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/lit/ - Literature

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21390039 No.21390039 [Reply] [Original]

My great aunt recently passed away and we’re cleaning out her bookshelves before we sell the house.

Do you think any of these are worth taking?

>> No.21390046

Donate what books you don't want. I like books, and will haul them anywhere, but you do you.

>> No.21390051

>Nice Fish

Sounds nice.
Also, sorry for your loss your great aunt seems pretty cool from her book case

>> No.21390061
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here’s more:

>> No.21390072
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>> No.21390079
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sorry the images are sideways, 4chins just does that sometimes.

>> No.21390086
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>> No.21390094
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>> No.21390097

There are a bunch of decent monographs throughout, but it depends on what you're interested in.

None of it looks "sale"able.

Your aunt did a decent Bachelor of Arts back in the day, and she resented the pop-soc-sci subjects she had to take. Good woman.

Read Grendel if nothing else.

>> No.21390098

this may be an insensitive question, but what colour was your great aunt?

>> No.21390104
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ok heres the last one.

>> No.21390106

>My great aunt recently passed away
>those shelves
She never truly lived, anon.

>> No.21390118

that shakespeare looks nice

>> No.21390125
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>> No.21390142

I take this >>21390106 back. The other shelves were much better.

>> No.21390170

Was your greant aunt BASED?

>> No.21390212

>A Field Guide to Birds
>The Once and Future King
>Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth & Religion
>Jane Eyre/Wuthering Heights
>The Myths and Gods of India
>Grimms Fairy Tales/Anderson's Fair Tales
>Language, Truth, Logic
>The Tale of Genji (2vol)
*take her entire philosophy collection and sort it out later (there are too many to write)
*take Ancient Greek/Latin Language books if you're interested in that
*take whatever fiction you don't already own and are interest in (they aren't in great condition so they're not really worth saving unless you're interested in reading them soon)
>The New Testiment (Lattimore)
>Dante (3vol)
>Circe (to burn and and post the pictures on /lit/)
It's a nice personal library. There was too much good stuff to list what you should take (*).

>> No.21390234
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Constantine's Sword
Withering Heights & Jane Eyre
Grimm & Anderson
Dickens stuff
Out of Africa
Vanity Fair(!!)
The Tale of Genji (!!!!!!)

>> No.21390244

Those top shelf anthologies look really nice

Looking at your aunts shelves is like looking at a mirror; math, literature, languages, history

>> No.21390259

Are any of them bound in elephant hide?

>> No.21390264

That Tale of Genji looks KINO, is it possible to get a closer look?

>> No.21390268

Kek, based.

>> No.21390284

I just looked how that thread turned out and posted a spoiler elephant. Happy hunting.

>> No.21390286

this, elephant hide lasts longer than any other leather because it is made of genuine elephant leather.
this is the best shelf, there are lots of great books in her collection but also a lot of shite. the classics with older bindings could fetch a good price. check the old ones for 1st printings etc.

>> No.21390339

>no evola
>no hitler
what a pleb

>> No.21390459
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Makes me said to think that someone owned all these books, read them, loved them, and then died. One day I will die and someone will donate my books to goodwill or try to sell them. I doubt, I really doubt, that in thirty or forty years there will even be many second hand bookstores or personal libraries. Books will be as worthless then as some old lady's collection of china figurines is today.

>> No.21390507

Take all of it, more decent material than fluff. You can sort it later [preferably with the cases]. Condolences to you.

Private collections are hard to assemble, they need to be kept in the family.

>> No.21390526

I'm sorry for your loss. She must have been an intelligent woman.

>> No.21390552


>> No.21390559

I would keep the hardcover Bible bottom centre as a keepsake, Our Nation's Archive on top, the nice double Bronte set (Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights), and finally: Wisconsin Garden Guide

>> No.21390565

basically the whole top shelf is worth keeping >>21390125
a segregated section of the shelf

>> No.21390579

This. Saw too many old books being thrown away. Real shame.

