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/lit/ - Literature

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21344462 No.21344462 [Reply] [Original]

Acknowledge, share, mock, or praise each other's bookshelves!

Here's 1/4

>> No.21344464
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>> No.21344468
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>> No.21344471
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My shelf has been seen irl by too many people who potentially browse lit. I cant risk doxxing myself as a cretinous 4chan user, so for that reason, I'm out.

>> No.21344472
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>> No.21344621

Great taste.

>> No.21344631

Thanks for letting us know, faggot

>> No.21344646

how big do you think /lit/ is? The chances of the few people who've seen your shelves to be on here in this specific thread are abysmal.
people here really like to pretend as if this board is somehow actually relevant. It's not. Only a handful of schizos who are tired of the rest of 4chan come here

>> No.21345977

looks like you have multiple copies of the same poetry books, was there a reason for that or just accidental?

>> No.21345980 [DELETED] 


>> No.21346035

>how big do you think /lit/ is?
I suspect there are less than 100 semi-regular posters on here

>> No.21346043

What is wrong with Franzen?

>> No.21346054


>> No.21346250
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Books? Lov'em.

>> No.21346283

I need to get more shelves so I can take pictures where there aren't two rows to a shelf.

>> No.21346286

You have different taste from me, but I respect you and acknowledge your intelligence.

>> No.21346391
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>> No.21346397

It's alright for a beginner's shelf, I guess.

>> No.21346412

<3 u 2

>> No.21346453

Show us that large beksinski book please!

>> No.21346482
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I hope you mean this one?

>> No.21346488
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Because the other ones are kinda small comparatively.

>> No.21346498

surely if they browse /lit/ themselves they won't judge you, anon

>> No.21346512

have u read all those books

>> No.21346523

It's a library and not a "books I have read"brary. I've read around a third probably. I usually get rid of books I read and don't want to read again or don't expect to be referencing.

>> No.21346576

being out of your teenage years and still liking hunter s thompson yikes dude

>> No.21347056

Had to read him for an American literature course. He's not that bad.
Neither of them are terrible. Atwood is a little overrated, but her work outside of "The Handmaid's Tale" is actually decent. Franzen is just inconsistent.

>> No.21347933
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, 36776849-3EC1-4D4B-9926-B6D0BF509F2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t feel like posting a bunch of photos but here are the books I’m reading or interested in at the moment. Next time I’ll post my whole collection

>> No.21348056
File: 82 KB, 717x414, 20221205_234559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of memories of all the books my parents had. Because of that, I rarely buy them physically. The thought of that much stuff sitting in the apartment bothers me. Kindle and audible are a blessing to me

>> No.21348415

Do you even read those books?

>> No.21348422

That's fucking tiny. It's thousands.

>> No.21348543

looks good, mane. now, get to cracking those spines.

>> No.21348620
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I have no bookshelf (1/2)

>> No.21348625
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>> No.21348717

I've read 95% of them, just carefully so as not to damage spines.

>> No.21349171

What he said. Basically everything looks brand new and unread

>> No.21349175

It's impossible to read a paperback and not get the spine even a little bit worn. These look totally pristine and new.

>> No.21349224

It is possible you ape.

>> No.21349280

Sharnt be replying to this redditor who has not even read a single book on his shelf based on the obvious evidence that his spines are all totally pristine and it is IMPOSSIBLE not to crack a spine even a little when a paperback is read and finished

>> No.21349454

why is your copy of chronicles so thin? looks like a dvd?

>> No.21349464

gay because you've got the whole of plato and aristotle (which i doubt you've read) yet have 2 tiny books of descartes?

>> No.21349467

Like any big bookshelf some I have and some I haven't. At this point, I've probably read about maybe half of the books that are on my shelves, but recently I've been slowing down. After I finished my MA a year and a half ago I went into a reading slump and didn't read anything, besides a few pages of poetry here and there. Picking it back up though. Knausgaard, Rilke, and Rushdie have reinvigorated my love of reading again which is good.

