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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 340 KB, 900x676, t122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21375610 No.21375610 [Reply] [Original]

>how does this work?
nominations must be submitted through the linked google form.
you can nominate up to five books, nominations must be written in the format of "Author - Title".
responses will be collected in a spreadsheet which automatically updates, i will share a link to view this spreadsheet periodically.
submissions will close on december 22, with follow-up tiebreaker threads being created soon after if necessary.

>what are the rules?
you cannot nominate the same book twice in your submission, only your first nomination will be counted.
literature of all genres and types are allowed, however your nomination must be a legitimate book which has been published and can be read.
nominations which break these rules will be omitted and will not be counted.

get voting and get posting, the clock is ticking.

>> No.21375617

Don't mind me, I am just going to vote for the exact same 100 books from last year, again, again

>> No.21375630

One Soldier's War for best memoir bros

>> No.21375666

>google form
Fuck you :(

>> No.21375841

>top 100
>5 votes
you are overestimating the amount of people who votes on this polls

>> No.21375910

i'm very intentionally operating this exactly as it was done the previous year.
perhaps you're right in that this could be done differently or "better", but i'm favouring consistency for the sake of the participants.

>> No.21375983


>> No.21376081
File: 22 KB, 399x240, my_favourite_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you to everyone who has voted thus far, it's a slow start but i'm thankful for what it is.
please try to keep the thread alive whilst i am away. if it dies, i will make another when i awake in the morning.
see the "tinyurl" at the bottom of the OP,. you will have to enter it manually.
i can't directly link it to you because it triggers the spam filter.

>> No.21376251
File: 122 KB, 1080x1565, Screenshot_2022123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am unable to vote. Can make a poll on a different website?

>> No.21376278

please try again, i have just disabled the requirment to sign in.

>> No.21376364

The first thing you will do when you've compiled all the results together and created this year's chart, is post it on Reddit. I refuse to be part of such a project

>> No.21376375

Nice try glowie

>> No.21376495

These have been rigged/fixed since 2014

Don't waste your time

>> No.21376823


>> No.21376867

what do we type into the address bar. That's all I'm asking. Am technologically illiterate.
typing tinyurl/2avwykrp doesn't work

>> No.21376900

just add dot com after tinyurl

>> No.21376909


>> No.21377203

I haven't read a lot of books, so I will not vote. But in a year I will, and /lit/ will be saved.

>> No.21378057

Well here I go not picking MY top 5 but the top 5 books I like best that I know at least a few others will vote for (already a large jump into more-boringness!)

>> No.21378156

Scared that the redditors are going to make fun of you for mot voting enough women and niggers?

>> No.21378199
File: 236 KB, 1080x1512, Screenshot_20221213_032739_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not working for me. rart

>> No.21378452

It's like a browser version of sticking it into the wrong hole. Paste the url into address bar, not search engine.

>> No.21378489

Storm of Steel
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Paradise Lost
The Man who was Thursday

>> No.21378536

Wtf, how can you function in society being this retarded?

>> No.21378543

Submitted. Looking forward to seeing results.

>> No.21378544 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 750x920, 1664994469826007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just fricken love Moby Dick and Dostoevsky!

>> No.21378583

>reminder that this guy posts on /lit/
>reminder that this guy votes in the charts

>> No.21378594

vote for Michelle Obama's Becoming

>> No.21378596
File: 47 KB, 339x500, 51wYVNdHKJL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to that anon who posted a scan in another thread, I'll be nominating Mafarka the Furturist for the first time in /lit/ history

>> No.21378624

how do we nominate the bible? It wasn't written by one sole author

>> No.21378707

you don’t

>> No.21378795

Unfortunately you may have to stick to nominating books you've actually read

>> No.21379043

hello everyone, it's good to see that the thread is still up.
below is a link to the response spreadsheet, which i wil leave in the OP going forward.
i will soon organise the responses and begin counting.
in this instance, you would only write the title of the book.
don't worry too much, many people haven't gotten the formatting quite right.

>> No.21379376

In what sense have they been rigged?

>> No.21379454

Will you take meme votes out? Because I remember maybe last year or the year before whoever dumbass compiled the list did not take out the memes.

>> No.21379540

In the sense that it didn't conform to anon's schizophrenia

>> No.21379550

>the carson mcrullers guy already tried to vote for her twice
porbably my least favorite guy on this board

>> No.21379582 [DELETED] 

This, and remove all female authors too, please.

>> No.21379624

>Will you take meme votes out?
there is difficulty in this, as there is not one agreeable condition for a nomination being a "meme nomination". for example, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler has been included in the top 100 in some years and excluded in others.
we could create a strawpoll in an attempt to resolve this, but there will always be disagreement regardless of its outcome.
i'm keeping an eye on him.
i reckon that some repeated nominations will slip through in the end, but i will filter those out wherever i can justify and prove it.

