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File: 33 KB, 400x400, arthur_de_Gobineau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21406086 No.21406086 [Reply] [Original]

> invented racism in it's current form
> set the foundations for the theory of evolution unironically
> set the foundations for Marxism (has the same exact deterministic historical worldview as Marx, who just copied)
> inspired Nietzsche's uebermensch
> inspired fascism
> inspired Hitler himself
Why is he overlooked? Are his deductions too blackpilled for the strongest minds?

>> No.21406088

Have you read his book? He's pretty pea brained

>> No.21406101

Bonus on future events predicted in his essays:
> independization of India from the British government through a revolution
> the complete colonization of Africa by European governments
> US as a global superpower
> globohomo

>> No.21406122

>pro slavery Americans use his essay as an academic defense of slavery
>they omit all the parts where he calls Americans race-mixing mutts

>> No.21406133
File: 26 KB, 474x474, th (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, the meme will never get old.

>> No.21406151

His essay's second part sucks, just read the first one its the only interesting part
His novels are kino though, I've got his pléiades it was quite refreshing

>> No.21406178

> set the foundations for Marxism (has the same exact deterministic historical worldview as Marx, who just copied)

Where, specifically? I'm interested.

>> No.21406367
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He said Wagner was one of the only two people who had ever understood him, the other being Eulenberg who was part of the Wagner circle. Interestingly Gobineau did not care for Parsifal, but maintained interest in the the Ring with its naturalistic downfall, for which there was, to him, no Christian alternative.

>Gobineau published his major work, Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races, in four volumes, from 1853 to 1855. It did not attract much notice, and only began to influence European thinking 20 years later, after Gobineau became friends with Richard Wagner. The two men died within a few months of each other, and the Wagner/Bayreuth movement promoted Gobineau along with Wagner.

>> No.21406450

>"I descend from Odin"
>changes his theories many times depending on the climate of the place he's in
>spawns the retarded version of racism that the Jews used to discredit it in general, against serious physical anthropology
>completely rapes history to accommodate his bizarre theories
>feminist simp
>philosemitic to a degree that would make neocons blush
>pro t*rks
>tries to be the jack of all trades out of bored dilettantism, fails at all
The quintessential larper.
His contribution is literary. Les Pléiades and les Nouvelles asiatiques are good books.

>> No.21406720

utterly refuted by Evola in Myth of Blood

>> No.21406742

He lived in Brazil and there found the prototype of the Aryan race, so much so that he continued to suck the man's cock even after he had left Brazil. This is why Nazis fled to Brazil's coast. Brazil is the geographical esoterism of Tropical Hyperborea and only poltards with sub-saharan levels of IQ deem Brazil in its exoteric propaganda pushed by MSM. Come to Brazil, the land of the Universal Aryan Man.

>> No.21406753
