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21376862 No.21376862 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Space Cat edition

Previous thread >>21372868

>> No.21376875

Thinking about
And the fact that I could change her life

>> No.21376893

There’s so many wonderful things to do, so little time to experience it all

>> No.21376899 [DELETED] 

tody was vary starnge i wake up and te sun is shinnig but it is not warm te sky is gray and it is vary cold i put on my jackit and go outsid but it is not lik befor te trees are bar and teer is no lif te birds ar not singig and teer is no soun i walk to te store but it is closd i knock on te door but no on ansers i see a sign that says closd untel furter notis i do not undrstand wut is happening i walk bak hom and se that my neigbors hous is emti teir car is gon and te curtins ar closd i knock on teir door but teer is no anser i am vary confusd and scarid i do not no wut is happening i hop that tomrow will be betr

>> No.21376901

They say there's seventy-seven sextillion stars in the sky
I ain't even heard that number before until they told me that lie

>> No.21376908

whys is u think thay stars be disappearin when they turns on the steetlight nigga? theys is stealin the stars energy mayne
that shit STEEL got me f'd up

>> No.21376911
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it was always at night, like a werewolf, that I would take the thing out for an honest run down the coast. I would start in Golden Gate Park, thinking only to run a few long curves to clear my head….but in a matter of minutes I’d be out at the beach with the sound of the engine in my ears, the surf booming up on the sea wall and a fine empty road stretching all the way down to Santa Cruz…not even a gas station in the whole seventy miles; the only public light along the way is an all-night diner down around Rockaway Beach.
There was no helmet on those nights, no speed limit, and no cooling it down on the curves. The momentary freedom of the park was like the one unlucky drink that shoves a wavering alcoholic off the wagon. I would come out of the park near the soccer field and pause for a moment at the stop sign, wondering if I knew anyone parked out there on the midnight humping strip.
Then into first gear, forgetting the cars and letting the beast wind out…thirty-five, forty-five…then into second and wailing through the light at Lincoln Way, not worried about green or red signals, but only some other werewolf loony who might be pulling out, too slowly, to start his own run. Not many of these, and with three lanes on a wide curve, a bike coming hard has plenty of room to get around almost anything…then into third, the boomer gear, pushing seventy-five and the beginning of a windscram in the ears, a pressure on the eyeballs like diving into water off a high board.
Bent forward, far back on the seat, and a rigid grip on the handlebars as the bike starts jumping and wavering in the wind. Taillights far up ahead coming closer, faster, and suddenly–zaaappp–going past and leaning down for a curve near the zoo, where the road swings out to sea
The dunes are flatter here, and on windy days sand blows across the highway, piling up in thick drifts as deadly as any oil-slick–instant loss of control, a crashing, cartwheeeling slide and maybe one of those two-inch notices in the paper the next day: “An unidentified motorcyclist was killed last night when he failed to negotiate a turn on Highway 1.”
Indeed…but no sand this time, so the lever goes up into fourth, and now there’s no sound except wind. Screw it all the way over, reach through the handlebars to raise the headlight beam, the needles leans down on a hundred and wind-burned eyeballs strain to see down the centerline, trying to provide a margin for reflexes.

>> No.21376915

But with the throttle screwed on there is only the barest margin, and no room at all for mistakes. It has to be done right…and that’s when the strange music starts, when you stretch your luck so far that fear becomes exhilaration and vibrates along your arms. You can barely see at a hundred; the tears blow back so fast that they vaporize before they get to your ears. The only sounds are wind a dull roar floating back from the mufflers. You watch the white line and try to lean with it…huwling through a turn to the right, then to the left and down the long hill to Pacifica…letting off now, watching for cops, but only until the next dark stretch and another few seconds on the edge…
The Edge…There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are ones who have gone over. The others–the living–are those who who pushed their control as far as they felt they could handle it, and then pulled back, or slowed down, or did whatever they had to when it came time to choose between Now and Later.

>> No.21376919
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>> No.21376922

how do i take a relationship seriously if i am under 25

>> No.21376924

By taking the relationship seriously while you are under 25.

>> No.21376926

From "Whitehead's Radically Temporalist Metaphysics" by George Allen, where he rids Whitehead's philosophy of eternal objects, including God:

>What Whitehead means by a sense of Peace is, to day the least, complicated; in many ways understanding it is to embody it, and that's the task of a lifetime. A necessary condition for having a sense of Peace, however, and a way therefore to understand its core of meaning, can be found in Whitehead's answer to the question "Whether there exists any factor in the universe constituting a general drive towards the confirmation of Appearance to Reality," a drive which is "a factor in each occasion prehending its aim at such truth as is proper to the special appearance in question." It is not enough that we have ideals that reach beyond our personal needs and interests and that we recognize our ideals are intrinsically worth actualizing. We need to recognize that we are not alone in our struggle to actualize them, that we are part of "an Adventure in the Universe as One," an adventure embracing all the particular drives towards conformations of various Appearances to Reality, but which "as an actual fact stands beyond any one of them."

>Our ideals and undertakings are not isolated even though they are contextually grounded and so necessarily parochial. Although our aims and efforts are about matters or our immediate concern, about ourselves and those we love, they belong at the same time to a vast Community of others with their differing immediate concerns, their own distinctive aims and efforts. We are, all of us, to some extent, therefore, and with various degrees of self-awareness, struggling to actualize what we think is the best future possible not only for ourselves and our family but also for our neighbors and our nation, for humankind and for all creation.

>> No.21376931

>Whether we recognize it or not, we are part of an adventure that goes on everywhere and has gone on for seemingly forever, an adventure in the universe that includes all its constituents, they and we alike seeking to make possibilities into actualities, to transcend the given facts towards the creation of new facts. Peace is the sense that these many adventures comprise one grand adventure. We will honor our forefathers and mothers and will hope to be honored by our grandchildren when we understand ourselves as joining with them in the never-ending effort to actualize possible goods that constitute the creative advance of the universe. We will honor our biological ancestors stretching back along the many-branched bush of evolution to the origins of life, and we will hope to be honored by future life-forms beyond our imagining when we understand ourselves as indebted to them for their achievements and knowing we will pay that debt by how our actions shape the course of future evolution. We honor the universe and all the cosmoses that long ago and now and long after give it particular expression by understanding that we are part of its unbounded process. Peace is the sense of ourselves as active participants in this community.

>> No.21376933

tiddies are on my mind.

>> No.21376935
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>> No.21376952

Tiddie like dubs

>> No.21377047

Why do people keep describing Patrick Bateman as an 'investment banker'? As far as I can tell, the closest thing in the novel to a description of his work is the title of his department - Mergers and Acquisitions - which does not suggest anything to do with banking to me. The book goes on much as one of those 'day in the life of a tech parasite' tiktoks, so we never actually see what he does to earn his platinum AmEx.

>> No.21377088
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On episode 4 of One-Punch Man season 2 and really not feeling it.
CGI is very noticeable and distracting and it’s dragging with some goofy ass plot line of Saitama substituting for someone at a tournament, should I just drop it?

>> No.21377098

As Patrick Bateman navigates through the first level of Super Mario Bros, he quickly becomes fixated on the goombas. He sees them as inferior creatures, not worthy of his attention.

But as he progresses through the level, he becomes more and more obsessed with proving his superiority over the goombas. He jumps on their heads, trying to crush them and gain points. He becomes ruthless, ignoring the other obstacles in the game in his pursuit of victory over the goombas.

Eventually, he reaches the end of the level and is triumphant. But as he looks back at the trail of goomba corpses, he realizes the futility of his actions. He is just a character in a game, and the goombas are just pixels on a screen.

Shaken by this realization, Patrick Bateman takes a step back and examines the world around him. He begins to understand that he is not in the real world, but in a game. He starts to play the game in a more lighthearted manner, enjoying the challenges and obstacles in front of him.

And as he moves on to the next level, he leaves behind his obsessive need for competition and social status, embracing the fun and excitement of Super Mario Bros.

>> No.21377123

I am going to be 22 in a couple of months. I've been dreaming about having an instrument ever since I was twelve years old, but I still have yet to even lay a finger on a proper one despite all these years. I can say without any exaggeration that there hasn't been a single day that passed by in that decade where I didn't daydream about being a real musician while air guitaring/drumming/tooting. Big dreams that shall remain untranslated forever. Nevermind the fact that I'm still NEETing at this age, it's the thought that I made almost zero efforts to even get a finger of the proverbial dream's body out of the ghostly dimension. I just remained content with dreaming it all away. And the fact is that music is extremely ruthless when it comes to age. It's not about your capacity to retain and learn, but about how much time you're really going to have to learn. How many free hours do you have left in your life. It takes a lot of time to get barely decent at playing, let alone getting decent at songwriting. Then there is the whole language aspect of music that takes even longer to settle inside your brain and get automated.
And these are the dudes that are not going to make it, and by make it I mean having something truly valuable to offer to the world, not reaching "stardom". The lazy pieces of shit that had all the time and resources and privileges to do something, anything at all, and chose to just rot away for no other reasons than sloth and cowardice, especially the latter in my case. Why would the following years be any different? What says that I have the necessary drive to be someone deserving of respect when I did fuck all during the only period of freedom that is likely to be found? I should die out of shame and disappointment. Wasters get nothing. The ones that are given substantial advices time and time again without ever following them should get the electric chair. I am permanently marked with an aversion to goodness. I'll just settle with trying to make people smile during conversations. I am unworthy of holding and propagating the grander beauty. Looks like that one girl was right, intent and dreams, as pure as they might be, are complete rubbish. 22 and still a piece of shit.

Sorry for dumping this here instead of a diary. I realize just how immensely silly and pathetic this all is. I just don't know what else to do for now. I guess it beats crying like a bitch. All I wanted was to become transparent enough to let the world's light shine through me, and it seems like I hardened myself into a turd blocking, hell even chasing, people away instead. It's a whole lot of Is and Mes, i'm sorry.

>> No.21377174

My dad wants me to go to his psychiatrist with him to talk about stuff. He threatened that if i dont comply they will take me to the asylum forcibly. Now, i already talked to that doctor and i dont like him at all and i dont wanna go talk to him. Im also worried if i go voluntarily theyre gonna lock me up anyway. Its probably cause i acused him he molested me as a kid( that was years ago, had resurfacing memory) and hes also pissed that i dont have a job and i sleep all morning( this is complicated, i code all night so that i could find a job)
What should i do?