>> No.21379843

>Nooooo that's not reap literature because... it's just not, ok!?

>> No.21379885

so anybody just can vote million times?

>> No.21379910

Why is non-fiction allowed in the first place?

>> No.21379933

Honestly I believe the rigged-schizo. I utterly refuse to believe that eighty three (83) people have voted

>> No.21379945

Discord is a funny place

>> No.21379955

If trannies can vote it's worthless.

>> No.21380025

Why not? It's a survey on anons' favorite books, not a reading list for you specifically

>> No.21380068

I have already voted multiple times with dynamic IPs

There are already many stupid troll votes, so I see it as my duty to include and push the more respectable books that are supposed to appear on a Top 100 list.

>> No.21380120

it's either making the process of submitting multiple nominations easier, or having everyone complain about privacy and accessibility.
but truthfully, no matter how it is done, people will search for these loopholes. it is to be expected, especially on this website.

>> No.21380143

I fucked up I only put titles and no authors. They were all basic bitch books though. Is this OK Op or should I re-submit?

>> No.21380144

Fair enough

>> No.21380164
File: 304 KB, 1920x1220, 28297346453_703accd971_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21380167


>> No.21380171

You're everything wrong with society. Do not procreate.

>> No.21380176
File: 172 KB, 579x864, gormenghast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you vote for the right book this year, lads.

>> No.21380180

I voted, I would have liked to have more votes though.
Couldnt include works that seem worthy (the red and the black, the 1001 nights, the count of monte cristo, the dream of the red chamber, 1984, pascal's thoughts, la fontaine's fables, etc...)

>> No.21380181
File: 9 KB, 194x259, iliad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ ... You aren't gonna forget about me this year, right?

>> No.21380186

Dangit, anon. I just voted for Dream of the Red Chamber, so if you had also voted for it, it's possible we could have gotten it in the top 100

>> No.21380550

You're only allowed to nominate books you've read front cover to back, anon.

>> No.21380597

Was my #3.

I voted for the same ones as last year because I worry that voting for something outside the board meta means it won't make the list all and I would have wasted my vote. At least voting for something I know has been on the list in past years means I get to impact the ranking of ones I do like but aren't my real top 5.

In any case, thank you for taking the time to organize and tally the votes OP. I'm sure it's a bother to deal with this on top of organizing holiday plans irl.

>> No.21380649

Hey OP, remove the responses sheet plz. It will kill all the anticipation of the final 100 when it's eventually made.

>> No.21380795

I agree with this. When I vote, I will probably try to pad votes for books I really like because a number of my favorites have no chance of being on the list and it will be a wasted vote

>> No.21380845

Brothers Karamazov
East of Eden
The Hobbit

>> No.21381120

War and Peace
Magic Mountain
The Idiot
The Metamorphosis
Book of Disquiet


>> No.21381135

The Waves
Dream of the Red Chamber
The Sound and the Fury

I have a feeling that the list will actually be pretty good this year

>> No.21381154

Not voting because these books have little chance of making the list
>The Colossus Of Maroussi by Henry Miller
>Big Sur And The Oranges Of Hieronymus Bosch by Henry Miller
>The Rainbow by DH Lawrence
>Letters of Van Gogh
>Emerson’s Essays
These would have a chance or definitely be on but theyre not my top 5
>Leaves Of Grass by Whitman
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche
>Tropic Of Cancer by Henry Miller
>The Idiot by Dostoyevsky
>Siddartha by Hesse

>> No.21381859

ان شاءالله القرآن الكريم

>> No.21382007
File: 80 KB, 212x320, cover shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote for the Australians

>> No.21382178

God I really hope this is a shitpost...

>> No.21382204

my #4, it was my #3 but I put Wittgenstein's Tractatus there

>> No.21382208
File: 727 KB, 807x1646, 1671015752285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of zoomers.
Aren't you supposed to be the generation that grew up with tech and the internet?
How do you fail this miserably and are even more tech illiterate than boomers?

>> No.21382315

Unironically kill yourself

>> No.21382346

The best book of all time is my diary desu.

>> No.21382371

Nah bro
I grew up watching porn, pirating hbo and playing candy crush
Different stuff

>> No.21382410

I've also filled in the pol for books that we've read during 2022. Great initiative!

>> No.21382458


>> No.21382461

>Dosto - TBK
>Celine - Journey
>Sartre - AoR
>Camus - Stranger
>Goethe - Werther

what do I win?

