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21337441 No.21337441 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that will make me a hedonistic guy who's life revolves around fucking, drinking etc (chasing pleasures). I want something that can convince me to stop being spiritual.

>> No.21337462

try Diary of Drug Fiend by Crowley.

>> No.21337497

Kierkegaard either/or

>> No.21337517
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Passolini oil

>> No.21337520


>> No.21337548

Works by Epicurus, The Way Things Are by Lucretius.

>> No.21337571

They Epicureanism or negative hedonism. And specifically not what OP is asking for.
Maybe you should read them sometime. They’re really quite good.

>> No.21337574

Better yet how can you all of that while remaining a good christian ?

>> No.21337575

believing in hedonism doesn't automatically translate to a hedonistic lifestyle.
either way start from ancient greek ethics. The Morality of Happiness by Julia Annas is pretty thorough and all you really need to read.
he didn't write anything tard

>> No.21337582

And there’s no book on anything he ever said?

>> No.21337593

>I want something that can convince me to stop being spiritual.
Once you know the truth, you cannot forget/ignore it permanently. If you do, it was not the truth.

>> No.21337595

I would love to eat her beave and cum on her face

>> No.21337712

That's a man and he looks terrible.

>> No.21337726

it's a woman
stop being weird, it's /lit/ not /r9k/ we're supposed to be cultured, and smart.

>> No.21338356

It'll happen naturally if you're a handsome sociopath.

>> No.21338362

that's the default tendency for human beings, why on earth would you want to encourage it?

if you are suffering from bad spirituality occluding into nature then you need therapy, probably. true spirituality is enlivening, makes you happy, joyous even.

>> No.21338463

Hedonism isn't a philosophy/doctrine. I'd advise listening to pop music about partying and being younger than 20, though many people persist in chasing these pleasures for much longer; I've known many tragic party animals in their late twenties and it's a sad look. The satisfaction just isn't worth the effort/come-down, and most people grow out of it not because they think it's wrong but because they become too cynical to the outcome of their exertions, which are huge compared to the efforts required for other pleasurable pursuits. Once you know you can't fill that hole with drugs/sex/clubbing you start grasping for the whole and when you recognize you can't grasp that then you're left with this emptiness in a world full of blind void stuffers whose efforts are swallowed by time without leaving a single, permanent, imprint of joy on their psyche. TV, Games, Books and masturbation are much easier so most people just take that route to shelter from the suffering, like me for example. Have a nice life.

>> No.21338471

>cultured and smart

lmao how new are you?

>> No.21338477

As >>21338362 points out: it's already the case. Humans inherently indulge and seek those things; either as a death anxiety outlet or just unconscious consumerism.

>> No.21338523

you don't need books for that. you only need to go to /gif/ and fap until your brain drains. This is not a suggestion.

>> No.21338539

there's no greater hedonistic pleasure than moving a lawn and lifting weights. I'm pretty sure those are allowed by god

>> No.21338625
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>moving a lawn

>> No.21338631
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Obviously de Sade.

>> No.21338656

oh sorry, I meant moeing a lawn

>> No.21338761
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>> No.21338785

White people invented a thing called a lawnmower, chang.

>> No.21338821

Stupid waste of space

>> No.21338833
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i know, that's why you walmartians look the way you do and real white people are attractive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URJ31uqH07E and actually have a garden

>> No.21338835
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Doesn't help your case.

>> No.21339046

Why do you need a book for that? You already know what you want. Just fucking do it. These "i need a book about x" threads need to fucking die.

>> No.21339095

how do you /make/ yourself hedonistic, you either are born to indulge or you're not you fuckin loon

>> No.21339175

Fuck this guy I like books and sex

>> No.21339183

>Eastern European is white but blonde Germans in central US aren't
nice cope

>> No.21339191

that had the opposite effect

>> No.21339197

The Holy Bible

>> No.21339270
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>in us
are they visiting?