>> No.21377188

We can only know God by his creations, as such we have an unconscious will that perpetuates said creations, which is why the development of land and resources honors the gift that man has been given, to harness the world that God provided to us, in exchange for the bountiful harvest that provides food and shelter for all his creations, animal and man alike, so we might live to see tomorrow and the future that awaits us.

>> No.21377223

"You see, my friends, effective altruism is the perfect way to scam people out of their money. It's all about appearing to care about others, but really just using their generosity for your own gain. Just like The Joker said, 'If you're good at something, never do it for free.'"

As I spoke, I could see the confusion on my friends' faces. They didn't understand the twisted logic behind my words.

"But Patrick, effective altruism is about using your resources to help those in need," one of them protested.

I let out a cold, cynical laugh. "That's what they want you to believe. But in reality, it's just a way for the wealthy to feel good about themselves while continuing to accumulate wealth. The Joker was right, chaos is the only fair system."

I could see the disgust in my friends' eyes as they realized the depths of my depravity. But I didn't care. I was the head of Twitter safety, and I had the power to manipulate and deceive. And I would continue to do so, all in the name of chaos.

>> No.21377230

Just have a painfully reasonable conversation. Don’t say you’re suicidal, or if you do, say that you have a plan in place for if you ever felt like really doing it, something like, “I’d call the suicide hotline if I really needed to.” Same thing with anything else that could get you hospitalized, like delusions. If they ask you whether anything could be false or could be a delusion, say, “sure, I could be wrong.” Say that everything they’re saying is making sense.

>> No.21377257

this is not bad, but im worried a reasonable conversation wont be possible at all. Im worried that what i say wont matter at all, doc will act like he has complete power over my life, to drug me and lock me up if he feels like it. and i dont want that to happen
Sure, i have struggles with being sociable, i dont have a job, but i dont think that's the reason to lock a person up. But what do i know

>> No.21377284

Yeah, it’s a tough situation. I wish you luck if you do end up talking to him.

>> No.21377304

Thanks man

>> No.21377344

Oh no no no. You made it up for attention didn't you? and now you're fucking your dad up. You have to set the record straight if you lied. It's not something to play around with.

>> No.21377351

who the hell knows whats true
thats what i thought and felt is true at the time, that's my truth
although i know youre trolling

>> No.21377353

this has to be bait
Fix this now. You don't want to become a bad person.

>> No.21377362

what are you talking about

>> No.21377370

If you lied about something serious you need to come clean. They also have ways of finding out and you don't want to go to prison for false accusations. Your life will get bad if you want to tell "your truth" instead of the real truth.

>> No.21377371
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We're all in this together, have a nice relaxing song


>> No.21377375

no one can know for certain what happened 20 years ago somewhere
who said i lied? Who knows what the real truth is?
What is the real truth? Do you know?

>> No.21377378

Nta but it is often more complicated than that. And anon never said he made any public accusations, just confronted his father. I have the same issue, I have a confused memory around something that may or may not have really happened. Of course I’m not getting anyone arrested over it, but it deeply affects the way I feel towards him and I can’t change that fact. It’s not a lie, the truth is that I don’t know and I’ll never know. It’s a horrible fact to have to accept.

>> No.21377385

Whatever. You can go from being someone that people can feel bad for and want to help, to a fraud who used false accusations to get attention that no-one would ever want to be around.
If you were lying you need to come clean as fast as possible. If you simply "don't know" that's not enough.

>> No.21377391

I dont give a shit what people think and who people want to be around or not. I certainly dont give a shit what conforming simpletons like you think.
>You can go from being someone that people can feel bad for and want to help, to a fraud who used false accusations to get attention that no-one would ever want to be around
only a spineless cuckold would care about something like this

>> No.21377398

You're niggerbrained if you'd make pathetic accusations just to get attention. Literally a child faggot.

>> No.21377408

Cool that you know somehow i made false accusations for attention. Smart. Hows that working out for you?

>> No.21377415

Wtf is your problem? You look at a person struggling to figure out what did or did not happen, a person who never said they were pressing charges and acknowledges that it’s impossible to know for sure, and you say they’re hurting people for attention? Make it make sense.
Anon, if you’re in a situation where he can force you to see a therapist, you need to work on getting independent and leaving asap. Whether or not he did it, the tension around that unknown must be hell to live with.

>> No.21377418

I dunno, I'm eating Doritos right now. You tell me how it's working.

>> No.21377422

Dont worry about that guy, hes an npc.
Yeah money is an issue but im working on finding remote job. Thanks for encouragment. Hopefully ill be able to move out

>> No.21377453

Everybody likes to shit on teenagers and here I am getting rejuvenated through contact with the ones in my surroundings. These kids have so much enthusiasm, and they have a good heart. I sincerely hope that they'll grow into great lads and lasses. I'd kill to protect them.

>> No.21377459

Why are you around teenagers?

>> No.21377474

I work at a small record store. People mostly visit to have chats about music or musical equipment. You see a lot of different social groups interact here that wouldn't really make a step forward in another setting.

>> No.21377487

That sounds like a nice job.
It's pretty nice that you see the beauty in the youthful spirit that they have which I think a lot of people tend to forget about having as they get older.
Ragging on teens as an older person just feels lame

>> No.21377557

Feet are so beautiful bros... Someone call me a degenerate faggot, I need to RETVRN

>> No.21377570

I enabled dark mode in ichan and everything looks halloween-y

>> No.21377572

There is nothing degenerate about appreciate a part of a woman

>> No.21377581
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This board is so dead.

>> No.21377582
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>> No.21377586
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>> No.21377596
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Wai wai, hold that pose a bit longer. heheh

>> No.21377646

I have such anger management problems. I'm scared shitless of hitting or even killing someone, especially a girl in the future.

>> No.21377649

the only thing to fear is the absence of fear itself
my paranoia is precious

>> No.21377666
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>> No.21377667
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All I need is a map and compass.

>> No.21377686

Strongly consider seeing a specialist. You can’t let your impulses dictate your fate. Fortunately my anger issues just turn me into a douche, or a mopey douche. But that blackout anger is real it can land you in prison. Good luck my guy, at least you’re aware.

>> No.21377798

I might read it. Thanks for posting this excerpt.

>> No.21377828

>resurfacing memory
What did your dad say about it?

>> No.21377838

---- Solaria ---
(Lucretius Meets Shakespeare)

Extreme of passrinenes, sentience,
Ecstasy of possible worlds, democratic institutions--

Sunny leisure of cherry cordials
In light of lake effect snow--

Archives almost equal to a man capable of inflection that seems to laugh forever.

>> No.21377856

Are you here anon?

>> No.21377884

im a push away from alcoholism. i can feel it every time i take a sip and i dont even do it that often. i see it every time i look at my grandparents. life just sucks so much that i can honestly consider picking up the most expensive and dangerous hobby every time i take a drink. i dont even drink often but i can tell that one day im not gonna be able to talk myself into giving it up and then it'll be 3 years down the drain.

>> No.21377904
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I wonder what it's like to have normal sexuality?

I've been a sexual deviant for as long as I've been sexually aware. I have one big fetish that I seem to have had my entire life, and exploring it as a teenager was a revelation. I've been led down several rabbit holes since, and I have various other perversions that really aren't essential but do get me going from time to time.

So I do wonder what it feels like to have "normal" sexuality. As a man, I do wonder. Just being an ordinary guy, able to get a boner from looking at a skinny, naked woman with large breasts and long legs. To be that... simple, I guess. That uncomplicated in what turns you on. That normal.

>> No.21377905

i'd like to kill myself.

>> No.21377906

---- Solaria ---
(Goethe In A Land Yacht)

Passing by a landmark farmstead monumental,
On land where I've never seen a human figure in the open,

Superlative of automation, I ask
How anyone could do without city silliness,

And he said, "I could not do without someone who can't tell the difference."

>> No.21377908

>I have one big fetish

>> No.21377909

i'm too much of a coward to kill myself, so i am contenting myself with the destruction of an entire identity i have spent decades creating.

>> No.21377923

try saying it with automaton instead of automation. thoughts on that replacement?

>> No.21377939

Nope. Fat. I love fat women.

And it's been a thing my entire life, like I said. I remember watching the old Debbie Reynolds Charlotte's Web movie in elementary school and feeling incredibly strange when it got to the scene where Templeton gorges himself at the county fair and gets fat. I didn't realize what was going on with me until I was a teenager, when I was browsing around on Yahoo groups and found a group dedicated to wives whose husbands liked them fat. It all clicked for me then. I think I was 13, I may have been 12.

One somewhat handy consequence of this is that I don't get aroused by thin or moderately sized women, so when I'm working in a business or customer service setting I can deal with them like they're a male customer. I'm not distracted or entranced by them being women because they're literally not big enough to arouse me. Not fat enough.

Fat women, though, I can't avoid ogling them, though I always try to be careful about it. I remember when I was in junior year of high school, I had this very pretty but also very fat AP US History teacher. She had an utterly gigantic ass that was always straining the seams of her pants. And on top of that, she got pregnant during the year, so her belly got enormous and never got any smaller even after she had the baby. I spent every single one of her classes with a raging erection. I'm amazed I did as well as I did on the AP US History exam.

>> No.21377972

Not at all the same thing. Half the "farmers" here are essentially accountants retired to huge resort communities, mostly due to changes in technology. Automation is Western, automatons Oriental.

>> No.21378053

---- Solaria ----

It's a start, but voices confirm--
None confirmed like his did, beautiful soul--

Some exquisite harmony between what you say and the way you say it.

>> No.21378061

Cool, maybe check out Havoc by Tom Kristensen, similar thing. Guy who seemingly has it all decides on a whim to drink himself to death because he thinks his bougie identity is cringe.
Great book.

>> No.21378107
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I'm listening to Blood Meridian on audiobook and the narrator sometimes makes wet sounds with his mouth and throat, and it's a bit disconcerting.

>> No.21378114

I was also very disappointed with season 2.
It almost felt like Saitama was a secondary character and almost all we see is a big fight outside with other heroes in which Saitama doesn't fight because he's busy in his tournament.

