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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 816 KB, 2500x1125, Battle Knights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21324946 No.21324946 [Reply] [Original]

Battle Knights Edition

Previous Thread:>>21311319

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21324974
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Read The Wandering Inn, Read Mother of Learning, Read I Shall Seal the Heavens.

Also read The Prince of Nothing, Neuromancer, Cradle, A Song of Ice and Fire, Hyperion, Between Two Fires, The Poppy War.

>> No.21324987
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Bakker is king.

>> No.21324994 [DELETED] 

Kys OP

>> No.21324999 [DELETED] 

Why does this thread keep getting deleted? Are generals not allowed anymore?

>> No.21325003

Because this general is unable to talk about books.

>> No.21325013

Is the Name of the Wind a self-contained story or reading the sequels a must to get a proper ending?

>> No.21325031

OP is deleting the thread, then going to the old thread and deleting his post with the link of the thread, recreating a new thread with the same picture and then posting the new thread in the old thread

now just imagine what type of person would waste so much time doing this as many times as the retard just did the past hour :)

>> No.21325036

dont read, really waste of time, theres no proper ending, fatty will never finish the story either, is better to just read a song of ice and fire, at least u have multiple big books that have way more chance of fatty #2 releasing a new book.

>> No.21325042

It isn't self-contained.

>> No.21325114
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I just ordered this for my sister for Christmas. She likes murder mystery novels, will she like this? I can't get a good read on what it's about other than witches

>> No.21325121

isnt better to just buy Agatha Christie? u cant go wrong with that

>> No.21325139

Well she love listening to podcasts about serial killers and watching horror movies so I figured she might enjoy it since there's a bit of bloodshed from what I can glean from the novel.

>> No.21325151
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Can I have some recommendations for sci-fi books like pic related?

>> No.21325156 [DELETED] 

Is OP the one constantly tanking the fuck out of the thread and strangling any and all conversation? Is there any way we can get him to kill himself?

>> No.21325162

about to finish The Book of the New Sun series, anyone have any recommendations based off of that? I've read most generic sci-fi books and nothing else i've read has had the same type of writing. It's much harder to blow through than plot-driven books but I really enjoyed it.


>> No.21325195

>sci-fi books like pic related?
never watched that, what do u mean with pic related

space pirate with friends pet and golden supergirl?

>> No.21325197
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Read something not sci-fi, then continue with the Book of the Long Sun. Cheers.

>> No.21325223

It's Space Pirate Captain Harlock, a Robin Hood figure from the distant future who leads the crew of desperate people into a hopeless battle against all-female aliens who are invading Earth.

>> No.21325238

If you want more Wolfe: Long Sun

If you want something vaguely like BotNS but also appreciably different: Mask of the Sorcerer

If you want more far-future earth: Dying Earth

>> No.21325276 [DELETED] 

Op is here 24/7 constantly monitoring the thread, reporting those who post too fast or too often. The moment the thread reaches page 10 op posts new thread, he is also likely a tranny janny or a pass holder.

>> No.21325283
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Dying Earth is a great series, but it feels more like the Hobbit than the Book of the New Sun. It's almost comical despite being set in a post-apocalyptic setting.
However, if you want sadder Dying Earth with more sci-fi than sword and sorcery, read Viriconium.

>> No.21325353

OP should get a fucking life or perish in a monoxide leak. These threads are bad enough without someone policing content and perceived ownership.

>> No.21325358

>almost comical
It is comical you dope. It is literal comedy.

>> No.21325374

You insult me gravely. Apologize immediately before I cast a spell that will teleport you 1000 feet in the air above an errupting volcano!

>> No.21325379
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I agree!

>> No.21325381

Junior you dare?!?!

>> No.21325396

man sff covers used to have SOVL what happened?

>> No.21325426
File: 64 KB, 298x427, Citizen of the Galaxy - Heinlein Shigeki Maejima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golde Age Scifi is the main inspiration for the Leijiverse since at the time only old scifi books were translated in japanese
Robert Heinlein Juveniles
A. E Van Vogt
Edmond Hamilton
Abraham Merritt
E.E Smith
Cordwainer Smith
Leigh Brackett
James Blish
Henry Kuttner
I'm probably forgetting a lot of authors but these are the ones from the top of my head.

>> No.21325434


>> No.21325485

I read that it’s best to read the other new son series before the first one so I’m starting that way. Has anyone else done this? Thinking it’s kind of shit so far

>> No.21325484

Only buy Bakker if you like main characters that are cucked and gay (unironically).

>> No.21325534
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>"Severian, it's you!! You're the Book of the New Sun?!!"

>> No.21325542


>> No.21325584
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Why do they look like they came out of a A24 movie?

>> No.21325597
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Wait until you hear of audiobook covers...

>> No.21325605
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Lexicon Urthus, Second Edition - Michael Andre-Druissi (1994, 2008)

This Book of the New Sun reference guide isn't a preparatory text to be read before the books. If a reader peruses the entries from beginning to end in preparation, it would only serve to increase vocabulary. Doing so would also spoiler the entire series.

In the foreword Wolfe talks about the why and how of his word choices. He lists out some of the many sources that he used to acquire words from all times, places, and contexts. For the most part I think Wolfe's word choices are for aesthetic purpose. They serve to create a mystique and particular effect upon the reader. Wolfe notes that it's entirely possible to read and enjoy the series without looking up anything. If Wolfe intended to create a cult classic he succeeded, because I think doing so limited its appeal, which is unfortunate because neither the narrative nor the characters rely upon their usage. Many of the words seem to be used only once. There over three dozen specific weapons mentioned, many only slightly differing. There's no denying that it's an integral part of what it's become known for though.

This reference guide almost exclusively covers the five books that compose the Urth Cycle, as Andre-Druissi calls it, though various related other media is also included in small amounts. There are a few stray references to other works by Wolfe, including the Solar Cycle and The Fifth Head of Cerberus. As I haven't read them, I can't say whether they are easter eggs, spoilers, or coincidences.

Many of the entries are spoiler free, though caution is strongly advised when looking up a character because spoilers abound if they have any significant role in the series. The same warning applies for anything else that seems important. The entries provide the passage in which it was used, the meaning of the word, its relevant historical context, and sometimes commentary provided by Andre-Driussi or whomever else he credits, which most often seems to be John Clute. So many of the characters are named after saints, whose number exceed 10,000, that I have to wonder whether Wolfe consulted a list of saint names and chose primarily from that so that he wouldn't have to to think about all the names overly much. Wolfe had written that he wanted common names. I don't think it's any greater meaning to them than that.

The ideal way to use this seems to be as a specialized encyclopedia that is consulted while reading. Reading it afterwards, as I've done now, seems to be of limited utility aside from the few entries where Andre-Driussi provides theories and speculation. I didn't read all the entries in full, because I was already familiar with many of them.

A series synopsis is provided near the end, assumedly for the purpose of refreshment and/or confirmation of similar understanding. The penultimate section is the subject listing which lists out terms grouped by type. It ends with a selected bibliography.

>> No.21325626

For spoiler-free equivalent of Lexicon Urthus, read "Gene Wolfe’s The Book of the New Sun A Chapter Guide" by Michael Andre-Driussi.

>> No.21325652


>> No.21325678
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I was vastly disappointed by Gormenghast coming from this chart. It's just old people talking nonsense. When does the fun start?

>> No.21325692

The best way would be use it as an e-reader dictionary, so can select the word as reading, but I don't know if that's possible.

>> No.21325700

It's not meant to be read for fun or entertainment. Congrats on getting memed on by that chart.

>> No.21325703

gormenghast is the infinite jest of fantasy

>> No.21325745

Wait, is Infinite Jest just as uneventful?

>> No.21325749

I am reading The Lord of the Rings for the first time. It's very good.
I have read the Hobbit already.
What do I read next? I got the Silmarillion, Fall of Gondolin, Beren and Luthien, Children of Hurin and Unfiinished Tales. When should I read the History of Middle Earth series? I also read that there just released a new book called Fall of Numenor, and there's one called Nature of Middle Earth.

