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21413458 No.21413458 [Reply] [Original]

An entire generation fixated on aesthetics

>> No.21413462

>t. socrates
kids these days AMIRITE

>> No.21413464

Just be glad you weren't around for the 80s, this is nothing.

>> No.21413471

The '80s were based for commercialism. We have globohomo and tranny aesthetics now. Cope harder.

>> No.21413473

go take your quaaludes grandpa

>> No.21413480

stfu and die boomer

>> No.21413488

We had drag queens everywhere in the 80s and they would have gotten surgery and HRT if it was available, they certainly got breast implants. The 80s were as plastic as it could be, which is why the counter culture went to such an opposite extreme and why the current counter culture is just larpers on the internet, there is nothing really to push back against right now in this regard. In the 80s you saw guys dressed up as women and people being androgynous every where you went, these days it is like once a week at best, unless your life is the internet.

>> No.21413490

Socrates encouraged a fixation on aesthetics for the youth, he similarly encouraged strict state regulation of what is presented to the youth in aesthetic form in order to mold them into virtuous, powerful men.

>> No.21413492

have sex, take personal responsibility, and stop prescribing your problems to forces out of your control

>> No.21413496

Maybe, but they're not good aesthetics. There's scarcely and Truth, Beauty, or Good in how modern people approach aesthetics. We need a revival, kill modern art.

>> No.21413501

Are you ok, anon? Mind letting me know why Socrates is wrong?

>> No.21413506

I'm not invested in your opinion and you shouldn't be invested in mine

>> No.21413507

finna fade my hair fr fr no cap

>> No.21413518

If it was aesthetics, they wouldn't be so ugly.

>> No.21413519

Why should I not be invested in the opinions of others? Your actions could have a direct influence upon both me and the planet at large. We should be cooperating to the greatest extent to promote health, virtue, courage, and temperance, along with cooperation itself. If we don't work together intelligently then the world continues to degrade.

>> No.21413528

Sure, if you were listening to rock and roll, but there were solid conservative spaces if you enjoyed that kind of thing and computers weren't as faggy and authoritarian as they are now. You could call people fags all day and nobody would care. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best decade modernity ever produced in my opinion. The amount of tranny worshiping happening now was unthinkable back then unless you were in faggot spaces were even pedophilia was accepted.
Fuck off back to Tiktok zoomfags.

>> No.21413533

>We need a revival, kill modern art.
AI is on the way!

>> No.21413535
File: 12 KB, 320x320, Marxs-Materialist-Conception-of-Human-Social-History_Q320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any time something has realized its complete potential (depth) it will expend all its energies in a beautiful sacrifice (aesthetics).

>> No.21413541

because even if I am wrong, I see nothing of value to be gained from this discussion any further
>muh chinktok
Have sex

>> No.21413547

>solid conservative spaces
kys tradlarper

>> No.21413554

Just keep struggling, I'm sure you'll get there eventually!

>> No.21413555

>Have sex
Guaranteed I've had more sex in my life than the years you've been alive, kid. You are all the same. Don't know shit but you're fooled by your googling and wiking """skills""" into thinking you do. It's all surface level stuff. You are shallow. Remember that.

>> No.21413562

>kys tradlarper
I'm being a trad LARPer by specifically praising modernity? does that make sense to you? or do you just hate the idea that conservatives could still enjoy life back then? or that, despite your efforts, there are still people who remember how things used to be able to tell it like it is? ha!

>> No.21413563

I don't think you were alive in the 80's. Back then there was no pressure to pass, you could be an ugly drag queen and be celebrated for it. These days not be able to pass is a deterrent, something of shame There is no tranny these days as big as RuPaul was in the 80s. The supposed safe conservative space you think of was pretty much AM radio, and that is still there. The big difference between then and now is that conservatives had no issues exploiting the culture for their own capitalistic interests, they saw it all more as an opportunity than a threat, which is probably why it all got so big.
>i can't call people fags
Who the fuck cares? That is one of the most pathetic complaints I have ever seen.