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/lit/ - Literature

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21304538 No.21304538 [Reply] [Original]

Zoomers literally don't read, bros. I'm not making shit up here, NOBODY under the age of like 23 is reading even semi-casually anymore. Fuck self-help books, fuck Wikipedia articles, fuck 4chan posts, the overwhelming majority of young people do not read ANYTHING beyond ESL TikTok captions and unpunctuated text messages. This is what 21st century literacy has become and not a single educator wants to even broach the subject.

>> No.21304545

-t z

>> No.21304555

>and not a single educator wants to even broach the subject.
What? Over here there's constant screeching by elementary school and especially high school teachers and policymakers about how noone reads and noone wants to read and how to get them to read. They have, for example, changed their tune from "kids need to read these classics from the national literature" to "just read anything at all, whatever you like, doesn't matter" just to try to put some fucking written words through their brains.

>> No.21304556
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yeah ive noticed. even recently here on /lit/ there use to be more discussion on literature here but the frequent influx of younger people has made a noticeable difference for the worse over a short period of time.

my solution? start at the bottom of the board, look for threads relating to literature, and bump them.

encourage discussion of literature, and eventually the younger people will catch on.

>> No.21304567

I'm 22 and I've read 28 books this year so far

>> No.21304653

I'm also 22 and I read but I wouldn't consider myself a zoomer.

>> No.21304663

well you are. zoomers all range from 18-25. younger than 18 is another gen.

>> No.21304821

I'm 22 and I read, there is still hope.
But remember that most people back in the day didn't really read either. I think the past only seems so much more literate because history is written by the writers.

>> No.21304823

if you parse out the people who would never have read books out of interest to begin with, are the people who matter really being impacted?

I remember most of the high school millenials never reading outside of when they were forced to

>> No.21304827

I'm 30 and nobody I know reads.

>> No.21304843
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Every flock needs a good shepherd

>> No.21304852

Again, why does /lit/ care so much whether or not people are reading? How else would the psueds distinguish themselves among the NPCs as they see it?

>> No.21304912

that's a good thing. society needs to collapse. history is a burden.

>> No.21304924

Book sales, in particular young adult, prove otherwise

>> No.21304936

Yet they are having sex while we are not... Really makes you think

>> No.21304941

people much more successful than me in high school are now mainlining multiiplayer fps games and smoking weed all day. This guy lives just down the strreet and I see him twice a year tops

>> No.21304942

Zoomers are the most celibate generation in history

>> No.21304955

22 yo here. None reads it’s true. Is not even funny. I am the guy that “reads” in my friend groups and I read only 3 to 4 books per month. It’s a joke. I study Medicine, I go to the gym 5 times a week and I still have time to read one book per week. I don’t mean that to brag but wtf are you all doing all day long. The fucking day has 24 hours, yet it seems people always “mean to read” but they don’t do jack shit all day. It’s pathetic if anything else.

Just finished submission by Houellebecq. Liked it tho I missed a lot of the stuff from the book bc my history/ philosophy is not as strong (or at least the particular employed in the book).

>> No.21304983

>Zoomers literally don't read, bros
And is /lit/ any different?

>> No.21304992

>I remember most of the high school millenials never reading outside of when they were forced to

Yeah this. I was one of the only people in class who read at all and even then I didn't read then nearly as much as I do now at 31. None of my friends with the exception of my boyfriend who I force to read have read a book in years. I remember when I was in college my comp professor complaining that almost none of the people in class except for me had reading or writing schools above middle school level. I do think it's a problem, just not one that is zoomer-focused.

>> No.21305016

>Have access to vast expanse of information to grow one's ability to think, understand and be an overall better human.
>The greatest minds in history could have only dreamed of the information now available to the average person (online and print).
>Instead: prioritize pornography, video-games, 5 second videos, vapid narcissists, and the mockery of anyone who shows a modicum of learnedness.
>To top it off - The commercialization of education. Whereby monetary gain is sought over an interest in learning for learnings sake. People who pursue the latter are often ridiculed and questioned for making such a seemingly irrational decision (See: Arts degrees).
I truly believe that the world would be a much better place, if everyone read a challenging book/article for at least 15-30 minutes a day (non-professionally/academically). People who don't read NEED to be shamed into doing so. I cant think of a better hobby to combat current societal decay desu senpai.

