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21355592 No.21355592 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Okay, I’ll Do It

Previous thread >>21350127

>> No.21355611

I wish I had a gf. Also, my ass is a swamp.

>> No.21355617

I wish my gf was this cute.

>> No.21355620

I wish to be what I am not. To be what I could never be. I don't know where things went wrong--the descent was subtle enough for me to be blissfully ignorant of what was happening. I am too far gone to fix it, to fix my life, to fix myself.

I think about suicide often. I have not done it yet because it would devastate my mother. She does not have anyone else in her life. She told me that if I kill myself, she would also. So, given that, I am stuck.

Every night that I go to sleep, I wish that a vein or an artery in brain ruptures. I wish to have an aneurism. When I walk or cycle, I wish for a car to hit and kill me. When I drive, I wish that a drunk driver would crash into my car, and, in a freak accident, I die. I had to stop drinking because I would get drunk and go walking in the middle of the road, hoping to be hit by a car.

So, this is my life. I will not kill myself, for I owe it to my mother to keep going. But, I sure do hope that God, if there is one, takes me. I have not said the way in which things are bad. But please trust me, it is that bad. There are various forces descending on me, their crescendo begins in May of next year.

I come here to distract myself. This is my existence. I like Schopenhauer. That is about it.

>> No.21355626

If you have a gf, then either: (1) she will leave you and you will be heartbroken; (2) she will die before you do, and so you will be heartbroken; or (3) you will die before she does, thus leaving her heartbroken, and, if you are alive to witness your own passing--as in getting cancer--then you suffer from her suffering, and also from your own loss of her. Everything results in disappointment.

>> No.21355634
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I wanna read but all I can do is post on here

>> No.21355645

Some people are called to others

>> No.21355650

All people are called to ohers.

>> No.21355661

I really want a younger blonde gf.

>> No.21355671

How do I help my brother socialize more and get a girlfriend? He’s had many friends throughout his life and still maintains these friendships but they’re all apart and rarely see each other anymore, even though they keep in touch. He’s never had a girlfriend though. I want to help him but I don’t know how

>> No.21355724

Oh, I miss the kiss of treachery
The shameless kiss of vanity

>> No.21355743

The whole of humanity is a prison. We're collectively owned by rich sociopaths, it's WORSE than a monarch because there's an endless competition between these sociopaths to exploit the human farm animals the most. The rich are as addicted to greed as the worst drug addict, but unlike a drug addict abusing their drug of choice helps them abuse more (They use money to make money.) Greed is destroying the future of global human civilization.
This isn't even the worst part. We're totally fucked and your memes won't save you. Demons rule the minds of humanity in the form of parasitic memes that hijack their host's agency by targeting vulnerabilities in one's psychology to compel their host to reproduce them. The rule of human parasites over humanity has created an ecosystem that selects for the most parasitic memes possible. With the internet this competition between parasites for hosts has become explosive. IT'S AN EMERGENT AUTO-EVOLUTIONARY PSYOP THAT NOBODY IS IN CONTROL OF. You're pointing fingers at "glowies" while this demonic memetic hellscape laughs at you. This is only going to get worse: we're going to see memetic super-pandemics (epidemics of mass delusions) never seen before in history. THIS IS ALREADY STARTING TO HAPPEN.
There is no hope, because our bodies and minds are completely enslaved. Human conflict is going to accelerate until the fucking nukes finish the job. We've made a doomsday device out of the whole of humanity and it cannot be untriggered.
Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

>> No.21355773

Now realize that the power of these rich sociopaths is inescapable primarily because it is amplified by technology.

>> No.21355785
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I want to see white homogeneous societies thriving again

>> No.21355792

I’m a black anon and I’ll stop you fascists

>> No.21355799
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How would the average women react to me telling her i'am a virgin in my late 20s who hasn't even taken a girl on a date or held hands?
I also dislike it heavily when people talk about the weather, yes indeed it does get colder during winter.

>> No.21355803

Why not be a black fascist? You get your own Negerwaffen-SS and get to take back the safaris from the savages.

>> No.21355815

Here the fascist comes clean and tells us what he really wants: to be the foot soldier of someone more powerful so he can stomp on other people. The mind of a fascist is that of a sadistic bully.

>> No.21355832

What do you have against Black Americans taking their ancestral fatherland? You sound pretty racist rn not even gonna lie.

>> No.21355837
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Fascism isn't hate of others, it's love of your people, which is the foundation for understanding others' love of their own people as well.

>> No.21355865

You must help us to destroy capitalism.
The past will not repeat, and purity is still a myth, but “white” community can still survive.
But not if we keep capitalism.

>> No.21355887

That's not fascism but I know what you mean. Sadly people think "wanting to have a nation where you people will not have to struggle against others, and forcing others to struggle against you" = hating everyone different.
As a non-white american I can see how heterogenous societies are fucked. Too bad a real multi-ethnic fascism that funds non-whites to emigrate and take back their ancestral lands from cucked savages is an juvenile fantasy. No one would want to fight to make a better future anyway. My family just wants to suck the white man's dollar while our old country gets raped by globohomo.

>> No.21355898

I have been chronically ill for over a decade. I have tried everything, but I still suffer from severe fatigue and all the symptoms involved with this illness. I am now in my mid twenties. Though I have been robbed of my formative years, I am most afraid of the future. Think of all that I could have accomplished so far! I’ve even had some success, which makes this all the more painful; there is proof I would have become a professor in my area of study and I would now be in a stable long-term relationship. Where am I now? I am vegetating at home. I feel profound guilt that my mother works so hard under such a financial strain from my medical bills and I have not contributed a single cent. It is not possible to force yourself to feel pleasant feelings when the circumstance you are in is objectively unpleasant. I put my life in your hands, O Lord! Fate shall not best me.

>> No.21355905

I do, and Alain de Benoist's Nouvelle Droite does. You gotta dream big. What seems unthinkable today will be mainstream tomorrow, especially as circumstances change.

>> No.21355907

no anon. Fascism is a capitalist smokescreen for fools and fire-ant imperialist racists.
You want to stop the drivers of state-capitalism by putting authoritarians at the helm of state-capitalism? Like in China?
Stop being stupid

>> No.21355925

You will never be a woman.

>> No.21355926

>an juvenile fantasy
Just wait and see

>> No.21355930

Native European ethnic groups have a right to exist. Replacement migration is genocide.

>> No.21355980

Sedentism was a mistake.

>> No.21355993
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>Fascism is a capitalist smokescreen for fools and fire-ant imperialist racists.

>> No.21355995

So end state-capitalist drivers that are pushing this. Neoliberalism, World Economic Forum, NATO etc. are responsible for all that.

What business is it of yours what’s in my pants, turd-eater?

>> No.21356000

Plainly. Historically evident.
Move to China

>> No.21356012

Or maybe just fedex all the dindus back to their huts.

>> No.21356038

Or make their homeland habitable and stable again? Oh, you’re a blood thirsty racist. Being humane isn’t possible for degenerates like you, no?

>> No.21356042

I was very similar to you even down to the Schopenhauer stuff. Out of desperation I turned to God and He heard my cries. If I met myself from two years ago he'd laugh at my religiosity. And mind you, people will of course say it's just a cope. I'd say two things to that.

First, your life will become palpably different when you reach out to God. In fact, for me, it has become much harder but indeed better. My belief in God has placed upon me deeper and higher moral imperatives than I have ever had and it's a sustained struggle towards them. This is especially so given how at odds my beliefs contradict my family's. Nevertheless, it is only in that process that I have seen the depths of my sin and how far short I fall. In fact, one can only begin to truly comprehend how much God loves you once you see how sinful you are. And sin isn't just a legal category. It's instead the totality of how putrid, pathetic and weak we are. It is only through His help that we may begin to be changed.

Second, I actually accept that it is a crutch. Two years ago I would have scoffed at this but it is impossible to do anything without God. The number one reason for anxiety and how bad people's mental health is in this age is because we have abandoned God. We have an infinitely large hole in our hearts which can only be filled by an infinite Being. Everything else is folly. To be fair, I say this, but out of my pride and arrogance I often do not live out this reality.

Read the Gospel of John. Ask God to guide and help you and make Himself known to you. Schopenhauer said that his philosophy was the the true fulfilment of Christianity and the proper philosophising of it. I disagree with that wholeheartedly now.

God bless you and keep you anon.

>> No.21356046

Sometimes you have to put on some drill when the sentimental bug starts to take over your soul.

>> No.21356057

Realised I probably should have proofread this but I'm sure you get the idea

>> No.21356070

Their homeland is Ireland's responsibility? It's not Ireland's fault Americans ripped up the middle east, you fucking psychopath. It will wouldn't justify genocide, regardless.

>> No.21356096

Some people are never called upon by others

>> No.21356105

What is your current view on suffering?

>> No.21356128

What exactly is swamp like about your ass

>> No.21356130
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>> No.21356134

I'm a young blonde girl (male)

>> No.21356140

>Or make their homeland habitable and stable again

>> No.21356145

Why the fuck are universities so byzantine in operation? The mountains of paperwork and bureaucracy and badly designed webpages I have to trudge through just to send a fucking transcript is ridiculous. Not to mention all the money I have to drop along the way.

>> No.21356150

>Gaelic language and culture will cause to exist
I'm sorry to inform the Americans, It died a hundred years ago in Ireland.

>> No.21356157

I was born the years the stars fell and though I don't remember seeing 'em I reckon I was kickin' at 'em. I remember hearin' my mother tell about 'em shootin' fire in every direction, just like a passel of sparks. I can stand anything better than an earthquake though. When my foundations begin to shake it makes me plumb sick.

>> No.21356171

Employment scheme, a vast majority of the people employed by universities went to Ivy League; even the cleaners.

