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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 712 KB, 635x878, poem1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21338600 No.21338600 [Reply] [Original]

You're not still ignoring the voices of young writers, are you /lit/?

>> No.21338634

why did she put those words together in that format? Also when will latin america unite as one nation?

>> No.21338642
File: 25 KB, 713x611, 1565976016897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot to check my 4chan X thread watcher
Stupid bitch

>> No.21338643

Rupi Kaur does this once and now every vapid instawhore with a word processor thinks they're a poet

>> No.21338651

Zoomers are irrevocably fucked. I at least got 14 years of normal neural development before the internet provided me with a constant rush of dopamine

>> No.21338668

>why did she put those words together in that format?
Because she wants to, are you dumb or something.

>> No.21338671

that's circular reasoning, faggot

>> No.21338677

i'd be fine with this if they let their bfs do the same but they're always hiding stuff from them too lmao

>> No.21338684

Careful, you’re replying to the resident Rooney-McCuckers-Dasha-Lana troon who shits up every thread remotely involving “women.”

>> No.21338697

this is your sign
check his phone
he's cheating on you always
be paranoid
you can never trust him
he will rape you
and then he will fuck your best friend
and they will marry and live their best lives
and then he will kill you just because
this is your sign
always be paranoid

>> No.21338730

i fucking hate women

>> No.21338755


>> No.21338880
File: 89 KB, 883x768, FezCWGQWYAQSXtn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no reason trees were cut down for this, even recycled paper would be a waste

>> No.21338914 [DELETED] 

>Unironically at the point where women see every man as an imminent rapist
This is unironically hilarious to me at this point and I will continue to be disrespectful and intimidate women walking alone at night because of their fucked up paranoia

>> No.21338917 [DELETED] 

This 'person' needs to be shot.

>> No.21338931

The fact that it's getting a reaction out of all you retards means that it is good art.

>> No.21338955
File: 155 KB, 720x1480, 1660038569388234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The poem is a manifestation of feminine mystique and depth that men - and incels most of all - simply can't comprehend.

>> No.21338976
File: 367 KB, 796x1518, 1564694897219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread theme

>> No.21339069

Be more specific: you hate psychotic whores.

>> No.21339130

Redundant distinction.

>> No.21339140

On one hand my liked tik toks are mostly sexy women and on the other nearly all my saved instagrams are funny memes, food, or cute animal videos. Tik Tok really do be having a monopoly on 5 star babes. All porn is done in private so she cannot see. Twatter is meant to be seen by all who cares.

But more importantly why are people still worried about humans being humans? Oh no he messages women and looks at asses!

>> No.21339170
File: 22 KB, 682x515, gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my liked tik toks
>really do be having
>why are people still worried about humans being humans?

>> No.21339179

>You're not still ignoring the voices of young writers, are you /lit/?


>> No.21339225

>tik tok likes
Never used it.
>insta saved
Don't have anything saved on there.
>screen time
She already knows I use my phone too much.
>deleted apps
Instagram is the only one, because it's shit.
Haven't used it in years.
Only use it to upload videos from my PlayStation.
I think she'll look at me the same way.

>> No.21339248

tik tok has the best 18yo babes and milfs alike you're missing out. I deleted it myself tho

>> No.21339259
File: 32 KB, 682x515, gas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21339269
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 15e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you gas me there will be nobody else here to give you (You) on a saturday night, is that what you want?

>> No.21339413

You're acting like a total schizo now. I seriously mean this: you need help and fast. I recommend self-commitment in an institutional asylum. It's the only way to protect yourself and others at this point. You are a danger to society.

>> No.21339435

>mystique and depth
there's no real depth to it. it's a woman being scared of her boyfriend's interests. she's scared he's either a misogynist or a cheater, that's as far as it goes.
not a bad intro. very direct, interesting, one might say captivating. 7.5/10 opening sentence, solid stuff

>> No.21339442

because you're an obnoxious mexican retard midwit with very little of note to say

>> No.21339447

you are a newfag and you know this. lurk more gayboi

>> No.21339468

Damn bro. You really bruised my ego by implying I'm NOT a loser who spends all his time on 4chan.

>> No.21339471

Do guys even use TikTok? I don't know a single guy who does.

>> No.21339473

both of us are here you retard

>> No.21339749

This is your sign
Grab her phone
Search her feed history for the word "men"

>> No.21339839
File: 64 KB, 646x960, 1667537062996624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you had a chance
>to know what she really thought
>you'd leave, so don't look
t. frogposter

>> No.21339847

post the *real* graph

>> No.21339849

>go through his deleted apps
What level of sociopathic psychosis is this?

>> No.21340125

I only browse 4chan and Youtube, so I'm pretty sure I'm deaf to their voices. Even so, I'm already hard of hearing because of my exceedingly loud coughs.

>> No.21340131


>> No.21340366

Rupi has all these girls thinking they will end up as successful as her.

>> No.21340380


>> No.21340420

That opening line is fucking AWFUL

>> No.21340653

How does one even get more than one girl to like him?

>> No.21340673

This one is actually intriguing, what's the book?

But the OP post is a joke, basically just a Twitter shitpost with arbitrary line breaks in it.

>> No.21340691


>check his omnichan app
>you'll never look at him the same again

>> No.21341506

This is female "literacy" everyone, take a close look. The fake blood-splatter on the page, the starting of with the major "I". "tihihi I have sexual power but also real power". Good grace vanity of vanities

>> No.21341676

That is LITERALLY not a poem. It is mostly just a list.

>> No.21341679

This is 100x better than her "poem," and it's garbage.

>> No.21341680

toxic gatekeeping
have sex incel

>> No.21341693

On the off chance you're serious, you need these >>21333832 and >>21312943.

>> No.21341707

All that is fine. As long as she doesn't look at my to-read goodreads shelf.

>> No.21341823

now hold on for a minute, how much of a red flag is it to have a girl who is into this kind of b.s? because they're all fine and dandy on the day to day basis and doesn't seem like they take this stuff too seriously (it's mostly fodder for social media posts) but i do fear the eventual day where they might take any of these "poets" advices to heart and gradually switch to bitch mode. I've seen that happen with dudes who got too caught up in the sigma/andrew tate meme cycle and ruined good relationships of theirs for no real valid reason, but for women i feel like you could still sway them away from the influence if you're competent enough.

>> No.21341839

If your gf has tiktok that's a huge red flag

>> No.21341841

Have you ever had a relationship? Unless you're abusive 6'3'' "dark triad" asshole, you have absolutely no authority over your woman. Neither does her father, they're all shaped by social media narratives and whorefriend circle, encouraging the worst of feminine nature.

>> No.21341848

Of course I have, but I should note that I don't live in the US/Europe. That could be the key factor in the different mentality of the women, even if they're getting more homogenous as time goes along.
Is it really that bad? For someone who isn't posting stuff, I mean.

>> No.21341854

>not US/Europe
I see. As you said though, the bullshit is on its way.

>> No.21341867

Snoopy women going through phones has been a thing forever, it’s nothing exclusive to younger women and I’m sure nobody really cares. Most of the time women will respect your privacy and expect similar. I don’t even think that’s an issue really.