>> No.21382476

>Idiot doesn't realise how voting works

>> No.21382477

just here to rep goncharov

>> No.21382483

How can I in good faith vote for a book I've never read

>> No.21382639

I would like to be able to vote against books, rather than vote for. My vote feels more meaningful keeping Delillo, Steinbeck, and Master & Margarita off the list, rather than tossing one-vote pearls before swine

>> No.21382840
File: 289 KB, 574x383, 1670034230263282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for meme books.

>> No.21382879

I'm waiting to finish a few books before I vote

>> No.21382994

I picked my 5 favorites from this year. I don’t really enjoy “all-time, set-in-stone” lists. Just look at the most recent Sight & Sound for how those go.

>Evelyn Waugh - Scoop
>Flann O’Brien - The Third Policeman
>Thomas Pynchon - V.
>Paul Auster - City of Glass
>Philip K. Dick - VALIS

>> No.21383302

Marx's capital consistently make it into the top 100 so you would not be alone

>> No.21383525

you all have read and voted for finnegans wake right anons?

>> No.21383603

took your time haha

>> No.21383792

Can we have an update OP? I’m curious if it’s gone to shit already, which it most definitely has.

>> No.21383806

look >>21379043

>> No.21383856

the purpose of the response spreadsheet is to start discussion around books which are underperforming and books which are performing better than expected.
my hope is that this will influence how people will vote in a positive way, and generate a genuine discusion about these books.
i've always felt that finnegans wake received less votes than it ought to.
perhaps this year will be different.

>> No.21383865

You realize posting it here does nothing, yes?

>> No.21383866

Of course it has, thanks to people like this >>21380068

>> No.21383897

Yes, yes, this list is terrible already. Good work /lit/.

>> No.21383986

I'm a retarded ape, what do I do with tinyurl/2avwykrp ?

>> No.21384019

Its a operating system link. Your Windows will automatically redirect you to the poll

>Click Start, search cmd, and open Command Prompt.
>type takeown /f C:\Windows\System32 (or for that instance, you should type the path defined on your computer after C:\) in the command prompt and hit Enter.
>type cacls C:\Windows\System32
>Look for the folder, System32 and delete all the files there

Windows will then ask you for the adress of the site that you wish to visit, so just enter the tinyurl link

>> No.21384024

Those lists are virtually the same every single year.

>> No.21384043


>> No.21384055
File: 193 KB, 900x1200, 1648393319297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Goggins - Can`t Hurt Me
Thomas Kinsella (translator) - The Táin
Arkady Babchenko - One Soldier`s War
James D. Hornfischer - The Last Stand of The Tin Can Sailors
Kenneth Grahame - The Wind in The Willows

Only one someone else voted for so far was Wind in The Willows.
Also, am I really supposed to believe that there are 173 people voting in this poll on this board?

>> No.21384089

I read so many dogshit books this year I can't even think of a 5th

>> No.21384137

doesn't work

>> No.21384148

doesn’t have to be read this year, newfriend

>> No.21384157

Kys nihilist

>> No.21384178

the link doesn't work op

>> No.21384187

lol, you're evil

>> No.21384209

if he fell for it than he's a retard and shouldn't be on the internet

>> No.21384216

you people have to go back

>> No.21384232

the voices's voices

>> No.21384234

Wild accusation!

That man is a troll don't believe him

>> No.21384300

Dante Alighieri - The Divine Commedy

Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The complete fiction

George Orwell - 1984

Homer - The Odyssey

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien -The Lord Of The Rings
Your turn anons

>> No.21385288

Where do i see the list

>> No.21385293

What's the point of this thread? Only reddit cares about these lists anyway.

>> No.21385387

It's you're all time favorites.

>> No.21385514
File: 34 KB, 600x612, 02fcf6401a1b939a64c1fd86dfa6be22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. Crime and Punishment
3. Notes from Underground
4. The Idiot
5. Demons

>> No.21385652

I expect to be the only one to input A Sand County Almanac, but more people should read it

>> No.21385695

It's a fun thing we do every year as a community, anon. Would you rather read the 50th AI writing thread of the week?

>> No.21385774


>> No.21385780

what are you talking about?

>> No.21386002

url isnt working?

>> No.21386025
File: 67 KB, 1286x423, Screenshot 2022-12-15 004047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Folks, it's happening

>> No.21386032

Agreed. I read it for an environmental science class and I've loved it ever since.

>> No.21386065

yeah fr fr

>> No.21386207

It would only be proof /pol/tards are responsible for the decline on all boards. /Sci/ and /Lit/ at the very least.

>> No.21386217



>> No.21386240
File: 253 KB, 653x533, 1667563491250839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browser and search engine are the exact same function on Chrome you monkeys.