>> No.21305032

>Again, why does /lit/ care so much whether or not people are reading?
Because they have nothing else to do.

>> No.21305112

>Zoomers literally don't read, bros
They're just like /lit/.

>> No.21305124

This is an improvement. Mass 'literacy' and political franchise has run cover for oligarchy to this point. It will be increasingly untenable.

>> No.21305132

>the mockery of anyone who shows a modicum of learnedness
Maybe no one wants to be your friend because you talk like an insufferable cunt

>> No.21305139

>Zoomers this zoomers that
They're called normalfags you mouth breathing shithead. Did the jocks from your highschool love the greeks?
Books have always been a niche hobby, but you want to project onto a generation to make yours feel more special.

>> No.21305144

>I don't mean to brag
Sure you don't faggot.
Here's your "Omg ur not like other zoomers" award.

>> No.21305151

>Mass 'literacy' and political franchise has run cover for oligarchy to this point.
Letting hylics read was a mistake.

>> No.21305159

You don't get bullied over being cultured anon, you get bullied because you're a retard with his head way too far up his own ass.

>> No.21305188

same deal. I'm convinced most schoolyard bullying is just a function of low/high IQ ranges being unnaturally put together in the same room

>> No.21305205

I'm 20 and only started reading since May this year. I did not read when I was younger because I thought it was for nerds. So far, I've finished 21 books this year out of my goal of 24

>> No.21305689

>Zoomers literally don't read, bros
Reading in school wasn't bussin and was really cringe fr, this is what ruined it. Because of time constraints you never get to see the whole picture, there's no incentive for you to read the whole thing, at most you needed to know the specific message and parts that are taught anyway in the literature class.
I recently picked up the same books I had in class and shit was a blast so far. Actually had a good time, decided to dedicate more and more time to reading and reduce screen time.

>> No.21305708

>t. baldlet fattie

>> No.21306241

Stupid frogposter

>> No.21306352

I read War and Peace this morning
after doing 80,000 pushups on the way to
the gym, ya, bro, saved 3 kittens and two kids
from a burning orphanage driving home from the gym then decided to read, 2666 while
working on the Beal conjecture.
I don't mean to brag, bros.

>> No.21306361

Does it matter that people don't read? Isn't it just another form of media consumption? In the past people talked about reading novels the same way we talk about the internet now, that it was a hypnotic time suck ruining the minds of the young.

>> No.21306365

They were all diagnosed with adhd as children by the predatory (((medical industry))) and now believe they literally can't read a book. There were 3 threads today asking how it's possible to read a book with adhd and I would bet a million dollars they were all started by zoomers with tiktok addictions.

>> No.21306370

>isn't it just another form of media consumption

>> No.21306374

generations are like 15 years you retard

>> No.21306376

What makes it different from watching movies or Television? It demands a bit more from you in terms of imagination, but I don't think reading for pleasure improves you as a person.

>> No.21306397

I like it this way, the less people that reads the smarter i look

>> No.21306401

>what makes it different from television
A few things
>requires more active imagination to engage with, using more of your brain than watching a screen
>has a longer history than television, you can read the actual words of those dead for thousands of years
>because all it takes to write is having ideas, there are more writers than television producers, there is vastly more written material than televised material and the greatest literature has been preserved for, like I said, thousands of years, or in some cases hundreds
>the medium is essential for transmitting thoughts directly and clearly, there is no televised analogue to great literature for the most part because such a thing would be too expensive to produce and yield no return
>the vast majority of written work has never been put to screen and never can be effectively

The list could go on and on and on and on and on and on and dude you're the 5 millionth person I've seen ask this reddit question or insist, most redditlike, that reading is pointless and nothing more than media consumption. There's good TV and there are good movies but the history of those mediums is not even a 50th as long as literature and because they're just totally different. You're a fucking moron and I hate you.

>> No.21306405

And maybe you should actually try reading and see if you can notice a difference you stupid fucking piece of shit.

>> No.21306419

>requires more active imagination to engage with, using more of your brain than watching a screen
I already said this.
>has a longer history than television, you can read the actual words of those dead for thousands of years
Well not their actual words unless you learn those languages which almost no one does. You're reading a reinterpretation.
>because all it takes to write is having ideas, there are more writers than television producers, there is vastly more written material than televised material and the greatest literature has been preserved for, like I said, thousands of years, or in some cases hundreds
Literature has a bigger catalogue but there's already more movies than anyone could watch in many lifetimes.
>the medium is essential for transmitting thoughts directly and clearly, there is no televised analogue to great literature for the most part because such a thing would be too expensive to produce and yield no return
You do realise that television and movies are written as well? Also not all thoughts are words so expression in literature would seem paltry compared to film which combines words, music, and the visual arts.
>the vast majority of written work has never been put to screen and never can be effectively
This is true but it's also true that movies can't be effectively novelised.