>> No.21356179
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That it's ultimately salvific. Christ shows us that there is no resurrection without death and no death without resurrection. Suffering is what compels us to hone the virtues and begin our ascent towards God. It's the tempering of gold in the fire. Dying also means dying to our sinful selves and our passions. It is through this process that we learn about our true nature and seek to change it by God's grace. If we die to ourselves, we may be then be resurrected with Christ.
>Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
It's also why I find it hilarious when people call Christianity weak and effeminate. True Christianity produces masculinity par excellence. We only need to look to the Saints to find examples of that.

Mind you, suffering was brought into the world after the disobedience of Adam and Eve. Humans were created to be the stewards of God's creation and the highest and most noble of His creations. When they derogated from the will of God, not only did they fall but the rest of creation fell too given our status as its stewards. That is why Christ came - to restore the image of God in man by being perfect Man and perfect God united in a single hypostasis.

>> No.21356180
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It's the dead of night again.
Before I turned on my PC I peered at my face in the reflection of my window, dimly lit by the Christmas tree I hadn't even put away since last year.
I try not to look at myself too often, but at the end of the day I feel like I need to inspect myself sometimes.
I suppose I'm trying to reassure myself that I'm still a human.
Yeah, it's all still there. Eyes, jawline, full head of hair. By all metrics I pass that specific Turing test.

I've been doing this for a decade now.
I don't think I look so different, although people tell me otherwise.
"You look tired. Everything alright?"
"Yes, it's the fatigue." I say. Same bullshit answer as always. I just need to get through this life like wagies get through the week.
Although I assume it's a sentiment that they share on that scale as well.
It's the state of the world nowadays.

So what's different tonight?
What brings me here instead of anywhere else I'd rather be at this hour on any given day: in my bed muttering the same things to myself in my mind's eye,
hoping that wallowing in that self-pity might make some sense of the world around me?
Frankly I can't tell.
I haven't written anything worthwhile in over 4 years and it used to be my saving grace.
I have hundreds of pages of awful poetry and unfinished essays on anything from economics to amateur psychology, and while I remember feeling as if I truly tapped into something I could revisit again later,
when I felt the same kind of awful all over again, I can't see any value in most of it.

I suppose I just had to get something off my chest.
Not in the sense that I need to avert some existential crisis.
It used to be that way, but now I mostly feel nothing at all. The cobwebs around my stash of pens are testament to that.
In some perverse twist of meta-consciousness this actually saddens me more than why I didn't write in the first place.
It's not about being happy, really. I don't think I care much to be happy.
I suppose I just want to be useful. To have done something.

When my mother died last May I wrote a few pages for the ceremony.
I wanted to meander my way around the reality at first. I didn't want it to feel as hopeless as I did.
"I should hide how I feel." I thought. "It's not right to show myself."
The idea that I should crack a joke left me as soon as I knew what it meant to me.
She had a miserable life devoid of comedy in all but the darkest sense, but one can only carry that for so long before the splinter of humor dissipates and it all becomes a cruel joke without a punchline.

I could have done worse.
I like to think she would have liked it.
Of course I didn't talk about how I found her on the kitchen floor, eyes set to infinity and already going cold.
I didn't talk about how I broke her sternum pressing into her already dead heart to the command of that paramedic on the other end of the phone.
"One, two three - and one, two, three."
His rhythm wasn't very consistent.

>> No.21356193

I have come to really like, maybe even love, my younger cousin. Everytime I talk to her I find it so joyful and soothing, and I admire how much effort she puts in keeping her family home as well organized as possible, doing it all with a genuine smile and calm attitude. If it wasn't for her, their unit would have fallen apart a long time ago. She's far from an airhead as well, finding time to read despite the heavy workload. Truth be told, she even haunts my dreams at this point. I have found myself dearly missing the sound of her slight lisp during way too many white nights than I'd like to admit.
But of course, I cannot act up on my feelings, because she is my first cousin. I understand it the ridiculousness and dangerousness of the situation fairly well. It would create a massive unnecessary shitstorm, killing the little purity and good heartedness that is to be found in our families. So I try to contain myself as best I can, even if I do spend a suspicious amount of hours just chatting with her about anything whenever she's around. It gets even more troublesome when she opens up about her issues with schoolmates and people outside in general, and the type of hurtful comments that get thrown at her on a regular basis. When she tells me about professors audibly referring to her "ugly", and I genuinely find her to be absolutely gorgeous, self-control turns into a very difficult task, with me ending up awkwardly skipping around how beautiful she is to me in an attempt to reassure her. I don't know how long I can refrain from admitting to how much I love to just stare at her doing things. Even when I had a girlfriend that I truly adored, she still had a spot in my heart. I feel a duty to protect her and her sweet soul, thinking I might as well ask to drive her from home to university so she could avoid the harrassment on the street
I don't know what to do, bros. Perhaps the best decision is to avoid her or at least being alone with her as much as possible before the beans are irreversibly spilt. The self destructive imaginative side of me pictures a scenario where i'd confess, give her a kiss, then flee the country, but that's just entertainment. Love is fleeting and oftentimes deceitful, and i've gotten enough experience not to trust my own heart too much, but god damn man. She's got a big ass and an even bigger heart, the size of the whole universe, and the warmest smile I've ever seen. Help.

>> No.21356194

If that helps you live, good stuff. What denomination are you?

>> No.21356201

please be legal but below 25

>> No.21356204

I want to become Eastern Orthodox but my current circumstances make it difficult to be baptised and received into the Church. Through God's help I hope that it will be possible at some point

>> No.21356222

You should have just put on Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees. That's common knowledge, man. No one has some mandate to write. Do it if you enjoy it, but in the end, no one's writing has any value

>> No.21356241

Ireland here. America is our fault, we discovered it and then conspired to be sent there en masse and then infiltrated all their institutions and for a a fair while all their media had to come up to snuff or the local bishop would denounce it and we'd give it up like Lent. That being said, I'll take Muslims fresh off the boat and declaring the west an evil over having the Americans repatriated; more than half the Americans we spawned are culturally protestant by this stage and the Muslims at least know what the church is capable of. I say we take as many jihadis as possible and tell the English about it frequently.

>> No.21356242
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I suppose he knew it was already too late. I told him as much in a panic when I first dialed the emergency number.
"She's on the floor. She's gone cold! Yes, her eyes are open. I can't feel a heartbeat.."

Maybe he wanted to keep me company?
Unlikely, in retrospect. He must get calls like this at least twice a night. Foolish of me to think it was that special a case.

The ambulance crew rolled a gurney round to the back door.
They brought a DeFib that ended up being a doorstop. It's wasted on a corpse.
One of the crew knew her. I'd been dropping her off at the ICU quite often in those past 6 months.
The time she had at home grew shorter and shorter with every admittance.

"Yeah, I've seen her around." She said, inspecting the outline of her face while she knelt to the side of my mother's body.
I couldn't recall her face. I didn't think to remember faces much when I wheeled her into the hospital for the umpteenth time.
I just wanted it to be over for her. In one way or the other.
She had told me she wanted as much herself plenty of times.

I kissed her forehead and let them put a blanket over her.
I still see that silhouette every day. It'll come to me in the shower, right when I'm about to fall asleep or when I'm idling in the parking lot at work waiting for the fogged up windows to clear.
"Of course." I'll whisper, then. "How could I forget?"

>> No.21356252

My condolences to you, anon. She parted with the knowledge that she left behind a good son. Sorry if these words don't mean much to you, but they are genuine and it is all I know.

>> No.21356264

Thank you.
I like to think I did all I could for her.

I appreciate the support.

>> No.21356288

my mother is in good health for now, as she is just in her mid 50s without much of a dangerous medical antecedent, but i do fear of the eventual collapse than everyone has to go through at some point, more specifically being afraid of being too much of a useless klutz to properly help her out since i'm embarrassingly inexperienced when it comes medical matters as well as caring for someone in need. my heart can be there but what's the point when my brains are absent. im blessed with making her laugh everyday, but what about the true times of struggle where i must step up? do you have any advice on this matter? any habits you recommend developing? thank you in advance anon, and god bless you

>> No.21356328

Boutta turn 24 ;)

>> No.21356331

I made a friend who is a cool guy. He likes to talk and lets me sperg out. Very many times he has revealed in small ways that he is a truly good person. I hope we stay friends and it's not just an acquaintance thing. It's so rare to find people like this these days.

>> No.21356335

People like what?

>> No.21356337

Everyone is a klutz when a close relative dies.
If you aren't, then you either didn't know or care for them, or have buried so many that you're completely numb to the prospect of never seeing them again anyway.

Stepping up in times of need, no matter how "efficient" you may be at it is just another form of love.
There's no need to plan for a disaster of that kind. The longer you try to prepare for it, the more value it might take from the times you are together.

My mother was an increasingly emotionally unstable person in the last years of her life, and that meant I ended up having to care for her in all things practical.
I was told to be proud of myself for looking after her as religiously as I did, but I would have traded all those remarks on my usefulness in a second for one good conversation where I knew it was really her I was talking to.

I had the perverse privilege of being told she would die 3 times prior, and so knew what to expect.
But although being "ready" for what was to come, the years it took to train myself to accept that would have been much better spent with her in good health.

I sometimes wonder if it would have been easier to bear if she had been of sound mind and met her end by some unfortunate accident.
And I think it would have been.
The first months after burying them will be far more difficult because of the contrast, but I often regret not having a memory of how she was when she was "complete."
I try hard to remember the conversations I had with her where I felt we understood one another, but I always fall short.
The last time must have been almost a decade ago and those memories fade quicker than you'd think.

