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/lit/ - Literature

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21345429 No.21345429 [Reply] [Original]

>have young sexy woman that is begging you to marry her while sucking and fucking your cock at all times
>murder some street shitter because you dont like the feeling of the sun

>> No.21345435

Have some perspective you cuck. She is only sexy by french standards (They are real low) Just look at their presidents wife for proof.

>> No.21345449

He doesn't care.

>> No.21345454

>street shitter
Pakistanis aren't Indian, moron

>> No.21345455

Meurseault's one fatal flaw early in the novel was not taking sides when his pimp neighbour beat up the Arab girl and even helping to write that ridiculous letter/threat.
Anyone with a brain would have stayed away from pimp guy and his troubles with the Arabs.

>> No.21345949
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Nafris are honorary pajeets

>> No.21345956
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>> No.21345964

He’s an actual, literal schizoid.

>> No.21345969

>bro just move away and change your entire routine because some pimp wants to be buddies with you
maman probably said friends are good...

>> No.21345976

His Mother just died like the day before or something, he forgot
He is literally in shock the whole book until he snaps in prison

>> No.21345984

>He thinks Mersault's mother dying affected him in any way
What you see is just everyday in his life. The book itself isn't about him being in shock, rather that a simple series of events spirals into him being sentenced to death. Absurdism is Camus' bread and butter after all.

>> No.21346948

>missing the point completely.
Meursault only lives in the present. He neither cares about the past (his mother's death exact time, the Arab being dead) nor the future ( his future life with Marie or his promotion).

>> No.21347079

Please leave this board, and consider another hobby.

>> No.21347121

Suns out guns out

>> No.21347133

Of course the bots of /lit/ couldn't understand grief, read the book over

>> No.21347158

I hate camus so much glad he died.

>> No.21347555

So did you just not read the monologue at the end or…?

>> No.21347692

You fundamentally misunderstand the character if you think grief is the cause of anything in the book.

>> No.21347959

He just wanted a friend, man. Can't you relate?

>> No.21347971

Guy brought a knife to a gun fight, shouldn’t draw first if you’re not ready to throw down.

>> No.21347977

I went to France and their women were very good looking on average
much better than american women

>> No.21347979

sun hot sun

>> No.21348121

Escargot tell someone who gives a shit

>> No.21348128

hey man you're the one who brought up the idea of french women being ugly
I'm just setting the record straight
they are not.

>> No.21348132
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>> No.21348143
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This has to be a troll.
> French women are ugly
You gotta be fucking with me.

>> No.21348214

>Pakistanis aren't Indian, moron

>> No.21348231

The whole "look how mean society is to people who are not autistic" point would have worked better if the main character wasn't a murderer.

>> No.21348246

Yes. And?

>> No.21348276

He shouldn't have gotten in trouble. It was just an arab

>> No.21348484
