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21373571 No.21373571 [Reply] [Original]

>Christcuck has premarital Sex
>loses his shit over it and begins to cry like a drama bitch because he committed le sin
Is this an accurate portrayal of Christcucks?

>> No.21373577
File: 484 KB, 1000x667, baby jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. We forge the fate of the Earth with our sins and virtues. We should all weep at the things we know better than to do.

>> No.21373580
File: 168 KB, 550x372, 1546872681139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole point of Christianity is that everyone sins countless times a day and that through good works and belief in God + Lord Jesus Christ, the mediator between man and God, you will be forgiven by God when you die and go to heaven. Then when the end times come Jesus and the saints will judge you again and you'll get resurrected and live forever on paradise on Earth.

>> No.21373587

I'm not in the mood to read all that. What's it from? It sounds like he had his head on straight. Faith towards God, and as a result, living a holy life that honors Him is the most important thing there is. I wish we all retained that wise and tender heart towards God. Poor man. Would that he had bested himself. He should feel good, at least, he is a portrayal Plato's just man, and one of the infinite vindications of the argument.

>> No.21373594
File: 13 KB, 286x176, 0CA3D6DA-E1DA-4D7C-8A0D-3E97207B5886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not premarital sex if you never marry the bitch

>> No.21373603

What's with all the antichrist bait here and on /his/ lately? I get it, the holidays are rough for your kind because old ladies say merry Christmas to you so you spaz out like a retard at them when you're in public and it stresses you out. The increase in suicide probably plays a part as well.

>> No.21373607

It was a beautiful scene

>> No.21373614

Nice reading voice, niganon. You should donate time to librevox.

>> No.21373622

You're missing the most important part, say "Merry Christmas to you *and your family*"

>> No.21373738

As far as I understand the premarital sex thing was mostly political, i.e if you hadn't made vows and you came inside a girl you could potentially make her pregnant and then technically just leave as you had no official obligation towards her. It was associated with things like whores giving birth in whorehouses and depositing the babies underneath the floorboards.

>> No.21373870
File: 12 KB, 168x299, BD0BFA78-5B8F-41A8-8D5B-17C40472F91E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks Christmas is a Christian Holliday

>> No.21373966

It is a christian ritual, and the so-called pagan origins are nothing short of a bad historical myth disputed by even atheist scholars.
The core mistake in the thesis arises from the belief that any element not clearly taken from the Bible during these festivities has to be pagan or supersticious in origin. This is of course nonsense as secular traditions can arise at any point in time without specific religious basis, but hey, pagans aren't famous for being good at history anyway.

>> No.21373976
File: 144 KB, 500x500, devilpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely devilish

>> No.21373977

if all men felt so strongly about their own sins the world would be a much better place

>> No.21373979

>Take Saturnalia
>Add Jews
>Call it Christmas
Spiritual Jews can only subvert and corrupt, Christcucks cannot create holidays.

>> No.21373985

I understand the pagan metaphysical position but I will forever sympathize with Christians as some of the last decent people on earth. People bitching about Christians are invariably stinky immigrants living in Christian European countries or leftist pedophiles butthurt that some grandma in Wisconsin somewhere would disapprove of them genitally mutilating their children.

>> No.21373987

Christmas was celebrated before the slightest element of northern-european culture was introduced. You would know this if you read about it, or even the articles I linked, but alas, as it goes against your badly formed worldview it goes better ignored.
Ironic for you to use a modified version of a phrase writen by an extremely pious catholic author, too.

>> No.21373999

This is wilfull ignorance from your part.

>> No.21374000

>Christcuck doesn't know what Saturnalia is
>Christcuck doesn't even google what Saturnalia is
>Starts kvetching anyway
Christcucks can only corrupt, you haven't created anything. Jew worship is dying out. Deal with it.

>> No.21374007

>Take Saturnalia
>Add Jews
>Call it Christmas
>"Oy veg us Jew worshippers came up with winter holidays.
You are mentally ill.

>> No.21374020

The articles are already adressing your badly made argument and obsession over a celebration that was never linked to december 25, articles that I gather you ignore because, again, your worldview depends on wilfull ignorance and intelectual dishonesty.
>winter holiday
Fool, there was seasons all over the roman world, and the birth of Christ was considered a holiday before northern Europe was converted in the first place. Even if one agrees that there is """pagan""" elements in it (which I don't, as explained in the articles), by necessitiy the festivities are older, given that the "pagan elements" belong to cultures that converted centuries after christianity was the dominant faith within the Empire.

>> No.21374036

Retard, Saturnalia was a roman winter holiday that lasted a week, then Christcucks came, took the Roman holiday, added Jews and called it Christmas. Are you mixing it up with Yule or something? Because you keep kvetching about northern Europe.

>> No.21374046

And I repeat, the winter holiday that according to you lasted a week was never linked to the day in which christmas was celebrated besides happening in the same month, and furthermore, Saturnalia's duration was modified several times by several emperors. All of this in the articles. None of them you will read because, again, wilfull ignorance and pagan seething.

>> No.21374050

Oh but yes

>> No.21374054

sex is only political because it's about making a family and the family is the atomic unit of society

>> No.21374062

it's so depressing to see all the goodness that people used to have

>> No.21374063

Jews in their Jewish nature downgraded it from 1 week to 1 day, nobody cares, you took Saturnalia and made it worse. The gift giving thing is from Saturnalia, stupid Jew worshipper.

