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21327032 No.21327032 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books on the Virgin Mary? I'm having dreams about her, but I don't know anything. I wasn't raised Catholic.

>> No.21327039
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Idolatry is haram akhi

>> No.21327095
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>> No.21327124

Glories of Mary by Alphonse Ligouri
God Sent by Roy Varghese
The Fourth Secret of Fatina by Antonio Socci
True Devotion to Mary by St. Louis Montfort

>> No.21327133

Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort definitely is the way to go

>> No.21327166

You are on your path to becoming a Traditional Catholic, the one true faith. Welcome. I suggest you look up the Marian apparitions especially Our Lady of Fatima.
I third "True Devotion to Mary" written by Saint Louis de Montfort as well as his other works, "Secret of Mary" and "The Secret of the Rosary".

>> No.21327171

It's not idolatry, She's just based. This stinking camel fucker is probably laying in a desert being picked apart by vultures as we speak.

>> No.21327177

Convert now.

>> No.21327184


>> No.21327196
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>> No.21327199

Repent later.

>> No.21327208
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Anon, are you familiar with the Rosary? You might want to look into it. It's a prayer cycle given to Christians by Mary herself. Pious legend says that Saint Dominic first received the vision of the Rosary, though this cannot be confirmed. But the Rosary first flowed out of the Dominicans and is now very popular in the entire Church.

I pray a daily Rosary and it has transformed my life. I am a much more intense Catholic than I was before I started to pray it every day. It has deepened my faith.

If you're curious, a guide to the Rosary is here:


>> No.21327266

Thanks !

Not you

Thanks! I'll look into it

I admit I'm lost in my faith. But I just can't see that the right path for me is a rigid conversion to a church/domination.

>> No.21327270


>> No.21328022

The Secrets of the Rosary by St. Louis-Marie de Montford

>> No.21328388
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>> No.21328628

The World's First Love by Fulton Sheen

>> No.21329057

Go away.

>> No.21329499

If you believe in the personal God of Abraham etc. Pray for guidance. You'll get it.

>> No.21330088
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based shirk vanquisher, is there a version with sound?

>> No.21330129

Some good introductory texts:

Scott Hahn, Hail Holy Queen

John Paul II, Redemptoris Mater (Mother of the Church), available at: https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_25031987_redemptoris-mater.html

John Paul II, The Rosary of the Virgin Mary, is a very insightful work, obviously the product of someone who spent many years contemplating the mysteries of Mary. Available at: https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/apost_letters/2002/documents/hf_jp-ii_apl_20021016_rosarium-virginis-mariae.html

>> No.21331126

> ctrl-f 'catechism"
> 0 results
God help me endure these fools.

>> No.21331464



>> No.21331468

Idolatry is explicitly the belief that the idols ARE the figure being worshipped/respected. I wouldn't expect fundamentalist chuds to understand anything, though.

>> No.21331537

I'm a Protestant who studied Mariology for a paper I had to write in grad school and I developed a devotion to Mary as a result. Now I pray the Hail Mary and the Salve Regina every night.