>> No.21306424

Okay retard.

>> No.21306437

I accept your surrender.

>> No.21306442

No you're just too stupid to waste more time on.

>> No.21306443

Don't bother trying to fix the zoomers. Save the ones you can, use those ones as thought-leaders to lead the retarded ones efficiently by radicalizing them into some form of fascism, then raise a generation of normal humans after that.

Zoomers are partly a self-solving problem anyway. If they aren't mixed race already, they will breed with minorities and just become another drop in the bucket of mixed race people who like to live in megacities and talk all day on their smartphone on speaker mode. Or they won't have kids at all. Either way, they remain in big urban centers that are going to start dying soon.

>> No.21306450

>kids these days
How original, nobody has ever complained about the youngest generation before

>> No.21306476
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I read at least one book a week and am 22, checkmate millenaloid

>> No.21306479

>at restaurant with mom
>"This soup is cold"
Ever thought that sometimes a thing is just what people are saying it is, and it's not some complex game of projecting an identity by taking a certain stance on it

>> No.21306496

>actual nonsense babyrage
Nerve struck

>> No.21306504

>superfluous "actual"

>> No.21306537
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Indeed. The masses were never meant to read, nor were they ever capable of reading. They're simply cattle that just exist and consoome, because civilization allows the weak (both physically and mentally) to survive, pass on their inferior genes and produce more of their kind.

>> No.21306573

You're an arrogant twit. You can't actually argue that reading makes you a better person you just think it should because you read.

>> No.21306589

I'm 20 and I've read 14 books this year but I only know 2 fellow zoomers that read.

>> No.21306601

A lot 22 year olds here, how come?

>> No.21306639

>history is written by the writers.
This is a pretty based take.

>> No.21306655
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>> No.21306736

How do you know that? How many zoomers are you interacting with to have formed this opinion?

>> No.21306758

20. Biblically 40.

>> No.21306786

It’s funny how /lit/ is probably the most Tiktok addicted board. Is it the high amount of pseudointellectual zoomers or women?

>> No.21306789

>Is it the high amount of pseudointellectual zoomers or women?
No, just another excuse to not read.

>> No.21306934

Young adult fiction is consumed by a growing amount of grownup-children who cannot progress any farther

>> No.21306988

The YA fans and writers on twitter are hilarious. They get mad at being shamed for reading dross meant for high schoolers, but they also complain that books for adults are too boring. A while ago some of them got tired of immature YA novel and tried to argue for YA novels for adults. As in books for adults who are emotionally stunted.

>> No.21307024

Why is /lit/ so obssessed with zoomers?

>> No.21307033

They are a cancerous plague. They got z-lib banned due to their use of tiktok.

>> No.21307034

Maybe "reading for pleasure" doesn't, but if you don't read for knowledge, your opinion or perspective or expertise on literally anything can be safely dismissed as the product of low-grade propaganda competing for your attention from various forces. Watch a documentary, I guess, when you want to pretend you're actually learning something comprehensively, brainlet.

>> No.21307075

Yeah, zoomers suck, but it's funny that all of this irrational seething hatred toward anyone in this age range statistically is likely to come from almost all millenials, who basically debuted and pioneered every negative and positive trait of zoomers as a generation and directly set the stage for every act of the cultural situation they were born into. Imagine millennials on 4chan clinging to what tiny shred of blind superiority they can find in the fact that they're over 30 and blaming child victims of technocracy for their own poisoning of the cultural sphere with their delusional narcissism and then split the scene, fucked the camp, grabbing what little was afforded them by their vampire octogenarian overlords. Generation war is for pseuds and retards, though. 4chan will never admit it, but it's obsessed and blindly entrenched in following the same uncritical system of pointless identity politics, just a mirror image from the mainstream quasi-liberal doctrine.

>> No.21307079

mass literacy was a mistake anyway

>> No.21307147

Who cares about z-library

>> No.21307188

You don’t read anyways.

