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File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21370500 No.21370500 [Reply] [Original]

In what works does Evola rail against Christianity? One of the things I've always disliked about fascism is how cucked it is by the church. I was surprised to learn that such a key figure in the movement was so vehemently opposed to the church.

>> No.21370506

Many of his earlier works, notably Pagan Imperialism, but also parts in Revolt

However, you should know that he later accepted Catholicism as a legitimate tradition

>> No.21370523

>such a key figure in the movement
he wasn't a fascist, he never became a party member(significant in Fascist Italy), he had mixed fortunes in fascist Italy, including being targeted by big name fascists for his writings
it's precisely the spiritual side of things that made him at the same time dislike the plebeian attitude of Hitler but also like, even more than Fascists in Italy, the SS in Germany

>> No.21370525

>Catholicism as a legitimate tradition
What does this mean in non-schizo language?

>> No.21370528

>fascism is how cucked it is by the church
Fascism was pagan though, but you sound like you're 12 so it makes sense you have these "insights"

>> No.21370533

ultimately it is not cringe and it’s heckin’ valid

>> No.21370557

This is the side of National Socialism and Fascism I don't like.

>> No.21370619
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Not going to argue fascism's relation to catholicism was anything more than political, but let's get a proof of paganism beyond vaporwave memes. I'm all ears.

>> No.21370804

Try his essay collections and look for anything historical relating to the ancient world.

>> No.21370825
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His opposition to Christianity is mostly due to a desire to oppose the bourgeois intellectuals of his time. He certainly despises protestantism, but his position towards Catholicism is more ambivalent, and he recognizes christianity in the west as being basically romanized and germanised. I think he also just opposed certain aspects of Christianity because he wanted to elevate the Olympian Ideal, and this idea of the warrior ascetic. He thinks that something such as Catholicism is better than nothing, but that it's modernizing trends were worrying and that if you think are traditional by way of being Catholic alone, you are only halfway. Moreover, he would have scathingly criticized new age paganism, and even pagan reconstructionism. Norse pagan odinist larpers will never get to appropriate Evola, sorry to say it.

>> No.21372001

The easiest place to read it is probably Fall of Spirituality/Mask and Face of Contemporary Spirituality (Maschera e Volto). In later chapters he talks about the possibility of Catholicism being the vehicle for a reborn Tradition.

>One of the things I've always disliked about fascism is how cucked it is by the church. I was surprised to learn that such a key figure in the movement was so vehemently opposed to the church.
He tried to stop the Concordat in 1929 with Pagan Imperialism and got in trouble for a while.

Neither Guenon nor Evola are opposed to all possibility of a Christian church. It's just that they think it has no metaphysical core anymore. Basically if you want to understand what this means, it means it has no equivalent to practicing and vital Sufi orders. But Guenon initially wanted Europe to prove him wrong by demonstrating that it had something, and Evola never completely ruled out the possibility. They just found it very unlikely, and they saw the modern church as basically just a bunch of secular tendencies combined with mere devotionalism and dogmatism, which are not metaphysical insight.

>> No.21372034

Exactly. Evola and Guénon deplored that Christianity lost its esoteric core only to keep the exoteric practices. Christianity's lack of metaphysical depth required to fuel the soul of civilization along with the moral weakness it distilled in men made them wary of it to some extent

>> No.21372062

It seems that pretty much every world tradition has descended into such vulgar materialism. Take a look at what happened to Shingon Buddhism. Non-Buddhists and females were previously prohibited from entering Mount Kōya's sacred grounds. The monks were forced to marry after the secular Meiji restoration, and the land is now open to tourism.

>> No.21372101

That's just the Kali Yuga in action. Guénon talks to length about such devaluation of spiritual traditions into multiplicity and egalitarialism

>> No.21373098


>> No.21373160

nigger, he wrote an entire book shitting on Christianity called "Pagan Imperialism".

though he had a softer spot for Catholicism due to it absorbing some pagan influence

>> No.21373225

Yep, although I do think both Guenon and Evola missed out on the metaphysical dimension of Christian agape that some authors like Tomberg cover well from a hermetic standpoint. In my view, Evola is overly shakti-tantrist, and Guenon is a bit arid in his metaphysics as well, being pure jnana yoga over karma yoga. Tomberg expresses the power of God's love as a symbol that can reconcile the paradox of dualism better than a "pointless" maya/samsara can, in the chapter of Meditations on the Tarot on the High Priestess.

Yeah Guenon was surprisingly optimistic about "the East," in a very general sense, still having intact traditions. I think Evola saw more clearly initially that the East is just as fucked as the West, they're just about 30-60 years behind, and he even says in some places that because the processes of degeneration were perfected in the West first, they are taking place faster and striking deeper in the East.

Guenon also seems to have realized, probably after moving to Cairo and seeing Islam up close, that the Islamic world has its own problems and doesn't have much of an active esoteric core either (or didn't at that time). That's why in the '30s he seems to shift his emphasis to sending people on exploratory missions to find the last remaining cores of authentic traditions, like sending Valsan (if I recall correctly) to Mount Athos.

There are still some holdouts of strong traditions like some of the ultra-conservative Buddhist traditions in Southeast Asia. Pannobhasa on Youtube was part of a Burmese sangha I believe.

What is happening to Japan is not just sad, it's scary, since Japan is one of the last remaining ethnostates with a strong sense of self that isn't Israel. They are one of the last states that could shrug off the insane shit we do in the West, like genocide via mass immigration. But you are just now starting to see the emergence of "woke" elites in Japan, of course funded by all sorts of creepy entities, and preying on outsiders and losers in Japan (like childless westernized urban women).

>> No.21373231

It’s a false religion but that it has symbolic truths

>> No.21373235

what do you think of Evola's essay on christian mysticism vs initiation in intro to magic iii?

>> No.21373239

>I think Evola saw more clearly initially that the East is just as fucked as the West, they're just about 30-60 years behind, and he even says in some places that because the processes of degeneration were perfected in the West first, they are taking place faster and striking deeper in the East.
he was right after all with the west importing progressive propaganda across over the continents.

>> No.21373243
File: 23 KB, 366x300, intro to magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys really need to read these. Evola described them as "indispensable" for someone wanting to study esotericism from a Trad perspective. He's right. They go into technical details and explain what enlightenment/awakening actually is. So good.

They are also very complex and have many hidden meanings. Honestly some of my favourite books.

>> No.21373248

The East was falling on it's own anyway.

>> No.21373252
File: 2.48 MB, 1308x836, hermetictradition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read in conjunction with pic rel

>> No.21373688

Yes, this is what he called the occult war. Dark forces use places they already control more or less directly to "focus" degeneracy on other places that are relatively safe from it, accelerating their decay. Most middle class people in developing nations want nothing more than to move to the West or bring its conditions to their home country, so they can have electric tea kettles and anime pocket pussies and their own "India's Got Talent" show, and most upper class people have been turned into cancer cells who enslave their own people just so they can be nouveau riche by Western standards, and send their pathetic third world zoomer children to Oxford or Harvard to get a meaningless degree for prestige.

There are esoteric theories that Central and South America are tainted by some kind of fucked up ley lines, which may explain why the countries of those regions have never been able to fend off demonic influences and establish healthy societies (although some like Peron may have been trying). I think the big test cases are Japan and India. Japan is going to be full scale assaulted soon, and India is a wildcard, maybe this will be an Indian century if they can hold onto their shit (no pun intended) and become the new metaphysical bulwark against whatever techno-slave armies start pouring out of the Gates of Alexander soon.


I hadn't read it before so just read it, I think it's very typical of the Traditionalist view of Christianity while also being even-handed. But because it's typical of the Traditionalist view, it's very exclusivist in measuring everything against jnana, and in Evola's case, against the tantric "active" path. Personally I think this kind of critique is 100% necessary for Christianity to renew itself and reacquire some kind of metaphysical core, but I have to admit, like I was saying above, I think this jnana-tantra approach has its limitations. For example, Evola and Guenon both want to talk about the occult war, as I mention in my reply above. But how do you talk about this war without taking demonic influences seriously, as non-impersonal? Ironically Paul is one of the best sources on this, and Christianity in general is one of the few traditions willing to describe a real metaphysical war against personally active demonic powers:
>For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)
Here "powers and principalities" are common words (at the time) for ranks of spiritual entities, so, demonic powers.

>> No.21373691

The Traditionalist critique of Christianity is that it's a merely sentimental/moral religion, that the highest one can achieve within it is a vague mystical state (as Evola says, merely ecstatic and passive, without post-ecstatic and active "re-entry" into one's self, completing the self-conscious initiation process), and also that ANY AND ALL historical and eschatological events or revelations (like God giving his unique revelation to Moses, and later Christ's redemption, but also the ongoing fight against Satan's influence in this world) are inadmissible from a Traditional standpoint - because history means nothing from the Traditional standpoint, which is anti-eschatological, regarding eschatologies as particularist and exclusivist tribal myths that have become dogmas. Essentially, Traditionalism's critique of Christianity is very similar to the Theravada critique of Mahayana Buddhism's soteriological and eschatological elements.

But these criticisms potentially force Traditionalism itself into a passive and quietistic position, which it is supposedly criticizing Christianity for. If there is no collective mystery or collective quest for redemption or struggle against Satan, if religions can't have an eschatological, soteriological, world historical character, because the only real truth lies in the universal metaphysical truth attained through individual initiation, then why bother fighting the occult war at all? In fact this is where a lot of Guenonians end up, advocating just riding out the kali yuga because it's all cyclical anyway. If your conception of all human dealings, all history, is simply that it is samsara, with no teleological or eschatology, then your only two options for understanding samsara are (1) it's an uncreated and "static" eternal world, like Aristotle's world, or (2) it cyclically dies and is reborn, and presumably there is some symbolically "fixed" number and nature to the ages of the cycle and so on and so forth, but again all this means nothing, since as an individual initiate you cannot affect the cycles in any way, or perhaps at most you can accelerate the present one (?).

>> No.21373693

What is even the value in seeking to create a "diamond/rainbow body" and escape samsara at all? Why seek immortality? Why desire to order society according to divine models if it's all cyclical or indifferent anyway? Guenon and Evola both emphasize that there is nothing "moral" in what they are doing, and that the vulgar sentimental and moral religion of everyday faithful is merely exoteric, basically its only value is containing dumbed down versions of symbols that keep ordinary people anchored in their Traditional-Platonic republics, while maintaining pathways of symbolic ascent for talented individuals to pursue to their eventual initiation. But again, why? Unless there is some real, non-cylical, zero-sum struggle going on, then who cares? Why do things even happen contingently in history, like Evola says when he says that it's bizarre that such a sentimental religion took hold in the "active" West, if everything is cyclical?

It seems to me like there are contradictions in the Traditionalist worldview, because it wants to take history seriously, it wants to take the occult war seriously, it wants to be active in the world (except for some extreme Guenonians), it has or wants to have an eschatology, but it can't admit this to itself because it views all of these things as inadmissible in pure metaphysics. It's a bit like modern science in this way: science is unwilling to envision anything metaphysical, because it's obsessed with not tainting itself with superstitions. Similarly Traditionalism doesn't want to taint itself with mere samsaric, dogmatic, sentimental, tribal superstitions. But just like modern science closes itself off to genuine truths and opportunities, Traditionalism closes itself off to non-jnana possibilities that are more interesting than it imagines.

>> No.21373697

For example, it closes itself off to angelology and demonology, to the idea that on higher metaphysical planes there are beings beyond the human (at least in part) who are both good and evil. Ironically it ends up "confusing the planes" itself, by assuming that the only thing between man and the Absolute is this metaphysical hierarchy of symbols, and that there are no other beings with plans for us, that the cosmos is a cyclically autorenewing stage on which a few Guenons and Evolas periodically become immortal (for what? where do they go? if it's just to a purified paradisiacal state, isn't that what they criticize Christianity for promising?). Most major traditions have some form of angelology/demonology, whether Neoplatonic or Christian, pre-Islamic djinn, Buddhist demonology, etc. From a Traditionalist perspective, a Christian or Neoplatonic angelology that emphasizes faith in and collaboration with Good beings who are actively engaged in an eschatological fight, an occult war, and who both want to help us and who want our help, would just be superstition. But from a Christian perspective, and from a Neoplatonic or even Mahayana perspective that takes the occult war seriously, Traditionalism would be dangerously "magical" in trying to be an amoral series of techniques, and advice for the maintenance of said techniques in initiatic lines, in a cosmos in which active participation in soteriological eschatology is a necessary element of any awakening, and in which demonic forces are equally active. From this perspective, Evola and Guenon would be doing exactly what they criticize New Agers for doing: stripping people of their everyday protections and throwing them into trans-personal psychic experiences in which they will simply be subject to whatever forces are nearby.

In rejecting all claims to revelation as contingent and samsaric, Traditionalism also misses out on the possibility of a symbolic interpretation of "dispensationalist" revelation, in which history is not merely samsaric and cyclical, and attaining enlightenment is not merely optional and always potentially open to amoral initiates, and the occult war is not merely a particularly bad patch in the most recent kali yuga in an infinite cycle of them, but instead, history is not cylical, there is a fixed goal here, there are win and lose conditions, enlightenment is not just "available" to initiates but is a responsibility and a duty, and thus enabling others to be enlightened is also a duty, etc.

>> No.21373698

most of them
start with the mystery of the grail

>> No.21373699

Evola was influenced by the Protestant theologian Paul Tillich so it's not like he disregarded all protestantism.

>> No.21373700

And therefore, the mythic-eschatological content of a religion like Christianity, with its publically available emphasis on resisting Satan and imitating Christ in daily life, is not just an incidental exoteric form of symbols that are only really relevant to autistic initiates, there is actually a purpose to the "opening" of the mysteries, which, yes, vulgarized them from a certain perspective, but perhaps only because this was analogous to sprinkling thousands of seeds, formerly been contained in neatly condensed form in individual pots, over a huge field of soil and manure, so that at first they seem merely "lost," but in time they grow and become many thousands of fruit-bearing, seed-bearing trees themselves?

If all of history can be interpreted symbolically in this way, then we can begin to ask questions that the Traditionalists are afraid to ask: What does it MEAN, using symbolic interpretation and sympathetic intuition, that Christ figures appeared and managed to embed moral messages and fundamentally change history, turning pagan Europe into a moral and even sentimental Christian Europe - which Evola can only view as an aberration, from his Traditionalist perspective? What does it MEAN that analogous developments occurred in India, with Mahayana and other soteriological movements introducing new ideas into the stagnant and formalistic ritualistic cults? If this is all just samsaric "noise," (1) why would there be any "noise" that diverges from the cyclical norm, and (2) why care at all? It's just a blip in the cycle.

