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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 155 KB, 648x396, sign-Occupy-Wall-Street.jpg&q=100&MaxW=800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.2136580 [Reply] [Original]

What comes after if the police evict the occupation from Liberty Plaza tomorrow? I mean, it seems by far the most likely thing to happen. Nothing again, or does the movement adapt? If so, how?

>> No.2136581

Civil War

>> No.2136584

nothing will happen, nothing will change, the movement will fail, this was always completely inevitable

>> No.2136595
File: 18 KB, 290x342, Mahatma-Gandhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHAH No. Revolution would suffice.

Do you smile for it?

>> No.2136605

They're missing something fundamental to a revolution.

A clear and direct goal.

>> No.2136612
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>> No.2136614
File: 77 KB, 590x476, explorepahistory-a0k7c9-a_349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hogwash the media is feeding you son.

The problems are multifold and so are their demands.
It is unclear as to what it would take to make them disperse.

>> No.2136617

They're doing nothing wrong, seeing as how protest has been made a pastime.
They'll find some other means of venting frustration.

>> No.2136622

shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shu t up shut up shut up

>> No.2136625
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They'd run for the hills if the police got even slightly serious about cracking down. Everyone seems happy with them continuing their current duties as field trip chaperones, though.

>> No.2136626

guys just post about a book. do you remember book? remember how you likeed to read bbook on the weekend? make a thread about book.

>> No.2136633

Goals will come later. Right now, it's important for the protesters to spread their message and give a counter-narrative to the Tea Party/Fox News/Limbaugh fantasies about the US heading toward Communistic Nazism and FEMA camps.

Also, the very spectacle of protesters occupying America is itself of the greatest moment. Take an analogous example: Egypt. Before the occupation of Tahrir Square, Egyptians hated Mubarak, but they were all too scared and atomized to do anything. When they saw that they weren't alone, that their fellow citizens shared similar political grievences, that was very important psychologically. In America, most people are angry, hopeless and frustrated, but they are also scared about speaking up thanks for 10 years of domestic spying and a fear of being professionally or socially ostracized for speaking out. The protesters are telling people not to be scared because they are not alone. That is just as important as goals.

>> No.2136638

hwo about a happy book ppost. remember vonegut book,? that was your favorite book maybe.

>> No.2136640

No matter how it plays out, the protesters will win. If the protesters and the city/NYPD/Zucotti Park owners can negotiate an agreement, then the occupation can continue. But if Bloomberg and the NYPD move against the protesters, the images will be all over the news and will only incite further protests.

>> No.2136649


this i believe to be a good thing (aside from whatever badness may ensue), i'm curious to see what happens in the morning... er, later... i mean later.

>> No.2136652

maybe you can t post about a book. may be you try to think what book was the book you read last and it just won't come. then a writing post might be a good post to post.

>> No.2136654
File: 151 KB, 623x768, HDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

How about a discussion on related authors and books/writings?

>> No.2136657

i love you anon

>> No.2136659
File: 34 KB, 620x348, NYR104-Wall_Str_1326213cl-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the girls get turned on by being arrested?

>> No.2136660

I'll continue reading books, you'll continue posting OT threads, and the fucking hippies will continue crying.

>> No.2136671
File: 173 KB, 433x298, showPicture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the cops get turned on by handcuffing people?

There are hippies there too, but most of them are too old to make it. This is not a hippie movement.

>> No.2136679

...Wait, how do mass arrests and outright violence against protesters at the slightest excuse count as 'Not Cracking Down'. And, sadly, the typical police tactic is to PREVENT protesters from leaving so they can be arrested.

Either way, nothing will really happen tomarrow. The only reason the mass arrests on the bridge suceeded was because they trapped the protesters from both sides.

Trying to remove such a huge number of citizens from a public place is impossible, even for a police force as large as the NYPD.

>> No.2136690


I'll start with Paul Berman's TL;DR version: "The puzzled onlookers who look at these demonstrations and ask 'What are the demands?' are being disingenuous. Everyone intuitively knows the demands. "

The long version requires going back to the New Left, the '68 Left, where the idea of "occupying" something comes from. The shortest, least-theory way of putting it is to take out the ultimate incantation of the concept: "Occupy everything. Demand nothing." "Demand nothing" because the goal isn't policy, it's procedure: we want no one to make demands to, so why would we make demands? "Occupy everything" because the goal is to have us, the people, the 99%, occupying our public space, occupying our own extant political power, occupying- directing- our own lives.

