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/lit/ - Literature

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21354727 No.21354727 [Reply] [Original]

The girl i loved for years dumped me, and is now with a new guy. she is fucking him while i sit here in my dark room trying to get my mental state stable. the last time we talked she told me that she doesnt even think of me anymore, is much happier with him and that i should never again attempt contacting her, and it hurts every night when i think of her and it all, i am the lowest point in my life with nothing in order and everyday being a struggle, and feel like a massive loser.

please suggest me some books to cope with the coldness of life and indifference of the world and yet something that gives a person hope to keep moving forward..

>> No.21354743
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>inb4 date new girls
i cant as i gained a good amount of fat, been working towards losing it all

>> No.21354752

If she disrespected you and showed no compassion towards you by saying those things then she was a piece of garbage not lovable in the first place, therefore what you had and have for her is a false love, therefore you have a right and a duty to yourself to suppress, deconstruct, and overcome it.

You're behaving like a drug addict. Your ex is the one dealer of the drug you want, and she's already laughed at you for begging for it. You have two options: make ever more degrading pleas or realize that no drug is worth this. All other apparent options are merely pseudo-options that ultimately resolve into one or the other of these two options. Books can be part of moving on, in that they can distract you while your irrational cravings fade, or remind you of things you should already know, like that there is a world of meaning and purpose beyond this bad person, that love is one part of a full meaningful life and not the only part of it, etc. But books in themselves can't make you choose the right option out of the two just outlined.

>> No.21354791
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Here anon, i hope it cheers you up

>> No.21354795
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That's a really good post, thank you for it.

>Books can be part of moving on, in that they can distract you while your irrational cravings fade, or remind you of things you should already know, like that there is a world of meaning and purpose beyond this bad person, that love is one part of a full meaningful life and not the only part of it, etc. But books in themselves can't make you choose the right option out of the two just outlined.

I've wasted months begging her for it all to amount to nothing, and have given up on the thought that she will ever come back, but my self-esteem has been completely ruined and i feel broken anytime i think of her, and i feel tired of life.

if possible could you recommend me any books or anything that could help me with it? thank you for the post, ill save it along with anything that gets posted here

>> No.21354798

lmao (yes i did the captcha just to reply to this)

>> No.21354803

Bro, she sounds like a total cunt anyways. Fuck her, you're better than that.

>> No.21354818
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>I hope it cheers you up

>> No.21354859
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just feel powerless towards life seeing it all, wish i was in a better place

guys, please drop some reccs

>> No.21354918

Colin Wilson helped me out of a similar funk
>The main trouble with human beings is their tendency to become trapped in the 'triviality of everydayness' (to borrow Heidegger's phrase), in the suffocating world of their personal preoccupations. And every time they do this, they forget the immense world of broader significance that stretches around them. And since man needs a sense of meaning to release his hidden energies, this forgetfulness pushes him deeper and deeper into depression and boredom, the sense that nothing is worth the effort. ...

>The interesting thing is that Western man developed science and philosophy of because of this consuming passion for wider significances. It was not his reason that betrayed him, but his inability to reason clearly, to understand that a healthy mind must have an 'input' of meaning from the universe if it is to keep up an 'output' of vital effort. The fatal error was the failure of the scientists and rationalists to keep their minds open to the sense of huaca, the unseen forces. They tried to measure life with a six-inch ruler and weigh it with the kitchen scales. This was not science; it was crudity only one degree beyond that of savages; and Swift made game of it in the 'Voyage to Laputa'.

>Man lives and evolves by 'eating' significance, as a child eats food. The deeper his sense of wonder, the wider his curiosity, the stronger his vitality becomes, and the more powerful his grip on his own existence.


>> No.21355004


Reading really pulled me out of a long depression and got me over an ex.
Zarathustra, Meditations, and Denial of Death are what come to mind as the books that gave me the kick up the ass and the perspective change I needed. Saying yes to life, embracing suffering, striving for discipline and trying to find real value in life helped me get it together. My taste was and is basic and I make no apology, shit works for me and that's enough.
Hope you work it out man, once that rose tint fades you're on easy street.

>> No.21355025

The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.
Also, you get over heartbreaks by fucking other chicks

>> No.21355029

>i cant as i gained a good amount of fat
Gee I wonder why she dumped you.

>> No.21355052

She sounds like an asshole, you dodged a bullet.
Don't think books should be you priority now. Keep yourself busy actively doing stuff. When I was in a shitty place after a break up I got a job (college student at the time),made my driver's license, a fishing license, rearanged the flat, painted the walls, joined the fishing club, a political youth group, got a gym membership, all that stuff. Just to not be alone at home.
Take the bus, you can read there. Something light, fun and uplifting. Even genre fiction like horus heresy or whatever is ok.

>> No.21355098

She's a nigg*r, you're better off without her. And no more racemixing, okay? (Disclaimer: this is nick mullen type ironic racism, I'm a communist actually and I think it's important to not be racist as it's just another tool of the bourgeoisie to divide the working class)

>> No.21355101

alt.suicide FAQ

>> No.21355141

Hey man some girls like that "dad" look

>If she disrespected you and showed no compassion towards you by saying those things then she was a piece of garbage not lovable in the first place
We only have one side of the story here. OP should move on with his life and probably dodged a bullet, but also sometimes people don't deserve respect.

>> No.21355176

The Craving Mind by Judson Brewer
Discusses destructive thought patterns and the nature of addictions including love and drugs. Recommends mindfulness, but in general a good read to understand the chemical dependence (dopamine) cycle you are in.

>> No.21355191

Why did you both broke-up though?

>> No.21355253
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women don't love like men do

>> No.21355273

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc.