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File: 274 KB, 1072x1207, 2ndhandqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21332856 No.21332856 [Reply] [Original]

is it moral to buy second hand books? The authors aren't getting any money if you do this.

>> No.21332865

He won't get any money either way
He has been dead for the past fucking millennial

>> No.21332867

Fuck the authors I'm poor but I'm going to read.

>> No.21332875

No author worth reading is alive.

>> No.21332877

If it's second hand it means the author already got paid for that book.
Same for vidya, movies, etc.

>> No.21332882

Sorry, folks, it seems I committed a mistake. The past millennial wasn't that only ago.
I am sorry.
I will betaking my own life at night.

>> No.21332904

It still spreads knowledge and awareness of their work, thereby permitting fame to grow, and fame brings fortune many times.

>> No.21332918

Why would I care about people that are wealthier than me? Take what you want.

>> No.21332945

I only but new if its an up and coming author or i cant find it anywhere else.
If the author is dead for many years or is already a multimillionaire, 0 care.
When you buy, say a Melville book, that money is just going into some (((publisher’s)))) pockets

>> No.21333020
File: 25 KB, 700x394, 1106852_303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw stole the Critique of Pure reason
>tfw don't give a fuck about Kantian ethics

>> No.21333032

Holy based

>> No.21333038

When I become a famous writer (I will), then I will shill anti-piracy 24/7 in this board.
But as of now, I couldn't care less about it.

>> No.21333056

>spotted the liberal

>> No.21333220

who the frenchie cutie ?

>> No.21333263

It still spreads knowledge and awareness of their work, thereby permitting fame to grow, and fame brings fortune many times.

>> No.21333269

If the author isn't alive, buy second hand without guilt.

>> No.21333271

Books are paper so they are biodegradable. Should be read once and discarded to support the industry.

>> No.21333290

Exactly this.
You would need to get a taste of what's in the book. If you liked it you will likely buy the book from the author next time.

>> No.21333302

This woman blocked me on Instagram because I asked her a question about her being.

She is dumb and hates introspection. She is only addicted to attention aided by her genetic lottery. I know you want to stick your penis in her vagina so the questions regarding her mental capabilities aren't important. But let's assume she let's you cum in pussy what will happen then? It's really a pain in the ass to deal with these women.

>> No.21333310

bro, I know she has a black boyfriend but come on, get over it

>> No.21333314

This nigga standing at the fence of the goat enclosure at the petting zoo and asking the goats "don't you aspire to more than this"

>> No.21333316


>> No.21333319

not him, but the guy is a knower. I dated a fucking PhD student like that. She must have sucked a good deal of cock to get where she is because she was a dumb whore who jumps through hoops by being pretty and proactive.

>> No.21333322

>But let's assume she let's you cum in pussy what will happen then?
Pregnancy you dumb turd.

>> No.21333325

Publishers are quite happy riding the corpses of long dead authors at the expense of the still living.

They're probably not paying that much to living authors either.

I like a new book, but some of my favourites have been bashed husks with still some life in them.

Fuck 'em.

>> No.21333346

ok what's her name, i can fix her

>> No.21333364

Incel tendency is strong with this one lmao, my nigga.

>> No.21333379

as a writer, this is the only take I respect

>> No.21333395

When I become a famous author (I will), I will personally upload my works for free on /lit/. People will pirate anyways, might as well get more people to read it if you just give it for free. And get free autist input for future works

>> No.21333430
File: 636 KB, 490x643, 1667419682775721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just a little moralfagging faggot.
Authors are faggots. They don't deserve to be paid.

>> No.21333586

You should buy a book from an author you enjoy who is still trying to get established, though. If people arent buying copies they wont get a worthwhile publishing deal for the next book and likely wont put the effort in at all. Would be sad to see talented authors giving up because they cant earn even a living wage

>> No.21333886

Any writer who writes for money deserves none. And as Johnson said only a blockhead would write for anything but money, so ... you do the math.

>> No.21333903

Problem is books have gotten expensive. They used to be like ten bucks now they’re like thirty bucks

>> No.21333978

Is it moral to steal books from author who are dead? Why should I allow random jews to benefit from the work of a long deceased? It's kinda morbid if you think about it, the person is dead but the capital still exploits their labor.

>> No.21334034

The lengths you fags go to not read books is astounding.

>> No.21334039

why are you people like this

>> No.21334040


>> No.21334071

sounds good to me nothing worth reading has been written in last 30 years

>> No.21334088

Publishing industry is a rats nest of nepotism. Apart from a few smaller ones, absolutely no issue not supporting them. You write for an audience, whatever maximizes it is good.

>> No.21334103

There's a threshold for this. If you can purchase directly from the author, and the author is a decent person in your estimation, then pay for a new book.
If you have to buy through Amazon but the author is an AMAZING person in your estimation, then pay for a new book.
If you can easily afford it and think that your money will perpetuate the reprinting of a spiritually or intellectually vital book, then pay for a new book.
In all other cases, second hand or pirated or library are optimal. This is why I almost never buy new books.

