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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 230 KB, 958x1200, 1670286361383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21374662 No.21374662 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the chuddiest author you've ever read?

>> No.21374702


>> No.21374711
File: 38 KB, 700x641, 581b406283faa.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white new balance sneakers
>light beige cargo pants
>dark green/beige Polo Shirt
Wtf that's literally my go to summer outfit, is this chudcore now?

>> No.21374714

Might is Right is the chuddiest of all chuds, even the writer chose a larpy name and didn't want his name attached to it

>> No.21374715


>> No.21374727

Woolston, no h8

>> No.21374764

F. Gardner

>> No.21374769


>> No.21374860

what does TND stand for?

>> No.21374869

Shills want to make it seem like every anon is a chud.

>> No.21374876

Total African-American Death

>> No.21374877

Mike Ma

>> No.21374883

Definitely Nietzsche, his work is like the philosophical version of virgin vs Chad meme.

>> No.21374939
File: 1.42 MB, 1228x2160, More Chudcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche for me.
My condolences.

>> No.21374955
File: 791 KB, 1440x1437, Screenshot_20221212-072800~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some 993s

>> No.21374958

Dumbasses not worth reading.
We already have rightwing/reactionary charts for you

Not Chuds. I don't see Gardner as a Chud either

>> No.21374971

Either Hitler or Guenon.

>> No.21374976
File: 50 KB, 600x400, 9eb534bb461e8db0-600x400-2041834570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a nietzsche gets lumped in with the nazis episode again

>> No.21374990

pre modern = Chud = Chad + Stud
bioleninist/mutant friendly literature is much more recent

>> No.21375009

New Balances are tard shoes, stop wearing them

>> No.21375029

Stop speaking Twitter. I can't make sense of it.

>> No.21375032

The larpers don't even like Nietzsche anymore since he wasn't Catholic or Orthodox.

>> No.21375041

Is "bioleninism" the new hip obscurantist way of saying "cultural marxism"? When do we get to cyberstalinism? What about retromaoism? Why don't you just say what you mean instead of coining new gibberish? Or better yet, find a more topical board to infest

>> No.21375118
File: 244 KB, 1010x1070, 1666440646131993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fitting as it gets down to the root of the matter, genetic trash fit for a Victorian circus exhibition being used by Goldman Sachs and friends as a wrench against whatever is left of western civilization
leftism before every other consideration is a phenotype
the butthurt it causes is spot on

>> No.21375119

>Why don't you just say what you mean instead of coining new gibberish?

Ironic considering the "chud" word; and whatever new phrases angry, sexless people online make.

>> No.21375137

Bio-leninism, as a concept, is older than your post history here, leftypol troon. Go back.

>> No.21375143
File: 3.76 MB, 3697x2414, plato's academy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone explain this pic to me

>> No.21375174

Mental illness.

>> No.21375178
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1024, 1670769712550028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/qa/ gemerald

>> No.21375179

No. No, it still doesn’t make sense. I just get the impression you’re ass-blasted about leftism being a thing, but you know absolutely nothing about it.

Same to you, liberal.

Chud is pretty cut and dry. Thug of the idiot nazi sort. A trad cuck, a bootlicker, a reactionary.

>> No.21375191

damn you guys really are autistic

>> No.21375212
File: 70 KB, 1500x500, 1629676865212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does, but you are clearly one such oversocialized circus freakshow, hence the utter lack of self awareness

>> No.21375233

See now, I read Kaczynski enough to understand him. I have to wonder if you read more than a couple pages. You certainly didn’t understand the part about critiquing the rightwingers
This is the “left” he criticizes, liberals, but there’s more leftists who are more or less on his page. One being me. We are not, as you like to image us, indeed masturbate to us, a bunch of trannies and twinks. So no, it still doesn’t make sense, MicyDees

>> No.21375260

As I said, you're still being obscurantist. Now it's hallowed with age too? But what does it mean? Since you've already dropped down to the level of faux-tribalistic slurs I guess it just means "transexual ideology"? Again, you could just call it that and be understood since I doubt you'll be citing Lenin or whoever in defense of the term.