>> No.21390586

RIP your based aunt or whatever

>> No.21390671
File: 5 KB, 200x202, 1D6FEAED-EFA3-4897-96D6-A47E5E08373E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three negro classics

>> No.21390747

Most of these books look really interesting. Duncton woods, mythology/religion, gardening... beyond impressive.
The dictionaries are the only things I wouldn't personally keep, but that's because I'm a pleb who's content with online dictionaries

>> No.21390755

please keep them all, its a great collection, thanks.

>> No.21390757

I’ll take the illustrated Dickens and Genji.

>> No.21390759

Your great aunt was immeasurably based, OP.

>> No.21390791

>history of beaufort county south carolina
didn't know anyone else in south carolina posted here. I grew up in greenville, family's from charleston. nice to see another southerner anon
I recognize the edition; it's a good coffeetable book but not much else. no footnotes, no critical apparatus, bad editorship. iirc it's a reskinned reprint from the 1800s or something. looks nice but isn't suitable for study. OP I'd leave it behind
has the right idea. take all of the philosophy/foreign language. all of it.
good eye, that two-volume edition's an excellent translation
op your aunt was a sharp woman. if I was you I'd be honored to call her my relative. thank you for sharing her memory with us

>> No.21390957


>> No.21391560

Why sell the house? Your aunts children don't want it?

>> No.21392022

>thinly veiled shelf thread

>> No.21392095

I can only wish I would be able to read that many books! Lord give me the strength of mind! Also, condolences, she seemed like a cool person.

>> No.21392103

folk toys around the world

>> No.21392119

She was very malebrained.

>> No.21392165

>My great aunt recently passed away
Women used to actually buy books and read them that weren't YA shit. Take me back bros

>> No.21392182

no, just actually educated and not 'educated'.

>> No.21392290

can only echo that this is a really nice collection and i admire your aunt, hope you appreciated her while she was alive anon
it's tricky because the classics are nice and i would counsel you to keep them, but realistically i guess you have to ask yourself how likely it is that you'll ever learn to read greek or latin
anyway, there are swathes of cool stuff here that imo you should keep, other anons have given you the right idea about what's good and what isn't, i agree with them
after that, thin it out if you need to by getting rid of the chaff, but do it slowly, carefully, and reluctantly
i guess she was (and you are) american? interesting to see all the oxford and cambridge press books in the classics section, guess we anglos really are the greatest in the world, kek

>> No.21392299

The correct answer is always all of them.

>> No.21392301

>that two-volume edition's an excellent translation
what genji is that? waley? it's next to waley's chinese poetry but i can't tell
>I recognize the edition; it's a good coffeetable book but not much else.
one-volume shakespeares are never good imo

>> No.21392316

Bottom right book on Chinese is a beautiful illustrated edition. If you've got any kids or nephews you should give it to them.

>> No.21392321

>Take all of it, more decent material than fluff. You can sort it later [preferably with the cases].

>> No.21392335

Take everything,
Books are for decoration
few people who post here actually read
>they just like to read memes about reading

>> No.21392496

I just noticed the finding the mother tree book. Great individual taste. You aunt was fabulous. As one anon said, she was very malebrained. May God rest her soul

>> No.21392624

Know your enemy.
She was based.

>> No.21392771

The Genji’s a Seidensticker, I believe.
Nah some one volume Shakespeares are good. (Arden’s one-volume, surprisingly, sucks.) Bevington’s wonderful, as is Riverside and the newer Norton

>> No.21392787

Definitely keep all of them. Slowly get rid of the ones you'll probably never read.

>> No.21392789

I don’t see any Plato there, you should just burn it all.

>> No.21392795

Never mind I found it, you can keep this.

>> No.21392819


>> No.21392869

i.e. malebrained.