>> No.21386244

*address bar, not browser

>> No.21386272

This! So much this!

>> No.21386306
File: 49 KB, 800x533, angry-monkey-staring-camera-angry-monkey-staring-camera-near-green-bushes-hindu-temple-nepal-159333170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firefox has address bar that can be used as search engine, too, yet when you give it url it says "visit" to point out it recognizes it as address. Alternatively, one can also notice an arrow symbol on the side of the bar that means "go there". Searching with google becomes just an alternative that you have to deliberately choose to activate.
I doubt Chrome is any different from this.

>> No.21386401

It goes to the website if you paste it manually. But if you just focus the address bar and click on the suggested
>Text you copied "yourmom.com"
it of course SEARCHES for the text instead of visiting the site.

But that's beside the point. Because the fact that you accidentely searched for it instead of visiting the site and didn't even realize that you're on the fucking search result page, but instead thought the site IS NOT WORKING....there are so many layers to that stupidity.

>> No.21386459

are these "/pol/tards" in the room with you right now?

>> No.21386470
File: 119 KB, 985x570, main_image_star-forming_region_carina_nircam_final-1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your computer illiteracy is at such a stage that i do not even believe you to be a boomer. Such technological ineptitude could be found exclusively in the app-brained dopamine vacuum between the ears of a zoomer.
t. zoomer

>> No.21386472

But how do yu get to the actual website, like the link or something? idk

>> No.21386474

not working for me, just keeps bringing up google search and this particular thread

>> No.21386503
File: 195 KB, 900x900, 1619157864019 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't gaslight me, smug niggers.

>> No.21386504


>> No.21386506

>Don't gaslight me, smug niggers.

>> No.21386507

this >>21386506

>> No.21386512

If you dont reply to this in the next minute you're gay and mentally ill

>> No.21386515


>> No.21386518

Oh golly you smug nigger now I have to take my heckin' medicineros!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.21386521


>> No.21386567

Fuck off schizo

>> No.21386628

How do you make the link work?

>> No.21386711
File: 89 KB, 640x638, 65f0394c-7859-407c-9740-5cf1b6a06d1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add dot com

>> No.21386755

i like these lists as you can see this board literally get worse year by year in terms of taste and memelit nonreaders vote for

>> No.21386940


Emily Brontë - Wuthering Heights
Andrej Platonov - The Foundation Pit
Franz Kafka - The Trial
Thomas Pynchon - Gravitys Rainbow
William Blake - Milton

>> No.21386948


>> No.21387060

The Quran
The Book of Disquiet
To the Lighthouse
Men in The Sun

>> No.21387184

Submitted -

Ishiguro - The Unconsoled
Aeschylus - Oresteia
Ken Kesey - Sometimes a Great Notion
William Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom!
Flannery O'Connor - A Good Man is Hard to Find (or Collected/Complete Stories if you need to combine entries).

Honestly though 5 entries isn't enough.

Also, anons, please help get The Unconsoled onto the list this year.

>> No.21387415

Thank you for your service

>> No.21387419

>I voted wrong
Nice man

>> No.21387434

Fabio Carbal - Anjos Proibidos
Ron Oliver - Between Memories and Dreams
Lukas Roels - Angels of Time
Yoji Ishikawa - Hawwke
David Hamilton - Twenty Five Years of an Artist

>> No.21387443

Thanks got it working

>> No.21387446

You didn't even read the first post.

>> No.21387458

the amount of people in this thread that can't figure out how an address bar works is both astounding and hilarious to me.
it was naive of me to hope that this wouldn't happen.
i've marked all of the spam in red, being careful as to not mark the legitimate submissions.
i won't delete it from the spreadsheet, since i'm manually reviewing every response.

>> No.21387523

Okay, the incel McCullers cuck tried to spam her in the poll. How difficult is it to understand that /lit/ doesn't give a fuck about her? We have always preferred O'Connor, the better writer.

Going to post a McCullers hate thread in your name.

>> No.21387530

Take your meds you stupid retard

>> No.21387561

You're the one on medications. Destroying any semblance of McCullers on this board and running you off will be my New year's resolution.

>> No.21387567

Shut up you stupid retard

>> No.21387577


>> No.21387580

Nice samefag you stupid retard

>> No.21388232

Add dot com to what? I put it at the end of the link and it still doesn't work.

>> No.21388341

Take a look at any URL ever and notice the pattern. If you can't figure it out between this post and the rest of the thread, you don't deserve to vote

>> No.21388348

Between the "tinyurl" and the "/2av..."

