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21392552 No.21392552 [Reply] [Original]

>The taming and domestication of religion is one of the unceasing chores of civilization. Those who pretend that we can skip this stage in the present case are deluding themselves and asking for trouble not just in the future but in the immediate present.

Is he right? He says Islam veils women and glorifies conquest over rational debate

>> No.21392564
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>you see sir, I can quite assuredly tell you that it would be better for the both of us if you sit down and have a rational debate with me. I do believe violence is not the greatest- ACK!

>> No.21392569

Well? Isn’t it basically a fallacy?

>> No.21392580

Read "On the Difference between an Apostle and a Genius" by Kierkegaard to see how shitty this line of argumentation is.

>> No.21392595
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here's an excerpt for instance

>> No.21392622

>merchant warlord
what a fucking retard

>> No.21392646

wow this is awful is this the best defense christers have against fedoras short of state enforced execution?

>> No.21392670
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>> No.21392681

Ok...let me try to argue in your niggerish way. So...US and Israel has been buck breaking pisslamic shitholes for almost a century now. Islam refuted. Now go hang yourself.

>> No.21392689

I'm not even a christcuck, I lean towards Buddhism. If you actually read it then you would see that he is calling you people out going
>le hecking Muhammad/Christ weren't le heckin' rational and soientific
which is completely missing the point of a religious revelation in the first place. A religious revelation isn't a fucking experiment or a job application. There are no qualifications to be a Prophet.

>> No.21392697

>outspoken atheist becomes a dancing monkey for Christian imperialism after 9/11, spends the rest of his days bashing Islam while only taking half-hearted swipes at any other religion
Amazing how money can so completely change a person

>> No.21392699

Whether Palestinians want to peacefully debate why they have a right to a nation in their historic territories or not, the US and Israel will bomb the shit out of them and steal their lands, no religion necessary.

>> No.21392720

islam is literally gay shit the pope made up but the bible is a greek math textbook

>> No.21393033

That’s an ad hom

>> No.21393804

So was his characterization of Muhammad.

>> No.21393812

ad hom doesn't mean it's a lie. His change of target when money was on the table sugests that his arguments are intentionally manufactured to make money before being true.

>> No.21393836
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>primordial truths

>> No.21393847

Lmao good look when getting shot, bombed or gassed by superior technology which is inseperably linked to rationality, philosophy and words you retarded, delusional, ignorant, insane chimp. See how strong you'll be then.

>> No.21393852

It's no wonder Anprim faggots consider niggers superior, they really are superior to them, even intellectually

>> No.21393953
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>> No.21393959
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The atheists always lose in the end. God is too powerful.

>> No.21393997
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Ricky Gervais can't win a debate against a regular Turkish theologian. He's so full of himself and up his ass that he couldn't win a debate against a highschool kid. And this is coming from an atheist. Deism and Atheism is much more common in Turkey then you people realize and debate tactics are so fucking vile. It's bloodsports at it's finest. Survival of the fittest bitch. Will you win against a Muslim or will he fuck you in the ass?

>> No.21394007


I am sorry it's supposed to be Christopher Hitchens or smth. They are all the same to me.

>> No.21394021

>Merchant warlord
>Not being able to read or write
What? Those two professions require high levels of literacy

>> No.21394062

Scientific revolution could only unfold after the shackles of scholastic logic had been broken. Science is directly opposed to rationality.

>> No.21394562

I have never forgiven Hitchens after how he betrayed Vidal.

>> No.21394592

Calling him illiterate is not some random diss by Hitchens, there are parts in the Quran suggesting it. It makes him writing the Quran even more miraculous, or even more unlikely, depending on your view.

>> No.21394645

based hitch

>> No.21394649

fit to wipe ass with only. God what terrible writing.

>> No.21394655

>Christian imperialism after 9/11

>> No.21394775

Conquest is the point of Islam, which is why it stands in opposition to other faiths in terms of how to spread the faith itself. He's just stating the obvious.

>> No.21394878
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>The atheists always lose in the end. God is too powerful.

>> No.21394886 [DELETED] 

is the full extent of atheist intellectualism literally
>that seems unlikely according to my materialist presuppositions

>> No.21394890

the only right is the right of conquest. US/Israel could conquer them at any time, islam btfo.

