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/lit/ - Literature

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21339537 No.21339537 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21339540


>> No.21339553

I buy 90% of my books from a used book store, quite a nice place, old church. Owned by an old guy who loves books and always gives me a book or two from my stack free of charge, he is good to his regulars. The other 10% is stuff from small publishers which I am very unlikely to find used or at a library. Better to support the good aspects of capitalism than just to ignore it all.

>> No.21339814

No. Don't care. Local library sucks

>> No.21339826

domani vado a prendere la tessera della biblioteca : )

>> No.21339865
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If libraries didn't look like the alien ghetto from District 9 and actually had books worth reading, I would use them.

>> No.21339871

wow, what a nice reddit screenshot thread

>> No.21339879

Makes sense though. People just buy dozens of books without knowing if they'll even make it past the first chapter or not.
Borrow some books from a library, read part way through them, buy the ones you want to keep.

>> No.21339984

>aaah heckin consumerism is attacking me
Ok poorfag.

>> No.21340010

Have these people ever considered the idea that some of us want our own personal libraries

>> No.21340052

I don't buy or loan books, I pirate them. Simple as.

>> No.21340055
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>buying books

>> No.21340085
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I agree to buy books wherever possible from used bookstores, but even then, i have limits. I live in a major city and we have a bookstore that is popular, but it is the most fucking disgusting, woke, pretentious NPR listening to fucking crocks of shit I've ever encountered. I think a lot of cities have extremely woke stores, and though they claim to support to free speech, good luck finding books from authors the owners might dislike. This local bookstore ripped out their history section, shoveled it into a small corner, and tripled the size of their Alphabet people/oppressed folk and stories section 22 dollars for a fucking copy of William Gibson's Neuromancer, with a trigger warning sticker on it. Walked right out. Shit, there's a guy at the local gun show who peddles books and he could give less of a fuck about what you're buying, as long as you're buying, and he's got some titles from old geezers that actually knew a thing or two about history. The other one is an actual store, fair prices for old books, thousands of Sci-FI mass market paperbacks, and tons of esoteric books on equally interesting topics. Definitely a good place to look for Christmas gifts.

Be careful out there kids, even the used bookstores are getting shitty. I guess there's always estate sales and thrift stores.

>> No.21340094

sup fellow startpage chang

>> No.21340129

idiots complaining about capitalism again?
not taking the bait. fuck off, OP.

>> No.21340144

No. Fuck libraries. All libraries should be dismantle

>> No.21340159
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Yeah fuck library's and fuck op. Librarys are a relic of the past when people couldn't read.

>> No.21340160

I would if my library had the books I want to read.

>> No.21340162

I've never been to a public library. But the bookstores i frequent are owned by men. Men who read. So threat of wokeshit is minimal. Still i only buy esoterica, and specialized bookstores are even less likely to capitulate. Still, want to open my own someday

>> No.21340176

With the number of bookstores going out of business, pretty soon the library will be the only place locally to get books.

I love my local library, I live right next to it, but the homeless problem in many cities has made what was once a nice, beautiful environment absolute garbage. I don't really get why they can't solve the problem. Policymakers and politicians say it's the court system that has their hands tied, but these same policymakers and politicians are able to get super creative to get around court orders when it comes to rulings they don't like, such as pro second amendment rulings. There's really a lack of imagination and will to get smelly, violent homeless people out of the libraries.

>> No.21340212

I buy anything from a used bookstore that even looks half interesting to me. I often start and finish books years after I purchase them. I like having them around knowing there will come a day where I will read most of them (the others I can donate back).

>> No.21340379

Gee, why are people in big cities not using their local libraries? It couldn't be because of
>the homeless guy jacking off at the computers
>the homeless guy who shit himself in the comfy chairs
>the homeless guy screaming racial slurs in the children's section
>the preteens who took all the nonfiction books off the shelves to find pictures of boobs
>the parents who use the library as free childcare
>the homeless guy who threw a computer through the window
>the numerous homeless people sleeping, using the computers, or shooting up in the bathrooms
All true stories from an old boss who worked as a public librarian in the SF bay area

>> No.21340399

What kind of books do you read that your libraries don't have?

>> No.21340404

why did you make this exact same post on /pol/?

