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21377731 No.21377731 [Reply] [Original]

Any suggestions for good books to learn about Vedic Christianity?

>> No.21378011
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Start with this one

>> No.21378037

Paramahamsa Yogananda - Christian Yoga - Super Advanced Course Number One Lesson 1 to 12

Paramahamsa Yogananda - The Second Comimg of Christ

Paramahamsa Yogananda - The Yoga of Jesus

Sri Yukteswar Giri - The Holy Science

>> No.21378228

Why are pakis always depicted in their art as having blue skin?

>> No.21379121

Ironically the blue guy on the right has more culturally similar with early Europeans than the white washed kike on the left

>> No.21379708

Go to bed Varg

>> No.21379851
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>> No.21380212


>> No.21380219

Shiva is blue because of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halahala
Krishna is blue because his name means "blue" and I guess all the other versions of Vishnu are influenced by that

>> No.21380557

Is Abraham and Brahma the same entity? I know it’s weird from an etymological standpoint. But it’s a neat coincidence I guess and I mean who knows, lost in translation?

>> No.21381701

I truly believe all religions find their ultimate source in ancient Egypt. Hermes was the teacher of Moses, Zaruthustra and the Buddha

>> No.21382203

I always thought it was a reference to bodily decomposition; implying Krishna is a living-corpse or representative of the afterlife.

ha, good point, these celts are so shy of their heritage I get 2nd hand cringe all the time from them.

>> No.21382210

It's likely; Abram (if i remember) meant 'Priest' or something, with the 'Ham' added and meaning "big important" or something. The proto-indo languages are quite similar, as you'd expect, we have lots of common concepts in our words from one continent to the next.

Incidentally I did a little study on this a few years ago; a phonetic translation of the chakra list into latin was rather interesting... the belly is the city, the head is the honey bee, something like that. It was a long time ago and anecdotal.

>> No.21382259
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Damn, any way you can elaborate? That’s so interesting.

It’s like as if (proto-) ancient cultures had some kind of „divine contact“ after or before the ice age and this are relics still in our language.
As if everybody is talking about the same but using different words.
I know that certain people would hate that idea but it’s interesting nonetheless

>> No.21382293

>As if everybody is talking about the same but using different words.
well no it's the exact opposite; I don't have time to write out an essay as I normally would lol but I think it's obvious that the expression of language formed naturally and largely uniformly; we look at X and utter a grunt, and go from there. If you're interested in this try phonetics; break down a word into the phonetic components and then look for similar phonetic components in other languages;

"ma" (mother) is a good example of universality, I notice the same things in African mythologies as well; the Kouros tribe 'could' have gotten their mythos from the Greco-Roman Kouros 'or' they developed the same idea independently with the same verbal or cognitive expressions. It doesn't need to be "divine contact" but just common expressions and common conclusions about the same things; the universalism with the global polytheistic pantheons is something grossly overlooked but that by itself confirms a universality in common culture or common development or common things; a "hammer is used for hammering" all over the world, etc., so a "hammer god"will have certain attributes which is expected but less expected would be that his/her mythos would be so similar from place to place.

Anecdotally from my study, I found that Gallo-Roman, Norse and Vedic (Indus) had more words and concepts in common phonetically than modern day English to German for example; it's difficult to say whether they would have been completely mutually intelligible if they ever came into contact but it seems as if they had in common maybe 60% of their vocab; far more, anyway, than English to Spanish or English to French.

It sounds like hogwash, my scientific mind says, but it was what I found.

>> No.21382714

You are a pathetic sycophantic loser, genuinely.

>> No.21382817

classical and very revealing projection:
who's he sycophanting for? the celts? non-sequitur. so you actually know you're a sycophant huh? nice job christcuck lol

>> No.21383010

>who's he
Fuck off samefag.

>> No.21383075

wrong, fucking automaton.

>> No.21383210

>the head is the honey bee, something like that. It was a long time ago and anecdotal.

That’s fascinatingly similar to the modern mystic J.G. Bennett’s analysis of “Sarmoung,” “Sarmoun,” or “Sarman”, a reputed Central Asian monastic organization claiming to have accumulated sacred teachings and practices dating back millennia.

>According to the author John G. Bennett, a student and aide of George Gurdjieff who first mentioned the concept, the word sarmoung uses the Armenian pronunciation of the Persian term sarman, which may mean either "he who preserves the doctrine of Zoroaster" or "bee".