>> No.21339313

unironically basketball diaries or watch the movie.
pray that you can do 10 bags of heroin everyday and live off the royalties of your autobiography
you can just keep doing what you've been doing, like posting that lust provoking image and keep on fapping brother.

>> No.21339322

Positive hedonism outstrips negative hedonism by far. Negative hedonism is completely irrational in comparison, or at least it entirely relies on the Epicureans' inability to admit that they're simply too afraid or cucked to actually take what they want.

>> No.21339347

Socrates compared people who pursue bodily pleasures to animals. He is right too. An animal that wants sex will do sex. An animals that wants food will get food. You’re a literal dog if you think pursuing every pleasure makes you enlightened. Marcus Aurelius said people who commit a wrong doing out of anger or a wrong in the past are more noble than people who do it out of pleasure

Hedonism is a state of degradation.

>> No.21339549

All the books that are warnings against hedonism and just ignore the warning itKS0AXself

>> No.21340729

try Diary of Drug Fiend by Crowley.

>> No.21340748

Both of these statements would be true in the world where there is objective morality. Since there is no objective morality or even objective reality anymore these statement don't mean anything for the people of the god forsaken 21st century.

>> No.21340870

Socrates was full of shit
animals RUT others go in heat , it's seasonal, biological, used for reproducing.

>> No.21340907

check out The Birth of Hedonism: The Cyrenaic Philosophers and Pleasure as a Way of Life by Kurt Lamp, he gives a decent reconstruction of Aristippus' philosophy from the various pieces of writing about him from other authors

>> No.21340916

the answer is obviously MARQUIS DE SADE. cant believe no one else has said it yet. read Justine. its pure hedonism. and 120 days of sodom I guess. Justine's better though.

>> No.21341066

That's a man.

>> No.21341427

Get a prostitute, there is almost always at least one in any good book. If you think there is some kind of secret way to get pussy, you are wrong.

>> No.21341459

You're dumb

>> No.21341697

>Get a prostitute.
I can get pussy easily, but I will feel guilty. Something in me is like "This is not a proper way to live" I want to kill that part with hedonism.

>> No.21341755
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>> No.21341775

poor anon
he's not meant for this gay earth

>> No.21341779

why? it is a normal feeling to have. have some shame. put up with it you weak disgusting man

>> No.21341792

FUCK A PROSTITUTE>feel guilty>fuck another prostitute>slowly but surely you will accept your new life
But you will become a degenerate. And you will deny yourself some other opportunities, and you will know it. It's not like you can just not know what filthy scum you are, nevertheless in my opinion it is possible to accept it and not feel guilty.
It is truly a cowards way, reading about all that instead of DOING IT

>> No.21341890

that's the point, why would anyone want to turn into an hedonist

>> No.21341895

based and blessed

>> No.21341904

Why would someone want to turn away from pessimism, death worship, and mindless slavery?
HMMMMMM I wonder!

>> No.21341910

death will come for you in the end, and then the eternal flames of the netherworld that you deserve

>> No.21342051

Is the picture a man or woman?

>> No.21342267
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a wo(man)

>> No.21342289

anon, got a pdf of this book? or at least care to elaborate more about it...? including your reference to Petrolio if I understood correctly?

>> No.21342343

zorba the greek

>> No.21342355

i always thought this was the premise of knausgard's shit but i've never actually read his works

>> No.21342844

Just go out into the world and get shit on
Come face to face with true failure
Pursue something and fall short time and time again

Drinking / drug abuse are pretty stupid though. I grew up dirt poor and fell into addictions at an early age and conquering those was the best thing I’ve ever done. Now women are basically my greatest sin.

>> No.21343162

You don't need to stop being spiritual in order to enjoy life as a hedonist.
Read Evola's Yoga of Power - it is a nice intro to tantrism and in the first few chapters explains why us humans of the Kali yuga must undertake the active path to enlightenment through bodily pleasures and working with what the world of "le illusions" aka maya offers us.

