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/lit/ - Literature

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21390505 No.21390505 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you just get a /lit/ gf and move to a village in the middle of nowhere and open a bookstore with her?


>> No.21390514

Because I don't want to.

>> No.21390528

heads up this girl shows her feet in her video from seven days ago

>> No.21390546
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>> No.21390549

...that image hits a little too close to home anon. did you make that?

>> No.21390562

Palamism and Eastern Heterodoxy is SATANIC polytheism

>> No.21390571

Because I'm an undesirable 30 year old incel NEET.

>> No.21390574

Life costs money

>> No.21390575

if you're NEET you're celibate voluntarily

>> No.21390591

That's why you open a bookstore idiot?

>> No.21390599

>$14 american dollars an hour in 2022
my local mcdonalds is offering $15 an hour to cashiers. not joking btw, I work at a gas station and make $17 an hour

>> No.21390604

Must be nice to live in a rich country I guess?

>> No.21390655

This lady disgusts me

>> No.21390656

thank you for sharing anon, very cool

>> No.21390660

that's because you're unaesthetic scrote

>> No.21390668

I think she's "disgusting" too but for a different reason. She clearly has an extreme level of vanity. Her bookishness is a persona crafted to obtain attention. Seeing her is like looking at an incel that wears the 4chan doomer clothes just to matched the doomer aesthetic. So much vanity.

>> No.21390670

why would I do that

>> No.21390681

I mean, clearly you can tell how constructed and artificial the "aesthetic" is just by looking at how much effort she puts into producing her videos: color grading, the music, the shots and how the camera is placed, everything about it is completely false. There isn't an ounce of authenticity in the whole damn thing. It's literally a child playing dress up. When I was a kid we'd pretend to be prisoners or some other equally unpleasant occupation and we'd pretend to suffer and stuff (I have no idea why the concept was so appealing to us or why we did it), but we knew we could drop it at any moment and of course we weren't actually suffering; the game wasn't even realistic, because everything we knew about prisoners came from movies. It's the exact same here. She has all the outward appearances of the life she has romanticized and is pretending to live, but with nothing authentic that would incur hardship. And everything she knows about this life MORE THAN LIKELY came from movies and books and other media that romanticized it and made it attractive to her in the first place. A literal child playing literal pretend.

>> No.21390682

She looks like a Jewess.
On a different note, I remember watching one of her videos and apparently she lives a very lonely life. About the only affection she got was from her family and her dog (does this bitch really own a cat AND a dog?)
Do you think she gets much dick? I couldn't imagine how boring the life she leads must be. Only pleasure she gets is probably from books and the internet. lol.

>> No.21390684

She's also trad larping while getting dressed on camera, her artwork is completely bereft of soul and originality, everything she films has to be draped in a false serenity that belies emotional instability and severe neuroses, and her scripts and the way she acts them out make me want to puke

>> No.21390690

have sex

>> No.21390691

>apparently she lives a very lonely life
She has a husband who looks like he lactates and lives on eggshells

>> No.21390700

>/lit/ gf
I don't think those actually exist. I have never met a woman that likes to read.

>> No.21390720

She's living almost as a persona or trying to become one. It was much more common in the past but you probably dislike it because it is largely disparaged now as being pretentious, haughty, vane, and inauthentic. Same reason why people cringe whenever someone is wearing a suit in a not explicitly formal context or a hat or why people call for the end of the traditions in British government (not just getting rid of royals and peers but I also mean getting rid of powdered wigs, honorifics, and so on). I think it just doesn't gel well with modern sensibilities. I think it's because we're more suspicious of people who try to look superior or more wholesome (holier than thou, etc.) then ourselves because our culture is specifically against the power structures formally based on those qualities (class/aristocracy/monarchy/etc. and religion/the church/theocracy/etc.).
Same reason why someone might call Mister Rogers creepy or "fake" even if he genuinely was like that (too polite and WASPy for a lot of people's taste).