The best habit you could develop is the one you already practice: make her laugh once in a while. Talk to her. Just be around.
You could steel yourself for any tragedy in life as much as you want, but it will come at the cost of your own humanity and that is a tradeoff that will hunt you for far longer than mourning a loved one.

>> No.21356339

While not ideal, cousin fucking isnt actually a bad thing. Women having kids in their 30s produces a greater genetic risk than breeding with a first cousin. The only thing about it thats awkward is the perceived inbreeding (hope she has a different last name than yours) and the fact that it complicates family reunions.

>> No.21356340

a truly good person, anon.
Are you retarded?

>> No.21356346

There's no such thing. Are you retarded?

>> No.21356347

Depends on your definition of either

>> No.21356348

Yes, thanks for asking.

>> No.21356352

>more than half the Americans we spawned are culturally protestant by this stage
Kek my family have been irish protestant for a few hundred years, and we didn't leave the island til 2003. Silly papist. Don't worry about repatriation. I'll only return if I need to dodge the draft. But the way Ireland is going these days, I doubt I could count on their commitment to neutrality anymore

>> No.21356355

You people. You people. Oh, my God

>> No.21356356

It always seems to me like people are either toxic and mentally unhealthy, and want codependent toxic and dramatic friendships that are too close, or they are too shallow, and are sort of friends with everybody and nobody at the same time by keeping things very surface level and ritualistic. I used to know a lot of decent people back in the day before society got so high strung, and it seems these days like they are more and more likely to collapse into one or the other of these two extremes. It's just rare to see people being plain old good people.

>> No.21356359

donald small spherical fruit

>> No.21356361

Yea, back in the day there were plain old good people and now there are either toxic and mentally unhealthy people or shallow people it's so sad I'm gonna kill myself

>> No.21356368

Thank you very much, man. May you find the best fortune and the most mercy in your future and beyond it.

>> No.21356374


>> No.21356381

WEF promotes socialism

>> No.21356416

Everything this world has to offer became meaningless the day you left me. You took my potentiality as a functional human being. I don't give a shit about saying harsh stuff or looking bad when you're not around. In fact, I'm probably the second worst version of myself. The first version being the piece-of-shit childhood me who hit his mother and blamed her for everything going wrong in his life. It was 12 years ago but I still somewhat hate myself for this! Haha.

I don't hold any power now. I'm a piece of shit in a different way. I am finally in a position where I can't hurt anyone except myself anymore, and that's a relief for me. I think of you very often. I know a lot of people are talking behind my back and warping your perception of me, but as I said, I don't care. I'm tired of living as a simulacrum of a human being. I'm not normal, and definitely not the "quirky in a cute way" eccentric I've sold you all these years. I've never really been thinking straight anyways and I think you know that better than anyone. You've listened to too many of my ramblings not to know that. I can finally answer that statement of yours: "I'm worried about what you will become after I leave."

You don't have to be worried anymore. You were worried about me staying alone, and I was worried about that too, but I've already been alone all my life before meeting you. I just forgot how it was like.

There's relief in freedom— in knowing I'm not some kind of "main character" and that I have no obligations. I don't have to take responsability for anyone else but myself now that you've left. It feels good. I've deluded myself into thinking I wanted you as a wife and have the family I never had for too long and all it did was bite me in the ass. People like me are not meant to dream. We're not meant to produce anything but sporadic autistic-tier works of intense focus in our lives. We are the silent cogs in society and this is all there is to our lives. We're meant to take happiness out of little pleasures, make sure we don't hurt anyone and enjoy our total freedom. That's all there is.

You've never loved me, if that reassures you, the man you loved was the recreation of "the ideal man" that I envisioned at that time and simulated to please you. I got lazy after a few years and that's why you left, if you've ever wondered why you stopped loving me all of a sudden. Real people like you can only love real people for life, not simulacrums. I know it's crazy, the pill was hard to swallow for me too! There's a perfect world out there meant for effortlessly perfect and real people, and it's only reachable by the common cog in the machine if we put 100% efforts in changing ourselves. That's just the whole truth about the relationship deal.

That's all I wanted to say to you. So don't worry; I'm lonely but it's only a natural result of peeling off the fakeness in my life. I don't care if people would have cried for the fake me. He never existed.

>> No.21356430

You won’t be spared. You get the wall too. Do you think you will be kept around like some sort of pet? No.

>> No.21356438

silly but earnest question: is it possible to become a ''gentleman'' in the most elegant sense of the term, or is it something that is just within you

>> No.21356448

State-authoritarian "socialism".
Another term for Naziism is corporatism. Who's more corporatist than the DNC? All the West, all the nationstates using capitalism.

Are you a free market Ron Paul guy though?

>> No.21356450

All it takes is hard work but you already knew that.

>> No.21356452

Hey man, at least you were good enough of a simulacrum to get a gf. Fucking faggot

>> No.21356461

imagine airing all your bullshit out like this, even anonymously. no dignity, no nuance. neck it

>> No.21356463

It's more a matter of perspective than anything else.
Accent will do more for your gentlemanly reputation than clothing or even attitude.
The concept of the "upper class" in Britain is a good example of this, as displayed by Richard Ayoade in one of his skits.
The upper class is adamant in its idea of "upper class" having nothing to do with wealth, but with perception alone.

A blue-collar guy can be seen as more of a gentleman than a billionaire even if all the superficial characteristics of being a gentleman are not present.
For instance, Christopher Hitchens strikes me as more of a gentleman than Joel Osteen despite the fact that the former was rather unkempt, didn't shy away from profanity and smoked and drank himself to death,
whereas Joel doesn't swear, dresses to the T and is more superficially presentable.

>> No.21356468

I don't know why, but I'm addicted to reading. Every time I am given the opportunity to either do something productive in my free time, such as writing, going to the gym, making something with my hands, or to read a book, I will without fail choose to read a book. I will read for as long as I'm physically able to do so, even well past the point of me retaining any knowledge due to a lack of sleep. The quality of my vision has absolutely tanked from my inability to extract myself from a screen or book at night, and I will often find myself reading even in the darkness when I have my Ipad.

Yet for some godforsaken reason, it's almost impossible for me to start reading whenever I need to read, such as doing research for an assignment.

>> No.21356494

i find the dorset accent to be automatically gentlemanly. as opposed to brummie or barnsley

>> No.21356499

>Another term for Naziism is corporatism
I'm so tired of seeing this retarded take. Corporatism, fascism, and national socialism are not all interchangeable terms. And corporatism isnt "when government works with corporations."

>> No.21356504

Your life must truly be shit if your endgame is getting a gf. Just find some ugly chick, compliment her and go find out if this game of pretense is worth anything in the long-run.
It was kind of cathartic to expel all of this shit. I would say that mediocrity is not something people who've lived in the "perfect world" can understand, but you're probably another cog yourself if you're on this board. I don't feel any shame.

>> No.21356512

Ashamed I fucked stranger men off the internet as a way to distract myself from breaking up with my bf; I should’ve stuck to drinking

I gag at the fact that I exist in other peoples minds or that I had existed in another persons mind for even a split second

>> No.21356527
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>> No.21356563

How do I find a boyfriend free girl?

>> No.21356565

This is like that tranny hypno porn shit

>> No.21356603
File: 244 KB, 1600x900, hedgehogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He turned away from Amy's reddened face. He couldn't bear to see her any longer. "Tell me why you're like this, please." she said, choking back tears. "Why don't you care?"
His heart throbbed. He could imagine nothing better than to embrace her; no greater feeling than the warmth of her body. He remembered the Hedgehog's Dilemma. What he feared was not her; rather, it was the certainty that in her embrace she would prick herself on his many spines; that even if she continued to love him in spite of the pain, he could only offer her just that: pain. He turned again, this time towards the setting sun.

"Please don't go!" yelled Amy. "You can't run forever!"

Perhaps, he thought. But running was what he did best; he was a Hedgehog, after all. "Gotta go fast!" He said, before speeding off into the horizon.

>> No.21356608

rather wonderful

>> No.21356619

All good ones are taken.

>> No.21356621 [DELETED] 

Guys my major is English and I'm a senior. I have 2-3 semesters left. I have 1 hour left to register for classes. Am I crazy for just...not registering? I can't finish up an English degree in good faith. Might make it a minor and switch to a comp sci major...I'm really fucking bad at math though and I failed college precalculus two times. I just don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore. I'm 22...

College isn't putting me into financial ruin, but I do feel like I'm wasting time and money. I just feel like I wouldn't want to do any of the careers my degree sets me up for. Feels like I've wasted the past year. I despise learning English Literature in a modern academic environment. I'm honestly thinking about just biting the bullet and switching to comp sci. Surely I can learn the math if I put my mind to it, right?

>> No.21356626

It's crazy that someone mentions this. I actually did the same thing. I met up with a girl from 4chan. Not my proudest moment, but I mean fuck. There are worse things to be ashamed of. It's literally just consensual sex.

>> No.21356634

I hate college. Finishing my associates with mandatory filler I'm not interested in learning just so that I can finish my degree. I'm working 50 hour weeks and doing classes online. I tried classes in person but I felt the same. I tried not working but I enjoy it more. I finally landed an intro job in my field of study which was exciting until I realized I have to finish my degree to advance anymore. I thought going to a papist school would mean more God bullshit and less classes on why black people are shot in the streets. I see that they are, I'm not blind, just let me fucking finish already.

>> No.21356637

Fuck me I'm tired.

>> No.21356638
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H-haha, yeah...

>> No.21356640

imagine this is going to be someone's mom someday, swallowed a bunch of random guys cum for validation because she had a bad month

>> No.21356641
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I bought a GPU for the first time in 7 years.
My motherboard is old, PCIe 2.0 and the card is 4.0. I checked it up and everywhere it says that PCIe is backward compatible and I'll just lose bandwidth (I only play old games at 1080p anyway).