Traditionalist metaphysics in my view also has an impoverished account of metaphysical personality and of the metaphysics of freedom, but I've already written too much, sorry about that. But I find the dismissal of the encounter of personal beings in mystical states incomplete and even lazy. The "scientific" starkness of Traditionalism is very useful insofar as it burns away all the dangerous dross of, for example, Blavatsky's Theosophy's blind faith in its Masters of Wisdom, or Steiner's endless visionary claims with no proof. But it should have been a clearing and a praeparatio evangelica, not a self-sufficient technique to end all techniques. Overall I think Traditionalism needs a re-fertilization by all the traditions it rejects: Abrahamic, Zoroastrian, and Hindu bhakti. Its extreme rejection of personal, moral, eschatological, and soteriological elements was historically conditioned by the dangerous spread of New Age syncretism and occultism that led to people like Crowley (probably genuinely dangerous, as can be seen in Scientology). This process should be oriented toward fighting the occult war in a moral, soteriological, eschatological way. The presupposition of autistic initiation and meaningless cyclical samsara should be dropped, and the "merely accidental" elements of traditions (that is, that don't accord with autistic initiation and meaningless cyclicality) should be reinterpreted in this light.

>> No.21373703

Much of the Traditionalist understanding of history doesn't stand up to scrutiny. For example Evola's worship of Greece and Rome conflicts with the decadence they brought on themselves despite the "purity" of their mystery traditions. It was this very autistic purity that caused them to become ritualistic and empty, mere techniques. Same thing in India. This is important because an understanding of history is necessary for understanding how to fight the occult war. If your answer is just "go back to Rome" or "wait out the next cycle," you may very well be reenacting a move that didn't work in the first place (or that caused the problem to worsen in the first place), or surrendering the world to evil if you are wrong about its cyclicality, respectively. Like I said, a symbolic interpretation of history that goes back to all the things Guenon and Evola merely puzzle over as pointless and contingent divagations, and treats them as positive clues in a larger story.

>> No.21373707


This ties into the poverty of the Traditionalist understanding of personality and freedom: they only see these as sources or vehicles of contingency, to be purged so that the higher self can be brought forth, transcending contingency and leaving samsara. But personality and freedom are symbolically analogous to history: apparent contingency that can contain or reflect symbolic truth. Traditionalism sees all three of these categories in a merely negative way, each is interpreted as mere caprice or as the negative pole of manifestation of essence. But if the nature of all being is that of essence, which is pure in itself but which struggles to manifest clearly in becoming, then why shouldn't becoming itself (and its subordinate aspects: personality, freedom, history) have its own essence and meaning? Why not interpret ALL temporal contingency, all becoming qua "mere negation of, or derivation or divagation from, atemporal being," as itself the symbolic emanation of an essence that combines and explains both being and becoming, instead of merely LEAVING becoming as an empty/negative category as almost all nondualist metaphysicians, including Traditionalists, do? This inquiry would allow us to ask all the questions Traditionalists can't ask from within their own framework:
>Why does samsara/maya (the totality of Becoming as the mirror of the totality of Being) exist at all?
>Why do individual Persons (individual monads of Becoming, strung between equal possibilities of self-distancing from Being or self-purification and ascent to Being, undecidable except by the individual Person) exist at all, as distinct from the spheres of emanation?
>Why do individual souls perceive themselves as free (the right to Become Being, or not to Become non-Being, undecidable except by the Person)?
>What is the nature of non-human souls (monads of Becoming with higher grades of Being)?
>What is the nature of God (the Being that mirrors itself in Becoming), and why is Free Personality (the right to Become etc.) among the elements that stems from God, if it has no Being and no meaning?
while using the Traditionalists' refined methods of sympathetic symbolic intuition, just training it on the one symbol they most neglect.

>> No.21373713


>> No.21373719

>symbolic truths
What does this mean in non-schizo language?

>> No.21373877

moar? where did he say that?

>> No.21373884

> One of the things I've always disliked about fascism is how cucked it is by the church
The fuck? The Nazis suppressed the Christian churches

>> No.21373886
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>There are esoteric theories that Central and South America are tainted by some kind of fucked up ley lines, which may explain why the countries of those regions have never been able to fend off demonic influences and establish healthy societies

Ley lines ... heh! If we see these as general deeper tendencies in their shared gene pool (which ofc exists in a feedback with their cultural-noospheric presence) then this explanation makes sense. By their nature the Japs might still be the most resistant here tho.

>> No.21374012

Is this an ai bot?
>Overall I think Traditionalism needs a re-fertilization by all the traditions it rejects: Abrahamic, Zoroastrian, and Hindu bhakti.
>The presupposition of autistic initiation and meaningless cyclical samsara should be dropped, and the "merely accidental" elements of traditions (that is, that don't accord with autistic initiation and meaningless cyclicality) should be reinterpreted in this light.
>. But I find the dismissal of the encounter of personal beings in mystical states incomplete and even lazy. The "scientific" starkness of Traditionalism is very useful insofar as it burns away all the dangerous dross of, for example, Blavatsky's Theosophy's blind faith in its Masters of Wisdom, or Steiner's endless visionary claims with no proof. But it should have been a clearing and a praeparatio evangelica, not a self-sufficient technique to end all techniques.

>> No.21374022

>If all of history can be interpreted symbolically in this way, then we can begin to ask questions that the Traditionalists are afraid to ask: What does it MEAN, using symbolic interpretation and sympathetic intuition, that Christ figures appeared and managed to embed moral messages and fundamentally change history, turning pagan Europe into a moral and even sentimental Christian Europe - which Evola can only view as an aberration, from his Traditionalist perspective? What does it MEAN that analogous developments occurred in India, with Mahayana and other soteriological movements introducing new ideas into the stagnant and formalistic ritualistic cults? If this is all just samsaric "noise," (1) why would there be any "noise" that diverges from the cyclical norm, and (2) why care at all? It's just a blip in the cycle.
Noone needs to answer or is afraid of these questions, they belong to the domain of historical contingency, and the study of these events really do resemble the projects of profane historians,
>why would there be any "noise" that diverges from the cyclical norm
There is no cyclical norm, its all noise.

>> No.21374079

How does Christianity lack metaphysical depth compared to the other religions?

>> No.21374413

As an uruguayan I am interested in those theories anon. I agree that this continent is cursed beyond belief.

>> No.21374427

This is esotericism, you're not gonna find anything in a non-schizo language.

>> No.21374459

good post series

>> No.21374477

Absolutely amazing posts friend. Dealt with the actual arguments of Traditionalism and looked the Kali Yuga in the face.

>> No.21374540

Nazi =/= Fascism

>> No.21374583
File: 252 KB, 469x307, grail-knight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola was a pleb who should've read more Spengler:

>"It was not Christianity that transformed Faustian man, but Faustian man who transformed Christianity — and he not only made it a new religion but also gave it a new moral direction. The “it” became “I,” the passion charged center of the world, the foundation of the great Sacrament of personal contrition. Will-to-power even in ethics, the passionate striving to set up a proper morale as a universal truth, and to enforce it upon humanity, to reinterpret or overcome or destroy everything otherwise constituted — nothing is more characteristically our own than this is."

-Decline Of The West

>> No.21374600

Evola literally says the exact same shit about the Romanization of Christianity

>> No.21374607


>> No.21374615

yes, Romanization

>> No.21374625

Extrapolate if you would, good anon

>> No.21374675

there is not much to extrapolate on, the gist of it is the same as your Spengler quote from a Roman POV.
sry im phonefagging and busy

I think there is a chapter dedicated to this topic in men among the ruins

>> No.21374701

I've really gotta read Evola at some point

>> No.21374844

If you’ve read decline then read his social commentary books

>> No.21375939

>Evola was a pleb
Take that back, nigger. He knew all about Shpengler.

>> No.21375950

He says it in the interview. During ww2 he took the manuscripts for the books with him when he travelled on his own to austria.

>> No.21376347

>Overall I think Traditionalism needs a re-fertilization by all the traditions it rejects: Abrahamic, Zoroastrian, and Hindu bhakti.
Have you read Frithjof Schuon? He actually recognizes the esoteric dimensions of Christianity and bhakti yoga. Also, thank you for posting all of this. It's a first that we get an honest well thought out critique of Traditionalism without buzzwords or handwaving.

>> No.21376363

I drive by a Catholic Church every day and they have a rainbow sign that says they accept everyone. It's a fag religion and I'll have nothing to do with the acceptance of evil.

>> No.21376442
File: 53 KB, 420x461, all religions are 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21376789

Egalitarianism at its finest.

>> No.21376810

they were already lamenting its state in the early 20th century before Vatican II, today Gog and Magog are already feasting with the carcass

>> No.21376818

I'm not trying to poke holes in your effortposts here, but in regards to "why fucking do anything" (only a small few can be truly apathetic to the point of just withering away on the spot) in a cyclical world, couldn't one construct a system wherein we live in a cyclical world, but religion allows us to step outside of that cycle in a meaningful timeframe?

As I understand it, this is basically what Sikhism does. Certain forms of Buddhism posit this, but on a timeframe that's large enough that it basically just defaults back to "muh cycles", and Taoism doesn't really adhere to a strict Buddhism/Hindu rebirth/reincarnation so it's more "fucking do anything to live forever", which isn't quite the same.

>> No.21377827

Read Ruins

>> No.21378016
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>void is the same as logos
Are perennialists the dumbest mfs alive?

>> No.21378115

Literally all the OG Fascist philosophers (Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Sorel) and even some Fascist writers and leaders themselves like Martin Borman, Alfred Rosenberg etc all hated Christianity so I dont know where you are getting this idea from.

>> No.21378122

Void has a special meaning in Buddhism, but whoever made that image definitely messed it up, especially the Buddhist segment.

>> No.21378235

>Evola was a pleb who should've read more Spengler:
He literally wrote the first Italian translation of Decline of the West. Lmao

>> No.21378241

logos could be called ~a~ void in a way, as it traps the will in articulation limbo

>> No.21378245

No it doesn't take your meds and read the bible instead of schzo blogs

>> No.21378613

Excellent posts.

>> No.21378841

If you can't understand it, higher thinking is not for you. Just go read some manga or something.

>> No.21378856

you can find it in his book on Theosophy, which I have read btw

>> No.21378873

He’s saying not that he believes it, but it fulfills a necessary societal role (that has been filled in other ways)

>> No.21378882

It doesn’t. It’s quite a robust system

>> No.21378922

It can be both robust and shallow

>> No.21378930

>It doesn't. It's quite a [adjective] system

>> No.21379702

That's not what he means at all, you absolute retard, do you even know what tradition means in the context of Evola and other traditionalists?

>> No.21380415

Catholicism is just Europaganism + Jesus, at least if we're talking pre Vatican II

>> No.21382003

someone answer

>> No.21382153

Insane person take.
Read Evola and you'll find out. I can't and won't summarise everything for you. What I can tell you is that Evola already had major gripes with the Jewish prophetic tradition, which is the deepest root of Christianity. The key to understanding the prophetic tradition is to acknowledge two things - first, that it belongs to a very profane culture, and second, that it originates from the lowest social stratum of that culture. So, whereas (at least the best) rabbis and Jewish kings had their own spiritual and royal arts, the prophets were mostly very pious and coarse bums. Their spirituality was that of a man who feels a strong, strong love for divinity, but also, due to his coarse mentality and special psychological features, fails to discover the presence of the divine element anywhere at all. Hence the difference between the Greeks who admired the world as a reflection of the divine world of forms on the one hand, and the Jewish prophets on the other hand, with the famous cry "vanitas vanitatum". In the prophetic view, God is the only thing of value, and he is not to be found anywhere, least of all within ourselves. Hence the fundamentally shattered and broken nature of man, who needs "redemption", and, what is more, faith in order to be redeemed. From this stems also the very flawed "solution, at every level - you just need to be rendered "complete" by "God". Orthodoxy provides the most successful formulation of this with the idea of the Godbearing man, and also of Theosis, but even that stops short of true metaphysical heights. God is beyond all form, beyond all manifestation and beyond any completeness or completing function. To unite with God means more than to honour him in your heart - it means to become one with him, literally, and consequently also transcend everything, as he does. That's henosis. If you don't reach that level, you are still dealing with manifestation rather than with the source, the essence.

>> No.21382633

I can see why that apply to Abrahamic religions, but i dont get why Evola (and Guenon too) then do not offer the same criticism to Islam, which also relies on faith, a fallen view of man, and the inadequacy of man without God.

>> No.21383195

It's because Islam has institutionalised Sufism which knows much higher metaphysical heights than exoteric Islam. Still, I do think that Guenon is far too generous towards Islam and his partisan behaviour in this regard has had a real cost and resulted in serious consequences for people today. He had no good reason, in my opinion, to choose Sufism over Christian monasticism, and if he really needed to choose an external tradition, he should have migrated to India and not to Arabia.
As to Evola, I think he mostly discussed the positive things about Islam because he was simply not interested in the rest - it didn't concern him since the West was Christian rather than Islamic. Maybe he would have pursued a different line today.

>> No.21383388

Evola would have and probably did criticize those parts of Islam, but he also liked the heroic/warrior aspect of it (Jihad) which he claims it took from Ancient Aryan Persia. Christianity had a similar character but lost it earlier on.

Like the other guy said, I also think he didn't feel the need to discuss Islam as much since it was practically irrelevant at the time. If he saw it today he would go at it with a scalpel I'm sure. He claimed Christianity was part of a semitic virus from the East, current Islam is even worse.

>> No.21383406

>and if he really needed to choose an external tradition, he should have migrated to India
IIRC that was his main and initial plan, but anglos denied him a visa

>> No.21383446

>Christianity lost its esoteric core
This is either a very retarded claim or a suspicious one

>> No.21383449

Ya. Christianity never had an esoteric core.

>> No.21383459

What do you mean exactly by "demonic influences"
Kali means black, how do you defeat darkness if not by facing it ?

The opponent never clothes himself in darkness

>> No.21383464

Once again the fucking Eternal Anglo lol. God damn. Anglos single handedly torpedoing vedantic reconstruction of heathenism.