>> No.21375273

"liberals" are just the latest firmware upgrade of the same maladaptive monstruous stock that once called itself "communists" and rallied against good looking people with wealth, you aren't fooling anyone, you are just missing an upgrade, hence why you start salivating about "chuds" whenever someone violates McDonalds moral boundaries

>> No.21375275

>you are ugly and I hate you
that's the oldest reason to hate anybody, that doesn't add up to being some sort of leninism applied to biology

>> No.21375279

if you're so anti-liberal, and not just posturing as a bored westoid who'd rather self-destruct than do three or four hours of work a week, vote with your feet and move to Afghanistan

>> No.21375280

Not that anon, but you do realize that modern leftists have been fully overtaken by the idpol freaks, right? Its obvious to me, because leftist political parties in my country, some of them literally former members of communist party, would be called conservatives or right wing in other countries, solely on the account of their social conservatism, even though all their economic policies are leftist. Dont you think you guys should change your name to something else, since "leftist" is associated with sexual deviants nowadays?

>> No.21375287

Why would they do that to Plato?

>> No.21375290

>the far-right image of leftism is corporate-funded extreme individualism and the promotion of anti-normative behavior
>but if we have a BIG GUV then that would be bad too better let anyone with enough money purchase a senator and hope they don't try to modify the population for profit
inb4 you claim you're not like the other nazis because you want whats best for the people you aren't tossing in ditches

>> No.21375300

completely missing the point
the "bio" in bioleninism refers to the basic "raw matter" so to speak that replaced proles, resentful freakshows manifested by the dysgenic trajectory of the west after reduction of infant mortality and the inversion of the pyramid of breeders, who by their own nature are apt to be radicalized against anything that has a vague resemblance of health, beauty, race, privilege, etc...
these abominations replace generic proletariat as the "raw matter" of the leninist-styled revolution, since average western proles have become a bit too content with capitalism and thus lack revolutionary potential, a revolution of course that has to utterly eradicate any remaining form of organic society down to the family unit, sexuality and age
these pavlovianly raised heterodirected farm animals represent the shock troops of the elites against any actual reaction to the system by "chuds", "reactionaries", etc..., and for obvious reasons they all rally under the "left" flag

>> No.21375303

i'd do but shitskins are physically revolting and would ruin my appetite and plus I'd rather take my country back if possible

>> No.21375326

Liberals are pro-capitalists. True communism is opposed to the failure of capitalism. What we have with so-called liberals of today came about as a reforming movement. See capitalism collapsed in the early twentieth century. Caput. Free market capitalism doesn’t work. So to bribe the workers into staying slaves they put some minor fixes to it. Liberals won again through the power of corruption. This is why you’re confused.
Lenin similarly failed to imagine the world that isn’t capitalist, and they ended up with state centralized capitalism, or “socialism”. But it may as well have been called fascism
>good looking wealthy people
Good lord, you’re a shallow little bitch. But you are a shallow liberal bitch nonetheless.

Consider the adage “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…” why continue calling it a cat?
Yes, massive propaganda has manufactured a circus of nonsense and dozens of controlled opposition groups, considered left and rightwing, and the media covers only them, convincing the “sensible” people that this is a fair representation of the majority.
Don’t believe it.
>you should change your name
The shorthand “left/right” dichotomy is kept on by the security state and their MSM apparatus for good reason. The moment we take on a new name, The People’s Party, The Boogaloo Boys, The Kaczynskites, Barker’s Beauties, The Kids in the Hall, you can be sure that soon after the feds will infiltrate us and direct us to self destruct of collapse.
No name groups. No name movements, no media coverage, the revolution, the social revolution, will not be televised, nor streamed online for you to see.

>> No.21375361

>leftist political parties in my country, some of them literally former members of communist party, would be called conservatives or right wing in other countries
You are from Eastern Europe, aren't you?

>> No.21375481

What the fuck are you even blabbering about?

The thing is, these people have all the power and all the access to education of future generations, so their version of leftism, distorted as it is, is the one which will spread. You cant have a revolution when everyone calls you a bigot because you think corporate interests is politics are more important than gender quotas in executive functions. I am sure the original leftism will survive in some form, but it wont really have any effective power.

Guilty as charged.

>> No.21375496

Politics is gay. You guys argue about politics on 4channel to cope with the fact that you can't get laid.