>> No.21349493

roger scruton ewww

>> No.21349496

Like being accused of hacking in an online game. Feels pretty nice.

>> No.21349533

Not him, but it is possible to read paperbacks without causing any wear to the spine. Usually you'll still see some wear to the edges, but honestly it depends on how a person handles the books and the book itself..

>> No.21349597
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yes, sir!

>> No.21349691

This. It is a sign of the times if anons are suspicious that another isn’t reading. Why buy a bunch of paperbacks if you don’t read? Seems more like projection to me. Books stay in great condition as long as you take care of them which takes minimal effort

>> No.21349723
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I buy books I've already read to replace tattered copies. I also have Oxford, pleiades, heritage, and folio of some classics like Flaubert, Zola, Rousseau, etc.

>> No.21349728

Ah Miller anon, greetings.

>> No.21349730

That copy of mimesis is a good example, I already read it and bought a reference copy.

>> No.21349748
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My copies of mill and Burton here are extensively annotated but look unread, they're just nice paperbacks.

The tale of genji I won't read, except the intro, I read as much of it as I'd like honestly, as a student. I bought it to replace my ratty copy.

>> No.21349789

>all these shelves of unread books

>> No.21349857

Is it a bad thing I have to use milk crates as she living to store my book collection?

>> No.21349863

I want to see more sci fi focused shelves in here

>> No.21349872
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The shelf that saved /sffg/

>> No.21349889


>> No.21349927

Stop spamming this you fucking faggot. It's not even your shelf.

>> No.21349932

It’s better than any one in this thread

>> No.21349933

Can I get the quick run-down on Schweitzer?

>> No.21349935

That's a sexy bookshelf with a great collection of the classics. Well done and I'm jealous.

>> No.21349954


>> No.21349964

This shelf is probably worth like 50 grand. put me in your will, anon

>> No.21350036

those books look kinda heavy for that

>> No.21350142

Better than most, go for the stars!

>> No.21350157

looks like someone is studying philosophy in here!

impressive. what do you do for work to be able to afford this many everymans? are you le rich?

>> No.21350193
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>> No.21350199
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>> No.21350202
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>> No.21350206
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>> No.21350211
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>> No.21350215
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>> No.21350218
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>> No.21350221
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>> No.21350224

This is the one. Show us more please!

>> No.21350227
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>> No.21350231
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>> No.21350235
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>> No.21350237
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>> No.21350241
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>> No.21350245
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Books that I’m not interested in anymore or that I've upgraded over the years

>> No.21350264

Hey. How’s it going? Hope everything is well

>> No.21350269
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The pleiades and 18th century books are worth significantly more than everyman's, which are relatively cheap books, I think that first edition confederacy of dunces is also pretty expensive.

>> No.21350285
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These too

>> No.21350327

what did u think of that tao te ching trasnaltion?

>> No.21350331

I liked the Penguin one a little bit more.

>> No.21350340

i was talking about the penguin one. DC Lau's right?

>> No.21350353

Yes. I felt Lau was easier to grasp and apply than the Hendricks one.

>> No.21350386

what does anybody get from you posting a shelf full of books you haven't even read?

>> No.21350393

Once your library gets to a certain size there will inevitably books you’ve never read. Doesn’t mean they aren’t part of your library

>> No.21350414

i read that book in a tent once getting a blowjob from a female friend - something about a wheel with spokes

>> No.21350425

I'm doing well man. I'll tell you an annecdote, I ended up lending my copy of Gogh's letters to a teacher of mine which put me on friendly terms with them and now they've presented me with an opportunity to participate in a speech competition where people from all over the city will come. Gonna be held next week, excited for it.

It's absolutely jarring how one minor event can lead to such things.

>> No.21350464

Calm down. No one cares what you think.