>> No.21390729

Aristocracy had a genuine traditional basis for their differentiation. She doesn't. Her act is entirely artificial. We know she's doing it for the vanity of it because she feels the need to broadcast herself at every moment.

>> No.21390762
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>Aristocracy had a genuine traditional basis for their differentiation.
I wasn't just talking about the aristocracy. I meant also artists, musicians, writers, poets, scientists, etc., different religious movements and artistic movements and so on, like famously the aesthetes who dressed in medieval, renaissance, and japanese styles and other fantastic clothing for the time.
I don't just mean occupational uniform. I hope it's not difficult to understand what I mean.

>> No.21390770

And make zero dollars ?

>> No.21390774

There was also a genuine traditional basis there. Construction workers don't wear yellow hardhats, orange reflective vests, jeans, and brown steel toe boots because they're trying to "fit in."
In the past, aesthetic styles would grow organically, but today people are absolutely rootless and without any form of genuine tradition. Anyone who tries to adopt an aesthetic is doing it artificially and unfortunately it's incredibly superficial, shallow, and cringe.
The only way to get around this as a rootless person is to be genuinely adopted into a tradition, e.g. catholic or orthodox christian converts. In that sense they are bestowed a tradition and the organic "right" to an aesthetic.
Yeah it's a sad state of affairs and yes her actions are really superficial.

>> No.21390776

>my local mcdonalds
Ok, I'd gladly work in a bookshop for half of what McSlop is willing to pay.
>I have never met a woman that likes to read.
Women are the vast majority of readers. It's far more likely you'll never meet another man who reads. Judging by the goodreads yearly stats the problem isn't that women don't read as much as it is them reading slice of life/romance airport books.

>> No.21390787

I'll give some more examples:
The Orthodox priestly robes are direct descendents of the robes that the apostles likely wore and had genuine function in their time. The aesthetics of each item of clothing and the way everything is designed either has a function or had a significant function or message at the time of its creation.
Doctors and scientists wore scrubs and whitw coats to check for contamination in a lab or clinical setting.
The various aesthetic styles of artists and musicians all had their own traditional bases too, descending from a long line of cultural mutations.

>> No.21390808

>There was also a genuine traditional basis there. Construction workers don't wear yellow hardhats, orange reflective vests, jeans, and brown steel toe boots because they're trying to "fit in."
>because they're trying to "fit in."
Besides, one function of uniform is exactly that.
>In the past, aesthetic styles would grow organically, but today people are absolutely rootless and without any form of genuine tradition.
Not true for specific people or aesthetic movements like the Aesthetes. For an Oscar Wilde or Tennyson, the point was specifically to show off and look "deep", "profound", "noble", or "respectable".
It's like Dali having that strange moustache and walking his pet tiger or whatever it was. He constructed a persona and then lived it out if that makes sense.
Again, it's why some people don't like Mister Rogers or why people make fun of the middle class or American media likes to make fun of the 1950s white picket-fence no-cursing type crowed. Because it seems fake to want to keep up appearances like that.
I don't mean traditions or uniform if that isn't obvious by now. I mean something more specific.

>> No.21390811
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Forgot to include the image of Wilde, lol.

>> No.21390821

Wilde was an attention seeking literal homo though. Even in the case of crafting an identity there is some degree of organic growth from the individual, in her case she's just taking the absolutely unoriginal bookworm aesthetic with all the camera effects necessary and getting off on that presentation. She has been overtaken by the persona, rather than being the owner of it.

>> No.21390837

>$14 an hour
>in 2022
>for someone presumably past college age
That's not even enough to pay rent and utilities in the more rural states these days. I can't get a /lit/ gf and move to a village in the middle of nowhere because neither of us would be able to afford it since there aren't any well paying jobs there

>> No.21390846

Why would I open a bookstore in 2022 when the average person just buys almost any book they could possibly want off of Amazon? The only way I could see that being profitable is if it also included a coffee shop for people to hang out and read, but at that point I may as well just get rid of the bookstore part of that and just focus on coffee.