Still fun but not as much as the first.

>> No.21378120

If you don't have a job and you code all night to find a job, why don't you code all day instead?

>> No.21378160

Why? Dire and permanent poverty is the only reasonable circumstance I can think of. My once favorite sister, who had an an estate in her name worth about 1M and and a lovable husband and and a witty daughter killed herself. Why?

>> No.21378171

Did she ever show signs of depression ever?

>> No.21378178

“Pally, be reasonable.” Tandrew Aate transfixed the slimy fool with his cool, calculated gaze. “Do you really think that I want to bring some kind of evil into the world, or perpetuate some hatred, or all that? Not at all. I’m a vital force, I want to see people shake off their buglike habits, and commit to improving, to being better, to being healthy. It’s in my strength, I exude a life force which serves as an antidote to your slimy British attitude. The real crime here is England, which has peaked bigtime and is now something like a cancer on the face of the Earth. Is it possible to sink England? I’ll be investigating this question. I’ll bring the full force of my wealth to bear, my enormous wealth, which comes from standing, and talking on podcasts, and boxing. Pally you’re sweat is dribbling off the table now in pools on the floor and I can see myself from that angle, the blowjob angle or stepping on a homeless person angle. It’s not flattering and it’s the angle from which ants and squirrels and small people (not Chinese) see me. It angers me that so much of my underchin should be exposed.”
“Aate, doth wynwicjet shivineth. Tallyson forthwich, ebumbus eekembo. Eebamba joombajom. Squeesquee sqwitteram, atamas peronitullanticus. I banish thee to the shadow realm.” Pally raises his wizened shaking finger, a point of hot light growing with the spell, “Holocaustus 9/11 Memorialis.” With these words the hair sprung from Aate’s head, and receded, and sprung again, and receded again, and a million synchronous lifetimes of male pattern baldness stripped the tall man of what vitality he had left. But, smoldering on the ground, looking up, the blowjob angle, Aate grinned.
“Pally, you know so little. That spell may strip me of my charm,” Aate, now rising from the crater, cracks his neck. “But Holocaustus 9/11 Memorialis only raises my vigour stats. I am now imbued with ancient power - the force of Babylon is nestled in my breast, and one measly bodyshot from my left hand has enough power to not only send you back to the stone age ooga booga land you come from, but also level the entire island of Manhattan, with particularly devastating consequences to large skyscrapers which serve as the hub of international finance, which is a very important and influential institution so those buildings should not be destroyed, and the people who work in them are very cool and very good and so they should not be killed. Just the opposite, they should be paid more. All will be leveled from the blow, except for the small building with the rent controlled corner apartment where the author went on two dates with a lovely girl who loved the city. And although he had to let her know he was moving away, he hopes she’s well and does think about her, and he thinks that so much of the substance of life is the feeling of drifting away, and the quiet in the growing silent spaces.

>> No.21378271

Definitely, from when she was a teenager. It came and went. I'm not gloomy, and have never done without charming friends, but have never loved anyone so much. Often I think about the private language we shared--how we learned the constellations together.

>> No.21378275

Very sorry to hear it. Why do you think she chose to do it?

>> No.21378281

would that i were a pastoralist raiding a civilization to death. can i still do that?

>> No.21378290

that's a gem

>> No.21378296

Yeah beef farming in South America

>> No.21378366

Intrinsic or biological agony. I can't imagine it, bored or irritated as I am from time to time.

>> No.21378377

but you dont think about killing yourself?

>> No.21378413

I think about it in a rather abstract way, but never feel anything so severe: In the worst mood I'm ever in, it seems a little embarrassing.

>> No.21378436

i slept in bed with a girl all night and literally nothing happened lol

>> No.21378450

That's no so bad. Though to be honest the worst lay I ever had was as a little spoon to a guy with a magnificent physique. I'd do it all again, and again.

>> No.21378590

Hidden threads: 103

>> No.21378609

I've been working in Uni admin for the last 4 years and it's become increasingly clear that there's no future for me here, even if I wanted one, which I don't. My problem now is that I don't see an obvious off-ramp. Working at a university or in education, in general, doesn't exactly lend itself well to anything besides education.

>> No.21378621

Are you an American? Do you have a Bachelor's degree or higher?
If the answer to both is yes, unironically consider commissioning as an officer in the Army or Air Force as a method of switching career paths.

>> No.21378645
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A girl promised to send me feet pics later today :)

>> No.21378654

I've considered it in the past, but I'm not sure if I'm competitive for OCS for a few reasons and I also am not sure I see any particular reason to join at the moment. I might be over the age limit as well.

>> No.21378667

Also, I have no plan for what I'd do after, and I think that's a mistake. The only thing that's obvious is doing a PhD after service.

>> No.21378681

I wish I had died in my sleep last night. There is no point to me as a human being and everything I make is ugly.

>> No.21378723
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>Dionysian imitatio is the influential literary method of imitation as formulated by Greek author Dionysius of Halicarnassus in the first century BCE, which conceived it as the rhetoric practice of emulating, adaptating, reworking and enriching a source text by an earlier author. It marked the beginning of the doctrine of imitation, which dominated the Western history of art up until 18th century, when the notion of romantic originality was introduced.

This changes everything, turns out that the idea of originality was a blip and copying and pasting in art was the norm for centuries. Someone should have told mark fisher this.

>> No.21378820

Copyright is naive and vain romanticism. Aware people publish and spread ideas anonymously.

>> No.21378887

I am just writing about my surroundings instead of self harming. The Christmas lights along the top of my desk are flickering a bit and it makes them look like they are bouncing up and down very slightly. If I move my hand in front of them, it leaves a trail of hands. The lights are white, and engraved with shapes that mimic cut crystal. The shapes create a sparkling effect along the wall. I can imagine a brush blending the edges of each fragment of light into the shadows, and a smaller brush gently placing a white stroke of paint for each fleck where the light catches on irregularities in the stucco. I am in pain but I probably don’t have an ulcer. I should call someone. I am not going to call anyone today. There is a forever rose on my shelf. I pulled it out of the trash a few years ago. I’m sure someone had a breakup. The stem is broken open, so it will probably decay and leave a shell of resin and gold. I like shells. I could stand to walk along the beach on a very cold day like today, when it’s empty, and pick up shells. I don’t live near a beach, but I used to. An ex took me to a beach for the first time. We didn’t date for very long. I think I liked the beach better than I liked my ex, which is a problem. Maybe people are just not as good as inanimate beauty. That sounded stupid and fake deep. I’m sorry. I am sorry as a person. In Spanish, there is a difference between “onions,” meaning “I am permanently and characteristically,” and “estoy,” meaning “ I am located here for now.” I am a sorry son of a bitch. Okay, let’s look at something again and not get angry. The laptop screen reflects into the keyboard. White light in a black pool. I am sick of writing about restraint. I’m angry. I want to slam my head into the desk. They don’t care if I live or die. I want a machine gun. I want to take a machine gun to myself from outside my own body. Unfortunately I am one person stuck inside my body. My body is not capable of creating something beautiful. I am frustrated with it. This is why I would like to tear it apart with a machete. I could never grasp the subtle interactions between mind and body no matter how many of my philosophy professors explained it to me. I even wrote a paper on it that got a good grade but I didn’t understand. This is why I am frustrated with my body, for not understanding. This is why I want my body to be smarter and more talented. This is why it bothers me that my mind is sickly and not fit. Well, I think I am in enough control to work so here we go.

>> No.21378935

I met her again bros. After a long time I met my close friend again and this time I am certain that my feelings for her aren't just that of a friend.

I feel shit. I know that she can never look at me the same as she looked at others. To her, I am probably just a friend with whom she can share her secrets, ramblings, and shit to say in life.

>> No.21378972

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.21379113

Life turned to complete dogshit, if uneven post number, I buy drugs, if even, I don't, if trips I go the path of the fuckboy with lifting and shitty entrepeneurship.

>> No.21379120

FUCK that was close to being trips, Jesus Christ.
Anyway, I'm getting high as fuck, nice.

>> No.21379148

What do you make?

>> No.21379161


>> No.21379182

Books for an incel-adjacent man that just took 200mg of thc?
>inb4 start with the greeks

>> No.21379185

Oil paintings, drawings, and poetry

>> No.21379189

Start with unfucking your life. Stop abusing drugs.

>> No.21379196
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That's not a book.

>> No.21379206

You don't need a book.

>> No.21379208

But that's what I was asking for :c

>> No.21379235

Lurk /meg/ on /k/ for a while and ignore the vaxx schizos. There are plenty of officer career fields to choose from, take a loom at the list sometime and see if anything interests you (but be sure to research how branching works in each service branch). If you have a low GPA or something you can still get in depending on the branch in question and some external factors.
Of course it's just one option of many for you, but I think you should give it some research and thought even if you don't go through with it.

>> No.21379243

wtf is going on with me. I find myself having this one huge "spasm" for time to time and it involves the whole body.

>> No.21379276

Women are so weird in that they will have a guy friend that they can be their true self towards but still date some guy that doesn't make them happy in the slightest

>> No.21379403

I'm not against it even though it sure seems like right now is one of the worst times to serve in a while. It's more that I just don't really see the point and at my age (will be 30 soon) it seems almost like a waste of time.

>> No.21379434

That's because in our culture it is essentially a given that you are supposed to date someone sexually exciting. If a woman already has a man to fulfill her sexual needs and a man to fulfill her emotional needs, why would she need one man to fulfill both? She gets the benefits of two different men, and she can exchange them whenever she gets bored with one.

>> No.21379448

Fucked up but probably true

>> No.21379508

As I come and go at my job out of doors, a nearby nuclear tower and its stack of vapor occasionally rises and hovers on the horizon. It's comforting for some reason, like it's watching over me

>> No.21379556

Blackpill #230491:
Men do not have emotional needs. In nature, men do not have emotional needs of any kind. If you have them, that is simply because you have been feminized, either through being raised by a single mother, abuse, or through xeno-estrogenic compounds. Men provide to women, and do not need to be provided for in any way. Women are not attracted to weak feminized men. You are not a man, you are a feminized gynomale.