>> No.21350614


>> No.21350626

Nice. Glad to hear. It just goes to show you that if you’re open and receptive to the opportunities the world gives you, a butterfly effect can occur. I just got a hardcover edition of Van Gogh’s Letters; in the next couple years I hope to get one of those nice box sets

>> No.21350662

Based imo

>> No.21350891

I'm not studying philosophy I just dislike fiction, non substantial non-fiction and essays. Science on the other hand is unreadable and studying science is too hard and non-interpreted

>> No.21351043
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My shelves are a bit boring, just much of the same.

>> No.21351070
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Yep, I guess you could say I’m a bookworm

>> No.21351603
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Needs to grow.

>> No.21351624


>> No.21351660
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>> No.21351682
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>Has The Conquest of Bread
>Has Fields, Factories, & Workshops
>Hasn't Memoirs of a Revolutionist

>> No.21352064
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>> No.21352236


>> No.21352522
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Always nice to see the may man, just picked up the six volume insel Goethe for 1.50.

>> No.21352533

Apart from a beaten paperback copy of Faust I and II I have none of his stuff on my shelves kek
But I think I'll consoom his major works as audiobooks once I finish my list of popular genre trash.

>> No.21352893

I've been debating between getting that one or the 4 volume box set

>> No.21352905

Unfortunately I accidentally missed getting the black box set when I was in the museum so I can't make an educated recommendation. The large book was made later and there are always paintings appearing that haven't had proper photos yet. So it's probably better to get the big one.

>> No.21352911

I'm homeless.

My books are on a Kindle and downloaded from the local public library.

>> No.21352921


>> No.21352949


>> No.21353676
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>> No.21353692

That's great man. Hope to keep colliding with you here time and again.

>> No.21353848

>book railings
Are you on a boat, anon?

>> No.21353939

Id like to just show off some of my collector's items, not whole shelves. Would this be the right place or should I start a thread?

>> No.21354019

Bro really? That little? Is there any reason you would think such a number?

>> No.21354021

I would enjoy a thread. I hope they are real cool though anyways do post sometime anon

>> No.21354032

K making thread

>> No.21354040

Where are you homeless? Are you cold bro?

>> No.21354065


>> No.21354096

thanks for the blogpost bozo
where to unsubscribe?

>> No.21354140
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>your pregnancy

>> No.21354168
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>> No.21354177


>> No.21354191
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Not rich, but live near a good bookstore

>> No.21354208

I truly hate this

>> No.21354242

homie lives in a crypt

>> No.21354444

Same. I'm pretty sure I have a friend who browses this board because his tastes are the boring anglo-centered /lit/core. I still respect myself too much to ask him about this place.

>> No.21354504

The clutter makes it look like a boring thrift store shelf. Why keep a bunch of crap you'll never read again?

>> No.21354535

Probably won't impress any women, but you will do fine with like minded males.

>> No.21354543

thanks you reminded me to buy some henry miller

>> No.21354546

Did you wear gloves and turn the pages with tweezers?

>> No.21354552

Most teenagers don’t even know the political context of a lot of Hunter’s work to even fully absorb it. Get your average zoomer to read Generation of Swine. What are they gonna think?

>> No.21354556

>The Complete Works of /lit/ Meme Books

>> No.21354559

Why do you own the english version of Labyrinth der Träumenden Bücher when you clearly speak german?
Also get better art taste. Still above average shelf overall though.

>> No.21354560

Wow. You actually posted all 14. It's like a wall of text that no one reads.

>> No.21354569

Only good shelf in the thread.

>> No.21354579

Protip: anyone with a shelf worth looking at would probably have the mentality not to post it.

>> No.21354591

>mein kampf
>kids toy
checks out

>> No.21354597

You don't read books. That's my thought.

>> No.21354853
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>Why do you own the english version of Labyrinth der Träumenden Bücher when you clearly speak german?
I asked Moers to send me one because I was interested in how Brownjohn translated certain things.
>Also get better art taste.
Does this other art shelf here at least slightly please you, your highness?

>> No.21354877
File: 3.86 MB, 3000x4000, comics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here are some comic books.

>> No.21354895

hoarding books doesnt make you an intellectual, it makes you a hoarder

>> No.21354901

anon are you ok?

