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/lit/ - Literature

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21409682 No.21409682 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with the oblivion that's coming right at you?
Most of us will never be recognized or exalted as writers/artists/thinkers or whatever title you try to brand your ass with. It's just a statistically proven fact.

I've been misled into thinking that fame, clout and money is the determiner of your success. I'm so fucking arrogant and self-important, and I have no fucking idea how to cure it at this point.
I want to kill my fat ego, but how?

But on the other hand, what is the point of creating if this is not even going to be seen?

>> No.21409693

What good does it do any dead famous writer that they're famous now that they're dead. Do you think they're looking down from the clouds gloating. No, they're dead, that's the real oblivion. Just relax, it doesn't matter if it works out, you're going to die and it's going to happen soon.

>> No.21409698

I don't know, maybe believe in God?
You are a piece of fucking shit, accept it. Christ was better than you in absolutely every aspect, maybe it's time you follow his teachings?

>> No.21409708

>all is meaningless so I'm going to force myself into believing Jewish fairy tales to feel better
That's just fucking retarded

>> No.21409711


>> No.21409730

Yeah but living in misery and unfulfillment, patiently waiting for your own coffin lid to open isn't encouraging at all.
Of course we're all gonna die, but how do majority of you cope with the reality? How do you make it less agonizing?

>> No.21409737

If you start reading this and feel about to stop reading, at least skip 1/3rd down and read the wheelwright story. (if the site interests you, don't get sidetracked by all the hyperlinks and just follow this https://ryuc.info/fifteen/))


Art is the waste/fruit of another's experience/understanding. The fruit is in having your own experience through their art, just as any art you make is a byproduct of your own experience/understanding. That your name will not last forever is meaningless. You are not your name. You are here, now, living and experiencing this moment. That is what you need to focus on.

Life is all about perspective.

>> No.21409741

you'd be surprised, I know that already. My overblown ego makes it hard to comprehend how right Jesus is, but im trying my best still

>> No.21409786

Is there any audio/video content on the same topic? Maybe by the same creators?

>> No.21409806

He has a Youtube channel but it is awful. Do you struggle with reading? /lit/ would be a strange choice if you do, or if you dislike it somehow. Reading is a much better medium for conveying and understanding information that a video or audio is in most cases.

>> No.21409815

No, it's something else. I can't really read stuff at work, but I still could listen to it.

>> No.21409827

I'm not too bothered about what happens after im gone. It won't affect me. There are more important things here and now for me to stress over.

>> No.21409891

>I can't really read stuff at work, but I still could listen to it.

You should focus on your work then, or listen to something else. A major thrust of the approach the site writes about is the importance of focus and attention. If you listen to it while you do something else, you are already in the wrong state of mind and your intentions are blurred and wrongfooted. Do you intend to try and read the site and understand it? Or do you intend to have it speaking in your ear while your mind is busy on other tasks and thoughts? One of these intentions stands a chance of helping you along your journey.
Are we not speaking about your reason for living here? Your fulfilment as a creative human being and the joy in your life? You are in a state of being that troubles you and that you wish to change. That's worth an hour alone after work to read or think about, at least.

Here's a video for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2fXAuc2KIk

>> No.21409906

>Someone you can pray to and receive real, tangible benefits and wisdom from if you simply meditate on Jesus Christ's name

You're a bozo

>> No.21409925

Fair enough. I'm now even embarrassed for having asked that. Thanks for the links, though. I'll try to make a good use of it.

>> No.21409931

Be as you wish to seem.

>> No.21409950

Why don't you cultivate relationships? If I were going to get into gay evo psych kind of stuff, I'd suggest that I think there is something to our anxiety about being alone that is innate, and the mimetic desire for fame is a desire to not be alone. You want to know people will mourn your death, in some sense. Fame gives you the implicit option to never be alone, even when you're potentially old and annoyingly broken for most people you will be imbued with a certain social value that suggests you will have people thinking of you, wanting to talk with you, etc.