>> No.21388369

Notice the pattern? URLs have all sorts of different addresses to them, like dot org, dot net, some are closer to the front, some further behind. Not really helpful desu.
Ah, I think I get it. Put the dot com after tinyurl then "/2av" and the rest of the URL is like filler? I just leave it out? More helpful than the other guy.

>> No.21388374
File: 201 KB, 896x895, bangbangbangbangbangbangbang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame retards are messing with it.

Thanks for being generous and doing this for free Anon.

>> No.21388416

honestly cant believe the amount of retards shitting up the poll desu

now i'm going to take my MEDS and stop being such a CHUD


>> No.21388432

>notice the pattern? URLs have all sorts of different addresses to them, like dot org, dot net
And what comes after the domain name?

>> No.21388445
File: 7 KB, 196x250, animeted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... tinyurl dat com
/ 2avwykrp

you have to be inbred

>> No.21388453

Domain name? Idk i didnt take computer science classes at college, where's the link at?

>> No.21388454

How are you so stupid you can't fix a url? Jesus Christ this board is unsalvageable

>> No.21388463

Ya, I put that into my url but it just sent me to google search and then this thread was here. Back to square one i guess. Why can't anybody just give me the link? Why you gotta make it complicated?

>> No.21388475
File: 138 KB, 1000x646, harold-bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thread went from /lit/s top 100 to /lit/s remedial computer literacy class

>> No.21388480

How can someone be this retarted.
You anons are zoomie right?

>> No.21388483

Don't blame me. I'm only trying to vote and these retards won't even give me the url link.

>> No.21388487
File: 298 KB, 500x375, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe this isn't bait at this point
actual subhuman IQ
I am LIVID that this is /lit/, supposedly one of the highest average IQ boards on this shithole website, and we have people who can't figure out what a url is supposed to look like after presumably using the internet their entire life

>> No.21388494
File: 102 KB, 657x800, 1609086651283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a problem anon, thank you for trying to make this board a better place. Seriously, good job anon

>> No.21388504

>he deleted it
We truly live in dark times

>> No.21388513

Just give me the fucking link, retard. Stop making it so hard. I dont want to play your retarded games "OH YOU GOTTA PUT LE LINK IN LE URL AND TAKE OUT THE "DOT COM" AND PUT LE DOT HAHAHA" it doesnt fucking work. like just give me the URL. just give me the URL. Seriously dont understand your problem.

>> No.21388521

You're clearly being baited.

>> No.21388525
File: 111 KB, 545x537, gfcallederensfacerideableagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21388528

Because you're a fucking retard that obviously doesn't belong here. Kill yourself human failure who can't even use a url, and you want to give us recommendations on books? You should go back to kindergarden. 60 iq nigger.

>> No.21388545


>> No.21388551

Why not? Dont you know how to? Bro its not that hard.

No need for the harsh words, anon. I'm just trying to exercise my democratic right to vote in this here poll. Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.21388569

Oh yeah, because asking for a FUCKING URL link is somehow "LE BAITING FOR LE FUNNI MAYMAY" Fuck off retard just give me the fucking link to the poll

>> No.21388571

Might have spelled some of this wrong

>> No.21388577
File: 472 KB, 1170x2532, D6DE9501-98FB-42E4-8373-84B8CF04D428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21388588

i've noticed that zoomers that are computer illiterate and need extreme levels of help with everything will often try to mask it with anger and indignation because the idea of admitting weakness and saying please just breaks them. it's really funny


>> No.21388595

You clearly shouldn't even be allowed to leave your house for being to retarded let alone vote, i sincerely think that you don't deserve to vote.
No because you don't understand how something as easy as an url works you subhuman piece of shit
You fucking moron

>> No.21388650

What are your top 5 books then try hard? I read good novels for enjoyment. Those are four very good novels.

>> No.21388653

Bro you are clearly the "computer illiterate" one considering you can even give me the fucking URL link like seriously how hard is that? Dumbass

Oh I don't know how a URL works yeah? Coming from you that's rich considering you can't even give me a functioning URL link? Another dumbass

>> No.21388656 [DELETED] 

thank you for the encouragement, i feel honoured to be upholding and continuing a long-standing board tradition.
nice try, but you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.21388664

thank you for the encouragement, i feel honoured to be upholding and continuing a long-standing board tradition.
nice try, but you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.21388674

>nice try, but you aren't fooling anyone.
KEK this guys replying to HIMSELF........ OH NOOOOOO /LIT/ WHATS GOING ON???

Posts it twice like a total dumbass kek

>> No.21388686

You - are a nigger

You - are a retard

You - are a computer illiterate

You - a low iq sub human

You - should kill youself

>> No.21388696

U Really Lack a brain

>> No.21388700


>> No.21388707





>> No.21388709

Ah, triggered by Marx exactly how you’ve been programmed.

