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21390130 No.21390130 [Reply] [Original]

Did you actually read any of them?

>> No.21390134

I don't read le ironically bad pomo garbage

>> No.21390140

Nope. I've also never (outside of this post) discussed them, shitposted about them or had any thoughts other than "not for me" about them.

>> No.21390176

I have read Ulysses three times cover-to-cover and have reread a bunch of chapters at different intervals of my life. Tough, but worth it in my opinion. Has some of the most gorgeous prose you'll ever read, but at the same time, some slogs. The highs definitely outweigh the lows for me.

I only made it about half way for both Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow. Sadly, both just weren't my writing style. I come from a background of poetry, so metaphorical and poetic prose is something I gravitate towards which Infinite Jest just didn't have. As for Gravity's Rainbow, I think it was just wrong timing. I plan to pick it back up after I am done The Ground Beneath Her Feet by Salman Rushdie, so hopefully that reading goes well.

Ulysses isn't pomo, fucking retard.

>> No.21390237

I've read Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses is one of my favorite books of all time, certified GOAT. Gravity's Rainbow is great but didnt impact me the same way Ulysses did.

>> No.21390241

I don't know why these 3 books are always lumped together, in any case Cormac McCarthy would make more sense stylistically next to Joyce than Pynchon and definitely more so than DFW

>> No.21390290

I did. IJ is not worth the effort, GR is fun and some of it is definitely worth rereading, Ulysses is awesome and worth going back to over and over again.

>> No.21390425

Yes, I read GR twice. If I met Pynchon in real life I'd probably call him a faggot, good book though.

>> No.21390428

Ulysses and GR. fuck IJ. I'm simply too close to the age in which it formed. like experiencing double vision.

>> No.21390461
File: 132 KB, 958x499, Philosophy Meme Trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you actually read any of these?

>> No.21390561

Yeah. For me it's Ulysses > GR > IJ buy I want to re-read the last two eventually

>> No.21390606

Ulysses is a must-read
Gravity's Rainbow is strange. It's more interesting to read about GR than it is read GR itself
Infinite Jest might as well not exist, a complete non-entity. There are better doorstoppers to waste time with.

>> No.21391072

Nope. I've also never (outside of this post) discussed them, shitposted about them or had any thoughts other than "not for me" about them.

>> No.21391112
File: 98 KB, 616x283, german meme trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read Ulysses in one session over 36 hours when I was getting shitfaced. It was hilarious.
Also, what about the German meme trilogy?

>> No.21391124

Ulysses is genuinely amazing and deserves the praise it gets. Gravity’s Rainbow is also good but I don’t know why it’s more celebrated than Mason & Dixon which is superior. Infinite Jest is severely overrated, I’ve no idea why it’s put on the same pedestal as the other books in the meme trilogy.

>> No.21391139

Hell no.
Everytime an excerpt is posted here, I thank god I didn't.

>> No.21391151

I have read and enjoyed all three.

>> No.21391152

Began Infinite Jest 2 weeks ago, dropped it. Now reading "Brothers Karamazov".

>> No.21391155

>IJ but it's just the tennis/incandenza storyline
good or bad idea?

>> No.21391178

I have read both IJ and GR multiple times, finally got around to reading Ulysses awhile ago but life got in the way and now I am waiting to forget enough of it before I dig in again. I was really enjoying Ulysses, Proteus was especially great.
>Ulysses isn't pomo, fucking retard.
Nor is IJ.
>Cormac McCarthy would make more sense stylistically next to Joyce than Pynchon and definitely more so than DFW
Your language skills strongly suggest you have no idea what you are talking about.
That is essentially what Freedom by Franzen is and it is quite good.

>> No.21391244

I don't read le ironically bad pomo garbage

>> No.21391277

just picked up gravity’s rainbow thanks to this thread. Already read Infinite Jest, it’s decent but tries far too hard to appear intelligent and as a result comes across as pretentious, and, at times, emotionally stunted. Still worth the read though.

>> No.21391317

>tries far too hard to appear intelligent and as a result comes across as pretentious, and, at times, emotionally stunted
You say more about yourself with this "review" than you say about the book. You are literally Hal and IJ was written for you. Ironic.

>> No.21391332

> but tries far too hard to appear intelligent and as a result comes across as pretentious, and, at times, emotionally stunted
That's part of the point. Anyway, enjoy GR, it's superior to IJ in a lot of ways.

>> No.21391351

Ulysses deserves all the praise and more
It has a learning curve, and might be disappointing at first if you like Portrait or Dubliners, but once you became fluent in Joyce's Stream of Consciousness, everything just falls into place
I need to reread it honestly

>> No.21391363

What’s with all the bots ITT?

>> No.21391375

>t. bot

>> No.21391385

I used to revere Pynchon in college, but now that I'm older I can't stand reading anything he's ever written.

>> No.21391471

That's the joke

>> No.21391482

Started IJ at the library, will probably get back to it.

Reading portrait now before getting to Ulysses

GR is a frequent reread guilty pleasure at this point

>> No.21391627

what changed your mind, anon?

>> No.21392482

Have read all 3. Ulysses I read once a year, love it. Infinite Jest I read >5 years ago. Due for a reread. I recall enjoying it and finding it clever but not beautiful.

Read Gravity's Rainbow once. Enjoyed the poop eating scene but will pass on everything else, not a pynchon fan. His bit is the novelization of a given period's worldview to critical ends. Gravity's Rainbow formally develops quantum uncertainty, simultaneity. Mason & Dixon Enlightenment rationality, optiks, etc; Against the Day late nineteenth century truth claims via burgeoning methods of standardization increasingly sidelining the animal in man. Against hte day is my favorite of those but I see no need to revisit any of them for at least 15 years.

>> No.21393830
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