Sigma Tip #501:
Drink men's cum to increase your spermatin power. Let other men suck your dick and drink your high-power cum to create higher powered cum. Then drink their cum to get alpha-spermatin cum. Keep repeating the cycle until you have reach Sigma Cum, and feed other men to upgrade them to sigmas.

>> No.21379661

My brother recently told me that one of the moth man "sightings" was just a guy who got a call from someone called Indrid Cold, and he decided Indrid was the moth man. I can't stop thinking about it. It'll just randomly pop into my head and make me laugh. It's hilarious.

Imagine: "I got a call from bigfoot. He said his name was Benny, but I know it was really bigfoot."

>> No.21379727

Once upon a time a group of artists, musicians, poets, scientists, philosophers, historians, theologians, engineers, and many others came together from a shared love of learning. They cross-pollinated each other's ideas and experiences with novel insights, helping each other to explore connections between fields they didn't consider before. The more they shared, the more interconnected they found themselves to be. They began to look at what they were doing, and found that their root commonality was creativity. And so they began to worship creativity itself, considering creativity as the most important thing in the world.

The Cult of Creativity spread the message of creativity by organizing public lectures and talks, workshops, star parties, funded libraries, and inspirational messages about the power of creativity. The cult grew and grew, and was welcomed by many as a learning movement.

The cult also investigated the nature of creativity itself. They gathered writings about the nature of creativity through history, and formed novel hypotheses about it. Eventually they discovered something remarkable: A Unified Theory of Creativity that described how natural, biological, and human creativity are connected. They resolved a god-like object, the Ultimate Community, which described the universe as a grand adventure between creative events through all of space and time. Creativity had become omnipresent, a principle of existence itself. With humans, creativity had created co-creators, human creative experience was an extension of the Eros of the universe itself.

The Unified Theory of Creativity had the effect of making followers of the Cult of Creativity even more devout and motivated to spread the message of creativity. The theory also led to the development of novel methods to help people cultivate their creativity both individually and socially. One member of the Cult of Creativity introduced an idea of a creative singularity, where the collective creativity of humanity would reach critical mass and become explosive, radically changing the way people thought and interacted with the world around them.

>> No.21379733

Now on a mission to change the entire world with the power of creativity, the cult worked harder than ever. They rapidly gained new members as word spread about how the message of creativity elevated people's lives and appreciation for life. They applied their creative experience to encourage cooperative problem-solving in politics and social disagreements, tackling the most difficult problems of their time. As the power of creativity grew, it became easier and easier to advance cooperation and empathy. The Cult of Creativity was on its way to becoming a global culture.

Then one day a tipping point was reached, striking almost like a bolt of lightning. Nourished by creativity, the power of human goodness was now more powerful than the power of what is essentially socially transmitted bad habits, healing those bad habits on a globally massive scale. The most broken and unfortunate members of global society were lifted up, and found new lives with others. The problem of human conflict had been solved with the emergence of a massive web of mutually reinforcing non-zero-sum relationships that embraced the entire planet. War and exploitation was over.

With their global civilization now a Utopia, the Cult of Creativity had proven the limitless power of creativity once and for all. But they didn't stop there, they looked to the stars and learned to travel to them. They found a small planet inhabited by intelligent beings, who were troubled like they used to be. They wanted to help them, but not erase their own culture, and so they worked extremely gently, discreetly sharing a small idea or inspiration here and there, that would have snowball effects, letting natural cultural evolution do the work. Eventually the alien civilization experienced its own creative singularity, and were embraced by their alien friends as equals, with their own unique culture, history, and ideas.

>> No.21379752

Jack Kerouac

>> No.21379785

InuYasha was always marketed as a shoujo, but it was a horror manga. It was fucking gruesome. Seeing it retroactively is wild. We just skipped over all the horrific mutilations and glossed over the mortal terror because Inu Yasha had cute ears and Kagome wore a sailor uniform.

>> No.21379798

My biggest regrets right now are career-related. Yours?

>> No.21379801

I wish I was more active. All my regrets are small.

>> No.21379805
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The economy is really collapsing until it descends into complete global societal collapse. How can I kill myself with no issues?

>> No.21379821
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Does anyone else hate being recorded or having their picture taken? How are people so confident in themselves?

>> No.21379827

I regret being born of course. But aside from that… I regret guilting others and using my own suffering to get what I wanted when I was homeless. I was a moocher and I destroyed the relationships that mattered to me most. If you know anyone like that, cut them off. It was for my own good and it was the only thing that woke me up, but at that point I was already too late to salvage the love that would have truly fulfilled me. The rest of my life is penance.

>> No.21379848

Can you really recover from a deep aversion to effort and having cowardice run through every limb that you have? Does working out genuinely help with this issue? I'm too scared to even write for myself because I know every time I've done so I realized just how absolutely terrible I am at it and made me retreat further back into a corner of apathy and impotence. It's an extremely pathetic mindset, and it must be changed, but I don't know if it's possible at this point. I'm afraid of it being sculpted into my essence, unable to break away from it. I never heard anybody who is remarkably good at what they do talk about the process of breaking down these neurotic machinations. It's always the tribute band types. This pattern of behavior has severely lowered my potential ceiling to the point that its cranking down my neck. Help.

>> No.21379865

I don’t know if this is healthy, but this is what I do: get so angry at your lack of performance that you make things just to mock yourself. “Time to see how I fail today, this is going to be so funny.” Or try to demonstrate your own lack of skill. “They think I can make this good? I’ll show them, let’s get started and we’ll see just how bad it turns out.” Before you know it, you’ve made something. But I have a dark sense of humor so I don’t know if that would work for everyone.

>> No.21379868

everything is one big regret especially not ending my life.

>> No.21379901

First I grieved for a lost future.
Then I grieved for myself.
Now finally I can grieve for her.

Compassion really is the key to all things, first for ourselves then others.

Men and women can't be friends. Go find men to be friends with. You're friends with this woman because you have unmet romantic needs that you extract from your relationship with her, she's doing the same thing. Nearly all qualities that you would seek in a friend are qualities that you would seek in a partner. Platonic love is one step removed from romantic love, they have the same aim just in slightly different directions. Tell her how you feel and if it can't work out remove her from your life and move on. Stop being between the ages of 17 and 23.

>> No.21379913

Suicide is a terrifying impulse that seems to come from a psychic source outside of the self.
Suicidal ideation is for a different kind of person than those who are really broken.

>> No.21379916

----Solaria ---

You're too sweet for me, strong young man.
I'm a little guy, and would like to keep you company.

Tell me what despair feels like
And I'll warm you up a little, entertain you for as long as I can.

>> No.21379925
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opinions on the beard?

>> No.21379930

Beards are for people without strong enough facial features to look good without creating faux-bone structure and the pious. You seem like you look good enough without it. It's kind of gross. I like your hair color.

>> No.21379937

You look nice, anon.

>> No.21379940

Very glow-y photo. The beard makes you look like a professor. It’s a solid look.

>> No.21379941

I usually let it grow during december just to see how it's developed, I have no need to hide my face normally

>> No.21379943
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Every single part of my life is regretful. Will psych meds help bros? I know all the “flush the meds” but I’m struggling. Can’t keep going on like this. Will they save me?

>> No.21379944

Keep the beard and gain mass. Become fitlit.
You look like sigma chad phenotype.

>> No.21379961

What kind of meds? Anxiety, depression, or antipsychotic?

>> No.21379963

my father was an unironic chad, but I take after my mother more and weigh 60kg

>> No.21379964

It's not at all like that. I'm a resilient and clever little fucker, and as such feel sorry for almost everyone. Nature is arbitrary as that.

>> No.21379969

You only have regrets because you loathe yourself. Regrets are a result of you wishing that your life had taken a different path so that you would be a different person than you are now. You need to accept yourself first to make any headway towards the life you want to lead and the person you want to be. Numbing yourself with meds will just turn you into a zombie. You've got a spiritual problem not a physical one, get psychotherapy.

>> No.21379975

Speaking of my own experience and that most commonly related to me by others.

I don't even understand what you're saying in response.

>> No.21379976

First season of One Punch Man was great because it had lots of different jokes. Second season has one single joke, and it's old. Didn't like it

>> No.21379981
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>Men and women can't be friends
Modern dating advice moment. Yes they can if you teo ar actually genuine about tour commitment to one another and not just looking for a fuckboy/girl to fool around with. Advice like yours is why the boomer generation is full of people thst get divorced after their kids leave the house, secretly or openly hate their spouse or generallt just don't know much about their spouse at all. Any solid romantic relationship between a man and woman is built on an even more solid friendship underneath it all. Sure the romantic relationship should probably take precedence, but if any woman you truly love should be your other half, not just another option.

Frankly, I'd say you ought to tell her. Worst she can say is no. If she doesn't understand, get new friends or just talk to her less often. Don't be a girl's emotional fluffer.

I think it has to do with the way people are socialized and how they know they are putting up an act to get a mate, versus a friend, whom they can rake off the mask and be their real self around. I think such a dichotomy is retarded and one of the many sillier aspects of modern dating. Unless you are a sociopath or an actually mentally ill person, why would you treat meeting the love of your life like a job interview instead of an oppurtunity to meet someone that can truly enrich your life by understanding who you truly are in addition to being kind, nuturing, able to have intelligent conversations with AND starting a family and life with? Normalfags fucking confound me with their overcompartmentalization of life. The turn a beautiful thing like life into a retarded series of checkpoints. No wonder they aren't happy: they make themselves miserable by following thw herd a bit too closely instead of lwacing some breathing room to enjoy the scenery.

>> No.21379983

My iPhone was stolen yesterday. They turned it off and I didn’t have the find my iPhone app, so I couldn’t track it, so I decided it was gone and just bought a new one. After a nightmare of two-factor id issues, this morning they turned it on, and I know the address it’s sitting at. It’s in one of the black parts of town, and I’m too afraid to go confront them about it, so I’m just gonna sit here and do nothing. I’d like some way to harass whoever it is without them ever getting a whiff of my identity, but im a huge pussy

>> No.21379982

You're already an 80% Chad. Just pick up some weights and get a manly hobby like camping or boxing. Besides, increased vascularity and bloodflow from exercise will positively affect your cognitive abilities for extra reading.