>> No.21390847

because im not a woman and nobody will fucking care

>> No.21390848

who the fuck is reading books in 2022? i'm surprised moar bookstore owners don't go postal

>> No.21390930
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>Wilde was an attention seeking literal homo though.
Yes. What I'm saying is, although even during his time he stood out, he was still not so different from a lot of the "characters" back then. It's almost like making a character was a good thing back then.
>Even in the case of crafting an identity there is some degree of organic growth from the individual, in her case she's just taking the absolutely unoriginal bookworm aesthetic with all the camera effects necessary and getting off on that presentation.
Fair enough. She probably isn't doing a lot to make herself interesting but I don't think that that is necessarily a bad thing. For example, in the American '50s to about the '80s it was popular to copy a sort of archetypal family image. Nuclear family, white picket fence, suburbia, housewife, etc. The middle-class especially in Britain has always copied what the upper-class do in order to look more "respectable" (maybe not so much anymore but that's another story).
It wasn't until really the '80s that those specific architypes were subverted with dysfunctional families like the Simpsons and various other shows shitting on the middle-class
> https://youtu.be/FboWtJiNYro
The point is most people are not very interesting in of themselves so they tend to copy an archetype for the same reason why people who aren't exactly genteel copy "keep-up appearances" or why people who might be mediocre parents default to traditional family roles like "housewife" or "head of the household". The only difference with her is that she chose to broadcast herself but we can't all be Dali. No doubt she thought her life was worth sharing (yet there are people even on 4chan who agree).
Note that w hat I'm talking about isn't exactly a cultural or traditional thing either, it's a bit smaller than that. It's like a "meme" role within a culture that people take on. We still have them but they aren't as distinctive as before (except for, in the case of, "egirls", "incels", "goths", etc.). I think in many ways subcultures moved online. The main subcultures still alive outside are mostly political or sexual (lgbtq whatever).
>She has been overtaken by the persona, rather than being the owner of it.
That's sort of what I'm talking about. If you don't have a personality its easier to just chose one off the rack and act it out. If it was more normal for eccentric people like Wilde to exist you probably wouldn't notice it but tradstuff and expression of intellectualism or class just screams pseud to you because our culture is suspicious of it.

>> No.21391012
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Nowadays, everybody realizes that it is safer to express yourself to friends online than it is to risk being cringy irl (it's easier to interact with people if you repress yourself and conform to the norm and online people in whatever echo chamber subgroup you find are bound to be more accepting; even if you become a meme you can probably still disassociate yourself from the image or text or commit to it ironically and gain clout whereas doing something in front of judgmental friends and family with memories is hard to justify in comparison even if the past seems a lot less permanent than on the internet).
Back then, however, subgroups like beatniks walked around, filled with poseurs and pseuds quoting poetry and dressing funny but most people didn't mind (outsiders did but even then they accepted them as a fact of life). Do you understand what I mean?

>> No.21391019

Because she's playing a character and I need a real ass bitch to hold me down

>> No.21391050

>The only way to get around this as a rootless person is to be genuinely adopted into a tradition, e.g. catholic or orthodox christian converts

The only tradition Eastern Orthodoxy churches have is being a financial leech on the state and the populace.

>> No.21391067

I doubt that is an option

>> No.21391074
File: 281 KB, 1300x956, istanbul-turkey-caddesi-in-an-antiquarian-bookshop-on-istiklal-D380E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i win the lottery unprofitable bookstore is what im going to buy.

>> No.21391080


Also she has a massive Jewish schnoz

>> No.21391092

Her "aesthetic" is fake just because she puts in effort? Are you one of those people who have days old food rotting in their room?

>> No.21391099

That would be pretty "authentic".

>> No.21391123


>> No.21391125

So ur saying our culture is mocking and suspicious of anything that tries to seem "refined". Is that what is happening here? In this thread with this girl? Are you on the side of the book store girl or not?