>> No.21325776
File: 184 KB, 1200x900, 2154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd dive right into the Silmarillion after reading the trilogy since it fleshes out so much of the early history of Middle-earth and makes everything with the Elves and the Enemy make so much more sense. You can treat yourself to Unfinished Tales afterward for Tolkien at his best as a more personal-scaled storyteller. Children of Hurin really stands out as a gem on its own.

But yes, read them all, in good time Anon. Don't rush, enjoy the languid pacing and autismal detail.

>> No.21325896 [DELETED] 
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So do I.

>> No.21325957
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pathetic characters... You should read this!

>> No.21325959

Conan ready to pound that Bakkussy

>> No.21325981

Between Two Fires is so gud.

>> No.21326049

thanks all

>> No.21326068
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>> No.21326073
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So am I.

>> No.21326097

following up do you have any specific recommendations? i've primarily read scif-fi, fantasy, and horror as i find the atmosphere captivating. i know that's probably a cardinal sin for most serious readers but it's what my dad started me with as a kid and i've strayed little

>> No.21326177
File: 646 KB, 576x512, 1663494738834798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, these past few days I have not read anything, recommend me some good litrpg, no female mc please.

>> No.21326216

the hunger games
pretty underground

>> No.21326226
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I know right...

>> No.21326266

What is the most chud scifi lit?
>inb4 warhams
Written by british punkcels who thought living under Thatcher was like the imperium of man or something

>> No.21326315

Next time: The Fall of Hyperion

>> No.21326433
File: 235 KB, 263x397, Savage Realms 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked this up off Amazon recently. I'm always a little skeptical of self-published fantasy, but the first and so far the second have actually been decent. If you want some mindless Sword and Sorcery/Howard copycat stuff, so far it's scratched that itch for me.

>> No.21326495

Just saw this on my recommendations, interesting.

>> No.21326504

The Undying Mercenaries series, by a country mile.

>> No.21326621

mother of learning's cover makes it look like a harry potter fanfic, so i won't read it.

>> No.21326640
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Bakker says… TRANS RIGHTS

>> No.21326649

your reviews are shit
fuck off

>> No.21326722

which rights are those?

>> No.21326767
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For years I touted Malazan as good but upon reread I realize that these books are an act of sheer indulgence and are actually quite gay as well (female soldiers, race mixing, ridiculous fantasy species with even more ridiculous names ((K'chain Nahruk = Velociraptors with Hooks for hands)))

>> No.21326816

true redpilled moment

>> No.21326885

non-pozzed moment

>> No.21326896

red pill me on the book reviewer, is he based? because on one hand he reviews questionable books, and on the other hand he makes some anons seethe, is he a book reviewer supreme?

>> No.21326951

No, I am not. Their seething is irrelevant.

>> No.21327041

I'm glad I didn't follow /sffg/'s advice to write reviews such as these. They call my effortless memes stupid, but they call nicely formatted reviews stupid as well. I always read them because I respect anon's work and I've read most of the books he reviews.

>> No.21327182

zoomer hands typed this

>> No.21327219

almost had me sold on it
but it's also retarded
any GOOD chudcel story?

>> No.21327222

Question: why does no one mention Clarke in these threads? I know they’re mostly about Bakker vs Branderson shitposting, but occasionally people poat about old (good) sci fi, but it’s almost never Clarke. Is it because he’s the obvious top dog or is he actually not appreciated on here?

>> No.21327232

I say he is based, he is a stone cold poster with a complete lack of empathy toward seethers, in every thread I see a poster foaming at the mouth drunk with rage telling him to fuck off, but the book reviewer supreme keeps reviewing the books, even if the books he reviews is pozzed his attitude un-pozzes the pozzedness of the books and his lack of empathy transends the rules of pozzed and non-pozzed into the throne of total supremacy, even the bakkerchads bow in respect when the book reviewer supreme enter the thread.

>> No.21327260

People talk about Arthur C Clark all the time.

>> No.21327279

Redpill me on Moorcock and Elric.

>> No.21327285

Moorcuck is basically a stereotypical left wing bong boomoid who hated Conan so much he tried to make a character that was the opposite. In the sense that Elric is a borderline retarded ethnomasochist who constantly fucks everything up, betrays his people and generally just turns everything he touches into shit.
Also, Moorcuck is eternally seething about the Warhammer franchise because he thinks it ripped off Elric (as if Elric wasn't ripped off other things to begin with.)

>> No.21327299

I see, I have gathered some things like that from reading about the series.

>> No.21327304

Elric of cuckporn is a liberetardian story about a cuckold who enjoys getting cucked, he invents new ways to get cucked even more and that's the only thing he succeeds at.

>> No.21327306

Sounds pretty good. I am self-destructive as well.

>> No.21327309

>Moorcuck is eternally seething about the Warhammer franchise because he thinks it ripped off Elric (as if Elric wasn't ripped off other things to begin with.)
>implying GW jews didn't rip (and rape) Moorcock's cosmology and Dune
I get that you hate Moorcock, but defending GW is something only the worst warhammer drones do.

>> No.21327318

Yes, everything about Warhammer is ripped off something, that's what the franchise is entirely about. The point is Moorcock himself ripped off most of everything about Elric from other sources so his complaining about being ripped off in turn is pure hypocrisy.

>> No.21327330

Yeah, it seems so. I was put off by excessive edge and self hatred it seems to have. Although, I like some of the Elric comics by Titan, but for art only.

>> No.21327331
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>> No.21327351
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I am at chapter 30, when will something happen?
I am yawning my lungs out.

>> No.21327417

The artist has obviously not read the book. Muad'dib is not some Jupiter with a bunch of naked slave playthings. He is a reclusive figurehead stuck in an unhappy marriage with his cousin (who's plotting to have him deposed) and his return to monke concubine.

>> No.21327425
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>Implying french artists give a shit what your nerd book is about
lmao even

>> No.21327428

Exactly where it started losing my attention as well. Book 3 loses its focus compared to the first two.

>> No.21327443
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The Serbian artists are on a whole different level.

>> No.21327486

The only Clarke book I've read is Childhood's End and I found it pretty tepid outside of the third half. Curious why you'd consider the 'top dog' given how many decent scifi authors emerged from the same era

>> No.21327488

What's picrel

>> No.21327621

the book is called 'The Dragon Reborn' but Rand is barely in it (so far).
too many girls chapters, but Matt's stuff is getting a bit interesting now.

>> No.21327632

>too many girls chapters
Stop reading right now trust me

>> No.21327635

Rand takes center stage again when the three plotlines converge.
>too many girls chapters
A recurring problem with the series. At least Nynaeve, Sorilea and Berelaine are based.

>> No.21327761
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Does anybody else get extremely angry and disgusted when the main character's love interest cheats on him? Why is this so common, it absolutely ruins a book
Whenever I read I invariably get absorbed to some degree into the story and usually self insert through whoever's pov it is
I don't want to feel like I've just been fucked emotionally

>> No.21327780 [DELETED] 
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>i don't want conflict in my books

>> No.21327787

He mostly reviews sjw and progressive trash, in other words he only reads trash. He is just a shitty person, his reviews are garbage.

>> No.21327788

Not that specific conflict
I'm fine if it's teased but never happens
You wouldn't get it because you're a hylic

>> No.21327789

No one likes cuck shit yes

>> No.21327791

That is not conflict, it is just cucking.

>> No.21327798

I take back what I said about Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. It's gotten quite interesting - it just took about 350 pages. I also find Clarke's writing style a little dry for my taste - from what I understand it's supposed to be a pastiche of period English literature like Dickens et al?

>> No.21327814

Thoughts on Strange and Norrell v Piranesi? The former sounds interesting but I found Piranesi quite a frustrating read due to the pacing

>> No.21327908

I haven't read the latter. The pacing of JS&MN is very slow at times, but it's over a 1000 pages long. If I recall correctly, Piranesi is only a couple hundred?