>> No.21340408


>> No.21340410

Not them but getting foreign literature from my local libraries is pretty hard, especially untranslated works. I don't have a problem with libraries though, I don't know why people are so angry about their existence, I've never had any trouble whenever I've used them.

>> No.21340413

I'm not buying a book.
I'm not going to the library.
Libgen has everything I need.

>> No.21340416

>Any nonfiction on a specialized topic that isn't WW2, cooking, or being a minority
>Any literary fiction that isn't required reading in high school

>> No.21340427
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>he reads on an electronic device

>> No.21340449

Even my library has variety of books, and I'm from Croatia. A lot of them are translated, but they have originals for most english written books

>> No.21340479

Redditors have always romanticized the DIY way of living, because it is the dream to have your cake and have hundreds of faggots suck you off while you eat it, too.

>> No.21340495

I'm from a major US city. Obviously, I'm exaggerating in my last post. But my local library's military nonfiction selection for any conflict the US didn't fight in is practically nonexistent, and our 'literary' (not summer bestseller or genre) fiction selection is pretty much a 1:1 mirror of what the local high schools allow for projects.

>> No.21340529

found the issue, anon. I'm on the other coast and my local library. while filled with schoolkids on weekdays who hang out until the parents arrive to get them, is tolerable and no homeless with plenty of half decent lit to read.

>> No.21340547

The people who are the quickest to mock milquetoast wristlet redditors for hating capitalism are usually the very same people who will cry and cry and cry about söyboy consumerists, widespread degeneracy and the erosion of culture, but ascribe it to jews instead of untethered markets. Antisemites are the dumbest fucking slaves to globohomo imaginable, ensuring that a lot of the fundamental impulse against it is diverted into retarded and schizophrenic non-action.
How /pol/niggers fail to realize that they are the test subjects of a giant CIA psyop is completely beyond me - oh yeah /pol/nigger, the powers that be just chose that you can access this hugely popular site on THE FUCKING CLEARNET because they care deeply about free speech, so much so that they will allow something dangerous to themselves - fat fucking chance, retard. /pol/ exists because it neuters and retardifies people who might otherwise rebel against globohomo in an effective manner.

>> No.21340561


>> No.21340568

Free speech means you don't have to sell books by authors you dont like.

>> No.21340570
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For $99 kindle + libgen I have all the books I need for my life.

>> No.21340571


>> No.21340581

Thank you for an actual response

>> No.21340626

I don't support anyone. I pirate all of my books. I don't have free cash to throw around, and if I did I would be buying manga and novels from Japan so that I could scan them, upload them online, and continue the wave of book piracy. Unless an author touches my heart with a book (or I become a millionaire) I won't buy a book.

>> No.21340635

>go to a location with physical books
no thanks boomer, they dont have the book i want, L+Ratio

>> No.21340794

>Libraries are still a thing people
Yes, and I am cultivating my own personal library.

>> No.21340830

Mmhhh yeahh I definitely want to read books that people before me have sneezed and coughed into, licked their fingers to turn the pages, didn't wash their hands after pissing and shitting mmhh yeahhh that's what I want.

>> No.21340880

How many allergies have you got?
It's just anecdotal at this point, but it really is remarkable that germaphobes almost invariably have allergies, and oftentimes several different kinds.
I myself lick women's assholes, not only because I find it very enjoyable, but also because it is like deadlifts for the immune system.

>> No.21340898



Easy as

>> No.21341030

>he's too fucking mentally weak to realize that concepts stay the same regardless of the medium and can't free himself from the need to posture and look cool to others

>> No.21341040

The nearest library is nine kilometers away. Most of my reading happens on my bed, desk, or office. I also can't read without smoking.

>> No.21341047

Dumb pop books. Because all libraries have is classics or history books.

>> No.21341048

>power goes out
>motherboard dies
>nerualMatch revokes your copyright content
heh, nohing personnel kid

>> No.21341063
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I like to actually own the book I'm reading.

>> No.21341075

It's people who live in cities proper that hate libraries, and with good reason - city libraries are just a refuge for the mentally ill. I work at a library in a small New England town and it's comfy as fuck.

>> No.21341077

Hello no. I hate to go outside and be around normies, even more so when its so cold now. And considering loan fees at my place, piracying the books is still cheaper.