>> No.21391166

>most of the sales will be online, or state mandated trash consumed at the local school
>homeless see all bookstores as libraries
>nearly any other small business would serve the 'village' here better than this use of 'retail space'

>> No.21391198

Damn those crazy stack places are the best for browsing.

>> No.21391204

/lit/ seems to hate bookstores almost as much as it hates reading books

>> No.21391205

I just hate women

>> No.21391215


>> No.21391228
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>> No.21391249

Men have worst vices. Men murder, men rob, men wage wars. Women are dumb and retarded and they have vices but their vices are silly and dumb with little effect just like them. So why do hate women? Because you are getting old and still no woman will marry you cook for you and have your children? Just think about how silly it actually is

>> No.21391257

look at the fucking nose on that yid

>> No.21391262

>Women are dumb and retarded
>with little effect
False. Seeing as we're on a literary board, consider what they've done to literature in mere two decades since they've become the majority of authors and readers. Now apply the same devastating infantilization, sexualization and braindead consumerism to every aspect of society.

>> No.21391269

Men made the atomic bomb. Nuff said.

>> No.21391291

That women make up most of authors and readers now is just reality. Now if you have a problem with woman just being themselves and just existing then anon idk what to say. They have equal human rights to exist. Also the culture of being sexual daredevils began with men like oscar wilde. Men are the target audience of porn. The only thing men cant be accused of in your list is being dumb and childish. I can't explain it to you properly anon but woman are just being themselves. They are not so particularly evil that they should be so hated

>> No.21391308
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>sexual daredevils began with men like oscar wilde
Late 19th century women weren't allowed to act out like Oscar Wilde (even he got fucked up for his antics) and there was a good reason to keep them docile and domesticated. If you're admitting that woman's nature is that of a childish whore, why do they get to enjoy equal rights and privileges? None of the accountability, needless to say.

>> No.21391322

Children are dumb and they are only more protected.. They cant even be arrested. Just sent to special schools as punishment. Anon, women are not dangerous. They are even not that sexual. They dream fairy tale dreams of a perfect boyfriend. They dont go out raping random human beings because they horny.. Which is a far worse crime and thousand times more vulgar animal like. Being a lil dumb is not that bad, just annoying. Even otto said men have both the angel and devil in him. He literally said woman cannot be evil

>> No.21391488

lmao touch grass incel

>> No.21391507

I hate book, and book adjacent, culture.

>> No.21391517

I'm down for that but can I get a gf who looks less jewy? Not antisemitic, just don't find jewish birds fit. Simple as.

>> No.21392149

>It's literally a child playing dress up.
So just like everything everyone does as an adult? You pick a role and you play it dude.

>> No.21392154
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>> No.21392161
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Is foot fetishism common in Russia? Like, because it's cold a lot of the time and women wear boots and this makes feet all the more rare and forbidden?

>> No.21392179

>Her bookishness is a persona crafted to obtain attention
That's exactly what you guys do

>> No.21392180

The foot hit me

>> No.21392186

>but we can't all be Dali
There's millions of him running around, they're just not getting financed and put into the spotlight.

>> No.21392194

Because I'm fat and bald and look like a "creep" so I can't go there. Fuck good looking people.

>> No.21392202

Oh yes, please worship me and my book aesthetics. You can tell can't you- by my profile pic, user name, and the outfit I'm wearing- that I project my bookishness? No? Hmm...

>> No.21392206
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>> No.21392209

>waxed forearms, legs, shaved pits and pussy
No thank you.

>> No.21392219

You sound like the kinda guy with four layers of cheeto dust caked on his fingers and a few cumstains on his anime wifebeater. Maybe you read Proust, too.

>> No.21392223

I prefer the medieval girl from the other thread x100

>> No.21392267

made for BBC

>> No.21392333

Is she hairy?