>> No.21327984

>the book reviewer,

>> No.21328032

What are some examples of acceptable reading material?

>> No.21328076

There are a few of them.

>> No.21328115 [DELETED] 
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And lefts

>> No.21328133

Congratulations on waking up... 99% of fantasy is now ruined for you.

>> No.21328164
File: 67 KB, 360x553, tama koja prethodi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and BotNS is the Ulysses of SFF?

That's nothing. I don't know where this is from but the front cover for The Darkness That Comes Before is on point.

So you didn't get to book two yet?

>> No.21328178

>just old people talking nonsense
The book is poetry in verse. It's not about what happens but the fact that the books is a painting. Most of the interesting stuff happens in book two but book one sets all up. Peake's mastery of words is reason alone to read the books.

>> No.21328195

Green and purple line indicate the bankrupt and closed Croatian publishing house Algoritam. I still haven't finished Gormenghast book 1.
Maybe I can't appreciate it as much because I'm ESL. I'm sure it sounds beautiful in your native language, but English is considered a very "dry" language for poetry.

>> No.21328202

I'm ESL and I enjoyed Peake. I mostly read in English anyways.

>> No.21328294
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1920, 20221201_1718_Alshafaltha__Alt_Cover_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support nonwoke authors

>> No.21328340
File: 128 KB, 520x643, rand_final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rand shows up at the climax to take the lead role again. Also on a side note, the next 2 books is where Perrin's character peaks before he gets bogged down.

>> No.21328387

Looks like cyborg 009 to me.

>> No.21328392

>woman higher than the man, really a woman at all
>effeminate male
I can't be tricked that easily. That's also a woke author.

>> No.21328465

The cover alone is non-supreme, imagine whats inside.

>> No.21328492

Nice trips
Clarke has great ideas but shitty execution. Try reading 2001. It's shit. But in the hands of Kubrick it became art.
He should've used ghost writers for plotting and style, because a lot of it was, and some still is, worth reading just because of the ideas and grounded science

>> No.21328503

You let your obsession with culture war bullshit ruin something you once cherished.


>> No.21328517

What books are you reading? I don't remember reading a single book where the mc was cheated on
Maybe in some Palahniuk or Welsh, but I kinda go into them expecting much worse

>> No.21328520

>The kingdom of Luthenia is a prosperous and peaceful land, thanks to the wisdom of its rulers and the strength of its economy. But beneath this veneer of prosperity lies an uneasy truth: The kingdom’s wealth is founded on powerful magic that has been kept secret for centuries. When a rival kingdom discovers this hidden power, it threatens to destabilize Luthenia's economic system and plunge the entire region into chaos. A young mage named Alden must use his wits and magical abilities to save his homeland from disaster while navigating a complex web of politics, intrigue, and economics. Along the way he will discover secrets about himself—and uncover ancient mysteries in the process.
What do you think about my fantasy novel?

>> No.21328533

Needs more gay sex

>> No.21328581

In this case nothing of value was lost.

>> No.21328586

I think you've provided a vague and generic synopsis that says little about its actual content. From what I can tell, this seems like a YA coming of age fantasy story set in medieval Europe. You're holding back a lot because you don't want to spoiler story, which I assume you haven't yet written and we'll never see.

Why does the magic have to be hidden? Is it meant to be a metaphor? Why does this other kingdom want to destabilize the region which I assume includes them. Are they self-destructive? Just malicious for the sake of it? Does this have have anything to with the hero's adventure or is it just not particularly relevant worldbuilding information? How is his magic relevant to the secret magic fueling the economy?

Of course, none of the above is relevant if you're writing something non-serious that's only meant for fun and everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.21328591

What do you think about the beginning of my fantasy novel? Does it grab your attention enough?
>The sun was setting on a warm summer evening in the Empire of Teleria. The bustling streets were filled with merchants and traders, all eager to make their fortunes as they sold their wares in the ever-growing city. But amidst this hustle and bustle, one man stood out from the rest.
>His name was Darian Winters, a businessman and mage of some considerable power. He had come to Teleria from a far-off land many years ago, seeking wealth and opportunity that his homeland could not provide. And he had found it here – through hard work and dedication he had built an empire of his own within the city walls.
>But now things were changing; Teleria was at war with its neighboring nations, sending troops into battle against those who would oppose them or take what wasn't theirs by right. This conflict posed both danger and opportunity for Darian – if he played his cards right it could mean great profit for him... but it also meant putting himself in harm's way if need be to ensure victory for his beloved empire.

>> No.21328612

It only grabs my attention by how amateur it is.

>> No.21328633

Was this written by an AI?

>> No.21328634

latest twi chapter (9.26F) seems weird.
only at the beginning but it feels kinda long winded. and the prose seems flowery, but maybe it's just my imagination.

>> No.21328651

It's obviously fantasy since the rulers aren't complete idiots that should be executed in basements.
Kingdoms and empires aren't nations. Feudal "states" are more akin to mafia turfs.

>> No.21328693

whats the magic system like? Whats mc like?

>> No.21328707
File: 1.29 MB, 1800x2700, michal-toczek-mother-of-learning-iii-original-version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Mother of Learning ARC 3, comfy af, Quatach-Ichl appearing out of nowhere was a big surprise, 1k year lich acting nice in a tavern and then going out with a bang after putting everything together, i really liked Daimen character, funny how he made a gay joke and later told his brother how he was acting like a woman, dont even remember seing this type of thing in a book lately bc zoomers would get mad af

the setting is just soooo good, how the magic works, the world, the clearly D&D insispiration, 10/10

>> No.21328716

literally nothing like harry potter, magic in MOL is like D&D, the book is around a time loop, MC is trash paranoid loner ball of angry that learn how to behave after dying and interacting with diff people while trying to find out shit about the time loop and trying to escape

>> No.21328805
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>> No.21328878
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Lord of the Mysteries side story: In That Corner (Part 1).
Part 2 will be available on Dec 10th.

>> No.21329106

hope you see it, good night

>> No.21329131
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It's John Crowley's 80th birthday today, maybe I should re-read Little, Big. It's been about 6 years since I read it the first time and I remember liking it though the plot isn't fresh in my mind anymore.

>> No.21329212

Just read a passage from a SF story in an anthology where a single ship destroys 80k planets which kills 20 trillion sentients with a single attack. Truly these scales are too absurd for me to do anything other than roll my eyes. I thought what people post about progression/xianxia/etc was ridiculous, but wew.

>> No.21329219

>Tough and wide jaw, pronounced masculine cleft in the centre of his chin.
>Wide brow
>Heavy triceps
>Massive pecs
>Perfect abs
>Armoured and cloaked up
>Totally indifferent to the woman feeling him up, can't be bothered

Go the fuck outside retard.

>> No.21329220
File: 64 KB, 510x680, 766868687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>46 fucking novels with more to come
>bulk of the reviews is seething about sexism racism etc
Is this any good?
I started reading Chthon and its pretty good so far, even though the author keeps shoving his coomer fantasies in my face.

>> No.21329241

I love WoT so fucking much.

>> No.21329259

Same thing goes for sci-fi stories that deal with post-singularity level technology. Godlike cyber intelligences that exist outside of time just feels like the end point of power level stuff.

>> No.21329264
File: 144 KB, 688x1000, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wings of Fire 4: The Dark Secret.

This one was not as good as the others I felt but I liked it all the same. Four stars for exciting read but not as good as the others. Starflight finally gets to meet his own tribe, the NightWings, but not at all in the circumstances he would've expected. They've kidnapped him and taken him to their secret kingdom and from there he's working to get out of there. unlike Clay, Tsunami, or Glory, the black dragon has a rather mousy and shy attitude and is more reactive as he eplores around to learn more about Nightwing politics and schemes, so the main driving force here is the intrigue again. This one has more gore then the other books and it definitely got darker in mood as well. Story ties pretty heavily into the events from the previous book, since again this is all main plot stuff rather than whatever was going on in book 2's palace intrigues so definitely read the earlier books first.
I know this sounds like a lot of praise for a book written for twelve year olds, but I'm just delighted to find a series for kids that doesn't pull it's punches with how much brutality they pack into this thing.