>> No.21394895

>loves "debating" (i.e. mostly just being a yelly asshole)
Was Hitchens autistic? It would explain a lot.

>> No.21394909

>You are proud that your "superior" means and methods are possessed by the very spectre you repudiate?

>> No.21394914

Hitchens is a fat, corpulent, mush of a human. His profession was complaining like a bitch. He is the ultimate unter-mensch. He is not missed

>> No.21394919

Not an argument

>> No.21394931

No proposition Euclid wrote
No formulae the text-books know,
Will turn the bullet from your coat,
Or ward the tulwar's downward blow.
Strike hard who cares - shoot straight who can
The odds are on the cheaper man.

>> No.21394950

how is it that a dude like this can jerk off over the war in iraq and george bush and proclaim that we need to go over and kill some muslims and wipe their culture from the face of the earth and no one complains that he is a bigot or whatever?

>> No.21394982
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>Not an argument

>> No.21394990

It's pointless debating religion when both sides are illogical anti-thought zealots. The Christcuck will use an incomprehensible amount of mental gymnastics to the point of disputing scientifically confirmed facts just to hold onto a highly contradictory sandnigger scripture from 2000 years ago and simply reply to every argument with "muh faith in gods plan". The atheist is however, even worse, due to the fact that he doesn't realize he is actively ironically becoming religious by turning "the universe" into his God and "scientists" into his preachers while at the same time knowing absolutely nothing at all about said subject. He doesn't question anything much like his Christcuck contemporary and is falling into the same trap his ancestors did when accepting religion. I'm not a space denier or anything, but I can barely book a flight and fly to another country, so, outside of being material, how is the concept of some flying rocks billions of light years away any different to me than paganism was to Romans? They even have the same name kek

>> No.21395094

I think people miss the point of religion. It is not real. It is an invention. So is perhaps anything that humans give meaning, which is everything. The purpose of religion is to work as a meaning machine. This machine is an easy way to satisfy people on top of society, who may worship mammon, but go to church on Sundays. It appeases those on the bottom, who may have spent their entire life in absence of pleasure or happiness, but can save the idea of a magical land where they will go. This machine is a beautiful, well-oiled, pure thing. with a well-ordered hierarchy, and which supports the economy and livelihoods of many people. Atheists are for some reason trying to attack this machine for being false and not containing a universal truth. This is like attacking a car for not growing pineapples. Religion is an easy set of pre-packaged ideas to assuage our mind's innate curiosity and enable us not to mope around and kill ourselves because life is meaningless, and instead work on the fields or have sex and make more children.

>> No.21395135

Yeah except in the USA it manifests as retarded creationists fighting against evolution being taught in school or crusades against stem cell research that can potentially save lives. Religion is a total worldview, it allows nothing outside of it's rigid dogma unless it has been thoroughly tamed and defanged by atheists (or deists, as the case may be).

>> No.21395152

Which is the problem of religion. If I was some sort of authoritarian technocrat I would try to construct an almost laboratory-made religion. Not one made by lunatic 18th to 19th century Anglos or delusional ancient peasants but one that has no purpose or stated views other than the goodness of the pursuit of labor and the fact that the laypersons life is meaningful and they will go to a good place once they die.

>> No.21395172

>proceeds to spend almost his entire life wilfully wasting his time with this bullshit
Chadtheists: 1
Gaytheists: 0

>> No.21395206

Jesus where do you even find these things

>> No.21395237

Religion is usually defined as a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, beliefs, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that generally relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, and spiritual elements;[1] however, there is no scholarly consensus over what precisely constitutes a religion.[2][3] Different religions may or may not contain various elements ranging from the divine,[4] sacred things,[5] faith,[6] a supernatural being or supernatural beings[7] or "some sort of ultimacy and transcendence that will provide norms and power for the rest of life".[8]

>> No.21395241


Americans and (Tony Blair-era) Anglos generally really extra super (and correctly) hated Islam and muslims in general immediately following 9/11, and Hitchens' views around this time are informed in the context of 9/11. During this "immediate aftermath" period, even the black SNL actor/comedian Tracey Jordan exhorted authority figures to "shake 'em down", referring to muslims in general. By which he meant not that they should be mistreated, but that they should be profiled and watched with respect to the specific sort of terrorism that they are wont to wage. (The later San Bernadino shooting, IIRC, also comes to mind). Jordan made this comment with some understanding of racism himself, and he was in the city at the time, so his feelings are sensible. It's true that there are many racial forms of terrorism, and the arab/muslim one was foremost in people's minds at the time.