>> No.21341099

When I was a kid my parents took my to the nearest library. I picked out a bunch of books that I was excited to read, and when we went up to the counter to check them out the librarian said we couldn't because our house was technically outside of the town boundaries, so we weren't allowed to check out books from the town library. She made us put all the books back and leave.

>> No.21341114

You could have gotten a non-resident card for a monthly fee.

>> No.21341122

People are providing goods and services which are in demand, what a travesty! Capitalism has failed!

>> No.21341127

nah, also librarians have it too easy. Tired of fat old white women getting this job to loaf around.

>> No.21341139
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>mentally weak

>> No.21341140

Is that shit an actual thing? What a fucking joke. Here in my county we are allowed to take books out from most of the local libraries in the county.

>> No.21341141

How many times are you going to post this in threads concerning libraries

>> No.21341143

>supporting your public library
>supporting the author

which is it?

>> No.21341145

why do you care so much?

>> No.21341146

My local library would most likely just have to purchase a copy of whatever books I wanted anyway, might as well get them myself.

>> No.21341148

neither. You can probably use your own fingers to count the living writers worth supporting.

>> No.21341152

That's definitely convenient if you're traveling all over the country constantly, but I prefer the localism and independence of U.S. townships. The benefits of this arrangement far outweigh the inconveniences. Skin in the game and whatnot.

>> No.21341154


>> No.21341198

I've never posted it before, I guess it happens a lot

>> No.21341208

I pirate everything and I am 99% digital. Fuck OP and fuck pic related!

>> No.21341228
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>> No.21341312

Typical. Fuck librarians and fuck teachers.

>> No.21341342

Downdooted, seethe, didn't read, sneed

>> No.21341366

American libraries are de facto homeless camps, not places to read things or check out books.

>> No.21341380

Looks really happy.

>> No.21341723
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Yes, that is true, but it sets a bad precedent if all the bookstores in town start pulling that shit, because only so many can exist in a given population area sustainably.

Keep up the wave.

Unironically agree with this. Everybody can seethe and cope, but in the last decade, 4chan has been basically an easy honeytrap for catching people.

Depends on the library. If the library is privatized like in one of my nearby counties, they get their income from patrons and shit, so they have all the popular shit. When Twilight was popular, they had 14 copies out on rotation.

We have a few homeless people. But most of them are harmless. I interact with our college's library since I work there often, our biggest concern are book thieves, since they carry a lot of books that can be fenced to students online for high prices.


Well, one of the few things most of America is too stupid to realize is this: Homeless people are fucking parasites that will abuse any system to its fullest. They will do anything to avoid working and being normal members of society, they don't care about our societal norms or the social contract. So, to them, a library is a place they can hang out in. And most librarians are liberals, so they take pity on them. One day people are going to wake up, be sick of the homeless, and force them into work camps, isolate them to the desert, or lock all of them in asylums. Even felons in halfway houses fucking hate bums.

Even then, most of the decent books are not in the library. Try finding William Schrier's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. None of the libraries in my city have it.

>> No.21341822

>better for your eyes due to backlighting
>built in dictionary
when will physicalgoys stop coping?

>> No.21341838

My small town library doesn't even have the most interesting stuff in my own language, much less English/German/French.

And the last guy who sold used books closed down years ago. I think he died?

>> No.21341851

Imagine not just downloading books.

>> No.21341863


>> No.21341892

Libraries should update their systems then, they should offer delivery services for the local communities. Because I can go online and order books without ever leaving my house. Also shouldn’t the real focus here be on the books themselves? Why does it matter if we buy them or go to the library? Plus, the library gets tax dollars regardless. My local library is completely free for me.

>> No.21341921

>concerned with consumer culture while also promoting consumer culture


>> No.21341938

You cannot stop me from building a library full of esoteric Hitlerism, racial theory, and Harry Potter books.

>> No.21342038

Fuck all of you. You are the reason why literature is dying. You don't support reading in any sense, you are just a critic and an annoying faggot.
> b-but, my library doesn't have any of the books that I want!
What the fuck is interlibrary loans? you realize if you want a book all you have to do is ask the library to get it for you?
I fucking hate you hypocrites. You ruined books and the only person to blame is you.
The people with shit taste win when the people with good taste give up. The library is democratic in this way.
Support your local library for fuck sake. That is the community center for reading. It's where people will be going to generations.
Do I really have to teach about civics and what it means to be a good citizen and community member.
No, just, just fuck you.
Library isn't consumer culture faggot. It's the opposite. It's about the fucking community. But you're too much of a reclusive individualist weirdo to value that. FUCK YOU.