>> No.21388721

>my vote is as valid as the one of a computer illiterate monkey
No anon.

>> No.21388740

no need for the racism, anon. whether you like it or not, all votes are valid. that's how I'm counting them, anyway, considering i'm the one organising it.

>> No.21388764

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! You know what to do!

>> No.21388774

It's not racism if it is true, an anon with years of experience on this board and one who can't even understand how url works cannot have the same weight.
Still, thank you for what you are doint it's very appreciated honesty anon

>> No.21388780

reminder: all votes (yes, that means ALL) votes are VALID. there's NO wrong answers here.

>> No.21388782

What is the most recent book that appeared in a list? Doesn't matter the year.

>> No.21388787

reminder that I'm also trans btw. stay safe out there folks and NO wrong answers!

>> No.21388788 [DELETED] 

how about you gag on my balls chudley

this is a safe space for ALL netizens


>> No.21388799

Not a problem, what will you do for the spam anon?

>> No.21388805

what will i do for what spam? ALL VOTES ARE VALID!!!

if you dont like it you can gag on my big brony trans balls, CHUDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


>> No.21388809

The absolute state of this poor board

>> No.21388810



>> No.21388813



>> No.21388825

>what will you do for the spam
i've marked the spam submissions in the spreadsheet, it's not a problem.
if it gets worse, i will close responses when i am offline to prevent spam from piling up, which isn't ideal. i hope it won't come to that.

>> No.21388830

>i will close responses when i am offline
Dont be a CHUD


>> No.21388861
File: 23 KB, 478x373, shakespearean bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21388868

Yeah hope it doesn't come to that neither, you really did a solid work here anon congrats and again thank you.
Sincerely, your anon from italy

>> No.21388878

you're welcome

im trans btw if that matters to anyone

>> No.21388885

>i will share a link to view this spreadsheet periodically.
Don't do that, no one ever did that, stop changing the rules every year. Just let people vote and make it a surprise who will win.

>> No.21388892 [DELETED] 


>> No.21388911

>Albert Camus - Stranger
>Adam Mickiewicz - Master Thaddeus
>James Clavell - King Rat
>Alexander Dumas - The count of Monte Cristo
>Sofokles - Antigone

>> No.21388931

Bros, I have a feeling a certain russian book will make it to the top this year.

>> No.21388958

I don't doubt that for a second

>> No.21388960

i have finished organising the submissions from the first day.
73 submissions, 341 texts nominated.
thank you to everyone who has participated.
the full list of nominated texts can be viewed by clicking the "organisation" tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet. again, here is the link to the spreadsheet (for those with basic computing knowledge).
please see here >>21383856 for my reasoning on having the spreadsheet.
if the spreadsheet becomes contentious and creates significant backlash, i will make it private, however i feel that it has served its purpose well and has been beneficial for the thread thus far.

>> No.21388961

My moneys on a certain German guy

>> No.21388988

You're a faggot you said you won't change the rules here >>21375910 and you changed all the rules
>no account needed
>results shown in real time to influence people's votes

>> No.21389013

>tfw 3/4 of the spredsheet is in red
fucking hell people i honestly thought better of you, still thanks anon and good job
>results shown in real time to influence people's votes
umm good point, but then again he's the one hosting it

>> No.21389022

I, Claudius by Robert Graves
Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins
Based on a True Story by Norm Macdonald
A Farewell to arms
HP Lovecraft complete works like another anon here made me realize I could vote for too

>> No.21389044

i don't see John Ronald Reuel Tolkien in the organisation tab

>> No.21389069

the first day of responses ends at line 78 on the spreadsheet. the first mention of tolkien is on line 89.
>>tfw 3/4 of the spredsheet is in red
there was hardly any before the spam started today.
i'm trying my best to keep it under control, but i have so little time for it.

>> No.21389126

I'm the same italianon so I'll reply to both
Fist: thank you for the answer i didn't know that.
Second: I'm not by any mean saying that your doing a bad job I'm just disappointed but i should have know that this would have been the outcome. Again thanks for your time and effort in to this project i appreciate

>> No.21389138

Vota l' horcynus orca che mettiamo d'arrigo in top 100 e memiamo gli anglosassoni che non possono leggerlo

>> No.21389151

The pattern is that every website is ___.com (or .org, .net, etc) / ___

When someone tells you it’s “.com,” the .com ALWAYS goes before the slash. Fucking troglodyte

>> No.21389158

Ho già messo Alighieri dentro, cazzo a saperlo prima. Comunque questa "classifica" ha già abbastanza spammatori

>> No.21389164

Anon why do you even respond to this illiterate monkeys?