In short, it was very culturally safe to be bigoted against muslims during the early 2000s, and with good reason.

For Hitchens, as for myself (a lifelong atheist, I was 17 years old at the time of the attacks so I have clear formative memory during the transition to adulthood, the event did much to shape and cement my worldview), 9/11 was a major cultural event which showcased the very worst of religion. Muslims fly planes into a building (yes, that is what actually took place) in part because they are aggrieved over occupation of their lands, but above all because, together with their generally lower intelligence, they are benighted and socialized into a backward and violent traditional culture which entails A FALSE PROPHET AND A FALSE GOD. In response to this, a christian blames the events on gays and feminism. You can make a fair argument that these groups are responsible for social decline, but Falwell's invocation within hours of the thing was still a disgusting display, mostly because it was irrelevant to why it had actually happened, because it assumed "god's punishment". Third, a bunch of Scientologists cynically used the event to be little goody-two-shoes and volunteer as clean-up helpers while wearing identifying "we are Scientologists" vests. While having awareness of the Great Leap Forward and the Stalinist purges as atrocities waged by atheists (the religion in this case however was not atheism as such, but communism), 9/11 remains more convenient for myself as a formative display of the worst of religion. And let's not forget the jews, but given Hitchens' stances, I don't know exactly how I want to go about assigning blame to them, apart from the general things like occupation of Israel and influence in American foreign policy. Paul Wolfowitz's influence in the whole thing comes to mind.


You also make the same usual lazy mistake of "atheist religion". It is rather scientism, or communism, or other political or ideological worldview, which is usually distinct from atheism qua atheism, which is a purely negative state, an absence.

>> No.21395273

Hitchens was right and based. He only spoke against religions, not against deism. It is blatantly obvious that every man-made religion is wrong and retarded and should be made fun of. It was understandable for people of old to be religious, not knowing any better. Now it's just embarrassing.

>> No.21395278

Ron Paul seemed to understand 9/11 better than anyone

>> No.21395311

Hmmm, when I look at your "superior" countries(israel included) I see growing Arab population and shrinking white population. You guys cant even figure out how to breed. How enlightened. Looks like Islam will have the last word after all.

>> No.21395323

All we need to do is wait for you enlightened westerners to abort, contracept and sodomise yourself out of existence, and just finish off the remnant. You can have all the weapons in the world, yet you remain spineless, flabby weaklings. How pathetic.

>> No.21395325

i love how you just quickly sweep the fact that they had legitimate secular grievances under the rug

>> No.21395365
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Hitchens and his neoliberal buttbuddies are correct that secular, liberal civilization seeks to tame and domesticate religion because religion calls them out as the liars and charlatans they are. It reminds them that God's judgment reigns supreme, that this life is not the end, and that the spiritual reigns supreme over the material.

Fortunately, there are now factions competing against these long-dominant arguments from liberalism, like the Catholic integralists.

>> No.21395391

Ah yes. The classic "2 more weeks" cope. Arabs have lost every war they've thought in the past 50 years. Judeo-Christian dominance is concrete and solid, so it doesn't need copes like "we'll totally replace you SOON!". You lost, nigger. Bow to me.

>> No.21395416

>Muslims fly planes into a tower
>Islam is a religion of war and destruction!

>Japanese fly planes into a ship
>How could they be so ignorant of God and freedom as to commit suicide on the orders of their superior officer!?

>> No.21395472

How else would you describe a merchant with a penchant for banditry?

>> No.21395482

>veils women and glorifies conquest over rational debate

>> No.21395734

Hitchens believed in God and spent his life trying to convince himself he didn't believe. Sam goes for Dawkins, Harris, etc.

>> No.21395764


Muhammad SAW did not write the Quran.

The word "Quran" comes from the word "Recite", in Arabic.

Most of the Quran was transmitted by word

>> No.21395803

If that's what you believe, you are an atheist.

