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21341761 No.21341761 [Reply] [Original]

is there a more blackpilll book?

>> No.21342046
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>> No.21342056
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Webm related makes sure its undefeated in blackpill literature

>> No.21342063

I’m pretty sure nobody here has actually read it and only watched that one scene from the French movie (taken out of context) on YouTube where their in the nightclub and the cool guy tells the nerd no woman will ever want him. I haven’t really read it either but if 4chanfags would actually look into Houellebecq he would be unpopular here and considered “reddit-tier.”

>> No.21342086

>abloo bloo women are vapid chad-fucking whores and lie and cheat all the time
I like the author and he's absolutely right, but how exactly is it a blackpill? You should already know all of this from experience by the time you're 20 at most. After reading and contemplating pessimistic philosophers you'll find out that not only relationships are a scam, but life itself is.
That's the ultimate blackpill.

>> No.21342091

The Elementary Particles is more blackpilled.

>> No.21342093

He's alright, I've read Submission and another one, I forget which because I had two out from the library and only read one. I think it was pretty good for the 90s. But yeah sardonic social critique can only get you so far, at this point overt fascism is necessary.

>> No.21342094

I don't read or consume anything made by the french

>> No.21342096

>I haven’t really read it
Opinion discarded

>> No.21342105

What is this?

>> No.21342118
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Lmao, I've read it and enjoyed it, but its subject is as trivial and inconsequential as Lolita or Proust, without the eloquent prose; very humorous though.

Pic rel is more of a black pill. Try Troilus and Cressida, Shakespeare's version, while you're at it. That is a far more hellish vision of love than le old smoking frog could ever imagine.

>> No.21342144
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Agreed. Still, the ending was unrealistically optimistic in a kind of twisted way. Humanity collectively deciding to replace itself with a genetically engineered species that is better capable of interpersonal love. Otherwise, it was a horrifying book.


Reddit hates Hollaback because he's racist, sexist, misogynistic, antisemitic, etc etc.

>> No.21342155

Bros I'm mostly a midwit, where should I start (and probably end) with Willabeckq?

>> No.21342175

Atomised, Platform or Whatever for his older -and arguably better- stuff. Serotonin is probably his best recent work.

>> No.21342316

Movie adaptation of the OP pic

>> No.21342322

Those are good reasons, I just like his misogyny

>> No.21342324


>> No.21342327

Start with Whatever. Then read whatever else you like.

Read Atomised when you feel "tfw no gf" and need something to push you over the edge into suicide.

>> No.21342444

I’m pretty sure nobody here has actually read it and only watched that one scene from the French movie (taken out of context) on YouTube where their in the nightclub and the cool guy tells the nerd no woman will ever want him. I haven’t really read it either but if 4chanfags would actually look into Houellebecq he would be unpopular here and considered “reddit-tier.”

>> No.21342567

read this recently and blackpill struck me, in no other book have i ever come across such an expressive blackpill at most with redpill

>> No.21342901


>> No.21344218

Tolstoy's "The Kreutzer Sonata"

If you know, you know

>> No.21344404
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>> No.21344414

Sex and Character

>> No.21344458

>Houellebecq he would be unpopular here and considered “reddit-tier.”
except he is popular here and people do read him, idiot.

>> No.21344461

This casting is atrocious, the scene only makes sense if the guy is truly ugly (as he is in the book).

>> No.21344481

Always hated this title's translation. Literal translation is extension of the domain of struggle, which is far more apt.

>> No.21344485

thats why you arnt in marketing kid

>> No.21344492

I think it's worse being 'handsome' or 'good-looking' or 'attractive' or even 'dilf' to some women and yet still being a virgin loser who can't actually do a damned thing. A good facial structure doesn't cure autism. No gym maxxing can fix my social retardation. At least a 4/10 can make peace with this. Someone who is not bad off in terms of looks yet can't attain it anyway due to crippling, overpowering autism gets the worst of both sides.

>> No.21344497
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To everyone ITT. If he can do it, so can you.

>> No.21344540

Status. Irrelevant unless you become as famous. Woken will flock to you for being known, even if you're known as a criminal, and especially if you're the kind of criminal that abuses women. Status or being known or wanted by just one other woman is grounds for them to all want you in a sort of domino effect.

>> No.21344579

you just dont understand the plight you're in
i was basically the same, extremely attractive to women, just starting to get out of my autism and then bam, hubris and greek tragedy downfall

the point is, you just dont want it enough because its not available to you economically.
if you could actually provide, you would be doing so, but you're barely hanging on with metrics you can hardly grasp

go to a place with high food abundance and wealth distribution and you can solve most of your social problems

>> No.21344609

Anyone have blackpill charts/recommendations?