I plugged it in and it doesn't fucking work.

I'm quite upset in all honesty.

>> No.21356688
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>openly admits to deceiving other people
>still asks for sympathy or expects anyone to find her attractive

>> No.21356690

Life as a 32 year old bald man is a curse. Legit invisible to the outside world.

I envy you young fellows.

Not much happens in my life. Just vidya, work, and some books. I'm average at everything and don't expect to accomplish much. I'm pretty sure i'm average/below IQ.

I envy you intelligent fellows.

Pretty sure i'm going to die alone. Oh well, that's why i play vidya, no point in participating in a society on super hard mode.

>> No.21356698

he.* He's a gay man.
Gain muscle and you'll be a hot bald man. I've seen women slobber over baldies before, you just have to build MASS.

>> No.21356710

>build mass

Not going to happen natty fren

>> No.21356718

Tbf they didn't deceive anyone but their self

>> No.21356724

Are you doing this just to piss me off?

>> No.21356726
File: 52 KB, 850x400, quote-fascist-state-is-corporate-state mussolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this retarded take.
Mussolini is a retard. No argument there.
>Fascism isn't when...
Communism isn't when the government does stuff.
"Socialist" state programs are enacted to soften the blow of rancid capitalism. But it never works out because the power that capital provides can't share. Doesn't actually care about anything, race or borders. Nope. Your fascism is as untenable as your free market capitalism. It's the nature of the beast both ideologies seek to protect. State "socialism" too. Reformism or vanguardism both won't work, didn't work.

>> No.21356728

Of course not.

>> No.21356730

Thats a homosexual man

>> No.21356733

Corporate has more meanings than a particular bussiness model you fucking brainlet

>> No.21356740

I couldnt imagine a more egregious use of the singular they for any reason other than to annoy me

>> No.21356741
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I asked her out. She said no.

>> No.21356756

In the sense of elegance, it's 100% trained behaviour following strict codes. In the actual sense, it's receiving that training with other people wearing the same uniform of the target class.

>> No.21356759

You really can't fake it if you don't have the background. If you mean actual aristocratic behavior and taste. You need training / education from young age for it.

>> No.21356764

Like the other anon is saying, corporative has nothing to do with "corporations" in today's colloquial sense. The only relation between the two is that they both ultimately stem from the medieval meaning of forming a corporation, which simply means to form a body (corpus) from distinct parts. Anything with a corporate status that could be dealt with via medieval privileges and contracts was a corporation. The university is the greatest example of a medieval corporation and survives today.

Corporatism in the Fascist context means a social and economic philosophy based on recognizing subsets of the economy and society that perform a distinct and meaningful role, like the medieval system did but doing it rationally instead of haphazardly based on random privilege granting by the monarch. It has many different forms. The Italian form was most associated with Giuseppe Bottai, but in Austria the corporatist school of Othmar Spann was very influential.

>inb4 i don't care we need a green tranny revolution blah blah
I don't care what you care about, I'm talking to anyone who is actually interested in the meaning of the term.

>> No.21356766

>, I doubt I could count on their commitment to neutrality anymore
You really don't know how the country doesn't function if you think that's an option.

>> No.21356782
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> People using the terms "Nazi", "Fascism" and "Communism" outside of their spacetime and polemical context as if they are platonic abstracts that rule people in 2022

Well, I guess they do but not in the way these people think

>> No.21356796

I know it’s over. Whatever I have lived thus far, this chapter of my life, is coming to an end. This night, the candle burns brighter for “I won’t go gentle into that good night.” These memories are my World, but these memories bound me too tightly. And I love to love them, counting the time past since them. Meticulous I am, to a maddening degree, but let me forget and close my eyes and see what is in front of me. God damn me if I awake to old age with nothing but memories of desire that constantly run away from me, for this is not a life worth living. One must not live for the emptiness, but with it and maybe even in spite of it. But this melancholia is heavy, and may be permanent. And although it may linger, I do know the memory is over, and so let it rest. Maybe it will reappear again as a hot flash sometime in the future, but for now, let it rest.


>> No.21356852

I already use ChatGPT daily. I can only imagine how crazy shit is going to be once the better models drop

>> No.21356861

I’m constantly juggling 3-5 women at a time, some are young girls. It leads to much drama. Too much. Incels don’t know how lucky they have it

>> No.21356863

It is an "empty" model, it cannot model a world based on the copypaste it does, or do quantitative reasoning; just an optimization over text and text lookup; Google Search with slightly worse fidelity. It is also an old model (I think OpenAI just made it public for PR reasons).
People who look at that shit and thing "AGI" are literally just fooled by their own perception.

It's nice autocomplete in programming (Ghostwriter / Copilot)

>> No.21356883

>based on the copypaste it does
Thats what im looking for though. Its slightly worse than googling but its a lot faster and way more to the point than going through sites or watching videos.

>> No.21356886

If you give it a false promise it will entertain it though; unlike manual Googling. That's pretty bad if you are using it for some actual purpose instead of toying with it.

>> No.21356889


>> No.21356894


>> No.21356899

Everyone i meet has some kind of covid story. How life was just totally upended. How education was stalled, jobs were lost, how lonliness and isolation caused serious personal harm. It's really tragic. Everyone was fucked over. Someone needs to be held accountable for all these destroyed lives

>> No.21356906

In the corners of the mind
Lies a treasure that we must seek
A wisdom of the ages kind
A knowledge that we must keep

But to unlock the door
To this hidden realm of thought
We must give up our earthly core
And be willing to be taught

For in the realm of the unknown
Lies the truth we seek
But to enter, we must atone
And let go of what we speak

>> No.21356912

And absolutely nobody will. Same people are now saying we can handle 15%+ inflation to own Putler (we can't, my city has declared it will have rolling blackouts if it gets colder than -10c).

>> No.21356918

>(we can't, my city has declared it will have rolling blackouts if it gets colder than -10c).

I forgot to add; it regularly gets over -30c at winter here. In February they told we could do without cheap energy, but normies and voters have forgotten that or somehow synchronize these two schizo beliefs such that it doesn't cause cognitive dissonance.

>> No.21356924

I'm very sorry to hear that anon. I can imagine it's tough to maintain hope after dealing with it for so long. What sort of illness do you have?

>> No.21356931


>> No.21356933

>Someone needs to be held accountable for all these destroyed lives
They're evil incarnate and the god of this world is Satan. They won't meet justice here

>> No.21356942

i cant function with or without alcohol. im either dying from the constant feelings of dread and emotional turmoil when im sober or im destroying my life with my drunken antics

>> No.21356970

I cant fucking sleep and I'm bored shitless

>> No.21356985


>> No.21357035

having a ready insight into and understanding of things.
"it offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter"

>> No.21357047

Reading really feels like a form of prayer. Whenever I am feeling depressed and remember a book passage that has described the situation or feeling I'm experiencing I get a really warm feeling. It is more comforting to read a book and realize that some random dude halfway across the globe 100 years ago had the same feelings that you do than it is to pray to God and feel nothing in return.

>> No.21357052

I am stupid good at cold reading people. It somewhat freaks me out.

>> No.21357053
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>Go through 25 years not thinkong about marriage, women or sex. Just doing my own thing and studying and hanging out with friends in undergrad
> Friends graduate (they are a bit older than me)
>Now want to get married, start a family and experiencing the pangs of lonliness due to "no gf", but with a woman that understands me and holds the same Catholic values I do in addition to being intelligent and generally being a great life partner that I can do things with we both enjoy (and are augmented by each other's company)

What the fuck is happening to me and what should I do about it? The modern dating market is fucked beyond belief and I am not even compatible with most women in anyway (including most chuch girls due to them being very nice but rather dull), but I can't bear this anymore. Any Christian (specifically Catholic but I'm not such a bigot that I won't appreciate help from all brothers in Christ) know how I should approach this? Should I be specific with God about the type of women in my life or not? I reallt don't know.

>> No.21357059

>recognizing subsets of the economy and society that perform a distinct and meaningful role

>inb4 i don't care we need a green tranny revolution blah blah
THAT is *your* side's propaganda. Your meanings have changed nothing. It's as if you read nothing I wrote. You know the medieval origins of the commune? How about the first crusade against not Muslims but Hussites, the first Protestants?

>> No.21357063
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You're getting older, your hormone levels are changing, your friends are achieving milestones in their lives that you are not so you feel you are (rightly) missing out - you failed to be stone cold.

You also failed when you started idealizing life with some nonexistent pure bred Catholic virgin girl when you are 25+ years old yourself. Nobody will ever understand you right out of the gate either.

>> No.21357087

Pray for a spouse and in the meantime become the man that a good woman deserves. Being single at 25 as a man is really not the end of the world. Though, you must actual act in a masculine way ie. have courage, confidence and humility. If someone piques your interest at Church or it is apparent that she is interested in you, then pray to God that if it be according to His will that you start getting to know each other. If you do start speaking, you must also be discerning - she must be willing to help you live a Christ-like life by being your co-struggler, and also raise your children to be God-fearing. It's slim pickings but all things are easy to God.

>> No.21357093

how do you reconcile being a catholic with posting on this degenerate hellhole of a board...i thought catholics were supposed to feel guilty all the time?

>> No.21357094

I bet it's the tangled, half-submerged foliage.

>> No.21357117

I'll keep these in mind and plan to work on it. I can't keep living like this. Thank you for the honest advice.

I only really browse this general. The board is mostly garbage, but there's a high degree of authenticity that I can appreciate. To me, it's proof that there is a universal desire for God and salvific grace that only Christ can provide (despite the retarded political tangents). I think that's why modernity is so empty: we have technological and scientific advancments, but we forgot what it means to be human and the fact that we were made in the image of God.