>> No.21307197

t. zoomer who doesn't read

>> No.21307211

There is a serious case to be made that literature was never a uniquely great form of art and the only reason it was so influential in history is because it was the best technological medium that was available. Literature significantly declined after World War 2 because superior technology emerged and industrial societies had no reason to look at novelists, poets and religious scholars for wisdom anymore. The average citizen doesn't even need to be literate in order for information to be relayed down to them now that we have television, cinema, music, video and computer games. Tolstoy is not an inherently better artist than Steven Spielberg and Mozart is not inherently superior to the Beatles. The influence of the old master artists was only a result of their material conditions and the necessity for art in older time periods. Nowadays, art is not necessary, only content is. Literature is a dead medium and its obsolescence can only be explained through historical materialism. Otherwise if literature was so profound and important then it would be preserved and illiterate societies would be inferior. But they aren't; societies where people read less and where literature is garbage like America are the most advanced in the world. The best art that has ever been produced is being made right now and you're all too arrogant to see it. Just shut up and listen to a Kendrick Lamar album for once. He won a Pulitzer Prize and your favorite writer didn't.

>> No.21307212

Booktok begs to differ. It's YA trash and they only really got into it during the quarantine when they had no alternative and it's mostly females, but they're reading.

>> No.21307293

The fuck is booktok?

>> No.21307324
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>NOBODY under the age of like 23 is reading even semi-casually anymore
I'm 18.
TikTok community about books. It's mostly Colleen Hoover books.

>> No.21307399

Just goes to show how limited a worldview the posters here have.

>> No.21307418

This board is literally posts about the same authors over and over and someone will say "so and so I've never read sucks, you're a pseud midwit" and then the other guy will say "imagine being filtered by this author/book." And that is every single discussion. It's appealing to like 22 year old college students.

>> No.21307428

No you retard you're the one making a totally absurd claim (there's nothing you can get from reading that you can't get from TV) and then sperging about how movies are just as deep as literature. I never said movies are a pointless artform compared to books, and I wouldn't make that claim because it would be almost equally as retarded. There are currently thousands of books on hundreds of subjects that you can't watch on TV which should be your first clue that you're completely wrong.

>> No.21307431

Women are almost all the fiction readers in the world yet I've never seen a literature discussion forum that wasn't 90+% men. Really makes you think.

>> No.21307437

>I'm not making shit up here
But you are.

>> No.21307438

I am 20 years old, and so far I have read 48 books this year, split evenly between long novels and shorter novellas/short stories/poetry anthologies.

>> No.21307468

three weeks ago I read Soumission, Typee, and Tender is the Night. All in a week's NEETing.

>> No.21307482

Disagree. People go after pretentiousness, or condescending people. Ive found people respect and admire someone who reads a lot, when it is organically demonstrated rather than as a point of unjustified superiority.

Or you're just ugly anon. If you're ugly then I'm going to see everything you do as ugly, as things ugly people do, because you are ugly, and ugliness is ugly.

>> No.21307540

>People who pursue the latter are often ridiculed and questioned for making such a seemingly irrational decision (See: Arts degrees).
A bachelor's degree in a humanities subject today is literally equivalent to like the 8th grade in Joyce's era, but the latter would actually probably be somewhat fluent in Greek and Latin and have many poems and ideas fully memorized already. People are mocked for going through these degrees because what they want and expect is to put no work into learning anything, get their credits (usually with a bunch of total goyslop anti-humanity political propaganda either forced in there or greedily slurped up and adjoining to their 'speciality') get their piece of paper, and then "do something effortless in their field" and receive a relatively huge salary (compared to the average person) while every day people who aren't so PRIVILEGED have to work real and difficult jobs, for less money, and which will likely harm their bodies over the long-term with no support structure and a government that throws warm bodies of immigrants at them constantly and removes their industries by shipping them oversees at the behest of unchecked globalist corporations who pay off politicians. These same people who want their degree which is less than worthless to earn them a huge salary then condescending towards labourers who make everything function "LMAO IF AN IMMIGRANT REPLACES YOU THEN UR JUST DUMB HAHA RETARD" but when THEY can't get jobs because THEIR supposed area of ((("""expertise"""))) is saturated by degree holders from universities impossible not to graduate from they screech and cry that they were tricked somehow. Scholars and academics of the past would read and speak many languages by default. A bachelor's in education degree holder today knows literally nothing. They deserve nothing but scorn.

