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/lit/ - Literature

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21348530 No.21348530 [Reply] [Original]

>be talking to normie friend
>they're educated but not particularly /lit/
>be talking to them about On the Road by Jack Kerouac
>halfway through the conversation I realize they think I'm talking about The Road by Cormac McCarthy
>tell them they're not the same book

>> No.21348561

>he refers to a book by its title and not by its ISBN

>> No.21348563

I'm guessing you're younger in in college. By the time you're 30, reading books is a waste of time and life is dictated by making choices in face of scarcity. It's genuinely so disappointing, that reading books seems like a total joke. I used to humor people like you but if you went on ill just tell you point blank I don't read and I don't care. I can't even fake it about sports ball anymore. Why should I bother reading or doing anything whenever surviving another week or month is the only priority?

>> No.21348575

>talking to normalfags about your interests

>> No.21348580

average /lit/ poster

>> No.21348584

the books are remarkably similar in many respects desu

>> No.21348589
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Loved The Road

>> No.21348609

Yes. It's called reality and most people are impacted by it.

>> No.21348617

kys dumb frog

>> No.21348675

You're on the literature board you complete and utter fucking spastic retard nigger.
>ayo man i gotta be on that grind dat hustle nam sayin my nigguh aint nobody got time fo dem books n shieeeeeeet!
Ok, sure. Let's assume you actually hold this position. If reading books is a waste of time - how is going to the literature board on 4chan(nel).org somehow... i mean... you are a fucking braindead nigger, aren't you?

>> No.21348694

I used to read but the material conditions of reality make this impossible or no longer joyful. It isn't a hustle. I get a few moments somedays to browse the site just to see discussions mostly to imagine what my life would have been like if i didn't need to work and would be able to pursue my interests. OP should be fortunate his friend has read one book, whereas I haven't read any for some time.

>> No.21348710

I dunno I'm 40 and enjoy reading. Maybe its the crowd you attract.

>> No.21348714

How do we actually know reality is real?
>b-because it j-just is ok???

>> No.21348726

>stop reading

>> No.21349094

>outs himself as a prole animal concerned with only comfort and food
Anon, I…

>> No.21349110

Are most of the people on this board oldfags?

>> No.21349120
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I'm 28 and feel at least 40

>> No.21349123


t. unironically should have read more self-help books.

>> No.21349124

I would estimate the average age range is 25-35.

>> No.21349131

So you don't care about reading books enough to adapt it to your ostensibly very busy lifestyle. You could listen to audiobooks, or read on your phone during transit or during breaks. You can listen to audiobooks while doing any menial task, actually. And if you really did love books you would make time. You make yourself sound like an impoverished, Bangladeshi indentured worker slaving away in Dubai for no money and in dangerous working conditions. Even those faggots take the time to read messages from home and the Koran before they go to bed. You're just a sniveling faggot. Find Christ.

>> No.21349133

>Why should I bother reading or doing anything whenever surviving another week or month is the only priority?
Feels bad man.

>> No.21349654

Gentlemen, this is the advanced coping strategy that a procrastinating reader resorts to. Just finish the book already, simply telling yourself to do it never gets you anywhere

>> No.21350524

Coping is thinking spending a few hours of the few hours of free time you have reading in a dazed haze is going to make any difference. It isn't even enjoyable to read anymore. Sounds like you have time, comfort and money, commodities of which I lack.

>> No.21350538

>trying to survive
Retarded loser.

>> No.21350554

>By the time you're 30, reading books is a waste of time and life is dictated by making choices in face of scarcity
lmao where do you live?

>> No.21350582

What kind of fucked up job do you have where you don't have time to read a bit after work?

>> No.21350585

>In the third world people have to choose between buying books or buying food

>> No.21350595

In the third world we pirate books and still struggle to buy food.

>> No.21350601
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>browse /lit/ instead of reading
>parrot opinions I read here as my own
>circle of educated friends consider me refined and sophisticated

>> No.21350637

I don't believe that you actually feel good about this

>> No.21350672

I don't believe people in /lit/ actually read books

>> No.21350702


>> No.21350716

I do

>> No.21351199

>if I don't have fun reading...then reading must be le bad!

>> No.21351220

Why are you here? Seriously?

>> No.21351238

>Why should I bother reading or doing anything whenever surviving another week or month is the only priority?
How does "survival" take up all of your time at 30?

>> No.21351305

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.21352620

To browse and sometimes offer bits of wisdom.

