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File: 34 KB, 326x500, White_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21386437 No.21386437 [Reply] [Original]

>Think Like a White Man: A Satirical Guide to Conquering the World . . . While Black (2019)

>"White Men, specifically those of Anglo-Saxon stock from northern Europe (who went on to steal America and other areas of the world), essentially run everything that matters on the face of the Lord God's green Earth. And whatever they don't currently run, they are actively plotting and planning to take over."

>"If a corporation is controlled and owned by White Men, which is true of pretty much all major companies worldwide, then it will reflect the interests, thinking, cultural norms and practices of White Men. Which they do. Nevertheless, in the interests of clarity, readers should be under no illusion: the proverbial White Man is not your enemy, far from it. He is much more than that: he is your owner. He owns all of us."

Has anybody read this kino?

It has received very positive reviews in The Guardian, Observer, The Independent etc.

>> No.21386442

I’ve often said the black problem would be very easily solved if blacks acted more like white people.

>> No.21386444

Mixeds are always very resentful.

>> No.21386455

I don't think in terms of race or politics anymore. The only thing I care about is this: do you understand Hegel? Nothing else matters.

>> No.21386457

Shieeeeet these honkeys be running this shit fr fr

>> No.21386460

I write a book with this name and it's a big fuckin deal

>> No.21386461

I radically believe in dialectics

>> No.21386486

BIPOC don't require directions from white men, they should be able to get power just fine (like they are doing now)

How about conquer the world thinking as a BLACK WOMAN? I would much prefer that...

Also, is the writer part of the BIPOC community? If (s)he is not, they should SHUT THE FUCK UP!

>> No.21386491
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>Think Like a Jew: A Satirical Guide to Conquering the World . . . While White (2019)

>"Jews, specifically those of Ashkenazi stock from northern Europe (who went on to steal America and other areas of the world), essentially run everything that matters on the face of the Lord God's green Earth. And whatever they don't currently run, they are actively plotting and planning to take over."

>"If a corporation is controlled and owned by Jews, which is true of pretty much all major companies worldwide, then it will reflect the interests, thinking, cultural norms and practices of Jews. Which they do. Nevertheless, in the interests of clarity, readers should be under no illusion: the proverbial Jew is not your enemy, far from it. He is much more than that: he is your owner. He owns all of us."

>> No.21386492

>They found out about the Anglo hive mind
It’s over…

>> No.21386496

>If a corporation is controlled and owned by White Men, which is true of pretty much all major companies worldwide, then it will reflect the interests, thinking, cultural norms and practices of White Men.
God they are so fucking close. Ye has been an unexpected catalyst but when this truly picks up steam niggers are going to make Kristallnacht look like a fucking joke.

>> No.21386586
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>> No.21386603
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>> No.21386616
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I literally have a bachelor's in philosophy and I cannot comprehend a single word of Hegel for the love of my life.

>> No.21386621

>Specifically targets WASPs

>> No.21386623

Hegel was a charlatan

>> No.21386635

>It has received very positive reviews in The Guardian, Observer, The Independent etc.

Confirmed rubbish then.

>> No.21386642

no it wouldn't be, black people don't have the same attractive facial features and eye color as whites do, which give them many advantages in their social life. you can see the charts that list women preferences in america, asian and latino women prefer white men over their own, the only women that do not are black women, because black men act like stereotypical gangsters and this dark triad shit apparently attracts women. also what does this have to do with literature

>> No.21386645

I'm sorry to hear that

>> No.21386647
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>If a corporation is controlled and owned by White Men, which is true of pretty much all major companies worldwide,

>> No.21386648

That's why you only have a bachelor's

>> No.21386663

Philosophy is goyslop

>> No.21386685

Jews are white

>> No.21386695

>It has received very positive reviews in The Guardian, Observer, The Independent etc.
>it's about race
must be junk.

>> No.21386698

The funny bit is always how it's "these are the characteristics of the core that runs the show around here" and then they turn around and don't emulate that core at all and in fact purposely out themselves as being removed from it.