Next book will be Sunny which I expect will be the dragonets solving the war while she wrestles with her life's purpose being a lie because of the reveal at the end of this one.

>> No.21329272

>The kingdom of Luthenia is a prosperous and peaceful land, thanks to the wisdom of its rulers and the strength of its economy.
Hmm, yes, this grass is made out of grass. Joking aside, if you're going to go autistic with an economics/politics focused story that would be interesting for a lot of people. Most authors just copy paste modern notions of these things onto fantasy medieval settings. Would be far more interesting to see feudal mercantilism. Either that or just focus on magical system retardation and quintuple your audience size.

>> No.21329286
File: 189 KB, 812x1200, 231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lithely handsome dude utterly passive to a woman groping him
Yeah that cover art is woke as fuck. Sorry bro.

>> No.21329317

The Waters of Awakening was really good.

>> No.21329343
File: 30 KB, 313x500, 41fEaqES8dL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna start reading this tonight after i finish dinner

>> No.21329381
File: 3.17 MB, 4000x3000, 20221201_150150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these at local library, should I go for it? Never read them before, only seen discussions/shitposts here and other boards.

>> No.21329389

heyyyyyyy i haven't read a single page in 2 weeks

>> No.21329447

your """reviews""" are shit
fuck off

>> No.21329460

If you don't know enough about the fantasy scene to decide if you'd like WoT then just read a lil bit of them and find out.

>> No.21329464
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, print_memoryoflight-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a solid fantasy series with it's ups and downs. It's also 14 books long, so do keep that in mind if you're going to fully commit.

>> No.21329534

Sounds like Lensman

>> No.21329556

No. Chthon is probably his best work.

Xanth novels titillate with the suggestion of sex and nauseate with horrible puns.

>> No.21329589 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21329591 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21329613 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 399x400, 1669917210884251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop exposing us to this mental illness, keep them to yourself and go back

>> No.21329631 [DELETED] 

YOU FUCKING FUCK OFF don’t read it reviews if you don’t like them YOU FUCK OFF. YOU.

>> No.21329648

stop shilling yourself on here you thick cunt, i'll continue to call out shitty reviews posted by you and the other hack cunt, now FUCK OFF

>> No.21329666

Piss off, fatty.

>> No.21329690

What is being shilled?

>> No.21329691

Oh I just noticed that he has his left hand behind his back lol.

>> No.21329723

spastics out

>> No.21329757


>> No.21329785

>comes to 4chan to call out what someone experienced from a book

>> No.21329790

He doesn't have one, he looses it and nearly goes insane later in the books

>> No.21329833

Shut up. It's not like he's obtaining wealth and prestige by posting here. Why don't you try doing something productive for the general?

>> No.21329843

That's what I meant, yes. I never noticed that the cover doesn't spoil that detail.

>> No.21329964
File: 50 KB, 382x522, 30362_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fremen are Serbs, they speak our language.

>> No.21329968
File: 45 KB, 500x707, 8760aab9f302284fff30c480c2bc1d77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more mature women

>> No.21329975

Why does that worm look so phallic?.....

>> No.21329989 [DELETED] 

Šaj Hulud je Srbin!

>> No.21330006
File: 230 KB, 840x629, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my D(ragon)

Anyway, would love to hear people's thoughts on the wof books I'm plugging away on. Every post on this topic is a new stick up that guy's asshole btw.

>> No.21330036

It's monotonous. Go look up Warbreaker, it's free for the most part and read how Sanderbob sets up the prologue or even the first chapter. He doesn't waste our time on trivial derail but puts us alongside Vasher as he begins planning and executing his escape. It also introduces the magic of the world and how it works.

>> No.21330077

fuck off retards

>> No.21330105


>> No.21330111

Keep posting

>> No.21330219


>> No.21330255
File: 37 KB, 497x435, (Me).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me BTW.

>> No.21330298
File: 677 KB, 2338x1412, 17887226486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading through Earthsea and floored by how good it is, does American fantasy get any better than this?

>> No.21330375
File: 759 KB, 1697x780, me but tis one is real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>21330255 I found you faker.

I'm the only who actually made the initial review post and I hate how we've all got to distrust screenshot posts because we can just good at editing them. Hot take but I thing (you) text should all be random RGB combinations to make fakers have to work to earn their lunch if they want to try it.

>> No.21330389

Could you just shut your fat fucking mouth? I regret defending you.

>> No.21330424

You did not I wrote review

>> No.21330444

Review bro please keep posting, u prob the only of the few talking about books here

>> No.21330450 [DELETED] 


>> No.21330491

I also just finished Gormenghast and was let down. A lot of what happened at the end felt interesting and poetic, but I was mainly let down by how much of a fuckup Steerpike was when he was absolutely brilliant in the first book. He just kept making mistakes and the fact that the hardly connected death of Fuchsia (which I thought was stupid) played a huge part in his demise was uninteresting. It felt as is the author just wanted to be away with him. I will be reading the 3rd book, but I have lower expectations now...

>> No.21330493
File: 102 KB, 536x810, golden_son_by_pierce_brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the first book of this series was a fun enough read but it's almost a disservice to the rest of the books due to how much the story changes. Red Rising is like a better sort of Ender's Game / Hunger Games, but the rest is some of the funnest/best military sci-fi I've read.

>> No.21330497

read worm


>> No.21330524

>but the rest is some of the funnest/best military sci-fi I've read.
Golden Son is the only real stand out for me. Morning star and the Iron Gold series just isn't doing it for me like Golden Son did. Also, Victra best girl.

>> No.21330536

Don't read Worm

>> No.21330537

There's no need for trust if you use a secure tripcode.

>> No.21330679

Only fags and trannies use trips.

>> No.21330707
File: 72 KB, 612x612, 9e528cf14e5ecf27227cfb55313a9ff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my favorite until Dark Age. Iron Gold was a little rough. The Lyrics story took a long time to get going and the overall plot felt a little aimless. It made me almost not pick up Dark Age, but that one is now my favorite. Just wall to wall action, and the slow POVs get much better IMO.

But next to that Golden Son was definitely my favorite.

The third book has some good parts, but the finale just felt a little too cute, like how Hollywood would end the series. Obviously the entire story is based on a goofy premises in the first place, but the books are actually at their best when he takes it seriously despite that.

>> No.21330742

I thought Pierce Brown might be starting to pull a GRRM or Bakker with all the delays but I guess he has two books done, both for 2023 and they're supposed to be the longest yet, so that's going to be like 1,400-1,600 pages of material hopefully.

I'm pumped for that. Lightbringer and Red God.

That will have to do since it seems like the No God is never going to come out and I have actually lost interest in Winds of Winter after all these years.

>> No.21330764

Red God is also supposed to release next year? Damn.

>> No.21330817
File: 48 KB, 253x400, le-prince-du-neant-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's weird, the foreign covers seem like they should be different books. There are a few different English covers too it seems

>> No.21330867

Elric is fun. I read the bulk of them in chronological order last year and they range from boring to good pulpy fun. If you want to get elric-pilled, just listen to this

>> No.21330977
File: 605 KB, 456x628, 1465593695381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am genuinely getting pissed at how slow Wheel of Time is.

>> No.21331056

I was really enjoying Wandering Inn for awhile up until Ryoka started taking up the screentime and the large scale stakes after. It did a good job having the protagonist struggle, fall, and get back up again through what should be a very dire situation of landing in a foreign world with rules of its own.

>> No.21331067

Photoshop then modern graphics artists afterwards who's entire width of creativity is driven by corporate trends and demands.

>> No.21331115

Is there a book where the protagonist must sequentially overcome great challenges? And I'm not talking about ordinary conflicts every story has (by necessity of the plot), I'm talking about challenges AS the plot, one after another.

