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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 210 KB, 635x436, 1624483376226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21371288 No.21371288 [Reply] [Original]

Just look at these naked Negroid savages. They and all of their miserable ancestors have never invented the wheel, nor writing, nor clothes until White men showed them civilisation. Now, their equally black and no less savage descendants are animalistically screeching in impotent rage over the embarrassing fact that they were civilised by others instead of civilising by themselves. All this of course while reaping the fruits of their White superiors' advancements, for they cannot give up the convenient comforts they provide. Truly loathsome and wretched creatures. If only they could spare us their insufferable existence and go back to chucking spears in their zoos.

>> No.21371296

>/lit/ - Politically Incorrect

>> No.21371324

i completely agree
fucking savages

>> No.21371336

Yeah. But the white man fucked everything up by taking them out of Africa and giving them guns. Big mistake. Fucking white people, man.

>> No.21371412

the eternal Bantu predator needs none of that superfluous stuff to survive, thrive and expand, the only thing containing it was the sahara megadesert and that planetary quarantine has been broken
you will be assimilated into the Bantu superorganism, it's already over

>> No.21371698

So true!

>> No.21371708

Why didn't whites just exterminate them and take their land like they did the natives in america?

>> No.21371809

You can see that this is an old photo, and that's kind of the problem. Historically, Europeans consciously portrayed Africans as savages in their media. This narrative was also used to rationalise rape, abuse, exploitation. Conveniently ignoring evidence that would suggest a more complicated situation/culture, such as the clothed woman to the left of the photo. The Dahomey Amazons were not simple savages, nor were they representative of the continent.

OP is probably trolling, but feel free to read up on this if you really want to know the truth. Here's just a few random articles I pulled up after a quick search: https://www.thepatriot.co.zw/old_posts/clothing-in-pre-colonial-africainsight-into-nudity-claims/

>> No.21371818

Maybe because they didn't exterminate the native americans, the natives just died of unintentional plagues.

>> No.21371823

>t. doesn't know

>> No.21371825

>clothed woman to the left of the photo
That's a man baby!

>> No.21372247

The natives are still alive, and more materially comfortable than they've ever been, halfwit.

>> No.21372250

Whites died of plagues from natives too. You have the opinions of an ignorant 12 year old.

>> No.21372330

They developed iron-working you fucking retard. Stop generalizing an entire continent worth of cultures.

Based take.

Name on of these plagues. Just one.

>> No.21372356

What is with the uptick of these types of posters?
This has nothing to do with literature

>> No.21372362

You utter fucking retard. You absolute dumbfuck.
1. Niggers didn't invent iron-working, ancient Egyptians weren't niggers, except for some of the slaves. Look up ginger, the oldest mummy from Egypt, who is red-haired and has a white facial structure.
2. That isn't a "le based take", you literal child. That is 85 IQ nigger cope. They are clearly savages, the exception does not break the trend. These people still bathe in cow piss and eat people's organs for special powers. That is the extent of their "civilisation".
3. It is common knowledge/common sense that many Europeans died of disease, the settlers faced brutal hardships, more than the natives in fact. You're just as dumb as a fucking rock and repeat what your dyke high school teacher tells you. You're an NPC.

>> No.21372364

>mental retard take
Kek go back to r3ddit, dumb normalfag.

>> No.21372372 [DELETED] 

They were happy and pure. Then evil bastards showed them disgusting industrialization.

>> No.21372373

>Historically, Europeans consciously portrayed Africans as savages in their media
You mean the media used to tell the truth and not gaslight everyone?

>> No.21372378

Do you legitimately have brain damage?

>> No.21372386 [DELETED] 

If this was LOTR, the Africans would be the Hobbits. Living life near nature. Simple, pure, nice. The colonizers would be like the orcs. Evil, following orders, industrial.

>> No.21372394


Shit bait but still hilarious, 10/10.

>> No.21372399

So are you saying orcs were hobbits before the whites enslaved them?

>> No.21372404

I want a hobbit in the streets but an orc in the bed.