>> No.21374065
File: 1.50 MB, 800x1427, CristodeSanJuandelaCruz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating someone that loves you unconditionally
I never understood this meme

>> No.21374074

So if a tranny loved you unconditionally, you would love them back?

>> No.21374076

Yes I would love them like that boy loved Old Yeller

>> No.21374077

>Hating someone that doesn't exist
Incorrect, we hate Jew worshippers who try to groom others into their dying cult. Rabbi Yeshua and Yahweh don't do shit.

>> No.21374078


>> No.21374084

And now you are just asserting stuff out of your ass without bothering to bring up historical evidence, or how (conveniently) everything else but gift-giving during Saturnalia was completely different, if not against christmas, including the tradition of slaves to act like masters, disguises, revelry, animal sacrifices and the tradition of saturnalia princeps.
The funniest part of all of your bullshit? Saturnalia was included in early christian calendars along, not against or replaced by, christmas, calling it the "festival of the slaves" precisely due the upturning to social order that happened during it. So much for "replacing Saturnalia", yet actual churchmen recognized both celebrations as different even if happening near each other.

>> No.21374085

of course I would. they wouldn't even have to love me. and because I care about them i would urge them down a better path. if you cant care for them then who is it exactly that you are fighting for? whats the point?

>> No.21374098

I don't hate Jesus Christ, but I feel like so far He hasn't brought any joy to my life

>> No.21374099

>They were side by side therefore they didn't steal it
Judaism and Christianity is also side by side, yet the latter came from the former, you just turned 1 rabbi into a god. Again christcucks can only corrupt, not create.

>> No.21374113

>christianity coming from judaism.
Rabbinical judaism originated after the destruction of the temple and the first century after Christ, as a reaction against both roman paganism and christianity throught the rejection of several books and doublind down on monism. One could argue that christianity originates in Second Temple hebrew religion and I would agree, but those are hardly the same faith.
>the rest of your autistic post.
Retard, your entire argument hinges on christmas replacing saturnalia by "stealing everything", yet in practice both were celebrated in different days, and both by the 3th and 4th centuries by christians and pagans alike. Not to mention how different in practice both celebrations were, with saturnalia pretty much being an April's Fool's Day with slaves taking the chance to be mean against their masters, and how there was no gift-giving in early christmas. The absolute state of larpagans man.

>> No.21374116

Seems like the christcucks found their allies, united in being mentally ill

>> No.21374126

Think of every regret, every shameful act you've ever done. Everything you wish you could go back and change or make right. Christ forgives you, still loves you, and still wants you at his side despite everything

>> No.21374139

damn bro you must be some kind of bad ass sigma male pagan warrior who is totally not mentally ill I swear

>> No.21374142

>Rabbinical Judaism
Nigga, you are on the 16th iteration of christcuckery which itself is an iteration of Judaism, your favorite Jew Yeshua was called rabbi.
Don't bullshit about purity.
>We didn't do 1 game, therefore we took Christmas out of our ass.
Yeah, you stole Saturnalia, inserted your Jews, made it worse and called it Christmas.

>> No.21374155

>1 game.
>no gift-giving before the 15th century.
>no slave-master beating.
>not the same date.
>no revelry.
>no saturnalia princeps.
>no unbounding of statues.
>no animal sacrifices.
>25th of december already established by the 2th century, derived from the Book of Daniel.
>>Recognized as two different festivites by christian authors, celebrated both by christians and pagans.

The absolute state of LARPaganism. At this point you are not arguing, but simply asserting empty claims out of seethe and autism. That is all your kind can do.

>> No.21374178

It's not the same because you inserted Jews and made it worse, your brain has been crucified, now you just lie. You took Saturnalia and made it into Christmas. Keep coping Jew worshipper.

>> No.21374185

People tell me this kind of thing all the time. I don't feel any guilt. I'm intellectually aware that I'm morally evil, but I don't feel any guilt. Moreover, I don't see what's so impressive about forgiving me, particularly if you are God.

I just don't see what is so special about that. Obviously I'm detached from the emotional reality of life at some deep level. But I ask God to plug me back in (I have been asking for years), and He doesn't.

>> No.21374191

I'm Jewish, and I want to know: what's up with /pol/ co-opting "kvetching?" Half the time it's not even used right.

>> No.21374195

In fact, where my sins are darkest, I feel the least guilt. I have prayed, also, for God to give me guilt, to give me regret. I guess I have pride, because I don't have this searing sense of my own sins. There's a sense in which everything feels like it was all so inevitable.

And what good is the love of Christ, if it does not bring me any happiness? Someone far away loves me, but He does not relieve me of my suffering, and He does not build any connection in my heart, or clear away all the wreckage that is there, no matter how often I ask Him. So then what is this love?

Frankly, it seems like a burden. Because Christ loves us, we must carry our cross. We must give up the things we love, we must suffer, we must accept death. Death and suffering. I just don't see the appeal.

I'm not even against it. I have been trying for a long time. I have faith, I know Christ is the Son of God. But I can't make it real. I can't let it be real. However you want to spin it, nothing happens.

>> No.21374197

>it's just Saturnalia with the name changed you evul xtian.
>but it's all different down to the date and the rituals because you evul jew man.
>despite both being recognized as different by early christians and pagans.
Now you are just out of arguments, retorting to empty insults and claims in the hopes that those will make your lies true. As I said above: Wilfull ignorance and inlectual dishonesty, the only thing pagans can give.