>> No.21383475
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Pagan Imperialism

>> No.21383538

Ok anon. So what do YOU practice and have belief in?

>> No.21383551 [DELETED] 
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>In what works does Evola rail against Christianity? One of the things I've always disliked about fascism is how cucked it is by the church. I was surprised to learn that such a key figure in the movement was so vehemently opposed to the church.

>> No.21383554

The only based Anglos are the Rosicrucians at the top level of certain masonic obediences. Even then, they might be Jews. So who knows. Anglos are fallen Nordics.

>> No.21383558

Seething tranny detected

>> No.21383815
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>> No.21383938

>his partisan behaviour in this regard has had a real cost and resulted in serious consequences for people today
How exactly?

>> No.21383994

Maybe it's just some kind of confirmation bias but lately I literally can't stop running into white converts or Islamophiles at all levels of society. It's endemic and utterly bizarre. I recently discovered the existence of a very prominent network of high quality traditionalists and perennialists in my country, and since they take their cues from Guenon, the vast majority of them are some degree of Islamophile. They spend more attention and time on Islam than on anything else, and almost all the major figures heavily specialise in Islam and constantly promote it or support Islamic groups. The ones that are not pro-Muslim are just vaguely perennialist, which would be fine if the rest weren't so heavily pro-Muslim. Then there's society at large - a lot of the coarse pro-masculinity people seem to be drifting towards Islam for some fucking reason, there's the usual autistic dweebs too who convert just because, then there's leftist xenophiles (who are perhaps the least notable and interesting), there's liberal Christian ecumenists, the list goes on and on. I used to be fairly pro-Islam myself but these recent discoveries and the shamelessness of this proselytising aggression have shocked me into a kind of response. I think with the way things are going, there is a real threat of otherwise well-intentioned people doing their part as useful idiots in importing Salafist autism to the West. Now, I dislike Christianity, but at least we can say that there's some common history and cultural integration with this religion. Islam is even more alien and doesn't even offer anything more than Christianity does. I have no intention of tolerating a drift to Islam among whites.

>> No.21384094

Super based. I've noticed some of this too. Counter-tradition? Will a perversion of Islam be the NWO religion?

>> No.21384160

Not him, but I've seen stuff by fringe-Christianities, like JWs, Sedes, etc, getting butthurt about "Chrislam" poaching their African converts, which is a term used by a specific sect of Nigerian syncreticists, but appears to refer to an understanding of Noahidism from within the gentile Abrahamisms. Jews have been pushing this for quite awhile in Jew-for-Jew stuff, the question is just one of aesthetics and narrative. That is, how do you smash Christianity and Islam together into something that can be controlled top-down? The big cheeses of Islam and Christianity are obviously on board with this, but how do you justify it?

Maybe a new prophet? Maybe they could evangelize via tiktok, and then get martyred by evil reTHUGliKKKan fascist Nasi police officers?

>> No.21384242
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I wish i had the charisma to be a new prophet

>> No.21384520

Stop caring what npc normalfags think and become a superior solar-aryan chad

>> No.21385266
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He didn't thought. In an interview only 2 years before his death he says this.

Where precisely, does it say he "accepted" it?

>> No.21385314

>Islam is even more alien and doesn't even offer anything more than Christianity
This is just false. Islam is the only authoritative traditional structure left. The Catholic Church has been levelled by Vatican II, the Orthodox Church is subjugated to the various states it is forced to operate within (it retains its traditional theology, but apart from this it has virtually zero influence or capability of providing an opposition to modernity which is not mediated by secular, counter-traditional state power), and far eastern metaphysics has never been authoritative in the same way to begin with because it operates according to a different mentality. This mentality has also allowed its lower classes to be easily flooded with Western propaganda, turning it into possibly the strongest bastion of counter-traditional force (modern China, India). Islam is the only tradition left with an effective influence and the inner core of metaphysical truth.
>Will a perversion of Islam be the NWO religion?
The NWO religion already exists. It is called Vatican II. It's even confirmed in Biblical scripture and allegory in the Old and New Testaments. Funnily enough it was only Protestants who first picked up on the fact that the Catholic Church would end up being its own parody (Martin Luther and other Protestants first argued using Biblical references that the Roman Pope was the Biblical anti-Christ), however in doing so they actually contributed to the dissolution of this same Church before it had actually become pseudo-initiatic.

>> No.21385331

Sedgwick writes on this phenomenon in both Against the Modern World and Western Sufism. It's good if you want to know your enemy. You are correct that most hardcore practicing traditionalists tend toward Islam.

>I used to be fairly pro-Islam myself but these recent discoveries and the shamelessness of this proselytising aggression have shocked me into a kind of response.
It is often very crass and slimy. They have no respect for Europe, European traditions, or Christianity most of all. They see whites as second class citizens to convert to Islam for points. Luckily if it was going to catch on it would have done so by now. Only the weakest Europeans fall to it. At the end of the day, instinctive racial feeling is too strong, and people know there will forever be something weird about a bunch of white guys wearing robes. Occasional exceptions are perfectly fine but think about it, given how fucked things have gotten in European nations, if it was really that easy to attract lost souls to Islam, it would be happening far more than it is.

It's still a danger and should be resisted.

>> No.21385352
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>Islam is the only authoritative traditional structure left.
Islam offers very little metaphysical value, as the Koran is a plagiarisation of Judeo-Christian and Gnostic texts from its era.
Muhammed simply swapped out Jewish ancestor worship for Arabic ancestor worship.

>> No.21385899

Is maschera e volto (fall of spirituality in English - an underrated "must read"), he claims Catholicism rectified with certain elements from classical Greece would be the best way forward for Trads.

>> No.21385902

>You are correct that most hardcore practicing traditionalists tend toward Islam.
There are some top-level initiates who don't though. They are aristocratic pagans.

>> No.21385904

Btw the rest of your post is extremely based.

>> No.21385990

>I read light novels, thank you very much

>> No.21386135

*tips fedora*

>> No.21386590

I wouldn't say it's Counter-Tradition necessarily, but it's a bizarre phenomenon for sure. I think it's owed chiefly to the mental superficiality and lack of character of modern people. Everything new and exotic sweeps them off their feet. Ironically, Arabs seem to be undergoing the same process except with liberalisation and Westernisation.
It's probably not going to be you, but we are genuinely going to need a new one, eventually.
>This is just false. Islam is the only authoritative traditional structure left.
It's very easy to tell that you are Muslim. By all means, enjoy your religion, but I am not going to pretend that it's the only spiritual path there is, or that it is the spiritual path for me or my people.
Thanks for the recs, I think we are mostly in agreement, too. What annoys me is that all the energy lost on Islam could've gone into reviving genuine European spirituality. A lot of these Islam specialists are actually very intelligent, but seem to apply their intellect to foreign instead of indigenous traditions, for some reason.

>> No.21386897

>Now, I dislike Christianity, but at least we can say that there's some common history and cultural integration with this religion. Islam is even more alien and doesn't even offer anything more than Christianity does. I have no intention of tolerating a drift to Islam among whites.
It works both ways really. I see Christians constantly converting Iranians that I become angry, analogous to how you feel about Europeans converting into Islam. It's not like Christians had a good history with Pre-Islamic Iran either. Constantine most likely converted to Christianity in order to use Nestorians as a Fifth Column against the Sassanids, and Heraclius burned many holy cypress trees and fire temples. There is circumstantial evidence that the Byzantines, in fact, clandestinely aided the Rashidun in their invasion of Eranshahr.
Honestly, I *equally* hate both Islam and Christianity. I prefer Dharmic traditions. Greater Iran did have a history with Buddhism in the Kushan empire. I am more interested in Buddhism growing in Iran, not Christianity. It would be interesting to see Sarvastivada revived, which is what Kanishka the Great followed.
I don't have a problem if you were to kill your Muslims or burning mosques because I wouldn't mind the Iranian converts of Christianity being massacred.
However, I am hesitant to fully sympathize with you because this is a kind of sum-zero game where you'll take advantage of any weakness you see, while feigning innocence, in order to hypocritically come out to the top, which is what it means to be Faustian; therefore, I cannot falter and shall not get involved whilst hoping your problems worsen in that it can give others some more breathing space. It's not like we were ever allies in the first place.

>> No.21387146

>it's icchantika anon again
More Metta meditation for you.
>However, I am hesitant to fully sympathize with you because [you see] this [as] a kind of sum-zero game where you'll take advantage of any weakness you see, while feigning innocence, in order to hypocritically come out to the top
Ironically this is how I feel about Middle Easterners, but hopefully we can work something out in the future.

>> No.21387186

only his book ive read was Revolt and it was just a giant shitpost

>> No.21387260

Iranians are technically midway between Middle Easterners and Central Asia. I like Central Asian cultural history more than both the Middle East and Europe. I see more in common between post-Christian Europe and Arabs than I do between post-Christian Europe and the Kushan empire, even though the latter had significant Hellenistic influence.
>Ironically this is how I feel about Middle Easterners
You've been worshiping one for 1000+ years out of ressentiment towards the Sassanids. Rome only became Christian to use Nestorians as a Fifth Column against the Sassanids. Constantine supposedly had his revelation during a match towards war.
>but hopefully we can work something out in the future.
Arabs would be irrelevant if it weren't for Anglos carving up their lands, giving them money and weapons, and so on. UAE was built by Western contractors and Indian/Indonesian slaves.
There's nothing to work. Get fucked by your own creations. It's not my problem.
I wouldn't mind if both the Middle East and Europe were depopulated. I like Central Asia much more.

>> No.21387266

>out of
borne out of*
work on*

>> No.21387269
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>> No.21387274
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>> No.21387277
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>> No.21387301

>because [you see] this [as] a kind of sum-zero game
It IS a zero-sum* game.
I am taking this conflict back to its ancient roots. To me the Sassanian-Roman wars have never ended. It was the first world war in all of history, and the seed constantly germinating and transforming into new novel forms. Since Ancient times, Arabs and Jews were your pets.
The solution is for Euros to become anti-Roman. Rome was the number 1 enemy of the Real Europe, and it would have been better for the Sassanids to take over.
I make no distinction Arabs, Jews, and modern Westerners. You're both the same shit and destroyed this world with your Abrahamic buffoonery. All borne from your hatred of the culturally superior Sassanids.
The Sassanids should have razed all of Rome to the ground and make treaties with the Celts and Teutons.
The war hasn't ended. Once I take over, I will destroy every single last Abrahamic holy site around the world.

>> No.21387496

OK steppetard. Just don't forget to do your Metta meditation.
Did you reply to me a second time? Or is someone else larping as you? I don't believe even you are chuuni enough to write shit like this in a serious thread:
>Once I take over, I will destroy every single last Abrahamic holy site around the world.
If it is you, then I recommend that you remember Romans (and Greeks) and Persians all come from the same root and shared all of their essential features in common. Your particularism is quite stupid. Anyway. Metta meditation.

>> No.21388158

I'm arguing the root was planted best in Central Asia after Alexander. The Kushan empire was the highest point of Indo-European cultural development.
The root was destroyed by Heraclius. It can never be regained again unless something drastic is done.
>Romans (and Greeks)
I have the highest respect for the Greeks but not the late stage Christianized Romans or Byzantines.

>> No.21388193

Then you should make that distinction. For my part I don't even consider Christian Greeks and Romans to be such.

>> No.21388632

Dude ancient Iranians were white af, wtf

>> No.21388699

Yup, that guy is just an anti-white medmutt, he posts here all the time and gets extremely angry when people talk about race.

>> No.21388741

>If there is no collective mystery or collective quest for redemption or struggle against Satan,

But don't we often hear from Christianity that God will be successful in the end? Does that not negate the necessity of a metaphysical battle if the result is already determined?

>> No.21388772
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>It's probably not going to be you, but we are genuinely going to need a new one, eventually.
I know. I wish i could get in on the ground floor, but i have no idea to set anything like that up. Sometimes i wonder about things like pic related and his cult, and how they managed to actually get organized enough to become so successful.

>> No.21388908

Yaghnobis don't genotypically cluster with whites on PCA autosomal DNA plots, but they do have high Sintashta admixture, even more than Southern Euros.

>> No.21388924

Really interesting to read. What religion do you belong to?

>> No.21388980

>gets extremely angry when people talk about race.
I get angry when people act like morons. Population genetics is very advanced and complex now, and it's showing Nordicism is nonsense. In Peki'in Cave many ancient samples were discovered with blue eyes and blonde hair, but they had no steppe admixture and didn't cluster near Euros. Race is not skin deep. Those particular samples were with T paternal haplogroup and autosomally were ">~57%... local Levant Neolithic, ~26%... Anatolian Neolithic, and ~17%... Iran Chalcolithic."
However, Nordicists are correct that the original Aryans most closely resembled Swedes (Sintashta). It peaks more around Northern Central Asia.

>> No.21388994

I don't know who that is but if I ever become a cult leader I'd be thinking about how to get people existentially active and then once I synthesise that directive with my teaching, I would probably rely on getting other influential and non-autistic people to do my recruiting for me.

>> No.21389594
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Read this

>> No.21389708

>However, Nordicists are correct that the original Aryans most closely resembled Swedes (Sintashta
Oy vey!

>> No.21389721

> how cucked it is by the church
maybe because a large part of the ideologies schtick is a sense of traditionalism, national pride, and identity. which, surprise surprise, religion takes a large part of.

>> No.21390725


>> No.21390780

>Well i'm a traditionalist, i will name my children grug.

>> No.21391414


>> No.21391463

But the ones who led to cultural flourishing and creating Vedic and Avestan cultures originally resembled Yagnobis, who were at most 40% OG Aryan.

>> No.21392205

Go back to r*ddit you unfunny, talentless hack.

>> No.21392239


>> No.21392358

It's correct. I've looked into the recent samples on G25 and Uzbekistan_IA_Rabat is the most interesting because it is unique genetic relations with Kushan:I12292 and Kushan:I12294. Most of the Sintashta were to the north.
The ancient Buddhist Aryans most phenotypically and genetically resembled Yaghnobis, not Europeans or Iranians.

>> No.21392369

>it is
it has*
>Most of the Sintashta were to the north.
Most of the Sintashta admixture peaked even more to the north as Scythians.**
>not Europeans or Iranians
not Scythians, Europeans, or Iranians*

>> No.21392985

Then why do the Vedic scriptures describe the gods as fair/pale with yellow hair?

