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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.38 MB, 4962x2791, odyssey map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21342197 No.21342197 [Reply] [Original]

Bro how the fuck does it take 10 years to sail this. I don't believe it.

>> No.21342205

Well it points out that he spent 7 years banging a nymph.
That said, this route is retarded, look at all the retreads. 9 is by 15, 6 is by 14.

>> No.21342214

thats what im saying, he obviosly didnt wanna go home to his wife.
>"blown off course"
dude just wanted to bang the nymph

>> No.21342253

>oh yeah dear, and then the sexy goddess RAPED me for seven years, it was awful, just awful. Anyway I rushed home to you at once.

>> No.21342293

Baltic sea theory?

>> No.21342308


>> No.21342309
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Source for the map? I though the journey to Hades happened on a land beyond the “river Okeanus”, the “river” that encircled the known world (Europe, Asia and Africa)?

>> No.21342319

Whoever made that map has hever read Herodotus. Herodotus describes the Egyptians circumnavigating Africa and encountering pygmy tribes and orangutans on the modern west coast of the continent. He describes the british tin islands as well and gives far more detailed accounts of settlements across all continents.
Shit map, shit historicism, shit 'ancient peoples was dumb' meme. 0/10 for the mapmaker.

>> No.21342332

ahaha thats so epic

>> No.21342344
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> Takes 40 years to make an 11 day journey.
Yeah, I don't know dude but the ancients were unironically retarded.

>> No.21342349

didn't God do it to fuck with them

>> No.21342357

Herodotus was a reactionary slave owner.

>> No.21342365

>It was horrible honey! I accidentally ended up on the other side of the Mediterranean and fucked around with my friends and did drugs and had sex with nymphs. Oh im so happy to be home now!

>> No.21342382

Well, he was actively being fucked with by the gods. It's as good a reason a man can have really.

Is there any significance to the number 10?

>> No.21342387

That map sucks. They neglected to include the Egyptian sojourn. I could see that immediately. Plus, the decision to make the sea stand out so much more than the land is off-putting because of how much of a break from convention that it is.

>> No.21342411

Baltic sea theory?

>> No.21342412


>> No.21342417


>> No.21342423
File: 29 KB, 639x734, 1668794747935051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which translation is best translation for a sheer, unadulterated, joyful reading experience where academic rigour isn't necessarily the be-all and end-all

>> No.21342440

>Bro how the fuck does it take 10 years to sail this. I don't believe it.


>> No.21342476
File: 370 KB, 1100x548, 5483287_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I her when dat nigga odyzysius came home dat nigga shot da buvlls his ho waif be cuckin him with
dat nigga shot em point blank ayy sheeeeei

>> No.21342480

>the gods be tryna keep a human down
Why don’t you people take some responsibility for once?

>> No.21342494

Based Felice Vinci enjoyer

>> No.21342497

Fitzgerald is you like poetry. I find it blows the best and is the most enjoyable to read. I don't know any prose translations but I imagine there are some there that would be better if you aren't a fan of poetry.

>> No.21342654

Nothing beats Alexander Popes translation.

>> No.21342752
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>Penelope was faithful for 10 years

>> No.21342820

Non meme answer: Fagles

>> No.21343002

>non meme

>> No.21343013

It was a lot longer than that wasn't it?

>> No.21343025
File: 257 KB, 789x1200, 71jW069bPAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed this one

>> No.21343085

It was 20 years. 10 years at Troy and 10 years voyaging home

>> No.21343092

How long did it take for the Hebrews to cross the desert?

>> No.21343102

This was my favorite book I had to read for my Gender and Sexuality Studies major!

>> No.21343104

Fitzgerald because he's a legitimate poet in his own right and you can read all of Homer and Virgil contiguously with him

>> No.21343890

I like the theory that Moses led them for 40 years and waited for most of those born slaves to die because you can't make a nation of free men from slaves

>> No.21343924

Kek, I haven't read any other translations fully but it was quite readable I thought

>> No.21343997

You could have taken it one step further.
>Fags n' Lez; also
>l e s
>s e l
F A G C E L!!

>> No.21344083

Baltic sea theory?

>> No.21344163

/lit/ told me to read the Lattimore translation. Is that still considered good or no?

>> No.21344166

Just open a pdf of a few versions or find excerpts and pick the one that feels most like you'd enjoy reading it for hundreds of pages

>> No.21344182
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>> No.21344327
File: 1.06 MB, 653x859, 1662648709179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to be such a fucking zoomer but is there a more hype moment in literature as the homecoming?
Listening to the suitors be dicks for the entire work and knowing that daddy's home had my heart rate going.

>> No.21344329
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>tell me about Odysseus, the interesting man.

>> No.21344335
File: 79 KB, 531x630, 1661185676421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your master finally returns after 20 years

>> No.21344376

It's the sort of scene if done today would elicit statements of "that trigger disciple!" & "That tactical reload bro!".
You know Odysseus is a hardened warrior and he is going to make mince meat out of these weak layabouts. Pretty cool.