>> No.21374198

>cums in woman
>starts crying
>save my le soul please jebus
Hilarious, 10/10.

>> No.21374205

Christcucks are emotional and superstitious idiots, so when you tell them some daddy Jew in the sky is calling them a hecking wholesome boi and forgives them for being naughty they wet their diapers. Same reason prisons are Christcuck centrals because criminals are also emotional, superstitious idiots.

>> No.21374206

No shit. Paganism is literally the most vapid belief system in the modern world today and a sign of how people put style over actual substance in their thought process. I'm not even trying to shit on you, but people that unironically think they can worship gods that haven't been worshipped in 1000 years and of which we only have stories of instead of actual prayers and rituals are genuinely stupid. At that point, if they wanted to actually find a non-Abrahamic religion to believe in, they would just join one of the Dharmic religions or Zoroastrianism. They don't because they are attention seeking retards who are so prideful to the point that they can't even see how stupid they look doing this shit. I would legit have some sense of shame of doing something like unironically worshipping Odin or Zeus in a world that has since gotten rid of their cults. I know as a Christian I am called to love them, but I still need to call a spade a spade: pagans are shameless, prideful retards that are too addicted to the Internet to actually understand anything coherently. At least with atheists, most of them aren't retarded militant types and even if they are wrong they aren't as co frontational and hold blatantly absurd beliefs like pagans do. Like seriously, how the actual fuck can you hold pagan beliefs unless you aren't white or subsribe to an Eastern religion? European paganism died 1000 years ago and most of these people left zero records of how they practoced their religion. It's retarded LARP that everyone know is a LARP, yet somehow it's the Christiansthat are the deluded ones. This is the absolute zenith of foolhardy pride. It's hilarious admittedly, but it is so insufferable.

>> No.21374210

Pagans seemingly not understanding why people call them LARPers will never not amaze and entertain me

>> No.21374211

Here's my first post >>21373979
It was never just a name change, it was from the start implied you took Saturnalia, added Jews and corrupted aka made it worse. Deal with it low IQ Jew worshipper. Christcucks can only corrupt, never create.

>> No.21374216

>tradcath larper goes on a projective spiel about the performative and insincere nature of the religious beliefs of everyone else but himself
Whoopsie, it would appear I just sharted on your post, sorry about that - guess it was God's will, huh? Hehe. Don't worry, let me just clean that up.

>> No.21374217

>Died out 1000 years ago
Last pagans in Europe converted 700 years ago. And if you think suddenly everything was forgotten and everyone was 100% Christcuck, then you are naive hence retarded. Paganism is alive and well in the Baltics for example.

>> No.21374220

>I don't see what's so impressive about forgiving me
have you thought about the concept of universal forgiveness? do you think you could forgive everyone?

>> No.21374224

>Last pagans in Europe converted 700 years ago.
oh well that changes everything

>> No.21374231

You still haven't why you and your pagan retard friends can magically practice a religion that's been dead for 10 centuries and has no written records. Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and Zoroastians have holy books that keep all these rituals and knowledge of their faith in a form that can be passed down. How can a LARPing retard like you practice a dead religon practiced by people with no or very limited writing systems who didn't keep such records? Cpuld it just be that you use paganism as a cruth to hate Christianity? How about you go the less retarded route and become a militant atheist? At least you won't be a retarded LARPing faggot.

Wow. That changes so much. They still didn't write shit down, retard.

>> No.21374235

If after 800 years Iberia wasn't a 100% Muslim land then why do you expect not for the paganism? Or did they convert all Muslims to Christianity and that's it? People are just robots changing operating systems when the king is different religion?

>> No.21374242

You haven't even read your bible, what do you know about paganism? By your logic the illiad and odyssey would not have survived the Greek dark age. It was passed down orally.

>> No.21374247

the people evoking Odin and shit sure as hell arent connected to any legitimate pagan roots, they're just associating themselves with aesthetic imagery and calling it a day

>> No.21374253

>they're just associating themselves with aesthetic imagery and calling it a day
So just like tradcath LARPers. Also worry about yourself, you don't even go to church, Kierkegaard wannabe.

>> No.21374254

The Illiad and Odyssey wouldn't have even made it past the Hellenistic Era had they not been written down during that era. That's the entire point of writing you dipshit: to not lose important information even when major cultural shifts occur. You are legitimately mentally retarded if you can't understand that.

>> No.21374256

This is peak intellectual dishonesty. Your first port literally says that christians took Saturnalia, named it Christmas and added Christ, and as I slowly begun to pile up evidence of why they are two completely different dates, you changed your strategy to say that they "corrupted it", and at the end, once I mentioned that christians celebrated both in different dates and with completely different practices, you went on a rant of empty insults and outright lies.
This is peak paganism. Nothing but dishonesty, ignorance and mindless fury, all out of love for surface-level aesthetics.

>> No.21374259

> Projection 101: Accuse your opponent of what you do
Truly the height of pagan thought

>> No.21374261

This is actually wrong tho. Muslims never dominated the entire peninsula, and by the 9th-11th centuries christians kingdoms controlled almost half of it, and reduced several islamic states to tributaries and vassals. There is no analogy between both.

>> No.21374264

Correct, christcucks took Saturnalia, added Jews, corrupted it, made it worse(from 1 week to 1 day, shifting the day means nothing).
Christcucks can't create, only corrupt. There's a war on saturnalia and the Jew worshippers keep pushing their rabbi. If you want nightmare fuel read about Christmas during industrial era. Christmas was pure debauchery.