>> No.21354910

peak performance

>> No.21354930

i wasnt referring to the comics post specifically but to the size of her library (all her other posts)

>> No.21354931

I love reading and I love drawing. Why would I not have tons of cool books on my shelves when I have the space?

>> No.21354934

>A hoarding disorder is where someone acquires an excessive number of items and stores them in a chaotic manner, usually resulting in unmanageable amounts of clutter. The items can be of little or no monetary value.

>> No.21354976

I would say you're a fagget if you honestly read that garbage

>> No.21355007

>hoarding books
What is wrong with you, you freak. That’s not even that many books. Most people who like books have them on shelves. It’s not anyone else’s problem you never have guests over

>> No.21355026
File: 1.09 MB, 426x240, cae.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>penguin bible

>> No.21355103

look at all her other posts, it's ridiculous. she has as many books in her home than my local bookshop sells.

>> No.21355114

yes, you're anonymous here but that doesn't mean you should make posts that reek of clinical retardation like you do, anon

>> No.21355324

Post your local bookshop then, fag.

>> No.21355333


Look at all these posts and try to create a mental image of that room.

>> No.21355342

Trips won't get you out of this, retard. Post your bookshop now.

>> No.21355437
File: 74 KB, 441x530, book cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need for mental images, my friend.

>> No.21355440

People like books you fucking loser. Go find a real person and tell them “and then I told the person on 4chan that they had too many books!” and see how sane they think you are. And shower first.

>> No.21355442

That room looks cozy as shit. I’d love to read some books in there

>> No.21355499

>someone owns books
>this, somehow, makes anon angry

>> No.21355504

Fuckin’ right!

>> No.21355512

It comes off as jealousy. No other reason for it

>> No.21355527

They’re a fat shut-in loser with no friends that thinks owning things is “consoomerpilled” or whatever made up internet bullshit they’ve internalized and think is normal. There’s no way that guy is under 300 pounds or showers more than once a month

>> No.21355565
File: 885 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_1306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started reading about a year ago, used to maybe read 1 non fiction book a year before, some of which are in the 2nd shelf.
the top shelf is all stuff ive picked up over the past year, i've read most of it now but still to read karamazov, quixote and shogun. i'm really enjoying it, looking forward to challenging myself a bit more with older books soon. cant believe i didnt start reading earlier desu but no regrets now

awesome, id like to have something like that some day when my reading becomes worthy of it


really cool

>> No.21355582

How many hours have you spent playing video games this year fat boy

>> No.21355784

The anti-consoomers are just as bad as consoomers. Asceticism is just a warped form of consumerism; it’s the other end of the spectrum. If you have a hobby, you’re not a “consoomer”. They get it twisted

>> No.21355873

i am not 'anticonsoomerpilled' or whatever nor am i fat or dirty (nor do i play video games). i did not know having that amount of books was considered sane, i have never seen anyone with such a large library, but it appears i am wrong.

>> No.21355877

how accessible is this? Do you think someone without a background in academic philosophy will be able to grasp what hes saying (and not misinterpret it)?

>> No.21355881

>so many books in one place

>> No.21355889

Yes. You should also read Marshall McLuhan, Harold Innis, and Walter Ong.

>> No.21355901

It's a pretty normal amount for artists and writers. Other writers have way over 10,000 books. I'm on the lower end.

>> No.21355937

You probably aren’t taking age into account. Read 50 books a year for 20 years and there is 1k right there, not including books dropped or that you’ve never got around to

>> No.21355946

This. I'm around 70 to 80 books a year. Not every book is strictly for reading from cover to cover. And I'm not in my early 20s anymore.
It's a lot of books but it's clearly far from hoarding since they all have their proper place and space.

>> No.21356036

Maybe if you went somewhere other than McDonald’s whenever you leave your moms house you’d see how real people live

>> No.21356349
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Still haven't fully unwrapped my gibbon

>> No.21356357


why would you unwrap the second part before the first?