>> No.21357118

Remember to have premarital sex so you don't end up fucked up 30 year old incel or something.

>> No.21357129

Thanks but no thanks. Modern society's focus on having sex is kinda extreme. It is important for the generation of children and for keeping a marriage together. If you aren't in any capacity to do that, loke I am now, I don't think sex is necessary but personal decelopment, something most people forego for more immediate pleasure.

>> No.21357131
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Alright anon, looks like you'll marry some 40 year old single mother from the Catholic Swipe App. Adjust your expectations accordingly then.

>> No.21357176

Choose your own path, but by your posts alone, you'd make a fine catholic.

>> No.21357210

>off-handedly post something rude and hurtful
>thread is deleted by poster shortly thereafter
>this happens a lot
am i perhaps not so good

>> No.21357217

You can just not use the internet, you now? Stop using the internet and you'll see that these demonic parasites on a global and dimensional scale you're talking about are nothing but a reflection of your own personalized media use. Go hiking in the woods, cut media consumption, become clear and engage withof other concrete people.

>> No.21357229

People confuse that sex is normally more about cuddling with a loved one and giving mutual warmth than this thing you see in porn.

>> No.21357234

Thread 404d so I'm posting this here in response to the idea that populism poses a threat to liberalism:
I feel terms like liberalism and populism have become much abused and confused to the point where I'm no longer certain what either means.
I mean the expansion of the franchise only came about due to the populist unrest of the 1800s. And historically liberals have always been distrustful of centralized power, which is a belief I would think of as potentially adjacent to populism. Though there's some difference in so far as classical liberals also expressed skepticism towards mob rule or the tyranny of the majority as with Stuart Mill.
I find it additionally confusing how liberalism today is used interchangeably with any democratic government/system. Obviously the modern democratic system sprang out of liberal notions (and mass populist unrest) yet the ideology behind it isn't the same thing as the system itself.
Maybe someone here can clairfy more on this because i find the discussion about liberalism today very confusing. Additionally confusing to me when many liberals identify populism as a threat to liberalism, while at the same time championing a system ostensibly rooted in the notion of rule by and for the people .

>> No.21357249

Fight the good fight brother and you will be rewarded.
>But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

>> No.21357256


>> No.21357262

Urk uhhhhh ism ism ism ook urk uhhhhh ism ook ism urk urk ism ism uhhhhhh ook ook ism ism ism ookism urkism uhhhhh ism ?

>> No.21357266

The image you posted makes me feel dutiful, inspired and patriotic about my own country.

>> No.21357271

You having a stroke anon or are you illiterate?

>> No.21357277

agenbite of midwit

>> No.21357279

Read more. This is just sad to witness. Get more clarity how you think about things and stop getting lost in language games it won't do you do good.

>> No.21357319

I've read plenty of history and political theory/philosophy, and was hoping some anon knowledgeable in these subjects might shine some light on the question I raised.
My post was fairly clear about the confusion or contradiction: namely that it is confusing how modern day liberals often use the term "populism" as a bogeyman word, identified as a threat to their ideology, despite their own ideology being rooted in it (i.e rooted in social contract theory and the notion of a limited government responsible to the people), and tangibly historically the expanse of the franchise, the right to vote only came about due to the conflict between people and elites.
So why then do people like Fukuyama say that populism is a potential threat to liberalism? What does this mean?

>> No.21357322

Also I really hate /lit/ posters like yourself who rather than contribute anything substantive, just make pretentious snide remarks like "read more".

>> No.21357324

The habits of adulthood happen quite gradually you don't always notice how grown up you are until you stop to think about it. I remember sleeping over at a girls apartment when I was still living at my parents and the idea of her living in this flat on her own seemed impossibly mature to me. Now I've been living out of home for almost 5 years and that memory hit me today. I'm sure to a 20 year old I seem really grown up and I guess I am.

>> No.21357334
File: 25 KB, 720x501, B4233A19-7390-4084-ACEB-9DD491AE9606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many twinks to sleep with. So little time.

>> No.21357351

yeah they’re arseholes anon, I actually managed to make one of them crack once and he just balled about how he is literally living in the projects and only has hate for society or some shit.

In answer to your post, imo American non-totalitarian republicanism is often now conflated with democracy to the point that when people invoke the boogeyman of popularism they’re really attempting to articulate, in negative terms, the erosive power of democratic modes of organisation on republican liberalist ideals, they just don't know how to say it in positive terms because the positive terms are exactly everything that the system accounts for and was, as you say, the very basis of the system in the first place. I’m probably nowhere near as knowledgable or as well read as you, so just another get out of jail free clause: This is all, just like, my opinion, man.

>> No.21357362

I feel as if the story of my life is trying to swim upstream and ultimately failing.

>> No.21357370

The hard part is the time is over but I never found my stride

>> No.21357383

Huh, i thought sex was when a latex clad woman would ram a cross dressed man's ass with a strapon

>> No.21357390

I dont know how to live but once I'll know, I'll be dead the very next moment.

>> No.21357589

Have any writers wrote about the dynamics (for the lack of a better word) of satire as a genre? Recently I've been thinking about how satire seems to be a fundamentally bourgeois form, aimed at either the classes they envy (the aristocracy) but have economic power over, or the classes they despise and have both economic and institutional power over (the lower classes). While organic lower-class dislike and spite against something usually takes on a form of very honestly expressed anger and outrage. It very rarely, if ever results in this smug Voltaire-esque or Brechtian smug redditor archetype.

>> No.21357592

All novels are bourgeois. It is in itself a fundamentally bourgeois form.

>> No.21357600

I hate everyone

>> No.21357635

Everybody is laughing at me

>> No.21357643
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x720, 1670372451661.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

books for this feel?

>> No.21357678

That's a good thing.

>> No.21357682

what book are you reading currently?

>> No.21357744

>Machines were mice and men were lions, once upon a time. But now that it's the opposite, it's twice upon a time.

What's your interpretation of this?

It's said at the beggining of this Moondog track:

I think about these phrases often, though I can never quite grasp what they mean, if anything. Makes me think of the Aesop story of the lion and the mouse, but what about it? And how is it now the opposite? And about "twice upon a time", doesn't that sound like "things appear to have changed to the opposite of how it was, but it's actually the same".

What's your take?

>> No.21357758

My tortoise has been refusing to eat for a few weeks now, and it's been worrying me. There are no competent veterinarians here that know how to deal with tortoises, and when I ask the old folks they just say "oh it's the winter season, they stop eating to prepare for hibernation", and I can't buy into that. I gave the lad apples to eat and he took a couple of bites before leaving the scene. I don't know what to do, and I'm afraid of there being a malicious sickness within his body that is unidentifiable by the non-vets.

>> No.21357764

fucking confluence

>> No.21357769
File: 1.39 MB, 400x457, VBPOri5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>touch gress
>go outside
>real things matter
Nobody is fucking outside. People who "advise" the shit above imagine a lost world of people who wander around in "external reality", but that place is empty.
(And no I don't count the boring as fuck millennials who end their life in marriage and two kids. Parents are not alive people in any functional sense.)

>> No.21357783

I'm getting stronger.

>> No.21357802

It was 1st December ‘22 when I got called up for duty. They didn’t give us no time to prepare. Dropped us straight into the middle of the Arctic with nothing but a red hat and a candy cane. I still remember the smell of burning advent calendar. And my Lord….The Elf, he was….so far away from the shelf. That’s when it hit me. The War on Christmas, it was real.

>> No.21357810
File: 216 KB, 1400x2093, 1633667947594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all fucked

>> No.21357812


The old folks are right in that it is most likely just hibernation, especially since it is at least trying to eat something.

>> No.21357819

give the quick qrd?

>> No.21357862

>Nobody is fucking outside
>Parents are not alive people in any functional sense
Enjoy your perpetual adolescence spent on the internet, feeling smug yet miserable

>> No.21357912

Saying something like that to a complete stranger, aquaintance, colleague, or off the clock coworker would yield completely different experiences for the both of you.
The average woman would most likely just be confused and wonder why you said that, especially if you don't have much of a relationship or social tie. A statement like that isn't just an honest admittal of inexperience, it automatically implies and imparts a social test against her willingness to conform to you. It could come off as fishing for a possible relationship that might not even be deep enough yet to make sense, or as a joke or even a threat because it was so abrupt. Women are immediate empaths whether they want to fuck or not, and it's hard to know if a stranger wants advice, to be consoled, to be listened to, or to be laughed with. The confusion you would meet would be reflective of ignorance of the situation and it would ultimately boil to nothing unless you had already been an uncomfortable person before.
At best, our "average woman" would try to read your facial expressions and body language in an attempt to form an appropriate response and move on with life; at worst, she would think you were off for saying something like that and would try to avoid another uncomfortable situation, be it for the sake of self preservation or otherwise. Anything else that happens along these lines is character dependent.

>> No.21357924

I think it would largely depend on your looks. The better you look, the less they'd be willing to believe that it's not a joke.

>> No.21357948

Roastie as an insult makes no sense to me. My preference is decidedly towards large, fleshy and protruding labia. They're fun to nibble and suck on, the look good, and when you're fucking, the visual of pussy lips virtually reaching out to consume muh dick is hot beyond compare.

>captcha: 0d0rs (unironically)

>> No.21357973

Be glad you're human enough not to feel total bitterness and apathy to these stories. Covid changed absolutely nothing in my life because I'd been a NEET vegetable for 7 years prior and seeing everyone panic about staying indoors for too long really twisted me up inside.