>> No.21389167

Gusti noiosi da scolaro sono circondato da normalfroci

>> No.21389169
File: 142 KB, 570x712, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that every dialogue is it's own work.
Let's get all 30 on the list.

>> No.21389173

Submitted my votes, thanks for doing this.

Top five were:

Sigrid Undset - Kristin Lavransdatter
Miguel Cervantes - Don Quixote
Mark Twain - Joan of Arc
Dante Alighieri - The Divine Comedy
Alfred Tennyson - Idylls of the King

I would have put The Holy Bible in there, but since it already got plenty of submissions, I wanted to give some of these other books a chance. So far I’m the only one who has voted for any Undset novels, any Mark Twain, or any Tennyson. If I had six votes I’d add Canterbury Tales, luckily one other anon nominated that one in my stead.

>> No.21389174

Noiso vero ma è anche il miglior libro mai scritto nella storia del genere umano

>> No.21389178

Fair enough, but I’ve seen enough of this retarded bullshit IRL that I can never tell the difference between bait and actual incurable stupidity anymore, it’s maddenig

>> No.21389242

submissions will be closed for the next six hours in order to dissuade spam.
thank you for your patience.

>> No.21389246

just ask for email to vote

>> No.21389284

Alright i already voted anyway, don't worry I'm sorry you have this shit as well.


>> No.21389314

Not even funny spam either. It’s the same tired shit people have been posting for years.

>> No.21389428
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>> No.21389818

Bros, I have an idea, what if we make a list of the best Ukraine novels and every time a Russian novel makes it into the top 100 we replace it with an Ukrainian one? It would be neat. Also it would be glorious to see the redditors seething.

>> No.21390091

I have a bad feeling about this year's list. The quality of /lit/ has gone downhill this year.

>> No.21390603

I thought Ukraine was reddit

>> No.21390830

No one is falling for it, get the fuck out of here

>> No.21390849

>redditors seething over ukraine

>> No.21391209
File: 26 KB, 499x500, e8d1d3d1a0fd6e0eff593a066b3dd4d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this thread has definitively and objectively proved /lit/ is a low IQ board. Imagine not knowing how a url works.

>> No.21391558

Sad but true

>> No.21391799
File: 40 KB, 1211x776, image_2022-12-16_162407908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this work?

>> No.21391830

Nevermind, fixed the problem, I'm a retard lol

>> No.21391881

I think an elegant solution would be to publish a version with meme books like Mein Kampf kept out, and then a meme version with nothing kept out.
People can share and save whichever list they themselves feel is the legitimate one.
Of course the definition of a meme book is hard to nail down.
Mein Kampf is of course the meme book par excellence, others are less clear. Marx's capital and the manifesto often find themselves on the list, I consider these to be meme books but I know many will disagree.
Some might say the bible is a meme choice, I don't think so but I don't doubt some voters have probably voted for it not because they loved reading it but rather in order to shill their worldview.
Realistically, what is and is not a meme book will just have to be up to you OP.

>> No.21391901

manifesto is a meme, kapital is not a meme
simple as, newfriend

>> No.21392017

imagine using Google Docs in the year 2022

>> No.21392106

This actually worked, thank you.

>> No.21392117

That’s a pathetically stupid question to have to ask, I’m sorry.

>> No.21392141

Most people who vote for Capital have not read it. It's absolutely a meme book.

>> No.21392157

same for Bible, Moby-Dick, Dostoevsky, Pynchon, DFW, Joyce.

>> No.21392226

I'm 100% sure 3 people here have read is work

>> No.21392291

Don't project you dimwit. I've read all of them and voted for two of them

>> No.21392331
File: 145 KB, 766x842, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel like participating
>realize my top 5 never will make it to the list anyway since they aren't pleb-tier garbage, rendering my votes utterly pointless
>realize I can vote for 5 good books that still can reach the top 100 due to popularity
>come to the final realization they will be beat by YA filth like 100 Years of Solitude anyway

There's no winning in participating in this. It's nothing but a list of the books most people have read + a few books people vote for to seem litterate when in fact they just couldn't fill the 4th and 5th submission since they only read 3 books.

>> No.21392374

talk shit post lit, give us your patrician top 5

>> No.21392380

The Alchemist -Paulo Cohello
Infinite Jest - David Foster Wallace
The Bell Jar- Sylvia Plath
Angels & Demons- Dan Brown
Gravity's Rainbow- Thomas Pynchon

>> No.21392408

Selma Lagerlöf - Gösta Berlings Saga
Alfred Döblin - Berlin Alexanderplatz
Moa Martinsson - Armén Vid Horisonten
Thomas Mann - Der Zauberberg
Grigol Robakidze - Das Schlangenhemd

>> No.21392433

Wow, a real /lit/bot!