>> No.21342045
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>> No.21342055

>Library isn't consumer culture faggot. It's the opposite. It's about the fucking community. But you're too much of a reclusive individualist weirdo to value that. FUCK YOU

Well said. By /lit/ standards.

>> No.21342059

Yea yea shut your neovag you fucking commie.

>> No.21342062

If libraries delivered id definitely use them more.

>> No.21342090

I don't read at all

>> No.21342120

I don't live in a "community," I live in a glorified refugee camp. There is no "democracy" or "citizenship" here. The country is like a joint-stock corporation.

>> No.21342135

I was defending libraries, you fag

>> No.21342153

I can't remember the last book I read that would be carried in a library. Maybe the Leonardo Da Vinci biography, but I pirated that and didn't read it yet. Usually when I buy books it's at used book stores, and again, libraries don't carry those books typically. Certainly wouldn't find The Bell Curve in a library.

>> No.21342177

There's not much I want to read in my shitty small town library. Fucking entitled city dwellers.

>> No.21342228

>better for your eyes due to backlighting
you retarded?

>> No.21342282

My “community” is filled with literal crackheads and homeless people that shoot up the downtown area in my city every weekend. Why the fuck would I ever bother going to the public library when they occupy it? If I did then I would have to bring a bulletproof vest

>> No.21342296

>no argument
You are the retard.

>> No.21342358

Haha che sfigato

>> No.21342366

I use the library for books I don't know if I'll want to read again, and I pirate books I know I won't want to read again. For books I do want to read again though, I need to own them. I need to highlight sentences in them or be able to take them to my armchair or carry them around with me while I'm outside the house.

>> No.21343060

Well hey that's okay.
I've never bought a book in my life and I've read hundreds of light novels since my teenage years.
PDF files all the way, nigga.
I can read smut on the go with my phone and nobody knows it.
Life is good.

>> No.21343081

ahem..sir, we are serious litterateurs here. please show courtesy. i wouldn't go on your mango board and post pokemon cards, now would i?

>> No.21343263

shut up bitch

>> No.21343473

>Well, one of the few things most of America is too stupid to realize is this: Homeless people are fucking parasites that will abuse any system to its fullest.

The issue is that we don't restrict people's right to the same degree that other countries do (i.e. doing things like kicking certain people out of public spaces), and a consequence of this freedom is that you end up with various negative consequences. It's an unfortunate trade-off of the process.

Like water, homeless people follow the path of least resistance, so they end up in the cities that tolerate them the most. Many urban centers are now trying to "solve" the homeless problem (which is unsolvable short of incarcerating or euthanizing them all), when in reality they should be making life harder for the homeless so that they instead migrate elsewhere. Homeless policy is basically like a game of hot potato, but instead of tossing the potato, cities like New York and Los Angeles are holding onto the potato. The idea that politicians have in these cities—namely, that you can build enough public housing to solve the homeless problem—is ridiculous for multiple reasons not worth wasting time on here. Also I think the biggest misconception about homeless people is that if you give them all homes, they'll suddenly act like normal people. If you've ever lived near a homeless shelter you know this isn't the case. You can give them a place to live, but they still go out and act like homeless people during the middle of the day.

>> No.21343516

...how do they think libraries acquire books?

>> No.21343674


>> No.21343695

>fill place with hobos and drag queens
>be surprised when normal people dont want to go there

>> No.21343709

based. libraries are just faggot-pedo child distribution centers and brainwashing stations for globohomo postmodernism, and where catwomen pick up femcoom books to flick to. they do nothing but pervert and retard children. nothing worth reading is found in a library, only mental junkfood, textual pornography, and sodomite manuscripts. for the public expenditure on libraries we could be achieving something that actually improves civilization instead. libraries are virtue signalling midwit cancer.

>> No.21343725

if it makes you feel better, those are the words of a cunt who hasnt' been fucked well in decades.

>> No.21343734

>if you want a book all you have to do is ask the library to get it for you?
the books i want haven't been in print in over 100 years
i checked for a few titles i was searching for. in the entire country (US, big country) the number of physical copies was in the single digits, and all but 1 of them was at a university that won't loan to non-students.

eat shit and gargle it.

