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/lit/ - Literature

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21363217 No.21363217 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some authors you do not care for?
>Borges - "Idea guy" who owes his popularity to his excessive flattery of anglos and jews.
>Joyce - Nonsense by some addlebrained alcoholic trying to justify ruinious modernity at the expense of the Church
>Lovecraft and Howard - Hacky pulp writers given undue importance thanks to later adaptations and cheao paperback compilations for boomers. Inferior to the Victorian ghost stories which inspired them

>> No.21363226

>Borges - "Idea guy" who owes his popularity to his excessive flattery of anglos and jews.
facts, i never understood why people love that guy that much. Maybe i've only read the weak books but i was heavily dissapointed

>> No.21363229

i do not like Richard Yates very much

>> No.21363235
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Pseud. Good prose stylist though.

>> No.21363236

I've never read Borges, but I'm going to now based on how retarded the other 2 opinions you give are. Thanks!

>> No.21363237

didn't get enough attention the last dozen times you made this thread?

>> No.21363247

>T. Butthurt Borgesfag pretending to impartiality

>> No.21363252

Do you have anything to add or not, nigga?

>> No.21363307

Mark Fisher personally. Depressing, Trite and Pointless

>> No.21363323

>Who are some authors you do not care for?
Richard Yates

>> No.21363326

borges writes beautifully, hush

>> No.21363337

I don't care for Faulkner or Pynchon. Mostly because I'm a brainlet.

>> No.21363360

Vonnegut and Kafka

>> No.21363420

Shame he had nothing to say.

>> No.21363424


>> No.21363444

So you can only read airy, flowery tripe for so long before it gets boring.

>> No.21363447

you are boring

>> No.21363470

>Faulkner - managed to fool academics into thinking he was a genius with dry, boring prose and baby's first subtext
>Sanderson - might as well just watch a TV show
>Woolf - a lot of words to say nothing of substance. Characters feel like they're behind a pane of glass performing "IM ACTIIIING" tier dialogue and motion

>> No.21363472

/fil/ - Filtered General

>> No.21363554

Ah so this is the designated booklet containment thread

>> No.21363651

yeah but his literature is empty

>> No.21363657

read a manual on how to build furniture then or whatever

>> No.21363825

No, Borges translator writes beautifully. Borges reads awful in Spanish. Even Borges praised the English translations of his works as superior to the original.

>> No.21363829

I don't see how. It's filled with wonder, ideas, and SOVL.

>> No.21363842

Borges reads excellent in Spanish. His prose is elegant yet clear. He cleaned the Spanish prose of his day which was full of ornaments and purple nonsense. Borges translator? Faggot, Borges basically translated it himself. The American translator was a joke. Borges mocked him in private, particularly because he didn't even know basic Latin.

>> No.21364009


>> No.21364017

>victorian ghost stories
such as? legitimately curious.

>> No.21364022

Huysmans and Hemingway. Both very boring.

>> No.21364027
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Margaret Atwood.

>> No.21364049
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Kafka is really fucking boring apart from the story with the pain machine which is excellent

>> No.21364443


Are you talking about Di Giovanni or Anthony Kerrigan? In any case I don't believe you.

>> No.21364489

>Borges reads awful in Spanish
Delusional. Borges is a pretty good writer (at least in Spanish; haven't read him translated).

>> No.21364498

Di Giovanni, that's the one who worked with Borges and moved to Buenos Aires.

>> No.21364500

>Who are some authors you do not care for?
I do care for Negarestani; but the way he writes makes me sick. I understand what he does, basically gymnastics, but I'm also an ESL and I'd like to read in a clear way what he writes, not in that rococo style.

>> No.21364700

Agree with all of these, and will add LeGuin and Banana Yoshimoto

>> No.21364725

woolf's essays are her best work. the common reader, in all its volumes, are among the finest essays in the language. give her another shot anon

>> No.21364728

>Nabokov; unfeeling narcissist who masturbates so beautifully you almost forget all he's doing is masturbating
>Nathaniel Hawthorne; clumpy prose that trips over itself