Another way of looking at it- the French call a protest a "manifestation:" the people are physically manifest for or against an idea. In a demandless protest, they are simply manifest.

Lastly, besides the brilliant obscurantism of the poster, the "one demand" as AdBusters set it up was a presidential commission to figure out how to eliminate the influence of wealth on politics. From the time that poster went viral, it's seemed pathetically limited, just as it once seemed (and still does seem) pathetically futile.



>> No.2136691

not /lit/, fuck off

>> No.2136694

Unless you get like four or five people to a cop down there, it seems pretty likely that the few hundred actually occupying Liberty Plaza will be gone, and they'll be cops stopping people from bringing tents and sleeping bags back.

We could still occupy it sleeping on the ground, or with a continuous and continuously awake presence, but that would take a lot of steam out of it. It's just a long sit-in if a community isn't being organized there.

>> No.2136696


Seriously, though, where else is there on 4chan to talk about this?

>> No.2136697

The 68 Left didn't do shit and I don't know why you'd pattern yourself off them unless you were more interested in striking a romantic pose than in actually accomplishing something. So congrats on getting laid, I guess.

>> No.2136701
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>> No.2136708

Not the same person, but you're dead wrong when you say the 60s didn't change anything. For instance, Chomsky notes that it took years for the anti-war movement to pick up steam. In the meantime, Vietnam was basically blown to bits. The scars are still there forty years later. While anti-war sentiment wasn't able to stop the invasion of Iraq, Chomsky argues that at least the Iraqis weren't absolutely decimated. He's right. The US would have had a much easier time just killing all the Iraqis and taking their oil instead of having to keep up the charade of bringing democracy to Iraq as the goal in itself.

>> No.2136709

They didn't accomplish what they set out to, but they did accomplish a lot. They had clear and direct goals, even more than the protestors now; the point of my post was that occupation in a broad sense is itself the goal.

So what's your argument for the failure of the '68 Left?

>> No.2136713
File: 139 KB, 1280x1024, Occupy-Boston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The park is very small. They'll just set up some barricades, surround it on all sides, and move in. Did you see the Occupy Boston raid the other night?

>> No.2136716

The obvious parallel is Tahrir Suqare. Why do we say it's right for protestors to occupy Tahrir, when the same is not considered right when it's done here?

>> No.2136719


Because with them it's a chance to show you care about democracy and human rights while it's not threatening to you, and set up some "supportive" military presence to boot. But here it's bad because it's threatening our wealthy's ability to ruin the world for profit, oh no!

>> No.2136725



>> No.2136729

You can actually get some very heated and interesting discussions at /b/, but yeah, /lit/ is the perfect setting for a discussion of this nature.

And really, I can understand people on the Right poo-poohing this Occupy Together movement, but I still can't understand why the cynical and disaffected find the protests so revolting, the people who say that the protest is stupid and nothing will change. They are like the dwarves from Lord of the Rings, who let the rest of Middle Earth get overrun by the armies of darkness just so long as they could mine for gems in their own mountain. Seriously, you guys are like Gimli.

>> No.2136734

Because if I don't realize that it is very likely that nothing will change and the world will continue to be massively corrupt, I will go literally insane. I do support the protests (although the attitude and objectives of the protesters, I disagree with - another reason I have to keep myself from going insane by caring too much) but for me taking a more detached attitude, maintaining a kind of detached realism, is the only thing keeping me from losing it. The kind of attitude that Robinson Jeffers advocates here:


>> No.2136735

BAM! You just went all Tolkien over their asses!