>> No.21343741

the problem isn't lack of housing. the problem is the drugs. go rodrigo duterte mode and shoot drug dealers and users to death in the streets. then we could have useable libraries again.

>> No.21343773

Libraries buy lots of copies of authors' books. You're also assuming people would purchase every book they check out from the library.

>> No.21343790

I hope this doesn't come across as too harsh, but we're both grown men here (I assume). Your white trash parents should have known that since you lived outside the city limit you're weren't entitled to access at the city library, especially since they probably had to pay different rates for services offered by the city (utilities, fire department protection, etc.). It's the taxes of city residents that pay for the library with the exception of whatever non-local grant funding the library is able to obtain. What was the librarian supposed to do? She had to issue you a card, linked to an address (in the city) to loan you the books. It's not as though she could just wave her hand and let the books walk out of there without them being properly checked out.

>> No.21343859

suburbanites are actually resource drains. connecting public utilities and services to their suburban or exurban trailer costs the public more than those suburb dwelling poorfaggots ever pay into taxes. suburbs are a net drain on a city. for city residents their services (fire, emergency) and utilities (water, sewer, electric) are economical and extraordinarily cheap per person from a public expenditure POV. meanwhile suburbanites are thieving negroes who destroy and take like an endless gaping black hole of a maw for the rest of us to dump taxes into. suburbs are a parasite.

not only should they not be entitled to check out books from city libaries, they should be charged $50 every time they enter city limits, to probably offset their parasitic existence and pay their fair share for being a drain and blight.

>> No.21344159


>> No.21344326

Read “Down and out in Paris and London” , if you even read; or, you just like complaining and critiquing stuff you don’t understand fully nor experienced.

America is a capitalistic hell hole infested with subhumans.

>> No.21344470

Fake problem in a fake world with fake people.

>> No.21344726

My local boomer librarian literally kicks you out for talking while she's yelling all day on the phone. Fuck she and her job.

>> No.21344750

I remember library books being checked out with cards you wrote your name on, and the librarian stamped them upon check-out and receiving. I didn't need a card then and arguably the libraries were better too. Way more classics, fiction and nonfiction, with less pulp. No CDs or DVDs or games or manga or computers, just books, some going back well over a century in age. Everything "just werked" and it doesn't make any sense why we switched over to the RFID system except that the Phoenicians wanted to keep track of us easier. Anon >>21341099 talking about his experience as a kid living in the outskirts is an example of the consequence of such a system, and overall low trust in your fellow man (another symptom of media/CIA propaganda).
I suppose as the economy gets worse and the CIA ramps up their drug trafficking, people lose jobs, get hooked, and fill up the libraries. It also disincentivizes the community aspect of the library as no one wants to associate or fund them with all the homeless. This is also desirable because literacy is unnecessary for the Phoenician meat grinder we live in where you only need to watch 30 second videos and read bot-comments and buy plastic clothes and eat plastic food and get vaccinated and die young and childless and alone and obese having worked no more or less than 18 years in a wide variety of menial slave labor jobs doing nothing useful but keeping the wheel turning.

You could kill every hobo and nothing would change. In a few years there would be more because you're not solving the actual problems that cause the homeless. If you hate how your city is run, if you consider it a
>joint-stock corporation
then do something about it. Find people IRL who feel similar to you but are otherwise quiet. I bet the majority agree and we just shut up and give stock answers out of fear conditioned by fake twitter and 4chan and social media faggotry run by bots and shills working for the Phoenicians. Demand the city council stop funding fake and gay spectacles like tranny storytime (again, fake CIA propaganda no one actually likes) and fix the library system, fix the roads, actually do their fucking jobs that you pay them for with taxes. The cops won't do shit if enough people show up, non-violent, and demand action NOW. Look at the Canadian vaccine trucker protests. Shit worked. That was the boiling point and they had to back off. Hurt their economy, where it hurts most. Live a simpler life, as best as you can in your circumstance, and help your neighbors out too. You don't have to be a "commie" or "nazi" or whatever (all fake ideologies, created by and run by the Phoenicians). Be yourself and stand up for what's right and true and meaningful, which is the free exchange of ideas, the library system, as well as local booksellers, and yes, z-lib and libgen and the internet archive as well.

