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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 78 KB, 564x564, 81b5d4390dfc723fc99212e33be60d6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21410382 No.21410382 [Reply] [Original]

What does he read?

>> No.21410385

the n-word over and over

>> No.21410387

Ray Peat: Parerga and Paraleipomena

>> No.21410388

gay erotica.

>> No.21410396

None? No? Night? Nope? Neck?
What word are you refering to, anon?

>> No.21410400

He's reading The Hunger Games, Twilight, and Harry Potter.

>> No.21410405

>Go to the library to buy latest incel book recommendation
>sees picrel


>> No.21410414

I'm referring, literally, to "the n-word"

>> No.21410453

Nothing. He want to a Barnes and Noble, grabbed the first book he could, set his camera up, sat down, and then had it take a picture of himself so he could capitalize on an internet trend that began when a woman did the same thing. >>21410405 If I saw him blocking the nerd aisles (my homeland) I would deliver him a swift kick to the chest with my Postal 2/Matrix era fuck off steel toe boots of autism then send this pantywaisted pansy off back to the Ulta on the other side of the mall where his loathsome kind belongs.

>> No.21410468

On the Jews and their Lies

>> No.21410478
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>> No.21410491

This dude seduced your sister while you were reading your faggy books. I was there. We both went back home and I did the same thing to your mom. Eventually, we all went to your bedroom and started banging. I was giving him a high-five while I was banging your mom and he was banging your sister at the same time. Shit was so cash.

>> No.21410494

Social Media 101: How to Pretend You Are Doing Something in a Photo Shot
Chapter 4, section 2: How to Pretend to Read A Book

>> No.21410499

I dont have a sister because my mother would never give birth to a woman.

>> No.21410644

>Someone wrote out 3 pages to make a meme for a thread that had 20 people in it

>> No.21410863

Why do autistic losers love to simp for chads
You faggots aren't temporarily embarrassed chads, you're just living vicariously through them while believing if you self-improov you'll be one of le chads

>> No.21410870


>> No.21410887

Stare at him, blush and run away crying

>> No.21411117
File: 1.61 MB, 1944x2592, 0D02D1BD-012D-4280-8D5F-6FB6F014296E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put him in a choke and piss on him

>> No.21411171

> Wah! stop saying nice things about """Chads"""!
Why? because it makes you insecure?

>> No.21411178

Chads are super based and beautiful. So what if I simp for chad? That's called manly platonic love.

>> No.21411202

I assume a book

>> No.21411476

>stare a bit
>grab my books and go about my day as usual

im not going to cause a scene but beautiful men this guy are exceedingly rare

>> No.21412388

Whatever we tell him. He's clearly one of the many, "What do I read to get girls, guys," posters.

>> No.21412410

>animal abuse

>> No.21412462
File: 1.65 MB, 2784x4117, 1463953458383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nordic nymphets nightly nodding - now naughtily napping nude near narrow neighborhoods. Noncey nunnerys negating Northern naturalisms name nominalisms never naught nor near naturalizing national nuances. Navels, nude navels, nestled neatly not nastily, need new noodled nurturing normally. Now, noncey nerds need not noodle near Norse nymphets, nor nice nunneries, nor neighborhoods. Nice neighbors nurture nude neighbors, neatly noticed! Needs Negroes now, nice Nordics, near Netherlandish, never necrotic nuptials near Norther nappers. Negroes now neighbors, noticed. Nightly nocturnal narcoleptics nag. Ninjas never needed North.

>> No.21412467


>> No.21412469

Have gay sex with him.

>> No.21412536

Is it bad that I looked at OP's pic and had to say "i'm not gay" to myself, out loud? I mean gay only means butt stuff i'm sure kissing and even sucking his dick is fine right?

>> No.21412574


>> No.21412601

You and me both, anon

>> No.21412924

All the twinks I drool over on the internet could probably beat me up IRL.

>> No.21412932

Everything below being penetrated is fine if they're cute enough.

>> No.21412935

Gooses are the devil and deserve rape if not worse

>> No.21412937

Is this fag hours?

>> No.21412948

He's just french

>> No.21412966
File: 23 KB, 960x537, 316085679_10159791302555369_1855242037728081639_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, looks like there are Tarot Cards, books about horoscopes, and Sylvia Browne behind him, so he's probably reading shit about Wicca or some shit like that.

While you are reading the 100 classics in literature like the Brother's Karamazov and books about philosophy hurting yourself, there is a Twink Chad that is covering himself with oil at 2 am in the morning communing with the spirits. He's getting amazing pussy and dick, and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.21412978

>and there is nothing you can do about it
Unfortunately for him. What a disgusting life.