you can do with that knowledge. From there, it only seems natural to know what you can do. I'm not going to lie and say it will be easy 100% of the tine, but it will be worth it definitely. Do you think you are worth learning about? From there you have to decide if you wsnt to make the tomorrow you want or follow some pre-progrsmmed path someone else set for you. I can't answer that for you.

>> No.21424398
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Next thread, ya spooks! HAHA!


>> No.21424596
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I like this sentiment. It is bracing and exhilarating.

>> No.21424629

I think it’s a false dichotomy. You live and you learn and it all happens at once. I don’t think you should think about it too much either. It’s good to think about life a person who only thinks only has thinking to think about, not living.

>> No.21426362

Can you read my mind?