>> No.21393003

Can you provide an actual quote of that? Both translation and understanding cultural context are important.
Also, a moderate amount of Yaghnobis are fair and pale but not all of them. For what I've read, the Sintashta tribe were fairer than the Yamnaya tribe, even though they were genetically close. Yamnaya were a bit darker if the research is to be trusted, and they were the ones that went into Europe. Light features were probably sexually selected.

>> No.21393100

Female minds convert to the conqueror, even before they have been fully conquered.
They aren't real men.

>> No.21393110

Evola.morelike ebola.c.z.hemakes me sic

>> No.21393148

>mentally retarded person doesn't like Evola
Lmao filtered

>> No.21393167

Ya, that's why nonwhites fervently adopt "Western values" despite people with fully-functioning brains knowing the West is in an acute stage of decline (hence the importing of human garbage by the millions from the 3rd world despite Westerners/white people overwhelmingly being against this in every Western nation)

>> No.21393182

>Light features were probably sexually selected.
No they weren't you dumb brown ape. The original superior races were pale and fair-haired, the ancient/pre-historic myths of such people are practically endless. Modern white people inherited their legacy of colonialism/civilizing, the problem is we are late in the kali yuga so it took on a degenerate, materialistic character.

>> No.21393199

You respond in every Evola thread with your trashy and belligerent writing style, and I doubt you've even read him deeply.
>dumb brown ape.
I don't have brown skin, but there are those with brown skin with higher degree of Sintashta ancestry than me.
>The original superior races were pale and fair-haired, the ancient/pre-historic myths of such people are practically endless.
LARPing narcissistic bullshit.
>Modern white people inherited their legacy of colonialism/civilizing, the problem is we are late in the kali yuga so it took on a degenerate, materialistic character.
Nice fantasies, snow nigger.

>> No.21393227

>trashy and belligerent writing style,
You're referring to yourself, right cuck?
>snow nigger
You probably live a comfortable, materially privileged life in a white country, because your cowardly weak immigrant parents wanted gibs. You're projecting and coping with that fact by trashing white people and whining about racism like a fat bulldyke with pink hair.

>> No.21393231

This thread was good at the start but now that it's devolved into LARPers having autistic debates over with haplogroups are the trve ancestors of based trad aryan evropa or whatever it needs to fall off the catalogue.

>> No.21393263

>You're referring to yourself, right cuck?
I'm referring to you. How old are you? Go back to your echochamber discord channel.
>You're projecting and coping with that fact by trashing white people and whining about racism like a fat bulldyke with pink hair.
Stop creating a strawman, retard.
>You probably live a comfortable, materially privileged life in a white country,
Nope. I know the world is doomed because of industrialization, so I won't have any children.

>> No.21393270

>oy vey!

>> No.21393279

You and Jews are psychologically equivalent with your chosen people nonsense.

>> No.21393314

Fuck you racist drumpkin.

>> No.21393372

nta but racist isn't an insult

>> No.21393409

I was being ironic

>> No.21393440

>I was being ironic
Because you're a stupid edgy teenager. Kys.

>> No.21393452

>thinks racism is bad
>calls others stupid teenagers
How's 8th grade, muttlet?

>> No.21393466

Why are you reading (which I doubt) a swarthy Sicilian as a Nordicist? Is it because you're brain-damaged?
Also, I don't think racial preferentialism is bad. I just think you're an idiot.

>> No.21393473

I'm not a Nordicist, I just recognize white superiority. Evola did too, you don't have to be Nordic to realize this. Look at /pol, they are mostly mexicans and indians.

>> No.21393488

> I just recognize white superiority. Evola did too,
No, he didn't. I just read a short essay from him, and he basically said even individual nonwhites can embody the Aryan soul better than certain whites. It's obvious you haven't read him in any depth.
>Look at /pol, they are mostly mexicans and indians.
And you belong amongst them as narcissistic classless snow nigger trash.
>I'm not a Nordicist,
This is a Nordicist claim: "The original superior races were pale and fair-haired, the ancient/pre-historic myths of such people are practically endless."

>> No.21393523

Not involved in this conversation but here's some facts:
>Although Evola had much criticism for whites, he also liked them and understood their virtues much better than Guenon did
>Evola still believed in the universality of spiritual possibilities and the capacity of any man to attain high spirituality if he has sufficient inner dignity

>> No.21393616

>and he basically said even individual nonwhites can embody the Aryan soul better than certain whites.
Sounds like you read a wikipedia blurb. Only individuals very rarely can, yes. That usually doesn't happen. He frequently references grey eyes and blond predators being superior. He frequently advocates for white people over darker races, claiming they represent the sun (and thus love, light, truth, order), while darker races represent chaos.
>This is a Nordicist claim: "The original superior races were pale and fair-haired, the ancient/pre-historic myths of such people are practically endless."
>Oy vey! He read about ancient myths of superior blond people bringing civilization to multiple continents in pre-history?
Cry more and keep coping, anti-white kike.

>> No.21393698

>He frequently references...
Give a quote then.
>Cry more and keep coping, anti-white kike.
Actually substantiate your claims or shut the fuck up.

>> No.21393705
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I just feel like i should be getting politically involved somewhere, but almost every political organization is either some flavour of inoffensive liberalism, or it's filled with glowniggers/actual criminals.
I think the best way is to take an organization that's not explicitly political yet, and turn it into a political org. Basically how the Azov batallion started.

>> No.21393710

Also, Evola himself had dark hair and eyes, so I think you're just making this shit up or deliberately misinterpreting him. Give a quote, faggot.

>> No.21393726

In part I agree with you and in part I think it's irrational to expect people involved in radical politics to be prim and proper bourgeois citizens. I haven't made up my mind yet whether I'll be going solo, starting with an apolitical org or trying to stomach working with retarded turbochuds. I'll probably end up going with whatever feels right.

>> No.21393760

Evola was kinda nordicist but the key here, which he personally remarked, is that he didn't intend this in the narrow Germanicist sense. In his doctrine of race book he likens the light features of Germanics to the hyperborean heritage, BUT, in a vestigial form, that is, the Germanic races although maintaining this exterior trait of the hyperboreans, had already underwent a spiritual winter and materialization, which in particular he put forwards regarding their relatively painless christianization, abandoning their own spiritual forms despite having the upper hand.
In an article he wrote about the course that racial doctrine was taking in Italy, while generally shitting upon a certain mediterranism and remarking how the best heritage of Italy was Ario-Roman he remarked
>Esso non deve essere, necessariamente, biondo e con gli occhi azzurri: invece di essere longilineo, potrà essere anche mesocefalo ed in certi casi di bassa statura: esso mostrerà le stesse armoniche proporzioni delle membra dell’uomo nordico e attraverso i lineamenti della alta fronte, del naso più o meno ricurvo o della mascella accentuata, darà l’identica impressione di ogni tipo attivo, vigile, pronto all’attacco.
>He ought not to be, necessarily, blond and blue eyed: instead of being slender, he can also be mesocephalic and in some cases short statured: he'll show the same harmonic bodily proportions of the nordic man and through the features of a high-forehead, a more or less curved nose or a prominent jawbone, he'll give the same impression of an active, vigilant, ready to strike human type

>> No.21393761
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It's also unfortunate that most far-right wingers i meet arent that well educated. Not that easy to start an organization with people who are, by nature, more likely to be philistines.
I'd still prefer them over over-educated far-leftists who are willing to drop contact with anyone over slight disagreements.

But really, neither of these two will go anywhere without any spiritual depth or roots needed to perpetuate themselves. I'd say that of the two, the far right has bigger chances of giving rise to actual spirituality.

>> No.21393838

Yeah the far right is obviously more correct in principle, but unfortunately I am discovering that I don't really like anyone in politics atm. Even when I meet educated people, more often than not they tend to hold the wrong views, and even if they have the right views they usually have bad character flaws. Particularly cattiness. IDK what it is about catty homosexual behaviour but it's extremely prominent in radical circles.

>> No.21393839

He talks about it in Revolt, intro to magic, and many others. Its not my fault you have such a shallow understanding of him, read his books before posting, dumdum. No I will not waste time finding a quote.

So? You don't have to be 100% swedish to believe in these theories. He rejected a purely biological racism, that is all. He still believed the legacy of the Aryans (the sacred Empire) was handed down to Europeans, and that on rare occasions nonwhites could possess an Aryan soul.

>> No.21393857

>No I will not waste time finding a quote.
You're bullshitting. If you're not going to substantiate your claim, then it's outright lie. I have a very well-read friend into Evola, and he said that's a misreading. This guy is more accurate: >>21393760
That guy's explanation is closer to what my friend had to say.
>He rejected a purely biological racism, that is all.
Of course, that was my original point, but you're the one who's promoting a purely biological racism.
>on rare occasions
Not "rare".
In fact, he would argue Buddhist China was more Aryan in spirit than fucking Christianized Europe, and I've read the quotes on the guqing and more.
Slit your throat, you lying garbage snow nigger trash. You don't have an iota of the Aryan spirit. Genuinely kys.

>> No.21393873

>retard who hasnt read a single Evola book tells me im wrong about Evolas views on race
>agrees with me and gets mad
Dude shut up and read Evola instead of this fag shit. Saying stuff like
>In fact, he would argue Buddhist China was more Aryan in spirit than fucking Christianized Europe,
Is just idiotic if you've read any of his books and knew what he thought about the HRE.

>> No.21393884

>slaves, yet placed at the pinnacle of the pile
Yeah I’m thinking Christ-bros are majorly winning at this moment.

>> No.21393887

>Not "rare".
Yes it is. What isn't rare is whites devolving into jews/merchants or worse, africans.

>> No.21393888

>Is just idiotic if you've read any of his books and knew what he thought about the HRE.
My first introduction to Evola was when someone shared long excerpts on Evola's analysis of the guqin and how Chinese higher culture reflected Ch'an and Daoist mysticism.
Evola would definitely argue Tang Dynasty was more spiritually Aryan than post-Christian Europe. I've read enough to know this.
It's you who is constantly ruining every Evola thread with outright lies and insulting every single nonwhite.
You're a pseudointellectual garbage thinker who can only spread lies like a Jew. In fact, you are turning people away from Evola. Genuinely kys.

>> No.21393893

Give quotes or shut the fuck up, you lying son of a bitch. This guy here gave a quote: >>21393760
You on the other hand have been giving constant conjecture without a single quote to back up your assertions.
Shut the fuck up, you lying son of a bitch. Stop ruining every thread about Evola and fuck off to pol or Discord.

>> No.21393939

>my religion is playing dressup as a 20th century bedouin merchant because the judeo-saudi zogcaliphate says so

>> No.21393943

>Evola would definitely argue Tang Dynasty was more spiritually Aryan than post-Christian Europe.
Maybe some of it, but not all of it. Read what he wrote about the Holy Roman Empire and the Ghibellines, the crusades and the Templars. So read almost any of his books. He says Europeans are the ones who retain the most "spiritual virility" which is the legacy of the Aryans. Some races also retain elements of it, and ancient China interests him partly because of this. In Revolt he talks about the Ancient Aryans being pale and white, and the Chinese legends of pale, blue-eyed giants teaching them the secrets the empire-building. He routinely refers to darker races in harsh terms, if you read Revolt then you would know that he believes that Aryans and Nordic races are solar while darker races are telluric and chaotic, metaphysically. Yes, it isn't purely biological, but ideally (i.e., Traditionally) biology matches race of the spirit and of the soul. It is rare that a negroid has the spiritual race of an Aryan.

I don't know why you're fixated on thinking I'm the same person posting from other threads. You're in an Evola thread which attracts similar personalities to mine.

As for muh poor nonwhites having their feelings hurt, I don't care. Toughen up, you are pandered to too much in the mainstream, I'm deconditioning you by intentionally being offensive and shitposting because it's funny.

>> No.21393967

Are you the same guy as here?: >>21393760
He's the only one who has made an intelligent post.
Also, if what you're saying about Evola is true, then I'm returning my books because that is the most schizophrenic and garbage bullshit I've ever read.
Arrogant snow nigger filth. I hope China slaughters you haughty conceited shitheads.

>> No.21393985

>you are pandered to too much in the mainstream
It's all controlled opposition for morons like you. Both far-left self-loathing nonsense and this far-right esoteric Nordicism feed into each other, and it is by deliberate design.
I can step outside the matrix unlike morons like you. Real tradition is focused on the individual, his phenomenological state, and not on this crappy anthropological oversimplifications.

>> No.21394028

Why are you so mad? Detachment is liberation.

>> No.21394051

I have to carefully choose what I invest my mind into because I am getting older. I have 103 books on my to-read list on Goodreads, and I am removing Evola.
All of his fans can eat shit and die.

>> No.21394068

So you only read authors who you know you already 100% agree with? Why don't you just read Revolt and see for yourself what you think?

>> No.21394085

>So you only read authors who you know you already 100% agree with?
Nope. I've read Klages, (a bit of) Schopenhauer, (a bit of) Deleuze, and a few others, and I don't agree with them 100%. However, I see merit in much of what they say.
If I had more free time, I would be reading much more.
>Why don't you just read Revolt and see for yourself what you think?
Because I see no merit in what you're describing of Evola to me. In fact, it fills me with revulsion, especially given it's an important theme of his weltanschauung.
To be honest, hearing this Nordicist drivel is genuinely turning me anti-white but not in the same manner as leftists.

>> No.21394096

>butthurt over racism to the point he won't read an author
>n-not a leftist guys!
Nordicist is just your term for racist. Evola wasn't a Nordicist, people itt have already explained why, but you irrationally cling to the term.

>> No.21394103

Also, you are refusing to read an author based on a single point. You're like an emotional leftist. You could have read half of Revolt by now instead of arguing on here like a fag.

>> No.21394131

Ethnic preferentialism is fine.
In fact, I enjoy Lovecraft even though his racism has faint parallels with Evola's views of telluric races being chaotic.
Where I disagree is the idea that whites were behind precipitating the creation of *all* higher-cultures, and mixing this with esotericism seems to only lead to chauvinism based on oversimplifications. Nordicism is a batshit insane view. I don't think even Klages would agree.
I would have read a fourth or fifth of it by now most likely, but this thread has helped show me it's a complete waste of time. He has no intellectual or spiritual merit the way Klages does.
By all means, seek ethnonationalism, that's your choice, but once you start spreading Nordicist lies, then you're calling for war.
In fact, I am starting to see all these genetic studies may be lies, and the elites plan for another rise of Hitler, who may have been controlled opposition. Corona was fake, so I am starting to think even more that I've taken for granted is fake.