>> No.21352650


>> No.21352661

Damn I didn't realize genuine retards post on 4chan. I thought we were all just pretending

>> No.21352677

t. parents kicked you out at age 28

>> No.21352703

You already made this thread, it's still in the archives, you just changed the image you homosexual

>> No.21353092

All these posts are just ad hominems attacking me and not the arguments presented.

As to the other posters asking about free time, let me break something down. It doesn't exist after an 8 hour work day. You're too tired to enjoy anything, might as well be working 12 hour days makes no difference. I've said this here or on some other board before but after a work day, you're tired and lethargic and your ability to enjoy things is greatly diminished. Some days i dont have the energy to cook dinner. The weekends are spent recuperating. What's reading going to do for me? Especially fiction. I won't be able to enjoy it and won't be in the best state. Going across the pages reading a story to fill a few precious hours in a tired state isn't a good move and only reason most people are doing anything is to keep up the appearances or cope. I sometimes sit alone and just think. Fundamentally to enjoy life and pursue anything you need time. I've accepted it is a commodity I don't have and won't have until I retire or am disabled. I could take drugs like nuvigil to have a little more energy but what's the point if it lasts 12 hours and most of that would just go to work. No thanks.

>> No.21353101
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>tell them they're not the same book
How can you not respect this shit? Based as all fuck.

>> No.21353120

>It doesn't exist after an 8 hour work day
This is such a stupid cope
I do a typical 9-5 and still find time to workout after work and read and make my own dinner and have a gf

Sounds like you're just depressed or a fag

>> No.21353129

Just because the time is there doesn't mean it's good time. I used to read when I didn't work or need to worry about life as much. I enjoyed it then. I can read still but it's pretty pointless fitting it in around everything else. Just artifical forced and no longer an act of leisure, hence pointless. Not depressed, not a homosexual.

>> No.21353132

It didn’t get the interactions I wanted so I made it again

>> No.21353140

Based Latin American poster

>> No.21353145

Why are you here?

>> No.21353157

holy fucking retard
just kill yourself already

>> No.21353159

>offer bits of wisdom
based on everything you said and the way you said it you're a subhuman and have nothing to offer, least of all wisdom

>> No.21353184

Wisdom is met with animosity by the masses. Gauging the hated received, I'd say my words are seeping with the stuff. In a meme, "they hated him for telling the truth".

>> No.21353876

do you work?

>> No.21353888

23 pushing 74

>> No.21353890

yeah but I dislike my job. not being able to relate to people is the primary issue.

>> No.21353959

How much do you make give or take?

>> No.21354073

Lawyer or doctor?

>> No.21354117

you're one of those people who die twice

>> No.21354251

This. Reading books and listening to music are becoming less bearable as time passes... Just thinking about it makes me sleepy

>> No.21354290

I work long hours in a freezer, I have time to read atleast a half hour before bed, seriously.

>> No.21354291

Just eat more beef and eggs nigger and dont eat anything in the morning.

>> No.21354307

They were right to hate him tho. Who'd want to hear gay shit like the truth?
We all know it, it doesn't need to be said. We should speak of things that transcend truth.
Jesus was so reddit is unbelievable.

>> No.21354331

Sounds like you're the pleb, mate

>> No.21354780

I eat steak and eggs yolks most mornings. The only thing that has appreciatable effect on energy level is drinking milk.

>> No.21354972

>My life sucks so everyone else's must suck as bad as mine
Many such cases. Sad!

If all this is really true why do you torment yourself like this? I get the feeling you want your life to be like this so you don't have to confront the fact that your agency probably led you to this situation. I'd ask if you're a man or a mouse but I think I know the answer.

>> No.21354984

Why are you referring to your "normie friend" with they/them pronouns? Are you having sex with enby troon hookers and pretending they're your friends on 4chan?

>> No.21354990

You are a weak faggot, holy shit.
I'm 25 and have been working 40-50 hour weeks for about three years. I still go to the gym five times a week, cook myself dinner every night, and read at least eight hours a week.
Any man in his thirties and still barely surviving from week to week dug that hole himself.

>> No.21355108

It's a problem of a lack of agency from needing to devote 40-60 hours a week to work to get the money needed to survive. If I had ample supply of it and did not need to work, I would invest time into reading.

>> No.21355204

I know reading is hard for you but try again. Maybe slower this time

>> No.21355304

Why are you barely surviving after putting in 60 hour weeks? Are you earning minimum wage?

>> No.21355305

All this reading yet no courtesy.

