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21362384 No.21362384 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that determinism has never been refuted.

>> No.21362405

And yet these decisions never get any easier.

>> No.21362425

how are you meant to refute something which is true?

>> No.21362438

Were you determined to post this or did you have a choice? You know you don't have to shit up this board with nonsense if you wanted to, but hey, I guess its just part of your nature, like everyone else

>> No.21362444

I was determined to post this and you were as well the thoughts you are thinking are also determined as well

>> No.21362453

No, they were not. I'm sure your mother was predestined to drop you on your head as an infant too, right?

>> No.21362455

my choice was determined

>> No.21362459
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you were determined to say that

>> No.21362463

You are not your mother

>> No.21362464

Keep denying it bro

>> No.21362470

Not from the point of view of my free will.

>> No.21362502


How can determinism be real if spacetime isn't even real?

>> No.21362518

Compatibalism is determined and you can't do anything about it

>> No.21362546
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reminder that compatibilism is the most practically efficient as it grants the initiation point of all conception to the subject and it doesnt reject iteration.

>> No.21362785

I would like to check this out because I have only encountered this problem in the context of religion, where some go all the way with double predestination or on the other extreme complete free will.

>> No.21362818

>indeterminancy of quantum states
psst nottin personnel kid

>> No.21362833

Ah, an observation that some (insert broad worldview) is unfalsifiable, I wonder if /lit/ is sharp enough not to take the bait and create a shit-show of a thread full of back-and-forth unfalsifiable claims that go nowhere because none of them can be proven or disproven.

Last-Thursdayism thread when?

>> No.21362839

explain it

>> No.21362856

To prove or refute determinism, you would have to show that all possible inputs to an event across the entirety of the universe across all times will lead to the outcome. This is impossible because we can't enumerate all the possible inputs, we can't go to every location in the universe and we can't go to all points of time.
Another way to look at it is that we aren't Gods looking inward into the existing universe. Hence, we can't make any claims as to how everything truly is underneath it all because there is no way for us to test it.
Determinism cannot be proved or disproved, just like free-will cannot be proved or disproved. This entire debate is a waste of time.

>> No.21362878

It's unfalsifiable, and arguably refuted by manner of deterministic QM interpretations being stupid

>> No.21362885

just because it seems out of pattern to you, a quantum state doesn't refute determinism, rather it only shows your observational limitation and lack of understanding of what truly is the fabrics of the universe.
anything contained in the universe could not examine it's totality.

>> No.21362915

It has been the default assumption throughout the feild of historiography and practically by most people day to day.

Its obvious that people's decisions are influenced by their environment and interactions and nature (like everything else in the world), and often times you can very accurately determine what someone will do in a given situation given relivent factors. But its also apearent that we can only apreciate this seeming consistency through the lense of our selves as subjects in our own right who initiate this understanding. So there is a degree of fundemental subjectivity that must be granted given our metanalytical nature is the very starting point to appreciate determination in the first place.

>> No.21363227

all true

>> No.21363232

That's okay tho, Schopenhauer showed it didn't prevent freedom, free-will or moral action.

>> No.21363246

anyone who is a determinist should be beaten and burned until they admit that you have the power to stop the beating and burning

>> No.21363253

the claim that something is unfalsifiable is itself unfalsifiable, furthermore, many well accepted frameworks and theories such as the the theory of evolution are unfalsifiable

>> No.21363268

The determinist believes that absolutely everything is determined to exist in the way it exists by something else. But when we ask the question about being itself, and what determined being to exist in the way it exists, then we must be able to produce something else that determined it. But this can't be any being, since it is something other than being, which is a contradiction.

>> No.21363273

the monad determined it

>> No.21363291

As for the stricter position of "moment determinism" where every moment is determined to be as it is through laws taking previous moments as inputs, what exactly is a law? For it is not just an observable pattern, because coincidences can exist. So there must be something more than just what is observable to laws. Hence laws are metaphysical entities that don't merely reflect the world but are seen as generating the world. When said like that, the scientific veil is ripped off determinism. Most determinists haven't even thought about the meaning of this fundamental concept in their position.

>> No.21363295

If the monad isn't a being, then it isn't something, so it would be illegible as a determining agent.

>> No.21363327

the monad is a being

>> No.21363398

If the monad is a being, then it is not something else. Such a determination would not be a determination by another, but a self-determination. Either case was already demonstrated in my proof.

>> No.21363519

Sure it hasnt for you

>> No.21364007

it is if you say it is, and it is not if you do not.

>> No.21364048

Determinism is bound to be refuted it's inevitable.

>> No.21364063

Well put

>> No.21364656

yes it has . Its called bell's experiment

>> No.21364748

Honestly Catholic dogma on this is so beautiful I have to say it - God's will always wins but you also have free will with regards to providence.

>> No.21364782

>Reminder that determinism has never been refuted.
And yet these decisions never get any easier.

>> No.21364831


>> No.21364857
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>meaningless electo-chemical reactions are causing my thoughts
>I can distinguish truth value from my thoughts
Determinism is impossible to believe. It refutes itself kek

>> No.21365199
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me just taking my predetermined course in life.

>> No.21365204

Real determinism has never been tried.

>> No.21365205


>> No.21365213

If a rock hurtling through space were conscious it would think it were moving of its own volition. Spinoza said something like that.

>> No.21365233

Where is the feeling of volition located? It's not actually in the material rock, it's in the same "place" where the fate of the rock was decided, which is the process you're experiencing.

>> No.21365261

Determinism is on the same level as the simulation theory. Nothing changes in your life either way. You'll still wake up tomorrow and spend most of your day in front of a computer.

>> No.21365369

People who say they have free will are just egoist.

>> No.21366673

People deluded by the ego like excuses that absolve them of responsibility like determinism. Determinism is not a position you reach through sincere reason, it's not a coherent position. You just desperately want it to be true.

>> No.21366677

Or proven.

>> No.21366693

determinism doesn't matter. everything is essentially up to chance due to causation, regardless of whether it's determinate or indeterminate

>> No.21366984

Here, check out the fifth argument.

Your inability to understand it does not mean it's wrong, before you try to refute it keep that in mind.

>> No.21367187

Knowledge are just memories storied in your brain rationality is just your brain pattern recigtion I dont understand how does any of that have to do with free will