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/lit/ - Literature

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21349284 No.21349284 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is a great resource for finding recommendations for new books or getting an idea of related literature to what you are currently reading, but as a vehicle of discussion it is an utter failure. The instant gratification zoomer philosophy has officially taken over this website to the point where even the slightest suggestion of taking anything seriously is met with regurgitated memery that doesn't even have the benefit of being funny that old 4chan had. I am here to remind the 2% of this board that cares about literature that old /lit/ is dead and this board is simply an extension of leddit and tiktok now. The best we can possibly do is share old recommendation charts.

>inb4 zoomer shitposting

>> No.21349318

I came here to zoomer shit post, but all I ended doing was contracting HIV from the immense faggotry of OP. The future really is now.

>> No.21349323

you should post another shitpost reply to prove my point again

>> No.21350646

completely agree. I don't know if it's zoomers or bots or foreigners or Jews or demonic entities or what, but wow they so annoying. Absolutely hollow existences that take pleasure in being as obnoxious and low iq as they can possibly be.

>> No.21350666

This board was tolerable when this was still a niche board that /pol/ just made fun of along with the rest of 4chan. Then /pol/ got it in their empty heads that being "intellectual" would give credit to their vapid opinions, and they came here en masse to tradlarp and post troonjacks. I want to die, but I can't leave.

>> No.21350674

>/lit/ is a great resource for finding recommendations for new books or getting an idea of related literature to what you are currently reading,
pfffft. not really

>> No.21350712

trips for truth

>> No.21350715

The inherent form of the medium, lack of qualification for entrance and overall aesthetic of the website render what you seek simply not possible.
Treat it as a pure informational, curation protocol that is just there to give you an overall choice in your next book read.

Anything beyond that give up, this is not even a community of pair, nor does there is a higher goal. The format of discussion having to be shortened and fitting the overall memetic style of writing is unfit for anything else.

Don’t even bother criticizing either since this is systemic effect. Just be smart, you may try alternative posting style for fun, but don’t expect anything great here

>> No.21350732
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>inb4 whining

>> No.21350752

You should stop trying to make a (you) shaped hole in a place clearly not designed fir your sensibilities. Maybe try reddit.

>> No.21350765

This. /lit/ is now the home of “intellectual” /pol/ and /r9k/ anons. I hate that so many equate intelligence with reading instead of it just being a hobby. Too many idpol, ideological, and tribal shitposts. Also philosophy and religion need their own board. I don’t have an issue with either but the type of 4channer who is into them is usually insufferable

>> No.21350773

i don't really mind the /pol/ talk, i just hate the "bro" and "based" and "cringe" and other repetitive insults.
i like political theory, i just hate zoomers i guess (i'm sure they'll grow out of their annoying stage, i hope they will anyways, but yea, they're extremely obnoxious to me)

>> No.21350805

The problem is that politics is low hanging fruit where people can get out of control easily. There is a reason it is taboo to talk about them in real life. They become the focus when brought up and anons are overly passionate about them. Keep political theory on /pol/ because it spreads to other threads on /lit/ easily. I don’t know if it just pertains to zoomers but I find the whole “based/cringe” dynamic terrible. It has destroyed nuance. Many here seem to think that you either have to agree 100% with something or 0%. No in between. Some can’t see that you may only agree 10% on what a writer says, but that 10% really influenced you. My number one gripe with the board though is “books for (…)” threads. They are specifically to get around the rules. Generally no one who makes those threads actually want to talk books. If I was mod they would be illegal

>> No.21350839

There are forums with better regulation out there. You don't have to keep using 4chan if that is what you are looking for.

>> No.21350842

that was perfect thanks

>> No.21350844

I’d rather have better content with more regulation. The content of /lit/ is very poor right now

>> No.21350847


>> No.21350852

>no nuance
totally agree.
when i said "i don't like based/cringe" i didn't even mean whether someone wholly agrees or disagrees. I can handle disagreement, even 100% disagreement. I just mean the actual words themselves. For a forum that specializes in literature, the people on here have the vocabularies of highschool jocks (no offense to jocks, but let's be honest, they're not usually known for being literary).
EVERYTHING is either based or cringe.
Poetry written by zoomers would essentially be:
>it was a based time. It was a cringe time.
And then don't get me started on the go-to insults. I really feel like this place consists of only high school students who are failing at English and just come here to try to cheat on their english homework assignments or something.
Like you said, no nuance. Someone can write a long post with effort, some zoomer comes along and says "retard" or "faggot" or whatever, then some other zoomer (or worse, the same zoomer) then responds with "based" to the insulter. It's so repetitive. The more obnoxious and insulting you are is who "wins the argument".