>> No.21331195


>> No.21331212

Cradle is as much that as it's possible to be while still having a story.

>> No.21331242

Waste of Time




>> No.21331265 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 800x789, I hate kevin dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Um no you cant just finish the story that's le bad because.... FUCK YOU KEVIN!!!

>> No.21331273 [DELETED] 
File: 396 KB, 800x789, I hate kevin enders game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21331330
File: 58 KB, 640x1024, happy sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that worm

>> No.21331387

Incarnations of Immortality is the only series of his I'd unreservedly call good. Haven't read Chthon though. I can't imagine anyone enjoying Xanth who didn't read it as a child.

>> No.21331412

This. I really don't understand how Erin's segment can be so well written and endearing only for Ryoka's to be the exact opposite. I've noticed this trend of trying to subvert Mary Sues by punishing them constantly only to reward them shortly after with a way out of their predicament. Ryoka is a 'Punished Sue' and is at such odds with the world and characters therein that I wish she wasn't present at all.

>> No.21331451

Why would you do this? You must know nobody would critique your work honestly on an anonymous Nepalese woodworking forum?

>> No.21331494

The Deep by John Crowley

>> No.21331536

The first two are quality schlock and then they just get progressively less interesting.
I read up to I think Centaur Aisle in middle school.

>> No.21331626
File: 135 KB, 550x535, 1637343720282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy fantasy races from tolkien
>orcs, elves, humans, fairies, etc, live in big multiculti cities for whatever reason
Even the writers at WoW Blizzard had some sense to at least split them into two factions. It's so over.

>> No.21331636
File: 4 KB, 185x272, dan simmons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, the sky really is blue isn't it?
>Lapis lazuli
>It's Lapis Lazuli, the sky.
Okay, weird. Any other weird colours you may think of?
>Lapis lazuli, also Vermillion dunes
Ah, so the dune is red.
>And the sky is lapis
Say it one more time Mr. Simmons!
>Lapis lazuli
One more time, I swear, I don't know what colour the sky of Hyperion is.
>Lapis lazuli
Okay, but can you please describe the surroundings, a luke-warm, half-page paragraph will do.
>Sure thing, but I will do this for every chapter at least twice.

Don't get me wrong, I like Hyperion. It's just that some things bug me about the writing. I feel I lose nothing by skipping dreary landscape-painting-esque descriptions which repeat what we already know.

>> No.21331651

you're not allowed to call them races anymore

>> No.21331652

>ISSTH chapter 1267/1614
>Meng Hao is still in the Immortal Realm
Staying in the Spirit Realm for half the story made sense since there were so many stages, but why? I'm pretty sure earlier in the series it was mentioned that people get around 1 lamp for every 5 meridians, that'll probably be handwaved (since 7 seems to be the lowest amount and it seems unrealistic that stage 3 or 4 Immortals could reach the Ancient Realm) but he's still probably gonna have like 20 and it's supposed to be extremely hard for Allheaven Dao Immortals to progress.
He'll probably just extinguish a bunch at once or something because he's Meng Hao, but I'm worried that the endgame progression will be rushed since the last quarter of the story is going to have to cover entry to and progression in the last 2 out of 4 Realms, as well as the lesser known ones after that

>> No.21331682
File: 1.11 MB, 768x1024, 1669968059576869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read any good loli fantasy recently?

>> No.21331685

You don't read books. How is your relationship with your father?

>> No.21331704

I believe you can find that in >>>/a/isekai/

>> No.21331706

lemme try that again >>>/a/isekai

>> No.21331711


>> No.21331726

I noticed this on my first read through. I’ll still read it again though. Probably

>> No.21331733

I only read the first book but I believe even from that experience that they are not worth the reread. People say Malazan is hard, it's not. Everything is clear if you actually read it. Everything is plain as day as long as you can tolerate a certain amount of known unknowns (impossible for Sanderson readers). I had a long pause between trying to read the second book, but because a lot of things seem to change between the first and the second book I skipped even trying. I like me some more cohesive stories, shorter series, even stand-alones.

>> No.21331735

I read about 100 books a year, just finished germination, battle mage farmer today. Things have been worse with my dad. I make more money than him now so that helps keep his complaining down.

>> No.21331744
File: 449 KB, 464x709, great book cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened to cover art.
Publishing companies making book covers stand out. It's all about catching the eye, being clickable.

>> No.21331748
File: 1.84 MB, 1313x1600, kellhus_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads litrpg
Anything you say from this point on (or rather, after you posted a loli) is meaningless. Your taste in books is so skewed the damage you've cause yourself is beyond repair.

>> No.21331760

I didn't find any good sci-fi flowcharts. anyone have any good ones?

>> No.21331765
File: 1022 KB, 1144x2560, how to read Dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21331849 [DELETED] 


>> No.21331856
File: 43 KB, 305x500, Ancient Ruins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title: Ancient Ruins
Author: Benjamin Medrano
Rating: 4/10

[Fun Fact: At the end of the book, the author admits he has Asperger syndrome and the focus of his sperg interest is...Elves and Succubi, also lesbian relationships. This is objectively hilarious, and explains what he has multiple fantasy lesbian erotica books despite being a man. Bless this sperg's soul.]

My first Lesbian Harem story, and I must say I'm not particularly impressed. On one hand, the writing is decent and the idea for characters and their relationships fits the genre and makes for a great foundation for this kind of fantasy book. On the other, the entire book is a mess. Convoluted beyond reason, plotlines that are barely connected to the main events go for a time, end and then aren't mentioned at all. It's as if the author wanted to waste my time on inane shit, which could be interesting on its own if executed correctly. Alas, as it you should just skip some fragments if they aren't concerning the main plot.

So, how is it as a Coom Book? Ehh. I mentioned in my last review that an Erotica Book should have erotic elements in all of its parts, constantly enticing and arousing the reader, either by event, characterization or wording. Anya Merchant is decent at that. Surprisingly, this author of this book does relatively well despite being a man, but frustratingly falls short at writing actual sex scenes. To be exact: there are none actual sex scenes. There are some scenes that could pass as them if you stretch the meaning, but in practice there aren't any. Which makes me annoyed. When I read Coom Books, I expect sex scenes. That's a must. Or at least the amount of erotica and mastery of words that provides arousal equivalent to them.
Unfortunately, the book didn't deliver on that part. I am going to skim the second book to see if it gets better, but my hopes are low.
Thus my Rating:

PS: Delving into Goodreads has yielded me some interesting lesbian erotica titles. Like a lesbian fantasy romance between a bratty Princess and a prideful Dragon. This better be good, because it already looks like something that can hit juuuuust the spot.

>> No.21331877

>"Dan Simmons really likes to remind his readers of everything he wrote a few pages ago so they don't waste time rereading things they forgot."
Anon, the anonymous NEET shitposter posted on the Sol Draconi Septem wraith hunting forum.

>> No.21331886

That's a good summation of his writing.

>> No.21331896

Thanks. I picked it up from reading four entire novels like that.

>> No.21331899
File: 398 KB, 698x650, tfw damnation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it get better? I'm currently reading Fall of Hyperion (Haha, nice reference to your writing getting worse in the second book, Simmons) and I see it doesn't have the charm of the first book. I'm debating whether I should or should not go for the rest of them.

>> No.21331908

Not every mystery will be solved in the Fall, there will be more weird shit in Endymion. The Rise of Endymion finally answers some questions from Hyperion. The problem with Simmons in Hyperion/Endymion is that he is full of asspulls he doesn't know how to resolve without writing another sequel. Endymion's biggest problem is its protagonist, Raul Endymion, for he is the least interesting character in his books.
In short, Endymions read like the Fall, not like Hyperion. I actually wanted to make a "what I read, expected, and got" meme with a poop emoji for Endymion, but after reading the Rise, it's not that bad. Hyperion/Endymion is actually a really long, single novel, so things get better or worse retroactively as you read it.