>> No.21379984

I wonder what being a deviant like you feels like. I'm a sexual normie.

>> No.21379986

Just call the popo and give them the address, and tell them what happened.

>> No.21379989

NTA but what are you supposed to do when the loathing is justified? As in, you consistently failed at even trying to be respectable, you chose to fail. How do you deal with that without going to a shrink (it's costly over here)? I know about the therapeutic dimension of journaling, but on most days I feel too defeated and unworthy to even bother jotting some pointless thoughts down. The sight of them materialised in front of me churns my stomach like a meat grinder.

>> No.21379992

i got that when i started taking sertraline

>> No.21379993

So you only like heterosexual intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation? I'll allow, MAYBE without the purpose of procreation and MAYBE also cowgirl. But that's IT!!!
Anything else and you are a DEVIANT!!!

>> No.21379994


You misunderstood what I said entirely and repeated the same sentiment I espoused but with less depth.

>> No.21379995


>> No.21379999

I only want to read and write, but more and more I feel some obligation to enter business and make something for my family. Once you've been bit by the literature bug, it's hard to direct yourself toward pursuits like business.

>> No.21380001

That's very kind of you, I literally switched to special ed for autists in high school and couldn't speak to the lunch lady at the time without spilling my spaghetti. I've been thinking about getting a hunting licence since I have connections to that world.

>> No.21380003

Woops. We're on 4chan afterall. Stupid shit like that always happens and sometimes blows up into a retarded fight. Kudos for not straight up insulting me and being articulate about it.

>> No.21380016

no, by normie I mean I do different positions as long as they're not acrobatic, I did anal with my girl some 3 or 5 times, and I asked her to put her finger up my ass once. I have kissed dudes and all I felt was disgust, so no suspicions of being bisexual or anything. I have read a big part of Justine by the marquis de Sade and it was weirdly arousing but never did any BDSM. I'm lazy; I like being on command but don't like having to take decisions.
Is that a deviant for you?

>> No.21380018

It's not justified. You were thrust into this life with a weight around your neck you didn't choose. Walk back the path of your life with compassion and you'll understand why you are the way you are. Your failures are driven by unconscious mechanisms you've developed as a result of events in your life that you do not understand and as such you are forever doomed to be guided by them until you make a real attempt to make the unconscious conscious. When you recall events from your life from the point of view of "and this is why I'm a worthless, useless sack of shit" and not "why did I feel the need to behave in this way, that was contrary to my wishes and needs and feelings to create a state where I could never fulfill them" or a similarly analytical, interrogative and compassionate perspective you prevent yourself from any chance of ever getting out of the hole.

Your self-loathing is a psychic curse inflicted on you from some outside source. You don't hate yourself. You love yourself. We all love ourselves. We are all born with love. You've buried yours, who told you that you can't be loved, who made you feel that way?

You go to a shrink because these kinds of things are hard to handle on your own, I'd say impossible for most. I started meditating to try and solve my problems but at some point I hit a wall and couldn't continue my progress. I'd also say it's incredibly valuable to be able to filter your thoughts and feelings through someone else without the same ills as you. Their reflecting back of your experience, through their own lens, will widen your field of view as to what the reality of a situation can be.

>> No.21380026

She POOPS out of THAT HOLE! You put a body part INSIDE A GIRLS POOPING AREA!!!
Someone put something IN YOUR BUTTHOLE
You are a DEVIANT!!!!

>> No.21380038

I spontaneously 2 fingers up my girl's ass when we were fucking and it was pretty hot but that's as far as I'll go in that area
how fat? give examples

>> No.21380049

Anxiety and depression

>> No.21380056

>You need to accept yourself
Accurate post. But how do I do this? How do I forgive? I don’t. I really don’t with all my heart. Not just myself, but man in general.

>> No.21380062

hey, at least i don't like feet or fatties or furry porn or anything like that
fucking an asshole feels nice, anon. It's tight. You should try it. Can never have too much lube though

Is sex and acquiring power all there is to life, anons? Sometimes I doubt anything I do other than that has a purpose, although I'm very fond of other activities like research

>> No.21380065

I'm saying that a sunny temperament is the best of all possible worlds.

>> No.21380077

idk people say it's tighter at first but past the sphincter it's pretty roomy, my gf is tight af so honestly penetrating that area has never been of interest to me

>> No.21380095

yeah I get it why you'd not want that. Anyway, enjoy your tight gf I guess

>> No.21380100

I really can't with you people sometimes lol

>> No.21380106

I did ask myself those analytical questions, trying to investigate my decision making process over the years in a neutral (or trying to be) tone, and the conclusions that I reached all point towards the same thing. I chose to be a coward, because it was easy. I was allowed to coast and get through things the easy way in life, and I remained in that childish mindset ever since. I had the option to say "maybe later" on almost every single occasion, and it is solely my fault that I didn't pierce this cozy periwinkle blue veil to truly see what there is to be found in life. I succumbed to self centered habits ; self flagellations with bouts of figurative autofellatio, the latter having no basis on interaction with reality and relying on fearful delusions instead. And because I became predisposed to these terrible choices and decisions, I don't know how to break out of it all and contribute to the world, or even just make a step towards these checking my delusional ambitions. It's very likely to be my nature, some people are just meant to be permanent frustrated failures that are going to keep sabotaging themselves. It seems like there is nowhere else to go now.
The hypothetical compassion would cushion my situation further and repeat that it's okay to be a no-gooder instead of growing into someone who look beyond themselves. How could it be otherwise after a relatively pampered life? Guilt takes over all of my spirit whenever I encounter somebody who truly had it rough in life, who was given nothing by fate itself. I am in no position to speak about deserving compassion, because I've seen more of it as a kid than some may find in their entire lifetime, and I squandered it all away to be this joke I am today. I feel guilty enough talking about myself in this manner here in this thread, when there are plenty of anons who have the right to air their rightful grievances but choose to say something more substantial instead. Those are the ones who deserve to receive kindness.

Thank you for your precious time and your response. I'm sorry if this is all too reminiscent of adolescent whining. It's just that I never really speak about this stuff, and it seemed like a good opportunity to do so. To anybody who bothered with read this and got nothing out of it (obviously), I'm sorry.

>> No.21380113

meds are like a prosthetic for your brain. they're a tool for your to use to supplement that which is missing, but it's not a replacement

>> No.21380115

Don’t do it. Focus on changing your life for the better. They might get you through a single episode where you need to survive and that’s totally fair, but there’s no point in using them long term. They won’t make regrets go away. They’ll just make you feel empty with an addiction and side effects heaped on top of the rest of your problems.

>> No.21380125
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>> No.21380135

Don't do it with gay men, because they've usually been drained of all their high-test cum, and also because it makes it gay.

>> No.21380147

not learning how to do anything during my teenage years. could have picked up a valuable or even leisurely skill. might have worked through years of shitty output to finally thrive after the struggle. now there is no time, no energy, and no space to go through that learning process. this kills my spirit during every single day. I look at something silly such as young people covering tough songs and I want to die. this regret opened the door for an infestation in my soul. it is rotting with envy and self hatred. i fear for the future. i am terribly afraid of being a bitter old man who still has nothing of value to offer. the worst part? i don't know how to fix it. I could start something, sure, but I won't keep it going because of this fragile mind. how do you fix a fragile mind before it's too late?

>> No.21380156
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>the chuds chirping in the breeze
>slowly doth the river söy unfurl its limbs

>> No.21380185

All Russian men are sad bitches.

>> No.21380196

I am not Russian however. a мнe нpaвитcя их литepaтypa

>> No.21380372

That's the opposite of being compassionate. Compassion isn't about complacency or pity or ignorance. It's the exact opposite, it's about letting it be okay that you've made mistakes and that it's okay that you've ended up in the situation where you're at. It's okay that you're imperfect and that you have faults and that you're a person and like so many other people you have pain inflicted upon you that has led to your inaction. That your cowardice is a result of you trying to prevent further pain in a reflex that is a learned behavior your human system has had to adapt itself to, to survive. Compassion is about allowing yourself to understand because you cannot combat something effectively until you understand it.

Your perspective is horrifically and unfairly warped by your own self hatred and you can't see it.

>> No.21380444

I dreamed about cheating on my gf with my highschool gf again

>> No.21380448

Whenever I try to drink alcohol, it makes me feel like crap and I regret even while drinking. Modest amount seems ok for me but the problem is that it deprives quality of sleep and I end up feeling dull next morning. To be ashamed, I sometimes use alcohol to cope sadness and depression. Perhaps, I should quit drinking once again.

>> No.21380461

I'm having a hard time deciding between pursuing a JD or a PhD.

>> No.21380469


>> No.21380481
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I can already see how it ends

>> No.21380488

What you should be looking for is how it begins.

>> No.21380513
File: 131 KB, 1300x736, 1581208907531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17% of Americans approve of Trump meeting with Nick Fuentes

>73% of Trump voters think Democrats are trying to REPLACE white people with "immigrants and people of color who share their political views", shocking new poll shows
>The survey also asked: "Do you personally believe that in the U.S. Jewish people are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color who share Jewish people’s views?"
>12% of Trump voters replied "Yes"
>Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the population holds an unshakable belief, their belief will always eventually be adopted by the majority of the society

>> No.21380527

what makes these particular beliefs more unshakable though? seems like wishful thinking

>> No.21380554

I struggled very hard to get into a very reputed masters program and when I arrived there I didn't find it in me to work, so now I will probably fail the semester.

2 exams that are compounds of many elements are starting in about 7 and 10 hours from now. Let's face it : there is no possible way that I can cover the whole semester in 7 hours because there are too many possible subjects and I'm a stupid bastard who can't concentrate for more than an hour at a time.

So here is the plan. I'm going to choose one exam to focus on and fluke the other. By "fluking" I mean learning one or two specific subjects by redoing previous exam subjects and hoping they'll fall again when time is due. It's funny how everything goes back to luck every time I fail to make contingency plans. I don't think there has been a single major decision in my life unaffected by luck. Please take care of me, God.

>> No.21380561

Say you have really bad COVID symptoms and "were hoping they'd go away since you've been vaccinated before but now you're pretty sure it's COVID"? Act like you're panicking like ohhh nooo what do I do I can't afford to MISS both my exams!!!!