>> No.2136740

0.6556539293350304not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/

>> No.2136742

>WTF, Mexicans have schools?
>"the washington monument is supposed to symbolize a giant cock going into a vagina."
>1. "Your Country / 2. Last time you masturbated"
>an apparent troll thread starring Nicki Minaj
>something sort of interesting about British antiquity theft
>a self-pitying Kansan
>"Is there anything Koreans don't think will murder them"
>">comfortable with gay neighbors by country in the EU"


Absolutely, *some people* can get interesting discussions going on /b/. I can join them. I haven't been able to start a lasting thread on /b/ since I gave up on it at a low point and lost my knack for posting there.

>> No.2136743

Fucktard, what do you think the great writers discussed in the Paris cafes?

>> No.2136744

>"Is there anything Koreans don't think will murder them"

actually a pretty good question

>> No.2136749
File: 51 KB, 200x202, 1318177876001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer >you're not a great writer

>> No.2136750

And you're too stupid for /lit/

>> No.2136751
File: 7 KB, 211x158, thumbnailCAFR3XJK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it, wrong answer!

>> No.2136752


omelette du fromage

>> No.2136754

your pony image macro makes an excellent political point. we can easily defeat the interlocking and entrenched power of media, finance, and governmental power systems. all we need is the magic of friendship and love and ponies!

>> No.2136756
File: 20 KB, 438x400, O_RLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2136757

On Bronies As A Revolutionary Cadre. Truly, Friendship Is Magic (for Expelling The Capitalist Oppressor)

>> No.2136759

Do what you think you have to preserve your own sanity, but you can be pessimistic without despairing, and you can struggle without expecting immediate vindication.

Let me recommend you Christopher Hitchens's best book, /Letters to a Young Contrarian./ A good part of it is talking about just that.

>> No.2136761

Either way, trying to go through with this eviction will NOT work in the police, the state legislature, or anyone who opposes the protest's favor.

But now that they've suggested it, they can't back down without boosting their enemies morale. And yes, there are only 300-400 protesters actually living in the park, but they have an enormous rally scheduled the whole day, starting an hour before the proposed eviction.

So there will be THOUSANDS of protestors present, once you include the hundreds pledged by each of the major local unions, who support the protestors. The eviction will be impossible.

>> No.2136762

Yes it will. You need the people on your side to win public relations victories.

>> No.2136764
File: 145 KB, 1024x1068, mlp___fim__angry_pinkamena_by_sileresp-d413vjf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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>> No.2136765
File: 545 KB, 744x1039, 1312597186632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can easily defeat the interlocking and entrenched power of media, finance, and governmental power systems. all we need is the magic of friendship and love and ponies!
Yes, that is all we need for victory, along with one mana of each color!

>> No.2136767

The issue being discussed is more intelligent than you are. Of course, you're too stupid to understand.

>> No.2136768

The thing is, as far as the only media groups really covering the protests(Independent, Fringe, and Foreign Media) are concerned, the Protestors represent, unequivocally, the will of the people.

Any attempt to remove the protestors will either fail miserably due to police being unwilling to use excessive force for fear of media backlash, or succeed, by result in aforementioned media backlash, only give the protests greater support.

>> No.2136769

And free sex.
Until we live like Bonobos, solving all our conflicts with sex, lasting world peace is impossible.

>> No.2136771

0.5945639773910316sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2136773

There are 35,000 NYPD officers. Granted, they couldn't use all of them, but you don't think they could bring to bear enough muscle to dismantle the Occupation?

The only thing I can think of that would stop it is if enough police simply refuse and strike.

>> No.2136774

>The thing is, as far as the only media groups really covering the protests(Independent, Fringe, and Foreign Media) are concerned, the Protestors represent, unequivocally, the will of the people.

So... in your mind, the fact that the media outlets which the largest portion of the American populace actually uses won't really cover the protests at all is a success for them?


>> No.2136775

0.5549885492177956>>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/ >>>/int/

>> No.2136776

No, because people will start conflicts just for the purpose of resolving them with sex. And there would conflict over who would be having sex with who. And how said sex should be had. So on so forth...

But you get a gold star for stating your opinion, and I respect you for having one.

>> No.2136777

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>> No.2136778


Why /int/?

>> No.2136779
File: 346 KB, 1072x1280, Toni Frissell - The Homeless Victims of War, London, 1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see how this is mobilizing the working class, unless you use a very generous definition of working class. I'm seeing a lot of people who would otherwise be posting comments online about causes of the week or participating in some kind of creative enterprise. The truly disadvantaged were always silent and still appear to be.