>> No.21307682

This is the correct answer. Most "people" are better off never learning to read. Literacy should have been kept in a tight circle of literatis. Ye olde chinese did it right, they kept on using logograms so that plebs could never be able to learn how to read and write.

>> No.21307782

And they were right.

>> No.21307946

People born in the year 2000 are often sacred because of the numerology of being on the dot of the third millenium. Which is why they will be spared when the rest of the zoomers are culled by the Antichrist.

>> No.21307953

>but the latter would actually probably be somewhat fluent in Greek and Latin
no one gets fluent in these languages that quickly using the methods used in schools; you just get better at translating it
believe me, i had 4 years of latin in middle/hs and even my latin teacher said that there are only a few people at uni that can sight read both latin and greek (those that have done it for decades)
she's still the only person i've known that's actually fluent in both

>> No.21307968

I actually noticed the reverse. It seems to me that more and more people read especially girls

>> No.21307974

I've read every book in exitence so there's nothing left for me to do but watch streamers play videogames.

>> No.21307996

you're so cool dude

>> No.21307998

Yeah I think people on /lit/ do read… generalizing by generation is stupid too. Literacy levels have been dropping for a while now but there’s always going to be outliers. Plus so many people go to college where you’re gonna have to read to fucking pass. I think it’s mostly a problem with grade school kids because they would rather be on their phone that’s why you hear elementary school teachers and the likes talking about it. Reading has just become an adults activity for the most part, probably.

>> No.21308031

probably should've read that instead of serotonin
serotonin was pretty mediocre desu

>> No.21308039

>oh no this generation of kids is the dumbest ever haha we're so much better than them the way WE did things was so much more SENSIBLE
repeat ad infinitum

>> No.21308098

no, many were actually fluent and could compose long texts

Gauss, age 22: https://www.thelatinlibrary.com/gauss.html
Marx, age 17: https://www.thelatinlibrary.com/marx.html
Nietzsche, age 20: https://ia802806.us.archive.org/17/items/NietzscheTheognisOfMegaraintegral/Nietzsche%20%3D%20Theognis%20of%20Megara%20%5Bintegral%5D.pdf
Rimbaud, age 14: https://www.thelatinlibrary.com/rimbaud.html

these were prodigies, but here are some typical college entrance exams from the 1920s, for candidates who had had about 4 years of Latin:

>> No.21308692

This wicked person with a shabby degree doesnt exist
Latin and Classical Greek no longer have market value, their used to be many untranslated texts of these langauges. Now there are not, and now even Catholics need to know Latin. It provides nothing to modern people besides patriotic Med immigrants and maybe a few Irish.
If you dont believe art can have objective merit what are you doing on a Literature board? What are you doing reading? Go inhale some dope Mr. Hedonist

>> No.21308919

Thanks for this.

>> No.21309373

Literature is an art form that uses language as a medium. TV and movies are audiovisual entertainment. Both are similar to the extent they are fiction. But literary works can describe feelings, thoughts and the world in a radically diferent way than a movie or a tv show.
Try reading Rimbaud's poetry or the Divine Comedy and tell you could replicate those experiences in a screen.

>> No.21309632

lots of zoomers read quite a bit they're typically just reading pornographic fanfiction or depthless YA/fantasy slop
so same as it ever was really
t. 24 year old zoomer who reads classics when I want art that actually means something but also plays vidya when I'm tired after work and just want to consoom brainless garbage for a bit

>> No.21309659

Based Tanya enjoyer

>> No.21309823

Who the hell is tanya?

>> No.21309840

Wow I've never seen a more obvious lie how's it doing for you

>> No.21309917
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To be fair, I think it's pretty normal to have a decline in reading in the teenage-young adult years when your hormones are going crazy and you're stressed about 100s of irrelevant things. I'm a millennial and I had a similar drop off from around 13-18, then gradually got back to reading a book a month, now 2-3, for the sake of improving my writing.

But, yeah, reading as a whole is plummeting as technology continues advancing with younger and older people alike.

>> No.21310348
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It's a specific subset of 4chan that rags on about zoomers and shit.