>> No.21380569

and how can one perform this metaphorical cataract surgery and finally see the light? what are the suggested practical steps to follow?

>> No.21380611

By first recognizing that you are ill in some way and that your way of thinking is irrational and not reflective of reality.
Then reminding yourself that it is okay for you to be who you are and where you are in life.
You have to be able to internalize these two very simple things so that you can consciously counteract your negative thoughts to allow yourself to attempt to understand yourself.

>> No.21380627

Thanks for the advice. Some girl already did that in my major. It'd also turn out to be a major hindrance later as I'd have to retake the exams.

>> No.21380633

a dream ; a goal ; an ambition.

>> No.21380635

damn it

>> No.21380640

Mine is career too. I am currently studying as an I.T. as a scholar but I can't stomach the fact that in the future I am probably just going to stare at a monitor all day long fidgeting with syntaxes and numbers.

So right now I am saving all the time that I can get to writing. Cause even if I just do the bare minimum I won't probably even fail. Writing for a living is a pipe dream, I know, but it is that dream that keeps me going and

>> No.21380657

Another small thing:
>A liar, a loser, and a mutant walk into a bar.
>The liar, fibbs about having enough money to pay for the tab.
>The loser, reaches into his satchel and drives another nail into his forearm, just in hopes of feeling anything.
>The mutant, attempts to comfort and console his friend , and tell him about the upsides of life.
>The liar yanks on his companions arms and tells them to make haste towards the exit, with a small assortment of liquor in hand, with them being followed by the raging barkeep shouting "THIEF, THEIF!"
>A hour later, the liar, the loser, and the mutant are in an alleyway drinking cheap liquor.
>The mutant asks "How much did this cost?"
>The liar answers "$25, when is saw that price, i figured i could've gotten it for free."

>> No.21380662

If you're a scholar, you don't have a career. Just switch.

>> No.21380670

True in my experience. Met a girl who was basically my double, like two peas in a pod, my "twin flame" or whatever the fuck you want to call it, amazing level of trust almost immediately upon meeting her. She still kept fucking some guy who she saw like once a month and who treated her like a stray he took in off the street.

>> No.21380689

Somehow I ended up going to an unremarkable college, entered a career I never wanted, in a place I never wanted, and looking at 30, I don't see anything to be particularly excited about given that I don't see anything to be particularly proud of thus far. Little did I know how important college and what you do immediately after are.

>> No.21380698

My life is devoted to a larger purpose so I don't have any real regrets other than fuckups that were my fault, like time I wasted. I also regret some sad things like not being able to have a better relationship with certain people because we grew apart or met at the wrong time and I was too immature. But I don't fundamentally regret anything, because everything is still ahead of me, I see life as all this work I still have to do and that I love doing. I think a lot of men aren't "built" to see life as defined by a tolerable high-paying job and playing with toys on the evenings and weekends. But when this is all they're taught, like it's the only way a person can be, they form to it and then wonder why they're unhappy buying the latest video game crap at 33.

The happiest people I know are committed to truth or religion in some way, or to social causes. I think you have to feel like your life means something as part of the whole.

>> No.21380727

Have to, but can't

>> No.21380757

10% of people at minimum hold the unshakable belief that trannies that think they're women are women.
That study reeks of bullshit.

>> No.21380840

No internet until the bill gets paid. This sucks

>> No.21380879
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes excuses, lies to himself
>says "I'll do it later"
>keeps cancelling out his own actions
>forgets how to stop

>> No.21380882

i run an after school philosophy club for high schoolers and feel the same. you're well-adjusted anon, keep it up

>> No.21380896

why do you post this in every thread? just change your life and stop whining like all of the other overthinking losers on this board. be a man

>> No.21380910

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society

>> No.21380913
File: 38 KB, 533x612, A4FA5460-6C69-4013-9D49-C0DD404A2A9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is truly dead and it has been for a while. I doubt it will ever rise again in the near future. The board mainly uses books as an aesthetic, or in relation to some idpol or ideological topic.

>> No.21380922

>iphone filename

>> No.21380925

You have an immortal soul. Begin now, you have infinite time ahead of you. Whatever you do in this life will add to your soul regardless of outcome.

>> No.21380934

le epic joker incel chudpost

in all seriousness, the world being sick is totally consistent with how he and i feel. it's why we feel protective for goods like that. now touch grass

>> No.21380941

i see you

>> No.21380948

Do you disagree with that quote? Id be curious to hear why.

"History is a nightmare from which i am trying to awake." -stephen dedalus

>> No.21380954


Device snobbery is an old stupid meme. Touch grass

>> No.21380957
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>i was accused of being a tranny. i'd better say something only trannies say..

>> No.21380963

That wasn’t me. It’s not 2005 anymore where a lot of anons could actually do shit with a computer. Times have changed

>> No.21380966

is this supposed to be funny? i did not find it funny

>> No.21381011
File: 204 KB, 574x574, 1608959015826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My roommate is a nasty cunt. I mean he is a vile conglomeration of meat oozing with juices. I hate this worthless sniveling rat bastard sack of shit. Somehow I got scammed into the dorm room situation and have to live in the same room as him. This is actually my second roommate this semester, because I thought that there couldn't be anyone worse than the first one. Perhaps I am lucky. Perhaps God loves me. This third-world mutt cunt sleeps all fucking day and keeps me up at night. Initially, I let it slide, and I would try to stay out of the room all day, but not having access to my own room during the day really fucking pissed me off. Recently I've just started opening the curtains and being as loud as possible so I wake him up. I know he won't get out of bed, but it feels good to piss him off. The vampire fuckwit also has a tendency to lie in bed and watch tiktok all night with the volume up. My solution is to blast some annoying shit as loud as possible and act like I don't know what the problem is when he tells me to turn it down. Wear fucking headphones cunt. He's also messy as fuck, and he's gay. He has forgotten to flush the toilet four times, and pisses on the god damned seat. He also gets hair fucking everywhere. And, worst of all, he smells like shit and makes the room smell like shit. Due to his faggotry and brown skin, he's also the loudest mf on earth and I want to murder him when he speaks. My number one pet-peeve, though, is his constant fucking scratching. The itchy motherfucker doesn't fucking stop and it sounds like sandpaper. Stop fucking scratching yourself you nasty fucking cunt. Recently, he's developed a cough. This is, of course, loud as fucking shit too. He kept me awake for three fucking nights before I told him to fucking cover his mouth and muffle his goddamned cough. Nasty fuck. Still going. I leave the country in about a week. I'm going to throw his headphones that he doesn't use out the goddamned window. I'm going to piss all over the shit he has strewn all over the bathroom. I'm going to leave pube trimmings on his toothbrush. And if he is actually asleep when I leave next week at 5am, I am going to blast HAMBURGER CHEESEBURGER BIGMAC WHOPPER at full blast on my speaker right before I leave.

>> No.21381027

>is this supposed to be funny?

>> No.21381034


Where'd you learn how to steer
You do eighty in second gear
When you drive, I can't relax
Got your license from Cracker Jacks
You just hit another tree
These fender benders are killin' me

She drives like crazy
Like no one else
She drives like crazy
And I'm afraid for myself

They'll put you behind bars
We're not playin' bumper cars
Did a great figure eight
In the middle of the interstate
Tires squeal wherever we go
Even hitchhikers just say no

She drives like crazy
Her car's a mess
She drives like crazy
She's got a death wish I guess

She's a demon
Behind the wheel
Thinks she's drivin'
The Batmobile

Burnin' rubber in school zones
Runnin' over traffic cones
Passin' "semi-"s on the right
Now my knuckles are turnin' white

She drives like crazy
She'll break our necks
She drives like crazy
She always gets into wrecks

She drives like crazy
Like no one else
She drives like crazy
Now I'm afraid for myself
Beautiful, just beautiful...

>> No.21381080

Apparently George agrees.
George: Elaine, you know how I've always been obsessed with finding the perfect job, the perfect apartment, the perfect girlfriend?

Elaine: Yeah, I know. You're always trying to find some kind of stability in your life.

George: Right. But lately, I've been realizing that it's all a waste of time. Because no matter how much I try to fit in and be a "normal" person, I'm still living in a society that's fundamentally sick.

Elaine: What do you mean?

George: I mean, look around us. We're living in a world where people are constantly striving for material possessions and superficial success, where we're bombarded with images of perfection and told to conform to impossible standards. It's a world where we're taught to prioritize our own happiness and fulfillment above all else, even at the expense of others.

Elaine: That's true. But what can we do about it?

George: We can start by acknowledging that this way of life is not healthy or sustainable. We can recognize that it's not a measure of our own worth or success to be well-adjusted to a deeply flawed society. We can choose to reject the societal norms and expectations that are causing us so much stress and unhappiness.

Elaine: That's a pretty radical perspective, George.

George: Maybe. But it's one that I think we all need to start considering if we want to create a better world for ourselves and future generations. It's time to stop pretending that everything is okay and start making some real changes.

>> No.21381106
File: 149 KB, 900x675, 1517514520237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was
No. See? I am on a lap top
>Only trannies say touch grass
No, it's a new meme. We all say it now. Straight white males. everybody.
Only trannies post pepe frog now. You're a tranny, right?

>> No.21381130


>> No.21381140

Good threads die too fast because shiposters make more shitthreads than good anons make good threads. For example if 50% of anons were in good faith and 50% are shitposters, the latter make 90% of threads and posts. Moderation has failed us as they ignored the increasing prevalence of off topic threads, or threads that belong on different boards, in the last few years. Early in 2022 /lit/ died

>> No.21381164

I read the first five chapters of My Secret Life and now I'm unironically jealous that I didn't grow up with maids around the house to kiss and basically molest

>> No.21381187

Understandable, seems like a good adolescence. We are living very disconnected from each other. I want to live on a planet with free love as its modus operandi, an endless orgy

>> No.21381205

The Person being watched goes about their Day, completely oblivious to the Gaze that is trained upon them—traversing their Milieu with a sense of effortless nonchalance but with a concealed Anxiety in their Body Language—hesitating every so frequently to scrutinize their Surroundings as if attempting to catch a glimpse of their Stalker, but never espying me concealed in the Shadows as I watch them attentively—taking note of their every Movement, Habits, Routines, and Vulnerabilities that I have studied for weeks waiting for the Opportune Moment to strike and now that Moment has finally arrived as I wait until they are Solitary and Preoccupied with their Guard down to strike with Accuracy & Speed—taking them by surprise as they try to defend themselves futilely against my Strength & Power—leaving them at my Mercy & Control, trembling & terror-stricken as they plead for their Life but I am unbending, having waited for what seems like an eternity for this Moment and now finally having them right where I want them, helpless & at my mercy—ready to implement my Plan & make them pay for their Transgressions, having studied them for so long & learning everything there is to know about them, and now I am ready to put my Knowledge to the test & show them who is truly in control—having been waiting for this Moment for far too long and now I will make them pay for their Actions & make them regret ever crossing me, reveling in their Fear & Desperation as I finally have the upper hand & hold their Fate in my hands—relishing the feeling of Poder & Dominio over another Human Being.

