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21412812 No.21412812 [Reply] [Original]

what is so great about this book? i don't get it

>> No.21412847

A fun intricate story of a town. Two neurotic individuals. Two holy as fuck individuals. Two pure evil individuals. Revel in the bullshit complexity of their interactions, see the absurdism of real life in the face of undying faith.

>> No.21412873

Daily reminder that Dostoevsky was a socialist who hated the Tsar but kept pretending to be for the government after his mock execution and imprisonment at the labour camp in Siberia. His final book was supposed to be the sequel to this one where Alyosha assassinates the Tsar and was supposed to be his magnum opus where he laid all the cards on the table. He knew he would die and he wasn't afraid to piss of censors at the end of his life.

>> No.21413914

The court scenes at the end were absolutely incredible. It changed my views on evidence in front of a court.

>> No.21413919

Why would he write Demons then? A book that lampoons revolutionary socialists

>> No.21414017

im literally Ivan

>> No.21415019

Don't be retarded. Alyosha was going to kill the Tsar in order to save the kids, as the Christ figure he is, he was going to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.

>> No.21415308

That is a gross and inaccurate simplification of a complex novel

>> No.21415438

dostoyevsky wasn't a "revolutionary socialist" post-Siberia, he just experienced the obvious christian frustration with the czar and the elite class. wanting to help the poor is not socialism. its the same feeling any good christian should have with modern conservative parties

>> No.21415482

I absolutely loved this book but I found the trial to be an utterly exhausting slog and I ended up skipping the last part of it

>> No.21415533


>> No.21415723 [SPOILER] 


>> No.21415825


>> No.21415842

The 3 faces of lit

>> No.21416055

I read half of it and just had to stop. It fucking sucked.

>> No.21416072

It's a fun intricate story of a town.

>> No.21416330

The socialist characters in Brothers were Rakitin and Kolya, the former being a fucking idiot and the latter an insecure schoolboy. This whole novel is steeped in traditionalism what the fuck are you on about

>> No.21416341

I read it in January. Loved it. But I have forgotten most of the story already. In comparison, I read Crime and Punishment two years ago but I still pretty much know the entire plot.

>> No.21416365

I'm not gay but I want to snuggle and kiss Alyosha

>> No.21416370

There is not a single socialist/left-wing character that isn’t a satire or evil in the book. Also, how is it an oversimplification? That is one of the main themes.

>> No.21416446

You sound like kolya

>> No.21416488

You sound like the Elder Zosima

>> No.21416515

The conversations between the Christianity and secular socialist-revolutionary cretins should required reading for atheists.

>> No.21416562

The Tsar would become Alyosha. Tsar Nicholas knew that the only way to bring Russia kicking and screaming into modernity was to be so incredibly lol lol lol incompetent that even hardcore royalist right wingers would agree he has to be couped. That's why he did so much retarded shit, like take personal control of the war as Germany and Austria kept pushing further and bleeding Russia white, banning vodka (enraging peasants and cutting off his revenue), printing so much money that money became worthless, etc.

Nicky was a committed socialist who sacrificed himself and his family for the advancement of mankind. It was a Golden Path type sacrifice along the lines of the God Emperor in Dune. Rasputin showed Nicky a vision of Hitler and showed how he would win and rule over Eurasia and genocide many peoples if Russia was not modernized. He saw a prophecy that only a comically evil, short, terrorist, bank robbing Georgian could save Russia by first destroying it in order to build tons of factories.

So Nicky, following the secret subtext in the Brothers Karamazov, made a Christian sacrifice to save Russia.

Most people misunderstand the Grand Inquisitor. What it is saying is that Russians can't have bread before salvation. They need to be starved into salvation, hence the Tsar having all those pesky famines before WWI and then accelerating it after.

Stalin too was a similar figure. You think he wanted to ally Hitler and dismantle all the states that would have stopped Hitler from steamrolling into Russia? Do you think he wanted to treat the Ukrainians and Baltic peoples so poorly that they have the incoming Germans flowers and mobilized 70,000 man armies (in just the Baltics) to attack the Russian rear as the Germans advanced?