>> No.21392893

For a /lit/fag? Assuming you'll actually read any of them and they wouldn't be better off going to your younger cousin who does read:

The T.H. White, Once and Future King, is a classic

All the wildlife/organic books are based but should go to someone who is likely to go outside

Wind in the Willows should go to a young woman ideally. If you take it you're a bad person objectively, it's wasted on a male /lit/ book hoarder never reader

The Bertalanffy is interesting to see at all, let alone on your aunt's bookshelf, but again will be wasted on somebody not autistic enough to enjoy taking it apart and wondering why it used to be a big deal

All the Sufi/meditation stuff looks cool

The Grimm's and Andersen's should go to someone who will appreciate them, especially since your family is Jewish there's probably some precocious Jewish girl cousin who will actually read them

The Chang Chung-yuan may be something interesting on Taoism

You should read the Achebe (No Longer at Ease)

The Ayer and Strawson are cool if you like analytic philosophy

Much of the philosophy stuff is probably good for overviews

The Luria is very neat, similar to Bertalanffy, as a /lit/ user you are perhaps the most likely in your family to actually read and enjoy this classic nobody reads anymore, and it probably won't sell for much, so grab that so you can one day say "I read Luria"

Wim Hof is neat

I bet Greek and Roman Philosophy After Aristotle is great

Graves' Greek Myths is good and has his weird speculative annotations

She has Dodds' Greeks and the Irrational which is another neglected classic, right up a /lit/fag's alley, grab that

Plato's Thought by Grube is old but fun

The Latin Plato is cool if you ever plan to learn Latin

That's probably a good solid Greek grammar

The Reading Greek looks like the older (first) edition of JACT but could still be good, also Athenaze and others, if you end up learning Greek you will probably be like her and overlap several books so here's your chance to do that

The Lewis is a classic Latin dictionary

Wheelock and the Workbook is great

Looks like more Lewis? Grab any Lewis-Short if you intend to learn Latin

Word & Object by Quine is a classic

Logical Atomism again if you're into analytic

Geach, Putnam, Searle, and Rorty ditto

Read the Hesse (Steppenwolf)

The Bell is probably a great read

The Whitehead intro to math nobody is likely to read today but is fun and classic

The Bohm is fun

Grab the Piaget - couple it with the Luria - again nobody reads Piaget anymore unless forced to gloss it in a class, and it's /lit/ demographic reading

GH Mead is neat

Get the Ibsen or give it to your aforementioned younger Jewish precocious female cousin

How young was your aunt? Seems based and she actually did her studies. You'll never see a post-college/post-postgrad bookshelf like this again, nobody will buy books on ecology ever again just ""learn"" about it online, nobody will ever actually do their class readings etc.

>> No.21392921

Missed this one

Get the Merton (Mystics and Zen Masters)
Phil of Psych probably good just if you ever plan to learn that stuff just for familiarizing you with classic neglected names like Piaget Luria Vygotsky
Tibetan Book of Living and Dying unless you have precocious Jewish actual reader family who will read it instead of it moldering on your NEETshelf
Fodor's Language of Thought is a classic although I hate it
The Heidegger is shorter rarer works I think
Lucid Dreaming looks neat

Interesting that she was so into natural vision repair + all this mysticism

The Reichenbach

The Nagel if you like anal


The Tractatus, definitely get On Certainty and the Philosophical Investigations

James' Essays in Pragmatism and most other pragmatism

the Descartes


The rest you probably already know like classic authors etc. I'm trying to focus on things a young precocious /lit/ Jew boy would like on the assumption OP is one, while also fobbing off as much as possible to his young precocious Jew cousin or sister who reads

>> No.21393399

>anons Aunt owned Flatland
I've only ever met one other person who had read that book. Your Aunt must have been awesome, sorry for your loss.

>> No.21393475

May I have that copy of Wittgenstein friend?

>> No.21393526

your aunt is (was) based

>> No.21393605

>You'll never see a post-college/post-postgrad bookshelf like this again
sobering but true, for all of us. Take me back.

>> No.21393669

I'm seeing a lot of crap but also philosophy, virtue ethics, dostoevsky, and other good stuff come up. I would just hold onto it and try to skim through each book to see which ones have better information than others. Anyways, this is a very amazing collection, did your great aunt read all of this?