>Regarding the meaning, Bennett writes:

>"The word can be interpreted in three ways. It is the word for bee, which has always been a symbol of those who collect the precious 'honey' of traditional wisdom and preserve it for further generations. A collection of legends, well known in Armenian and Syrian circles with the title of The Bees, was revised by Mar Salamon, a Nestorian Archimandrite in the thirteenth century. "The Bees" refers to a mysterious power transmitted from the time of Zoroaster and made manifest in the time of Christ.... Man is Persian meaning as the quality transmitted by heredity and hence a distinguished family or race. It can be the repository of an heirloom or tradition. The word sar means head, both literally and in the sense of principal or chief. The combination sarman would thus mean the chief repository of the tradition." Yet another possibility was "those whose heads have been purified", in other words: the enlightened.

Tl;dr Bees are hence reputed to be one of the symbols of the Sarmouni (an obscure Central Asian religious sect), because they gather nectar from flowers to form honey, much as the Sarmouni hold themselves as gathering religious lore and teachings to produce enlightenment. “Sarman” means bee in Persian, and yet another etymological dissection of “Sarman” has it as “those whose heads have been purified” or “the chief/head repository of the tradition.”

>> No.21383272
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The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus
>The True Gospel of Chrishna-Jeseus is a facsimile of The Book of Sa-Heti by J. Michaud, PhD, which reveals the secret teachings of Jesus as they were taught by the Hindu Saviour Krishna. The author has taken the many incidents from the life of Krishna that were later incorporated in the New Testament and developed these episodes to explain and elucidate the hidden laws and principles of man and the universe.

>> No.21383368

>The ancients conceived the spirit of man to correspond with the color blue, the mind with yellow, and the body with red. Heaven is therefore blue, earth yellow, and hell--or the underworld--red. The fiery condition of the inferno merely symbolizes the nature of the sphere or plane of force of which it is composed. In the Greek Mysteries the irrational sphere was always considered as red, for it represented that condition in which the consciousness is enslaved by the lusts and passions of the lower nature. In India certain of the gods--usually attributes of Vishnu--are depicted with blue skin to signify their divine and supermundane constitution. According to esoteric philosophy, blue is the true and sacred color of the sun. The apparent orange-yellow shade of this orb is the result of its rays being immersed in the substances of the illusionary world.

>In the original symbolism of the Christian Church, colors were of first importance and their use was regulated according to carefully prepared rules. Since the Middle Ages, however, the carelessness with which colors have been employed has resulted in the loss of their deeper emblematic meanings. In its primary aspect, white or silver signified life, purity, innocence, joy, and light; red, the suffering and death of Christ and His saints, and also divine love, blood, and warfare or suffering; blue, the heavenly sphere and the states of godliness and contemplation; yellow or gold, glory, fruitfulness, and goodness; green, fecundity, youthfulness, and prosperity; violet, humility, deep affection, and sorrow; black, death, destruction, and humiliation. In early church art the colors of robes and ornaments also revealed whether a saint had been martyred, as well as the character of the work that he had done to deserve canonization.

>> No.21383549


>> No.21383933

If you study the axial age, it seems like all these revealed religions pop up all over the world once trade routes like the silk road connect peoples. They all have similar messaging compared to their predecessors. Religion becomes something revealed on high by a prophet or messiah and not something you can understand for yourself by observing nature.
My schitzo senses are tingling and I suspect that (((merchants))) on these ancient trade routes, who were involved in their own master cult and intelligence network, created all these world religions with similar structures to serve their own purposes.
Is there anything that would prove or disprove this theory? Has anyone sense or read about something similar?

>> No.21384536
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You don't even know what that word means

>> No.21384543
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Hindus openly worship satan

>> No.21385119

I just listen to tales of topographic oceans and read yogananda
christian yoga by jm dechanet is also very good

>> No.21385163

>christian yoga
wtf ?

>> No.21385171

"yoga" simply means practice; prayer, pilgrimage, observance of holy days could be called Christian yoga

>> No.21385765

Ha. I never thought of that, true.

>> No.21385972

>that jpg
it's more that you've adopted a foreign primitive theology which relegate you as a slave race to an unaccomplished and batshit race which passes itself off, to itself and the christians, as the original hitlerian ubermensch chosen by god, etc.

Christianity itself, it seems to me, is Paul and Jesus trying to cure the Jews of their theocracy and theology (belief in original sin from the eden story, for example) ... ironically Christianity would make sense for a Jew but it makes no sense for a non-Jew since we don't believe in those evil things or suffer in an abramic theocracy..... hence Jesus and his followers didn't advocate 'converting' non-Jews at all.

