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21321562 No.21321562 [Reply] [Original]

It's actually not that deep

>> No.21321579

was it supposed to be deep? I thought it was just faux-mythology.

>> No.21321682

Just checked and your mom's vagana is actually deeper.
>verification not required

>> No.21321934

except it is

>> No.21322777


>> No.21322978

what do you mean by "deep"? Philosophical? Historical depth? What?

For people with a surface knowledge of history, it will appear shallow. For people with an in-depth knowledge of history, the book will appear deep.

>> No.21322983
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>> No.21322986

Dude it’s like Christianity but Satan is Morgoth and Eru Ilúvatar is God

>> No.21322995


>> No.21323060

Yeah, what was deep about it anyway? Autistically elaborate maybe, but not exactly "deep".

>> No.21323238

the invented languages don't make it deep, nor do the family trees nor the supposed allusions to Catholicism.
but i'd rather watch you wallow in your ignorance, it's extremely amusing for me to watch people like you, who only have a surface understanding of ancient history and mythology, try to pass judgment on his story.

Please, continue :)

>> No.21323289
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I’d disagree anon. The discussion of how evil is unable to create anything on its own and can only imitate the beauty of God is a deeply theological concept.

>> No.21324418

Liking things for being "deep" or judging things on how "deep" they are is one of the clearest signs if midwiticy

>> No.21325247

Liking things for being "deep" or judging things on how "deep" they are is one of the clearest signs if midwiticy

>> No.21326237

You merely found your own depth, anon.

>> No.21326241


>> No.21326277

no one told me it was deep, they just said it was all bullshitty words you have to learn

>> No.21326347

>wants deep insights from reading and not experiencing the world himself
Dude you're a fucking loser.

>> No.21326505

I thought it was cooled when he killed his brethren for the boats

>> No.21326539
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>> No.21326583

yes yes, we get it, you're not white and have never studied ancient history or mythology. WELL DONE YOU!

>> No.21326607
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>> No.21327734

>t. brainlet coping

>> No.21327812

based schizophrenic dunking on retards

>> No.21327823



>> No.21327844

Make a onions wojak of this post. I have a different opinion than you.

>> No.21327859

its hard to put me on the libcuck-jak because i don't wear glasses; i am clean shaven; and i don't make the mouth out for duck sucking pose

>> No.21327862

>le deep

finish school kid

>> No.21327967

Anyone with an understanding of ancient history would be reading one of the thousands of ancient history books instead of wasting thier time on some fake "history" of a fictional world. It literally serves no other point than to make lorefags feel superior to others because they're too dumb to learn real history.

>> No.21328124

>you're not allowed to read fantasy books as a kid
>stop reading things i don't like!
this forum is full of petulant children. You don't like Tolkien, fine. Don't read him then. I read his works as a child and thought they were wonderful, and now I read ancient history and mythology as an adult and realize where Tolkien was drawing most of his material from, which makes me respect Tolkien all the more.

>feel superior
sounds more like you are wrestling with feelings of inferiority for being a complete dunce. I don't feel "superior" for my love of Tolkien's work or for knowing the lore, so why do you feel inferior for not knowing it?

>i don't feel inferior!!!! REEEE!!!
yes, clearly you do

>> No.21328136

which is what subcreation is which is why he was probably wrong materialistic progress being the emperor of subcreations

>> No.21328165

it's bizarre to me how many eastern Europeans have inferiority complexes about the state of their "whiteness".
So on one hand they'll post pics of their hands or faces, desperately trying to prove they're "white" (when in reality they're some Mongolic-Slavic hybrid, or a Muslim-Slavic hybrid), and then at the same time they'll attack western Europeans or Americans for their culture (e.g. for liking Tolkien).

Truly bizarre mental behavior. Have fun in Romania or whatever country you live in, and don't worry that you don't "get" Tolkien, maybe it's just something only westerners can truly appreciate. It doesn't make you any less of a person. Take care :)

>> No.21328183

>obnoxious faggots are insufferable when talking about the things they like just like they're insufferable every other moment of their worthless existence
okay? and?

>> No.21328223

but notice how they aren't volunteering any information about books or authors that they like? Because they know they'll be subject to criticism the moment they do, and their hatred of Tolkien has little to do with actual criticism, but merely a way for them to vent their rage on someone for the poor hand dealt to them in life by the fates.
A lot of people are just miserable human beings and criticizing others for liking anything is how they fill the void of their own hollow existence.
I'm perfectly content with others hating Tolkien, and I'll continue to enjoy his writings even as the miserable people seethe that I enjoy something they don't enjoy. There criticism is a reflection on them, not on Tolkien fans.

>> No.21328796

Not deep. Just bitch to get through.
Also, I`m like 90% sure that the Elder Scrolls franchise is almost all based around this book.

>> No.21328803

This right here. If you're not spiritually white, you will never understand Tolkien. One of the best litmus tests for spiritual race IMO