>> No.21394137

a Hitler*
>even more that I've
even more of what I've*

>> No.21394283

someone ask me what religion is Evola, how am I suppose to answer him?

>> No.21394300

Hermetic neoplatonic metaphysics which he purports to find at the core of every orthodox religious tradition. Closest to Renaissance hermetic platonism if you need a frame of reference.

He himself preferred Europe's indigenous pagan tradition, not specifically for any of its cults or "dogmas," but basically something like the way India works, where particular cults and practices can rise and fall according to their accidental features and historical contingencies, but the basic premise underlying all of them is wisdom and insight into the metaphysical core of things. Thus India can sustain and did sustain apparently divergent traditions like Tantra, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., all with a thousand subschools and boundaries too hazy to really even say they are distinct traditions at all, but all basically oriented toward the same perennial metaphysical core, and all predicated on actually achieving insight into this core in regular practice (at the highest levels).

>> No.21394326

Thank you.
It’s really hard to find what kind of religion label to put on Evola due to how much he is interested in various spiritual doctrines like Orthodox, Pagan, Hindu, Buddhism and many more.

>> No.21394359

Guenon seems more intellectually honest than Evola.

>> No.21395182

Evola's oeuvres are better for the kali yuga, Guénon's are more timeless.

>> No.21395906

Switch Buddhism and Judaism

>> No.21396159

Does he think Saint veneration is inherently pagan?

>> No.21396162

Guenon seems more normie-friendly.

>> No.21396167

People who obsess about what is normie or not tend to be the most normie of all.
Genuinely kys.

>> No.21396484


>> No.21396524

>a lot of the coarse pro-masculinity people seem to be drifting towards Islam for some fucking reason
I don't see how this is some impenetrable mystery to you. Islam is more masculine than Christianity and offers more of an outlet to masculine types. It also refreshingly insists on an anti-degeneracy mentality (at least in theory, yeah I'm sure there are degen Arabs or w/e the fuck somewhere, obligatory warding off of this infantile "but some people are degen in this group" point) as opposed to Christianity's tolerant stance which results in the gradual eroding away of morals.
I say all this as a Christian perennialist btw, so not out of Islam bias.
> Now, I dislike Christianity, but at least we can say that there's some common history and cultural integration with this religion. Islam is even more alien and doesn't even offer anything more than Christianity does. I have no intention of tolerating a drift to Islam among whites.
I mean...what else are their options dude? Paganism is dead and was decadent before being swept away by Abrahamism (deservedly), you have Christianity which is lacking in accessible esoteric orders. Now looking at the Aryan traditions, its extremely hard to practice Hinduism if you weren't born into it, Buddhism I'm not even sure the state of it now or how accessible it truly is to Westerners.
That leaves Islam. Most similar religion to Christianity that isn't Christianity, so least awkward transition. Anti-degen? Check. Masculine? Check. Esoteric orders? Again, check. Guenon converting himself is also, as you yourself pointed out, a massive cue.
Again none of this seems mysterious at all, the fascination with Islam among white westerners is actually extremely easy to understand.

>> No.21396548

Chan is buddhism so anons division doesnt even make sense, judaism is also essentially islam/sufism tier, also the master or slave depends on the individual alone, following a "religion" is already a slavelike individual quality anyway.

>> No.21396620

>Guenon converting himself is also, as you yourself pointed out, a massive cue.
What do you even mean by guenon converting himself? His system honestly denies the possibility of such a thing in its entirety, the one who is aware of the fundamental unity of traditions is by is very nature unconvertible to anything.
>I mean...what else are their options dude? Paganism is dead and was decadent before being swept away by Abrahamism (deservedly), you have Christianity which is lacking in accessible esoteric orders. Now looking at the Aryan traditions, its extremely hard to practice Hinduism if you weren't born into it, Buddhism I'm not even sure the state of it now or how accessible it truly is to Westerners. That leaves Islam. Most similar religion to Christianity that isn't Christianity, so least awkward transition.
I dont know about you but religitardism and following a religion, or misusing the term as you guys do here "tradition" after reading evola and guenon, is really a meaningless thing, there is only initiation into an esoteric order, and such a thing does not depend on or is contingent upon following an exoteric tradition at all.
>Now looking at the Aryan traditions, its extremely hard to practice Hinduism if you weren't born into it, Buddhism I'm not even sure the state of it now or how accessible it truly is to Westerners.
Its as simple as reading metaphysical texts, finding a teacher etc. Still it seems you like to discount how much can be achieved through either listening to the instructions of traditional representatives or reading their instructive texts.
>its extremely hard to practice Hinduism if you weren't born into it,
What does this even mean? What do you mean by practicing hinduism? Bhaktic hinduism like covering lingams in milk and theistically devoting yourself to ganesha and shit is not what guenon and evola were shilling.
>Again none of this seems mysterious at all, the fascination with Islam among white westerners is actually extremely easy to understand.
Its because of evangelism and the slave mentality of low caste whites,
All that is required for meraphysical realization is meditation. Whether you have a teacher as a support in a particular tradition or not does not somehow limit the possibilities of the individual being.
>I don't see how this is some impenetrable mystery to you. Islam is more masculine than Christianity and offers more of an outlet to masculine types. It also refreshingly insists on an anti-degeneracy mentality (at least in theory, yeah I'm sure there are degen Arabs or w/e the fuck somewhere, obligatory warding off of this infantile "but some people are degen in this group" point) as opposed to Christianity's tolerant stance which results in the gradual eroding away of morals.
Lol, anti-degeneracy is a merely political statement you are an idealogue, the sort of spiritual virility, "masculinity" evola talks about has nothing to do "morals" as you say.

>> No.21396625

> as opposed to Christianity's tolerant stance which results in the gradual eroding away of morals.
Muh "morals," why are you moralfagging in an evola thread, this has nothing to do with tradition

>> No.21396652

>All that is required for meraphysical realization is meditation
This is the teaching of Soto Zen, which has been legitimately propagated in the West. I do believe Kodo Sawaki's line goes back to Rujing, so if you're able to find a teacher in that transmitted line (like Shohaku Okamamura), then you're better off. I do recommend looking into the tradition.
>low caste whites
Also, drop the race obsessed bullshit already, faggot. It's not good to mix identity politics with esotericism.
Both Islam and Christianity are false because they don't point to how the truth is found within via meditation. They point to the truth as external to one's true nature.
Someone like Sri Ramana Maharishi was closer to the truth than Christians or Muslims, and I don't care if he was dark skinned.
If you want to help Europe, then promote the spread of something like Soto, which already has authentic lines.
Unfortunately, Rinzai has serious issues in the West.

>> No.21396746

>Counter-tradition? Will a perversion of Islam be the NWO religion?
The NWO religion will not be islam, it will be and is scientific atheism, the controlled counter-initiation is a sort of scientific new-age, which is already I would say a perverted islam, where they essentially coopt the islamic prophet model, have many enlightened masters from all religions, and shill some braindead pseudo-nondualism confusing the psyche and spirit, leaving its followers to getting caught up in a passive indeterminate state of dissolution causing mass psychosis and the destruction of civilisation, anyway I seriously think right now science is the NWO religion, many of the principles like "fate" have simply been transposed and are now "genetic determinism," we are stuck in a society with an unconcious minority following a sort of magna-mater type scientific death cult, which I think is alot more subversive and dangerous than some sort of overtly modified islam, and is bringing all sorts of demonic forces of destruction to the surface.
>Will a perversion of Islam be the NWO religion?
What do you think about the trend of androgyny, and sexual deconstruction, there is something to it also.
>Also, drop the race obsessed bullshit already, faggot
>Both Islam and Christianity are false because they don't point to how the truth is found within via meditation. They point to the truth as external to one's true nature.
>Someone like Sri Ramana Maharishi was closer to the truth than Christians or Muslims, and I don't care if he was dark skinned.
What do you mean race obsessed, its the reality high caste whites dont even need to cope with this esoterism shit, they dont even need a religion, as you are describing it.
Secondly that they are white also ties into it, because there is an identity element behind their conversion to islam, these people are operating individually and are not yet beyond all the adjuncts which condition the individual, like the gross body, egoity, memory, intellect, name-form etc. and so on themselves, so its fine to consider these people as white, and yes low caste is a fair description too.
>Both Islam and Christianity are false because they don't point to how the truth is found within via meditation. They point to the truth as external to one's true nature.
I disagree, I am not going to deny the possibility of an individual being attaining deliverance through even atheism and new-age, or through christianity, islam and so on this tendency is also a bit of an overestimation of formality on your part, I would not even doubt that some homeless drunks in some degenerate western cities have achieved moksha.
>If you want to help Europe, then promote the spread of something like Soto, which already has authentic lines.
I dont give a shit about europe, ill leave the spreading of soto, to the retards who believe that is their mission, there are literally hundreds of these cope eastern orgs being estsblished in europe,

>> No.21396756

in my opinion no eastern tradition will ever be successfuly brought to west, not that there is anything in the west to even bring, europe can only save itself through a complete resurgence of the hyperborean tradition, its rebirth will have to follow its death however. So the destruction of europe is inevitable.

>> No.21396778

>the reality high caste whites dont even need to cope with this esoterism shit, they dont even need a religion, as you are describing it.
This is the most narcissistic garbage I've ever read. LARPy bullshit of the highest order. It's obvious you're only capable of producing platitudes that work to strole your ego, and I doubt you have ever engaged in any true meditation.
>I dont give a shit about europe
Doesn't make sense given you're a racial supremacist but whatever.
>europe can only save itself through a complete resurgence of the hyperborean tradition
No such thing.

>> No.21396802

Is the conspirators hierarchy,a committee of 300 good for information on the nwo

>> No.21396818

>LARPy bullshit of the highest order.
Its possible for some beings to be born liberated, yeah I agree also, but youre a retard for taking my first comment seriously. I meant "low caste whites" simply as unintelligent, low socio-economic caste, ugly, diseased, born with physical deformity, struggles to understand philosophy, metaphysics, essentially the average hylic hedonist american, we could argue that is just by education or whatever, but there responses to that education is determined in some way by birth.
>It's obvious you're only capable of producing platitudes that work to strole your ego
I was not saying anything meangiful but just humouring you.
>you're a racial supremacist but whatever
No I dont care about race really, or even in individuality, all there is is God/Brahman
>Doesn't make sense
>No such thing.
I was just writing something memetic, along the lines of the grail mysticism we in the medieval period, is it not true that the european traditions are directly descending from the hyperborean tradition?

>> No.21396823

>and I doubt you have ever engaged in any true meditation.
Yeah you can tell so much through these responses, delduded. Anyway I dont care to engage any further with you

>> No.21396850

>all there is is God/Brahman
But you need a tradition to awaken to it. It's obvious you haven't initiated into any.
>Its possible for some beings to be born liberated
Narcissistic bullshit. However, in Ch'an and much Mahayana one's true nature, which is beyond form, is always present, but it may be obscured by clouds of delusion. It's about awakening to it. Everyone is already technically liberated in some sense due to emptiness of skandhas.
>is it not true that the european traditions are directly descending from the hyperborean tradition
Even if they share a common root, which I prefer to say either Ancestral North Eurasia or PIE (not Hyperborea), there is an element of multitudinousness. Not sure what path you want to take, whether something like a Greek Mystery school or Advaita, but it's best to stick with one path.
Also, a significant amount of pagan traditions from NW Europe was lost.

>> No.21396865

>you can tell so much through these responses
Yes, I can. You're more interested in half-baked theory rather than actual practice. I am not sure if you can even sit for 30 minutes without letting your mind be flooded by abstractions and expectations.
There is no such thing as long-term betterment of the world. The cycles are being manipulated by the elite. If you can't achieve your own awakening here and now, then it's all meaningless. Even if you get what you want on a societal scale, it will remain insufficient in helping to confront the impermanence of life.

>> No.21397005

>Anti-degen? Check. Masculine? Check. Esoteric orders? Again, check. Guenon converting himself is also, as you yourself pointed out, a massive cue.
>Again none of this seems mysterious at all, the fascination with Islam among white westerners is actually extremely easy to understand.
How is islam masculine amd anti-degeneracy? Muslims are extremely degenerate, the religion is feminine. As for esoteric orders, they have mostly mysticism as opposed to esotericism properly understood (as defined by Guénon). Also, i have seen no interest in islam among Westerners, so I dont know what you're talking about there. In fact it is the opposite. They see islam as barbaric and stupid, for dumb peasants. The terrorism and pedo rapists dont help.

Guénon converting does not at all imply that others should. He was a very unique case.

And the tolerance of Christianity in a large part comes from the West being high trust and so materially prosperous, on top of the world for so long.

>> No.21397052

You guys should check out Leo Zagami's books, he writes about occult counter-Tradition groups infiltrating high levels of masonry and intel agencies, opposition between far left and Trads in these same fields, all that stuff. Even though the books themselves aren't excellent, there is great up-to-date research, sources and names to check out.

>> No.21398067

Read Schuon

>> No.21398079

>Muslims are extremely degenerate
Covered this point already in my post. Regardless of what Muslims may or may not do it comes down to the fact that Islam lends itself more to being able to adopt a stance of intolerance towards degeneracy whereas Christianity encourages one to be tolerant to sinners. Since the West is getting extremely degen and this bothers traditionalist types, the appeal of Islam in this sense is extremely obvious.
>they have mostly mysticism as opposed to esotericism properly understood (as defined by Guénon)
Nah they have esoterism, this is a super weird point to make. Do you think Guenon thought of it as "mysticism" but joined it anyway when he looked down on mysticism? Bizarre thing to suggest. He goes to great lengths comparing Islamic esoterism to Hinduism.
>Guénon converting does not at all imply that others should. He was a very unique case.
So did Schuon, so did Lings. Far from being unique its pretty common amongst Traditionalists.
>And the tolerance of Christianity in a large part comes from the West being high trust and so materially prosperous, on top of the world for so long.
Not really man it comes from the love perspective Christianity is built on. European characteristics of being more inclined to universality is just one part of that.