>> No.21372424

Orcs being black is just a symbol of white racism made mannifest. White people think that they are superior because they built all of this technology, medicine, education, high quality of life, etc. and gave it to everyone, but in reality POC already had all that, it was just on the inside, where it really matter.

>> No.21372447

*where it really matters

>> No.21372450 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 474x373, Tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know nothing about British or American imperialism in the Far East that does not fill me with regret and disgust. - 1943 letter to his son Christopher
He was an anti-industralist and anti-imperialist. Keep the /pol/tard seethe coming.

>> No.21372462

Based total evolutionary biologycel

>> No.21372484

Based, but the lesser brown peoples are worse (Indians/Pakis, Arabs).

>> No.21372488

How does this prove that hobbits are niggers you literal halfwit? Tolkien was a Catholic monarchist btw, I'm sure he was secretly a good little sjw anti-white like yourself though.

>> No.21372492

Nope, Indians are based.

>> No.21372496 [DELETED] 

I'm not saying Hobbits literally represent Africans for Tolkien. I'm comparing the situation to a similar case in fiction.

>> No.21372506

He wasn’t anti white but he was anti white imperialism and said it shrunk the world. He hated the British Empire and even the British being one nation, always correcting people that called him British that he was “English”. He refused to study classical literature in rebellion against his adoptive father (a priest), and instead studied Anglo works and said if he were alive then he would have fought against the Roman Empire. No doubt he wasn’t too judgmental of tribal people, if he supported missionaries he didn’t support imperialism

>> No.21372514

/pol/tards should unironically be shot on sight, no exceptions
you could have vitriolically discussed this image anywhere but you chose to do it here
you’re bigger niggers than anyone on that photo will ever be

>> No.21372517 [DELETED] 


>> No.21372522

If this isn't bait I'm sorry but that last line made me laugh. You get that? If this isn't bait, I just fucking laughed super loud at your in-all-seriousness post.

>> No.21372527

British Imperialism was pretty retarded, not because colonization is necessarily bad though.

But they already lived in squalor, the average nigga would obviously prefer living in a materially properous Western-derived society than the earlier alternative. The same cannot be said for hobbits living under orc rule. I see ypur point but he analogy is still poor.

>> No.21372528

>/pol/ chud laughs at my post
Good. Fuck you racist.

>> No.21372531

They have to work so hard to find the tiniest, isolated exceptions to make their worldview work, it's so tiresome. The truth isn't hateful, it just is, why deny it.

>> No.21372546 [DELETED] 

All this /pol/ hate against the Africans has ironically made me feel more sympathetic towards them.

>> No.21372566

I'm a fairly egalitarian individual and I like to judge a person on their own merits, but I also grew up in a majority black city and I wouldn't go back to living among these violent apes if you paid me.

Seriously, they're the fucking worst.

>> No.21372573 [DELETED] 

Those are Americans. All those cunts are violent and armed.

>> No.21372576

As if this is an insult...

>> No.21372581

I regret to inform you that 'racist' doesn't have the sort of effect desire here.

>> No.21372582

Africa is far worse though. We see the same chimp behaviour from these primates in European cities too. They throw grenades and have machete fights in what were formerly the most peaceful nations on earth. Stop coping and face reality.

>> No.21372585

Holy shit this is honestly the stupidest post I may have ever seen.

>> No.21372590 [DELETED] 

They are just too manly for Europe. That's why globalization and industrialization are bad.

>> No.21372597


>> No.21372604

More like too bitchy and feminine like that cuck Okonkwo in Achebe’s Things fall apart

>> No.21372607

Nah man. I've lived among whites now for a while. Bike chains were invented for where I grew up. Its nothing but pregnant 13 year olds (very common in the hood, nobody mentions it because, idk, they just don't), and shootings over nothing. At their best they're so goddamned dumb that you have to meet them at their conversational level.

Its hell. I can't just deny lived experience. I would give anything to not have seen what I have seen and just assume its some institutional bullshit, but no man, its them. Black people suck with every fiber of their being and its impossible to live with.

