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21361662 No.21361662 [Reply] [Original]

What books does your gf read? Pic related.

>> No.21361665


Based gf

>> No.21361677

I don't currently have one at the moment. But did date a girl into Egyptology before. She ended up whoring around me like Cleopatra did.

>> No.21361681

never had one

>> No.21361690

She reads the same books I read because she's in my head

>> No.21361697

>max posturing
At least she reads. Does she, though?

>> No.21361711

Wtf that's my girlfriend asshole, what is this supposed to mean? Do you think you're being funny right now?

>> No.21361730
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My wife reads Sally Rooney or other books with that particular book cover style that seems appealing to women
It's better than nothing I suppose

>> No.21361737

>your gf
HAHAHAHAHAHAH oh my word. Oh lol. LMAO. Did you get lost on your way to normieville, little normalfiggot?

>> No.21361760

sigh. i wish my wife would read things like Dogs

>> No.21361777

H. Y. Hanna

>> No.21361782
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I went on 3 dates with a girl who read Steinbeck and some classic local authors. Not much other than that hough

Our third date was so amazing but the next day she acted super cold and texted really short. Haven't texted her again yet. It's been 2 days. I'm scared bros, I really want things to work out but I think she might have given up on me cause I was too much of a pussy to make a move on our 3rd date... we went out for dinner and drinks and she invited me to her place where we talked till 2 am on her bed.. but I didn't even kiss her cause I'm a bitch.

>> No.21361791

>she invited me to her place where we talked till 2 am on her bed.. but I didn't even kiss her cause I'm a bitch.
It really is over for some anons

>> No.21361792

>Haven't texted her again yet. It's been 2 days.
you ruined it, idiot.

>> No.21361797

can't I still fix it? i really like her

>> No.21361806

If you don't it's gonna sting for a long time.

>> No.21361891


next time break the touch barrier before going in for the kiss.

Drink enough if you have to lol. like I like playfully knocking knees under a table or going thigh to thigh. Sometimes they push back right away and your body just knows it's on, or flop down next to them all giggly like whoops and touch them all over.

best of luck in future anon

>> No.21361895


like side by side all over not with your hands right away lol

also it's not neccessarily over dude, just text her lol.

>> No.21361914

Honestly I don't know if I can handle it again. This has happened so many times now.
we did flirt and touch each other a bit.
>also it's not neccessarily over dude, just text her lol.
I'll text her tonight I guess to ask how the rest of her week was. Or maybe I should just ask her out again immediately? I'm just scared to text her and get a reply like "I'm not feeling it after all so dont wanna see you again"

>> No.21361917
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>she invited me to her place where we talked till 2 am on her bed.. but I didn't even kiss her
Wide open goal and you manage to find a way to fuck it up. You are the architect of your own misery.

>> No.21361931

>I'm not feeling it after all so dont wanna see you again
ohh its gonna hurt bad

>> No.21361935

but the first 3 dates were really great. I know for a fact she likes me and thinks i'm cute at the very least.
Surely she wouldn't just give up entirely just cause I didn't fuck her one specific night?

>> No.21361942

is she hot and young?

>> No.21361945


>> No.21361948

Regardless of past events, her genitals have shriveled up at your atrophied instincts, perhaps irreparably so.

>> No.21361949

are you a virgin?

>> No.21361952

No but the girl I lost it to was extremely assertive and just made all the moves
then tell me what I can do now to fix it.
I realize it now so if she just agrees on one more date I'll definitely make a move

>> No.21361958

looks like you already know what to do.

>> No.21361959

I mean I do but I can't do anything but ask her out
I wish I could just see her, I'm more charming in person I fucking hate texting

>> No.21361961
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>I'm more charming in person I fucking hate texting
me too anon, me too

>> No.21361965


>> No.21361968

thanks bros

>> No.21361969


>> No.21361972

She only reads dick because she's my left hand.

Not really anymore, even though I'm single and not young. Stop watching porn and go outside, unironically. Also, read some fucking books you dumbass.

>> No.21361976

What makes you think you can "make a move" now after you failed to do so laying in her bed at 1AM?
I don't mean to condemn you, it's that you need to be able to answer this question if anything is to be done at all.