No! He had to genocide Ukraine and oppress the Baltics so that they would welcome the Nazis so that, in turn, they could face a greater revelation when the Nazis turned around and began autistically raping, enslaving, and genociding them, so hard that they ended up flipping back to fight for the Russians. Only maximal shock could attain this great unity, send man to space, unite half of Europe, etc.

Unfortunately, degenerate anti-Christ capitalists eventually poisoned this great sacrifice.

Recall, Stalin studied as a priest. He had a vision like Rasputin.

>> No.21416705

leftists believe their deranged ideologies have a sole monopoly on wanting to help people

>> No.21417423

Dosto was a Christian socialist (which predates communism), his problem was atheists, which is why his evil characters are atheist socialists. I get that Americans and people who have been americanised think socialism = communism = socialism but come on, read a book that isn't fiction.

>> No.21417429

> This whole novel is steeped in traditionalism what the fuck are you on about
Um. No.

>> No.21417433

where has he ever been shown to be a socialist?

>> No.21417467
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this is quite simply objectively incorrect. Dostoevsky felt sorrow for the material conditions of the poor. He was also dissatisfied with the tsars regime and the Russian elite for obvious reasons. He attended socialist meetings in his life and read all of their books, but remained highly skeptical of the various doctrines and possibilities and dynamics of leftist ideology

What he was for certain was a Russian Christian, deeply attached to Russian identity, and a Slavophile. if you want to fit him in a box, it would probably be as an ardent nationalist (of the more traditional revolutionary understanding of the term) with a specifically ethnology-religious christian spin. by all accounts he was largely considered a reactionary back then and today by "Progressives" and leftists, just has his writing is also often subversive towards hardline Conservative circles who uphold more aristocratic and neo-aristocratic ideals and shit on the poor both back then and today.

>> No.21417707

Why was he so racist towards Polish people?

>> No.21418250


>> No.21418271

The Grand Inquisitor chapter is basically a philosophical text bonus that is worth its own book.

>> No.21418278

You are retarded. No biography in any place over the world supports this, not even during the USSR. I really hope you are just very confused and are talking about Tolstoy who is like the rival of Dosto in their views of Christianity.

>> No.21419667

new word unlocked, lampoon, «pasquin» on my native, thank you anon, know surely i would fuck that qt on my uni

>> No.21420339
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The only proof of that is the testimony of a jewish journalist.
His wife has never claimed anything in that respect.

>> No.21420386

it's just bants

>> No.21421687

Name a single book with more depth that wasn't also written by Dostoevsky.

>> No.21421736
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>> No.21422600

You need an IQ over 120, so it may not be for you.

>> No.21422618

Any intelligent Polish person is racist towards Polish people anyway, anon. Its honestly quite funny the term on 4chan for a user of the politics board is /pol/ack because most of the country is right wing nuts that think ultranationalist Catholicism is the only tool against degeneracy.

>> No.21422738

holy based

>> No.21422743

wtf based

>> No.21422778

Actual effort post.

Leftist trannies and right-wing cuckservatives are so invested in claiming Dosto as "one of theirs" that they end up belittling and discarding his unique vision, which largely defies classification and ultimately pisses off every kind of NPCs from fascist to libertarians to nihilists to catholics to liberals to anarchists to socialitst to communists, and through that it is truly based.

>What he was for certain was a Russian Christian, deeply attached to Russian identity, and a Slavophile
Even that is questionable, as most contemporary Slavophiles disowned Dosto for complexity of his image: he portrayed Russian life as one full of poverty, chaos and suffering, and virtuous through that, while the prominent Slavophiles of the time praised Russia and Russian culture by idealizing it - they disagreed with Dosto by declaring that there actually ain't much suffering, chaos or poverty in Russian life, and whatever there is is actually entirely deserved and proper. There are also the facts that Dosto WAS critical of the Orthodox Church and the Imperial government, which were big no-no's for Slavophiles.

>> No.21423997

What is a Christ and how will he be recognized?

>> No.21424933

good post

GREAT post