>> No.21372616

To be fair this would apply to anyone who grew up in a poor and violent area

I myself grew up with those exact same people, except they weren't 'black', but white trash instead, pregnant teenagers and all.
I won't deny your experience has left an effect on you, just like how I enjoy living in a Chinese enclave 1000% more than the shithole I lived.

>> No.21372627

Men have control over their impulses, can provide for families, and protect the weak, think for themselves, do their duty, etc. Africans are the opposite, they are feminine in relation to Whites. They are mentally children. Thry are unquestionably inferior.

>> No.21372635

You really can't equate the two. I see what you're trying to do, trying to find so balance in the whole thing, but I can assure you you're better off among the poorest whites. There is just an inherent lack of impulse control and inability to reason that you cannot dismiss. I was the poor white, one of many, and our situations were nothing alike. Aside from the junkies, the whites had a grain of civility. That's why we left. Our poor white block turned into a poor black block and fistfights became murders.

>> No.21372640

Poor and violent areas just aren't white though. Or of they are, they aren't comparable to nonwhite areas like that. White trash are aristocrats compared to ghetto blacks. They fix motors and have strong families and are competent. The violent crime rates are incomparable. You have very poor judgement.

>> No.21372642

100% this.

>> No.21372651

They're just grabbing for some fairness in the issue. It's just the human thing to do. When people figure out the truth, they spend a long time trying to find any better answer. I can't be like them. I know the answer.

>> No.21372659

I grew up in Australia and a lot of our white trash have that sort of 'macho' arrogance that makes them want to fight you if you accidently make eye contact with them.

Not sure if it's just something in your culture that makes them a little less retarded/angsty

>> No.21372670

I'm out of here, go redpill people irl, my brothers.

>> No.21372678

Sub-Saharan Africans achieved, at best, an early medieval level of civilisational development. We know that they weren't all stone age primitives, but they had already fallen far behind Europeans at the dawn of the modern era. If it weren't for the tropical diseases endemic in the southern portion of the continent, it would have been colonised much earlier. When you look at the amazingly lopsided results of the battle of Omdurman, European superiority in arms is obvious and glaring.

>> No.21372690

Yeah, its just different.

It's sickening. At some point you realize you're dealing with someone a little further from human. Its not like its their fault. You just can't have civilization with these fuckers. They destroy it all.

I wish it were any other way.

>> No.21372708

The history of it all is quite a tumultuous one.
We'll just have to see how it turns out.

Even overseas I've talked with people who have had to grow up in their own shitty 'macho' ghettos and it's literally all the same issues of low-impluse, teen sex, drug use, and high violence.
Quite awful.

>> No.21372713

>Niggers didn't invent iron-working, ancient Egyptians weren't niggers, except for some of the slaves. Look up ginger, the oldest mummy from Egypt, who is red-haired and has a white facial structure.
Irion-working also developed independently in sub-Saharan Africa. You'd know that if you looked at my links.

> common knowledge
> repeat what your dyke high school teacher tells you

So the education system is wrong, but what is taught in school is also not common knowledge (?) and people should know the truth (your obviously uneducated opinion) because it is "common knowledge"?

Anyone who uses this term to refer to another person is demonstrating that they are unable to conceive of the fact that views other than their own exist. This kind of language only works to reenforce the cult mentality in your home turf /pol/tard. To anyone else it just makes you look like a brainwashed idiot.

>> No.21372718


>> No.21372731

You're so close to getting it. You know the history but haven't seen the cause yet. Where did the Europeans get gunpowder from? China. Development isn't based on race; it's based on trade. Situated between Asia and North Africa, the Europeans were uniquely positioned to reap the benefits of the flow of information and ideas. This, as well as European cultural values, and not genetics, lead to colonialism, and our current era of Western hegemony.

>> No.21372740 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 3222x3222, 1669194881337335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21372755

> but in reality POC already had all that, it was just on the inside, where it really matter.