>> No.21310384

I am also 30 and my niece just turned 17 and she reads (she is also quite attractive and popular at school and not some outcast), I have also been to a book fair once (happened to be there by accident) and the majority of people there were zoomers and very few older people

>> No.21310601

We had a homework to write a scientific review in 500-700 words of a journal we had to read and we had a week to do it, everyone in the group threw fits and were needlessly dramatic about it. Zoomers are a joke, but then again, our education system is different and people have the wrong perception of what studying actually is, and what steps are expected of you if you really want to commit to the process.

>> No.21311803

What's going on in that image?

>> No.21312170

Generation depends of when your parents had kids.

>> No.21312174

Buying something does not reading equal

>> No.21312209

And you know this how?

>> No.21312270
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magine being in the apocalypse and not having rea the Holy Bible prophecies and repenting.

>> No.21312274

motherfucker they aint reading cuz all they knew their whole life was vampire hivemind plastic propaganda, give em a reason to look past the lies and self centerdness and they will catch on

>> No.21312308

I would care if there was some kind of notable difference in the quality of thought between those who read a lot and those who don't, but that isn't really the case. Most people I've seen who read a lot a still disappointingly basic in their ideas and mindset and never seem to derive the benefit of thinking in more novel ways. They just know a few extra things they will repeat to look smart. Most people I know who read a lot can't even seem to muster the critical thinking abilities to dismiss political electioneering propaganda or centuries old repeats of wartime atrocity propaganda cliches. You'll never see a group of people more bought in on cheap political mudslinging ads than the voracious readers at your local book club. They genuinely believe things like the republican party wants to create a Christofascist socierty that follows the Handmaid's Tale. 85 iq niggers understand how the political machine works better than these wide eyed rubes.

That's just one example. Over on this board there's shit like trad cath pseuds who like to present as well read, yet 4 posts into questioning their beliefs they break down into name calling and self righteous platitudes. They (supposedly) read a whole bunch of Christian theological texts, aka 2000 years of spergs trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and yet they are eventually revealed as equally childlike as the low church protestant snake handlers they love to look down upon.

More idiots reading doesn't seem to be lead to anything better than what we have now.

>> No.21312316

As a zoomer here (19 so no ban) I can attest to this. I read all the time, mainly nonfiction, and everyone in my class thought it was weird. When I asked other people why they didn't read I always got stupid excuses. Something weird I noticed is that the demographic in my school that read more was the girls, but all they do is mainly read fiction and not even good fiction at that.

>> No.21312319

Reading is important for culture as a whole, the lack of reading is probably a contributor to the absolute cultural, emotional, and intelligent decline in our current generation.

>> No.21312329
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>> No.21312337

It doesn't just matter if she reads, it's also of importance what she reads.

>> No.21312338

>the overwhelming majority of young people do not read ANYTHING beyond ESL Tik Tok captions and unpunctuated text messages
I wonder why so fucking many of them want to be published writers.

>> No.21312347

I am 20 and I haven't even read 28 books in my whole life.

>> No.21312348

I think we need to groom people into thinking reading is trad and edgy by today standards

>> No.21312446

you dont have to groom them, warn them, because
the end is nigh
repent today, salvation and love guaranteed, free of charge, immediate delivery

>> No.21312490

Holy Krugeronis.
Also cope.

>> No.21312507

video games provide better worldbuilding than literature ever could and no amount of shaking your fist at the clouds will make zoomers the retards you want them to be

>> No.21313653

stop the cap old man, I'm 20 and I finished Faust yesterday

>> No.21313678

bro, just 100 years ago the majority didn't even KNOW how to read.

>> No.21313685

jolly cooperation

>> No.21314377

>encourage discussion of literature, and eventually the younger people will catch on.
sorry senpai imma keep making BBC threads

>> No.21314545

No one cares about the british broadcasting corporation outside of Perfidious Albion.

>> No.21314561 [DELETED] 

Who cares what everyone else does? If you like reading, then read. You should be reading because you enjoy it in the first place. Not because you’ll impress your peers and seem like a highbrow gentleman. If you’re reading and you don’t have fun, then stop

>> No.21314565

My friend is an English Lit teacher at a school and even he doesn't read.

>> No.21314568

Are you really asking why people on forum about literature discuss reading?
Are you profoundly mentally retarded or are you missing something or how do people like you exist?