>> No.21361984

I mean I don't know I'm a bit of a pussy when it comes to these things.
But I thought she was also really into me so it wouldn't matter if it was that night or another one.
At the very least I can confidently say I'll kiss her next time. After that I'll just have to man up I suppose

I'd be more comfortable if I could get half-drunk but she doesn't drink and I don't wanna slam 8 beers alone while she watches

>> No.21362016

>At the very least I can confidently say I'll kiss her next time. After that I'll just have to man up I suppose
That's the spirit.
>I'd be more comfortable if I could get half-drunk but she doesn't drink and I don't wanna slam 8 beers alone while she watches
My gf doesn't really drink either and I had a whole pitcher of red wine on our first date, to no hindrance of the events that followed. Don't let her start setting limits for you already.
However, if you decide to drink, make sure it doesn't look like you're doing it just for Dutch courage. Drink your beers with enjoyment.

>> No.21362132

Yeah I love beer, not just to get drunk. It would look pretty normal
but she lives in a different city so if I wanna meet her at night I need to go by car. Don't really wanna drive home drunk

well no use in thinking about these things. She might just say no to another date anyway... I'll ask tonight or tomorrow

>> No.21362288

This is like the underground man turning away Liza in the end of "notes from the underground".

>> No.21362292

Go see her then. You know where she lives. Go there and tell her you want to talk to her. She has already moved on, but you will get some closure from the rejection.

>> No.21362347

If she declines my date invite I will tell her I'm driving up to see her to talk to her in person I guess
kinda creepy but it would help with closure yeah

>> No.21362352

g-gf ?
y-yeah s-she reads books , lots of books yeah

>> No.21362355

Girlfriend? What is this, fucking reddit? Next time you'll ask for a picture of my "doggerinos".

>> No.21362403

what's that?

>> No.21362447

Sometimes I just pick philosophical positions out of pure contrarian spite

>> No.21362829

Almost entirely children's lit, with a few classics, b/c she's preparing to be a mother (and is somewhat autistic)

>> No.21362847

Her shelf currently contains three books:
>Wuthering Heights
>Jane Eyre
>Pride and Prejudice

I'm convincing her to read Plato

>> No.21362868
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>> No.21362887
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>she invited me to her place where we talked till 2 am on her bed.. but I didn't even kiss her

>> No.21362894

>she invited me to her place where we talked till 2 am on her bed..

This is highly problematic. Did she even have you complete the sexual consent app on her phone? You dodged a bullet anon, I dont think you realize how close you were to getting raped. What a creep, drop her like a hot potato.

>> No.21362940
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I wish she raped me that would make it more easy for me
I don't wanna make moves it fills me with unfathomable anxiety

Before I lost my virginity, I once went home with a chick after a uni party. I walked her home, she invited me upstairs. We started kissing. She took off her top and sat on the bed and I couldn't take the anxiety. I said I had to go to the bathroom. I went right out the front door and ran home.

>> No.21363060

fuck I might be exactly on this path right now... what is it with women and egyptology?

>> No.21363242

So you're talking about what? You're talking about bitching about that date you shot, some bitch that doesn't want to fuck, somebody that doesn't want what you're selling, some broad you're trying to screw and so forth. Let's talk about something important.

A-B-C. A-always, B-be, C-closing. Always be closing! Always be closing!! A-I-D-A. Attention, interest, decision, action. Attention -- do I have your attention? Interest -- are you interested? I know you are because it's fuck or walk. You close or you hit the bricks! Decision -- have you made your decision for Christ?!! And action. A-I-D-A; get out there!!

You got the prospects comin' in; you think they brought you in bed to get out of the rain? Chicks don't have a guy over unless she wants to fuck. She's sitting there waiting to give you her pussy! Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it?

I can go out there tonight with the chicks you got, make myself cum twice! Tonight! In two hours! Can you? Can you? Go and do likewise! A-I-D-A!! Get mad! You son of a bitch! Get mad!! You know what it takes to fuck women?
It takes brass balls to fuck women.

Go and do likewise, gent. The pussy's out there; you pick it up, it's yours. You don't--I have no sympathy for you. You wanna go out on that date tonight and close, close, it's yours. If not, you're going to be shining my shoes. A loser sitting around on 4chan.
>Oh yeah, I used to go on dates... it's a tough racket. *jacks off*

>> No.21363302

why is she so smol though? why are you putting her next to that cactus, what if it falls on her? don't you have a roof, why the rain coat? seems she prefers dogs, quite a statement, i'd watch my back in this situation. also, the white cup on the left - is that her bathtub? tyvm 5 understanding

>> No.21364488


>> No.21364609

Just be honest while shooting your shot.
> I wanted to kiss you the other night but I was nervous you weren't into me.
Worst case scenario here is better than wallowing like a cucked faggot. Best case scenario, you get an easy dunk.