>> No.21356371

My controversial opinion is that Rieu is the best English translator of Homer. There, I said it. Prose works better than verse

>> No.21356481

I found it eminently readable, with periodic googling about things I didn’t understand. Far more so than BGAE for example which I dropped to read after I had read other things. For context the only philosophical book I had read before it was Republic and you can see from that picture I barely have any philosophical books there anyway.

>> No.21356545
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Because I have 6 copies of it.

>> No.21356549

Ive got to ask. Why? Just a fan of Gibbon and a collector?

>> No.21356553
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>wants to stay anonymous
You snivelling bloody troll demon coward.

>> No.21356692

What's the best translation of the Golden Ass?

>> No.21356731

That's a bit too many copies.

>> No.21356920


>> No.21356929

Best thread on /lit/. Not even joking

>> No.21357085

I'd like an eighteenth century copy but they can get pricy as a folio. Each copy has different attributes, different commentary, and format. I think my least favorite is the great books copy. I think the folio and everyman are great, but the text is easiest to read in the heritage. The everyman's be are so cheap I be don't mind banging them up a bit.

I've only read parts of it, for a course, so I'm not sure. This copy has great paper, weighs like 5lbs, and has a scholarly apparatus. Robert Graves does well so get one of his translations.

>> No.21357567


>> No.21357954

will do

>> No.21357955

Thanks, anon. I do my best.

>> No.21357956

mutual aid is the must read....

>> No.21358498

Your brain must get fucking huge just sitting in that chair.

>> No.21358572

Everyone flexing these Everyman book editions, are they worth a cop?

>> No.21358575

Yes, I love them. I own all the phillip k dick ones. They are beautiful and well crafted

>> No.21358580

I am a bit iffy on my books all looking the same but I think I'll browse the collection online

>> No.21358609

sorry, i meant the library of america, everyman are nice too, but library of america are excellent. IMO as a collector, LOA or similar types of things are the best you can get next to a first edition. They are excellently crafted, durable, and beautiful. The only downside is it makes you look like a pseud because people will probably assume you havent read them.

>> No.21358786

>no fun allowed

>> No.21358795

>It's a library and not a "books I have read"brary.

>> No.21358843

Haven't seen that specific version of Mein Kampf in 5 years. Neat.

>> No.21358852
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>> No.21358860
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I like him a lot. The Mask of the Sorcerer is one of my favorite fantasy novels. Definitely check it out.
Not that much but it is growing. I will post a new picture sometime. I obtained many more R A Lafferty books which are very rare

>> No.21359072

Do it now.

>> No.21359253

After six months living like this I have to say it's hard to sit there and read. Because all the time I have the urge to get up and grab some book from the shelves and bask in the random sentences and their potential.

>> No.21359496

Whoever figured you out would also be a cretinous 4chan user, you plonk

>> No.21359509
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>> No.21359516


>> No.21359628
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>> No.21359635
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>> No.21359646

why the fuck is the Loeb collection so expensive, even second hand those things cost a minor fortune.

>> No.21359651
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I really need to build another shelf

>> No.21359658

I pay .75 to 6.00 for them at my used book store. Wouldn't buy them new honestly. Where else can I get tatius?

>> No.21359660

>around 40 bucks each
I'd call that a fair price. There are WAY more expensive books out there.

>> No.21359663
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Forgot pic

>> No.21359934

absolute steal. I havent seen any for less than 18 euro, and those were shitty looking ones

>> No.21360014

You should. Looks like a hoarder's place.

>> No.21360333

What do you guys use for bookmarks?

>> No.21360343

old tickets, flyers, receipts, stuff I found in second hand books etc.

>> No.21360372

if not for the cardboard id have thought this image was from the 1920s

>> No.21360451

Have you read "In the Miso Soup"? I was thinking about getting it because I though that the cover (the one with a shocked cartoon character) looked cool and the exerpt I read was enjoyable

>> No.21360456


>> No.21360477

I buy a book from bookdepository for the bookmark

>> No.21360708

My wife took three rows of books off the living room shelf for Xmas decor. I need to put these books up in boxes until January.