>> No.21381240

>how fat? give examples

I've gotten a boner to women weighing more than 500 pounds in the past. Go look up a girl named Boberry, or a girl named Juicy Jackie.

>> No.21381253

How do you stand the smell?

I've always thought fatfags really have it made, it's basically like a backdoor secret route to being the ultimate Chad. Instead of being great enough that you can fuck any woman, you just smashed your brain in the womb somehow and it made you love dumpster tier women nobody else wants. If the pig thinks its own shit tastes like a 5 star meal, who's to say the pig isn't in heaven?

>> No.21381257

Academic. Wish I got better grades in high school so I could've gone to a better university instead of a poorly funded commuter school. Everything is working out career-wise, and I get to attend a nice university for postgrad, but those were the loneliest four years of my life. .

>> No.21381283

Surprisingly easy to envision this as a scene, just without the laugh track.

>> No.21381326

think I might've accidentally revealed my sociopath power level at work today

>> No.21381376

These past few days I had a graduation event in my uni. I talked with so many new people, chatted with underclassmen, with people I knew but had never really had a conversation before, and with some girls I met way back in 2018 and hadn’t seen for years. One of them even flirted with me, although I once again went through fucking everything up by having a girl asking me for my insta and getting disappointed when I said I didn’t have one.
Anyway, it was amazing but also made me sad because I realised I crave this kind of human interaction and have barely had any since 2015. I had completely forgotten how it even felt before today.
Fuck, the most sociable couple days of my uni life just happened and they were right before I graduated. I’m being optimistic and seeing it as a wake up call and a reminder about what is really important in life, but I don’t have the faintest idea about how I could regularly find moments like these. People in here usually tell you to join a club or start some new hobby, but in my experience no matter how cool the people are you end up just seeing each other at that activity and don’t progress into any relationship beyond the superficial.
Why did we have to make getting to know strangers so taboo when almost everyone feels alone and craves companionship? Even this insta thing is a symptom, people can’t flirt irl anymore. It’s either clubbing/going at bars and getting drunk/high before hooking up with strangers or just saying “hit me up on my socials.”

>> No.21381379

trust me if they're older than you they already knew. you're a child.

>> No.21381384

it's just one coworker and he's 7 years younger than me

>> No.21381385

Cut-up technique has always interested me despite the results being retarded. AI is like advanced cut-up already but on top we can do things like splice the meaning of random internet posts with pop culture tropes.

>> No.21381440

A friend of mine had difficulty expressing himself while growing up. On his early twenties he seemed to go through a big transformation and became more confident and expressive. A couple of years latter I created a twitter and realised how much of his personality is transplanted from there, from imbecilic political opinions to his personal tastes. Time skip a few more years and I finally met his work colleagues, all people from the job he got shortly before the changes in personality started and whom he likes. Everything immediately clicked: he’s a copy of those fuckers. There isn’t an ounce of originality in his being: he just apes others a got better at it. I’m disappointed both in the situation itself and in his choice of people. Liberal materialists zoomers addicted to pop culture, “ironic humour” and fake outrage about social causes and news. For fuck’s sake Victor. Why emulate narcissistic shits? For years I thought you were being yourself.

>> No.21381446

It sounds like your friend may have been going through a difficult time while growing up and may have struggled with expressing himself. It is common for people to look to others for guidance and inspiration when they are unsure of themselves, and it seems like your friend may have found some comfort and confidence in the people he met at work. While it may be disappointing to see that he has adopted some of their behaviors and opinions, it is important to remember that everyone is unique and that your friend may have his own reasons for doing so. It is also worth considering that he may have changed and developed his own sense of self over time, even if it may not seem that way to you. Ultimately, it is up to your friend to decide how he wants to express himself and who he wants to be.

>> No.21381453

Lotta people want to fit in and are afraid of expressing their internal selves outwardly more honestly because they fear that will lead to alienation. People are scared and lonely and will conform to the way people around them behave out of that fear and loneliness. Hopefully he finds himself more as he ages.

>> No.21381476

Stock response, so generic it sounds A.I generated.
NTA but I will continue to judge people as I see fit
> everyone is unique
Superficially true. Every individual is complex, and yes we all look towards others to an extent, but there are many who completely loose themselves to the empty grind of accumulating all the outward signs of success . Basically the Patrick Batemans of the world. Or people who end up like Ivan Illych

>> No.21381479

I had another relapse tonight. It feels like sinking into a bottomless pit. The more you struggle, the faster you sink. One step forward, two steps back. Should I give up and just "manage" my addiction, accepting that it will prevent me from having a family or accomplishing anything significant in life. It's been almost 10 years, and I'm tired. Most opportunities have probably already passed me by anyway.

>> No.21381486

goofy ass nigga

>> No.21381490

I wish I'd be in a videogame, atleast then I could see and defeat my problems.

>> No.21381496

All the fat girls I've ever actually dated didn't smell, for whatever reason. Then again they weren't absolutely huge.

There's a special heaven to be found in lying on a big gir's belly and playing with her tits. It's very relaxing.

>> No.21381503

I wish I were the grandfather of a sea worm on Europa. It's a strange thing to wish for, I know, but there's something about the thought of being a grandparent to such a fascinating and unique creature that fills me with a sense of wonder and awe. I can only imagine what it would be like to watch my grandchild wriggling and squirming through the frozen ocean beneath the ice-covered surface of Europa, a moon of Jupiter. I would be so proud to be a part of such an incredible and alien world, and I would do anything to make sure my grandchild was happy and healthy. Unfortunately, I am not a sea worm, and I am not on Europa, so I can only dream about what it would be like to be the grandfather of such a creature.

>> No.21381516

What's your poison brother?

>> No.21381537

A severe porn addiction. I've been late to work and missed important events because of it. It saps my energy, so I feel pretty much nothing anymore. In a way, it's all I have left.

>> No.21381603
File: 1.95 MB, 4000x2252, 20221214_172007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my birthday today and I normally don't expect much, always happy to just receive basic gifts from my family because I love them.
But today a friend from overseas sent me a cake. It's so touching. Haven't felt like this since I was a child. Birthdays are so special but it's easy for us to forget how special they are.
Share some cake for all my /lit/ bros too.

>> No.21381615

happy birthday, mr. centaur. Cake does look tasty indeed.

>> No.21381644

Thanks anon, you get a slice with the chocolate comb

>> No.21381689

Are you playing osrs?

>> No.21381698

Happy birthday

>> No.21381752

how do i even know what im supposed to read

t. loser

>> No.21381769

read what you like

>> No.21381772


>> No.21381777

Apparently I can reply but not create new threads

>> No.21381790
File: 207 KB, 584x781, Franz_oppenheimer_1_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who came up with the idea that the invention of property was the sole cause of war?

>> No.21381798

Just found out the worlds tallest man is my age

>> No.21381803

Nice dubs.

Also, Pontius Pilates.

>> No.21381898

About to graduate. After that I'm probably going to take a solo vacation use up some of my meager savings just to delay deciding what I want to do with my life (because i really have no clue)
Planning on going to Costa Rica.
I'm kind of scared though because I'm not sure what to do on my own. I've lived in my homecity all my life, and am basically a shut in with bad social skills.
I want to see some of the world on my own, but I'm afraid I'll just end up in my same bad habits somewhere else. Or just seeing various tourist attractions alone, getting bored and ending up back here
You can't run away from yourself.
I'm stingy with my money even on vacation so I'm going to be staying at this shithole hotel.
Kinda just want to see or experience something exciting. Don't care if it's fun or horrible. Just to have a real adventure, something I can tell my state-mandated grandkids about when I'm a drooling old husk.
My fear is I won't. It's easy to fantasize here, but in the real world I'm a coward. You can't have an adventure all alone.

>> No.21381930

Rousseau maybe.

>> No.21381958

I'm so sick of all the females in the world, at once needy and resentful, expectant and dismissive, hot and cold etc. I wish I were born a hundred years earlier so that I could at least die at sea or in a trench, surrounded by men without a woman in sight, at the age of 22

>> No.21382102


>> No.21382137

I've compiled a list of my influences



>> No.21382141

Whats your current worldview look like?

>> No.21382167

you know i'm feeling really weird right now and i don't know why

>> No.21382172

that's fucking rough. godspeed

>> No.21382189

hard to say, I would probably say that humans' ability to reason has caused him mental anguish and that we must return to a state of primalism in close connection with God to cultivate his world so that everyone can be at the very least satisfied with a basic standard of living, without trying to create technologies that may increase the suffering of other humans, just a very simple standard of life for all. I also believe distinctions must be made between those who stand for this view and those who oppose it and we should not break bread or attempt to entertain their fanciful ideas of what "progress" means. oh, and I believe everything in language should be defined by context to allow for a more precise exchange of ideas, so that everything proceeds with the utmost certainty.

>> No.21382193

What did you do? Spam shitty OPs?

>> No.21382198

The lack of response from society at large on the Twitter Files has left me depressed.

This entire scandal has indicated that the US government not only censored speech, but that it also purposefully gamed the 2020 election through that censorship, and nobody cares. This illusion of a two-party system has completely fallen apart, and nobody cares!

Things can get only worse from here.