>> No.21331914
File: 5 KB, 208x208, brandon sanderson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writes a number of books and book series.
>Every book has mystery to them
>Every mystery is eventually thoroughly explained
>When you close the book you are left with no questions to ponder
Nothing personnel... kid.

>> No.21331922

>When you close the book you are left with no questions to ponder
is that why RAFO became a meme?
what the FUCK are the stormstriders?

>> No.21331928
File: 983 KB, 1044x636, blacksmenet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RAFO is only a meme among those who both read Sanderson and watch his QA sessions. It's basically Brandon saying that these things will be sorted out in a later book.

>> No.21331934

>"You're a lighteyes now, Kaladin," Wit said, leaning forward even further. "You've hauled yourself up out of the crem, and done something incredible in that. You deserve praise. But be careful of assuming that people only get what they deserve in life. That's been sold a hundred different ways: positive thinking leading to opportunity, absolutist prosperity doctrines, the Passions. I've seen the same ideas recycled in a dozen different worlds, sure to emerge among useful ideas like storming weeds on a battlefield. They're all the same: deliberate, pernicious lies devised by powers who know their success was due to to luck at best, crass exploitation and larceny at worst. So they have to invent some kind of moral rationalization, a lie that lets them think they deserve what they have. Then, after inhaling their own stench long enough, they decide to package and sell it. And when it doesn't work for anyone else; well, they have the ultimate excuse. It isn't the idea that is flawed. You just don't care enough."
damn king go off

>> No.21331936

wtf are these the same people

>> No.21331943

The people in the pictures or the posters?

Ah yes, the quintessential 'subtle' moral lessons baked into a generic fantasy story.

>> No.21331949

Xianxia moral lessons are the only true ones for the modern age.

>> No.21331954

Xianxia/litrpg/whatevere-else-shit-there-is-out-there is the mindless anime in bookform. There are no moral lessons there, only endless consumerism. Your posts are no longer meaningless. Also your father doesn't consider you a proper son.

>> No.21331963

>Xianxia moral lessons
>I'm stone cold I'm so pragmatic I'm just focused on my grind man bing chilling

>> No.21331987
File: 149 KB, 476x476, 1562812568940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm ready to kill white bitches that have little black babies.

>> No.21331989

sigma male grindset

>> No.21331994
File: 5 KB, 200x202, laughing pepe 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic blank canvas hero with plot-armor and powers that surpass everyone
>does whatever he wants without major repercussions
Nice moral lesson.

>> No.21332003

They seem like good moral lessons when you're a perpetual high school chuuni

>> No.21332027
File: 117 KB, 1440x1365, 9kgfv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill everyone rape everyone

>> No.21332031

This is really true. There's a circus part in book 4 or 5 that drags on for so long that made me drop the thing entirely.

>> No.21332040

Same. I listened to the audiobook instead, and found it more enjoyable. The narrator is damn good.

>> No.21332044

Kids' first time learning patience, I see. Yes, the books drag long. Yes, you were warned about it. But, yes, you went for it anyways. Who is to blame?

>> No.21332059

>struggle to read a book because the author is fucking terrible at pacing
>it's still our fault somehow
kys faggot

>> No.21332061
File: 278 KB, 300x577, 1639518906226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody says there is a major slog in the middle.
>Well, let's see what the slog looks like.
[forward several months]
>Guys! The author's terrible! There is a slog in the middle!


>> No.21332062

The moral lesson is "take what you can, give nothing back"

>> No.21332066 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 800x450, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The moral lesson is "take what you can, give nothing back"

>> No.21332077
File: 105 KB, 754x498, tranny and chudjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he cute

>> No.21332086

Yep, checked the second book and it's next to no ertoica, onyl some convoluted, boring plot. Dropped. Tried another book of his again, also no real erotica elements. Dropping the author and going to read another Anya Merchant book.

>> No.21332105
File: 7 KB, 179x282, laughing pepe 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What zero pussy does to a mf.

>> No.21332138
File: 492 KB, 2518x1024, anime chinese protag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually wrong, it's about returning enmity and kindness 10x over while also killing billions of cultivatorlet mogul subhumans in the middle of it.

>> No.21332157

I’d be happy to. Rendezvous with Rama is probably my favorite sci-fi book.

>> No.21332199

Most generic writing I’ve seen

>> No.21332221
File: 22 KB, 180x240, 180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fang Yuan disagrees

>> No.21332227

>I get triggered by basic imagery passages
New to reading?

>> No.21332233

Stop posting frogs.

>> No.21332319

Also: the righteous path are hypocrites who defend the status quo and their privilege with post hoc arguments that change on a dime. In some sense, the Xianxia authors have reached the same conclusions as the Sophists.

>> No.21332519
File: 1021 KB, 639x637, godhead wizard emperor destroying legions of undead on the plains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting some Bakker vibes here

>> No.21332535

your """reviews""" are shit
fuck off

>> No.21332544

Here's my book review:
I read a book and I enjoyed it. Would do again. I rate reading 10/10. Won't you tell me what you thought of my review? This isn't bait btw. 100% geninue review here.

>> No.21332548

Yes? Shit is literally stretched 14 books long, if you couldn't see the obvious issues with pacing there, just don't pick it up in the first place?

>> No.21332594
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im a relatively new reader, and i want to comment on something that was peculiar to me that i want other anons to comment about.
i am currently reading the blade itself by joe abercrombie, and while i find the book alright, funny and the characters interesting, the book just isnt engaging me or, more specifically, im having a tough time wanting to read it and i dont know why. as i said, i dont find much of it that bad.
for example, books like how do androids dream of electric sheep and a study in scarlet were books that i, from the first page, couldnt get enough of and finished in a day or two.
i dont understand why a book that, on paper (no pun intended), seems good to me just isnt engaging me. my assumption is that i really dont give a shit about characters and prefer 'ideas' more (as that 'mentality' is the main difference between fantasy and sci fi, with me prefering sci fi), but even then i loved the first dresden files book.
that being said, ill probably just force myself through it. im about halfway through

>> No.21332625

80% through Shadows of Self reread. Holds up well, good pacing and lots of things happening. Wayne really is his best, most genuine character.
>Lost Metal
>atium is going away completely
So now that it's over, what did You, the reader, think of Waxillium Ladrian's overall arc?

>> No.21332627

That's just how it goes. Trying to create a general rule to explain your enjoyment will will fail. You just have to take book as it comes. Your rational mind may say one thing and your unconscious mind (your heart) something else. It's up to you to reconcile the two.

>> No.21332629

hell yeah nigga
fuck newfags who come to dissuade on-topic discussion, literal bots and/or anti-intellectualists; mongrels

>> No.21332632

Typical born again story arc

>> No.21332634

I had this when I first started reading, and what happened over time is I started to become more self-conscious and self-aware of my actual interests and my own mental structure and its priorities, and I noticed in hindsight that I had been forcing myself through books that I "should have" enjoyed in theory while not enjoying them, and sometimes forcing myself not to read books I did enjoy because those books weren't canonical or whatever

I realized in hindsight that it was because, at this early stage, I didn't know myself or my own interests, and so I was basically having to treat myself the way I would treat another person, of whom I can have only external knowledge. If your brother says "I dunno I guess I like weird stuff and scifi," you'll start recommending shit like PKD to him, but you won't know what he REALLY means by weird or even by scifi. You can only throw shit out there and hope you're close enough that he can use it to find his own way from then on.

As I read more and more it became totally different, I started to know my own philosophical interests and the things that fascinate me intimately. It was like I went from watching chemical reactions from outside, with little knowledge of chemistry, to knowing chemistry increasingly well and being able to basically guess what elements are going to react and in what ratios and how the fluid dynamics of mixing the two chemicals (my own interests / the book) is going to turn out.

I really think most people have very little knowledge of their own self. They are to themselves like you are to your dopey brother in the example above, they go "I guess I like cyberpunk?" They spend their whole lives "guessing," instead of delving deeper and deeper into WHY they love cyberpunk, and reaching points of self-knowledge from which they can guide their own reading and maybe even write things themselves.