>> No.21358012

>Don't bother eating because it all becomes shit in the end


>> No.21358016

I can't parallel park to save my life. I will park several blocks over or pay to park instead. Even with a decent amount of space, I usually end up denting the car in front of me or behind me after several minutes of adjustments. If there is barely any room, I don't even attempt it

>> No.21358038

Is there an alternative?

>> No.21358040

order is better than chaos

>> No.21358041

My brother is truly good.

>> No.21358048
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>> No.21358211
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Stop everything.
Tell me instantly what women mean by this fucking thing

>> No.21358215


>> No.21358220

How are you awkward every message dumbass surely sometimes you're not

>> No.21358236

to put into autistic terms, this:

>> No.21358242

Be like Idi Amin instead

>> No.21358246

Three books

1. Handbook Of Semiotics
2. Marc Bloch - Feudal Society (Vol.1)
3. Emmanuel Swedenborg - Heaven And Hell

>> No.21358254

She's cute. Waifu material

>> No.21358270

Unsure about how their message will be received. Don't want the recipient to freak out or think they want your dick pic. Just women things.

>> No.21358282
File: 31 KB, 638x449, Snapchat-1475795012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sinful and dishonorable for desiring another man's girl. How to cope? The rational part of my mind understands that they are perfectly suited for each other, but the Monkey mind yearns for his downfall somehow. It's disgraceful.
The worst is that the more I learn about them both, the more I respect the man and love the woman.

>> No.21358348

dude being a yuppie fucking sucks. life was so much better when i was a degenerate and could go on month long benders.
at this point i dont think anyone could convince me otherwise

>> No.21358359

Also reading:

Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan
Hugo Grotius - Peace And War

>> No.21358364

What Baltoslavic/Germanic tribe is she from? I want to buy her

>> No.21358375

Write a fictional story based on your predicament, become an ultra rich author, years later commit seppuku and will all your assets to both the man and woman with no explanation or note. Then you'll become the most famous and controversial author of the 21st century. Roasties will hump your grave and incels will idolize you.
Don't really, just get over the relationship. It's great that you're not resentful though, it says a lot about you.

>> No.21358377

that's a norwegian traditional clothing

>> No.21358378

Based. Either kill us or send us back with guns so we can retake our homelands from the savages.

>> No.21358408

Not him
>Acting like voluntarily starving is as easy as not dating
He's right on the fact that being invested on an emotional level to anything only leads to despair and chaos. Honestly I had girlfriends but I dont give a shit about dating anymore because it's always the same story and it'll always end sooner than you think. At this point only a God given gf-to-be-wife is worth it (because dying together seems fun compared to spending a lifetime alone) and they're not that numerous. Focusing on ephemeral relationships is the blight of modern society

>> No.21358412
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Jajaja the author story is kinda tempting; whenever I read about Dante and how enamored he was for Beatrice, who he could never be with, it makes me feel less alone. But I'd also never want to reveal these thoughts to anyone, especially to them, since it would ultimately just be a very weird and unwelcome bizarrity in their lives.
That being said, yeah I really need to fucking get over it, I know that even if by some miracle I had a chance to be with her, my cultural upbringing and moral values would inevitably clash with hers and we wouldn't be able to reconcile them. I also plan on moving abroad elsewhere, so I'll be far far away from them and hopefully will find someone else in a new land.
I'll probably write a little story about it, for myself and not to be published in any form, just to unload the feelings.

>> No.21358465

the soviets stopped hitler, btw. amerilards love taking outsized credit for shit. can't rewrite history forever, bucko!

>> No.21358481

I woke up this morning and had sex with my gf life is good

>> No.21358510

Big Ag is big chemical. They genetically modify seeds to withstand their poisons that are herbicide, insecticide and fungicide, this ruins natural soil on the already bad annual crop lands and forces farmers to buy petroleum based fertilizers. The poisons don’t just stay in the seeds and the ground, they end up in trace amounts of our food. All corn products for one. Eating it can be bad for a full grown adult and they can just avoid that food source, but mothers who ate too much of it during pregnancy have doomed their kids to what is probably evident today. Slight mental and physical abnormalities made worse by double doses of Big Ag foodstuffs.
Someone won a court case against them for giving them cancer, but that’s being kept pretty quiet of course.

>> No.21358523

Is there a way to lessen the effect (of getting chemicals into your body) as an average consumer?

>> No.21358526

USSR would have by any counterfactual collapsed without lend-lease.

>> No.21358534

Fact is we have had a seesawing between state controlled and oligarchic controlled kingdoms, empires, republics and city states for millennia and they’re all odious, scavenging monsters. Picking one side over the other has always been a sign of a true dimwit

>> No.21358549

Permaculture movement looks like the best way.
(Even some officially stamped “organic” farms buy a little Roundup now and then, so what good is the “no GMO” labels really when the genetic alterations themselves aren’t the problem?)

>> No.21358570

Is there any food to avoid in particular besides the obvious like wheat and rice?

>> No.21358577

I wrote that post to be a blackpill. It isn't the whole story, as symbiotic memes and memetic ecosystems have been evolving in parallel with parasitic ones - many knowledge-societies of the world such as history, philosophy, and science function like this. I see these movements are evolving towards a super-network that radically outcompetes parasitic memes and memetic ecosystems. What better way to unite the knowledge-societies of the world than the biggest threat to intelligence possible? Doomsday and Bloomsday are manifesting themselves simultaneously, as their means are the same: the power of human communication. Which one will be completed first?

>> No.21358586

All that's left are fully controlled lab synthesized onions-like food replacement mixtures. The world's land is irreparrably tainted. They've won.

>> No.21358622
File: 385 KB, 1200x1832, A22CD271-FEB8-4F22-8D14-4660D95B1EF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shut up.

Either try to grow own and/or do research on the sources.
Regenerative food forestry is also a great carbon capturing method. Probably the best way to reverse climate change besides reforesting the world

>> No.21358652

I won't be part of your plan
So fuck your solutions, 'cause nothing gets changed!

>> No.21358661

Without my self-righteous anger I am nothing

>> No.21358666

I know it hurts to know that, Paco

>> No.21358679

Vai ci fuder filha da puta!

>> No.21358737
File: 87 KB, 824x965, 1648863421581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would a person open up to you about their deep trauma but not about everyday things that make them happy or interest them

>> No.21358755

I get anxious very quickly over the uncertainty of life

>> No.21358757

there are no everyday things that makes them happy or interested.

>> No.21358762

There must be something; I have to assume since I am not privileged to hear about the everyday that the moments of opening up have been actually selfish self-indulgence instead.

>> No.21358766

I have few friends who regularly smoke weed. And their is behavior is sometimes so fucking annoying. Like when they're smoking weed their behavior is really nice and calm but when they don't get any to smoke they become dickheads out of nowhere and get hurtful sometimes. It's like dealing split personality or whatever the fuck. Dealing with them is getting annoying because you don't know what kind of mood they're in.

This is really getting on my nerves. I don't know what I should do.

>> No.21358768

Do they only want pity or just talking about their traumas?

>> No.21358796

Then get one.

>> No.21358804

evens yes
odds no

>> No.21358814

I do not offer any pity in return. They want to talk about trauma but I end it every time since I find it abusive almost: I don't even know what you like and you force me to be part of your suffering? That's cheating, skipping several steps in getting to know each other

>> No.21358820
File: 195 KB, 1024x682, sore-loser[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh-h L-LEND LEA-
shut your goofy nigger ass up, nobody cares that your stupid toys got blown up on the eastern front, the soviets paid with tens of millions of human lives against the genocidal dreams of a horde of monsters. your "generous" (but not free!) supplies pale in comparison. americans have never known what true sacrifice means, being separated by literal oceans from any true adversary. the sufferings of war are not even part of your lexicon.

>> No.21358824

That's fair. You shouldnt be an emotional dumping site. That being said, can I ask what everyday things make YOU happy or what interests you?

>> No.21358846

Now kiss

>> No.21358879

It is likely that the person has a sense of trust and comfort with you when it comes to discussing their deep trauma, but may not feel the same level of trust and comfort when it comes to discussing their everyday joys and interests. Additionally, they may not feel that their everyday experiences are worth sharing or are not as significant as their deep trauma.

>> No.21358880

Dubs and I'll kill myself on new year's eve

>> No.21358883

I started talking to this girl in line at a shop and one of the first things she said was "I don't know anything." Why would she say that?

>> No.21358890

Nothing you can do. They're addicts

>> No.21358895

Any tips?

>> No.21358900

Lack of boundaries

>> No.21358908


1. Christianity is the refuge of the weak.
2. The weak should seek refuge.
3. We are weaklings.
C: We should seek refuge in Christianity.

>> No.21358910

Schopenhauer's ethics are where the weak should seek refuge

>> No.21358915

>from perpetually squabbling kingdoms to global empire to backwater islamic caliphate
British history is wild

>> No.21358919

lol, keep on trucking

>> No.21358922

The russians were the genocidal hordes of monsters

>> No.21358925

Should I get away from them?

>> No.21358946

im sorry you're mad that your failed ideology and retarded cokehead leader both died from incompetence, however the world is better off for it

>> No.21358949

Depends on how much value they have to you and how much you care about them. Maybe bring it up if they're old friends or w/e. Or just deal with it if you like them. A lot of people who smoke are aware that they're an asshole when they're sober and even joke about it

>> No.21358959

Shalom rabbi!
How many baby dicks did you suck today?

>> No.21358965

The specter of invading eastern hordes both predates and postdates National Socialism. The fear of invading Russians is why theres such a spazz out about Ukraine right now. The fact is the Russians absolutely brutalized Europe, and I'm sorry if that offends your commitment to a failed ideology (gommunism)

>> No.21358970

Interested in a girl but I'm wary of beginning a relationship with her because she is going to be a doctor. I don't want a gf or wife who is going to be far more successful than me and barely in the house because she's working.