>> No.21398090

>What do you even mean by guenon converting himself? His system honestly denies the possibility of such a thing in its entirety, the one who is aware of the fundamental unity of traditions is by is very nature unconvertible to anything.
I just mean joining the religion and practicing it, as opposed to not doing so. Think you're reading too much into the term.
>and such a thing does not depend on or is contingent upon following an exoteric tradition at all.
What? It absolutely is.
>What does this even mean? What do you mean by practicing hinduism?
Being a part of the tradition of Hinduism which basically is only accessible to Westerners if you're born into the caste system.
>Its because of evangelism and the slave mentality of low caste whites,
Meh, way too simplistic and Nietzschean a take. Much more going on than muh master and muh slave.
>All that is required for meraphysical realization is meditation. Whether you have a teacher as a support in a particular tradition or not does not somehow limit the possibilities of the individual being.
Guenon disagrees, and your circumstances are part of your possibilities btw. You're not separate from the world or your experience of life.
>Lol, anti-degeneracy is a merely political statement you are an idealogue, the sort of spiritual virility, "masculinity" evola talks about has nothing to do "morals" as you say.
Schuon makes way more sense than Evola though

>> No.21398163

>key figure in fascism

>> No.21398480

>Nah they have esoterism, this is a super weird point to make. Do you think Guenon thought of it as "mysticism" but joined it anyway when he looked down on mysticism? Bizarre thing to suggest. He goes to great lengths comparing Islamic esoterism to Hinduism.
Obviously they have esotericism (when did I deny this?), but usually it is just mysticism, and they are often confused, especially today, more than ever. It isn't a weird point, it is entirely relevant, and Guenon talks about it and thinks it is an important issue to clarify, since people don't understand the difference.
>So did Schuon, so did Lings. Far from being unique its pretty common amongst Traditionalists.
Yes, because Guenon did, and they were his followers.
>Not really man it comes from the love perspective Christianity is built on. European characteristics of being more inclined to universality is just one part of that.
European "characteristics" are not more inclined to universality, that comment is just stupid. Abrahamic faiths are more inclined to universality, Europeans at nearly all times in history had many different factions, they were constantly at war with each other under different leaders. Islam is inclined to universality, as it is more semitic and plebian in nature, the same as christianity. Christianity was extremely intolerant for almost all of it's history in Europe, until very recently, when Europeans achieved peak material comfort/dominion over the world.

>> No.21398572

There are many tribes and conflict too in the Islamic world. Just look at Pashtun or Tajiks as an example. Mandaeans, Kurds, you don't know what you're talking about.
By all means resist Islamization of Europe, but don't talk about things you haven't bothered researching at all.
If anything, Islamic world is more tribal, but ISIS did attack many of them like the Yazidis.

>> No.21398597

>Obviously they have esotericism (when did I deny this?)
You said "as opposed to esoterism properly understood". On the contrary Guenon asserts this is precisely what they do have, a valid esoterism. Don't know why you're dancing around your claims tbqh.
He says those comments about mysticism regarding Western esoterism specifically, not Islamic esoterism.
>Yes, because Guenon did, and they were his followers.
...ok so? You're shifting the goalposts dude, the disagreement wasn't about whether or not they were his followers, it was whether or not Guenon was "a unique case". He wasn't. End of story.
>European "characteristics" are not more inclined to universality, that comment is just stupid. Abrahamic faiths are more inclined to universality, Europeans at nearly all times in history had many different factions, they were constantly at war with each other under different leaders. Islam is inclined to universality, as it is more semitic and plebian in nature, the same as christianity. Christianity was extremely intolerant for almost all of it's history in Europe, until very recently, when Europeans achieved peak material comfort/dominion over the world.
What I mean is that Europeans are naturally interested in trying to spread their viewpoint all over the world. Also, you're flat out wrong honestly, there are also various factions in Islam, although the Arabs also share this universalist tendency in the sense that I intended it - again, the natural desire to get other people groups to take on their viewpoint.

>> No.21398646

>There are many tribes and conflict too in the Islamic world. Just look at Pashtun or Tajiks as an example. Mandaeans, Kurds, you don't know what you're talking about.
But they are all islamic, that is the point you dumb brown chimp. Europe was only (partially) united after Christianity, another universalist semitic religion

>You said "as opposed to esoterism properly understood". On the contrary Guenon asserts this is precisely what they do have, a valid esoterism.
For the second time now, I never said isam didn't have esotericism properly understood, it's that it mostly has mysticism, and actual esotericism commonly gets conflated with mysticism, which is something
Guenon laments.
>He says those comments about mysticism regarding Western esoterism specifically, not Islamic esoterism.
Wrong, he says it about Islam too, in his letter to di Giorgio or I think someone else, I can't remember it right now.
>...ok so? You're shifting the goalposts dude, the disagreement wasn't about whether or not they were his followers, it was whether or not Guenon was "a unique case". He wasn't. End of story.
Guenon was a unique case in that he was special, as was Martin Lings and Schuon. I shouldn't have used the word unique, you're right, since properly speaking it means only one. Guenon, and others like him, are special cases. The reason Lings and Schuon converted to Islam was to follow Guenon, that is the same with other Traditionalists. This is probably a mistake, since Guenon was a very special individual, and was already initiated and above religion when he converted. There are better paths in the West, instead of converting to Islam like a fag just so you can practice mysticism which is 99% of the time what Islamic esotericism consists of.
>What I mean is that Europeans are naturally interested in trying to spread their viewpoint all over the world.
This is less European and more of a semitic proselytizing shared by Islam and Christianity, both of semitic origins. Pre-Christian European religions were not universalist, they venerated their own ancestors/gods within their own small tribe. Perhaps there was a common origin, but they didn't want arabs to convert to their religion.

>> No.21398656

>brown chimp.
I'm not brown, you belligerent snow nigger. You were initially arguing Islam is inclined to universality, and I was raising an exception by saying there are still many tribal wars like early Christianity.
Just shut the fuck up already. You don't know how to hold a civilized debate. I'm getting tired of you.

>> No.21398673

>As for esoteric orders, they have mostly mysticism as opposed to esotericism properly understood (as defined by Guénon)
Dude you said it right here, what the fuck is the point of lying when anyone can go back and read the post chain. Such a weird thing to try, are you delusional?

>> No.21398677

He's a pseudointellectual and mentally ill moron.

>> No.21398688

>Wrong, he says it about Islam too, in his letter to di Giorgio or I think someone else, I can't remember it right now.
I didn't know he even had correspondence with di Giorgio, in any case it makes no sense for Guenon to dedicate himself to something that he looked down on.
>Guenon was a unique case in that he was special, as was Martin Lings and Schuon. I shouldn't have used the word unique, you're right, since properly speaking it means only one. Guenon, and others like him, are special cases.
Alright, fair enough I guess I'll let it slide. What made them unique?
>There are better paths in the West, instead of converting to Islam like a fag just so you can practice mysticism which is 99% of the time what Islamic esotericism consists of.
...such as?
>This is less European and more of a semitic proselytizing shared by Islam and Christianity, both of semitic origins.
Nah its pretty European as well. Eastern Christianity is much less interested in prosletyzing than Western, and of Western, its Protestantism that is the most hardcore about it.
> Pre-Christian European religions were not universalist, they venerated their own ancestors/gods within their own small tribe. Perhaps there was a common origin, but they didn't want arabs to convert to their religion.
Pre-Christian Europe this tendency was expressed in the form of the conqueror mentality, which the Arabs also have. Same tendency, different forms of expression.
This underlying notion you have that we can blame all European behavior on their adopted religion is hilarious tbqh, Europeans practice Christianity in a European way, which leads to an intense focus on missionary work and prosletyzing, which is in many ways just another form of conquering other peoples. The end goal is always to impose your world view on others.

>> No.21398692

Maybe it was an honest slip up and just a really retarded way to communicate something, idk

>> No.21398704

>by saying there are still many tribal wars like early Christianity.
That isn't even what Universality means you brown chimp. Universality means it applies/is open to all people, as supporters of Islam and Christianity both believe. This is why it is plebian. Evola wrote about this, Guenon probably did too. Pre-Christian European religions did not believe this of their own forms of spirituality, same with other more "dharmic" (older) forms of spirituality. Abrahamism is universalist and thus proselytizing.

I'm not denying Islam has esotericism properly understood in that post, I'm saying most of the time it is just mysticism, not true esotericism, as set forth by Guenon. I don't see what is so confusing about this, nowhere have i said that islam has no esotericism. It is just mostly mysticism, which is often confused for true esotericism, and this is incorrect. You are under similar assumptions, and you apparently are too think-headed to even understand the premise, no doubt on account of your afro-simian admixture.

Why do you islam chimps get so upset when someone refutes you / when you can't understand English? You're like children.

>> No.21398717

I'm not Muslim or brown, retard. I don't know how you inferred that from my post.
Also, you misinterpreted my original response, moron.
Genuinely kys, low IQ classless snow nig.
I'm not going to waste time with trash like you. Slit your throat, icchantika.

>> No.21398724

>I didn't know he even had correspondence with di Giorgio, in any case it makes no sense for Guenon to dedicate himself to something that he looked down on.
Go to the Guenon index and look in the letters category, Guenon and di Giorgio were good friends and there are probably almost 20 letters there from Guenon.
>...such as?
Hermeticism, various forms of Christian esotericism, like Martinism, or just Christian mysticism. Of course if you take Guenon's word as law these will not suffice for you, and you will likely end up just reading books for your whole life.
>Pre-Christian Europe this tendency was expressed in the form of the conqueror mentality, which the Arabs also have.
But that isn't what universalism is, that is just enforcing your will and believing in your own superiority over others.
>This underlying notion you have that we can blame all European behavior on their adopted religion is hilarious tbqh, Europeans practice Christianity in a European way, which leads to an intense focus on missionary work and prosletyzing, which is in many ways just another form of conquering other peoples. The end goal is always to impose your world view on others.
I would agree to an extent, but Christianity is still in large part to blame for these things, even if the traits really are European in origin (which I would contest to an extent), since it helped to unleash the plebian worldview across all social stratas and made it the norm.

>> No.21398731
File: 22 KB, 616x497, 1658972305674167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slit your throat, icchantika.
>this faggot again
Dude do you ever stop patrolling Trad threads on /lit/ despite not even liking Traditionalism? There is something wrong with you.

>> No.21398738

>I'm not denying Islam has esotericism properly understood in that post, I'm saying most of the time it is just mysticism, not true esotericism, as set forth by Guenon. I don't see what is so confusing about this, nowhere have i said that islam has no esotericism. It is just mostly mysticism, which is often confused for true esotericism, and this is incorrect.
Its a really retarded way to communicate something, is the issue, evidenced by the fact that the other poster is confused too, and also that it just makes no logical sense.
Let's recap:
>I say Islam has an esoteric dimension Christianity seems to lack.
>You say As for esoteric orders, they have mostly mysticism as opposed to esotericism properly understood (as defined by Guénon)
For this to be a counter you'd have to deny my claim. But if you're saying "oh yeah you're right, however its mostly mysticism" it doesn't deny my claim at all, which simply asserts that a valid esoterism exists in Islam.
So that plus the clumsy communication leads me to the notion that what you're euphemistically trying to say is "no it doesn't really its actually mysticism".
Articulate your points better, you're kind of a shitty articulator in general as you yourself admitted with the "unique" thing. Still not sure what you're even trying to say there either btw, point hasn't really developed yet on your end.
>You are under similar assumptions, and you apparently are too think-headed
Think-headed? Lmfao man, its like you're trying to come off like a clown. I get it, typo, really unfortunate to make a retarded one when you're trying to insult though.
>no doubt on account of your afro-simian admixture.
Why is it always the unironic racists who seem unable to understand metaphysics?

>> No.21398744

Lol he refuted you tho

>> No.21398761

No, he didn't. Islamic world is still intolerant and more tribal than Christian world.
You're right. I do have a problem. I was reading a lot and doing my work well for the past few weeks, but then I found myself here.
Let me just say I would torture that arrogant snow nigger while reciting dharanis in Minecraft. I would have him strapped in a chair, read a lot of good poetry and religious literature to him, and then gouge out his fucking eyes. With the gaping holes in his skull, then he will see his true original nature beyond all form. Afterward, I would slit his throat and do Shikantaza beside his icchantika corpse.
Namo Amitabha Buddha.
I am done with compassion towards icchantikas like him.
And let me tell you, I have a very impressive library, so he will finally be exposed to real contemplation before I send him to hell in Minecraft.

>> No.21398764

>Go to the Guenon index and look in the letters category, Guenon and di Giorgio were good friends and there are probably almost 20 letters there from Guenon.
Thanks, I'll check it out sometime.
>Hermeticism, various forms of Christian esotericism, like Martinism, or just Christian mysticism. Of course if you take Guenon's word as law these will not suffice for you, and you will likely end up just reading books for your whole life.
I mean alternatively, you could convert to Islam like Guenon. Keep in mind, like I said earlier, I'm Christian personally. My whole goal in this conversation is not to say that Islam is actually the better choice, as you seem to be slowly assuming overtime. If you'll recall, my argument is that its no mystery why Traditionalists in the West are attracted to Islam.
>But that isn't what universalism is, that is just enforcing your will and believing in your own superiority over others.
Ok man whatever, call it what you want lol. I clarified my meaning, what is the problem? I also disagree that you can't use "universalist" in this way, since broadly speaking universalism is just the belief that an idea can be applied universally, but I don't really give a fuck about arguing semantics. Complain about this in your next post and I'll ignore it.
>I would agree to an extent, but Christianity is still in large part to blame for these things, even if the traits really are European in origin (which I would contest to an extent), since it helped to unleash the plebian worldview across all social stratas and made it the norm.
Yeah that's a fair point of view. You could argue that in some ways Christianity brought out the worst from Europeans. Regardless of that though, here we are, Europeans became Christian. The question is, what to do now?

>> No.21398765

How could you even think this? Not even Tumblr could come up with such a reductive, retarded take.

>> No.21398781


>> No.21398803

What's confusing?

>> No.21398807

>For this to be a counter you'd have to deny my claim. But if you're saying "oh yeah you're right, however its mostly mysticism" it doesn't deny my claim at all, which simply asserts that a valid esoterism exists in Islam.
Why are you assuming I'm trying to counter your claim? I'm only adding more detail and refining it so people don't get the wrong idea. There is a valid esotericism in Islam, but it is extremely rare, and most of the time it is just mysticism, which is different, as Guenon says.

From your post it seemed as if one can just convert to Islam and join a legitimate esoteric (again, properly understood) order stemming back to Mohamed or whatever, but this really isn't the case, especially in the current epoch and even moreso in the West. That is my point. I don't want people to get the wrong idea.