>> No.2136780

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>> No.2136781
File: 754 KB, 1024x768, the-warriors2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're standing right now with nine delegates from 100 gangs. And there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore members. Forty-thousand, counting affiliates, and twenty-thousand more, not organized, but ready to fight: 60,000 soldiers! Now, there ain't but 20,000 police in the whole town. Can you dig it?
- Cyrus

>> No.2136782

Except it isn't 1980 anymore. The vast majority of the protestors causes audience, the 18-32 demographic, has immediate and easy access to the internet, and thus these 'Fringe' media sources.

And since mainstream media refuses to cover the protests, these media sources are all you get when you google the protests. You're more likely to find a link to Russia World Daily than New York Times.

>> No.2136784

Substitute gangs with NYC high schools.
Can you dig it?

>> No.2136785

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>> No.2136786


Say you can get 60k protestors out tomorrow. (I think it's eventually possible if the movement somehow continues, but not yet.) You think the powers that be wouldn't lose their shit and truck in 60k cops from around the country?

>> No.2136787

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>> No.2136790

You realize that the vast majority of the police employees are not ACTUAL OFFICERS, and even if they did mobilize an enormous police presence, it would be for nothing.

The protesters just wouldn't leave, an any media footage would be the waves of police oppressing the masses in an overwhelming tide of black and blue riot gear. Not a good image.

I think it will all be for naught, anyway.

>> No.2136791

sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good sorry, >>>/b/ is also good

>> No.2136793

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>> No.2136794
File: 33 KB, 384x286, 1310384571118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you're wrong. Around 80% of Americans know about the protests, and the funny thing is that around 40% of Americans support them. The media first tried to blackout the story, then it tried to treat these protesters like a joke, but the American people are, by and large, on their side. This actually has the makings of a real movement if the protesters can stay focused and disciplined.

>> No.2136795

Banker's son detected

>> No.2136796

>around 40% of Americans support them.
>the American people are, by and large, on their side

cmon son

>> No.2136797

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>> No.2136799

Hey look its a self appointed mod!

>> No.2136801

So why /int/ and not /trv/ or /po/?


This is one of the major limitations of orthodox Marxist thought, I think: this obsessive focus on static, hierarchical levels of class, versus simply the actual structures of power that are far more complicated, and the ability of people from wealthier positions to work with the proletariat and the ability of the lumpenproletariat to contribute. It's part of Marx generally underestimating the power of ideas, like his own.

Anyway, it's fairly clear to me that traditional "class warfare" style activism doesn't really succeed in bringing about a less-classed or classless society- I think a broad, popular front movement towards real democracy (exactly like this) is the most likely thing to succeed. We'll figure out the logistics later.

Worst case scenario? They're a bunch of rich kids and professional activists doing what the proletariat is at this moment unable to do, too unsure of success to quit their two jobs keeping them and their family alive, but could be if their efforts gather enough momentum.

Best case scenario? The movement is being self-critical on this point, and is actively trying to bring a more representative cross-section of the people into active protest. That's what organization is all about.

>> No.2136802
File: 612 KB, 900x900, 1310309776428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2136803

>In June 2004, there were about 40,000 sworn officers plus several thousand support staff; In June 2005, that number dropped to 35,000. As of November 2007, it had increased to slightly over 36,000 with the graduation of several classes from the New York City Police Academy. The NYPD's current authorized uniformed strength is 34,500.[6] There are also approximately 4,500 Auxiliary Police Officers, 5,000 School Safety Agents, 2,300 Traffic Enforcement Agents, and 370 Traffic Enforcement Supervisors currently employed by the department.

>> No.2136804

0.009675656672865074sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2136806

0.6405819591518506sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2136807
File: 44 KB, 300x300, 1296534862146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm much more willing to believe that the FBI has people posting on 4chan in order to discredit OWS, as is said on /b/, after reading this absolutely fucking retarded thread.

