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/lit/ - Literature

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21373864 No.21373864 [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain women?

>> No.21373875
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Sex and Character (Weininger)
The Manipulated Man (Vilar)
Sexual Personae (Paglia)
Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)
Swann's Way (Proust)

>> No.21373888

The Scarlet Letter

>> No.21373893

(this is a pdf)

>> No.21373897

What is with google doing this annoying shit where you can't just right click and copy url on search results or it gives you all this

>> No.21373898

think i fucked it up lol phonefagging
but it's on women by schopie
just google it

>> No.21373900

idk but it's on the first page

>> No.21374095

I can't take this anymore. I'm becoming obsessed with the evil in the world. I can't see any light in it.

>> No.21374248

Swann's Way? How

>> No.21374338

Lady Chatterly's Lover

>> No.21374359

Have you even read it? How do you not understand Odette and Madame Verdurin?

>> No.21374363

Read the Bible, especially the New Testament

>> No.21374481

The Iliad. At the very beginning, the story is about a disagreement between who gets to own a woman captured as a war trophy. That's what women are. They would be happier if they were captured and raped by an invading force, or failing that if they regularly received light to moderate beatings by their husbands who were legally permitted to force sex upon them any time. Failing that, they prefer to constantly put themselves in dangerous situations and basically self-destruct because it's impossible for them to find a life's purpose unrelated to violence and sex. Aside from a small percentage of women who become very devoted to art or music, or whatever.

>> No.21374486

Particularly the New Testament. Also read Sirach.

>> No.21375026

No I have not. Just didn't expect in Proust's work cause you know

>> No.21375031
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Just stop interacting with women completely and dedicate all your time to mastering a skill/hobby/art or whatever, that's what every sensible man is doing now. You'll still face plenty of evil but women are infested with it, they're spreading it like plague rats.

>> No.21375038

>that pic
I want to kill myself.

>> No.21375042

/lit/ is full of incels

>> No.21375045

'The Banquet' by Kierkegaard, from STAGES ON LIFE'S WAY

>> No.21375066

Society seems to believe that men are ruled by lust, but once you get a few girlfriends you quickly realise that women are much more lustful than men.

Men's lust fades, yet female lust is ignited by commencing sexual acts.

>> No.21375087

I really wonder how you people can lack so much self awareness. Women fetishize men like Dahmer yes, but men fetishize violence and brutality similarly. The BDSM community is overwhelmingly dominated by men.
Women instead through their sexuality desire for controlled violence to be committed against them, such as choking or slapping. It all comes down to power dynamics in sex, women desire to be dominated while men desire to dominate. It's all perfectly natural, and there is no reason to look down on women for this.

>> No.21375093

>It's all perfectly natural, and there is no reason to look down on women for this.
yes it is. many things are natural but since we are humans we differentiate ourselves from the rest of nature including when it comes to natural things. that's why are civilized, because we can control various emotions, instincts etc. your message is just another spin to make the woman seem the victim regardless of what she does/thinks/says. fuck psycho whores like the sub humans in anons pic, fuck any peculiarly challenged exemplary that cannot control his/hers emotions regardless of which ones they are and fuck apologists like you. evil pos.

>> No.21375098

>It's perfectly natural for women to be attracted to someone who raped and murdered people
I genuinely never use this term but this is the most appropriate time for it: you are a white knight simp.

>> No.21375107

Who is she?

>> No.21375110

>some woman you've never met would like to have sex with a man
lmao wtf is the matter with you?

>> No.21375124

White nights by Dostoevsky

>> No.21375128
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Personally I consider their innate obsession with violence and rape disgusting but whatever, there's no point in seething about the eternal woman whore. What I'm mad about is the social ethos allowing them to express their filth shamelessly and publicly.
>omg i'd totes have sex with boy-fucking cannibal :p ;) ;) really wet rn haha
This is normal. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.21375132

meant for >>21375087

>> No.21375142

The second sex

>> No.21375159

Oxymoron. There's no understanding the unknowable. Not even they know what the fuck they are. What a worthless idea.

>> No.21375163

Women have such horrid tastes, even in sex.
Despite the bizarre fetishes present, the most perturbing is that more men dream about breeding than women. How completely failed are todays roasties? They probably fantasize about aborting.

>> No.21375185

That graph is probably influenced by trannies.
If not
>father-son incest
>brother-brother incest
>women without breasts
>men with breasts
what the fuck are women

>> No.21375190
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>> No.21375195

Women love rape

>> No.21375230

>sex with your own dead body
How do you even get into that?

