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File: 20 KB, 290x343, Don_Quixote_(1955)_by_Pablo_Picasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21364038 No.21364038 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading Don Quixote for the past few weeks but only read like 12 chapters .

I mean it's enjoyable so far when I read it but it feels like a monster of the week type of show. Where it's just a random numerous adventure every chapter. Is that what it basically is going to be the entire 1000 pages?

ATM I don't feel like I'm getting much out of it lol

>> No.21364068

Yes. It's very clear Cerventes didn't have an overarching plan for the story and just kept adding more and more chapters with no idea where it was going.

If you keep reading eventually Don Q and Sancho take a back seat and there are numerous chapters dedicated to stories within the story: shepherd incels, Muslim slaves, and cuckolds.

>> No.21364070


>> No.21364178


>> No.21364353

There are clearly revisions made to the modern telling of Don Quixote, inconsistencies like Dapple having been freed and the still being with Sancho inexplicably, that it's likely we'll never know the full scope of the story's original telling. But I would imagine there were probably a lot more bizarre facts about King Arthur in the version of the story that gets revised most noticeably in chapters about Hidalgo and Sancho being pursued by the Holy Brotherhood (and after which whole chapters are dedicated to the telling of military naval battles, with no humor interspersed, very inconsistent with the style and indicative of revisionism). I have trouble imagining that there was no narrative structure in mind since Sancho is clearly trying to become a governor and Quixote is clearly trying to win Dulcinea over, but the serial publication by chapter would have also been the likely way it was originally published, although people in the 1600s were mostly known to be able to read the whole book in one sitting and Cervantes remarked that it was published to kind of be a quick read all at once that way.

>> No.21364467

It was fun at first but now I’m over halfway through and it’s becoming painful. Getting fed up

>> No.21364722

>Getting fed up
Op here, In what way? As in the le funny adventure of the week type chapters?

I'm having fun reading it but at the same time I have this feeling I'm kind of wasting my time.

>> No.21364752


Wasting your time in what way? Like as in you'd be better off not reading Don Quixote? Either read it or don't. I'm sick of this board being overrun with pedants who want to be begged to read

>> No.21365100
File: 1.96 MB, 3930x2546, 20220508_165335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21365106

Just read book 1, then take a 10 year break before part 2 for the authentic experience

>> No.21365485
File: 668 KB, 671x1024, dqzoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Retarded zoom-zooms don't know about picaresque novels and didn't think to look them up (even though they were raised with access to the internet). Giants, no cap. fr fr

>> No.21365520
File: 177 KB, 673x888, bussin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dulcinea bussin fr fr

>> No.21365543

>monster of the week type of show.
Kill tr/a/nime faggots.

>> No.21366612

youve been filtered, keep reading, you (hopefully) wont repent. It is literally top 10 fiction books of all time

>> No.21366679
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Not >>21364467 but I'm in the same boat. I was part of the /lit/-reads-Quixote threads but jumped ship halfway through because of the endless digressions that were just not interesting. I will most likely finish book two in 2023 just so that I can add it to my Goodreads account and rate it 3/5.