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/lit/ - Literature

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21400248 No.21400248 [Reply] [Original]

I became an avid reader like three months ago and I can't stop. I stopped watching tv and I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore.

Here's how I did it.

-Remember the average person reads like zero books a year. If you read 5 pages a day, you are 5 pages above the average person

-Don't force yourself to read. Commit to read 5 pages a day. I swear after three days you'll feel like reading more and after a month or so you should be reading 50-100 pages a day for pleasure

-Read various books at the same time. When I grab a difficult book or one that makes me sleepy I grab another and switch. This should refresh your head. Keep them thematically different. I read economics and fiction.

-It isn't a race. Reading slowly won't make you sleepy that fast. Try to acknowledge what books are for you to read fast and which aren't.

-Buy the physical copies. When you get the books from your own money you'll feel the need to read them to avoid the feel of wasting your money.

-Start with books highly discussed here so you feel motivated to discuss.

>> No.21400256

Great tips anon, glad you're a reader now.

>> No.21400257
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Unironically just like me
Except i also want to be a normalfag who reads, i want to be able to discuss vidya, movies, social media shit with others but i just can't get into them anymore
Not even anime

>> No.21400258

Hey, thanks. Been trying to read more but it's been hard to fight my phone addiction. I will try these suggestions

>> No.21400267

Intelligent frogposter

>> No.21400280
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can you get rich from economist books

>> No.21400301

Thank you Socrates

>> No.21400318

Good thread. You get my bumperino.

>> No.21400429

they can help you get rich along with a lot of luck and hard work, but not on their own. mainly to either help you run a small business better and transform it into a large business, or to choose which companies to invest your money in (must have a good amount to start) so you can gain faster than it devalues from inflation.

>> No.21400473

I don't have a phone addiction myself, but thanks to Gutenberg, Lacus Curtius, Perseus et al. I always have a book that I read on my phone. With all the slow days at work, queueing, and needing public transport to get anywhere, I tend to read quite a bit on it. If you haven't already tried it, maybe it would help to have a book open on your tab? Although I suppose with addiction it could just make things worse.

>> No.21400492

can you share some suggestions?

>> No.21400509
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>hard work
and what if im a very committed idiot with inhuman self discipline
can i outwork my way into moneyman life with the use of buisness books?

>> No.21401233

Nice to see I'm not the only one keeping this pasta alive.

>> No.21401811

being self-aware and having common sense works in your favour too

>> No.21401991

I miss old /lit/. Or maybe I just miss the time I've wasted here.