It's not that we country folk think you city folk are "kikes" but that your psyche is enthralled as shabbas goy; resulting in your historical love/hate relationship with the Jews (because you blame them for everything) and your present societys servitude to various self-proclaimed Jews. It's very complicated but it's mostly fantasy going on in your heads; the religion teaching you to shun knowledge (eden) and despise material reality is the reason you've constructed labyrinths of theological sophistry to avoid snapping out of this horrible state of affairs.... which is to say that the religion is a poverty pimp appealing to the basest and lowest; the "sinner", who then proceeds to attack the virtuous (e.g. a person who has not done actually evil things in their life, and who as done very good things instead, unlike you) and drag down the world into his/her own misery.... perhaps from envy.

proof: how much vice do you have to engage in to follow the religion? pridefulness, envy, telling lies, etc.

If I were still a christian and thought in those terms I'd be forced, when noticing your rampant vice, to state truthfully that your religion is a religion serving satan by your deeds, as your deeds are viceful and your theology gives you sophistry by which to ignore this.; to "turn your back on creation, in favor of man-made religions", as it is.

but thats a cool jpg. is it prince charles?

>> No.21385996
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Nice try, kike. Christ is Lord

>> No.21385998


>> No.21386001

how does Luther disprove or respond at all to what he said? From what I remember, Luther is just chastising jews for not being christians in that and doesn't touch on "christianity as a tool to enslave gentiles" or anything else in that post.

>> No.21386009

I didn't know about this, that's interesting but I think I half-way arrived at the same logic through the honey-bee as a metaphor; whether I think it's good is another matter entirely,

I mean: a honey-bee is a cute thing, it makes delicious honey and helps the plants grow, but it is a drone creature without real sentience. It's a poor allegory for the "highest chakra" I think.

I get this,
> “Sarman” means bee in Persian, and yet another etymological dissection of “Sarman” has it as “those whose heads have been purified” or “the chief/head repository of the tradition.”
but I can't help but think that this implies mindlessness; it could be considered as "submission to truth/evidence" but it has a very cloistered conclusion to it that separates Man from the World, as if "people who are smart" are a different species. I don't like that. We are designed to be polymaths, as our Neolithic heritage demonstrates; that is: we are evolved to mastering everything around us in totality and no priest or special caste is intrinsically superior to anybody, quite in fact the very necessity of such priests (or our contemporary ideologue political sorts) claiming superiority requires holding Man to the ground and keeping him subjugated because they view all knowledge as a threat to their status.

Apis (phn. "ah'pays") is "bee" in Latin; "Mel" is honey, I think perhaps whatever the "highest chakra" was called it was "crown" in Vedic that phonetically went to honey or bee in Latin.

>> No.21386015

lol you went from claiming people who aren't christians are calling you kikes to calling me a kike in the next breath; this is scattered and mentally deranged, but it only manages to everything I said,

Look at the enmity you're forced to adopt against mankind in order to "champion your cult", you're forced to be hostile, to lie, to accuse, etc. this is not Godly at all but behavior which resembles how the Jews go about doing things in modernity; you are, then, a pseudo-Jew because you've drunk up the same madness from the abramic theology which puts you and them into the same position, along with the Muslims.

>> No.21386017

>"christianity as a tool to enslave gentiles"
Varg tier nonsense. Not sure why you expect anyone to "touch on" that obvious tripe. Do you debate people who claim the little green men come down in their saucer ship to probe their anus every week?

>> No.21386019
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Anyone who isn't a Christian is either a kike or a slave to kikes. There is no middle ground you either side with Christ or the synagogue of satan.

>> No.21386020

>manages to
manages to confirm*

Actually, now that I see this by your own actions, christlarper,
>you are, then, a pseudo-Jew because you've drunk up the same madness from the abramic theology which puts you and them into the same position, along with the Muslims.
your jpg makes more sense. You kind of are trying hard to be a big cliche of a kike as a religious imperative.

huh. didn't think of like that.

>> No.21386024

not my fault you can't see the obvious or are credulous

>> No.21386031

In reality most of the world doesn't know or care about Christianity or Judaism; so all mankind is a Kike, to you, unless they follow Abramic (Jewish) Theology and proclaim the Jews are the master race, only then you're happy with them. You see how this makes no sense and is mental illness?

Rather: as Jesus demonstrated when he attacked the priests; the priests 'are' the "synagogue of satan" as they use man-made religions to sell people on vices and lead people away from reality, which God (or whatever) created, and into delusions of immortality in paradise.

>> No.21386041

Ah yes, it's good to get a proper grounding in Christianity, good rec

>> No.21386048

here's a thought: I can refute Judaism for you and cure your big enemy but if I refute Judaism then Christianity goes away as well; so you can't actually beat Judaism as a Christian and you're actually forced to defend it instead.

If we go through the useful atheist list of plot-holes and problems in the OT, for example, you will defend everything going on in it - nobody else will except you, as a Christian or maybe as a Muslim.

hence: you are the shabbas goys.

Explain to me how this is not so and I'll convert to your religion here and now.