>> No.21360717

That box has the complete 14 volume Cambridge modern history of Europe and a few gallimards. There are several 18th and nineteenth century books in that photo.

>> No.21360722

My condolences

>> No.21360730 [DELETED] 

what is that CS Lewis book (top shelf, to the left)?

>> No.21361181

the entire Narnia collection

>> No.21361185 [DELETED] 

Nice. Did you like them? I'm consider getting those or his Space trilogy.

>> No.21361201
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>> No.21361205

ya its great. Space trilogy is so interesting. And his Screwtape Letters may be his best

>> No.21361214 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21361216

thanks bro

>> No.21361269


>> No.21361609

Not enough shirtless people in this

>> No.21362450


>> No.21362967

>her >her >her
I know this tactic lol
>but to the size of her library
his* All are male until they post their tits. Sorry lad, I don't make the rules. I just enforce 'em.

>> No.21362984

My wife's collection is better, but not bad.

>> No.21363062

is it cheating if I just buy a job lot of everymans classics and call it a day? I can get 100 here for £150 lol

>> No.21363369

Where? Used?

>> No.21364282

>HP in paperback
You're a terrible person.

>> No.21364288

Now THIS is a collection worth showing off.

>> No.21364291 [DELETED] 

100 books for 150 bong dollars?? that's a nice deal

>> No.21365355

When the pound crashed I bought 15 folios and shipped them to the us for less than $100. My last six everyman's came from the UK cheaper than they are used here with free shipping somehow.

>> No.21365365 [DELETED] 

When did the pound crash? I've noticed that Everyman's Library books seem pretty cheap these days judging from their website (which has the prices in pounds). Do you buy from Amazon or BookDepo?

>> No.21365551

good thinking, you could have bought some shares in the FTSE too. even though all my money was in £ i still ended up making some good money

>> No.21365609
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>> No.21365620

I'm not a huge fan of Everyman's but for that price I would've done the same.

>> No.21366128

How the fuck do you niggers read so much

>> No.21366132

no tv
no tiktok
no video games

>> No.21366138

Those are some great prices. I would overbuy immediately.

>> No.21366165

most people ITT just hoard books they never read. look how most of the bindings are in pristine condition, without any wear. if a sizeable book gets red once it should have streaks along its spine.

>> No.21366167

Be in your 30’s and consistently read everyday for 15 years

>> No.21366169

>tfw reading a 180 yo book that no one had read before me
rare feeling

>> No.21366172

Don’t open a book more than 90 degrees and tilt it accordingly. Don’t throw it around. Very simple

>> No.21366175

t. anon who reads in his bathtub and probably has dropped each book he read at least once in the tub

>> No.21366225


>> No.21366868
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I need advice on a new bookshelf. Considering something taller and wider but custom made so I need to figure out the spacing between shelves..

>> No.21366881


>> No.21366936


>> No.21366956

God I wish I could still do drugs.

>> No.21366989

The pound crashed in late September. It was almost on parity with the dollar.

I bought from a private dealer through eBay because they do cheap global shipping somehow. Worldofbooks does free international BB it you roll the dice with condition. They've sent me two library books.

>> No.21366999

I did a PhD and read as an undergraduate. Easily read over a thousand books in 6 years.

>> No.21367010

I work nights and have around 4 to 5 hours of my 12.5 hour shift where I can just sit by myself, drink coffee, and read.

>> No.21367192

Well, you should know you aren’t the typical case

>> No.21367495
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I...I think I had enough /lit/ for tonight...

>> No.21368108
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I am at my winter house for the weekend so this is my tertiary library (where my crime novels come to die)

>> No.21368118
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>> No.21368129
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>> No.21368146
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>> No.21368190

The quintessential "I don't read but I want people to think I read and I'm smart" shelf.