>> No.21386702

White men have record high rates of virginity. Many of them are unable to get matches on dating apps and have become increasingly antisocial, leading to higher rates of suicide and depression. Compounded with a tendency to be complacent with their social standing, many don't seek to improve their conditions and seek refuge in insular online communities

>> No.21386714
File: 2.78 MB, 1894x1746, perfidious Irishman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Anglo has long suffered under the tyrannical boot of the Perfidious Paddy. No longer. These smear campaigns cannot stand.

>> No.21386743
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>professor of white people studies
Is this a thing in africa? Because that's very based.

>> No.21386744
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>> No.21386777

Why are these people openly allowed to hate on others due to their race?

>> No.21386790


I was finding this Irish meme funny and then I realized that the conncetion between the Irish and the jews is that they're everywhere. Their diaspora spans the globe, arguably and ironically a diaspora caused by oppression and poverty.

interdasting, maybe being oppressed really is the secret?

>> No.21386809

The amount of resentment needed to take the time to even write such a book.

Should've spent that time in therapy, instead.

>> No.21386815

Therapy is a spook

>> No.21386823

John Murray Cuddihy explains the desire.

>> No.21386864

come at me yer fucking nipplesucker before your cunt dies out, god i fucking hate irish

>> No.21386891
File: 146 KB, 285x360, rightpropalad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come at me yer fucking nipplesucker before your cunt dies out, god i fucking hate irish

>> No.21386927

He is fine. Jews really were disgusting, brash people then

>> No.21387313

No they aren't

>> No.21387319

That's why white people want to remove all oppression.

>> No.21387460

Your mother's pussy is goyslop

>> No.21387541

Problem with that is that Irish/Irish mutts and octoroons melted into being white in America. There isn’t an AI(reland)PAC type organization or strong sense of ethnic identity. The extent of Irishness in the diaspora is: the Celtics logo, “Irish people were oppressed too you know!”, and drunkenness memes. Although that Hibernian conspiracy infographic is a funny parody

>> No.21387556

>then it will reflect the interests, thinking, cultural norms and practices of White Men
But that's precisely why said corporation is successful. We've seen what passes for "Black values". They genuinely believe being on time is oppression

>> No.21387560
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Seems like BS to me bro

>> No.21387568
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>the proverbial White Man is not your enemy, far from it. He is much more than that: he is your owner. He owns all of us."

>> No.21387582

Black Americans really are the epitome of slave morality aren't they. It's so fucking feminine and pathetic

>> No.21387587

that which precedes a work.
There, hoped that helped you on comprehending a single word of Hegel.

>> No.21387588

they evolved to think differently than us which is why they're closer to animals than europeans, it's not possible for nonwhites to think like the master race

>> No.21387590

The problem a lot of people seem to have when trying to grasp this issue is that it isn't every single minority who is like this.
There are some non-westerners who feel mutual good-will toward westerners (of course, there are westerners who do not feel good will and are spiteful, themselves, but in a different kind of way). So, it isn't as if every single minority is a seething little shit.
It is not 'racist' to say "envious people are assholes and nothing good will come of indulging them in their quest to destroy greatness".
You are not a good person for allowing those who are prone to envious rage to enact revenge on those who mean no ill-will towards them.
The world is so ass-backwards right now it's ridiculous.

>> No.21387593

no different than saying cats should act more like dogs

>> No.21387594

I kneel

>> No.21387606

You would know you goyslop consuming faggot, I'll bet you fuck my mom every night

>> No.21387630

>>"If a corporation is controlled and owned by White Men, which is true of pretty much all major companies worldwide
Have these people ever heard of Japan, China, India, Korea, or Singapore lol
Japanese literally bought the Rockefeller Center back in the day. Fucking Tata Motors from India is the owner of LandRover and Jaguar!

>> No.21387639

doesnt matter. spiritual whites.