>> No.21395987
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As an atheist to some degree, I say that religion is only based insofar as it is ritualistic violence, and it is precisely thst it has abandoned the glory of the unrestrained excesses of these mystical experiences which has turned me off to it. This upsets the naively atheistic bourgeois intellectuals, who insist on their moral dogmatism and secularism. Something like Aztec human sacrifice bothers them, and they desperately try to explain it away by them just being uneducated savages who did it for [insert material reasons]. It's boring. As Nietszche asked over a century ago: suppose truth is a woman, what then? The ultimate black pill for these atheist intellectuals is that she will pick the Jihadist, the Crusader, and the Barbarian, every time. A society which does not tremble before God, is a society which is doomed to fail.

>> No.21396000

New Atheism buckbroke itself over Islam, did it not?

>> No.21396022
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It's so rational that it has to evocate sublime imagery of a technological society tyrannizing over the animalistic barbarians. But, in the process, it admits that it's rationality is only legitimated through reference to its own brutality and affective capacity, thereby rearing its head as just another society of barbarians. And this society of barbarians is experiencing rapid decline precisely because of its reliance on technology, and will be conquered by a superior - and more ruthless - civilization. These barbarians of ours, could not bear to fight, and would have been conquered by now if they were not aided by the march of the technological society.

>> No.21396050

Stfu, pseudointellectual Jew. Israel was undeniably behind the attacks of the WTC but not for the Pentagon:


>> No.21396070

How can there be a fallacy if there is no argument?

>> No.21396075

That will never happen. Rationality has cut off your balls.

>> No.21396494

yeah transmitted by word from the pope

>> No.21396497

evolution is a lie you fucking criminal aryans came from space

>> No.21396528

Islam doesn't veil women anymore those are all boyfriends

>> No.21396668

A merchant.

>> No.21396703

The main issue with your argument is that 9/11 didn't actually happen, so nothing you say makes any sense

>> No.21396713

Lmao he died from talking mad shit (i.e., esophageal cancer)

>> No.21396758

ataturk won all debates to the point everyone begged to light his cigar

>> No.21396771

Why should i care about what Islamics in the middle east believe if they stay in their countries
It seems like the westoids love bombing the middle east and creating more refugees

>> No.21397807

This is the arrogance you see from a Roman in 300 AD before his entire civilization implodes - thus is the fate of the Anglopshere

>> No.21397817

>See how strong you'll be then.
Well the Taliban waited us out, what stops others from doing the same?

>> No.21397853

And feminism, I think.

>> No.21397867
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I can't wait for the coming dark ages, when the anglosphere collapses and we start experiencing mass starvation. It's time to accelerate.

>> No.21397912

>be God
>pick the dumbest fuck you can find to give him a revelation
flawless argument

>> No.21398047

I really could wait for it, I would prefer to have it be 90 years away and spend my entire life preparing a foundation for my children and their children to take refuge in. But I am not arrogant enough to think my opinion will influence when it comes, and every sign I see says it is coming fast.

>> No.21398053
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>Context: Job thread

>> No.21398214

>Islam has 1.97 billion adherents, making up about 25% of the world population
You were saying?

>> No.21398415

Horrendously filtered. I'm not Christian but I get what he's saying

>> No.21398424

Pope and seethe

>> No.21398427

>eat shit, ten trillion flies can't be wrong
You were saying?

>> No.21398444
File: 64 KB, 700x955, 1620236140150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are religious people becoming a thing again?

I think it's the rise of the Christian Right in America.

We need to humiliate the religious once more. Expose how child-like their imaginary beliefs are.

>> No.21398452

I watched a debate with him and William Lane Craig and Hitchens struck me as a complete idiot (It kind of seemed like he was drunk). It's one thing to wax eloquent by yourself, but it's a whole other thing to defend your points to an opponent. This quote for example hits very hard, until someone points out "Hey wait a minute, Abraham didn't write his story, Moses did. Moses was trained in Pharaoh's court as some sort of administrative aristocrat. And further more the Bible never claims to have all the answers, just those pertaining to Salvation"

>> No.21398468


What is this about?

>> No.21398541

Yeah, I am. But I think religion is a fine thing and does its job well, so unlike other atheist I respect and wish religion to continue it's operations.