>> No.21365749

I texted her at 9pm yesterday and she still hasn't responded
we never text a lot and both reply slow but she's never not replied before going to sleep before, or when she gets up

so yeah it's over. I don't know what to do. Fuck man this hit me a lot harder than I thought it would.

>> No.21365758

Go get shitfaced.

>> No.21365767

My girlfriend Nicki Minaj reads epic poems so that when we fuck it feels like Siegfried and Brunhild entering valhalla

>> No.21366023

God I wanna fucking kill myself

>> No.21366099
File: 32 KB, 112x650, Screenshot_20221210_112121_Blue Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know.

>> No.21366107

My wife reads hundreds of books a year. I don't read, I just post on /lit/.

>> No.21366197

Not him but i have two bitches orbiting me and wanting my dick hard. Why am i just keeping it to flirting and don't want to make a move?
>I live in a third world country where there's this hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance between sex and religious morality
>One of the girls blatantly says she wants me to dick her down in the wood
I avoid and play it a bit dumb because : She is a wounded BPD who wants to marry and i saw through her so i could avoid her traps.

>The other is a milf with two kids that doesn't look like it at all, doesn't wear the ring, complains and disrespects her husband with "jokes", gives me rides from time to another, even found excuse to take me to her home.

Reasons for "refusing by playing dumb" : She used to be rebelious in her teens and kind of still, likes to adventure and rides bikes and shit. also my "somewhat" morality prevented me from going further with her.

t. very cute and sexy intellectual boy in his late twenties who wants recommendations of books to awaken his shadow and navigate through pussy because he's tired of preconditionned guilt through domestic abuse, and would take anything worthwhile besides Rollo Tomassi. Help deconstruct my guilt and "morality" in a healthy way that wouldn't hurt me please, thanks.

>> No.21366347

That’s terrible advice. Women are disgusted by men showing weakness. That might sound depressing, but it’s true. If you’re not a funeral, never cry in front of a woman. Never confess anything self-conscious or weak or insecure like “I was worried you weren’t into me.”

At this point he can only hope for a pity lay with this chick, but in the future I hope he isn’t stupid enough to take advice like the shit you’re peddling.

>> No.21366364

Horrifyingly bad tip. See >>21366347
Just break it off with her. Trying to communicate with her will be bad for both of you. It will make you look pathetic and it will make her uncomfortable. Just don't message her again. If she responds, don't reply because she probably isn't expecting one. Follow my advice.

>> No.21366370
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What books should I read to make my gf stop cutting herself? Bataille just made it worse.

>> No.21366387

I know you're right but I just can't.
If it's over anyway idgaf if I look weak. I might as well confront her so I can get proper closure

>> No.21366402

Dude, just let things slide. Bring it back up in a little while, see how it goes. There was this one punk chick who kept trying to hang out with me, morning day and night, even though I turned her down each time. Bitches are more lenient than people say, especially if you're just trying to fuck.

>> No.21366407

but I'm not just trying to fuck. I like her
And I hate these 'ignore her' or other texting games.
I will just ask her out so she can say no and that's that

>> No.21366423

start openly reading erotica and tell her you fantasize about other women

>> No.21366425

Just don't do it immediately. And if she's passive aggressive or otherwise not ideal, don't let her taste in novels cloud your vision. The only girl I ever loved barely shared any interests with me on the surface, but I was closer to her than I was any other chick (or anyone in general)

>> No.21366431

but so far we went on a date each week. It would be normal to ask her today if she's free the coming week
It's not just that I'm getting blinded. All our dates we're some of the best dates I've been on and I've been on quite a few (first dates especially). I don't like somebody easily but I already like her.
If this doesn't work out I might just be heading for another 2 years of depressive loneliness and first dates that make me want to kill myself out of boredom

Idk I think all that 'just wait' or ignore her and she will come back to you is one massive cope. She's either into you or not and I probably gave her an ick last time as she wasn't as serious as I was yet

>> No.21366433

I don't

>> No.21366447

Just go for it dude. Don't make life about a girl though, even when I was with the girl I love I was still suicidal. We both were, perhaps that's why, but my point stands.
"bitches come and go brah but you know I stay"- Jesus

>> No.21366460

Yeah I know. I try not to and I do have my own hobbies and interests I develop, which helps.
But at the moment I'm fucking jobless and I can't seem to get hired because I have a meme degree and life is just extremely frustrating right now. Dating her was the one positive thing happening. Other than that I seem to be diving into a bottomless pit. I used to be suicidal and depressed as well and I can just feel it coming back this last month. Shit sucks.

