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File: 26 KB, 334x500, The Problem of the Puer Aeternus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21394598 No.21394598 [Reply] [Original]

>you're mentally a child if you don't enjoy being a wageslave or want to have sex with lots of women rather than get cucked into marriage
Leave it to a woman to pathologize the free-spirited.

>> No.21394629

Right. Except you're not an Yamnaya chariot-rider blazing the plains of Central Asia and Eastern Europe in search of loot, murder and women to steal.
You're a NEET in the overcivilized world, subjected to laws made by assemblywomen, such as any wagie, but you can only fantasize about fucking lots of hot women because you can barely talk to them.
I hope you can see the difference and how Von Franz would be simply inadequate to that chariot-rider but it might be useful to you.

>> No.21394669

You're as retarded and enslaved to society's demands as she is.

>> No.21394672

Obviously you decided that you were going to be a passive herbivore male with no will to do anything more than consume because it's such an attractive lifestyle, not because you were buck broken in high school.

>> No.21394674

How about you drop the projections and say something of substance in your next post? But you won't do that because you fear being abandoned. You're not a free spirit. You emotionally rely on the safety net that the social structure has provided you with. Ironically, you and her are the eternal children.

>> No.21394683

Where exactly do you get the contents of your speculative ramblings from? Maybe you're projecting your own insecurities onto others, maybe you're some feminist whore with latent psychopathic tendencies who would willingly spread her legs for an equally psychopathic conformist high status bully, maybe you're a brave, strong, conformist bully who can take one with the support of many.

In any case, you're an absolutely toxic piece of shit and you deserve to be raped to death by the nearest, baddest roided nigger you resentful disgusting piece of shit. Shut your dirty whore mouth and go suck the cock of congress, the market and whatever other authority you want to submit to in spirit you worthless subhuman.

>> No.21394687

The "free-spirited" don't need to be pathologized, one plain comment and you're frothing at the mouth.

>> No.21394689

>frothing at the mouth
I'm yawning at how boring you are, actually.

>> No.21394707
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>>you're mentally a child if you don't enjoy being a wageslave or want to have sex with lots of women rather than get cucked into marriage
And that's a good thing!

>> No.21395533
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She has a point though, and it's even supported by scientific studies.

>> No.21395537

This book is brought up a bunch, like every week there is the same exact thread

>> No.21395629

ya its almost as if there's a common group of people disseminating information amongst themselves or something. How odd.

>> No.21395981

Usually it's brought up here in agreement of it / as a troll, not for challenging its notions.

>> No.21395991

Nobody will give a fuck what women think once sexbots hit the mainstream. This is all temporary.

>> No.21396002

She's right though.

>> No.21396011

Her views hinge on the idea that maturity should be measured in alignment with how much you prioritize becoming socialized. So, she isn't right, she just has a certain, rather common take on the matter that ultimately doesn't acknowledge the perspective of those who manage to get by without ever becoming socialized.

>> No.21396029

women have no insight beyond ''men should partake in society and compete for women;''

The whole purpose of judeo atheist revolutions by the bourgeois in NL, UK and France and Russia was to remove the kings and priests off of their backs. priests and kings took their money and told them what to do , who to marry, daily rules and so on . it was awful for the bourgeois bug.

atheism= hedonism+ propaganda that christian kings are evil, in order to make a society based on commerce alone, and not on priests and military conquests

The typical life of a bourgeois is going to orgies at night and then during day getting bored since they have a very shallow meaningless job or even just be trust fund babies and all they do in the afternoon is getting ready to go parties in the evening.
From time to time they want to feel like good guys so back in the day they would go to church on the sunday morning after their saturday night orgy.

Nowadays they just push for humanism, ie the philosophy they themselves crafted to take power.

And women lead the same life of the bourgeoisie, this is why they thrive so much in the bourgeois pinnacle creation: the democratic republic.
A woman truly have no hypocrisy when all she does in her life is using hundreds of orbiters to get them solve her daily life problems, when she gets free gifts by men, when she has lots of casual sex free of charge, when men put her on a pedestal while her skills are non-existent. A woman is hedonistic and she has very little work do to get an easy life.
Women coast thru life thanks to
-being the apex predator on the liberalized sex market (liberalized by the bourgeoisie since bourgeois hate sexual conventions, because it prevents cooming).
Both women and bourgeois are bisexual sex freaks.
-being deeply neurotic, desperate to virtue signal during the day to gain atheist karma points
-being the only species able to sustain high dose of hypocrisy, ie being self centered hedonist but also pushing for more humanism, because they have no introspection faculty

the only difference between a bourgeois and a woman, is that the bourgeois perfectly knows he is a scumbag who doesnt care one bit about the peasants in private, while claiming in public that caring about peasants is super important.