>> No.21374268

No, I’m an atheist, I don’t need any imaginary friends

>> No.21374272

But you aren't doing anything Christcuck, you literally just larp. You don't go to church(they are dead, I don't blame you.). You don't pray, you just larp on 4chan because you have no personality.

>> No.21374278

You can't say that while simultaneously seething so hard lol

>> No.21374283

See why I say you don't actually read? Saturnalia wasn't "reduced" by christians because, you utter retard, Saturnalia, even during its longest extension, never lasted enough to touch the 25th of december. At most it lasted until the 23th, and several pagan emperors tried to cut it shorter several times.
>Christmas during the industrial era.
There was, besides a King of Fools type of thing in England, no pagan remnants related to Christmas by that point. The "debauchery" of christmas was never related to the celebration during the 25th itself, and there was no gift-giving either before the 15th century.
>war on Saturnalia.
Saturnalia died in the 7th century, and nothing besides pathetic remnants was left in isolated parts of Europe. This is peak conspiracy bullshit, and even more intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.21374284

a shame that wont make you any less of a miserable loser who literally has to make fun of retarded people to feel better about himself

>> No.21374285

Even if I was seething, which I am not and I’m wondering where you get the idea from, what does that have to do with having imaginary friends?

>> No.21374292

You think the territories and people's are 1 to 1 makeup? People were changing religions back and forth so much so that by the end the Spanish got so butthurt they didn't even allow converts and tried to kick them out. The point of this example is that people can be one way in public and practice different religion privately. You thinking all pagans suddenly stopped and forgot paganism because they converted means jackshit.

>> No.21374306

Dude, I'm not you. I actually believe in my faith for more reasons than basic bitch aesthetic ones. If anything, you come off as someone with no personality so you glom onto paganism and make it part of your lack of personality. That's why you attack Christians left and right and argue dishonestly with Christians when they give you genuine facts proving you are wrong: an attack on paganism is an attack on you sense of self (and just as fake too lmao). I really don't xare if you attack Christianity. I think the Church Fathers made more sound arguments about why actual paganism is retarded (let alone your LARP) and trust them more than some insecure idiot on the Internet. I'm not going to say my Catholicism isn't part of who I am, but sonce I love myself, I actually bother practicing it. I always go to Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and try to pray at least twice a day, even if I fail at that last one sometimes and I still am a sinner (because I do believe in a risen Jesus Christ who loves me more than I can know). Frankly, I think someone that follows a religion they know is bullshit for aesthetic reasons and spite has no room to call someone a LARPer even if tradcathLARPers are annoying cunts.

>> No.21374312

Christcuck took Saturnalia, corrupted it and called it Christmas, you have no argument against it. Just lies. You corrupted it so much that it turned into debauchery and only the poor people celebrated it because it was degenerate. Keep lying.

>> No.21374313

So, let me get this straight: Your argument about paganism surviving until modernity is the mere assumption that pagans kept worshiping stones and sticks in private zealously while acting like christians in public?
The saddest part is, you are not completely wrong: Remnants of supersticious, pre-christian practices remained in some parts of Europe, and several saintly feast days included heterogeneous worship in it. Yet, you know something? None of them, not a single person participating in those rituals, subscribed to any kind of pagan religion and most of them went to church to worship every Sunday, and if asked, they would say that yes, Christ is God and he created the world.
Your "paganism" at that point was literally a corpse, remnants of almost forgotten rituals assimilated into a completely christian worldview. Your medieval "pagans" thought Christ was King, that God created the world in seven days, and that the apostles were saints, despite taking part in those supersticions. Their entire worldview was christian, despite the rites you are trying to use in order to defend a dead philosophy.

>> No.21374314

People just end up following other people and practice the most popular religion over a handful of generations. Even if Spain missed some crypto-Muslims, they would just become typical Cstholics in 2 or 3 generations. The same shit happens in France with Algerian Muslims becoming very secularized or basicslly atheist/agnostic now.

>> No.21374320

Emptty assertions without arguments, just telling me to "accept it" because you lost all ground to even argue. Absolutely pathetic, and it goes to show how much pagan "virtue" your kind has.
>only poor people celebreated it because it was degenerate
...Roman Saturnalia was literally their equivalent of April's Fool Day, with debauchery of all kinds including promiscuity, pranks, alcoholism and slaves beating and insulting their masters. Dude are you a bot?

>> No.21374323


>> No.21374324

>Jesus Christ
He was called rabbi Yeshua, if you gonna use the name use the correct one. You got groomed by christcucks and now you larp as one, even tho you never go to church nor pray. I like how you don't even deny. Sad state of modern christcucks. "Just like and subscribe to rabbi Yeshua and you too will get everything for nothing.".

>> No.21374334

>talks about arguments
>followed up by an ad hominem
Also nice autism you both

>> No.21374341

>If you don't go to church you will be executed
>They heckin loved rabbi Yeshua because they were forced into a church.
Paganism is alive and well in parts of the world, unlike the Jew worshippers we don't need to turn the whole planet pagan. You failed, your only hope is Africa, have fun dying out.

>> No.21374344

Because there was nothing to argue against except outright lies that I already adressed before. You are without ground to even argue, reduced to babbling insults.

