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21416198 No.21416198 [Reply] [Original]

Do people actually find existential or cosmic horror scary? I cannot think of a single reason why people would give a shit that their life is meaningless. Who cares?

>> No.21416207

The horror that Lovecraft intended is that there are beings that exist that not even the supreme White Anglo-Saxon can understand

>> No.21416210

It's more about the anagnorisis, anon.

>> No.21416243

The running theme in Lovecraft's horror is of quiet, simple, rural American life being disrupted and destroyed by external influences beyond a mere farmer's control.
It's why I find all of the shit he gets over his racial attitudes so repugnant, because it's not like he said "hang all niggers! Jews and Arabs can die!" It's that he was afraid of what the world was growing in to, how what was supposed to be a simple existence for him and others was instead a strange, chaotic, and violent time that saw ww1 and prohibition.

If he hadn't died prematurely from his refusal to see a doctor, he would have lived to see many of these fears properly realized in WW2.

>> No.21416291


>> No.21416299
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Why do they make childrens' books, animated shows for kids and etc with Lovecraftian stuff? What the fuck is wrong with these boomers?

>> No.21416309

Looks kinda cool desu senpai.
If Tim Burton did something Lovecraft, I'd watch it.
Preferably without Johnny Depp hamming up the role, though. I want timid Lovecraft conquering his fears, not Johnny Depp playing the only character he's played outside of Gilbert Grape.

>> No.21416316
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>aquatic-looking african american

>> No.21416360

It's scarier if you are schizo. If you've never slept with a knife because you though aliens were in your room, you won't get it.

>> No.21416364


>> No.21416690

>I cannot think of a single reason why people would give a shit that their life is meaningless.
You are either lying or genuinely mentally disabled. Regardless of whether or not you personally would give a shit, it is not hard in the slightest to understand why some people would.

>> No.21416734


Not him but I also have a hard time grasping why people care so much, apart from "I want to be rich/famous/powerful/ have babies just because I feel like I want to" and the usual practically useful coomer stuff. You may have been thinking in connection more with the OP's first sentence (which suggests forms of horror), but I find the notion of having a meaningless life by itself, then dying and becoming nothing again (with no afterlife) quite comfy. I understand that organisms try to preserve themselves (homeostatis) because that's what they're programmed to do, but that's all it is. We are all just a bunch of ants scuttling around for a while.

>> No.21416779

>cthulu literally gets btfo getting run over by a little motor boat

>> No.21416830

Yesterday I watched a documentary about lives early steps and it showed close-up images of jellyfish and their polyp state and several micro-organisms and it filled me both with disgust and dread.

>> No.21416835

The mentality of the woke crowd is completely beyond me too, no idea what would turn someone woke? A deep sense of selfhatred, excessive masturbation? It seems utterly strange to care about what negroes want or to feel guilty about some historical event.

>> No.21416839

I find the idea of madness scary, i say this as someone who experienced a psychotic episode. The paranoia was something, i thought i was seeing patterns everywhere and that i was getting hidden messages

Also the idea of old gods dreaming the universe just sounds cool

>> No.21416901


>> No.21416908

>I cannot think of a single reason why people would give a shit that their life is meaningless. Who cares?
Maybe because not everyone lives such a meaningless life as you?

>> No.21416925


>he doesn't realize that that's just it

>> No.21417015


>> No.21417037

>I find the notion of having a meaningless life by itself, then dying and becoming nothing again (with no afterlife) quite comfy
Are you human?

>> No.21417058

I have a hard time grasping your perspective. The fear is about the smallness/insignificance of life & your own actions.
Like in H.G Well's War of the Worlds the contrast between the peaceful, static daily routines of the narrator, even while the world continues to burn.
From a different perspective you might find that comforting, that nothing lasts, as it does free us from any lasting compulsory responsibility, but it's also terrifying as whatever you do accomplish could mean nothing. Could disappear at any moment

>> No.21417133

>but it's also terrifying as whatever you do accomplish could mean nothing
I disagree completely. Honestly, I have zero sympathy for the fear of the concept because I don't understand why people are so worked up about it. Why care about your "significance" beyond things that you can actually observe to be changed by your actions?

>> No.21417994

It's not about fear. It's about despair and feeling like a toy in diabolic hands

>> No.21418320

it's the fear that there are things which might snuff out our existence in a instant over which we have no control. It is less frightening than things over which we do have control because then we are forced to exercise it and we might still fail.