>> No.21344753

>not pirating from the library
Sorry bud, ngmi

>> No.21344766

Too soon

>> No.21344778

My local library is basically never open

>> No.21344797

I've supported my local library by donating books I no longer needed.
Last time I checked something out, the library was poorly stocked, and was commonly used by either students loaning books for literature class or old folks looking for something to put them to sleep.

>> No.21344860

Almost as if the antisemitism actually helps the elite, wonder if they spend resources to keep it going...
Anyway I love libraries and thankfully live in a country where there is relatively little hobos out there so the libraries are nice clean and comfy.

>> No.21344913

I live in one of the worst parts of England, there's three libraries near me.
One is where I go if I want to print stuff off (I don't have a printer) or if I needed to piss while walking home from school, it's very small and quiet and the selection of books isn't very good, but maybe I'll browse it next time.
The other is the main library in town, actually a very nice building. There is a vast population of homeless people here but they don't seem to use that library - on the two occasions I've seen tramps in there, they've been using the computers to look for jobs. Again, I go there sometimes to print stuff off, I've not looked at their books.
Finally, the last one is in the shittiest area in this city, so I haven't been there in years.
I buy all my books second-hand online as it's simply too convenient. There's charity shops everywhere but I don't bother looking. If all libraries across the world are infested with homeless people then it comes as no surprise why people wouldn't want to go to them.

>> No.21345071

My Main Library Branch is only open Monday thru Friday, 9AM-5PM.
And this is the library branch with yhe best hours.
Most of the stuff I want to read, which the collection actually includes, are in the reference collection, so you can’t even borrow the books.

>> No.21345584

I went to the library today but it was closed early because tomorrow is independence day so I couldn't get in.

>> No.21345617
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>"I read PDFs on my phone or sitting in my computer chair in my dark bedroom on gaming computer's monitor"

>> No.21345633

chiedi le credenziali mlol
American level of retardation would be funny if they didn't rule the world, forcing everyone to accept their mental illness as objective truth

>> No.21345675

fuck your community you nigger loving faggot retard. i hope you get your throat slit you piece of shit.

>> No.21345681

fuck libraries too

>> No.21345690

you deserve to get stabbed to fucking death.

>> No.21345698

I only buy the books which my local library doesn't have

>> No.21345701

>they should be charged $50 every time they enter city limits, to probably offset their parasitic existence and pay their fair share for being a drain and blight.
You do realize that nowadays blacks and indians make way more money than whites because of globohomo, right? It won't be long until whites are the homeless folk living in the city

>> No.21345705

hes some bootlicking nigger loving faggot talking about how good of a goy he is paying taxes. people like that deserve to get their head severed off preferably while their alive and their family is watching

>> No.21345706

Imagine being so angry about things you read on the internet.
Have sex on some grass that you touch bro.

>> No.21345710

you deserve a neck tie also kys you faggot piece of shit

>> No.21345718

>Hello, I'd like to rent 120 days in Sodom
and How to win friends and influence people please.
Yeah fuck that never again.

>> No.21345723

This is the right answer.

>> No.21345728

>Anon posts explanation for why people who don’t pay into tax funded institution don’t get to enjoy the benefits of that institution.
>Get so butthurt you tell him to get stabbed to death.

>> No.21345729


>> No.21345735

actually he didn't explain anything. he came across as an opinionated fuckin retard. who called the other anon white trash then proceeded to act like a nigger loving city dweller faggot railing against rural and suburban people. he didn't explain shit and yes the anon does deserve a knife in his stomach cause hes a pussy faggot and so are you bitch

>> No.21345742

kys bitch

>> No.21345798

>You do realize that nowadays blacks and indians make way more money than whites because of globohomo
holy meds
>since you lived outside the city limit you're weren't entitled to access at the city library
That's how it works in the richest country on earth? Holy jesus, literal 3rd world
t. got access to libraries Idk about

>> No.21345802


>> No.21345809

Oh, so you’re retarded. Everything makes a lot more sense now.

You don’t just write your name on a card without your account linked to an address and get to withdraw a book. And the tracking of library book withdrawals pre-dates the deterioration of social capital that you’re referencing. Go read about the establishment of modern library systems during the Carnegie library era.

>> No.21345838

Youre a fuckin bitch faggot. Kys you punk bitch retard.

>> No.21345855

Did you just tell that anon hes lying about a time he went to the library? Lmao okay you arrogant dumb fuck.