>> No.2136808

0.9025859597097562sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2136810

0.7363947397472317sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2136812

0.21823132151137148sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2136814

0.5242047289853964sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2136816

0.10332305916904738sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.2136817

Go to bed, David Graeber (j/k!)

>> No.2136822

Your sage, it does nothing.

>> No.2136827

I'm waiting to see what happens. I highly doubt that the police will follow through with the threat. There are too many people watching.

>> No.2136831

I don't think populist sloganeering on the part of people who are possibly situated pretty favorably in the economic climate is doing much good for the silent masses. "We're all in this together", well, no, actually a handful of urban techie leisure class types are in this, and they're just /saying/ this is a wider movement of solidarity.

Yeah, structures of power need to be altered or dismantled. But we're looking at people who are already empowered/feel empowered expressing themselves. Power isn't being extended in any way. If we leave it up to a few educated or creatively empowered people to handle things... well, that's a couple steps off from vangaurdism.

>> No.2136832

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>> No.2136833

0.6301061755919809not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/ not-/lit/

>> No.2136835

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>> No.2136836

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>> No.2136837

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>> No.2136838
File: 49 KB, 650x380, 1307668274201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've wondered if any of the Anons speaking out against the OWS protests have been moles. I've popped into OWS discussions on /b/, and for the most part, people who are against the OWS movement don't criticize the protesters for being communists or whatnot. For the most part, they are saying that the protesters look stupid or that the people have already lost to the bank. Basically, they are trying to make the case for embracing apathy, I don't deny that these are genuine feelings that many people share, but I can't help but notice that the anti-OWS posters seem too pat and formulaic, somehow too polished. I dunno. I might just be paranoid. Also ponies.

>> No.2136839

4channers being self-conscious and self-defeating over how they would look in public, doesn't sound fishy to me

>> No.2136844

>If we leave it up to a few educated or creatively empowered people to handle things... well, that's a couple steps off from vangaurdism.

Vanguardism is the worst case solution I mentioned, or one mere step removed from it. I won't rule it out. I won't rule anything out. But I don't think it's the case or that it would work.

These people are empowered- whatever their other station- because they feel empowered. People power is always there for the taking, if only people will get out and seize it. I haven't been to Liberty Plaza, I'm broke and in a different city, but I don't think it really matter if the symbolic few hundred actually living there were all four weeks ago throwing coke parties at their parents' place on the Upper East Side. Whatever they were before, they're a symbol now getting large masses of people to organize. They are issuing no vanguard-style demands or programs. The Assemblies are at an hour available to most working people, and open to everyone. The movement is not theirs: it's everyone's who wants to join it, and, crucially, effective people are every day working to diversify and broaden the movement.

>> No.2136848
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Not the same person, but I agree with the other guy, the Commie booster. I mean, look at other revolutions with a small vanguard leading the way, for instance, the English Revolution of the 17th century or the Russian Revolution. In England, it was the "saints" and the "godly" leading the way, and in the Russian Revolution it was the Bolsheviks. Both revolutions were intensely unpopular and were sustained only at the tip of the sword or the barrel of a gun. (For instance, an advisor to Cromwell told him that if he made himself the Lord Protector, at most one out of ten people would support him. Cromwell said something along the lines of, 'Very well. I'll just have to disarm the nine people and give their weapons to the 10th.' Likewise, only the discipline of the Red Army won the Bolsheviks the day.) Now, contrast that with the OWS protesters. Their demands have the OVERWHELMING support of the vast majority of the people: ending the wars; halting "free trade" agreements; universal healthcare; stopping the offshoring of US jobs; making Wall Street accountable for their actions and putting an end to their gambling; getting the money out of politics, no more excessive military spending, no more Bush tax cuts for the wealthy etc. Like the other person said, it's about a broad-based democratic movement: the people ALREADY believe in these things. The protesters aren't trying to force their agenda on the people (like the Bolsheviks did); they are only trying to force their agenda on Washington!

>> No.2136851

The Bronies Will Be Our Vanguard. Pony Power.

>> No.2136855

>a symbol now getting large masses of people to organize
Yeah, I'm okay with that. I just think empowerment, much like other things, tends to not trickle down. How will the silent manifest, when will they? I'm just not seeing any answers here. But I'm completely okay with keeping a torch lit.