>> No.21375237

roasties want their corpses to get fucked by chads

>> No.21375293

>what the fuck are women
A miserable pile of secrets

>> No.21375364

>sucking cock less taboo than romance and cuddling

>> No.21375374

>What I'm mad about is the social ethos allowing them to express their filth shamelessly and publicly.
That's secularism for you, it's what you get for walking away from Almighty God. There are no political solutions to spiritual problems.

>> No.21375394

Women want us to take their rights away from them forcefully, it's only widely observable in sex. They understand on an unarticulated level that they don't deserve them

>> No.21375425

Wuthering Heights

>> No.21375541

I keep getting blackpilled by /lit/. First it was that Arabian Nights thread from a while back, now this. I still have hope in the redemption of mankind (female nature included) but damn this age of immorality.

>> No.21375598

Please link it or give some keywords so I can find it on Waruso.

>> No.21375629

Google is shit nowadays. at least you can manually pick the relevant link only like this:

>> No.21375648

Even Ted Kaczynski got a girlfriend while in jail

>> No.21375655

It was about cuckolding with something like "Et yu, Arabs?" if I remember correctly. Sorry I can't check it, currently phone posting.

>> No.21375659


>> No.21375758

>What I'm mad about is the social ethos allowing them to express their filth shamelessly and publicly.
There is no such ethos. Everyone in their right mind thinks it is profoundly fucking cringe when women write that. It is the women equivalent of indian men swarming a picture of an underage girl with comments about opening bobs and vagene. Pure turbocringe.

>only 50% are into cuddling
what a sick fucking world dude

>> No.21375764

Not that anon but A Remembrance of Things Past is really just a 1,4 million word long cautionary tail about how all the things that we pretend to value, such as love and social standing will inevitably disappoint, and how the only real value in life can be found in art.

The last quarter of Swann's Way specifically is about a guy who orbits a literal prostitute. It goes into great details in describing his internal anguish in lieu of the fact that the prostitute he orbits, does indeed fuck other men for money and social standing. In the end she gives up on her prostituting ways when he gathers up his testes and proposes to her. It's not really as much of a cautionary tail about women as a cautionary tail about love and why you should avoid orbiting people who literally sell sex for a living.

Personally i don't understand why the other anon would choose Proust to showcase anything about women at all. He was notoriously a closeted homosexual, and the academic consensus is that he was writing about his own life and love affairs, albeit disguised as heterosexual love affairs so as to avoid the moral taboos regarding homosexuality during the early 1900s.

>> No.21375810

Read popular chick lit and then try to imagine the kind of person who would enjoy that.

>> No.21375813
File: 65 KB, 688x776, Arabian cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The background premise of the 1001 Nights is cuckoldry. Not any cuckoldry by the way, BLACKED cuckoldry.

>> No.21375837

>twitter @aella_girl
>for details and methodology aella.substack.com
I looked it up:
>I posted links to this survey on my social media, primarily twitter and reddit, with some indirect advertising on fetlife and discord; these made up 74.4% of my results.
Congratulations, you have a selection bias that has ensured that almost only trannies and polyamorous autist redditors have answered your survey. Normal people do not follow kink writers on twitter or take sex surveys on reddit. Only huge faggots do.
I really wish people would just open their fucking eyes. No matter how fucking blackpilled you are it just flies in the face of common sense that cuddling and romance are more taboo and less desirable to people than dick sucking.

>> No.21375843

Good point, but cuddling probably is more taboo if we're being honest, simply because it's thought of as cringe or uncool.

>> No.21375851

Yeah, women don't want to "catch feels".

>> No.21375987
File: 90 KB, 668x295, Sotadic_Zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not disagreeing with you, 1001 Nights does contain a LOT of cuckoldry. But Burton's translation embellishes it a lot. Burton was a pretty eccentric character in general.

Here's the same passage from the Lyons translation:
>a door opened and out came twenty slave girls and twenty slaves, in the middle of whom was Shahriyar’s very beautiful wife. They came to a fountain where they took off their clothes and the women sat with the men. ‘Mas‘ud,’ the queen called, at which a black slave came up to her and, after they had embraced each other, he lay with her, while the other slaves lay with the slave girls and they spent their time kissing, embracing, fornicating and drinking wine until the end of the day.

>When Shah Zaman saw this, he told himself that what he had suffered was less serious. His jealous distress ended and, after convincing himself that his own misfortune was not as grave as this, he went on eating and drinking, so that when Shahriyar returned and the brothers greeted one another, Shahriyar saw that Shah Zaman’s colour had come back; his face was rosy and, following his earlier loss of appetite, he was eating normally.