>> No.21345900

based and truth pilled

>> No.21345954

t. seething suburbanite who is obese and his children are obese pill popping socially maladjusted homosexuals getting groomed on discord to be dick-choppers

>> No.21345988

HAHAHAHAHAHA you fuckin city nigger retard. Hahahahanahahahaha holy shit are you fucking dumb.

>> No.21346001

Did you just say that calling out the jews is bad and its really the heckin capitalisms? Let me guess youre the resistance and your kid is a tranny??? Lmao fuckin nigger retard. If you dont call out the jews youre a controlled op nigger retard. Youre the slave goyim nigger

>> No.21346036

It’s not bad, it just does literally nothing. Your fantasy came as close to reality as possible with Kanye and look what happened there. The only way you shift the overton window is with subtle truths

>> No.21346056

What happened there anon? Inform me of what happened? Also what subtle truths? Could you lay some down that arent faggot kike (((subtle truths))). Just remember anyone who doesnt call out the jews or tries to misdirect towards something else is a controlled op nigger retard.

>> No.21346129

t. so angry he replied to me 3 times

>> No.21346149

T. Trying to act like a smug faggot whilst still responding.

Peak city nigger bitch behavior

>> No.21346176

Quite telling that Americans greatest feat is "owning nothing and being happy".

>> No.21346473

I moved to a foreign country and can't speak the language well enough to take advantage of my local library. Most of their work is translated into Dutch instead of the original English work.

>> No.21347631

>Walk 15 minutes to the library
>"Hey do you have book xyz?"
>"No, sorry. Let me check our inter-library network. Hmm, seems like we have that book at the local college library. It's checked out there and three people are on the waiting list. I can put you down on the list. Estimated 12 week waiting time. At which point it will be transferred here and you'll be able to claim it within a 36 hour window."
>Walk 15 minutes home
>Wait 18 weeks
>Walk 15 minutes to the library
>Finally get book
>Get to hold onto it for a measly 4 weeks
>Never have the opportunity to reread or reference the book without going through the process described above


>Go on internet
>Order book for $10
>It arrives on your doorstep the next morning
>It is yours forever to read and reread at your leisure
>You can lend it to a friend, write in the margins, our toss it into a bonfire if you so please

easy choice

>> No.21347757
File: 193 KB, 500x378, 1669882125037587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in Australia and my public libraries never have anything good because they cater to an illiterate nation.

>> No.21347790

>download book
>have it 4 seconds later
>mine for life
>if i ever delete it i can download it again
>pay $0
4 times

>> No.21347864
File: 462 KB, 1024x674, newmexico3455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here.

ive been shopping at one local used book store for almost 25 years now. owned by an old hippy type with some redd1t/s0i type employees but i cant complain. huge stock of pretty much everything you can think of

>> No.21347876

Sounds fucking retarded. I'd rather read it on paper.

>> No.21347919

I only buy new books. Used books are gross and I like having a physical library. New books aren’t even expensive, especially if you buy one at a time

>> No.21347938
File: 439 KB, 220x144, lord-of-the-rings-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21348006

do you print out 4chan threads to read them?

>> No.21348081

Does using the local library actually benefit the library? Do they get more money?

Public libraries are fundamentally flawed, because they are not consolidated. Every library system has their own collection of books. Every library system has a finite amount of space, and has to have the most popular books. What you're left with is thousands of libraries collectively having tens of thousands of copies of Harry Potter, and almost none of them having a single copy of any Kahn analysis of Plato, for example.
I have to go to the local university library to check out anything of academic substance. Public library systems just aren't incentivized to carry niche books, because they all have to stand alone.

>> No.21348094

You forgot
>the young urbanites clustered around the "cafe" section, talking loudly
>the hard plastic chairs you can't sit in for more than 20 minutes without developing scoliosis
>the reading chairs spread around haphazardly, facing the busiest part of the room, as if to intentionally maximize distraction
>the lack of Guenon texts, even for inter-library request

>> No.21348271

/lit/ is dead, don't even try making a point here, it's infested with bugmen, illiterates and reclusive sexually frustrated 'individuals', effort posts and we'll minded people are just drowning like in the real world, time to move on.

>> No.21348307

At this point most threads just use literature as a background to discuss other shit

>> No.21348559

Been dead since 2011