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/lit/ - Literature

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21376883 No.21376883 [Reply] [Original]

How /lit/ is your city?

>tfw living in miami, where no one reads and there are no coffee shops

>> No.21376927

lol, you're looking for the intellectual life like that which you picture it in europe? enjoy what you have, miami is beautiful with excellent weather and people. if you want to exchange misery propaganda with other caffeine addicted intellectuals, go to a university and talk to their brain dead products of modern 'enlightenment' in the flesh.

>> No.21376937
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I'm a DCfag. I just miss the intellectual stimulation. Everyone in Miami is clinically retarded. They only care about sex, drugs, and partying. Yeah, it's fun when you first move here, but it eventually gets old. The women are STD ridden Stacies who make me want to bash my skull against the pavement whenever I talk to them. Don't even get me started on the guys here. Even the University of Miami students are pseuds. The only saving grace is that there are New Yorkers here and there who bring some semblance of culture to this city.

>> No.21376954

the vast majority of people don't read, anon. if you read more than 6 books a year, you read more than the average american -- and the average american reads mass-market slop like airport thrillers and self-help business books. we are alone.

>> No.21376961
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Not quite where I live but it doesn't even matter because I don't talk to enough people to answer that anyway.

>> No.21376964

hang in there buddy. i agree it isn't an intellectual city, and lots of the activities are for brainlets, but there ARE small niches of readers here. I mean my current gf is a reader and a previous girl I dated was a bookworm, they're out there. you just need to avoid the club scene.

>> No.21376971

so you're an incel and you can't handle it

>> No.21376983

>intellectual stimulation
Regurgitating platitudes from the latest Brookings “white paper” is not stimulation.

>> No.21376989
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The absolute state of Amerifats.

So sad to see. No wonder you're all on antidepressants and other psycho stimulants!

>> No.21376991

>new yorkers
lol. just torrent an old movie wtf is even your problem

>> No.21376996

what do you even mean by that
I just read in my house
t. indianapolis

>> No.21377000

I'm literally dating a former playboy model. But she's retarded, too. Cope.

>> No.21377002

Cool I'm dating one too.

>> No.21377003

Not very outside of business books.
I can get in a train to the city and then it’s lit, though.

>> No.21377007

I think that title expires after 30 years bro

>> No.21377013


>> No.21377020

Montreal is pretty /lit/ but not nearly as /lit/ as it pretends to be sometimes.

It is made better, though, by the fact that I am also dating a playboy model.

>> No.21377024

wot do coffee shops have to do with reading?

>> No.21377029

So you can show off what you're reading to disinterested college girls, of course

>> No.21377036

>using r9k teenagerisms like 'Stacy' and 'cope'
sounds like being among the retarded is right where you're belong lmao

>> No.21377049

I don't like overt displays of emotion in public so I prefer to read books alone. Even if that weren't an issue, I'd never be able to read in such a distracting environment. I tried it once and I couldn't help listening in on other peoples' mundane conversations about their lives.

>> No.21377062
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>I don't like overt displays of emotion in public
>so I prefer to read books alone.

>> No.21377070

Irrelevant coastal city in New England
There is a nautical lit book club that gets into some niche books, but it's full of boomers. The scene for younger people revolves around an art gallery/coffeehouse/co-op that got consumed by identity politics during the Trump years and does nothing but queer/race stuff now.

>> No.21377078

You need to start a Rightwing book club

>> No.21377102

I like to ugly cry at full volume in Starbucks while reading Junie B Jones.

>> No.21377106

>he doesn't laugh or make facial expressions when reading

>> No.21377116
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Except you fags don't live in Miami, where beautiful women are a dime a dozen. Back in DC, the women are ugly as fuck, but they're significantly smarter. I dated a couple doctors there, whereas I date dumbass models in Miami.

>> No.21377124

Honestly, Connecticut is pretty /lit/ all things considered. I mean aesthetically, obviously the people are retarded.

>> No.21377154

Iowa City, so...

>> No.21377162 [DELETED] 

Not at all. I mean there's lit stuff, but it's all lame. This country is not religious enough for art to be relevant in the right way. Instead only lit convos I have is trying to pull 50yo hags by inventing imaginary philosophers and writers and talking about them as if they were real.

>> No.21377164


>> No.21377176
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>no coffee shops in miami

>> No.21377198

>no one reads, but everyone buys books
it's a special kind of hell. Rainier is kino though

>> No.21377209
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What, so you could have the fantasy some 6/10 reading some New York Times bestseller by women, for women, is actually interesting and interested in you?

>> No.21377218

>tfw will never live in a dingy apartment on a narrow lane that is older than the american continent
fuck man. mcmansions aren't kino, what am i supposed to do with 3000 sq ft of airspace under a tar shingle roof, wait for a strong enough wind to blow it down?

>> No.21377222

>trump is shitposting on /lit/

>> No.21377227

digits confirm

>> No.21377274

The city or the mountain? If your talking about the mountain than I agree. I used to work in Ashford, it was a very nice drive out there. I used to just pull over and look at the mountain, listen to King Crimson or Dave Bixby, and be filled with so much love for the world.

>> No.21377506
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Serbanon here, living in Belgrade. The town is kind of the epicenter of everything in here extending not only to lit but to government, industry, education, media, culture and even transit to a large extent, weirdly enough. It's as if you combined every major city in the United States and got a metropolitan area of 2 million people.

The city is great in my opinion because it's so broad in every way imaginable. Many people hate it and think it's awful with issues such as pollution or traffic and it might as well be the case that quantitatively Belgrade does suck, but the different kind of people you can meet makes up for it. Pic related describes it well, as does architecture in the city in general. The city is vastly varied in style as it can change from building to building. You could find all kinds of specific people someone would want to seek in a smaller or bigger number proportional to how big is that kind of specific thing. I don't know many lit people per se, but I speak with average people about the books they've read and if it's someone a bit more educated, chances are they'll be well-versed in basic /lit/.

A big part of it being so diverse is that you can find a ton of different places to read; brutalist forests of concrete, baroque downtown, extensive parks, riversides and lake with greenery, big new luxury projects, industrial facilities, some pretty ancient buildings. It's really all about picking your poison. My current apartment building was built in 1899 and I find it endlessly enduring.

The only bad side is that it's getting worse by the day, but I'll enjoy while I can.

Oh and the hipsters. Fact of the matter is, it's brimmimg with pseuds, more pseuds than genuine people. But I still get by.

>> No.21377526
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It's a shithole but the most aesthetically and culturally fascinating shithole you will ever visit.

It FEELS like it should be a "writer's place" but I'm not convinced it is.

>> No.21378308

there are doctors in miami. you're just in the dumbass circles. i'm dating a lawyer now. miami has tons of finance-girls too.

>> No.21378374

Lmao post chin

>> No.21378445

>is sad
Sin makes you miserable.

>> No.21378448

NYC is good for it still.

>> No.21378458
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Abandon all hope ye who enters here.

Nothings worse than living in a capital of a fallen power.

>> No.21378467

Lived in New York for 5 years, now out in rural Massachusetts and trying to make my way towards Boston.
NYC is a shithole and not /lit/ unless you can travel back in time 20-30 years.