>> No.21398554

Islam is a cancer in its current incarnation.
They're where the Christian countries were during the inquisition. America is the byproduct of the enlightenment age principles that reject that stupid shit, reject that cruelty. That is why we are their "great Satan." If we flew their retarded prophet's symbol instead of our flag, they'd kiss the boot gladly.

>> No.21398555

>shifts goalposts
Your argument was that Muhammed was a poor choice for a prophet and yet 25% of the global population is Muslim. Cope, fedora tipper.

>> No.21398557

1/7 of the global population is Chinese.
China's government is still evil.

>> No.21398635

>shifts goalposts
Argument is in regard to the choice of a prophet. You said he was a bad choice and yet 25% of the globe follows his teachings. I don't care if the teachings are correct, that's another argument (and I doubt you're familiar with Islamic history/theology anyway), the point is he was successful and therefore not a poor choice in the way you initially characterized. You're a retard.
>tips fedora

>> No.21398642

I'm not shifting anything you retarded fucking dune coon. I'm saying that even if everyone on the planet said your prophet wasn't a kiddy-fucking warmonger, it would not make it so.

Do everyone a favor, and bury that demented book in the sand, next to the pedophile who penned it.

>> No.21398649

he is a fanatic himself with equally baseless faith
and look what his cult has wrought

>> No.21398652


>> No.21398654

What? He wasn't a prophet because the volcano demon isn't real. My argument is that Muhammad made up a bunch of garbage, and it resulted in 25% of the population being inbred retards who wipe their ass with their hands and suck Israeli dick.

>25% of the globe follows his teachings
You don't actually believe this, and no Muslim does, hence why Muslims are constantly murdering each other for not being "real Muslims". In fact, given that the Quran isn't the one that Muhammad came up with, but is actually one that the caliphate invented decades after Muhammad's death, there can by definition be no one that follows his teachings as we don't know what they are.

>> No.21398667
File: 82 KB, 800x450, No_No_He's_Got_A_Point_Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't actually believe this, and no Muslim does, hence why Muslims are constantly murdering each other for not being "real Muslims".
2 billion true Scotsmen.

>> No.21398684

>your prophet
I'm not muslim. I just like pointing out atheists are retards.
Holy seethe. Your argument was that Muhammed was obviously a poor choice for a prophet. This is refuted by the fact 25% of the global population is Muslim. Simple as. There's no point in debating Islamic history/theology with you because you're obviously a retard with no background understanding of the subject beyond boring shit like "muh skydaddy" and such. Cope, fedora tipper.

>> No.21398694

85% of the Muslim population is Sunni and pretty much never kill each other for being not real Muslims unless you count ISIS which considers everyone else apostates even the Taliban and ISIS. The fact that Sunnis and Shias still have sectarian conflict is because Muslims still take their religion seriously, Christians have fractures in a million sects but none takes their dogmas that seriously anymore and some can’t even articulate doctrinal differences. This is also why Christians are unable to act when things are done that violate their religion whereas Muslims can still stand up to blasphemy and teaching homosexuality

>> No.21398707

>This is refuted by the fact 25% of the global population is Muslim
the fact that 25% of the world population are inbred retards goatfuckers willing to follow another inbred goatfucker doesn't make mohamamma a good prophet

>> No.21398713
File: 1.01 MB, 512x512, nj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that 25% of the world population are inbred retards goatfuckers willing to follow another inbred goatfucker doesn't make mohamamma a good prophet

>> No.21398715

>i'll reply with a fedora, that will shut him up!
nice argument goatfucker

>> No.21398720

>nice argument
Kek, the fedora tipper can't tell the difference between a direct insult and an argument. No wonder he seethes so easily.

>> No.21398726
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>i-i wasn't even arguing anyways

>> No.21398730

Why are Danteposters always the biggest fags online? They are some of the only people I see still defend the US' failures in Afghanistan

>> No.21398734

Not an atheist you pedophile apologist.

>> No.21398739

>trying to deflect the narrative with another story
lmao, pedophile inbred goatfucker

>> No.21398749

I was arguing. You were BTFO and there was no point carrying it on so I pointed out one last time you're a retard. Cope.

