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21402428 No.21402428 [Reply] [Original]

What is the greatest chapter ever written?

>> No.21402431

The Bible.

>> No.21402453

That's fantasy

>> No.21402509

The surgery chapter from V

>> No.21402516

Nigga there's like hundreds of chapters in there. Pick one. It's John 1 desu.

>> No.21402518


>> No.21402521

the whiteness of the whale from moby dick

>> No.21402530

Job 38 is pretty amazing as well

>> No.21402548

1) At Tikhons
2) Grand Inquisitor

>> No.21402554

>t. atheist

>> No.21402597

One of my favorites is the No Great Loss chapter in The Stand.

>> No.21402712


Here is the logical progression of a Christian born with a 125+ IQ.

Age 8:
>That's true!
Age 14:
>That's fantasy!
Age 25:
>That's truth.

If you aren't NPC, you'll come around.

>> No.21402717
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Moby Dick: Chapter 32 - Cetology

>> No.21402751

More like

Age 8
>what’s a Christian, exactly?

Age 10
>that’s true!

Age 12
>that’s bullshit!

Age 16
>idk man

Age 18
>spiritual but not religious

Age 20
>Jesus is Lord

Age 21
>it’s all a metaphor

Age 22+
>slave morality, invented by humans

>> No.21402758


>> No.21402762


>> No.21402856


>> No.21402900

The final chapter of One Hundred Years of Solitude.

>> No.21402903


>> No.21402925


>> No.21403112
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>“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.”
>“By some curious chance one morning long ago in the quiet of the world, when there was less noise and more green, and the hobbits were still numerous and prosperous, and Bilbo Baggins was standing at his door after breakfast smoking an enormous long wooden pipe that nearly reached down to his woolly toes (neatly brushed) – Gandalf came by. All that the unsuspecting Bilbo saw that morning was an old man with a staff. He had a tall pointed blue hat, a long grey cloak, a silver scarf over which his long white beard hung down below his waist, and immense black boots. “Good Morning!” said Bilbo. And he meant it. The sun was shining, and the grass was very green. But Gandalf looked at him from under long bushy eyebrows that stuck out further than the brim of his shady hat."
Something about the first chapter just makes me want to read more (practically the entire book), and I'm not sure what.

>> No.21403702

Quiet, Anon. The tradlarpers will seethe.

>> No.21403715

It's a masterful use of lamguage and also subtle intrigue. It doesn't tell you outright who Gandalf or Bilbo are, where are they, or what a hobbit is. The writing assumes you know all this and you want to keep reading to find out. It's comfy and mysterious all at once.

>> No.21403741

No. I will not be silence.

>> No.21403746


>> No.21403762

The breakfast chapter in Call of the Crocodile

>> No.21404157

Iliad, book 5. Diomedes' rampage.

>> No.21404161

The Whiteness of the Whale probably

>> No.21404239

Literally "kill all whites" the book

>> No.21404273


>> No.21404517

Mein Kampf chapter 11

>> No.21404564

The Red Wedding. It's fantasy bit that chapter had me depressed for a month.

>> No.21404691

'En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no quiero acordarme, no ha mucho tiempo que vivía un hidalgo de los de lanza en astillero, adarga antigua, rocín flaco y galgo corredor'

>> No.21404702

distinguished taste right here

>> No.21405064
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>tips fedora

>> No.21405075

John chapter 17

>> No.21405077

*tips fedora*

>> No.21405131 [DELETED] 
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>Quiet, Anon. The tradlarpers will seethe.

>> No.21405138
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>Quiet, Anon. The tradlarpers will seethe.

>> No.21405773

The Candles (Moby Dick)

>> No.21405970

The Grand Inquisitor

>> No.21406000


>> No.21407032


>> No.21408231
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Well chapter 4, of course...

>> No.21408264

Wardine say her momma aint treat her right. Reginald he come round to my blacktop at my building where me and Delores Epps jump double dutch and he say, Clenette, Wardine be down at my crib cry say her momma aint treat her right, and I go on with Reginald to his building where he live at, and Wardine be sit deep far back in a closet in Reginald crib, and she be cry. Reginald gone lift Wardine out the closet and me with him crying and I be rub on the wet all over Wardine face and Reginald be so careful when he take off all her shirts she got on, tell Wardine to let me see. Wardine back all beat up and cut up. Big stripes of cut all up and down Wardine back, pink stripes and around the stripes the skin like the skin on folks lips be like. Sick down in my insides to look at it. Wardine be cry. Reginald say Wardine say her momma aint treat her right. Say her momma beat Wardine with a hanger. Say Wardine momma man Roy Tony be want to lie down with Wardine. Be give Wardine candy and 5s. Be stand in her way in Wardine face and he aint let her pass without he all the time touching her. Reginald say Wardine say Roy Tony at night when Wardine momma at work he come in to the mattresses where Wardine and William and Shantell and Roy the baby sleep at, and he stand there in the dark, high, and say quiet things at her, and breathe. Wardine momma say Wardine tempt Roy Tony into Sin. Wardine say she say Wardine try to take away Roy Tony into Evil and Sin with her young tight self. She beat Wardine back with hangers out the closet. My momma say Wardine momma not right in her head. My momma scared of Roy Tony. Wardine be cry. Reginald he down and beg for Wardine tell Reginald momma how Wardine momma treat Wardine. Reginald say he Love his Wardine. Say he Love but aint never before this time could understand why Wardine wont lie down with him like girls do their man. Say Wardine aint never let Reginald take off her shirts until tonight she come to Reginald crib in his building and be cry, she let Reginald take off her shirts to see how Wardine momma beat Wardine because Roy Tony. Reginald Love his Wardine. Wardine be like to die of scared. She say no to Reginald beg. She say, if she go to Reginald momma, then Reginald momma go to Wardine momma, then Wardine momma think Wardine be lie down with Reginald. Wardine say her momma say Wardine let a man lie down before she sixteen and she beat Wardine to death. Reginald say he aint no way going to let that happen to Wardine.

>> No.21408267

Anna’s suicide

>> No.21408268

Paradise Lost (Book X)

>> No.21408692
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I love this

>> No.21409439

>normal anon makes concise point
>atheist anon spergs
Checks out.

>> No.21410893
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'member that one chapter where Kalashnikov is interviewed by Periphery at the police station and is trying really hard not to sperg out, then wonders if he isn't sperging out enough, and he thinks this over and over, and Periphery is acting like he knows he's the axe murderer, or maybe he doesn't?, and he's laughing and pretending to be a dufus the whole time.

That was awesome.

>> No.21410906


>> No.21410908

Quentin's Chapter in The Sound and the Fury

>> No.21410926

No wonder americans love it so much

>> No.21410929

Tempest in Gahbreeil.

>> No.21410937

Kek you fuckin trolls. This was the chapter that made me realize Melville had...serious issues.