>> No.21387640

WASPs literally got replaced by Irish Catholics and Indians like 20 years ago already. They're unironically being unfairly persecuted for "being in power" when they don't even have the Supreme Court or Congress anymore

>> No.21387657

We thr irish have huge dicks and fuck anything that walks. This has led to everyone being somewhat sympathetic to our people, except dirty anglos because we find their women unattractive and their men weak but violent.

>> No.21387660

The people who published this book are counting on the outrage of political masturbators like you to help market it.

>> No.21387682
File: 125 KB, 914x733, 1669291113137158~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dr Boulé Whytelaw III is the Distinguished Professor of White People Studies at Bishop Lamonthood University, and the Deputy Vice Chair of the Centre for (Trying to) Understand White People (CTUWP).
>He has written numerous successful TV shows, including Good Cops, Good White Folk and Other Wild Fantasies, and Scientific Proof: The White Man’s Ice Is Indeed Colder. Since dictating the thesis of Think Like a White Man to Nels Abbey, he has neither been seen nor heard from.
Obviously a fake character, but "Bishop Lamonthood University" had me rolling

>> No.21387686

>essentially run everything that matters on the face of the Lord God's green Earth
When is he talking about? 100 years ago?

>> No.21387691

I'd agree but I don't think they're "closer to animals" as this implies some sort of teleogy. They just evolved for a simpler climate and environment.

>> No.21387696

>Have these people ever heard of Japan, China, India, Korea, or Singapore
No, the world genuinely doesn't exist beyond their urban confines in their minds.
They like to mock conservatives as being backwards or ignorant yet American progressives are the most myopic people you'll ever meet. Deep down they likely don't believe the world outside of urban America actually even exists

>> No.21387762

His birth name was Blakamoor-Tajudeeni Mamasay-Mamakusa, but he changed it to Boulé Fabricius Whytelaw III in an attempt to sound whiter and thus more employable.
In case of you autists are still too obtuse, he's not a real person. This is a comedy book. Stop analysing it as a work of serious criticism.
>On the back of the statement above, I made it clear that I despise the N-word and would rather he didn't use it around me. His response: 'Nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga nigga nigga'

>> No.21387768


>> No.21387772

You may laugh but this gent will easily knock out any number of Irishmen if it comes down to it.

>> No.21387804
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In case you retards haven't put 2 and 2 together: the guy is being le ironic shitposter

>> No.21387811

This. Took me 0.3 seconds to think "he wouldn't say that bout jews tho right?".
Although he very accidentally stumbled upon an essential truth, that the Anglos were the OG Jews.

>> No.21388315

Yeah, but if they acknowledge stuff like that they can't pretend everything is the fault of evil white people while writing off the accomplishments of the West.

>> No.21388381


>> No.21388401

>Think Like A Jew

>> No.21388776

This seems like a far more accurate reflexion of reality.

>> No.21388790

Literally every survey taken on the issue disproves this. Rates of virginity, men and women, mostly independent of race, are increasing. Being white has nothjng to do with it. On the contrary, the first official study on incels found that they are more likely to be non-white. You're a butthurt shitskinned subhuman, I get it.

>> No.21389460

>mostly independent of race
I'd guess poojeets.

>> No.21389503

Hegel would have supported BLM, bestie. He was a queer black woman in a white man’s body.

>> No.21389555

This is going to far...

>> No.21389651

Don't you do it all the time

>> No.21389700

Bro's I haven't been getting my white man checks in the mail wtf

>> No.21389716

just weak enough to control ireland for hundreds of years until they decided international reputation was more important

>> No.21389724

most irishmen look exactly like that gent
this is because the irish and english are quite literally the exact same people

>> No.21390021

Couldn't agree more. I've known a few people from NYC who ape being cosmopolitan but are just as provincial as people I've met in rural flyover states.

Their worldview is mostly based on an arrogant sense of superiority that is totally unearned. I'd say travel is the answer, but the real answer is tempered humility and introspection.