>> No.21344691

My favorite part is when he orders the house hoes — who were sucking the pursuers sick looking to be their future concubines and being arrogant to Penelope — he orders them be hanged. We will never have this based ever again.

>> No.21345027

Is it that trivial?

>> No.21345090

yeah just go from point A to point B I've done it many times

>> No.21345495

the fact that a university professor came up with this map is hilarious. Degrees and titles really are pointless

>> No.21345498

no, it means that the "official story" of the Jews is a lie or re-edit.

>> No.21345914

Is it the same?

>> No.21345983

Yes. The shortest path between two points is a straight line

>> No.21346356

Through Earth

>> No.21346365

You try steering a boat without GPS or any non-alcoholic fluids to drink asshole.

>> No.21346428

when Fagles wrote "Catch my drift" it literally ruined the entire Odyssey translation

>> No.21346460


>> No.21346665

It was a different time.

>> No.21346674

Didn't he spend like 7 of them just constantly cumming in Circe?

>> No.21346754

They're the best breed to create nations out of.

>> No.21347595

I can't tell I this is bait or not, but I did read it, and aside from a couple of flat bits that have already been mocked here, it was pretty okay.

>> No.21347653

Honestly his Odyssey kinda sucks. His Iliad is definitely the best (up there with Caroline Alexanders and FItzgerald's as the holy trinity). I hope Caroline Alexander's Odyssey is as good as her Iliad, so people can shut the fuck up about Emily Wilson.

>> No.21348106

"40" is a number that just meant "large, approximate number". See also the great flood having lasted 40 days/nights.

>> No.21348241
File: 8 KB, 474x216, bowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

space travel

>> No.21348534


>> No.21348783
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>> No.21349653

I'm not your bro

>> No.21349806

What about 6? Does 6 also mean over9000 in Hebrew, and thus could it have been mistranslated?

>> No.21350290

>tfw got a fagles iliad, odyssey and aeneid boxset
it's over isn't it

>> No.21351774

No motor-powered boat, no GPS, no map, no compass (you can't fucking tell where you are latitude-wise, so you could be anywhere from Gibraltar to Crimea)
There are historical analyses of Odysseus's trip and it shows that he spent most of that time bouncing around the Med in random directions

>> No.21351781

>no no it's LITERAL, you have to take it LITERALLY
>except the parts that make the jews look dumb then it's METAPHOR and ALLEGORY

And then he spent 3 years getting blown around by Poseidon.

>> No.21351842

It's like saying 50 in Spanish?
>How many people died in Tiananmen Square?
>Sí, because noone has ever counted them

>> No.21352115

/trv/ here, also actually studied the oddesey, also sail.

Without resorting to the petty argument that the story is symbolic i would point out.

A. At this time "sailing" was more a matter of coast hoping because vesles couldn't survive a storm on the open ocean. Thus practically speaking sailors would have to travel in coastal waters a long way to reach a crossing.
All ocean looks blue on land maps, on nautical maps you will find that the sea is in no way equal mile to mile and that all the land is just a single green shape.

B. Because of the lack of navigation aids, at this time "going " meant "finding". To say the name of an island gave no indication of where the island was.
Even into the 18th century explorers were going the long way simply because they relied on local directions between a series of places.
On a hundred mile journey every mile might be inhabited, yet the inhabitants only able to navigate the mile on which they lived.
If you ever wonder why travelers seem to run into some character on every mile of road it's because the traveler is blindly following the road laid by mile after mile of locals.

Only empires actually built roads knowing both where the road started and going directly to where it finished.

C. Logistics were thin, and odesius was often forced to stop for supplies.

D. Being washed off course isn't a plot device, it's a reality of sailing without a compass or engine.

>> No.21352126

Omg #metoo

>> No.21352129


>> No.21352140

Not to mention they would have to set up base at every safe location they were lucky enough to find in the semi-charted western Mediterranean of the Greek Dark Age, let alone the Mycenaean period when probably long distance sea travel was a patchwork quilt of local knowhow like "once we get to X, we know a guy who can get us to Y." They'd have to stay there long enough not just to survive but to gather supplies for another long journey into even less charted territory.

>> No.21352190

OK that make sense, but still 10 years seems excessive. Didn't they know that the Mediterranean sea was a closed basin? He could have just followed along the coast from anywhere and gotten back in less than 1 year.

>> No.21352198

odyssey was a fuckin work of fiction
>oh man, you retards will buy literally fucking anything, right?
by peter struck

>> No.21352295

>odyssey was a fuckin work of fiction
Complete brainlet take

>> No.21352314
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I like the opening

>> No.21352559
File: 89 KB, 1000x1080, 1670386725287407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when she reads the Telemachus lines in the little looord voice
I did not expect that lol