>> No.21374346

Nihger, you lost your mind and unironically think can talk to gods nobody worshipped in 1000 years. Who's the one that's been groomed and LARPing as anything than you with your over the top obviously fake paganism? At this point, I can't even insult atheists as much since it makes more sense to believe there is no God than worshipping something no 9ne has in 1000 years just because you have an irrational hatred of all Jews. You are an Internet addict that needs therapy to get rid of your demons.

>> No.21374352

You think or you know? Or you hope? Not everyone is NPC like you think. Not everyone suddenly loses their roots because they get forced into a church.

>> No.21374353

So, no arguments then? I see.
>If you don't go to church you will be executed
Not a thing until the protestant reformation, and even noblemen sometimes made a habit out of skiping mass. Almost all pagans in Europe, including vikings, converted completely willingly and those too fond on their supersticions simply assimilated them into their christian worldview and worship. There was no persecution of pagans in medieval Europe until the Baltic Crusades.

>> No.21374355

> You are without ground to even argue, reduced to babbling insults.
And you are apparently not able to finish reading my post before you lift off in autistic rage, as it is pretty clear that I’m not the anon you’re having a Reddit debate with for the last few hours since I called you both autistic

>> No.21374358

Christmas will always be a worse version of Saturnalia, can't beat the original, the industrial Christmas was a shitshow hahahahaha. Now Christmas is just a commercialized capitalist season to buy and sell shit. The only thing left of it was taken from Saturnalia, gift giving.

>> No.21374362

>loose their roots.
Here is your mistake: Your idea that """paganism""" was a unified belief system and not a disjointed collection of myths, rituals and communal practices that people used to do out of habit, belief and power. In truth, it is archeologically attested that norsemen wore both the hammer of Odin and the christian cross, and that roman pagans took half a ton of deities and rites from Persian and Egypt. They didn't "defended their roots", because when you are a pagan, the idea of being more than one god is already in place. They took whatever religion was popular, whatever rite seemed to work, and rolled with it.
Why do you think they converted so easily? Because they never had a dogma in the first place, you moron.

>> No.21374366

Anyways, that's exactly what happens over several generations, keyword being generations. Some pagan dude might have actually done this 700 or so years ago, but there is no way his grandchildren or great-granchildren weren't just Catholic like everyone else. It's how a lot of local stories about saints and monsters and shit like that get introduced to a region. Stop LARPing and grow up please. This entire thread has just shpwn how infantile your thought process is.

>> No.21374373

Literally a 15th century tradition at best, completely absent on christmas since its origin around the 2nd century after Christ. No relation with Saturnalia despite your autism.

>> No.21374379

>Paganism died out because... Because they just did okay?
>What do you mean 800 years of people worshipping in private on the Iberian peninsula was a thing when they faked to be Christian/Muslim in public.
Cope, you will always be a rootless Jew worshipper. You don't even go to church. Go to church or your mom gay.

>> No.21374384

>There was no persecution of pagans in medieval Europe
Because Roman christcucks already prosecuted them in the antiquity. And then the last few got subjugated either through conquest or subversion, never willingly. Without force nobody wants to be a Christcuck, it's a dead religion. The moment you lost the power to exact violence you died. Have fun converting Asians and blacks.

>> No.21374395

>Your idea that """paganism""" was a unified belief system
Why do you keep putting words into my mouth? What my idea? Show me where I said it.
>Also talks about them not being unified but then uses 2 examples and thinks all pagans were like that.
You are a genuine idiot. Tho you being a Christcuck was the first clue long ago.

>> No.21374400

> Give valid reason why the various types of paganism died out and how some of its' cultural influence is felt in rural culture across Europe
> >>21374261 actually brings up why the Al-Andalus comparison doesn't work

You are just fucking dumb. I'm just going to ignore you if you are going to argue like an underhanded, intellectually dishonest faggot. Also, you're still projecting.

>> No.21374402

Cope, you will always be rootless, but more power to you if you are fine being adopted by Jews.

>> No.21374405

>conquest or subversion.
Who? The vikings, that knelt before the cross completely willingly, and whose norman descendants become one of the most important components during the Crusades? Or perhaps the germanics, yes, those germanics that, by the moment they conquered Rome, were already arian christians, believing in the God of the Old Testament and sparing churches from looting? Perhaps the celts, then, those who made their own kind of christianity and wrote legends about biblical figures, with thousands of saints and holy places?
Ahhh, but it was all "subversion", because pagans sure had a very strong belief system that was not some disjointed collection of myths and rites open to any deity or religion that would appear in the horizon. That's why the rus converted to christianity without anyone asking, going as far as to consider judaism and islam. Because subversion.
...Man this is pathetic.

>> No.21374407

It came from Saturnalia, you stole it and corrupted it.

>> No.21374419

>Gives his opinion which is wrong
>Gets butthurt when told otherwise
Nobody cares, go to church, you rootless Jew worshipper.

>> No.21374421
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>Says the pagan that abandoned 2000 years of Christian theology, philosophy, history, art and science for pseudo-historical wank from basment dwelling Internet addicts

Fucking lmao

>> No.21374425

How can I be butthurt when I'm talking to a literal retard? This shit is entertaining.

>> No.21374428

See? No argument or proof of the claim, just asserting the lie hoping it sticks.

>> No.21374429

>The vikings, that knelt before the cross completely willingly
It was convert or get executed. Learn history. Then the christcuck vikings killed the ones that didn't want to convert. Same with Saxons, northern crusades, etc etc. I like how you skip parts because then your narrative falls apart.