I do think there is value in forcing yourself to finish things though, because you can't know until later what will percolate down into your soul and influence you, or introduce you to something new and cure you of some plebbery. But on the other hand I'm glad I never finished anything by Gabriel Garcia Marquez back when I was forcing myself through it simply because other people told me I should read it.

>> No.21332661

but the thing is, im not forcing myself to read what i think other people told me i should read. i read what i think would interest me, regardless of others.
i think it boils down to me only having (properly) read about a dozen books so far, and that this issue will get naturally resolved on its own. i just found it peculiar.
i do try to think deeply why i enjoy certain things, thats why i thought this book would be great for me, but it seems something is amiss. just what exactly still needs to be realized. more inputs are needed

>> No.21332726
File: 24 KB, 262x381, Harrison_WestOfEden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/, which science fiction book did you hate the most?

>> No.21332744

Well, I think your biggest problem is assuming that it will ever become possible that you will know how much you will enjoy something before you experience it.

>> No.21332798
File: 109 KB, 325x500, 350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheesy 1950's cuckshit.

>> No.21332824

you didnt understand me, quite the opposite so.
i mean that i will only able to predict how much i will enjoy something after i get enough experience to be able to make a sound judgment.
if i never read a horror book, how would i know if ill enjoy horror in the first place? only after reading a horror book will i able to know would i be able to enjoy some other horror book, and the more horror books i read, i will better hone in on what exactly that attracts me in horror.

>> No.21332873

I read the darkness that comes before and every single sex scene or mention of sex (and there are many) involves cuckolding or NTR in some way. He explores every facet of cucking in one fucking book.
The whole thing is one fetishistic cuck wank. He's a king in a closet with a lotion bottle.

>> No.21332975

Something like 20000 leagues under the sea (I've read around the world in 80 days)

>> No.21333053

I still don't understand how the pantheon and the deck of Dragons works but otherwise Malazan is not as hard as people claim

>> No.21333064

You didn't understand me either. I'm saying that the experience will have less overall effect on your ability predict your enjoyment in advance than you seem to think it will.

>> No.21333178

Instead of another cuck MC are there any stories where the main LI is a reluctant cuckquean and she keeps being reminded of how attractive other women find her boyfriend/crush?

>> No.21333184

It gets really stupid towards the end but it's also when the absolute best parts of the story happen so enjoy the ride.

>> No.21333239

Does the editing take a dip in The Judging Eye? I'm only six chapters in, but I've noticed multiple errors and a slump in the stand-off impression his prose usually has.

>> No.21333276

What are your top 3 faerie tales, /sffg/? I want to memorise a few to tell as bedtime stories to my wife's and my son.

>> No.21333277

Shallan and Adolin

>> No.21333349
File: 95 KB, 532x800, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get a post-mortem? I've been enjoying Stainless Steel Rat.
When the author forgets his own plotline and becomes a caricature moeblob posting shitlib.

>> No.21333411
File: 2.85 MB, 3888x2592, theGreatOrealNotMine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh I don't remember about the prose/editing/etc but I will say that that book was the definition of "slog of slogs". second chapter of the Bakker universe is great but yeah this one was a bit rough

>> No.21333555

even the ancients knew this
>the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must
meh swinging with no anguish from MC doesn't make me angry
just disgusted
Spin, on the other hand... I hated that novel with a passion

>> No.21333616

I was listening to the series and had to stop when they switched from David Devries. He did an incredible job giving each character a voice of their own and the new guy sounds like a bored preacher

>> No.21333642

Look at all the book covers from classic fantasy and sci fi prior to the 90s... Then compare that level of painting skill with all the concept art you see today(which is where practically all fantasy / sci fi artists now work).

The skill gap between painters then and now is massive, all these technological tools in photoshop (photobashing, unlimited undo, unlimited color) have greatly degraded the artistic standards of the sci fi / fantasy art world. Anime / manga have put the nail in the coffin as well. Why artists are using shortcuts designed to save on animation time as their stylistic base for illustrations is beyond me.

Look at new dungeons and dragons art compared to the classic stuff and you can see exactly what I'm referring to.

>> No.21333697

>is beyond me
Because I like the way it looks more. Seethe.

>> No.21333712

Thought that pic said The Children of the SEX and had to do a double take.

>> No.21333717


>> No.21333941
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>> No.21333983
File: 441 KB, 1278x1124, comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average quality has gone way up. In the old days you had a few books that were hand picked for commercial success with great cover art, but the 90th percentile looked like something from a mall airbrush kiosk or something a kid drew.

>> No.21333988

Soul vs Soulless.

>> No.21334012

It is a very blunt satire of the Soviet Union, where "humanoids" (Americans) live in America and "dinosaurs" (Soviets) in Eurasia. The dinosaur society is more evil by being matriarchal (the females were the stronger, harsher and dominant sex), with a leader named Stallan (I shit you not). I vaguely remember the dinosaurs tried to make a colony-city in America (I think with the obvious intention of spreading), but this colony was genocided by the humanoids.
The hamfisted and forced way that the evilness of the Soviet stand-ins was portrayed caused me a visceral rage that survived to this day, after decades and after I forgot most of it.
Oh, the humanoid were noble savage primitives and the dinosaurs had advanced genetic engineering. There are three books on that story, I only read the first one.

>> No.21334074

I'll be honest, I disliked Dune,

>> No.21334075
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Felt the same way for a good while until recently-ish
Her actively trying to be more like Erin did wonders for her as a person and character

>> No.21334086
File: 1.25 MB, 3052x4547, 9249239-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpill me on the novellas from the His Dark Materials universe: Lyra's Oxford, Once Upon a Time in the North, Serpentine, and The Collectors. What one is the best?

>> No.21334107
File: 1.37 MB, 1609x2059, 1613647368035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average quality has gone way up. In the old days you had a few books that were hand picked for commercial success with great cover art, but the 90th percentile looked like something from a mall airbrush kiosk or something a kid drew.

>> No.21334110

bottom looks better and no amount of seething about soul will change that

>> No.21334114

>bottom looks better
Not true. You need to have a specially shit taste to say this.

>> No.21334115
File: 499 KB, 1934x598, 1600807733459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average quality has gone way up. In the old days you had a few books that were hand picked for commercial success with great cover art, but the 90th percentile looked like something from a mall airbrush kiosk or something a kid drew

>> No.21334122 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1245x840, 1600879348989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average quality has gone way up.In the old days you had a few books that were hand picked for commercial success with great cover art, but the 90th percentile looked like something from a mall airbrush kiosk or something a kid drew.

>> No.21334126

having a normal one i see

>> No.21334136

We've got fucking Jimmy Two Times here.

>> No.21334141

The Collectors: 79% B+ (Good)
Serpentine: 77% B+ (Good)
Lyra’s Oxford: 74% B (Decent)
Once Upon a Time in the North: 68% B- (Satisfactory)

>> No.21334145
File: 103 KB, 853x1280, MV5BZWUyNzlmYTUtMWI4MC00YmVmLWFkN2QtMTc1Y2FhZDEzMjU5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.21334181

malding 20 yo boomer

>> No.21334193
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 51d0v-KbLOL._SL500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This turned out better than I expected.
Can't wait for book two when he dunks on the city folk.

>> No.21334227

It's not fair to compare a world famous artist with the work of some random weeb.

>> No.21334268

yeah was comfy and okay

the only thing i didnt liked was how he reacted to the kid picking the Rogue class, idk felt forced af, also he letting that random die just bc he didnt want to waste the potion was ok but still felt weird, but my opinion is biased about that one

>> No.21334336
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They're both insufferably dated, but top put a lot more work in.