>Think-headed? Lmfao man, its like you're trying to come off like a clown. I get it, typo, really unfortunate to make a retarded one when you're trying to insult though.
This just makes you look desperate to get a good point in since you've lost rhetorical ground. It's not my fault you don't understand what he word "mostly" means. Congrats, you found a typo, maybe you aren't utterly clueless after all?
>Why is it always the unironic racists who seem unable to understand metaphysics?
1. We aren't talking about metaphysics.
2. I'm surprised you would use the word racist, it seems pretty pea-brained and antithetical to your beliefs for someone interested in Traditionalism.

Calling someone a brown chimp is just funny to me, even if they aren't brown. I don't care if it's racist, it's just words. Meanwhile brown chimps ruthlessly assault white people every day and turn our societies into 3rd world shitholes while they syphon tax dollars and invite the rest of their chimp families over for more free shit, so you should be able to handle a few mean words, even if you aren't white.

>> No.21398816

Read Guenon or Evola you spastic arab

>> No.21398830

>Why are you assuming I'm trying to counter your claim?
Generally that's how an argument goes.
>From your post it seemed as if one can just convert to Islam and join a legitimate esoteric (again, properly understood) order stemming back to Mohamed or whatever, but this really isn't the case, especially in the current epoch and even moreso in the West. That is my point. I don't want people to get the wrong idea.
Fair enough, as I said I'm not trying to advocate anything. I'm saying that its extremely understandable why Traditionalists would want to convert to Islam.
>This just makes you look desperate to get a good point in since you've lost rhetorical ground. It's not my fault you don't understand what he word "mostly" means. Congrats, you found a typo, maybe you aren't utterly clueless after all?
I haven't lost any ground at all. You gotta learn to take a loss with some grace man. You made a dumb typo while you were trying to insult someone, it makes you look stupid. Own it next time and you'll come off less insecure.
>1. We aren't talking about metaphysics.
I know, I just get the vibe you have a poor grasp on that too.
>2. I'm surprised you would use the word racist, it seems pretty pea-brained and antithetical to your beliefs for someone interested in Traditionalism.
Traditionalism doesn't automatically equate to Evolan, just so you know. I largely prefer Schuon out of the entire camp.
>Calling someone a brown chimp is just funny to me, even if they aren't brown. I don't care if it's racist, it's just words. Meanwhile brown chimps ruthlessly assault white people every day and turn our societies into 3rd world shitholes while they syphon tax dollars and invite the rest of their chimp families over for more free shit, so you should be able to handle a few mean words, even if you aren't white.
I am white, but unironic racism is pretty cringe.

>> No.21398831

I'm not an Arab, retarded cunt.
I do plan to read Guenon, but I will not read Evola. Evola is pseudointellectual garbage.

>> No.21398855

It sounds like you'd like Evola more, since he was also opposed to abrahamic faiths (calling christianity, judaism and islam collectively a semitic virus). He was also more open to violence, whereas Guenon was more peaceful and liked the abrahamic faiths. Both believed in the myth of Hyperborea though.

>> No.21398857

You can tell a lot about a man if he reads Evola. Major red flag

>> No.21398861

I'm not violent.
Guenon wasn't a "Spiritual Nordicist" the way Evola was, at least from what I've read.

>> No.21398867

Read Guenon and then read Schuon, all you need really

>> No.21398881

>I haven't lost any ground at all. You gotta learn to take a loss with some grace man. You made a dumb typo while you were trying to insult someone, it makes you look stupid. Own it next time and you'll come off less insecure.
You thought I was claiming Islam had no true esotericism and I refuted you, then you made a big deal about an obvious typo because you were desperate after getting BTFO.
>I know, I just get the vibe you have a poor grasp on that too.
I'm not interested in metaphysics from a theoretical standpoint, I haven't even read Guenon's more metaphysical works yet, since I'd rather wait. I'm interested in inner work first to verify the truth of metaphysical "doctrines" later.
>I am white, but unironic racism is pretty cringe.
Ah ok, so "racism" being bad is a modern construct, and all Traditional civilisations believed that races were distinct and hence fundamentally unequal, but I can't make fun of brown people or else that is "cringe". I don't care about mean words, actions speak louder than words, and brown chimps are out assaulting innocent white people who host them in their own nations basically daily. Why don't you worry about that instead of crying about "racism" like an SJW faggot? You aren't Trad if people making distinctions between white and brown people upsets you, you're influenced by pozzed libtardism.

>> No.21398886

>You thought I was claiming Islam had no true esotericism and I refuted you, then you made a big deal about an obvious typo because you were desperate after getting BTFO.
"I refuted you" lol, what actually happened was you're a shit communicator, poorly articulated a point and I decided to cut you some slack. Whatever imaginary story gets you through your day though kek
>I'm not interested in metaphysics from a theoretical standpoint, I haven't even read Guenon's more metaphysical works yet,
Oh and it shows, it shows. Fuck this made me laugh irl, how did I correctly guess you had no knowledge in this area?
>Ah ok, so "racism" being bad is a modern construct, and all Traditional civilisations believed that races were distinct and hence fundamentally unequal, but I can't make fun of brown people or else that is "cringe". I don't care about mean words, actions speak louder than words, and brown chimps are out assaulting innocent white people who host them in their own nations basically daily. Why don't you worry about that instead of crying about "racism" like an SJW faggot? You aren't Trad if people making distinctions between white and brown people upsets you, you're influenced by pozzed libtardism.
Thanks for sharing man. Not sure what to say to this burst of autism here. If you were trying to show you weren't cringe, you certainly failed.

>> No.21398889

So you don't believe that Aryans are/were a race of spiritually superior beings? Evola wasn't a Nordicist, he critiqued the purely biological view of race of the Nazis (presumably related to what you're referring to with Nordicism).
>I'm not violent.
Almost every time I come to this board I see you telling people to slit their own throats while you fantasize about torturing and murdering them. One could be forgiven for assuming...

>> No.21398891

I have added them to my to-read list.
>brown chimps are out assaulting innocent white people who host them in their own nations basically daily
I don't live in Europe, so I don't know how bad it is. However, many of the ones in USA are model minorities. Europe opened their borders to Syrian where ISIS openly claimed they will intermingle with the common people. It's not a good idea to open your borders during a time of war.

>> No.21398903

>"I refuted you" lol, what actually happened was you're a shit communicator, poorly articulated a point and I decided to cut you some slack. Whatever imaginary story gets you through your day though kek
How? I said Islam is mostly mysticism which is different from esotericism proper, it's not my fault you thought I was countering you.
>Oh and it shows, it shows. Fuck this made me laugh irl, how did I correctly guess you had no knowledge in this area?
You don't have any knowledge in metaphysics either. Metaphysical knowledge is not rational-discursive, it is something the penetrates the core of your being through experience. You simply memorizing metaphysical theories and holding it over people's heads is properly speaking a profanation and a disgrace to inflate your vulgar ego. I'm not interested in sinking to such a level, I'll read Symbolism of the Cross and the others later, I'm not worried and I'm comfortable telling others too, since I'm not a posturing pseud.
>Thanks for sharing man. Not sure what to say to this burst of autism here. If you were trying to show you weren't cringe, you certainly failed.
You're the one in a Trad thread getting upset when people insult and make jokes on the basis of race. Racism is a modern, liberal/leftist concept, which is counter-Traditional, and you buy into it, meaning you are a fool who doesn't not take Traditional teachings to heart.

>> No.21398906

>So you don't believe that Aryans are/were a race of spiritually superior beings?
They weren't spiritually superior beings. In fact, it was the mixed BMAC + Aryan people that created Indo-Iranian traditions like Mazdayasna and Vedism. They weren't pure Aryans and resembled Yaghnobis more. They were at most 40% Aryan, 30% Iran Neolithic Farmer, and 30% Neolithic Anatolian farmer.
>Evola wasn't a Nordicist, he critiqued the purely biological view of race of the Nazis
Check this guy's explanation of Evola's "Spiritual Nordicism" here:
>One could be forgiven for assuming...
That's because they're yelling racial slurs at me. What's wrong with killing those who insult you harshly IFF it were legally permissible? Of course I would never do it in this society because I have self-preservation instinct, but I don't see how it's morally wrong to kill impudent and insulting icchantikas in the advent of social collapse. I would never harm a respectful person or innocent animal.

>> No.21398908

I'm also talking about blacks and mexicans. There is a positive correlation between darkness of skin and amount of crime committed. In the US, blacks and mexicans are a net negative on the system, abusing the welfare system, while whites are mainly the ones holding it above water still.

>> No.21398910

>How? I said Islam is mostly mysticism which is different from esotericism proper, it's not my fault you thought I was countering you.
Go back and reread my posts, it is your fault lol
>You don't have any knowledge in metaphysics either. Metaphysical knowledge is not rational-discursive, it is something the penetrates the core of your being through experience.
Shut the fuck up and go read Guenon man, you have no idea what you're talking about and its embarrassing to read your wounded-ego bullshit on a subject you're not at all learned in. I'm amazed you even thought it was a good idea to try this.
>since I'm not a posturing pseud.
Lmfao, that's exactly what you are. All you do is run your mouth on shit you don't know about, how is that not the definition of a posturing pseud?
>You're the one in a Trad thread getting upset when people insult and make jokes on the basis of race. Racism is a modern, liberal/leftist concept, which is counter-Traditional, and you buy into it, meaning you are a fool who doesn't not take Traditional teachings to heart.
No one's upset lol, I said you were cringe and you are. Sorry if that made you get all pissy and autistic. Is that what you wanted? We done?

>> No.21398911

>They weren't spiritually superior beings. In fact, it was the mixed BMAC + Aryan people that created Indo-Iranian traditions like Mazdayasna and Vedism. They weren't pure Aryans and resembled Yaghnobis more. They were at most 40% Aryan, 30% Iran Neolithic Farmer, and 30% Neolithic Anatolian farmer.
I am talking more in the Traditional sense of "race of the soul" which doesn't necessarily have to do with skin color or hard genetics, although it probably was correlated in earlier times.
>That's because they're yelling racial slurs at me
Dude who cares, it's 4chan, leave if you can't handle the bants.

>> No.21398919

>There is a positive correlation between darkness of skin and amount of crime committed.
No, there isn't. This is a modern and stupid phenomena. Race is not determined by skin tone, you retarded hick. Two people of the same race can have different skin tones, hair colors, and eye colors. They are not the defining features of race. Race is not skin deep, superficial faggot.
Low class snow nigger trash like you isn't any better than violent thuggish niggers, and I've shot one during a home break in fyi. I wouldn't mind shooting you either. Genuinely kys, no joke. Seriously, do it.
I have light skin, and I'd rather drink tea with an educated black man than a belligerent hick like you. I am glad I have light skin because it makes blending with your kind easier, and in the event of social collapse, I'll bring back ancient torture methods and single hymns from ancient texts for you. I'd give you a taste of tradition, all right.
Slit your fucking throat.

>> No.21398920

>Dude who cares, it's 4chan, leave if you can't handle the bants.
Can't the exact same thing be said about him making violent threats on here too?

>> No.21398926

>Sorry if that made you get all pissy and autistic
Nice projection. Your entire post is
meanwhile you don't even have any counter-arguments. You haven't refuted anything I've said, you just feigned confidence ("lol", "lmao" "cringe") and insist that I'm wrong. Try again:
>You don't have any knowledge in metaphysics either. Metaphysical knowledge is not rational-discursive, it is something the penetrates the core of your being through experience. You simply memorizing metaphysical theories and holding it over people's heads is properly speaking a profanation and a disgrace to inflate your vulgar ego.
This accurately characterizes your behaviour, proving that you're a posturing pseud.

>> No.21398928
File: 144 KB, 700x611, dvb0k3-a27c82cb-cc0a-422e-8e0e-ef4c62d5f6bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am talking more in the Traditional sense of "race of the soul"
I used to think that too until that other guy's explanation I reference. In general, Evola believes it is very rare for non-whites to have a Hyperborean soul.
>Dude who cares, it's 4chan, leave if you can't handle the bants.
And I yell Blood Meridian or Maldoror inspired blood curdling descriptions in response.

>> No.21398930
File: 51 KB, 240x232, 1658892618857015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why are you so pissed? do you wanna talk on telegram or something? you seem like a cool guy otherwise...

>> No.21398934

Stfu, you pissy retard.

>> No.21398937

>meanwhile you don't even have any counter-arguments. You haven't refuted anything I've said, you just feigned confidence ("lol", "lmao" "cringe") and insist that I'm wrong.
Literally refuted or acknowledge every point you made dude, you're delusional af lol. Whatever helps you cope I guess, something tells me you really need it.
>Try again:
Nah don't think I will, maybe after you calm down from the little tantrum you're throwing.
>This accurately characterizes your behaviour, proving that you're a posturing pseud.
Jesus you really are mad, laughing out loud again, thanks for the entertainment I guess
Post another one bro, keep dancing for me

>> No.21398939

>a Hyperborean soul.
You mean an Aryan soul? He also believes it is rare for modern whites to have an Aryan soul. He favours soul (or spirit) over the material. Ideally the material (outer) should reflect the spirit (inner) but I guess in the kali yuga it's different.

>> No.21398947

Ignore typos. On phone.

>> No.21398956

All of his fans are claiming that most ancient rulers in the past were blonde haired and blue eyed. I don't have time for such schizophrenic nonsense. I also don't see how any of this superficial crap is relevant for the traditional path.
Guenon seems much more intellectually honest, so I will spend serious time with him in the near future. I have over 100 books on my to-read list on Goodreads. I've read about 150 books so far during my lifetime. Not that impressive but all right, I guess.

>> No.21398960

>Literally refuted or acknowledge every point you made dude, you're delusional af lol. Whatever helps you cope I guess, something tells me you really need it.
>or acknowledge
So? I don't care what you acknowledge, you're expected to refute something, like the greentext I included at the end which you did basically ignore on multiple occasions, presumably because you can't refute it and you know I'm right.
>Nah don't think I will, maybe after you calm down from the little tantrum you're throwing.
This is what I'm talking about above. And how am I throwing a tantrum? you're the one making things personal and using insults excessively while insisting you're right without explaining yourself. This seems more like a tantrum than my responses, you aren't actually able to engage in discussion but you will insult all day long.
>Jesus you really are mad, laughing out loud again, thanks for the entertainment I guess
Again, you're just ignoring the entire argument and opting for logical fallacies (while taking the Lord's name in vain, while supposedly Christian - very Trad!) instead of refuting my point. In fact, you blatantly admitted that you would prefer to ignore my point, yet you're still responding, which is childish.
>Post another one bro, keep dancing for me
And you expect me to believe you have advanced spiritually in any way? or maybe you will finally admit that simply memorizing metaphysical theories is not at all the same as real metaphysical knowledge?

