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21383748 No.21383748 [Reply] [Original]

I hate people who treat scientific "discoveries" as absolute trustworthy truths. Give me books on the philosophy behind science and, specially, books that criticize it and expose science's limitations.
>pic related: you

>> No.21383760

Karl Popper

>> No.21383789

>jew jewing jews
What a great field

>> No.21383790

what books

>> No.21383795

wait, is he a jew? can i trust him or will he try to deceive me?

>> No.21383821

They do it without trying because it's innate

>> No.21383828
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You must go deeper into the matrix.

>> No.21383832
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>> No.21383835

how does Feyerabend justify that?

>> No.21383847

I also hate people from the Other Tribe. They’re just so stupid and ugly and immoral compared to people in Our Tribe, you know what I mean?

>> No.21383852

Go back

>> No.21383868

and that is why you fail

>> No.21383881

You’re right, he’s from the Other Website, which means he’s bad.

>> No.21383885
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The answer is always the same: Kuhn Kuhn and Kuhn

>> No.21383893

Leave my thread right fucking now or I will beat you until your mom cries

>> No.21383906

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Kuhn. Against Method by Feyerabend. End of thread.

>> No.21383919

Go back retarded samefag

>> No.21383971
File: 1.05 MB, 2874x1445, cover-inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle's Revenge by Edward Feser
A Scientist and Catholic by Fr Stanley Jaki (it's more a biography of Pierre Duhem, a 19th century thermodynamicist that made a couple discoveries and contributed a lot to the philosophy of science, like how modern science decends from Aristotle but rejects a good deal of his work (for good reason, read the boom or his page in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. I can't summarize it easilt here) and how science deals with real entities but only approximations of physical phenomena. It also includes some of his philosophical works in the book.)
Anything by John Polkonghorne

>> No.21383974

In fact, I'll also add anythjng by Fr Stanley Jaki. It's on the religious side if yiu are into that, but he does delve deep into thr philosophy of science, how we got to "I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE" and how it is bullshit

>> No.21383978

I agree! The people on the Other Website are very bad (unlike the people on Our Website, who are good). A refreshing perspective!

>> No.21383988

You will never be intelligent

>> No.21384001

You're right! People in the Other Tribe, as well as being evil, are also very stupid. Another incisive observation.

>> No.21384118

>Edward Feser
This is the correct answer.

>> No.21384129


>> No.21384140

t. hasn't read anything in this thread

>> No.21384145

t. hasn't read aristotle

>> No.21384186

Have ever even seen science? It's a damn mess. Anything softer than chemistry might as well be random. P hacking, file drawer effect, replication crisis... Or just plain fraud over and over. There is no guarantee the universe will prove tractable to the human mind.

>> No.21384213

Thank you very much for your contribution!

>> No.21384239

Feyerabend doesn't believe theories aren't consistent, he believes they do not necessarily have to be consistent.

>> No.21384355

not disagreeing with that, but still disagreeing with "theories have nothing to do with each other"

>> No.21384361

ignore him, he's just some /pol/tard

>> No.21384395

This. Anon is a bigot for misgendering that poor other anon. Should've used "they" instead.

>> No.21384589

You're right! People in the Other Tribe are just retards!

>> No.21384622

A bunch of mistakes and fraudulent activity by troglodytes who have infiltrated the (fundamentally plebeian) modern university and intellectual system does not invalidate the basic principles of science nor confirm that reality is somehow beyond the human mind.

>> No.21384665
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Absolutely obsessed

>> No.21384668

I look like this. I'm a big angry balding beardjak with square glasses and gaping mouth. And a huuuuuge cock.

>> No.21384755

>I hate people who treat scientific "discoveries" as absolute trustworthy truths. Give me books on the philosophy behind science and, specially, books that criticize it and expose science's limitations.
>>pic related: you
Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend.

>> No.21384784

Anything softer than chemistry isn't science. lmao.

>> No.21384798

> No Goedel or Wittgenstein on that list.

>> No.21384892
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Please point to the time when the soft sciences were productive and well run.

A distinction without a difference.

I mean they might be related, but also maybe not. If so, then what are you "discovering"? Just some random portion of the mathematical multiverse?

Ok maybe microbiology or such. But mostly humans have yet to successfully apply scientific methodology to those soft areas. And maybe, >>21384622, they never will.

A mathematician and a linguist walk into a bar... Science?

>> No.21385640

something specific please?

>> No.21385662

For sure a mess, but you just listed a bunch of failures stemming from a broken institutional model of publish or perish which makes papers a currency. We know lots of things about biology and are rapidly creating knowledge about genuinely complex systems corresponding to softer sciences.

>> No.21385736

It was two separate points. I should've made that more clear. Sciences have institutional problems. And also, 2) epistemology doesn't owe you shit:humans might never figure out the universe. The universe might not be comprehensible, or we just happen to inhabit a temporarily physically consistent portion and very soon your dreams will make more sense. To believe more than this is theology.

>> No.21385766

Just finished the first book Arthur Schopenhauer's World As Will And Idea. You should start there. It's pretty convincing.

>> No.21385948

>a distinction without a difference

understanding is vs ought is freshman shit anon, come on.

>> No.21386008

Science is the closest we have to objective truth. The only people who get upset at this are tradlarping faggots who think we need to go back to Christian rule because their brains are underdeveloped. Dipshit.

>> No.21386113

And I hate religious larpers who treat their insincere whining as authenticity

>> No.21386128

The Savior of Science and A Scientist and Catholic are good reads.

>> No.21386132

Science is a process of creative collaboration, Creativity is the God of science. Literally make Creativity your religion, worship at her alter by cultivating your creativity with others and striving towards The Unknown.

>> No.21386139

Or just become a polytheist and worship Apollo

>> No.21386883
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>> No.21387239

Weininger's essay 'Science and Culture' in ÜBER DIE LETZTEN DINGE.

>> No.21387253
File: 173 KB, 828x1280, 71qNW+I214L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.21387263

>Gerald Holton, Thematic Origins
>NR Hanson, Patterns of Discovery
>Burtt, Metaphysical Foundations
and you will see

>> No.21387271

>Duhem, Saving the Phenomena
>Barfield, Saving the Appearances
>The Forman thesis

>> No.21387607

Who, anywhere in this thread even, asserted science should be a nonsensical mess? Certainly not me. How does that have any relation to feyerabend?

>> No.21387829
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I can only express my utmost contempt for the so called philosophers of science. Everything about them is quintessentially cringe. They describe a trivial and well-known process, yet the way they describe it shows how they failed to understand it. With unwarranted arrogance they proclaim to know more than scientists while their writing resembles the ramblings of a 5 year old child who "explains" the world to his father based on his very limited level of knowledge. Except that these philosophers are grown up adults and allegedly educated, so we'd expect more from them than only childish platitudes. Philosophy of science is trivial at best, cringeworthy and outright anti-intellectual at worst. A complete disgrace for the historical tradition of philosophy as a pursuit of deeper knowledge.

>> No.21388062

I hate discoveries generally. How about you discover some primitive survival skills

>> No.21388099


>> No.21388104

Three more weeks, huh?

>> No.21388478

Straw man. If you're going to make an argument, make it. Saying "it's le heckin cringola and totally reddit!" is not an argument. I know this is what we're used to hearing but that doesn't make it an argument.