>> No.21334121

I'm not paying publishers for books by dead men to subsidise and prop-up the modern trash they put out

>> No.21334175

They were already paid once for it. Why do you think it's different to any other second hand item?

>> No.21334221

Why should I give a shit about the author? I'm not buying books for charity

>> No.21334223

>The authors aren't getting any money if you do this.
Precisely why I buy second hand.

>> No.21334883

Nigger I'm a pirate, the fuck do I look like caring if buying used books is morally wrong.

>> No.21334923
File: 21 KB, 372x366, 1562609608687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the cutie?

>> No.21334946

Considering almost everything I read is out of print? maybe they should stop publishing a glut of goyslop anew each year and push out something worth reading rather than a new log.

>> No.21334950

I'm a better author than you and I'll personally upload my own novels to libgen.

>> No.21335660


>> No.21336022

>is it moral to buy second hand books?
You're buying a book, that's not a moral decision.

>> No.21336904


>> No.21337743

what would be the philosophical implications of tossing corrosive compound on instagram whore's faces

>> No.21337835

I download 99% of by books from libgen imagine paying

>> No.21337842

Actually you are the liberal if you support copyright, intellectual property laws and other infringements upon our freedom.

>> No.21337853

Underrated post

>> No.21337858
File: 61 KB, 438x432, Neo Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even buy second hand books, I use the library, and using the library is the most moral way to read books as it supports your community

>> No.21337935

Serious answer: no.
Whoever bought the book already paid the author for it, possession transfers author to owner, the latter can do as he pleases with his property.

>> No.21337975

Anon, I am too poor. I am too poor for second hand books, even. Books are imports, here. And our currency is confidently drilling its way into the cemter of the earth. Yet I persist in buying books. I create more need for books in the market.

>> No.21338510

It's the same girl on that pic where she's picking books from an open market stall thing in South France dressed in a sundress isn't she?

>> No.21338535

what did you ask her

>> No.21338603

Pinecone has been dead since 2002 (he was actually William Gaddis). Against the Day, Inherent Vice, etc. were transcribed inaccurately by a medium who met with Gadpinch's spirit while on a bad peyote trip.

>> No.21338968

imagine a story about some thot that gets her life flipped upside down like this to then actually start focusing on developing a personality and growing as a person and realizing what she's be missing out on and how much more there can be to life, so that in the end some miracle/surgery brings her pretty face back
and then she turns back to normal lmao

>> No.21338973

That's it? I stole a copy and then outright refused to read it. Still haven't.

>> No.21339025


>> No.21339030

If you buy new at least 80% of that money ends up in some rich Jew's pocket.

>> No.21339126

is this a joke anon? second hand books have a superior charm but regardless of that, if an author (assuming they're even alive) prioritizes getting money above getting their work dispersed... ngmi. lame asf bro cmon man CMON

>> No.21339149

i can't remember the last time i bought a new book. I either don't buy new because the books i buy are out of print, or the quality of the print is just fucking disgusting like what amazon delivers

>> No.21339316

They are indirectly. The publisher is able to sell books at a higher premium new because everybody has the knowledge that the booking will fetch value on the used market later on.

>> No.21339323

Most people here don't read living writers anyway.

>> No.21339324

I picture Reese from Malcolm in the Middle saying this when I read it.

>> No.21339342

lol this spongebob

>> No.21339349


>> No.21339357


>> No.21340232

Kantian ethics are anti-human and for morons anyways. Yes, I will lie to save the baby from the axe murderer looking for it. No, I do not feel any moral obligation toward people engaging in egregiously evil activities.

>> No.21340335

Not only is writing not a good source of primary income for 99% of people but it’s also a miserable job. Imagine devoting your life writing mediocre books for a dying medium. A true artist would write from their soul and not care about financial profit. No one should feel bad about authors not making enough money.

>> No.21340394

Those poor "authors" (jewish publishers who make millions off the work of others)

>> No.21341001

I don't respect any author that writes for money

However, I despise used books. I like virgin new books.

>> No.21341004

I'm sure Conrad wouldn't mind

>> No.21341468

This ugly nigga tried negging a literal model

>> No.21341507

>is it moral to buy second hand books? The authors aren't getting any money if you do this.

Every author knows that this is the bargain they are making when they enter into a publishing contract -- i.e., they know that they will not earn royalties from the sale of used books.

>> No.21341605

>t. parasites who ought to be exterminated

>> No.21341614

If one rejection brings this out of you, she was shrewd to ignore you, anon. Get a thicker skin, be more of a man (i.e., bear rejection with grace and integrity).

>> No.21341620

It would imply you're a fucking loser and would deserve to be shot.

>> No.21341642


>> No.21341774

seriously who is she. might be the most attractive woman i've ever seen...

>> No.21341813

why because i'm not subtle about it?