>> No.21374440

>It's good because people were forced to believe nonsense for 2000 years
And now without the power for violence christcucks crumble like a sand castle. Nice religion you got there. No great war for you. Just dying out quietly and turning churches into skateparks.

>> No.21374443

Please, show me evidence of those evil, evil saxons and vikings killing their pagan brethen because they didn't wanted to go to church.
Lmao, even as late as the 11th century, penalties for pagan worship almost never involved capital punishment in kingdoms that barely two centuries before were pagan. And the commonality against this measures? Every single one of them was put in place after almost the entire population was converted already. Never the religious changes in those regions got carried by force, with the exception, again, of the Batic Crusades.

>> No.21374447

>I'm not butthurt
Go to church, why do you literally don't even deny that you don't go to church? This is hilarious. Have the standards for christcucks really fallen so much? Is that why TikTok priests are a thing? Little Christie LARPers don't want to move their fat asses into a dead desolate building for their brainwash?

>> No.21374452

>Just dying out quietly.
Lmao, """paganism""" died even worse. Read Julian the Apostate: There was no one to worship in the temple of Apollo, and the sacrifice during his holy day was pathetic. Paganism was given up willingly by peoples open to any religious influence. There was no heroism in its death.

>> No.21374455

>It's not true, because.... It isn't okays?
Christcucks took Saturnalia, corrupted it and turned it into Christmas.

>> No.21374458

Explained at detail why this is not the case already again and again. Not going to adress your wilfull, pride-fueled ignorance.

>> No.21374461

>christfags and paganlarpers arguing about whose religion is more pathetic

>> No.21374467

I literally said I do. It's fucking Advent and there was the the Immaculate Conception on the 8th. I live like 5 minutes away from my parish. There's literally no reason for me not to go to Mass every Sunday. Unlike you, I actually belive what I say instead of just picking a religion that requires zero sacrifices so I can shitpost on the Internet all day about how I hate Jews and Christians.

>> No.21374471

>Fedoratippers still are obsessed narcissistic retards in 2022

Some things never change

>> No.21374472

Have fun learning how Christcucks had to force people to convert.

>> No.21374480

>Paganism was given up willingly
Proof? Julian came during the time when persecutions happened before him and even after him. Julian was a short emperor, only 2 years.

>> No.21374482

Being a sloth and lying are sins too, so go to church and confess, LARPing Jew worshipper.

>> No.21374484

>There's literally no reason for me not to go to Mass every Sunday.
Then why don't you go? Lying is a sin, enjoy purgatory.

>> No.21374489

It's a sin to assume that someone else is sinning with no actual evidence to the contrary. Maybe you should bother going to church more. I go enough already. Also, I'm not lying.

>> No.21374497

The shart was my only post in the thread, and I only presented it because your transparent projection was visible from the first page of threads.I did not open the thread to respond to you and care very little about your autistic discussions, but now you've roped me in, and it appears that you take it as some sort of criteria for AUTHENTIC™ religion that it must have a written tradition, and I consider that pretty dumb and reject it, and whoopsie, there goes your argument. As evidenced by church history, your crucial writings are profoundly polysemous, leading to not only a thousand and one schisms of your faggy tradition, but a stability that is about equal to whatever the pagans can claim. And even with that said, I reject that stability should be central to religion - which appears to be the crucial underlying premise for you, given the weight you put on a written tradition (you are quite poor at presenting your own reasoning, it has to be teased out) - something that you likely only think because your own LARP in christianity is motivated by modernity and its lack of the same. And here you are speaking about pride! Ha!

Now go on with some more projections about how everyone else is just LARPing their religions because they like stuff you don't like, and aren't AUTHENTIC™ about it, unlike you, who likely found Jesus in a twitter thread.
As for me, I will fart in your thread, leave, and bid that you enjoy the last word :)

>> No.21374509

>I go enough already.
If it isn't every Sunday then enjoy hell.
Also "sin" doesn't exist, so go scare old women into your cult with it.

>> No.21374510

>Massacre of Verden.
A religious act, yes, yet inspired and executed as a punishment against the saxons due their continous raids on the germanic border, in principle politic. This was no Crusade, and was never framed as such even if Charlemagne took the chance to also christianize the region.
>Scandinavia article.
...Nigga you read your own stuff? The entire article details how violence was rare, even if sudden and bloody, and almost always the christianization was not imposed by force but adopted due political and economic interests. The permanence of paganism was derived from its legal importance, pagan holy sites being established as places to judge disputes, but there was many regions that were open to transition into christianity. Hell, most of the early conversions were due trials of faith, not violence, and kings baptizing to win allies.
There is no evidence here of widepsread violence or forced conversions, and it even mentions Anders Winroth as an historian that supports that position.

>> No.21374514

>calls atheists obsessed when there’s 100 posts by a single cristfag and pagan arguing over who diddled children first

>> No.21374521

Sure, here I go:
All of these posts in which I adress why you are wrong. My job here is done.

>> No.21374525

>muh articles
I bet you’re vaxxed as well

>> No.21374527

Lmao, wilfully ignorant and dishonest as always.

>> No.21374528
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I'm not reading all of this just to repeat myself 1000 times more. You are practicing a religion which you have no way of knowing the tenets of nor the rituals of it due to being practiced by a pre-literate civilizaton whose oral traditions have long since disappeared or have been watered down. You are LARPing. I don't accuse Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Orthodox or Protestants on this site of LARPing because it is at least pausible they know of the central tenets of their faith before subscribing to it because they have holy books and an organizational structure which promotes its beliefs . There is a difference beteween these religions and the collection of pagan religons where this is not the case. If you want me to stop callling you a LARPer, don't practice a religion that is long since been moribund. That's the end of this conversation. Please seek help. You depserstely need it.