>> No.21372762

>Name on of these plagues. Just one.
There were many different viral strains aswell as parasites. The New world was not exactly a disease-free paradise. But the most famous case is syphilis (which may have been spread through skin contact at first)

>> No.21372764

I wish I could take a pill that allowed me to be this ignorant.

Jokes on you, I'm into this shit!

>> No.21372861

This is the only respectable anti-european take.

>> No.21372870

>muh dick

>> No.21372878 [DELETED] 

>muh skin

>> No.21372916

All of that was first invented by Mesopotamian and Indian chads. the entire northern Europe was a ghetto with savages and ancient Romans saw them as niggers for a reason.

>> No.21372924
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x581, 1635559482312.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21372931

We could be on Mars right now but instead we decided to waste money on welfare for niggers.

>> No.21372936

>We could be on Mars
Who? Who would have put you on Mars?

>> No.21372940 [DELETED] 


>> No.21372945 [DELETED] 


>> No.21372948

You had zero to do with that

>> No.21372957
File: 485 KB, 1381x867, 1617520367635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't all those anti-white shitskins go back to living the way their shitskin ancestors lived before whites civilized them?

>> No.21372978

Stop watching too much elon musk
Almost all scientists agree that it's not possible and we should rather focus on saving our planet from glob warming

>> No.21372988

By sending trillions of dollars to africa to increase their numbers more than tenfold what they can sustain in a vacuum, and then sending them to europe of america to indulge in corporate consumerism

>> No.21372996
File: 31 KB, 519x600, couldnt-find-a-certain-meme-of-mihawk-reading-the-news-i-v0-m7mfghp4y33a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta but what

>> No.21372997

>ancient Romans saw them as niggers
Many roman writers romanticized the germans if anything. Also, you mention northwrn europe during mesopotamia, when most soon-to-be europeans were horsing around in russia.

>> No.21373007 [DELETED] 

Delusional. Romans saw Germanic tribes and Anglos as savages.

>> No.21373233
File: 4 KB, 388x413, 31d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did mods delete posts but not this offtopic thread

>> No.21373247

Because mods = gods
You mad, bestiality spammer?

>> No.21373258

Regardless of whether this thread is off-topic or no for /lit/ posting porn to troll is blatantly against the rules.

>> No.21373259

Not really. Tacitus portrays germans as moral people living a pure, simple life.

You don't read anyway

>> No.21373261


>> No.21373266

>ummm sweety you cant just live your whole live in tropic paradise eating bananas all day
>why not? uhhhh you just cant ok!!!! here have som civilisation
and then they started to suffer for 1000 years, why are whitoid people like this

>> No.21373268

Badly handled. Give recolonization a try

>> No.21373272

I was surprised by Tacitus' assessment of Arminius. He considered him respectable and the greatest of Rome's foes because he took on Rome when it was at its zenith during the Pax Romana.

>> No.21373274

He means they deleted certain posts within this thread but not the thread itself

>> No.21373276

Right of conquest. Niggers had it coming to them. Thats what happens when you just sit around and eat bananas all day

>> No.21373292

I am willing to forgive the differences between races that emerged as a result of industrialization because that only happened in Europe as a fluke. The other peoples that had high cultures: Chinese, South Asians, Persians, Arabs, I think they're my equals

But blacks are like a step below i reckon

>> No.21373294

NTA but he's right. Humanitarian intervention in Africa has caused a population boom and those people flood into the West.

>> No.21373298
File: 394 KB, 1319x1174, 1460709451084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21373306

This is unironically how schizophrenia unravels. Double bind = one way recognition (white man -> black man) between two parties with a congruent aspect (both homo sapiens.)
White guilt doesn't exist, just white psychosis - not the fact that white people feel guilty for civilizing niggers, but because even after all that work, niggers can't actually reciprocate. They continue their bongo dances like nothing happened. In that sense, white man is the dupe. The dupe for not realizing that he was trying to do the impossible, to turn coal into gold. A schizo, scribbling on the wall of history, thinking he was talking to someone... it was just his shadow.