>> No.21392450

Doblin is good. Mann is shit and that book in particular sucks dick. Fuck you for making me Google it btw

>> No.21392468

ikke særlig obskure saker, svenne

>> No.21392892


>> No.21393214

Never claimed they were obscure, just that they wouldn't ever make the list.

>> No.21393225

People vote in these pieces of shit? Who cares?

>> No.21393228

mann and döblin has made the list before

>> No.21393306


>> No.21393462

imagine being the type of person to go into a thread and type this

>> No.21393508

so your actual problem is that this is an english language website

>> No.21393722

Magic mountain consistently makes the top 100 despite being the worst of the lot

>> No.21393766

those german books are basic bitch tier for this board standards, idk what you are boasting about

>> No.21393834

Being German probably

>> No.21393845

Lit used to shill books and they would then appear on this list at the end of the year. No books get shilled on here.

>> No.21393863

Yeah because if you talk about your favourite writer often you get a group of sad lonely retards who follow you around and call you an autistic tranny every time they spot you. It doesn't create a very good atmosphere for discussion.

>> No.21394067

Ossianfag, is that you?

>> No.21394249

I've also read Moby dick, DFW and Dostoevsky. I follow quite a few /lit/izens on Goodreads who have done so as well. Dosto particularly is widely read on this board.

>> No.21394285

A suggestion. We should also make a top of the authors with most mentions.

>> No.21395628

isn't that what we're already doing now?

>> No.21395658

Quit smoking crack

>> No.21395687

Guess who I voted for? ;)

>> No.21395701


>> No.21395757

My mom?

>> No.21396791
File: 526 KB, 1600x1895, 4HDcWER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't project you dimwit. I've read all of them and voted for two of them

>> No.21396843

I don't look like that. I have a moustache

>> No.21397267

No. We're doing a top of books with most mentions.

>> No.21397790

Michel Houellebecq - The Map and the Territory

>> No.21397866

I'm still getting the requirement to sign in

>> No.21399258


>> No.21399262

Thanks for the recommendations. Always looking for new interesting books.

>> No.21399403

this but instead ranking of the most overated books from the previous top 100

>> No.21399472

>The Map and the Territory
haven't read but this has to be a blatant ripoff, right?

>> No.21399674

hey I like magic mountain

>> No.21399725

How's your relationship with your father?

>> No.21400049

it was disabled for a time, but i've had to enable it again, as the amount of spam i received on the 15th and 16th overwhelmed me and took up much of my time.

>> No.21400084

True. I shill Mervyn Peake every chance I get and there's this one guy in particular who always shows up to say that Gormenghast is shit. I know it's him every time because he uses the same words and phrasings

>> No.21400106

Anna Karenina
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

You're welcome

>> No.21400217

Si, quindi?
Come chiami quelli che spammano hitler?

>> No.21400308

>people cant figure it out
maybe if you stopped being a huge fucking faggot and actually instructed people instead of putting your head in your ass and shouting autistically then people would learn and go on teaching others. You are literally what is wrong in all fields of knowledge
you think you're smart with your little game but all it does is showing how small your dick is that you take so much pride and joy in seeing people be unable to join the survey you have fucking set up for them to do.

>> No.21400488

>just spoonfeed me bro I swear this is going to be a formative experience for me and I won't end up the same illiterate and entitled brat at all
Yeah no fuck off zoomer

>> No.21400521
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How should i fill it out for a Borges fan, should i put "Collected Fictions" or the previous top 10 holder "Ficciones"?

>> No.21400824

OP should probably lump together ficciones and aleph as one entry

>> No.21401492

Do people voted the Bible for trolling purpose or is it actually compelling?

>> No.21401653

Probably actually compelling. I personally voted for it as my third option after The Quran and In Search of Lost Time.

>> No.21401690

mostly christlarper spam, but you should read it

>> No.21401769

I like it but would not recommend it to read cover to cover if uninterested in religion. Pick specific books

>> No.21401837

You do more nothing.

>> No.21401959

It's trolling

>> No.21402157


>> No.21403077
File: 17 KB, 1318x298, Screen Shot 2022-12-18 at 10.13.48 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope we can all agree on one thing lit/

>> No.21403084

reminder: ALL votes are VALID

>> No.21403608

But it's man-made.
>umm umm b-but it's inspired by g-god

>> No.21403924

The bible.

>> No.21403959

Sacred scripture shouldn't be included in this list

>> No.21404087

even the spam?