I don't really care what you think. You are mentally handicapped.

>One thread on the Internet versus the literal decades of atheist apologia that constantly bring up religion out of nowhere, mischaracterize it and pretend science and rationality will save the world (even though modern science is descended from the thought of Catholic philosophers like Roger Bacon, Robert Groteste and Galileo).

Also the only person talking about diddling children here is you so...

>> No.21374532

>trust the experts
Oh now I see why they call them christcucks, and I thought it was about Joseph being a literal cuck

>> No.21374545

No arguments.

>> No.21374553

>Be Spanish Christcuck
>Take over Aztec civilization and burn every single book and writing you can get your grubby hands on
>Only thing left are stone carvings
>"See they are LARPers, they don't have a real religion unlike our Jew worship, where are the writings?"

>> No.21374567

>no argument
My argument: Christians are cucks
My evidence: their entire religion is based on the words of a cheating slut
I rest my case

>> No.21374572

>literal human-sacrificing tyrants, hated by all other civilizations around, to the point in which most spanish armies were made of resented natives.

Not the best example to take bro.

>> No.21374581
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Oh will you dog fuckers just shut up

>> No.21374590

>It's okay when we kill tho.
>Literally kill 1/4 of Germans in 30 year religious wars

>> No.21374629

My Jewish brother,

We simply select words to demonstrate our racism, sexism, and anti-semitism. It wouldn't be as anti-semitic to say "Keep seething kike," as it would be to say "Keep kvetching kike."

Hope all is well, keep kvetching, kike.

>> No.21374637

It must have been frustrating to argue with that troll. Just wanted to recognize your work dog, those articles were interesting and clarified a lot of things I was confused about myself. I honestly didn't have very much knowledge at all about the history of Christmas before now, so I appreciated learning. I'd heard the "Christmas and Easter are just stolen pagan holidays" thing over and over at public school.

>> No.21374642

I was a cringe atheist at one point and it was weird finding out that Christmas really was Christian in origin. I don't know how that myth got so popular if not by intent.

>> No.21374647

>Literally take Saturnalia, add Jews, mix and match, give it a different name
>We came up with it on our own, without any influence, praise rabbi Yeshua.
Keep coping.

>> No.21374655

I am very glad you found the articles interesting and also helped you understand more about the topic bro. In turth, I shouldn't have trailed behind that troll as long as I did, nor relied on insults, but I guess it is worth if at least one of you gets to learn more about christian history and ancient religion in general.
The saddest thing about these threads is that, at least personally, I don't dislike paganism (even if, of course, for me and other christians it is an incorrect worldview and sometimes can be even demonic) and in fact pre-christian religion is one of my favorite topics. It is sad, however, that symbols get decontextualized if not outright butchered for the sake of politics on both sides. Ancient pagans and christians don't deserved to be disrespected in such a way.

>> No.21374660

Listen my dude, just read the scholarship. Jesus' birthdate was determined and celebrated before that could have happened.
If you want to make /pol/ views credible you have to fight the battles that are winnable. Normies will be turned off if you share obvious disinfo. It may seem beneficial in the short term, but in the long term it helps to have a robust anti-kike worldview built on the truths of their kikery rather than made up shit that can be used to pilpul you. (Like Christmas was Saturnalia)

>> No.21374661

Imagine what Europe would have been without Christcuck morality.

>> No.21374666

it's okay baby gimme kiss it'll be okay let me hold u you'll be alright stop crying baby shhh ur gonna be okay now

>> No.21374671

You can't even determine the year rabbi Yeshua was born, what birthdate?

>> No.21374680

Why does God allow for someone like him to have sex but im an incel and don't think I'll ever get with someone. I don't feel the call to be a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven and I wish to marry, but God made me an incel. I don't know what to do.

>> No.21374710

You will not like the answer.
You suffer because you desire. Just give up. Whatever happens, happens. You will get depressed if you expect happiness. Do not desire or expect love, compassion, wealth, success, or comfort. If you follow the Word, you will gain nothing in this earth. If you expect an earthly reward, you will not even find the Kindom of Heaven- because it was the material you were searching for.

>> No.21374716

The first step is to not let your heart be consumed by desire, nor (unconsciously) worship patnership and sex as the ultimate good.
Just to be clear, God made and blesses marriage and the union between a mand and his wife, but the more one obsesses over it, the less healthy that possibly union becomes. One needs to first love God wholly, avoid inmorality and then you would be ready, but is only once you beat the temptation of making finding a woman your ultimate purpose and aim.
I know, it sounds cheap, specially if you feel worthless and lonely because of it. Sadly there is no easy way out and no easy answer: We must strive to be better and to become godly.

>> No.21374726

>You suffer because you desire. Just give up.
>The first step is to not let your heart be consumed by desire
Literally Buddhism with Jew worship.

>> No.21375030

Not him but I'd like to inform any lurkers that Jesus being called a rabbi doesn't mean what that guy was implying. Our modern understanding of what rabbis are is heavily influenced by their history as the community diplomat with gentiles and the cultural influence of protestant preachers.