>> No.21358978

A more successful gf/wife is the standard these days. Make the best of it and try to be a househusband (neet but with waifu instead of mommy)

>> No.21358995

Should I get a therapist, try to make friends from volunteering/Meetup, or get a dominatrix?

>> No.21358998

>get a dominatrix

>> No.21359006

Why's that?

>> No.21359025

>A lot of people who smoke are aware that they're an asshole when they're sober and even joke about it
Wow, it didn't know about this

What was your personal experience when you were dealing with these types?

>> No.21359065

It is ultimately up to you to decide which option is best for your situation, but a therapist or making friends through volunteering or Meetup groups may be more beneficial in addressing your social and emotional needs. A dominatrix may not provide the support and guidance you need in addressing the underlying issues causing feelings of loneliness and isolation.

>> No.21359095
File: 68 KB, 526x526, 271862106_23849824884530117_5033181235014425715_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image redpilled me harder than anything else in my life
you'll never believe why

>> No.21359113

>doctor gf
That's like a golden ticket, man. You'll finally have the time and resources to live the literary lifestyle

Why not all three?

>> No.21359119

I consider myself to be a true, alpha female.

>> No.21359121

Let me guess, it's the heights

>> No.21359130

Average 4chan femcel

>> No.21359142

yes but not because the men are "tall" but because it makes you realize that women are tiny and the people ordering these are aware of it on a scale that's surprising

>> No.21359154


>> No.21359163

Wanna peg me?

>> No.21359164


>> No.21359166

>most people know when others are taller than them
Wow, shocking

>> No.21359173

Post your height

>> No.21359185

the universal shortness of women is not often acknowledged in any capacity
6'2 (dwarf)

>> No.21359207

Hang out with sober people. One of my best friends became like that and I can't even look at him in the eyes for a minute without having various insults welling up inside me. He became so fucking annoying it's unbelievable. He only thinks about buying cigarettes and buying weed or rolling up joints. The only things he does not pertaining to drugs is flirting with dumb chicks and working. He never thinks about anything else; he became unable to. Every night I spend alone with that guy I regret because he became the most uninteresting bloke in existence. Fuck that drug shit who took my funny best friend away and get as far away from them as you can if you can.

>> No.21359216

You're putting your finger on a very interesting problem, namely the obvious (and worsening) mutual confusion of political discourses, which are somehow presumed by most of their participants to be self-evident and transparent. What we end up with is a jumble of statements that are taken as "obviously" "definitive" for each discourse, like "Liberals are suspicious of state power," and "Liberals are in favor of liberty," but which conflict both on paper (logically) and in practice (in terms of their historic outcomes). Different discourses also lay claim to the same supposedly definitive statements while accusing the others of being false or deceptive upholders of those statements. Thus Marxists mocks liberals for being fake populists and secret oligarchs, and anarchists mock Marxists for being fake populists and secret oligarchs. You also rightly note one of the most confusing elements (nowadays anyway) of liberalism, which is its aristocratic character and its hostility to "mere" mob rule, despite its claim to be "the people's" champion.

The useless, shit reactions to your post and the general lack of reaction to it are indicators of /lit/'s intellectual level currently. Anyone who has spent a few years soaking in a general humanistic education, like probably 90% of the userbase here has done at some university, would at least recognize the legitimacy of these questions and direct you to classic, canonical thinkers like Isaiah Berlin, Tocqueville, or Mill, whom you mention. It's a demonstration that a university education teaches nothing now. Someone with a high school education could have answered you intelligently in 1965.

But in terms of the actual question, don't drop it. It's a really good one and you're standing on a goldmine of possibilities for further inquiry. Read Carl Schmitt's Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy tonight, it's short and is a direct answer to the exact issues you're raising here.

His approach is to disaggregate the discourses of populism (democracy properly speaking) and liberalism (the ideology of the "bourgeois Rechtstaat"), and to show how democracy/populism as a principle is discursively more primordial and of earlier origin than liberalism. Liberalism arose as one possible ANSWER, within the discourse of democracy/populism, to the problem of how the democratic ideal "the people is sovereign" is actually to be carried out in the world, since "the people" is an abstract ideal entity, and has to be translated into real terms (political institutions and procedures). The liberal answer is to hypostasize "continuous civil discourse" - the kind of discourse Mill describes in On Liberty - as the true representative and thus the guarantor of the people's will. It does this by enthroning continuous civil discourse in representative institutions, parliaments, whose claim to legitimacy is that they are the height and locus of "the people's" civil discourse, and thus the people itself.

>> No.21359220

>universal shortness of women is not often acknowledged in any capacity
What? Literally what? Do you even talk to people?

>> No.21359221

Underlying all this is a presupposition of Enlightenment rationalism: reasoned discourse always leads to rational conclusions, and the solution to any problem is always more rational discourse. But this causes a whole host of problems. First of all simple logical problems like: What do we do in emergency situations, so dire or where time is such a factor that prolonging "rational" discussion isn't an option? Second, problems familiar to any Marxist or anarchist: why we should necessarily believe that parliament and its participants (politicians) are the true representatives of the people's own continuous discourse, and thus the people; and worse, what if these politicians are actually acting in bad faith, and are merely claiming they and their institutions (parliament) are the only legitimate representatives of "the people," because it allows them to maintain their effective oligarchy? Then they would be no different from the older nobles or clerics or kings who claimed to be the "appointed guardians/representatives of "the people," a claim which the bourgeoisie rejected.

But then the question arises: If liberalism and the bourgeoisie have been discredited as legitimate representatives of "the people," but we still want to be demo-crats (popul-ists, holding "the people" to be the ultimate constitutive power of any political formation), what do we do? Do we find alternative representatives, like Schmitt wanted to do, or like Weber wanted to do with his ideal of a powerful executive (effectively a dictator) answerable to the people as a whole via referendum, because he wanted to bypass technocrats and oligarchs and thought this populist-dictatorial compromise was the lesser of two evils? Schmitt defended Hitler as representing "the people" in a similar way.

Or do we go back to the 18th century when all these issues were still open-ended, and try to find alternative paths to true democracy? Maybe the paths of the Founding Fathers. But go back and actually read them - I strongly recommend you read Bernard Bailyin's Ideological Origins of the American Revolution right after Schmitt - and you will find that they, on the one hand, had way too much faith in Enlightenment rationalism as well, and also had no conception of democratic representation in modern states with hundreds of millions of people. Their ideal democracy was a small, tight-knit republic, based on a quasi-fascist (by today's standards) middle class of patriots led by a natural aristocracy of even fiercer patriots. Following republican discourse of the time, like Montesquieu and Rousseau, they often stated categorically that liberty and democracy were features of small, compressed states, and were impossible on a large scale. The natural political formation of polities with large populations was, necessarily and universally, some form of administrative tyranny.

>> No.21359229

Go back to founding figures of modern liberal discourse like Locke and you will find the same presuppositions. They would never, ever imagine recommending a democratic constitution (which in their minds meant the political "form" of a people) to a teeming anonymous horde of consumers. They started from the presupposition of a highly virtuous, patriotic, closely-knit group of people, jealous of their freedom and always on guard against tyranny. THAT is the true origin of British and American early modern love of "small states" and hatred of administration. Brits and Americans who were what we would now call liberals were especially afraid of the state maintaining a standing army, because it becomes a permanent means of coercion in the hands of the ruler. One of the biggest fears of the American revolutionaries was the stationing or raising of a permanent army. We can't even imagine a modern state without a standing army, a standing police force, etc. Yet this was the mental landscape of Locke and the Founding Fathers. It's not one that is possible today, and if they saw our changed world, they would regard it with horror.

That is the true root of liberalism and what we now call libertarianism. For a long time it was coupled with faith in the free market, the whole "peace through trade" thing. Everybody stopped taking this seriously in the 19th century. By the 1850s it was old-fashioned and by the economic crises of the 1870s free market ideologies were practically considered the dogma of an ancient and dead religion. This is when people like Durkheim began to see that people like Marx were right to a point, that bourgeois liberalism was a corpse that was still walking only through residual inertia, and that if they wanted to save its inner ideal core (the bourgeois Rechtstaat) and maintain the political status quo they were going to need to do a lot of damage control. This is why Durkheim was interested in what keeps people together despite living in urban industrial meaningless drudgery, whereas the thinkers of the Enlightenment would have confidently proclaimed that this free life of free production and free trade inevitably leads to prosperity which inevitably leads to harmony. Nobody, even the defenders of "liberalism" by this time, believed that anymore.

>> No.21359242

More cynically, the fragments of the old liberal ideal have routinely been collected and glued together to serve as propaganda for the technocratic-oligarchic machines that inherited the inertially walking corpses of the 19th century "liberal democracies." This is the real nature of libertarianism and classical liberalism today. Almost every movement in this direction was either conscious propaganda written by people like Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays, who really had no faith in liberalism in the ideal sense, or it was Cold War ghostwriting and black budget funding of such propaganda to form an ideological counter to the USSR's own propaganda claims of being a moral state. How this works is, you find disaffected liberals and libertarians who already want to write about how we need to try Enlightenment liberal rationalism and free market worship all over again, and you fund them and found organs for them to publish in, especially in areas where you want to make this look like a robust discourse, for instance in countries where intellectuals are increasingly looking to Communism and are probably receiving money and aid from the USSR. Karl Popper's open society ideal, the post-war libertarian boom, Leo Strauss, most post-war liberal leftism or "post-Marxist" leftism, all of these received support and were nudged into center stage to reconstitute a discourse on liberalism, with its supposed core values of openness, tolerance, etc. There isn't a single figure or movement left completely untouched by the propagandistic shaping of discourse in this period, and you can dig deep into this and find lots of truly creepy, dystopian things. Behind every "neo"-liberal is Bernays' face talking about how the masses are stupid cattle who need a religion to keep them docile while their thoughts are shaped.

