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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 426 KB, 1200x1895, crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21397217 No.21397217 [Reply] [Original]

Okay this has to be the most overrated book to have ever existed.

First of all, it states that the protagonist turns into a bug. How does he do it? Well the book never answers that important question.

Second of all, the reaction of the family is so ridiculous and 1 dimensional that its unbelievable. First of all, the dad tries to kill him even though its his son and he financially supports them. His sister tries to even deny he exists - wtf are these family members greedy psychopaths?

3rd of all. The ending is so unsatisfying even Kafka hated it. Gregor dies, the family just moves on with their lives, and the ultimate question of how he turned into a bug is never answered.

So there you have it:

* The family are just 1 dimensional psychopathic villains
* The ultimate question of how he turned into a bug is not answered
* The ending is the worst ever written.

Now why the f*** do they make us read this sh*t in high school when Kafka probably wrote better stuff. Oh yeah - the guys who run public education are dumbf**ks.

>> No.21397224

Nice bait.

>> No.21397226

Did you get lost on your way to r/bookscirclejerk?

>> No.21397227

what kind of drugs was Kafka on when he wrote this?

>> No.21397234


I wasn't baiting anyone I was just sharing my opinion. 4chan makes it safe.

>> No.21397237

I don't ever use that subreddit I just read the book and thought its underwhelming. Its not the worst book, i'd take this over twilight and 50 shades any day.

>> No.21397247

Its just overrated, like its not worthy enough to be called a "classic".

>> No.21397263

Its a metaphor on being Jewish...

>> No.21397274

strange, the story doesn't even resemble a traditional family, all I see is one dimensional villains. I don't care if they are Jewish, they are just badly written characters.

>> No.21397284

>all I see is one dimensional villains.
Yes, thats basically whats its like being Jewish, nobody treats you like a human being, everyone is always out to get you or over talk you.

>> No.21397296

That's an interesting perspective.

>> No.21397323

Dude this is below Goodreads-tier, not a convincing bait.

>> No.21397332

It’s not, it’s in relation to Kafka’s life with his family as the basis. The Trial is the work Kafka references Judaism in, the priest at the end is a rabbi. But this is not about feeling stigmatized for being Jewish but rather frustration with other Jews

>> No.21397335

It can't be good bait if it was never meant to bait.

>> No.21397365

Also why tf is this dude living with his parents?

>> No.21397370

I mean to say:
Why tf is this dude still living with his parents if he can work? Is he a virgin?

>> No.21397373

By the way, the book describes Gregor's sister at the end as voluptuous - which is sweet home Alabama and it made me laugh.

>> No.21397396

I'm really sure this was unintentional. But this is weird, imagine calling your sister "hot" and hearing your reaction afterwards. That's how it feels.

>> No.21397411
File: 144 KB, 828x629, E3JD2a4WEAQp85O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

among the stupidest takes on metamorphosis, OP is pretty close to Dawkins himself

>> No.21397422

>close to Dawkins himself
yeah I am no fan of Dawkins(NOT EVEN CLOSE) - I disagree with him on nearly every issue. This is just coincidence.

>> No.21397426

coincidence, I disagree with Dawkins on every issue.

>> No.21397427

I don't get what Dawkins is implying here. Does he think that multiple interpretations is a bad thing or should not happen?

>> No.21397466
File: 52 KB, 828x628, 1671311787202452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21397525

Psychologically sterilized rationalist bugmen NPCs whose only meaning in life is to slave away for the academic-economic industry aren't supposed to get this. You've already been completely desensitized to these horrors. Just enjoy "functioning" and having sufficient levels of neurotransmitters, you subhumans.

>> No.21397548

He’s complaining that the story is not rational and doesn’t follow scientific laws, ergo says nothing and people just make up things that it means

>> No.21397703

>Does he think that multiple interpretations is a bad thing or should not happen?
Kind of, yeah. He's focused on the reddit sort of LE SCIENCE where, obviously, only one answer can be correct.

>> No.21398317

I thought the Metamorphosis was mid in high school. Then I re-read it ~15 years later after helping my wife care for her terminally ill father and the actions of the family made a lot more sense.

>> No.21398883

I wouldn't call it nice

>> No.21398888

Joyce and Tolstoy

>> No.21398965

Dude this is below Goodreads-tier, not a convincing bait.

>> No.21399005

You expect an empiricist to understand literature? Lol it’s not a math book

>> No.21399010

This. My brother is severely autistic and will need care for the rest of his life. I totally understood the family’s reactions. It’s just ironic that the main person bringing in money became in need. Really it proves that he was a better man than his family because they couldn’t care for him. I love my brother btw and will care for him until I die, God willing, but its so so hard.

>> No.21399523


>> No.21399532

>relation to Kafka’s life with his family as the basis
Who where all Jews.

>> No.21399535

Too people not understanding Kafka, he is a Jewish writer, writing on Jewish themes, he should never have gotten this popular outside of Jewish circles. He does not belong in a gentiles canon of literature, neither would it make sense for a Jew to read some heavy Catholic author and then go like ""mmmm dont understand what motivates these people"

>> No.21399538

Kafka's works are not about being Jewish, that's the entry level small brain take.
The intellectual reading is that he was a sissy gay boi who trembled with erect fear at the very thought of his father, and as such his inability to conceptualise a healthy family dynamic.