>> No.21396030

>those who manage to get by without ever becoming socialized
These people exist only in your head anon. The large majority of people who truly have no social interactions do not "get by", they do not succeed in any capacity whatsoever and are universally seen as failures by their peers. Men totally withdrawn from society with no insecurities whatsoever and who genuinely do not care about how others see them are exceedingly rare. And they don't tend to post on 4chan.

>> No.21396039

>book about the sociological implications of teenage-minded men from a Jungian psychoanalysis perspective
>unhinged rant about the jews and bourgeoisie
Classic 4chan, never change

>> No.21396046
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If taxes go to single mothers and niggers then i dont believe its worth it to work

>> No.21396048

that's fine, you're assuming anybody actually cares whether you as a personal individual succeed

>> No.21396057

They do though. More and more people are just checking out. How long until you realize that this process is not only not normal, but isn't sustainable?

>> No.21396059
File: 419 KB, 600x686, 1654787342044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no one cares about you or I, thats why the west is a shithole
Capitalism has absolutely ruined any sense of community
Therefore i will not participate in such a capitalist society
Have fun getting killed by immigrants they use to keep wages down

>> No.21396067

listen anon, saying that people are doing things because
>1. you like those things and
>2. you want more people to be doing them
is extremely shallow and not the strategy you think it is.
Lol another loser blaming the world, the world is full of opportunity any slut can make a living serving alcohol to men but you'll whine it's unfair or somethig

>> No.21396073

>These people exist only in your head anon
No they don't. I'm talking about a psychological mindset. There are successful "psychopaths" all throughout history.

>> No.21396077
File: 71 KB, 1024x1024, 1671225449406708m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol another loser blaming the world, the world is full of opportunity any slut can make a living serving alcohol to men but you'll whine it's unfair or somethig

>> No.21396082

I don't know what that book is and projecting your hatred instead of self reflection is your problem not mine

>> No.21396083
File: 1.29 MB, 1810x1985, 1670875636825000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know what that book is and projecting your hatred instead of self reflection is your problem not mine

>> No.21396087

Normal people don't worry about niggers the way you do. Post your images lacking self reflection in an attempt to signal your victory to the internet

>> No.21396093
File: 494 KB, 500x281, 1660600642199327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normal people don't worry about niggers the way you do. Post your images lacking self reflection in an attempt to signal your victory to the internet

>> No.21396094

>I will continue to be mad instead of self reflection
how original

>> No.21396096

>or want to have sex with lots of women
lmao like you have a shot at that.

>> No.21396098
File: 776 KB, 1174x1086, 1670597573632745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I will continue to be mad instead of self reflection
>how original

>> No.21396099
File: 222 KB, 721x799, IMG_6750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, most men follow the laid down path out of fear. Fear of being alone, feaer of being looked at with scorn and bewilderment. Fear of being different. So they will marry the first woman who gives them the time of day, they will have an uneventful marriage and a kid or two who end up hating their guts. They will spend the rest of their life in half awake haze milling about through this industrial nightmare with no purpose behind it all. Forever chasing the image of what they yearn for. They will then scorn and shame boys who perhaps wish for something else until they menteally subdue them into making the same choices as they did.
Not that all men who choose this path are like this. Some accept the cards they were dealt and try to make the best of it, those ones usually have a more laid back attitude and a healthier outlook on life and relationships.

If you, on the other hand, for whatever reason wish to take a different path in life such is your right. Let no one tell you otherwise. No matter how many people think ill of me or however low my reputation gets I will never stop chasing young college aged girls. I will never not spend my summers sexpating around the orient. I will never work as a pathetic wageslave compared to my easygoing work as a contractor.
I will live my own life at my own pace. I will make my own decisions and take full consequences of them. At the end of the day, the man in the mirror is the only one whose judgement you will not be able to shake off.

>> No.21396105

I don't understand who you think you're insulting anymore. do you think I'm a woman? tranny? a /pol/cel? Elaborate on your schizopostinf

>> No.21396109

That's why I keep saying to read James Hillman's Senex & Puer. Much better take on the Puer.

>> No.21396112
File: 116 KB, 1024x1024, 1670749060372041m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, you hate Iris?

>> No.21396114

I don't know who your egirl is much less do I care, you are terminally online.