>> No.21368194

The quintessential “I’m jealous” post

>> No.21368209

No, my "I don't read but I want people to think I do" collection is much larger.
Plus I took the time to make the books look like they've been read :)

>> No.21368234
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Just download the audiobook then buy the book

>> No.21369435
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I read that stuff, and few people see my books aside from my family. I read little outside of works like those

>> No.21369445

huge brained bookshelf

>> No.21369544
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>> No.21369553

Tucker Carlson...

>> No.21369744
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>> No.21369818

No one but me has ever been in my room (that I'm aware of), desu.

Literally half the responses are just saying that I've not read any of them despite, as I've said, having read them all. My conclusions: sour grapes; /lit/ makes up for its lack of sexual release by viscerally tearing at their books whilst reading (I paint 40K figures).

>> No.21369872

>No one but me has ever been in my room
kinda sad desu desufam

>> No.21369912

I didn't write that thinking to flaunt myself as a social-saint.

>> No.21370063


>> No.21370069


>> No.21370207

How's that Ravel book anon? Is it any glod?

>> No.21370216

I hate that fucking review on the 2666 cover, what they were thinking

>> No.21371366
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>> No.21371421 [DELETED] 
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name of the NYRB books?

>> No.21371449

>entire shelf for le greeks
>not a single page has been read
Most /lit/ shelf of all time

>> No.21371452

i don't own a single physical book

>> No.21371472

lots of good stuff but you ruin it with Sapiens

>> No.21371529


>> No.21371680
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>> No.21371863

if you can't handle your books/don't care about the way they will look after you've read them then yes
I have a 1100 page paperback that I've read and yet it looks untouched (really good binding ig)

>> No.21372618

> #10, the Ghost Next Door

Blew my MIND in 1999

>> No.21372669
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You and me both pal.

>> No.21372684

Why do you have a winter house and why do you have so many crime novels

>> No.21372687

I creamed myself this is such a slick sexy collection mmmmmm

>> No.21372692

I like all the colors this image is so pleasing to me

>> No.21372697

I dislike all the colors this image is so displeasing to me

>> No.21372702

:( this made me unhappy

>> No.21372741

I dislike the lack of diverse themes this image is so displeasing to me

>> No.21372749
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here you go anon

>> No.21372751

>nothing but translations
nice larp shelf lmao

>> No.21372785

this board is full of such vindictive bitterness it makes me nauseous I can feel the self-loathing oozing out of my screen through the internet I pray that you all learn how to be gentle and kind and nonjudgmental and unpretentious and, most of all to yourselves, or else you'll all rot in the poisonous resentment in which you're smothering your human hearts

>> No.21372809

Pages aren't cut on 90% of these books. Also it looks really ugly. Truly pathetic.

>> No.21372817
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okay don't be too harsh on my taste guys!

>> No.21372821


>> No.21372846


>> No.21372900
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1/2. Only been getting physical books the past 2 years

>> No.21372903

just learn latin, sweaty

>> No.21372911
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2/2. I need to get a bookshelf badly. Planning on finishing all of Vinland soon.

>> No.21372915

At least the thread's almost over now.

>> No.21372972

gimme kiss

>> No.21373495

I'm impressed at your effort but at the same time it feels like you just googled "most important books" and took a big stack of everything. It's hard for me to actually get a feel for you from something this broad and is like someone saying their favorite movie is Citizen Kane.

>> No.21373539


Reading Portnoy's Complaint is a blast

>> No.21373572

Used to have tons of books but they're all stored up in my parents place.
Imagine reading paper when you have a tablet. Easy access to every published work through #bookz, perfect for annotating and portable as fuck.

>> No.21373632

alright this guy's weird

>> No.21373635

What wood is that?

>> No.21373743

>Easy access to every published work
hahahaha HAHAHA

>> No.21373842

ive never bought physical manga, just not worth it at all in terms of value for money. a £10 book is like 500 pages which will probably last me 2 weeks while a manga volume I can finish in an hour.

>> No.21373843

wew we hit bump limit

>> No.21374227

Yeah but I like flicking through the art and covers/spines are nice to look at