Just rope! And also post body

>> No.21375504

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shap'd at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next design'd;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Fill'd it with vice, and call'd the thing a NIGGER.

-HP Lovecraft

>> No.21375511

It's not quite as bad as salmon colored short shorts and boat shoes but it's up there

>> No.21375534


>> No.21375559

>So to bribe the workers into staying slaves they put some minor fixes to it
Which works. In other words "they" operate like any normal government.
Also the proletariat's pensions and health benefits come from pension funds investing in public and private equity, making them just as tethered to capital markets

>> No.21375583

I dress the same. Based and chudpilled

>> No.21375597

The impoverished of the “right and left” (in America anyway) are already starting to see their interests converging. Rightwingers with common sense see co-ops as superior to (new deal) unionism, and they’re right. Look at who are in the permaculturist movement. They’re not all nu-hippies, they “red state” farmer types too. Something will have to emerge, but as the inflation goes up the fascism will too.

>> No.21375623

This is just an obscurantist version of Nietzsche. There is no such thing as "bioleninism;" you are just describing an ascendant slave morality and all that entails—the view that anyone or anything better or stronger or healthier than the weak person must be evil because it is so much better or stronger or healthier and thus more capable or potent, i.e. anyone with power over you is unfairly powerful and being dominated is a virtue while exercising power is a vice. People are still castrasting themselves to appear pious—fascinating isn't it?

>> No.21375639

The definition you have of "leftism" only exists within far-right discourse. Even googling "bioleninism" gets you far-right blogs. When the left calls the right fascist or nazi it sticks because normal people understand what those are and don't like the association. But you calling "leftists" "bioleninists" or "cultural marxists" is too turgid and unwieldly to ever gain traction or have any efficacy in persuading people outside of your discourse. Who would even have an opinion on leninism enough to appreciate it as an extreme negative label? Ukrainians? Estonians? Extremely-online politics otaku?

>> No.21375668

Speaking of obscurantism...

>> No.21375675

The left doesn't really have a definition of fascism that isn't just vague crap or anything other than "enemy"
Normies certainly don't understand it and fear the word due to custom alone

>> No.21375693

It’s the one way to cure the food crisis and the environmental crisis. Taking back the land

>> No.21375700

>authoritarian ideology which would curb liberal policies and promote inequality at all levels of government and society
there it's defined on their terms and without being obscurantist; clearly this is not possible for the defenders of "bioleninism" as a term since they write essays in response or call you slurs

>> No.21375722

It's obscurantist bullshit and unscientific

>> No.21375725

I think your problem is the tankie opposition to fascism. They are trying to reach “communism” through a slightly different form of fascism.
It also doesn’t help when fascists themselves can’t own up to the fact they’re odious little capitalists themselves.
The actual opposition to state-capitalism in its various forms is pushed aside, swept under a rug, ignored till it screams in their face and then the fascist/liberal roars out that it doesn’t exist and wouldn’t work even if they did exist.

>> No.21375748
File: 385 KB, 1200x1832, C2734705-10BD-4BB6-9829-3299A761D036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Fauchi have to approve of these centuries old farming techniques for you to accept them?
First I’m hearing of this pushback and it’s batshit, anon. Do you work at DuPont or Monsanto or are you a farmer stuck under their thumb? Of course it works

>> No.21375768

>proceeds to call anyone remotely conservative or who just thinks immigration laws should be enforced a fascist
It's meaningless and the equivalent of having Hitler tell you what marxism is. Also, all of those things you listed are only feared due to custom, and 'authoritarian' should also be better defined. There are people around who say that America is authoritarian and all that jazz. Even the liberal paradise of iceland is often considered by leftist natives to be "authoritarian" because the government keeps having to deport 'refugees' who think having a child lets the law not apply to them.

>> No.21375772

nah. that sounds like someone who refuses to understand an underlying mentality and intent and instead must insist that the intent is ACTUALLY a lie.

The thought itself It predicates on you accepting communist principles a priori so it kinda insists upon itself.

Just Like A Liberal might insist that Fascism is a form of Communism by its nature of squashing personal enterprise that may be counter productive to the state. Yah Duh the thing in quest becomes the other thing if you base the whole mentality off of your own definitions of shit.