>> No.21343439

Could you post some of it?

>> No.21344315

anything beatniks

>> No.21344363

You don't need to read books to be a hedonist.

Just watch anime.

>> No.21344400
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>OP tries to become hedonist
>becomes a coomer instead

>> No.21344607

>The analysis of the last age, the 'dark age' or Kali Yuga, brings to light two essential features. The first is that mankind living in this age is strictly connected to the body and cannot prescind from it; therefore, the only way open is not that of pure detachment (as in early Buddhism and in the many varieties of yoga) but rather that of knowledge, awakening, and mastery over secret energies trapped in the body. The second characteristic is that of the dissolution typical of this age. During the Kali Yuga, the bull of dharma stands on only one foot (it lost the other three during the previous three ages). This means that the traditional law (dharma) is wavering, is reduced to a shadow of its former self, and seems to be almost succumbing. During Kali Yuga, however, the goddess Kali, who was asleep in the previous ages, is now fully awake. . . . let us say that this symbolism implies that during the last age elementary, infernal, and even abyssal forces are untrammeled.
This is about our condition and limitations as men of Kali yuga, and the shift in our methods that needs to be made so we can achieve what ancient people could do through detachment from this world.
>In regard to hatha yoga, one of the first applications of this instrument concerns one's own body. The goal is to gradually acquire a subtle perception of it and of the forces acting in it. One of the misunderstandings that the yoga practiced in the West has generated is to believe in the existence of physical methods leading to spiritual realizations. This is absolutely preposterous; when the Hindu texts speak about the physique, they are actually referring to something very different from what our contemporaries, especially modern Europeans, mean by that term.
And there he goes on about his occult anatomy which is basically hermetic view of physical, astral and spiritual body being linked etc.
Tbh I just like to bang my gf and feel the power as her ass transforms into an ass of a goddess in front of my eyes because we're both in a liminal state. Psychedelics can enhence this feeling with visuals if you need a jump-start.

>> No.21344620

>Tbh I just like to bang my gf and feel the power as her ass transforms into an ass of a goddess in front of my eyes because we're both in a liminal state. Psychedelics can enhence this feeling with visuals if you need a jump-start.
Holy Based, do you actively close the circuit and feel the Sympathetic vibrations?

>> No.21344632

I'd say the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Just a guess.

I'd do it sober though, mixing drugs in will just amplify the guilt on the comedown etc. etc.

>> No.21344647 [DELETED] 

>be me
>become hedonist
>get fat

wtf bros it was meant to be like this

>> No.21344649

>be me
>become hedonist
>get fat

wtf bros it wasnt meant to be like this

>> No.21344654

>develops anhedonia

>> No.21344658
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Don't read Evola read this

>> No.21344673

I encourage you to test your theories but at the same time I want you to be aware of your natural self. There is no agenda in what I just said, if you think so then maybe you need to evaluate your mental/spiritual? state. The answer is there. We all need to stop wasting our time with superficial satisfactions

>> No.21344810
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you can't post that without giving source

>> No.21345098

Sounds about right. And you actually start seeing colors and shapes, like the power is overflowing into your consciousness.
But this is not hedonism in the sense of overindulging until you get sick or banging random whores without any feelings. You use everything sex has to offer. It's about maximizing pleasure for the sake of pleasure and then identifying with this principle.

Thanks for the recommendation. I only know tantrism through Evola but it might be outdated and faulty. I only recommended it because it summed it up nicely in the first few chapters.

>> No.21345763

Anon pls. What is it?

>> No.21345867

it's a man(woman)

>> No.21345996

Biological male turned female..? I was hoping it would be not this because I cannot imagine nothing more depressing..

>> No.21346563

so is it a man or what
i'm having a crisis deciding to save the image

>> No.21346592

Henry Miller - Tropic of Cancer