>> No.21382211

I've read through them and it's more than a little underwhelming. It basically confirms things pretty much everyone already knew about Twitter. So if you're not sensing a bunch of outrage about it outside of your favored outrage-peddling ingroup, it's probably because most people are already familiar with the fact that Twitter fucking sucks. It's why I personally don't have an account with that platform. Maybe you should divest yourself if it too — you might find yourself getting less outraged at the drop of a hat.
>no man, you just don't UNDERSTAND...
I do, little fren. I do.

>> No.21382217

i'm a young guy, came here about a year ago and posted an embarassing self-help book recommendation thread. someone told me to read the republic. i want to thank whoever that was because it is unbelievable cool. i had no idea books could be like this, so thank you anonymous man

>> No.21382222

happy birthday, man

>> No.21382223

I have no freaking idea, at all.

>> No.21382258

i believe i am having an "anxiety attack." i do hope this stops soon. i am not going to finsish writing this

>> No.21382265
File: 176 KB, 821x1227, 1_DM_TEM_301118doug-1373_Dougsmith_resultJPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just saw an advert that started 'periods have no chill'

>> No.21382274

Alright, little update there.
I think I did pretty well on my first exam. I made basic mistakes here and there but I'll survive.
The second one is coming up in an hour and I'm absolutely not prepared. Some Guy didn't show up this morning and the teachers were seething. I can't say I look forward to this because I truly don't. It's pharmacology this time and I feel like I can't possibly learn anything in such short notice. I can do some crazy shit on the edge of despair but I certainly can't make up fucking molecules. I'm going to bet everything I have on the non-pharma stuff and hope for the best.

>> No.21382279

Do not distract your mind with music or anything else while writing

>> No.21382300

>that it also purposefully gamed the 2020 election through that censorship, and nobody cares. This illusion of a two-party system has completely fallen apart, and nobody cares!
You do know this kind of election social media gaming has been in the open since 2008 right? If you wanted something done about this then the time to do it was when Facebook was doing far worse than censorship.

>> No.21382479

twitterfiles was an absolute nothingburger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7D82NUq07c
no i dont care what you think of destiny he's right here

>> No.21382648

Dubs and I'll kill myself after finishing my novel

>> No.21382668
File: 67 KB, 540x545, 1615654197887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people seprate "real" life and art?

Most people don't really give a shit about art even the aspiring artists, even if do they just use it as a means for communication to have more normalfaggot parties around it. Life is fucking boring, relationships are a chore, it is the same vulgar shite of colliding desires and conflicts repeating over and over. Same stories that we all have heard before a million times. Why don't these cunts ever get tried of talking and discussing people and events. Why do they make distinction between art and real life?

>> No.21382678

I don't care what other people do or believe as long as they leave me the fuck alone. The best way to be left alone is to mind my own business. Ultimately, it doesn't affect me what other people believe about art. It has precisely no bearing on my own relationship therewith. I'd suggest that if you're bothered by what other people say, do, or believe, you just let them do it and pay no attention to it. That's if you care about art. If you didn't, it would be a pretty dumb thing to be whinging about.

>> No.21382681

You like Jünger because you are a cringy /pol/nigger who unironically listens to Sabaton

I like Jünger because his LSD and mescaline, trip reports are mindblowingly good.

We are emphatically not the same.

>> No.21382699

Since I'm rangebanned and can't make a thread about it: Who are some notable excellent writers that were driven by spite and disdain for their contemporaries? Other than Céline and Nabokov

>> No.21382707

You're a retard that understands nothing deferring to another retard that understands nothing.

>> No.21382708

Wyndham Lewis

>> No.21382715

>he hasn't even gone full absurdist yet
The only thing stopping you from dressing up as a giant bird today is your normiefaggot tendencies.

>> No.21382754

My cat is rlly cute hehe

>> No.21382757


>> No.21382805
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>> No.21382814

This is also a cute kitty but he shouldn't be sad because he is too cute for anyone to be mad at him.

>> No.21383041

it's a serious flaw of mine that i let tripfags irritate me so much. i don't even know why i hate them, i just do. it's like being a child and seeing a cockroach; you just instinctively know there's something inherently wrong and repulsive afoot. you don't need reasons or rationality, you just know instantly when you see it that tripfags are fucking horrible and they shouldn't exist

>> No.21383110

For some reason there are things that are actually fairly new radical social experiments (often failed) that are viewed as normal parts of life.

Random examples:
- Men and women being friends
- Internet Mods
- Relationships through social media

>> No.21383133

people have next to 0 knowledge of themselves and so have next to 0 knowledge of humanity

>> No.21383149

I judge people purely based on their looks. Whrn I see an ugly man I doubt his capability of being fun, or a good friend, or simply an OK person. I don't even entertain the thought of spending time with him. When I see an attractive man, he makes me smile simply by his appearance alone. I cannot help but think of how fun it would be to get to know him. The same can be said for attractive men and women.
I say this as an ugly person myself. You shouldn't judge the normies for judging you by appearance alone. It is a reflex, an instinct, that is impossible to overcome. All that one can do is suppress it, but its effects will remain as subtle influences in the direction of your friendship. If there is an instinct, there must be an evolutionary reaon behind it. Ugly people must be ugly for a reason; like a biological warning signal to guarantee that others do not risk it.

Anyway, don't judge the normies bros. Even if you can suppress your instincts, the normie doesn't even understand his. He acts purely off of instinct. The normie is not evil, he is simply incapable of knowing.

>> No.21383200
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I made a choice I regretted 5 minutes later
But when I made the choice I was sure I wouldn't regret it


>> No.21383206
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I too have ejaculated on my own face anon

>> No.21383216

Do you ever think about how something like a happy moment or song might be observed by someone else? Like something like a song from someone’s childhood may be a very fond memory they look back at but on the other hand, the song might trigger flashbacks to a person’s abuse in their childhood.
On the surface things could seem happy and innocent but behind the scenes there are many complex things at work. An innocent, sweet song may bear the shadow of a monster. Acting as a trojan horse for memories of the past to flood back in.
One thing that affects a person positively can have a negative effect on the next. What are the consequences of something that you perceive as an innocent act towards someone else? Serving as constant reminders of how they felt and what they went through. Could these memories that your body contains but maybe represses make you suddenly feel repulsed, when you catch a glimpse of their abuse in them? How do our actions affect others.

Like think of it this way for example in this scenario. I meet a new friend. We are getting to know each other, and we find that we are getting along very well. We like the same foods, we like to talk about the same topics, and in general, we feel like we can be ourselves around each other.
One day we decide to share our music interests. It is fine at first. We share some of our favorite bands. One party really likes blink 182. The second really likes green day. Then they begin sharing songs they remember from their childhood. Person “A” shares a song called “butterfly” by a band named crazy town. They explain that they remember hearing it and liking the chorus. They point out that it is funny to them, and how it is was not recognized as a sexually charged song due to their innocence as a child.
Person B goes along and continues the conversation. They share that they really have a fond memory of listening to the song “kryptonite” by 3 doors down. They explain that they listened to the song repeatedly while going on a road trip.
You’ve both exited the conversation on a good note. Or so you’ve thought. After you are telling them you really enjoy the song called “butterfly” you’ve found that your new friend is acting strange around you almost like they’re uncomfortable around you. Is it something you should bring up or ignore? Maybe they were just having a bad day, you thought.

>> No.21383218

My regrets are all small, usually character related. I wish I was kinder to person x, more empathetic to y, more understanding towards z, etc. Others are, in general, efficiency regrets, like just wishing I started something earlier, took something more seriously, so I would be better at x right now. But those truly don't matter.

My only career related regrets is it took me so long to jump ship from what I was doing before to what I'm doing now.

I hope to not create any more.

>> No.21383223


- Mass migration

>> No.21383226
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I have absolutely zero (0) regrets, I do not fall prey to sunk costs.

>> No.21383236

I like this train of thought and will continue it in the next thread.
There is a lot.

>> No.21383303

it's a nice bit of real-world symbolism that you do coke off a mirror
it ties in well
the ego

>> No.21383318

can't buy fortnite pass because we are sanctioned

>> No.21383320

Some pretentious faggot was bragging about his LOTR Folio Society books and his getting BTFO is one of the funniest things I've seen on /lit/ in quite a while: >>21380884

>> No.21383350

Everyone already knows that most institutions in the world today lean progressive and support the Democratic Party. Those “twitter files” haven’t actually revealed anything new.

>> No.21383375

Not sure, but John Locke's labor theory of property comes to mind because hunter gatherer societies are pitted as an obvious example where cultivation of lands in an agricultural way does not describe all types of land usage, according to critics--the exception being rotating use of said lands by nomads.

>> No.21383423

Should people try to appropriate past failures for future successes?

>> No.21383428
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Next thread


>> No.21383432

As in learn from mistakes?
That’s why we fail. To learn

>> No.21383453

No. For example, I mean to return to an arena you experienced failure in but this time having success. It's appropriating because you can do anything, but you choose to return to the place of failure.

>> No.21383503
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I'm working on a writing a series of interviews between two characters, can you guys tell me if this is even halfway humorous?
>I have a confession to make
>oh yeah?
>I...am a gay man
>*puts his head in his hands and tries to hide his smile* you are so full of shit
>what? how am I full of shit?
>because I know you're not gay
>how do you know I'm not gay
>because I've seen what you...pleasure yourself to
>what does it matter what I get off to?
>because it tells me what...what you find attractive
>no no, you can't go by that
>why can't I go by that?
>because normal guys jerk to gay stuff time and again, you gotta admit that right
>I'm not gonna admit to anything but I'll follow you for a moment
>well then don't it make sense for me to be a gay man but beat it to normal stuff
>yeah but you don't jerk off to normal stuff
>what do you mean?
>you jerk off to little kids

>> No.21383961

The most worrying thing for me though. Is the fact that both people may be unaware of their own actions. Or rather, that they are reacting or doing something effecting themselves or another person without knowing about it. A person might have forgotten a traumatic event from their childhood but still carry it, not even aware of it. Which is uncommon but happens. They could have reactions or feelings towards something that makes them feel uncomfortable without them really knowing why. On the other hand, this second person might be completely oblivious to the effect something they have said or did has effected this person.
This isn’t in the same regard as just someone being insensitive because, even day to day activities or just generally trying to get another person could come across as creepy to this person and make them raise their guard. Both parties are unaware of what transpired in the back and forth transactions.