>> No.21398758

you're appealing to the masses, there's no such argument when you can easily convince millions that some dude in the past was the envoy of skydaddy and they need to give their time and money to you to convince more poeple to give their time and money to you

>> No.21398769
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I don't know about Dante posters but online athiests are exceptionally cringe because they're following a fad from a decade ago.

>> No.21398771
File: 161 KB, 992x997, Schizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the same poster, take your meds Vet

>> No.21398778

>appealing to the masses
No, I'm appealing to the fact you're a retard.
As predicted. (>>21398684). Kek.

>> No.21398813

you don't need to be a good prophet as shown by muhammad, you just need intelligent people half a century later with no empathy or feelings whatsoever willing to deceive millions of people for profit

>> No.21398870


The problem is that large numbers of people are willing to put up with the foundational lie of god in order to get the positive sociological benefits that do come from it (sense of purpose, belonging in a community which distinguishes itself against outsiders, health benefits of prayer, and so on). This is why you hear about people who "want" to become religious (largely, to get these benefits) despite privately thinking that its theistic truth-claims are untrue. Also, hedonism does get old when you approach middle age.

What I want is to live in a species where everyone is good enough and mentally strong enough to be able to do without the idea of god. I find the present situation and men's inclination toward the projected lie of god abhorrent.

>> No.21399188

based trips

>> No.21399261

This is true. Based

>> No.21399264

No they didn't. This is a western fantasy.

>> No.21399272

>belonging in a community which distinguishes itself against outsiders, health benefits of prayer, and so on

Fucking pathetic, the lowest common denominator, you literally have nothing in common with each other. Fucking sad, being a fan of a sports team is even higher. When you have nothing else, join a church! Truly the most pathetic group.

>> No.21399275

>Also, hedonism does get old when you approach middle age.

speak for yourself

>> No.21399322


I actually wish that I could be as vacant as you.

>> No.21399428

I actually feel deep sorrow for people who have diminishing returns on pleasure. I can literally have the same thing for lunch for weeks at a time and enjoy it exactly the same the last time as the first. It's amazing, it makes life so incredible when old familiar pleasures are just as fulfilling every time. If you don't get this, you have my pity, it must make life insufferable always being on the hunt for novelty because your brain slowly turns down the pleasure of things that were once so vibrant to you.

>> No.21400014

He was literally a warmongering zionist shill after discovering his Jewish roots.

>> No.21400033

As Heidegger notes, the feeling of dissatisfaction with “being at home”, that is, dwelling in constant familiarity and seeking what is unfamiliar, is the impetus for authenticity. It is also how culture and civilization gets realized through artistic l, philosophical and scientific innovation and discovery as well as exploring. When it is a sense completely a people do not search out other people and do not produce cultural or scientific changes

>> No.21400093

>He says Islam veils women and glorifies conquest over rational debate

>> No.21400201

>pretty much never kill each other for being not real Muslims
But they do, and historically, have always been.

>> No.21400228

That’s completely wrong and nonsense.

>> No.21400370

Peter was always the superior brother

>> No.21400377

Go to bed, Peter.

>> No.21400404
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>(((rational debate)))
Judeo-angloids hate rational debate

>> No.21400418

>humiliate the religious once more
The sheer amount of ego atheists have from watching midwits dismantle lowbrow protestants 10 years ago is astounding.

>> No.21401750

What do you expect from a group of people who think figuring out fairy tales aren't real proves they're high IQ?

>> No.21402195
File: 194 KB, 1735x1235, Suicide vs Religion...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old sport imo


>> No.21402210
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x3948, Bestiality Porn vs Religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21402227
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x9994, End of Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the end of time.

>> No.21402243
File: 285 KB, 920x1548, The Eternity of Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


suicide number probably will only increase in the future

i can only help with this quote from Quran:

Surely in the remembrance of God do hearts find comfort.