>> No.21375776

>there it's defined on their terms and without being obscurantist; clearly this is not possible for the defenders of "bioleninism" as a term since they write essays in response or call you slurs
This isn't defined on their own terms. You are just an idiot chimping out over some stupid neologism (leftists make them up all the time, just so you know).

>> No.21375781

Literally braindead

>> No.21375786
File: 2.07 MB, 1483x1719, E3143352-26ED-45BC-A240-107D075B173A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21375789

You'll never be a woman. Everyone can tell that you're not.

>> No.21375799

Rent free.

t. Straight meat-eating male (happy)

>> No.21375803

You are schreeching nonsense again. The problem with you liberals is your fetishization of personal liberty and "human emancipation" when in reality you are and should be subordinate to someone else. Which is not a bad thing. And capitalism doesn't exist anyway, have fun trying to force people not to lend money.
Try not relying on anecdote first.

>> No.21375814

Fuck off buttershit. Atleast use your gay symbol again if you are gonna start posting here again

>> No.21375820

>The problem with you liberals
I’m not a liberal.
Goddamn you bootlickers are dumb.
> anecdote
Fuck. Do you even know what that means?
Rhetorical question. Leave me alone.

>> No.21375823

That's correct. If you oppose the free movement of goods and services on the basis of tribal sentiment, contemporary liberalism views that as fascistic. I don't make the rules and I agree it is a poor and unhelpful definition of fascism in the context of history or political theory, but neither of those domains are relevant to low-information voter-wrangling, which is the bread and butter of electoral politics.
It is a stupid neologism. It is obscurantist. And it does matter outside of far-right discourse. It is a sort of ghetto dialect, or perhaps a chuds' cant. At least "cultural marxism" had some sort of touchpoint with things people talk about politically. Blathering about "bioleninism" (an esotericized variation of the same concept) is a retreat into the courtyard of an autistic monastery. It is your way of declaring disinterest in having a conversation with the layperson.

>> No.21375827

Read a book, tard

>> No.21375829

Stop reaping the fruits of a liberal society and go herd goats or spend hours each day praying. You won't, so zip it.

>> No.21375831
File: 65 KB, 750x571, Panagiotis-Kondylis-750x571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking "liberalism" still exists

>> No.21375834

Lotta fuckin college kids on this board. If you don't grow out of this shit as you get older you're gay.

>> No.21375835

chinese room tier response

>> No.21375848

>I’m not a liberal.
Stop being so insecure about your personal liberty and obsessing about "emancipating" humanity then. Whining about ownership won't stop me from calling you that, liberalism is dead anyway.

>> No.21375861

It's worse to read garbage than to read nothing at all :)

>> No.21375878

>liberalism is dead
Make sure you obtain a death certificate and have an autopsy done. Wouldn't want anything crazy to happen at the funeral.

>> No.21375914

Which is why you’re here being a piece of garbage.

>> No.21375926


This is an offence to my eyes, I think this is the psychological effect people had when they viewed Picasso/Cubism for the first time. This image litterally makes me nauseous the more I look at it and makes me feel dirty.

>> No.21375927

Perhaps this exchange will serve as a lesson

>> No.21375938


I'm glad Kondylis is getting more recognition internationally, he has been largely forgotten in Greece because he was did not tow ideological lines, but he was really a prophet for the neoliberal authoritarian hellscape we are going though now.

>> No.21375947

I only ever see him mentioned on /lit/ and I'm pretty sure it's the one guy who always posts the same substack

>> No.21375953

Can substackanon give me a qrd on Kondylis?

>> No.21375976


He was too much of a well rounded author to give a qrd. He is more like a historian and archeologist of ideas like Koselleck or Foucault.

>> No.21376325

Me (reading my diary)

>> No.21376352

Just a firmware-update reminder:
It’s laughable to connect yourself with history and see in it parallels that we could learn from.
But it’s stunning and brave to cut off your genitals and anticipate a techno-utopia any day now.
You are the idealists for seeing what actually happened in the past and wanting to return to that.
They are the realists for flooding the first world with a mulatto underclass to help wall street and Silicon Valley create paradise on earth.