>> No.21355374

I average 80 to 90k a year. It isn't as much money as you think and I lost about 50% of what I invested to date. At best I could probably save 30k a year which isn't much. It's not enough money to store up to not need to work, at least not within a decade. Most things I want cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars so I don't bother. I don't see how people just settle for things in life and pretend everything is fine when it clearly isn't. I feel like I am on house arrest where what I can do or obtain is restricted by money, and my time is consumed by work. It's not freedom and time spent in the haze after working isn't good time, and I'd rather spend the weekends in solace resting.

>> No.21355418

>carry book with you everywhere
>read it while in line at the post office
>read it while waiting at the doctor's office
>read it in line at the grocery store
>all that wasted time, turned to something good
simple as

>> No.21355454

>At best I could probably save 30k a year which isn't much
I have never put this much away in a year and feel that I am quite well off. If you're 30, why are you expecting to retire at 40? When has that ever been the norm?

>Most things I want cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars so I don't bother
Like what? Land, a house? You take out a loan for that stuff, man. A mortgage is still probably cheaper than your rent, even with interest rates being what they are. Rents around me are at least double what I pay. Anyway if you're pulling in 80k a year and still feel like you need to work more, that's a psychological problem. That's good money, more than double the median income in the US. You should really be glad.

>> No.21355462

Stop gambling you idiot.

>> No.21355754

Making 90k is not barely struggling to survive from week to week. You honestly sound like a complete bitch, I'd get tested for severely low testosterone if you work an average day like every other adult and cannot function afterwards.

>> No.21355999

It was a little ruder than it needed to be but coddling you or entertaining what I thought were your delusions would not be courteous. Everything this guy >>21355454 said is right 30k a year+returns from that investment while living in a house you own is nothing to sneeze at and expecting to retire in your 40s is pretty strange. You're not doin yourself any favors living like this and you should probably seek financial advice from professionals and change how you live if you don't like living how you are cause from what we can tell you have that option since you haven't mentioned alimony or restitution payments. What did you invest in that lost you that much money GME and blackjack?

>> No.21356049

Did it get worse as you aged?

>> No.21356060

What a sad reality you live in if you think you can grasp even a piece of what your life could be from the discussions on this board.

>> No.21356098

Okay so just kill yourself then

>> No.21356121

Either social media and modern consumerism has destroyed your attention span, or you actually are depressed.

Do you still have other hobbies you enjoy?

>> No.21356143

This based individual is posting on the fourth channel about how books is a waste of time instead of hunting down saber toothed tigers for his daily prey to prevent starvation.

>> No.21356446

I don't have energy in the evenings. I might take a nap then browse 4channel then go to sleep. I used to read when I didn't have to worry about life. If I had a wife and kids it would be an actual impossibility.

>> No.21356515

that's mean!

>> No.21356522

This. Anon’s “wisdom” is a crock of shit.
>everyone hates me so I must be wise
Retarded contrarianism at it’s worst

>> No.21356524

have you tried coffee? also stress doesn't seem to help. have you tried to minimize stress? im young so I don't have a lot of experience, but I'm interested in your story and would like to hear more. Ignore these other fags.

>> No.21356755

Coffee doesn't keep me awake. I go between drinking it to cutting it out routinely. Nicotine doesn't help either. I've tried most prescription stimulants with the exception of cocaine (which is almost never prescribed and refuse to do it illegally). They last too long which means most of their benefit would be wasted on work which translates chiefly as more money for others at my own expense. I've learned to live with stress and I minimize it by not exerting myself much in the evening time. The story is a long one but the short of it is, life isn't that great if you don't have the resources or time to do what you want to. I really think most people are coping with what they fill their days with.

>> No.21357445

>Anon’s “wisdom” is a crock of shit.


>> No.21357988

Checked and keked

>> No.21357991

This is an 18+ site.

>> No.21357994

Get up earlier and do your reading before work.

>> No.21358340

Shouldn't have gotten that slag pregnant, then. You'd have a lot more spare time and money.
>hurr my dutays as a proper man: bankroll a roastie and get in debt to raise my so special spawn (there are 8 billion)
You're a slave

>> No.21358347

What's your job, then?

>> No.21358618

Because all he said is that he's a whiny, miserable cunt who cannot do anything after a day at the office. He then took the grand narcissistic jump of claiming that since he's such a spineless faggot it is impossible for anyone else not to be one.

>> No.21358631

You have more resources and time than 95% of the world, you're just squandering it and bitching.
>most people are coping
(You) are coping by accusing everyone who actually leads a fulfilling life of just pretending to spite (You), the all-wise 30-something waste of life.

>> No.21358639
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>someone tells me they're getting into buddhism
>me, nods and says "if you meet the buddha on the road, kill him"
>everyone looks at me weird