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21371883 No.21371883 [Reply] [Original]

>read a little bit
>forget what I just read 5 minutes later

>> No.21371888

Put the phone down little buddy

>> No.21371932

stupid frogposter

>> No.21372920

Rude stupid frogposter poster

>> No.21372932
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Keep reading anon, you soon you will remember for 8 minutes, then an hour or two, then a few days, then weeks then months. Then, you will remember which book something was in and need simply reread a suitable section to refresh your memory.

It does not happen over night.

>> No.21372976
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>> No.21372984

here is a quick way to try and train your short term memory.
try to pick out and number 5 things you can see
then number 4 things you touch
then number 3 things you can hear
then number 2 things you can smell
then number 1 you can taste.

At the end of it, try to be able to recall all things in order. between each "set" of senses, it may be fruitful to try and count off the previous set in your head.

good luck and good remembering.

>> No.21372986

your brain is like a muscle, frogposter :)
just do the exercise of remembering and keep doing it until you get it :D and make sure to eat well and exercise to get blood to that brain too! you can do it fren