>> No.21376425
File: 618 KB, 1467x780, schizo-oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made it (if you zoom at the top-right enluminure near the socks and sandals i signed it)
It's just a meme on the politicization of board culture that reuses the composition of Rafaello's painting. The parody stops there, as in it's not trying to depict Plato as a trannie or Aristotle as a chud.
There's a couple /qa/ in-jokes but I think the rest speaks for itself, ask away

>> No.21376432
File: 194 KB, 1500x1115, stanczyk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course i fail to namefag, even screencapped my fail lmao

>> No.21376568

>as in it's not trying to depict Plato as a trannie or Aristotle as a chud.
Yeah, no, but your choice was accurate nonetheless.
You are a genius btw. This is more than just a gem. I have...no words...

>> No.21376672

>le noble grass roots right wing meme

>> No.21376774

Based, how long did it take?

>> No.21376783

why are there so many image parody of chud wojak redrawing in historical painting with many right wingers commonly use it?
wasn’t the whole of chud wojak is suppose to poke fun of Alt right /pol/tards like them? then why do I keep seeing these edits in RW community.

>> No.21376798
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>> No.21376807
File: 177 KB, 960x1200, ecce homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuds embraced the face lefties created to make them seethe
couple days iirc

>> No.21376940

No Junger?

>> No.21376948


>> No.21377350

Uh, probably Schmitt

>> No.21377359

Did you make some/all of these other ones too? Either way you're talented and funny, I really liked the School of Athens one. If you made at least some of the others, my semi normie reddit/discord rightwing friends are always sharing them.

>> No.21377361

I strongly suspect "bioleninism" is being pushed by some twitter tranny who wants you to go "Bioleninism? What is that???" so he can link his substack. This is a semi-common phenomenon on /lit/.

>> No.21377363

Who are you addressing schizo-sama?

>> No.21377396

Based Chuddyseus.

>> No.21377417

Miguel Serrano.

>> No.21377476

ironically, woke ideology also falls under that definition

>> No.21377484

Dante from the whole layers of hell inferno thingy-ma-doo

>> No.21377492

Nietzsche literally created the chud ideology.

>> No.21377496

Probably the author I most disagree with

>> No.21377497

Well you have to remember words are redefined constantly when they relate to political goals which cannot be met, so for them equality has taken on a meaning almost Chinese sounding like "representational harmonization of the five races of man." Something considered "fascism" would necessarily prevent the attainment of such a harmony wherein entertainment, commercial, educational, and governmental media depicts a 20% white, 20 % black, 20% brown, and 20% yellow and 20% red society.

>> No.21377499

They don't like him anymore since they've taken to denouncing atheism in order to signal against their normative peers.

>> No.21377503

Atheism isn't really normative so much as just ignorance/indifference to religion.

>> No.21377510

You know exactly what I mean and why these people are pretending to be scholastic theologians. It's not because they grew up in northern Ireland or rural Poland. It is a cross between contrarianism and cargo culting.

>> No.21377537


>> No.21377546

who's they? my chud friends and i like nietzsche

>> No.21377549

Almost every political terminology being used today is useless. “Bioleninism” describes basic leftist tendencies that they’ve always had. Now we’re in the situation where they apply their ressentiment in a liberal context and since rightists constantly defend the liberal world order they respond by pretending everything happening today is completely new and not produced from the system they themselves endorse. Liberal cosmopolitan society is the root of everything wrong with the world today because it runs the world. It’s pretty simple

>> No.21377559

>being a thing
>t. leftist fag

>> No.21377560

You can in fact withdraw from liberal society if it pains you so dearly, but Russia and China might not be keen on letting you run amok there. After all, theirs are not liberal societies, and you'd be the stinky subversive minority there just by merit of being yourself.

>> No.21377561

You must be oldchuds then

>> No.21377562

What the fuck is up with the war on NBs? Why do I see them used to describe someone not well-dressed so often?

>> No.21377566

That and cargo shorts meant you dress like someone's dad. I guess it wasn't much of leap to say that was a conservative look, and from there a chud look.

>> No.21377576

osamu dazai

>> No.21377780

I have no idea who you're talking about. Sounds like a bogeyman you've made up in your head.

>> No.21377784

Wtf is a stochastic theologian?