Well, I know I evoked those specters, but I merely meant to say power is staying put. There's the few doing things, then there are the many who are not. I don't mean to sound starry-eyed---as if the entire country is going to suddenly be swept into revolutionary fervor. But I am saying the fervor is contained and I'd like to see it break free to some extent. I know something is better than nothing, and the Left in America should probably seize what little they can.

>> No.2136857

>>2136844 here. I'm pretty much in agreement with you here, but A) revolutions always happen in fits and starts, and I think so long as more ideas than wealth distribution charts come out of all this we're headed in the right direction, and B) I think the movement is contained (in terms of numbers of active people) but I don't think it's contained to privileged white kids. And if it is, they're privileged white kids who are aware they're privileged white kids and who want to fix the problem.

>> No.2136858

Also, as far as answers: my "answer" has always been that any really successful revolution is by definition going to be making up shit as it goes along.

>> No.2136861

there will be no revolution. jesus, you talk about how America Is On Your Side and then you start talking about revolution? are you a bunch of chalupas? to the extent that they're on your side it's because they agree with your goals and some of the shit they want accomplished. they do not want a revolution. there will be no revolution. it will not happen. even ignoring the specific logistical difficulties of revolution in america, it is just not going to happen because the vast majority of people do not particularly want a revolution. you are an idiot for thinking of this movement in revolutionary terms and why this shit is going to fail and why everything sucks and basically you're the reason i expect everything to fail forever.

>> No.2136862
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>> No.2136863
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1303435560530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only when you love your liberty more than your Cutie Mark will you know freedom.

>> No.2136864

>any really successful revolution is by definition going to be making up shit as it goes along
Your success is my ennui. But we shall see!

It's fun to use the r-word. It injects some verve into the conversation. The vast majority of people, I'm sure, don't want to be under constant economic strain and probably want more personal autonomy, and drastic changes will be needed to accomplish any of that.

Besides, a revolution implies instability, and the movement has plenty of that!

>> No.2136866

talking about revolution alienates people and it distracts from real, achievable goals and there's no damn reason to do it. but i'm glad you get a kick out of it, that's what this is all about.

YOU FUCKERS TOLD ME TO CARE, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS: I get really angry and criticize everybody. THIS IS WHY I TRY NOT TO CARE AND ACCEPT THE INEVITABLE FAILURE OF THE MOVEMENT. Because otherwise I will do this and then everyone will dislike me for being an angry, overly-sincere, kind-of-awkward nerd and also the movement will fail and I will be insane.

>> No.2136867

>but i'm glad you get a kick out of it, that's what this is all about
Oh c'mon, I was being facetious.

>talking about revolution alienates people and it distracts from real, achievable goals
No, I agree. I mean, we've been talking about this as outside observers on an imageboard so far, so I don't see the harm in placing this in whatever context we want to, for the purposes of this one conversation. If I were actually participating and running PR, I certainly wouldn't be throwing it around. I'm sorry if I frustrated you.

>> No.2136868

everything frustrates me. which, again, is why i try not to care and to be realistically detached.

>> No.2136869

It's funny that you accuse these OWS protesters of being bearded Marxists who want to take America's bankster aristocrats to the guillotine. Really, the protesters want an end to the neo-liberal policies that came in vogue under Reagan. This is the irony that most people miss: OWS is a very CONSERVATIVE movement: they want to roll back 30 years of neo-liberal financial and economic policy. The Fox News "conservatives" are the true radicals: they are the ones advocating the concentration of wealth and capital at unprecidented levels.

>> No.2136873
File: 80 KB, 720x570, 99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't help that the movement has been pretty anti-bluecollar in tone and largely isolated to the Left. The people talking about it make no appeals to conservatives (which still make up a good portion of America), and a major theme throughout has been the brokenness of the participants (I AM THE 99%). In people that are doing at least okay (not great), this at best provokes pity and at worst convinces them that the protesters are a bunch of mentally ill losers.

>> No.2136874

i'm not accusing them of being overly liberal, i'm accusing them of being unrealistic about what they can accomplish and more interested in striking a pose than in affecting real change. i'm down with rolling back the bullshit erosion of finance regulations, etc. shit, i'd be down with the guillotine, in my angrier moments.