>> No.21375740
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I've always wondered why pagans who hate the Abrahamic faiths, but seek spirituality over materialism, don't look to something like Sikhism. It's an Eastern religion with a strong written tradition of ritual and moral teaching, a culture that emphasizes martial readiness, and a thriving community that's small enough to seem obscure compared to most Christian and Muslim denominations, but not so obscure that it's inaccessible.
If God made you so ugly you have no hope of ever attracting women, become a hermetic monk. If God didn't make you ugly, and you're just too autistic to talk to women, the problem is completely fixable and you just need to find an outlet to develop your social skills.

>> No.21375826

God does not promise anyone happiness. He does, however, promise joy. Do battle with your passions, find ways to channel your energies into productive things that make you of service to others, be a useful member of a community. Suffer through long days of study and labor for the bettering of other people's conditions and suffer through long nights of the seemingly interminable fire of lust and self-hatred. Read the spiritual masters of the Church and practice the techniques they suggest. Learn the labor of love, the trial and combat of loving other humans, of loving creation. If you don't love, you will be empty, no matter what you "have". All things are given by God, so develop gratitude for what is already present in your life. Try to understand your resentment, your desire, everything in you that makes you suffer, so you can know it better and it will not master you. Enter into long and intimate conversation with all that is within your soul through many hours of prayer. Pray every day, find many ways to pray, pray creatively in forms that inspire you and actually create change in your life. Find people who can teach you and humble yourself enough to actually learn. The world is full of care and wisdom, go out and seek it and respect it once you find it. You will grow in understanding of God's presence and will. You will step further into the mystery, and life will be richer to you for it. Give up the pleasures and distractions that keep you from serving God and let the pain of giving those things up show you what your soul needs. Cry out to God for help. This is the only thing a man can do when he is weak and lost.

>> No.21376097

Rabbi literally just means master in old Hebrew. It didn't receive its current special meaning until after apostolic times. The closest thing to the "rabbis" of rabbinical Judaism were those called doctors of the law in the New Testament (also Flavius Josephus) or sometimes just Pharisees because the large majority were of this party.

>> No.21376135

99% of the time European leaders are acting on secular materialist interests without any regard for morality so things probably would not be that different, possibly worse since the aristocratic class would be completely unchained

>> No.21376144
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>why don't polytheists become monotheists?
Anyways, they do. There's plenty of Neoplatonists, Buddhists, and Hindus in Pagan spheres. Dweebs who roleplay as crusaders on 4chan don't want to hear that, because they aren't here to discuss MUH FORMS or whatever, they're here to post the same thing that they post every single time someone so much as mentions a non-Abrahamic religion in the hopes that maybe THIS time they do the "you don't actually worship the Gods that you worship!" bit they'll BEGOM!

As for why not Sikhism? I don't know if you've ever looked into it, but it's basically a Punjabi ethnoreligion. It's not really all that... welcoming isn't the right word, but if you become a Sikh, you are becoming Punjabi. You can worship Odin while being German, American, several flavors of Scandi, you can be a Buddhist while being literally any race and worshiping literally any Gods, Hinduism has a robust tradition for integrating itself into non-Indian populations, but you cannot be "a non-Punjabi Sikh". You will be expected (in fact, possibly forced by threat of expulsion) to marry another Sikh who will be, you guessed it, Punjabi.

There's also a lot of weird ethno-geopolitical stuff with Sikhs, such as the whole Kalistan thing (tl;dr they want to take a chunk of India, and a chunk of Pakistan, and make a Sikh ethnostate).

>> No.21376171

Western larpagans going about Odin or druidism are 3/4 edgy people that want to perform rituals in the forest before their gay orgies and 1/4 skull shape fetishists that hate on muh Jewish Christianity (see the one ITT). There's also a limited number that are self avowed larpers doing it in the same spirit that some cosplay in mock Napoleonic battles. None of those groups are interested in Sikhism for obvious reasons. At most you have a few converts to Hinduism. That's hardly the same as trying to reignite those old European cults, and they wouldn't pick Sikhism above it.

>> No.21376202

Lying is a sin, anon.

>> No.21376271
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Where's the lie?
I have been invited to several those neopagans things in college because I was distant friend with the edgy nazi kids. It is an elaborate foreplay for orgies, admittedly not all gay if that's what you call a lie (although there is a lot of that). In fact I admit they're the last places in the west where there are still non-geriatric heterosexual orgies going on, which are otherwise a boomer phenomenon. The nazi segment should be obvious already ITT.
In a way this is Chad move, like Rael. I only mention that because anon was asking why the people in pic related don't suddenly join Sikhism.

>> No.21376329

>I have been invited to several those neopagans things in college
no you weren't you spergy loser lmfao

>> No.21376395

>Then the christcuck vikings killed the ones that didn't want to convert

>> No.21376699

They are beyond reason; they know only the mockery which well marks drunks and fools, according to our precious Word. May the Lord God bless you in the revelation of His Son, Jesus Christ, and may you live to see the fulfillment of Zechariah 8:22-23 on this Earth, praise the Lord!

>"Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you."

>> No.21377079

The larpers at least seem like they would be interested in Sikhism, it's literally a requirement of the religion to carry a dagger with you everywhere.

I know it's mostly Punjabi, but I figured Europeans would be interested in it for the same reason they become interested in New Age/Buddhism/Hinduism, because it's foreign and different and not Christian. I suppose that's a fair point though, if Sikhism is an ethnoreligion like Zoroastrianism.

>> No.21378890

Why do you expect joy? We are meant to suffer in this world, joy comes in eternal salvation