To go back to the evo psych thing, I think this gives us a good feeling because it is beneficial to have many friends. We are a social species and we know deep in our bones that we are vulnerable when we are alone. We want to belong, we want to have people who belong to us and who we belong to so when something bad happens we can find support. Most people simply fulfill that desire by building normal interpersonal relationships. Strictly aspiring to fame is a risky way to try to fulfill that desire, because you likely won't be famous. It is better to try to cultivate your own social relationships with normal people and try to maintain and grow them as best you can. Much like would be the case if you were actually famous, there will be down sides to that process. You won't always like the fact that the price of a relationship with a person is that you owe them things too. But if you retreat from it then you will find yourself in the worse position of feeling alone, and when you feel alone and you still have the will to live you increasingly get the existential dread that you are cosmically alone, that nothing matters, that no one will care what happens to you. Obviously in some sense this is true regardless of if you have a solid social network, you will be "alone" when you die. We are all alone. But in order to at least feel pleased with ourselves and comfortable while still living, we crave those social relationships that make us feel less worthless and alone.

>> No.21410064
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>How do you cope with the oblivion that's coming right at you?
By worshiping the endless limitless arbitrariness with whom all things are possible, otherwise known as God.

>> No.21410082

It's a cope but the lessons of the book of Ecclesiastes helped me feel better about being mediocre.
This man was a King who accomplished great things--constructed great buildings--and even he at the end realized it was all pointless striving which accomplishes nothing. The futile desire to inscribe your name on the sands which will be washed away.
Even the so-called greats have realized this throughout the ages: the reality of their own insignificance.
Read Book of Ecclesiastes and then "An Invitation to a Beheading".

>> No.21410130

>receive real, tangible benefits
what did you receive

>> No.21410153

It's another state of being that'll hopefully reincarnate me somewhere into the future with sex robots and stuff like that.

>> No.21410164

Everything that I have is from God and that is why I pray to Him

>> No.21410171
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If you make something unique enough, odds are high that it will be remembered centuries from now.

Write about topics no one else is covering. How many books about, say, the cultures of different websites have you seen? You could become the scholarly authority on the internet culture of the 2020's.

>> No.21410183

Becoming a Christian is unironically a good way of becoming famous. Most Christian media is weird soulless knockoffs of secular media, so if you can make Christian stuff that is actually good you're likely to get lots of attention.

>> No.21410214

didnt you have those things before you prayed

>> No.21410223

Not him, but I can think of one thing he didn't have before he prayed: gratitude. It was nice of God to give him that too.

>> No.21410460


>> No.21411252
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>I've been misled into thinking that fame, clout and money is the determiner of your success.
If you worked on it a bit, you could become a recognized tripfag on 4chan or a reddit power user
I personally became a known manslut on one of the /soc/ fetish threads, and its spinoff discord
There is opportunity everywhere if you just know how to look for it

>> No.21413137

>How do you cope with the oblivion that's coming right at you?
By not caring one bit about it.

>> No.21413142

LSD, meditation, daily yoga

>> No.21413151

>I've been misled into thinking that fame, clout and money is the determiner of your success. I'm so fucking arrogant and self-important, and I have no fucking idea how to cure it at this point.
I want to kill my fat ego, but how?

I was like that too as a teenager and early 20s. Don't worry age will mellow you down

>> No.21413169

Just do what you like to do and stop worrying so much. Success is fucking luck, and there is no free will. Face it you are a result of a bunch of causes you had absolutely 0 control over, there’s no reason to feel bad about this shit at all. Killing your ego is a meme. Taper down but don’t look to lil your ego you need that to exert yourself in any way. Just enjoy the madness as much as you can and look forward to sweet sweet release in oblivion one day. How does the infinite nothingness not make you feel comfy? The sad part is it’s not really infinite. We’ll probably come back after this and the end of the world being birthed into a new reality will be like an instant.