>> No.21392339
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Here you go

>> No.21392404
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I'm in between completely losing it and becoming a somewhat reasonable human being. This edit however is not good for my mental but I could not resist I'm sorry anons

>> No.21392419

This image resonates with me

When life has no meaning and there is nothing to do except mindlessly consoom, and only women really enjoy mindless consooming, the only truly appealing thing is.... women. They're the only thing that definitively pierces the tedium. Life becomes a diseased version of Maslow's pyramid of needs, with junk food empty calories at the bottom, videogame and social media mind numbing distraction shit in the middle, and sex at the top. What a horrible nightmare we have created. Men weren't meant to live like this. We need medieval monasticism and morally structured life back.

>> No.21392423

Just go to a monastery retard it's not like they don't exist.

>> No.21392447
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I don't think you understand, I don't want to go to a monastery, I want the monastery to come to you. You personally

>> No.21392701

If you want the monastery to come to him you have to bring it. Jesus didn't sit on his arse and expect everyone to stop being degenerates.

>> No.21392924

Is she a jewess? She looks like some kind of jewess...I know the type very well.

>> No.21392961

I have carefully considered your proposition and my unhesitating reply is "NO".

>> No.21392986

Then fucking do it retard. Start by making money for me since I have zero income and have to kill myself soon due to poverty.

Oh right you won't.

>> No.21392999

this >>21392701
Maybe give us your address my niggly nigga

>> No.21393008
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The Ordensburgen aren't ready yet

Get Taco Bell and circle the block

>> No.21393017

I would enjoy cracking open your dumb nigger skull with a big wrench you literal subhuman chimp.

>> No.21393028

I've thought about giving some money to anons, but I can't think of any constructive way to do it. I could give about 50 anons 100 dollars but 100 is jack shit. Even 1000 dollars to ten anons couldn't alter their lives in any meaningful way.
I was thinking about purchasing non-refundable tickets to various open monasteries and giftcards for about 1 week of food, but I could only provide about 90-200 anons with support. In the end I would become broke with little ability to invest in a more stable charitable organizational structure.

>> No.21393039

Save your money and invest it in something that arises organically and has staying power, or start one yourself if you can get the right people together.

There are people trying to get nonprofits going that could fund interesting research into things that would never get funded in academia or by government or industry.

>> No.21393095

I could get front teeth for $1k in my country. Fuck off bourgeois piece of shit.

>> No.21393105

>10-6 hours
>$14 an hour
this is absolutely miserable, why would anyone want this

>> No.21393120

My teeth are unbelievably fucked too. I have eight or nine cavities and one wisdom teeth have shoved all the rest out of alignment, but I refrain from spending my money because it wouldn't be a moral use of my money.
I work at fast food and live with multiple people to afford rent. The reason I have a lot is because I don't buy anything.

>> No.21393121

If people in first world countries had a spiritual revolution, kicked out the usurers and started doing something meaningful with their time, instead of devoting all their efforts to creating a global economy that has a vested interest in keeping your country a "proletarian nation" (Corradini) only good for trading slave labor for shitty consumer goods and goyslop, then you would be able to afford teeth

Soviet medicine wasn't great but it was a hell of a lot better than the privatized serf system being brought to you by the elites of bourgeois nations, and the way they do this is by keeping their own populations spiritually retarded and inert

>> No.21393422

She is exceptionally beautiful, her voice is a bit like one of the hosts of my local classical music station, but I'm not a fan of the whole ASMR speak fad most times. Speak to me like you actually exist as a real person in the real world, not as if you're reading me a bedtime story and I've started to nod off, please. I do love the overall atmosphere of the video (but dislike how often she says, "quite"). I suppose as psuedery and feminine values continue to dominate the mainstream, we'll see more and more of the booktubing trend - Master-pseuds and Pseud-Lords (and Ladies)! Her customization work is genuinely impressive.

>> No.21393436

>>If people in first world countries had a spiritual revolution
Like you who doesn't even want to send me money?