Fancying a gander at the old rope desu.

>> No.21344615

start with the greeks

>> No.21344617

A 6/10 women can do fine as she's 'attractive', whereas a corresponding 6/10 male can't: men can only coast off their looks when their 9/10s or higher; if they're not, they have to conceive of their relative attractiveness as an exponent to their base integer, which they have to create themselves.

>> No.21344622

finished em

>> No.21344659

I have a decent job. I own my car. I can provide, I am just socially fucking stunted through a mix of wasting my high school years/early 20s and my social anxieties. There is food, there is wealth distribution, I can even cook very well and know how to do handy things a lot of people my age don't do. I do a lot of things decently enough that normies are blown away but I am not good enough to call myself an expert in any field, though I know many fields. The problem is I'm also picky of course. I want a virgin woman to marry. It'd be trivial to date outside my race but I don't want to racemix. Every woman ever interested in me has had sex. I find it imperative to wait for marriage for so many reasons. I consider it a hopeless situation unless I get extremely lucky to find a girl who is young enough or Amish/Mormon/religious enough. But I'm not religious either and I find it intellectually dishonest to be religious or fake my beliefs (or lack of faith) to a life partner. Even that avenue is not a guarantee these days, with stuff like Mormons and their 'jumphumping.' Social media and its consequences have been nothing but an unmitigated disaster for the western world. I see no hope for the future.

This is true. I've been rated anywhere from as low as 6 up to 10, usually averaging 7 to 8. It's not enough unless you are absolutely model tier.

>> No.21344668

I don't know if this is true or not but I will investigate. I hate scams and false representations. I hate people getting scammed and used. I will look for the clip you mentioned, and I will try to read more for my fuck's sake fuck me.

>> No.21344690

bro you're not gonna get a virgin gf unless you peruse middle schools and wait till shes legal. most relationships today are the guy getting a slut gf and asking her to stop being a slut. not saying you have to settle for that but somewhere in between, attractive young women have had sex

>> No.21344714

Yeah that's why I'm abandoning hope. They do exist. but I'm not banking on finding one. The amount of women calling you a pedo for wanting a virgin is telling too. It means they're all fucking whores who had sex while being prepubescent. And a lot of them do it with older men too, the difference is that I don't want to pump and dump them after taking their virginity. But that's not an admirable trait to have, these days it seems you must be a dark triad, gaslighting psychopath to get women. Until they get used for years and eventually want to settle down with a 'good guy' who will accept that they've taken miles of cock. It sounds like incel rage hut I don't care. Women don't owe me sex, I'm not mad about not having sex, I'm mad about the moral decline of society overall.

>> No.21344721

then you should be immune to all 'pills' and if you arnet you got filtered.

>> No.21344739

I recently finished The Abolition of Liberty by Peter Hitchens. It's about the decay of the British justice system. Very informative but incredibly blackpilling.

>> No.21344849

You are actually owed sex and care in direct amount to your participation in society, this is why societies get formed in the first place. Virgin sex was the norm, to the ritual flaunting of bloodstained bedsheets in public because otherwise one would be forever a whore and her extended family's reputation ruined.
So your rage is understandable and natural. You did your part to the society, the society gives you leftovers and you feel yourself cheated, because you were.

Unfortunately there are no easy solutions. Western women indeed seem turbosluts, while decent women from other regions refuse to consider foreigners just as you do. Unironically though you fell victim to class war, because upper class have dead-set ideas on family and loyalty, except the nouveau riche IT dorks, and would like the lower class to stay low. You can't amass and conserve capital if your wife is used goods unworthy of your labour, plus she might divorce rape you and burn through it while making you her personal peon. No pretender dynasties means no contenders to the current upper class.

I can only offer you to radically divest yourself from the normie used goods and try to acquire cultural capital then present it wherever the upper class strivers congregate.

>> No.21344869

Converting is also a strategy, all parishes are effectively corporations if the church is not cucked, i.e. hijacked by the ruling class corp to serve as its front. But be wary of totalitarian cults that demand total submission upfront - remember, you are an investor, not a self-sold slave. The teaching should just provide common ground, not a be-all.

>> No.21344964

>I can only offer you to radically divest yourself from the normie used goods and try to acquire cultural capital then present it wherever the upper class strivers congregate.
Yeah, this is the hard part. I'm fully aware of my position, clawing my way up is hard. Women want rich men or status, or some guy who isn't just introverted. I have friends but they're all on my intellectual level. ie not normies, autistic to some degree. It's hard to even approach a woman in real life, vut even if I could, why? They're likely already used goods. Tattoos and face piercings on otherwise good women also make me seethe.