>> No.21377785

It's possible to enjoy Nietzsche without being an atheist, in case you didn't realize. His atheism is actually accessory, for the most part it is purely anti-Christian rather than genuinely atheist. It's a bit of a popular delusion to consider Nietzsche the "famous atheist philosopher."

>> No.21377795

so you're saying that a rational reason to be a scholastic theologian would be growing up in northern ireland or rural poland?

>> No.21377859

Kill yourself kike.

>> No.21378018

That pic is more endearing than anything else. Some normal dude aspiring to be something greater than himself, pretty cool.

>> No.21378246
File: 936 KB, 1773x1080, Scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Bioleninism describes these freaks absolutely perfectly and if it offends you it's probably because it hits a little too close to home
Here: https://vjmpublishing.nz/?p=21454

>> No.21378257
File: 393 KB, 948x569, chudgallery1222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a lot but not all of them. weird to know these are reposted elsewhere than 4chins

>> No.21378260

Nah I think I'll support the people trying to clean up Western societies actually. Go cry on twitter about i- oh wait you lost that ideological fortress! Oh well!

>> No.21378299

i wanna see the tinder profile

>> No.21378317
File: 135 KB, 480x729, _chudtinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21378318

Pure art.I kneel.. post more

>> No.21378359

always has been

>> No.21378375

how long does it take to make the plato picture

>> No.21378379

reminder that atheism is a religion, just like any other one: it has symbols, priests, oppressions, lies, dogmas, creation myth, hierarchies, social rules and so on. It has also a theology, but it's atomized (ie the rats believe in self determination in order to be compatible with the propaganda of the human rights). The only novelty by atheist rats is that they say ''atheism is not religion, it's an ideology'', because those dimwits deeply believe that if they change the words they use, reality will change.

reminder that contrary to the atheist propaganda, there is no several flavors of atheism. The truth is that there is only one atheism but atheists keep making up various flavors to keep people running in circle among all the atheist religions. In other words, atheists use their fantasy of market to balkanize their own religion in order to keep people trapped in it while thinking they become free thinkers when they explore the various flavors of atheism.

>> No.21378382

I find OP's image sttangely hopeful anyone else

>> No.21378383

truly, a masterpiece

>> No.21378387

The atheist revolution is just the propaganda saying monarchy+ Christianity = evil, democracy+atheism=good

>> No.21378399

i'm indifferent to religion but i would never identify myself as an atheist or fagnostic, because i, uh, don't care
acedia is a good word

>> No.21378443

every irl leftwinger I've encountered has been either rail thin or obese. they are all elitist white suburban upper middle class if not rich nerds who project their own neuroticism and guilt for their own personal privilege onto all white people. they claim to be open minded but hate everyone that isn't one of them. they have a superiority complex and think they are the "smart people" who know better than everyone else. they cannot agree to disagree. sexually inferior and all around degenerate. they hate capitalism but are the trendiest consumers you'll ever see. unironic redditors.

>> No.21378528

you don't think the sort of people who would have been obnoxious fedora atheists if they were online 15 years ago are now pretending they believe in Christianity for similar spitefully contrarian reasons?
No I'm saying I would expect a genuine religious conservatism from such persons. Instead you have people whose parents never took them to church putting on a Christian styled transgressive performance because they know it irritates people they despise

>> No.21378539

>spergler quote
>resorting to insult in defense
yeah you are definitely being obscurantist same as the other anons defending that term

>> No.21378550

>its a pretend nietzche wasn't right wing episode

>> No.21378561

if you're too dumb to figure it out by yourself, bioleninism is just a fancy way of calling you ugly and retarded.

>> No.21378587

Yeah I said that already ITT. It's not "fancy" it's obscurantist and pseud and seems to be vocabulary exclusive to far-right blogs (i.e. you have to be literate in that discourse for it not to be gibberish)

>> No.21378597
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ugly and retarded individuals can be pretty harmless and you can feel even sympathy for them, bioleninism refers specifically to the political implications of these mutants being herded by powerful people against remaining organic sources of resistance to their monopoly, replacing the role that the more generic proletariat had for communists(or their previous powerful masters anyway)

>> No.21378848


>> No.21378936

chud is not a real word

>> No.21378980

Words get coined all the time grandpa

>> No.21379244

Literally me