>> No.21393446 [DELETED] 

My girlfriend and I used to read together under the trees on campus. Sometimes the same book, sometimes others, but together. Christian women read, and Christian women tend to love book-groups and Bible study groups - at least here in the states, but you must be a Christian gentleman yourself. You'll fail to meet her ideals or to tarnish what prize you've found otherwise.

>> No.21393457

>but you must be a Christian gentleman yourself.
You mean Chad with a "Christian" reskin. Probably a "Christian Grey" reskin since church women are always nasty whores.

>> No.21393458

My girlfriend and I used to read together under the trees on campus. Sometimes the same book, sometimes others, but together. Christian women read, and Christian women tend to love book-groups and Bible study groups - at least here in the states, but you must be a Christian gentleman yourself. You'll only fail to meet her ideals, or merely manage to tarnish what prize you've found otherwise.

>> No.21393460
File: 167 KB, 771x1075, nieporzadek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my /lit/ wife


>> No.21393465

No; I meant what I said. With your attitude you'll get nothing and find nothing - within and without.

>> No.21393486

cottagecore gf straight bussin fr fr no cap tho im bix nood my brother in christ tho a bit more dark academia you feel me so maybe ship me and cottagegirl or smthing smdh

what a gay fucking video jesus christ

>> No.21393502
File: 356 KB, 492x504, anime_person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait right? To get people to donate to her channel? No human being would willingly work for so little.

>> No.21393512

Yeah women can smell the nasty attitude that comes from 4 decades of rejection precognitively when you're 12. No one buys that shit anymore dude.

>> No.21393542

But honestly, do you think she longs for a nigger? She looks like she secretly does.

>> No.21393543

>Why don't you just get a /lit/ gf
My crippling social anxiety will forever prevent me from getting a gf. Also there are very few actually /lit/ women. Also among the few that qualify most are turbo-feminists who repulse me.

> village in the middle of nowhere
Small villages are dying, the population is moving to cities. Would not be able to support a small business that doesn't cater to essentials.

>open a bookstore
Independent bookstores are either dead or in the process of dying due to Amazon.

It's a nice dream, but it's impossible.

>> No.21393548

I can't tell if you're rebuking the person I was, yet tagging me, or if you're attempting a sarcastic retort. If the latter, you're lying to yourself; if the former, you're ahead of the game - good job.

>> No.21393552

>he said, chimping along in monkey-speak
That a geneline could culminate in your existence is a truly sad affair.

>> No.21393583

>yet tagging me

>> No.21393652

>merely manage to tarnish what prize you've found otherwise.
So real. If one gets a wife or girlfriend they have to temper every desire that they can to avoid damaging her innocence or giving her a complex. Footfags might have good intentions if they compliment a woman's feet and describe being attracted to them, but even if she takes it well it could give her a complex. This seemingly neutral or even positive act creates a new aspect of self-consciousness for her and erodes a little more of what remained of her innocence.

>> No.21393670

Holy shit you didn’t have to murder her

>> No.21393680

Because my parents are not wealthy: https://www.samstack.io/p/class-bullshitters

>> No.21393796

Dude you're fucked in the head, how is she going to suck your cock if you believe she has to be mentally 3 forever?

>> No.21393810

Yes, but Sedeva-Autism isn't much better

>> No.21393901

I just want a gf like Nora Barnacle who is beautiful, faithful, willing to indulge my sexual appetite, and might not be the smartest but still supports my artistic endeavours.

>> No.21393933

She's not supposed to. It would be degenerate to make a woman feel like expressing love = cocksucking skills. And how is it fucked up to not want to create new avenues of self-consciousness and doubt for a woman?

>> No.21394002

>t. degenerate can't imagine a woman can be innocent and sexual adult
It's like going to a human zoo - being on /lit/.

>> No.21394133

Yes she is retard are you fucking gay?
That's exactly what I'm saying? She doesn't have to be an asexual child like that faggot is imagining.

>> No.21394152

You are such a pervert.

>> No.21394930

Great phenotype. Looks like she could be the model of 19th century trad paintings of barefoot women in dresses