I thought about becoming Catholic or Orthodox but I have problems.
>Christianity and its main denominations
>having faith (the primary struggle for me)
>commitment required; those women who are actually serious about it are very serious about it.
I don't think I like the sheer amount of rules involved in the process of becoming Catholic, getting confirmed etc. It seems like a way to keep people away. I know it's to show who is serious. the rules all have meanings. But they seem more like rituals to an outsider that are done just because. In my honest opinion they harm the Church. Also you have to follow the Pope, and the current one does a lot of stuff I highly disagree with because globalism ultimately seems to beat out religious ideals. I basically want the religious lifestyle without the religious dogma or the very strict adherence. It's a self imposed issue to be sure.

>> No.21345030
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bro there's no excuse these days. Church Fathers literature is easily accessible.
A help: "believe so that you may understand"; "I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but rather, I believe in order that I may understand"
The Church in the west went heterodox. Focus on the East, approach your local orthodox churches, the one you most like ask the priest to become a catechumen. Give a step towards God, and He will give three towards you.

>> No.21345048

But Orthodox comes with its own set of memes that I heavily dislike. I understand that the bible itself isn't enough, or just attending church on its own isn't supposed to be sufficient, but extra things and all those steps. I might be making an excuse, but I just don't seem to want it that bad. It all seems hopeless even if I did go through the process.

>> No.21345060
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it's literally not even the right subtitles, you can see it doesn't match up to their lips
some incel edited this together

>> No.21345070

They’re speaking French, friend

>> No.21345073
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What do you dislike? Those extra things and steps are necessary otherwise they wouldn't exist. They are part of the Orthopraxis. Christianity isn't a doctrine, it's a way of life. Pray. Read the Fathers chronologically, it will help if you have started with the Greeks. Eventually, you will get what it's all about. Courage my friend.

>> No.21345084

Are they really? Why is it not simply enough to read, pray, believe, and try living virtuously? I do only the latter, mind, because I feel wrong praying when I don't properly believe. And I've given the bible a shot before but OT is very dry (Douay Rheims) and I feel too autistically focused on reading from start to finish rather than skipping around. I've got all kind if brain worms that impede my normal functions. I won't even get into my lust and vices related to it. Porn is easy enough to not use, but still I've never been able to properly quit masturbating.

>> No.21345103

Because you cannot live virtuously without the sacraments. That's delusion. Only men like St. Anthony the Great could do it. But he's an exception. We need the Divine Liturgy to open our mind's eye (nous). We need to worship in community. We need the direction of a spiritual father, because we are all unique individuals that demand personalized guidance. We need to fast to discipline to body. Etc etc. The Scriptures (OT) are to be read mostly allegorically, in the light of Christ. And it's not for beginners, apart from the first books. Read the NT and the early Church Fathers first, because they are heavy on Scripture and they will help you interpret it. Regarding your passions, it's possible, with Christ everything is. You alone cannot do it of course. I too faced the same problems you mentioned. Trust me, Christ will work on that. See it like this, you're a sinner, a sick man like all humans, and the Church is the hospital, the Eucharist the medicine, for the rest of your earthly "life".

>> No.21345122

I've heard every bit before but I just don't know how to act. I can't bring myself to do it. it feels like I'm lying to myself by forcing myself to believe something I just do not.

>> No.21345149

Just take the step, you'll see.

>> No.21345322

I am married to a virgin bride, but this happened 'naturally', as in - I did not purposefully search for her, and neither did she. We got acquainted during a common hobby and a year later or so we were basically engaged. Several more families arose from same hobby circle, so far nobody is divorced or outwardly unhappy.
But before that I had a short dating streak so hilariously bad I considered to go full monk mode and renounce thots. These were all times I sought out women by their looks and distance because I was horny like a goat, and those women were be very low value yet treated me even worse.
Take away: do not pursue women as mates on purpose, find some live or just semi-online hobby circles agreeable to your interests, engage in collective activities for the sake of activities. Eventually some fitting woman will latch onto you and you will be happy of the occasion.
I think a growing lack of safe public spaces makes such natural unions rare, plus social media cancer can turn vulnerable women into sluts. Somehow we are to find groups or places that are not psy ops promises nor a marketing ploy. Something vaguely church-affiliated is low risk.
I treat the Church more like a beneficial corporation than some universal body of Christ one must dead-set join and practice weekly communion and five plus daily prayers - you aren't a bishop wannabe, just checking if your local parish has some pilgrimage tourism or book reading clubs etc.
You can just be a "cultural christian" and participate in local activities without being a master in theology. Christian-aligned people are simply more predictable with their denouncing slutdom and greed, thus you like to stay close and keep your business with predictable people. No need to become a Jesuit and receive daily instructions from the College of Cardinals.