As a reaction against this, many thinkers arose with genuine commitment to Enlightenment ideals of liberty, like Christopher Lasch, but who also saw the paradoxes involved in championing these ideals simplistically in today's world, as well as the propaganda machines interested in promoting them as simplistically as possible. This included a lot of post-Marxists too, like Paul Piccone, who saw the Communist alternative as equally totalitarian and dishonest. These thinkers have increasingly gone back and done serious studies of those inconvenient presuppositions of the Enlightenment democrats, the ones about how a republic can only be a relatively small, highly self-conscious national unit, with a patriotic yet independent middle class, and an aristocracy of patriots at the top who serve the people as a duty and not by some face in the ultimately liberating power of free trade and self-interest. Such thinkers include Lasch (read The Revolt of the Elites), Berlin, Victor Davis Hanson (read his The Other Greeks), Bailyn, etc. They also have precursors in figures like Tocqueville, mostly ignored in his time but seems very prescient today.

>> No.21359302

Nothing's ever beautiful and everything hurts

>> No.21359315

My advice don't change until you're forced to at which point commit suicide

>> No.21359380


>> No.21359507
File: 85 KB, 500x445, please-be-patient-i-have-autism-im-doing-my-best-62338387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have Autism and I'm abusing it to the best of my ability to get through class. I'm able to get away with murder in class with missing assignments for months and more. I just submitted something that's clearly plagiarized he's gonna give me a pat on the back and give it a pass. I'm literally just sliding through college without critical thinking.

>> No.21359520

I'm starting to feel nostalgic about 10 years ago and I fear it will get worse as I grow older. I even feel sad at the thought that some online acquaintance I talked to a few times around this time 10 years ago has died of cancer relatively young, I can't imagine when it will be my parents or cat.

>> No.21359545

How does it feel to exist as a spiritual nigger?

>> No.21359551

You're destroying yourself in the long run, you are establishing habits and self-perceptions that are many layers deep beneath what you can access consciously

There's no free lunch in life, you are robbing yourself blind tomorrow to pay yourself a pittance today

>> No.21359559


>> No.21359560

it's literally impossible to be a voracious reader and work for corporate america.

>> No.21359563

>my ass is a swamp.
I know how you feel. Absolutely hellish.

>> No.21359582

I'm submitting an application to a fucking Boba place and one of the questions is
>Other than work experience and education, what relevant experiences do you have that make you especially qualified for this job?
Like, wtf kind of question even is that? Uhhh, I fucking make tea at home? I dont fucking know, what kind of hobby could I have that qualifies me to make milk tea? Why do they add pointless bullshit questions like that? Its a mininum wage job and I've been doing mininum wage work for 5 fucking years. I think I'm qualified.

>> No.21359585
File: 251 KB, 640x542, 1664565729603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think I'm doing okay in class
>arrive early one day
>teacher kneels down in front of me and gently puts a hand on my knee
>"I'm so proud of you for continuing your education despite your problems"

>> No.21359597

Just say you show up on time and that you're a fast learner with 5y experiences in shitty jobs dealing with middle managers and low IQ retards who think themselves better than they are

>> No.21359602

Write that you have moderate to fair motor skills.

>> No.21359611

I had a very brief but good, genuine conversation with a girl that showed vulnerability to me at a gas station which made me think about love and a future. I returned to it after work looking for her and she was there again (we were both working nearby). Upon asking for her name and number she said: "I'm good." It's the first time I have been rejected because it's the first time I asked a girl for her number. I guess a combination of age and loneliness will push me out of my head. Definitely came off as crazy, will act unaccordingly in the future. Being a retard is hard work lads, but it's honest. I'm honest and sincerepilled lads, I don't care if it breaks me. I am a shy, flickering light in the night. I'm finally going to let it shine. This is rather shameless and undignified, perhapsingly I shall start a journal

>> No.21359615

I don't know why it took me so long to realize. When a normie comes here all they see is pure hatred and rage. The average normie is used to discussions with no name-calling whatsoever, perhaps not even confrontation or open disagreement; people just say "well okay everyone has their opinion."
When they visit this place they see insults that are more extreme than they've heard in their life. Here, faggot might be as simple as "I disagreed with that post," but to a normalfag it's one of the worst insults possible. Anons even use fag in a positive or neutral way, as in "poorfag" or "oldfag." Harder insults like "kys" or "die faggot" are typically written with no malice or anger at all, and they're closer to "stfu" or an expression of distaste.
In their eyes this is genuinely the most hateful place they could imagine, but for regular anons it's just run of the mill banter.

>> No.21359620
File: 110 KB, 1077x1207, 20221125_091343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University girls don't even compare to the 18 year olds working at supermarkets and mcdonalds. I am surrounded by forbidden beauty.

>> No.21359626

Holy effort post thank you this is extremely interesting. I don't have the time to read this right now but I'm going to save your comments & read them later tonight

>> No.21359636

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.21359638

A big dick is worthless without said big dick energy

>> No.21359642

No, the question specifically says not to include work experience. Like what the fuck.
Unfortunately I am actually clumsy as fuck. I dont think I'm gonna get the job anyway. I talked to the manager already. She had a big ass banner saying "now hiring" and when I went in to ask about it she seemed really annoyedand told me to apply online. Sucks because there was this super qt grill working there whom I wanted to plow.

>> No.21359645

kys trannie

>> No.21359647

Shut up nigger

>> No.21359653

Women are like cats. If you're too direct they get spooked. You have let them warm up to you

>> No.21359655

I once went to a different board and complimented someone, and they replied asking why I was being mean. /lit/ is a nightmare and it poisons you.

>> No.21359659
File: 2.17 MB, 473x498, mark-cuban-shark-tank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So familiarity is the angle?

>> No.21359661

It's one of the only things insulating 4chan from diluting completely into the public cesspool like everything else has. Never underestimate the power of a slightly elitist exclusionary culture. The content of the hazing doesn't really matter, a minimum of hazing is simply necessary to make newbies hate themselves and internalize that they can either get good or get the fuck out, with no in-between options.

Normies live their entire lives in the in-between, and they turn every space they colonize into an in-between space where no one needs to be qualified to "participate" or "be there." It's a very feminine way of being in the world and works perfectly fine for women in their own social spaces but it is an all-consuming cancer in any male space. Male spaces run on hierarchy, but they also have built-in instincts promoting fair play, based on the aristocratic principle of letting the young pretenders "slay their fathers," bringing new blood and new life into the hierarchy. The male love of freedom to challenge is mimicked by the female love of freedom to "be," and through this bridge of ambiguity, all the anti-masculine vices of female spaces seep in and melt the hierarchy into a two-dimensional puddle, all surface with no depth.

>> No.21359665
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>> No.21359688

From what I can gather. I made ththe same mistake last week. Girl was very conversational with me and I gave her my number. Must have been too soon because she got spooked.

>> No.21359696

Based post. Normalfag spaces are extremely artificial.
keepin it real

>> No.21359731
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>> No.21359734

Damn bro you got serious issues

>> No.21359739

Neck yourself asap

>> No.21359742

don't major in physics bro

>> No.21359770

This note didn't make me want to kill myself. Reminded me of this melancholy song by a guitarist from Deerhunter which repeats "one of these days" in the outro

>> No.21359775

im so sick of being sick
i have had a cold and flu for OVER TWO FUCKING WEEKS
i finally feel better but im getting pestered by an overwhelming cough. i cough and cough and cough, and then i wretch and nearly puke. this is a fucking joke just kill me
i cant even talk anymore. i have literally lost my voice due to how rough my illness has been

>> No.21359795

Thanks for the advice bro

>> No.21359826

thank you for this <3

>> No.21359839

Much love. And regarding your note, you missed something. The sun rises and shines a light on something worth it everyday.

>> No.21359884

>You must help us to destroy capitalism.
Lmao get fucked commie faggot, only pure capitalism can help us

There is no capitalism any more.

>> No.21359963
File: 2.92 MB, 556x820, WWOYM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy Catholic forgot the link to his next thread


>> No.21360113

old /lit/ was even worse, if you can believe it

>> No.21361280

The manifestations of various political paradigms are still necessarily downstream from the ethnos of the populations enacting them. It isn't reasonable to equate Chinese fascism with European fascism. If you compare the ideals/vision of European fascists to China's quasi-fascism, you'll find significant divergence.

Furthermore, it is simply the case that some degree of capitalism is necessary for a nation to hold it's own on the world stage. No viable substitute for that fundamental engine has been found. Fascism then, is the most reasonable option since it seeks to restrain capitalism's tendency towards perversity while harnessing its power towards the only valid telos of state—to serve it's founding ethnos.

Fascism's capacity to employ capitalism and liberalism whilst curtailing their cancerous, degenerate trajectories is the real reason it was so aggressively demonized and destroyed.

>> No.21361340

>No viable substitute for that fundamental engine has been found.
Except foe the fact we don't need any such engine to keep states around at all.
>Fascism then, is the most reasonable
It is a throwback to to previous times the banker's state lost control. Nothing more. It's the same DUMB cycle. It will NOT restrain capitalism. It will suck on it's tit. It will bawl for more more MORE. Then, as always, it will go to war for more. It will tell its soldiers anything to get them riled up to fight the "enemy". Jews, Russians, Chinese, Africa. They demonize them now, they fight them now!
No, young fool. Fascism isn't reasonable.