>> No.21402256

(pre-2020 number approx)

>Largest religious sect in in the world by population

Sunni Islam — 1.7 billion ppl
Catholic — 1.3 billion ppl
Protestant — 900 million ppl

Vaishnava hindu — 550 million ppl
Buddhist (total) — 506 million
Chinese Folk Religions — 394 million

Shaiva Hindu — 275 million ppl
Eastern Orthodox — 220 millions ppl
Shi'a Islam — 200 million ppl

Oriental Orthodox — 62 million ppl
Non-Trinitarian restorationism Christian — 35 million ppl

Sikh — 26 million ppl
Spiritism — 15 million ppl
Judaism — 14.7 million ppl
Baha'i — 5 millions ppl

Jainism — 4.2 million ppl
Shinto — 4 million ppl
Cao Dai — 4 million ppl
Zoroaster— 2.6 million ppl
Tenrikyo — 2 millions ppl

Animism — 1.9 million ppl
Neo-Pagan — 1 million ppl
Unitarian universalism — 0.8 million ppl
Rastafari — 0.6 million ppl
Church of the east — 0.6 million ppl

>> No.21402406

>Shi'a Islam — 200 million ppl
weird how this is actually one of the biggest religions

>> No.21402601

Muhammad didn’t Write it down actually dumb chainsmoking faggot

Biggest retard to ever get famous for being smart

>> No.21402609

Le Spaghetti man from vanity fair is my hero

>> No.21402735
File: 11 KB, 270x187, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The argument fundamentally comes to pic related, doesn't it?

>> No.21402750
File: 94 KB, 555x734, 1665853647539867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think it's the rise of the Christian Right in America.
Christianity is at its lowest ebb in all of American history.

American conservatism too has never been more dead.

Religion is reviving in a very crude and undefined way all over the world however. This is a natural and visceral response to the nihilistic miasma that has enveloped the west. People aren't happy, and they see how hollow their lives are, they feel something is wrong. Some might reach for the language of Christianity purely out of proximity and convenience, but they aren't Christians and never will be. Something very interesting is happening in the west, but I wouldn't expect a fedora tipping spiritual tranny who immediately goes left good right bad as their first and likely only response to apprehending discontent and disagreement in others.

>> No.21403465

Read "On the Difference between an Apostle and a Genius" by Kierkegaard to see how shitty this line of argumentation is.

>> No.21403522

Roger Bacon and Robert Grotesste were two Catholic clerics who came up with the methodology of the scientific method during the heyday of Scholasticism, who followed Aristotle's general principles on using specific cases of a phenomena to discover universal truths which could be used to implement said phenomena again. It also saw the likes of Nicholas of Orseme and the Oxford Calculators who then inspired Gallileo to go against the heavy overreliance of Aristotle in Scholasticism 3 centuries later. Science is closely related to Scholasticism, but it is of a different mutated branch which had a healthy reliance on the teachings of Aristotle but in the realm of the natural world. Frankly, it succeded where a lot of theology failed: being succinct and not overrationalizing phenomena. Who cares whether demons were male/female or how many angels can fit on a pin of a nail? Unlike ethical questions related to theology or the broader nature of God in theology, these are just retarded inquiries whose answers don't affect how we should act in this life at all. That's pretty much why science became so successful than most branches of philosophy.

>> No.21403538

There is nothing integral any major Japanese religion like the various types of Buddhisms, Shinto or Confucianism that made the kamikaze do Pearl Harbotlr, you retard. Those attacks were the result of excessive nationalistic pride, hence why they enslaved and attacked other Asians who belived the same shit as well as other Asians. That is not even comparable to the jihadist mindset innate to Islam.

>> No.21403551

You must be retarded, the emperor being a deity in the Shintoism they followed had major political implications and undergirded their blind obedience militant ideology.

>> No.21403568

You must be fucking retarded. Japan literally isolated itself for fucking 300 years so that they could keep Japan relatively free from gaijin influence, even when they did believe that shit about the emperor being the descendant of Ameterasu for some 2000 years at that point. That is diametrically opposed to any sort of imperialistic ideological takeover. The kamikaze shit only happened as a result of nationalism becomong the norm in the Western world and Japan following the West in said pursuit, fusing their traditional beliefs about the emperor being a god with militant nationalism. Read up on some Japanese history nigger.

>> No.21403588

Japanese nationalism is contingent upon the emperor’s national and unquestionable authority, this allowed a political and religious unity of the country

>> No.21403680

Strange to see people today talking about the "atheism movement" in the present tense. That shit died with Htichens.

>> No.21404234

To be honest, one of the problems is that a lot of the atheists come from lowbrow protestant families themselves — meaning they dropped the religion, but frankly are just as retarded due to the fundamental way their brain thinks.