>> No.21350855

we were here first

>> No.21350867

Need more proof. Because you sure as shit don't sound like it.
No problem anon. You need anything else just give a holler.

>> No.21350871

Based. But for real, I’ve accepted for a while now that the demographic of /lit/, and 4chan in general, is totally different than it was years ago. The tone couldn’t be more different. There are too many bitter anons who just come here to yell into the void and release their anger. Misery loves company. They build others into strawmen and attack them based off of imaginary traits. Like you said, I don’t mind if someone disagrees with me, but it’s the way anons go about it. No one lets their guard down. I liked when /lit/ was a small, slow niche board. Anons were here for the right reasons. Of course there were issues but in general it was a much much better time

>> No.21350879

What do you like about 2022 /lit/ compared to 2012 /lit/?

>> No.21350889
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>you sure as shit don't sound like it.

>> No.21350893

I didn't say that I like new aspects about /lit/. I do think that giving more moderation power and heightening the stress of what is and isnt "on topic" will kill the old things I like about /lit/. Unfortunately the shit we deal with is the price we pay for being able to actually have open discourse without janny over reach.

>> No.21350914

fair enough.

>> No.21350928

Lack of moderation was fine years ago but we are paying the piper now. Intervention and an iron fist are needed to save the board

>> No.21350966

You think it's bad here? Try using any other board. 95% of posts on a board like /v/ are phoneposts from actual mentally retarded kids. /lit/ may be the last bastion on the internet that maintains some kind of standard of discourse that doesn't follow into one of the following categories
>zoomer "did you see the latest 4chan meme fr fr tho" chatroom
>insanely overmoderated old school forum that has dwindled to become a chatroom for half a dozen old-timers with 30k+ postcounts
>sanitized "did you see the latest 4chan meme? Epic my dudes!" normie shithole, often 4chan-adjacent or 4chan-lite but lame as fuck
Twitter not included because it's not a place for "discussion," it's just celebrity/ecelebrity/boomer politician shower thoughts instagram/tiktok for males.

/lit/ is proof that an elitist culture that is ALSO incredibly hostile to gay thought control overmoderation can hold out remarkably long against even the gayest mainstream culture. This place repels women, normies, and internet troglodytes (troons) very effectively, leaving only relatively normal autistic men. It could be a lot better but I'm appreciative nonetheless.

>> No.21350973

/sp/ had 2 excellent literature threads today
this board is finished (just like penaldo)

>> No.21350974

You are clearly new here. Currently, /lit/ is in ruins compared to what it used to be. Many of those aspects of other boards you pointed out are also seen here daily

>> No.21350979

Like I said. You can have all those things and more, somewhere else. So many other forums have that level of moderation, not many have as little as 4chan needs to allow what has previously been allowed. This is precisely the progression that turned the old internet into the shit show we see today. Pretty soon there will be no place to have that pure experience if people like you keep pushing for cuntrol (purposeful typo. my first one ever).

>> No.21350986

I've been here since at least 2012. What are you nostalgic for? Ten years ago you would be banned for making misogynistic jokes or even mentioning right wing topics, and there were ten tripfags active all as annoying as Butterfly and all talking to eachother all hours of the day.

The only serious dip in /lit/ quality that can't be explained by normal fluctuations in userbase and board culture developing over time was the 2016 surge of newfags and low quality political posting (I have no problem with intelligent on-topic posting with political content, of any stance), and phoneposting in general, which has become exponentially more common over time. But like I just said, phoneposting has completely consumed other boards relative to what it has done to /lit/.

The only other boards that survived the transition to the smartphone nu-internet era with its hordes of terminally online normies and confused zoomers are boards that barely pretend to be real boards anymore and just function as 4chan versions of FYAD, like /tv/.