>> No.21398967

>All of his fans are claiming that most ancient rulers in the past were blonde haired and blue eyed.
I don't think so. Some are definitely sympathetic to natsoc, and Evola does like Germanics, but he never says anything like this.

>> No.21398978

I like Germanics too when they are not arrogant faggots claiming this or that ancient non-Euro ethnicity was more Nordic in appearance.
Then I had returned Evola's books for no good reason. His fans are insufferable and don't even clearly or honestly convey his views.
I will have to read him in the far future because my to-read list is full. I may have to skip him entirely due to time constraints.
I have no idea what Evola argues, but most of his fans are insufferable narcissists.

>> No.21398987

Also, you shouldn't form your opinions of him based off what people say on the internet. He was a very nuanced thinker covering myriad different topics. You obviously have some sort of affinity to him since I see you sperging out telling anons to kill themselves in basically every Evola thread I've been in over the past year or so, so why not just read him for yourself? You can start right at Revolt since you're well read and intelligent enough. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts, you could contribute something meaningful to these threads instead of violent angry schizo rants.

>> No.21398992

>So? I don't care what you acknowledge, you're expected to refute something, like the greentext I included at the end which you did basically ignore on multiple occasions, presumably because you can't refute it and you know I'm right.
I refuted you on that man, go back and reread. As for "acknowledge", there were things I decided you had a fair point of view on even if I didn't disagree. One example, your view on Christianity bringing out the worst in Europeans. I didn't agree, but I acknolwedged it was a fair point of view.
Meanwhile on the flipside, you dropped many points from my side you had no answer to, like when I asked why Guenon, Schuon and Lings were all unique. No answer.
You're a massive hypocrite dude. You seem to have zero self awareness and you have an undeservedly high opinion of yourself.
>is is what I'm talking about above. And how am I throwing a tantrum? you're the one making things personal and using insults excessively
You started with the insults lol, I was respectful up until you weren't. If you're too much of a pussy to take it, then don't dish it out. Simple. Remember it next time.
>This seems more like a tantrum than my responses, you aren't actually able to engage in discussion but you will insult all day long.
Awww, sorry I was mean to you. Did I hurt your feelings? Man up dude. If you expect to be treated respectfully, you should give others the same treatment in return. No one is obligated to treat you better than you're treating them.
>Again, you're just ignoring the entire argument and opting for logical fallacies (while taking the Lord's name in vain, while supposedly Christian - very Trad!) instead of refuting my point. In fact, you blatantly admitted that you would prefer to ignore my point, yet you're still responding, which is childish.
Yeah I said "Jesus", what are you gonna do? You gonna call my pastor? Here's a free tip - taking the Lord's name in vain refers to making and breaking oaths in the Lord's name, not in saying "God" or "Jesus".
Also I didn't ignore your point, I refuted it lol, you literally believe in this false delusional reality you've invented to spare your ego pain.
>And you expect me to believe you have advanced spiritually in any way? or maybe you will finally admit that simply memorizing metaphysical theories is not at all the same as real metaphysical knowledge?
I never said I was spiritually advanced, but again you are a complete retard for talking about metaphysical knowledge when you haven't read Guenon's books dude, its embarrassing. To spoonfeed you, metaphysical knowledge has both a theoretical side and a side which is assimilated or realized. Which you will learn when actually read the fucking books you run your mouth on all day. You don't know anything.
I'm having fun, post another one

>> No.21398996

Meant for

>> No.21399027

Knowledge or "knowing" in the esoteric sense means having experienced, it is an order of knowledge superior to memorizing facts or "theories". I'm pretty sure Guenon talks about this but I can't remember which book.
You're wrong, I have read quite a bit of Guenon, just not his overtly metaphysical books, since I'd rather wait and avoid becoming a fart-huffing pseud who thinks he's enlightened and superior because he memorized some pajeet theories on states of being.
>Yeah I said "Jesus", what are you gonna do? You gonna call my pastor?
I'm just surprised that you would use your Lord's name in a negative context, profaning it. I am offended by it, more than I am offended by "racism".

Idk, your post sounds like some bitchy tween girl taking everything personally, like
>Awww, sorry I was mean to you. Did I hurt your feelings?
instead of realizing that I was just refuting your claim that I'm the one throwing the tantrum. On the contrary, it is you who are behaving in this way, which is what I was demonstrating.

Start arguing any time, 80% of your post is just snarky immature BS that I don't care for, you're projecting so hard rn.
>I'm having fun, post another one
You sound more like you're in pain but enjoying it. Watch out for that.

>> No.21399036

hey man thanks for clearing that up! but actually my brain is fully developed unlike your brown chimp brain, so i was able to ascertain the error you made (one of many) and act accordingly. it's good you cleared it up for the other brown ppl though, they probably got even more confused than you did xD

>> No.21399040

>You're wrong, I have read quite a bit of Guenon, just not his overtly metaphysical books
Yeah, this is why you have no clue what you're talking about and are incorrect. Again, extremely embarassing.
>since I'd rather wait and avoid becoming a fart-huffing pseud who thinks he's enlightened and superior because he memorized some pajeet theories on states of being.
Lol seethe more bro
>I'm just surprised that you would use your Lord's name in a negative context, profaning it. I am offended by it, more than I am offended by "racism".
Why would I give a shit what you're offended by? You seem to think I care what you think. I don't. What do you think your judgment is worth to me, exactly?
>Idk, your post sounds like some bitchy tween girl taking everything personally, like
Again, just seething and butthurt you've made a fool of yourself. Keep going.
>instead of realizing that I was just refuting your claim that I'm the one throwing the tantrum. On the contrary, it is you who are behaving in this way, which is what I was demonstrating.
Lmfao, read this out loud to yourself. Go on, read this quote out loud to yourself in your pigsty room or w/e. Dude come on, even you gotta admit how cringe, seething, and autistic this sounds lol. I get you're in saving face mode, but admit it privately to yourself.
>Start arguing any time, 80% of your post is just snarky immature BS that I don't care for, you're projecting so hard rn.
Oh I'm sure lmfao
>You sound more like you're in pain but enjoying it. Watch out for that.
I was wondering when you'd imitate me and try the armchair psychologist route! Disappointing first effort, let's see what your next post has.

>> No.21399043

Holy shit he's mad af!
Oh man, it really is that bad

>> No.21399063

Sorry I won't be able to stick around and read your reply, but I gotta get going irl. Something tells me it'll only make you seethe harder having typed up your whole response only to have me not read it though, so I don't feel too bad. I'll be thinking of that in the car ride. Cheers mate!

>> No.21399071

Dude he BTFO you and all you can do is pretend you're not assblasted by typing lmfao after every sentence and then you literally run away

>> No.21399084

Stfu, you negro sounding Zoomer shithead.

>> No.21399089

This post isn't even worth responding to in earnest, you haven't even made an argument, it is just petty insults in every comment, which reinforces my point that you're a child. You also use wigger language in your posts, which is more evidence in support of my claim.
>u-u mad?
>literally running away after getting demolished and sperging out like a retard
How embarrassing.

>> No.21399095
File: 51 KB, 800x448, mooslem rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21399098

Shut the fuck up, soulless depraved Zoomer faggot. I hope you experience an accident and die slowly and painfully in excruciating pain. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.21399100

Not a Mudslimes, Arab or look like that. Wanting shallow Zoomers like you to die is not reducible to Islam. Get checked for intestinal parasites because it's affecting your brain and enteric nervous system.

>> No.21399109

Why are you so angry? you are demonic

>> No.21399121
File: 125 KB, 485x321, MV5BMTgwODkwNTU0Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMTM2MjA3._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope something like these two visit and send you to hell. Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.21399135

I cannot fathom why you are so upset at some random person on the internet, who probably agrees with you on most issues anyway, and would have interesting conversations with you irl.

>> No.21399153
File: 8 KB, 300x168, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done with this shithole of a thread. I hope all of you stupid edgy Evolatards eat shit and die. Going to ignore your shitty spammed threads from now on.

>> No.21399173

Newfag guenonians almost never figure out that guenon was wrong about ibn arabi, and that sufism which is non-perennialist apriori crypto-advaita is closer to ramanuja, and qualified non-dualism than the doctrine and method espoused by shankara and advaitins and lao tzu and taoists, aswell as chan buddhists, anyway after doing serious research into this topic my faith in the guenonian idol, of an ifallible interpreter of tradition was broken, guenon was the monkey of thoth.
>You thought I was claiming Islam had no true esotericism and I refuted you, then you made a big deal about an obvious typo because you were desperate after getting BTFO.
No islam has esoterism and this esoterism unfortunately is more samsaric nonsesense, the only real "true esoterism" of the purely intellectual kind is the doctrine of the upanishadic tradition, cope and seethe, you dont know what youre talking about, youre not spiritually aryan enough to even conceive of the difference beteeen a graduated path of steps and stations, in sufism and the nongradual spontaneous shankaran (pbuh) akramamukti
Sufism is a bastardized jewish tantric tradition.
>In fact, it was the mixed BMAC + Aryan people that created Indo-Iranian traditions like Mazdayasna and Vedism. They weren't pure Aryans and resembled Yaghnobis more. They were at most 40% Aryan, 30% Iran Neolithic Farmer, and 30% Neolithic Anatolian farmer.
This just pove syou dont know what youre talking about.

>> No.21399182

Dilate lmao.

>> No.21399204

Don't be mean to him, I feel bad for him because he is clearly in a tough spot and needs help.

>No islam has esoterism and this esoterism unfortunately is more samsaric nonsesense, the only real "true esoterism" of the purely intellectual kind is the doctrine of the upanishadic tradition, cope and seethe, you dont know what youre talking about, youre not spiritually aryan enough to even conceive of the difference beteeen a graduated path of steps and stations, in sufism and the nongradual spontaneous shankaran (pbuh) akramamukti
I don't know what this has to do with my post, I never
denied islam had esotericism nor was i arguing in favour of it over others. I don't like islam that much, i prefer the pajeets (although i don't know much about it) and Hermeticism.

>> No.21399208

>youre not spiritually aryan enough to even conceive of the difference beteeen a graduated path of steps and stations, in sufism and the nongradual spontaneous shankaran (pbuh) akramamukti
Why do you sound like a schizophrenic asshole and not a "spiritual Aryan"?

>> No.21399218

I am just larping lol, its funny to say stuff and bait reactions, sorry I know that its very immature of me.

>> No.21399221

>Why do you sound like a schizophrenic asshole and not a "spiritual Aryan"?
Thankyou for the reaction I wanted.

>> No.21399238

>Why do you sound like a schizophrenic asshole and not a "spiritual Aryan"?
He was retroactively refuted by Guenon (pbuh) and he never fully recovered from it. It still haunts him to this day

>> No.21399260

Well done.

>> No.21400471

Traditionalism is a brand of universalism.

'ryyn spirituality is the light radiating
in the Mind of Cosmos.

'rryyn is the material representation of an achieved spiritual degree.

The Source speaks personally.

Follow the Heart.

Be aware and the Great Life will unfold its initiation.

>> No.21400486

Has Revoltchad been around lately?
What you reading lately bro?

>> No.21401269

please make a difference between the current Catholic Church and Catholic Church as a form of organization
you cannot be that retarded
he also makes a point for it in his alchemy book (the hermetic tradition)
>schizo language
before trying to contribute or to learn you must spend some years forgetting everything the communists raped into you, starting with concepts such as "schizo language"

>> No.21401818

catholicism is the whore of babylon

>> No.21401876

anon, do not covet
haven't you seen Silence of the Lambs?
this attitude will turn you into a tranny

>> No.21402707

Why does Evola make midwits, halfwits, and quarterwits seethe?

>> No.21403066

Because very few people who promote Evola have the intelligence to defend him.

>> No.21403695

Who the hell is Evola?

>> No.21403805

He did
Path of Cinnabar
Guenon chapter

>> No.21403808

And that quote clearly states he didn’t agree with Catholicism AS A STARTING POINT
That is different from dismissing it as a legitimate traditional path

>> No.21403811

I don’t know but I do know he’s Sicilian and therefore not white

>> No.21404960

>Evola wasn't white


>> No.21405876

That's not him.

He's on the line.

>> No.21405885

I used to kind of like him but my worldview is mostly Christian with a weird, almost Islamic interpretation of the trinity according a friend. I have issues.

>> No.21406153

Blow yourself up already you smelly shitskin

>> No.21406240

Why are so many posters ITT asshurt to the point of having an asthma attack?
Is this the power of traditional metaphysical enlightenment?

>> No.21407806

Traditionalists got BTFO at the start of the thread and they decided to argue about whether the Hyperborean Aryan ubermensch who ruled the world in ages past were blue or brown eyed rather than discuss anything of consequence.

>> No.21408068

You're very obviously the one who brought that topic up and had a mental breakdown. Why are you continually shitting up a thread for an author you admitted never having read?

>> No.21408085

Mind-blowing fact: other posters are very capable of calling a reply chain retarded even if they did not initiate it. Wild, I know.

>> No.21408214

midwits and low IQs hate Evola

>> No.21408740

Slit your fucking throat, smelly snow nigger. BTW, you snow niggers smell like rotten cheese from eating pasteurized dairy from cows stuck up in barns pumped full of hormones and grain fed. Cows are supposed to be pastured, grass fed, and healthy, and when they are, you can drink their milk raw, which has beneficial enzymes and probiotics that aid in digestion of lactose. Even so-called lactose intolerant people can handle raw milk perfectly fine.
The only reason milk is pasteurized is to make the milk of sick cows edible. It is my theory that snow nigs can handle pasteurized milk because they were industrialized earlier and thus adapted for it. Such milk may be edible, but it is unhealthy compared to grass-fed, pastured, raw milk. Also, it makes you smell like rotten cheese.
Slit your throat throat and take ugly looking alien shit children to hell too.
I have light skin, but I hope more trucks of peace come your way.
I'd cut out your internal organs, dismember your limbs, head, and use them for artistic purposes in Minecraft.
Gouge out your fucking eyes and die slow, painful excruciating death, you and all the Zoomer shitheads here.

>> No.21408894

Most intelligent Evola poster.