>> No.21386051
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>> No.21386070

>useful* atheist list of plot-holes and problems in the OT,
freudian slip

I meant,
usual* atheist list of plot-holes and problems in the OT,

>> No.21386090

>>"christianity as a tool to enslave gentiles"
I think it's more accidental than anything; we can understand Jesus and Paul as trying to fix Judaism for the Jews, to cure them of being insane and believing in evil self-harming things, but... as i said... the jewish messiah for non-jews is a nonsense as we don't believe in those evil self-harming things in the first place, don't need redeeming from things we're not guilty of (or believe we're guilty of; act as if we are guilty of).

Probably if you want to understand Christianity-for-Goys you need to go to Constantine and figure out what he thought Christianity was when he declared it "okay". I mean, I can respect Jesus as the Messiah 'for' the Jew, but that's quite different to me proclaiming to believe literally in all the things the Jews believed in; it's paradoxical to agreeing with Jesus to then go follow the same Abramic religious doctrines which he came along to destroy.

>> No.21386098

>if you want to understand Christianity-for-Goys you need to go to Constantine and figure out what he thought Christianity was when he declared it "okay"
..and this (what he thought it was), probably, was some form of Neoplatonism which Plotinus had debunked centuries earlier for being stupid and non-reality based.

"The Monad" wow, let's ignore reality and take drugs as our society crumbles around us.

>> No.21386100


>> No.21386137
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Read Schuon

>> No.21386141

>In reality most of the world doesn't know or care about Christianity or Judaism
This isn't really true since Christianity conquered the world. Very few countries still measure their years by anything other than the birth of Christ. Non-Christian countries kneel before the Christian world whether they recognize this fact or not.

>> No.21386302

>no response
what a cop-out.

>Christianity conquered the world.
uh huh, and this is your response regarding "the whole world is a Jew if it doesn't worship Jewish theologies," you claim military conquest over cave-tribes armed with sticks to legitimize your religion of peace, demented lol

I might remind that the shores of Catholic Europe were still being plundered by Moorish Pirates until secular-thinking persons like Thomas Jefferson intervened and bombed them, as well as the ruinous affairs of the Crusades - which were without merit - which constituted most of the only bare organized efforts of the Western Christians, as well as existing in a state of poverty and constant warfare until being invaded by secularists like Napoleon, etc., who found those armies were incapable of standing against a non-primitive opponent.

>> No.21386423

So, what should you do instead of adhering to christianity?

>> No.21386483

I suppose to start with,
Adhering to reality and recognizing that "reality"/"creation" (i.e. science) 'is' God is the place to begin; recognizing that religions and ideologies are man-made make-dos that filled in the gaps in knowledge... this is probably the best place to start out. Recognizing as well that those man-made religions or ideologies which 'are' opposed to reality tend to destroy a people by destroying its best and brightest in the name of idealisms so that pverty and miery become the norm; then you can look at contemporary absurdist politics and recognize it as being the same thing as historical absurdist religion, coming from a common flaw in the societies... but just avoiding being sucked-in by those influences is all that's really required to avoid the worst that they can do to you.

I think of the old Greco-Roman story of Pandora and 'False Hope' being relayed as being the greatest (or most important) evil; surely this is because False Hope is the single thing standing between a person and actually beginning to remedy their situation by looking at the causes of the situation honestly.

>> No.21386484

It just doesn't add up, and PIE stuff predates Egypt. It seems clear that human cultures and civilization started forming in the middle east, and then people groups migrated backwards and that how we got Egyptians.

>> No.21386485

Sounds like materialist commie shit. Hard pass. I'll stick with Neoplatonism.

>> No.21386487

Yoga has the same linguistic root as "yolk," as in the thing you strap to the back of cattle when using them to pull stuff. "Yoga" is any discipline being practiced, with the connotations of a burden one is accepting onto their shoulders.

>> No.21386546

lol rejecting material reality is the delusion; go without food and water forever if you like.

>> No.21386573
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>Adhering to reality and recognizing that "reality"/"creation" (i.e. science) 'is' God is the place to begin

>> No.21386612

so.. you reject reality; thinking nothing special exists externally, and go for the made-up god-man in the brain internally instead, i.e. fantasy, nihilism, solipsism, poverty, beggary, etc. it's a good plan, frog, but it's obviously a massive cope to avoid dealing with reality.

You obviously know this already otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to be doing politics in here by standing up and pretending to laugh to influence others against this.

>> No.21387977


>> No.21388975


>> No.21389898

Vedic Christianity?

>> No.21389929

Yeah. You have that whole weird Celtic connection with ancient Egypt and the near east in general.

>> No.21389937

cursed krishna

>> No.21390903

Based brainlet