>> No.21334340
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Modern fantasy art is the product of an entire generation of "artists" raised on JRPG's, capeshit and world of warcraft and its korean mmo imitators. The world they imagine in their heads resembles little like the fantasy worlds of old; instead of thinking of great valleys and forests, rolling hills and thatched villages, tribes of fur clad barbarians, kings and soldiers in mail and plate, seedy foggy cities, streets full of peasants and workers and rogues with swords and bucklers at their sides, the odd hooded elf in a darkened corner, a few dwarf traders boasting to each other in an inn, the sight of a wizards tower in a moss covered glen, strange ruins filled with treasure, danger, adventure, wonder. No. Modern fantasy is a fantasy seattle; magic and wizardry at every corner, freakshit races abundant, adventurers guilds, women warriors with dyed purple mohawks wielding 8 foot long greatswords with ease, critical role le random xd gnomes and halflings. These people have never viewed the old art that made D&D and other RPG's truly special, if they did then no doubt they called it "dated" or "not diverse enough". These are people who have never read actual history; they've never seen an actual arming sword or suit of armour; in real life or in a book. They've never read a fairy tale; they've never read any of the works of Lovecraft or Howard or Dunsany or Leiber or Tolkien or Wagner or Ashton Smith. It's the product of a whole generation of people who learned to become artists by buying a drawing pad and imitating their favourite deviantart e celeb drawings; they drew fantasy because they saw a game of critical role on youtube and thought it was random and epic. World of Warcraft and Goblin Slayer replaced Conan and Fafhrd

>> No.21334346
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>> No.21334352

The left one looks better. What are you trying to say?

>> No.21334362

Left one looks better. Right one looks too much like derivative modern comics. I'm not sure what you mean.

>> No.21334372
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>> No.21334376

You're just posting random pictures from deviantart and calling them book covers.

>70s trash is better than 20s trash
Spoiler: they're both fucking trash

>> No.21334385

Why should he sacrifice his last get out of jail free card for a random?

>> No.21334396

What is it with /sffg/ having stupid fucking arguments.

>> No.21334419

What's the best sci-fi book with the plot being 'space ship/space station that has gone dark and there is a monster/virus that has infested it and a cast of characters are going to check what happened'

>> No.21334460

ok tankie, chill out

>> No.21334465

No, after the death heat of the Universe, only my rage will remain.

>> No.21334468

Not so much arguing as one sperg posts 3-4 seething responses to random comments.

>> No.21334470

>You're just posting random pictures from deviantart and calling them book covers.
It's clearly "D&D party art" or some shit, right? Like, people do that. That's a thing. Some of it isn't good. Oh well.

>> No.21334482

>one sperg posts 3-4 seething responses to random comments
I counted like 12. Never thought I'll see someone get that emotional over some anonymous post.

>> No.21334501
File: 48 KB, 460x584, 1623213837494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantasy, like everything else that had soul and passion put into it, is dead. It's a commercialised, bland, neoliberalised product designed to appeal to as many consumers as possible. The dying days of fantasy were the 90s. Now it's just nothingness, a sick, degenerate world where critical role has replaced Conan. The world is in the thrall of a group of vampiric globalist vampires and there's nothing we can do about it. Subcultures are dead. Originality is dead. Social groups and movements are dead. The ones that break the mould and seek to do something that challenges the neoliberal elite are crushed with impunity. These people won't stop until anything that people enjoy belongs to a globalised consumer friendly mass. Modern fantasy is a golem; a Frankenstein's monster that has only the basic trappings of fantasy, but none of the deeper messages that auteurs like Lovecraft and Howard put into their work.

>> No.21334506

not reading allat
get head and touch grass

>> No.21334511

>Social autist substitutes social interaction with 4chan
>because of this, he can’t handle when someone disagree with him on something trivial
It’s really sad when you actually think about it.

>> No.21334521

I love the original Starship Troopers cover!

>> No.21334531

I'm not reading all of that, take a step back from your computer or phone whatever and actually go outside.

>> No.21334547

>tolkien started it all
neck your fucking self

>> No.21334572

I'm just not seeing a skill gap in evidence.

>> No.21334592

i just wouldnt let someone die if i could save them, i can understand the logic of his action, is just something i wouldnt do, thats why i said is biased opinion

>> No.21334604

Is it bayker or bahker?

>> No.21334608

Why are you asking a question that can be solved using google? Are you that tech illiterate?

>> No.21334609

I'd agree with you if you didn't include Elder Scrolls desu. Kirkbride is/was truly an auteur and his work on ES should be recognized.

>> No.21334676

no he isn't

>> No.21334680

So you would take a bullet to save someone?
Are you one of those idiots that stays back at the end of the book holding the deadman switch down so everyone can escape?
Nothing I hate more than books spewing self sacrificial Bullshit.

>> No.21334682

I'm playing Morrowind and I stumbled upon a Dune reference :^)

>> No.21334705
File: 34 KB, 876x1180, based on a true story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your brother says "I dunno I guess I like weird stuff and scifi," you'll start recommending shit like PKD to him, but you won't know what he REALLY means by weird or even by scifi.

>> No.21334711

There's a nice PKD thread on /x/ right now.

>> No.21334724

>So you would take a bullet to save someone?
>Are you one of those idiots that stays back at the end of the book holding the deadman switch down so everyone can escape?

>> No.21334743
File: 173 KB, 2688x2688, 1504349232346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the children of today also poorly mannered with contempt for authority?

>> No.21334761

not enough gay sex

>> No.21334772

I always thought it was Bahker because I know someone with a similar name. Apparently it is Baker though.

>> No.21334870

>scuba windchimes
No thank you, I vote pone

>> No.21334879

The subject matter gathers a certain kind of person to it.

>> No.21334894

Bakker or Wolfe?
Who reigns supreme?

>> No.21334914
File: 266 KB, 1000x1000, 1669943075225294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bakker posts on sffg threads literally come from a tranny discord to trick you into buying an LGBTQ dark fantasy book. Don't listen to these homos.

>> No.21334932

Pringles Man.

>> No.21335002


>> No.21335161

Go back.

>> No.21335219

anyone have recommendations for books on the Fermi Paradox? I've already read the Manifold series and Three Body

>> No.21335224


>> No.21335227

forgot to mention but I liked that too. And echopraxia.

>> No.21335243

A Fire Upon the Deep. Don't bother with the sequels.

>> No.21335479

Why are the beginning of a new thread always shit.

>> No.21335481

Shitposters making sure that the new thread doesn't discuss books.

>> No.21335485


>> No.21335489

Do you just wait for hours just to shitpost on to the new thread instead of discussing books?

>> No.21335505

Don’t underestimate their No-life status. All they ever do is make sure /sffg/ is unusable so no discussion can take place.

>> No.21335508

New thread :)

>> No.21335511

Are you the fag that constantly complains about them? Why even do that? All it does is invite further shitpost

>> No.21335517

This thread seems to be the bot spammer

so try this new thread

>> No.21335521

>The first post is just shill post
>one IP
Yeah, go fuck yourself shill

>> No.21335524

you can keep deleting and recreating threads all you want, all will always be there every single time talking about litrpg and making u mad :)

>> No.21335534
File: 143 KB, 1914x413, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, holy shit.

>> No.21335536

>samefag reply with the ss he took

yikes, bro just take a pill and go sleep

>> No.21335551

I wonder what compels a person to do this? Why shill endlessly? Why not talk about books they’re reading? They’re doing this shit for free and all it does is make people not read the books they’re shilling. Like fuck, he made a thread and he went to the new thread for no reason other than to shill that garbage.

>> No.21335556

>he made a thread and he went to the new thread
He made a thread, made a shill post, then went to the new thread with actual discussion just to make a shill post. Doin't even know why he even made a thread to begin with if he's going to use the new thread.

>> No.21335563

And? this is 4chan, is not ur discord server, people will post what they want and fuck you, keep bitching and retards will do this shit even more bc they know retards like you will get mad, faggot

The thread is always going nice and slow till monkeys like u start bitching about cradle or bakker posts

>shill this
>shill that

u check the list and is always big books with author that already have a good reach, u are getting baited every thread u fucking mongoloid