>> No.21350988

I’m guessing you’re getting at some ideological angle. If that’s the case it’s probably political and belongs on /pol/

>> No.21350996

Why? Just make better threads, faggot. There's a Dante reading group that is struggling to get off the ground. Moderation won't help that. Reading Dante and talking about it will. Everybody who browses /lit/ daily gets excited to see a rare thread with actual discussions and effortposts taking place. Just start threads on topics you like and keep them alive. Do some community service instead of thinking appointing some random faggot as the faggot king is going to save you.

>> No.21351039

I don’t care about politics so of course that was a better time. If you’ve been here this long, perhaps you should refresh yourself with the sticky and reiterate what it says to me

>> No.21351052

You would be wrong. Im not even into political philosophy let alone ideological bullshit. Its more about being able to say things and be a little provocative instead of having to pander in order to be able voice an opinion without banning. Its also nice to be able to call a person a faggot when they are being a faggot. I understand that is not what you are all complaining about but that is definitely something that is going to go when your mods have more power than they do now. I also think that the moving of philosophy and religion to another board is a mistake because there is plenty of literature to be talked about in those categories and there is worthwhile discussion there. Granted it will be rare but good discussion has always been rare and removing a large chunk of literature from the literature discussion board is not going to help with percentage of quality discussion. Its just going to restrict any mention of religious and philosophical parallels from being made in discussions of the other types of literature. And sometimes those parallels are enriching.

>> No.21351053

>ten tripfags active all as annoying as Butterfly
>of course that was a better time
I hate you more than Hitler hated Jews. You are my enemy.

>> No.21351054

Ive already read Dante and have no desire to reread him soon. I am, however, trying to get a Rabelais read along going, so you are talking to the wrong one. The thing is that shitposters make more threads and posts than readers. The anons who read will generally only make a thread on the book they’re reading or the last book they read. /lit/ was better when it was slow. Too many bait threads kill off legitimate literature threads. That is the issue and what moderation needs to fix

>> No.21351058

Good. I relish your seething

>> No.21351357

Wouldnt be able to relish that seething if it was moderated out.

>> No.21351586

Quality post.

>> No.21351591

I’d relish literary discussion more

>> No.21351592
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>/lit/ is a great resource for finding recommendations for new books or getting an idea of related literature to what you are currently reading, but as a vehicle of discussion it is an utter failure. The instant gratification zoomer philosophy has officially taken over this website to the point where even the slightest suggestion of taking anything seriously is met with regurgitated memery that doesn't even have the benefit of being funny that old 4chan had. I am here to remind the 2% of this board that cares about literature that old /lit/ is dead and this board is simply an extension of leddit and tiktok now. The best we can possibly do is share old recommendation charts.
>>inb4 zoomer shitposting

>> No.21351687


>> No.21351711
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>> No.21351729

Schizmogenesis Everywhere.

>> No.21351752

why not both?

>> No.21353328

/lit/ literally started the online Christianity thing before /pol/ was a thing. The sad thing is that the intellectual energy of /lit/ is mostly spend on political books and thinkers.

>> No.21353341

No it didn't. It was invaded by /pol/ who desperately needed to spread their trad ideology to other boards

>> No.21353438

>/lit/ literally started the online Christianity thing before /pol/ was a thing.
no it fucking didn't. I would know, I was here

>> No.21353469

Those are Satan's trips

>> No.21353472

If those boards get created I'm outta here. I cannot follow plots

>> No.21354555

>/lit/ is a great resource for finding recommendations for new books or getting an idea of related literature to what you are currently reading,
not really. No one here reads.

>> No.21354602

/pol/ derangement syndrome is real, I hate to use that phrase at all but fucking hell these people have no ability to put a cultural phenomenon in a wider context, everything has to be monocausal and attributed to a single, simplistic bad actor

>> No.21354681

This is true. I only started using 4chan in 2012 but I feel like an oldfag at this point. I liked 4chan because it was "smart people pretending to be dumb". It was this perfect balance of genuine intelligent discussion interspersed with silly dumb humor that never impeded on the readability of a thread or usability of a board. Most of the other boards I used to actively browse are completely unusable today. I find /lit/ and /x/ to be some of the few boards (aside from the very niche boards) where the spirit of 4chan still lives on. Though that light which was once bright dims with every passing day. All we can do now is be the change we want to see.

>> No.21354684

>This is true.
You are clearly new here. Currently, /lit/ is in ruins compared to what it used to be. Many of those aspects of other boards you pointed out are also seen here daily

>> No.21355280

>implying it's not completely shilled to hell and back.