>> No.21396117

>t. female

>> No.21396119

half of my old friends who got married hate themselves and their mothers live in shame

>> No.21396120
File: 730 KB, 720x1280, 1670672892844302.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iris is a miracle of the universe

>> No.21396121

when you're involuntarily celibate, every problem is a woman

>> No.21396124

when you're female, every response is ad hominem in relation to your vagina

>> No.21396125
File: 23 KB, 531x524, 1657348006893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just don't to work so much, bros...

>> No.21396127

Cry about it piss baby chudcel, if you you're not jewish then you have to slave away like a good goy

>> No.21396129

have sex and you'll stop thinking about it

>> No.21396131

>have sex
Franz doesn't want me to

>> No.21396135

>seen as failures
>by their peers.
You're still working within the socialized paradigm where success is contingent upon the opinions of others. It's all made up.

>> No.21396136

>being beholden to someone else's desires
have sex

>> No.21396138

>You're still working within the socialized paradigm where success is contingent upon the opinions of others.
nta but he is quite literally saying the opposite, that measuring success via opinions does not matter if you don't subscribe to caring about other peoples' opinions.

>> No.21396141

keep missing the point if you want

>> No.21396142

you too

>> No.21396143

not all men who have sex become socialized pussies so your point is moot

>> No.21396145

that wasn't my point at all but thinking it was says more about you than I

>> No.21396148

if that wasn't your point with the incel ad hominem then your point is even more worthless

>> No.21396149

>if your point doesn't validate my preconceived notions it's wrong

>> No.21396170

same to you buddy

>> No.21396172

>but he is quite literally saying the opposite
He's not. He said that the majority of people are unsuccessful specifically because they are viewed as unsuccessful by peers. That's what my post responded to.

>> No.21396181

they are unsuccessful because they, themselves, subscribe to the idea that others' perception of them defines them. I understand what you mean, but I disagree.

>> No.21396193

>they are unsuccessful because they, themselves, subscribe to the idea that others' perception of them defines them.
I had a feeling you were hinting at this, but it is the answer which is obviously wrong because that is clearly not how success works. If success is not measured by what people think of you, it is conversely not measured by what you think of them either. Both views are socialized views of success.

>> No.21396196
File: 56 KB, 413x359, 1671288660301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cry and complain about "toxic masculinity" for decades
>men become less "toxic"
>noooooo, not like this! where have all the manly men gone?

>> No.21396215

>that is clearly not how success works
and who are you to define that, except another person who needs someone to agree with their idea of success? those who do not need others' opinions of success, measure success by their own means. those who consider themselves unsuccessful do so because they measure by the opinions of others.

>> No.21397313

How does Hillman's take differ?

>> No.21397363
File: 440 KB, 1575x918, caricature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pic related. Tits or gtfo

>> No.21397379


>> No.21397392

I don't understand what you fundamentally disagree with in the original post; other than the subtext of misogyny.

>> No.21397435

>other than the subtext of misogyny
That's the issue being taken

>> No.21397483

i dont understand why you care so much. just laugh and move on, they won't learn.

>> No.21398583

no way someone apart from read this, i never thought this would happen

>> No.21398591

i think the thread vindicates her

>> No.21398763

Will you retards just accept that becoming socialized = succeeding?
Newton, Gauss, da Vinci, Einstein, Shakespeare, Emerson, Byron, Milton, Dante, Mozart, Goethe, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, etc.
You know all of these names because they were connected, and connected to people that mattered. Seethe and Cope.

>> No.21398775

my racism... is... receeding... /pol/ help me bros...

>> No.21398795

Half of those people maintained their barbarism from childhood, which is what granted them their creativity and philosophical insight. There's becoming socialized and then there's learning society's ways as a means to stamp your own values onto it. Franz would have you believe that the latter is sickness.

>> No.21398825
File: 151 KB, 1199x754, 1ead7990915bccc3429ac2e10ea2281eb1a5f6f4e58a27bc14de9059c2b8d316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone actually read the book? don't see how you can screw up explaining why supporting yourself or your spouse and children is a good thing.

>> No.21398837
File: 264 KB, 1698x1474, 1651662684020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's absolutely no reason to care about woman's babbling unless you're offered sex in return for the attention. Imagine investing time into reading some midwitted vaginal ranting and considering it seriously, it's absolute non-sense.
Well, now I see that more eloquent Anons >>21396029 >>21396099 already beat me to the point.

>> No.21399266

>Yamnaya chariot-rider
They were Aryans and that is what they likely called themselves, you fucking show-off faggot

>> No.21399402

i love how you define succeed thru other people, you really think like a woman lol.