>> No.2136878

>i'm accusing them of being unrealistic about what they can accomplish
And what exactly do you think they want to accomplish? A revolution?

>> No.2136885
File: 20 KB, 314x379, MUTHAFUCKINGBYRON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, can someone explain to me this whole OWS thing? I've went to their site, asked friends who went to a protest, and googled it. Why are people protesting and what are they trying to accomplish.
All I'm getting is that it's a bunch of hipsters, angry college students who majored in Womens studies and the middle class being angry got angers sake.

>> No.2136886

Well, they do have union backing, so they have some blue-collar street cred. But how do you think that they could better reach out to conservative groups? I say this because their Declaration of Principles resonate with a wide cross section of the public, both liberals and conservatives.


I mean, you have a point. Only 11% of Republicans support the OWS protesters, though I have a feeling if you asked them issue by issue, they would probably agree with the protesters more often than they would disagree.

>> No.2136888

Here is their Statement of Principles:


>> No.2136889

We shall, and that's sort of my whole point: no one has the Right Answers about how to go about doing this, and they're by definition wrong answers if there's not a broad consensus behind them.

>talking about revolution alienates people

A) Or inspires them. B) Like he said, it's not a word I'd use to just any audience.

>and it distracts from real, achievable goals

What real, achievable goals do you think the Left should be focused on now instead? Putting the people at large in the driver's seat seems to be a real and potentially achievable goal to me. And pretty revolutionary. Again, like he said, any concrete goals you can come up with would require a significant rejiggering of the political and economic system, i.e. a revolution.

>and there's no damn reason to do it.
Except that it's accurate, and has a solid history for people who come from our (my and his) viewpoints. It tells a story, connects our struggle with the struggle of our forbears.

>> No.2136897
File: 160 KB, 800x640, shellyfinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I knew there was a reason I liked /lit/.
So watching the video I typed out some of the points.
>Inequality in workplace
I don't really think that is a problem.
>Students in debt
Students don't NEED to take out loans. I know tons of people in college who don't and pay out of pocket by making payment plans. It's hard work but you arent in debt.
I suppose.
>Companies can determine economic policy
>Companies bribing politicians
I sort of agree with this. I don't know a lot about the subject. I mean it's hard to prove these things without someone getting caught, right?
>Keeping people dependent on foreign oil
Again, how do you prove this is happening? I suppose companies bribe politicians and stuff like listed above but I thought we were trying to find new dependable energy sources? I'm sure it's not easy.

>> No.2136898

>It doesn't help that the movement has been pretty anti-bluecollar in tone and largely isolated to the Left.

Say what now? OWS has been heavily sympathetic to blue collar labor, the difficulties of outsourcing, and general high unemployment from the start. Many of them are the unemployed and the unions have been joining.

>All I'm getting is that it's a bunch of hipsters, angry college students who majored in Womens studies and the middle class being angry got angers sake.

You know, I don't want to be a paranoid person, but some of the these repetitious dismissive attacks are really starting to make me wonder.

>> No.2136899

saged, reported, called the police, tipped of cointel etc

>> No.2136900

Most of my information I got from places like /v/ and /tv/ and they mostly just make fun of it. My view on it was a little skewed.

>> No.2136901

>Say what now? OWS has been heavily sympathetic to blue collar labor, the difficulties of outsourcing, and general high unemployment from the start. Many of them are the unemployed and the unions have been joining.

They've been sympathetic to the cause of the working class, to labor, and to unions. They haven't been sympathetic to people who are actually blue collar, or at least there hasn't been a ton of resonance between your average work-a-day guy in America and the protesters.

>> No.2136903

that's a real good link. i mean, shit i already knew, but good to have it in one place.

>> No.2136910

Yeah, but a lot of the OWS protesters aren't just unwashed hippie dippie pot heads. A lot of the protesters are single mothers, poor folks, people of color, veterans, old people, the unemployed and underemployed. You know, lower income and blue collared people. True, they haven't converted the rank and file blue collared REPUBLICANS to their cause, but then again these people aren't wizards.