Another way is to consider moving into a small town if you can get a decent real life job there. Small communities have reputation systems that make anonymous slutdom costly or impossible since everyone knows everyone. A parish functions like such a town inside a city, but you can consider an actual small town nearby. Engaging in municipal activities can get you contacts, like I probably get half of mine though a local group of amateur tree planters

>> No.21345330

Which denomination are you talking about? I can only share my experience with Catholics, but in their case the "denouncing slutdom and greed" as you put it is hilariously inaccurate.

>> No.21345346

In short, the anonymous nature of big cities is cancer.

Nobody knows anyone means delayed reputation damage from degeneracy means more degenerates.
A parish is a way of life, no need to force yourself there if it does not click - but successful communities work like them. Around 200 people regularly doing important communal activities turns them into a tribe with familial ties and marriages, instead of some boiling sludge of nameless nobodies doings one night stands to feel a touch of belonging before drinking oneself to oblivion.

>> No.21345366

I deal with Orthodox people 99% of the time, they are pretty chill to be around if I keep my heretical opinions to myself. Local Catholics are very few and insular, reportedly trad but on the nationalistic cult boundary - I get by hearsay since they are barely present anywhere here.

I don't say Orthos say to burn all thots, just that they constantly reinforce family loyalty and dutiful work.

>> No.21345411

Good for you anon, I think my problem is personally just being way too socially retarded to go do that sort of thing. My hobbies are also mostly solo activities like drawing, guitar, reading (on /lit/ of all places) and while I do like them to an extent. I'm not good enough at them to do publicly without feeling utter contempt for myself and my efforts. Like I said it impresses normies but I'm completely dissatisfied with myself and my skill level. I fully want to meet a woman organically like that, but I hardly ever see any women my age (see below) and if I do, they are with a man or a gaggle of other women. My social retardation is not even remotely capable of cold approaching a girl by herself, much less with other people. I have a crippling and overwhelming problem with social situations that I've worked on and gotten a bit better at but I'll never be a normie and it doesn't come naturally, it's work to do basic interactions. I'll possibly look into volunteering after I get more of my shit together, currently living in a hotel since my shit got wrecked in a storm.

I'm not in a "big" city but imo another problem is my location. I'm in an area where the average age is fucking 55. Any women that are not geriatric are still too old to marry (in my opinion because by the time I meet a girl, marry her. and start kids she'd be 30 or more. which is not ideal for me) or the 18 to 25 group is all college sluts (seemingly). If I ever see a girl worthwhile she's already snatched up, married, etc. So while I plan to move very soon, I don't know if the situation is any better on the opposite end of the state. But yes, fuck big cities. I never got a childhood friend or anything proper either because my parents were shit and we were displaced very often in school.

>> No.21345474

Women moving in herds is natural of them, they get security from either man (hence taken) or numbers. The woman will engage you one on one herself once she gets acquainted with you and you don't give off serial killer vibes. You lose these vibes by gradual immersion into normie group activities, and those activities allow unmarried women to observe potential mates in action to chose whom to appear to.
Women want intimacy and love as much as you do, I am now sure they do the first move anyway - it is just that men are either clueless to read their marks, or don't consider her human due to looks and thus blissfully ignore the shining lights of "please show me some male interest already".

Godspeed anon, we all gonna make it, you fully included.

>> No.21345505

Yeah I try to act normie but I think they can sense I'm off in some ways. I can pick up on hints, I just hardly ever interact with any in a capacity that they would give such hints. Even my brief return to college was atypical - a smaller school, all the girls in my class were definitely not my type (virginal) or taken. I can almost sense a virgin just by how she acts, there was a religious Muslim girl at my old job who was Americanized but still devout. Point was that she was much more childlike in her behavior than any girls who I've interacted with that are seemingly promiscuous.
Oh, then there's also the "I hate niggers, fags, and trannies," thing and being vaxxed is an issue that filters out more potential girls. It feels hopeless post covid.

>> No.21345514

The truth.

>> No.21345522

I read it

>> No.21345557

>you don't give off serial killer vibes. You lose these vibes by gradual immersion into normie group activities

Behavior has nothing to do with "le vibes". Height and facial handsomeness fully predict all receptiveness to approach in pairing as per the reproductive data.