>> No.21366469

How old are you? Trade school is quick if you need a better career. I'm 19, I have terrible coping mechanisms but they seem to work so I'm not complaining, currently volunteering and trying to figure out my major.

>> No.21366472

I wasted my time on a garbage bachelor and then picked social and cultural anthropology for my masters. Was interesting but deeply regret it now.

I'm just freeloathing at my parents house right now. I just want a decent job but at this rate I might need to do some terrible wagie job till I actually get hired somewhere.

>> No.21366481

26 is pretty young all things considered. Go for a trade or business or real estate, if you can. Few older guys told me to do that and I trust them, they have money. Wagie jobs can be comfy, and if you're a genuinely good worker you can climb the ranks really easily, inspite of what doomer commies tell you

>> No.21366532
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Never had a gf, had sex once and online relationships but nothing more. I was once romantic with a Puerto Rican girl who read The Love Hypothesis, but she stopped talking to me after I used 'nigger' in a joke

>> No.21366860

Kek, exceptional

GGR is my go to movie/play to flex on art hoes and onions faggots in casual conversation. “Yeah I’m a big Mamet fan, GGR is a masterpiece. Have you ever read Bossuet?”

>> No.21366941

She replied and we talked about our week and weekend plans.

I just asked her out again. No reply yet. Been an hour.
I'm going to a friend's party now so I'll update if the thread is still up at 1-2am euro time. No big hopes but she did reply in long texts to the casual chatting so who knows, there might be a chance. Maybe she just wanted me to realize she wanted me to fuck her? Or she thought I didn't like her much cause I didn't fuck her? idk.

>> No.21367013

that's a man baby

>> No.21367076
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This is her shelf

>> No.21367136

>having a rs gf

>> No.21367179

my tulpa gf likes to read all of the same books that I do
sometimes she likes me to read aloud to her

>> No.21367529
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>> No.21367582

I can't believe you guys get this excited over going on a date with a girl.

Just remember there's guys like me who are fucking the girl you like when she's not texting back.

>> No.21367587

nah I've gone on a lot of dates but I just actually like this girl which is quite rare
like 90% of the dates you go on are gigaboring

>> No.21367594

I'm amazed you even bother dating them. I meet them, tell them to come over, fuck them and tell them to leave.

>> No.21367601

>reddit spacing
>having sex
sure thing bro

>> No.21367629

I'm gonna kill myself

>> No.21367667

I didn't say to sound like a fag doing it. Float it out there that you're interested so she's not confused by the awkward guy that didn't do anything. Would you keep hanging out with a girl that doesn't seem sexually interested in you? Anon fucked up already and I'm just trying to throw out anything that could possibly reset.

>> No.21367786

>gf reads Mishima
what do?

>> No.21367882

Will you share some of the books?

>> No.21367933

its over. literally just move on ignore her dont text her best case scenario she texts you 1month from now worst case you obsess over her. But you done fucked up then and there at her place good job bro

>> No.21368990

Godspeed nigga

>> No.21369079
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Haven't had one since junior year of undergrad. I remember she was into Doystoyevsky.
>like 90% of the dates you go on are gigaboring

I never understood this mentality. Why hang out and talk to boring women just because they are pretty instead of hanging out with your niggas and having a guranteed good time? Unless a woman is really special, I just look at some combination of their face, boobs and ass and then forget about them instantly becuase I already know they are going to be generic as fuck personality-wise. Women on the whole are boring outside of their looks. Good lubkck on your next date regardless.

>> No.21369082
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Meant to post a somewhat more relevant picture, but otherwise I still wish you luck on your date.

>> No.21369089
File: 19 KB, 260x381, TheWorldAccordingtoGarp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex's favorite book.
Badgered me to read it till I gave in.
Was total shit.

>> No.21369208

I gave my gf "How to Win Friends and Influence People" because she is in sales and she says she likes it.

>> No.21369771

I don't currently have one at the moment

>> No.21369860

that's ok man :)

>> No.21369864

your gf is really small

>> No.21370148

Bang with Babish
Based or nah?

>> No.21370202

>no tiny /lit/ dark academia gf
why even live bros?

>be me
>in a bar
>sit next to a lady
>start talking to her
>break the touch barrier
>two dykes across the table immediately call me out
>"she's 17 you sick fuck!".jpg
>I go to the bar and tell the staff that there is a minor drinking
honestly, you can't even flirt anymore these days

>> No.21370371

better start now faggot