>> No.21314569 [DELETED] 

/lit/ is a hybrid of /pol/ and /r9k/ with a splash of /b/ and /adv/ thrown in. Times have changed

>> No.21314684

>Zoomers literally don't read, bros. I'm not making shit up here, NOBODY under the age of like 23 is reading even semi-casually anymore. Fuck self-help books, fuck Wikipedia articles, fuck 4chan posts, the overwhelming majority of young people do not read ANYTHING beyond ESL TikTok captions and unpunctuated text messages. This is what 21st century literacy has become and not a single educator wants to even broach the subject.
False, I'm 22 and read 30 harem novels this year. Of course zoomers read, they just need to read what they like, instead of getting shit like Old Man and Sea thrown at them

>> No.21315937
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>> No.21317288

>a single educator wants to even broach the subject
They actually do. Go browse r*ddit teachers and most of them have given up. Kids are all brain dead now. If it's not a video they won't interact with it.

>> No.21317335

"My Collected 4chan posts - years 2006-2012" will be released next year, I expect it will be a success.

>> No.21317360

i don't get it

>> No.21317367

stfu man

>> No.21317372

im buying it

>> No.21317373


>> No.21317376

i've been reading for nearly 5 years and i haven't improved all that much

>> No.21317386

>you can multitask wifis
>with your portable wiseguys
>they've got cameras and a thousand hit songs
>but you only play them a few seconds
>then you're off to the next one
Apathy Waltz. Junior Brown

>> No.21317390

Why read if there are YouTube videos (for non fiction) and television series? Novels were the series of their time. Books are a dying medium.

>> No.21317717

I've been reading since I'm 12 but now even books starts to cost more and more, I'm so tired bros

>> No.21317751

>I'm so tired bros
you know what to do

>> No.21317763

pirate them ? sleep ? I already do both

>> No.21317967

>18 and younger

>> No.21317984

maybe you guys should start by making the notorious board that nobody want to say its name to read first
and they should be able to do better than just mention the title themselves

>> No.21318000

>Gen Y
>already moved down to 93

What is with self-hating Millennials and constantly changing the years of their own generation? It's gone from 2004 -- the Strauss/Howe timeline; one of whom coined the actual term Millennial -- to 2001, to 2000, to 99, to 98, to 97, to 96, and now I'm seeing 93.

Soon, it will be just 1 year.

>> No.21318042

That’s not how I see it. They were the first to realize how bad things really were.

>> No.21318057

I am 22 and was born in 99. Get bent zoomer.

>> No.21318095
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21 and only read 7 books so far
I only started actually reading for the first time this year, so i don't know if that is a good or bad amount.

>> No.21318154

I am under the age of 23 and enjoy reading :)

>> No.21318210

You are a zoomer, fucking retard
23 year old zoomer here

>> No.21318217

Do you have autism?

>> No.21318629

Schools torture children by making them write 10 page book analysis on absolute trash dogshit garbage like catcher in the rye, so i can't really blame them

>> No.21318640

That infograph was made in 2012.
The oldest zoomers are 28.

>> No.21318734

these dates are a bit wrong. Personally i would do something closer to

>> No.21318759

Plenty of zoomers read trash like litrpg and light novels. They just have shit taste like this faggot >>21318629 and blame schools for their own failure to improve themselves and appreciate good literature

>> No.21318773

>Mozart is not inherently superior to the Beatles
You're so retarded I don't even want to argue with you about it. And I come to 4chan to argue. You are wrong and the irony of your post calling others arrogant is probably lost on you. If you don't know the difference between art and content, well, go suck andy warhol's dead, shriveled old cock.

>> No.21318891

Not him, but The Catcher in the Rye is glowie shit, though.

>> No.21318903

He thinks it only zoomers, lol. I bet you there boomers who haven't picked up a book expect when it was given to them as school assignment. I don't mean millennials.

>> No.21318915

It doesn't really matter, as the last millenials are honorary zoomers who want to chop their genitals.

>> No.21318919

You are retarded. If you go to a university or such you'll find a lot of people who read. If you go to 22 year old cashier who smokes pot on his break of course he probably doesn't. Retards don't read, smart people and pseuds do. That's the case with zoomers and with old shits as well.

>> No.21318921 [DELETED] 

I see a lot of older boomers in good professions reading Clancy, Patterson and the ilk. Always surprising but goes to show that you can’t judge someone’s intelligence by what they read

>> No.21318937

no, it shows that you cant judge someone's intelligence by their profession

>> No.21318946 [DELETED] 

Idk. I think a surgeon or mathematician reading Clancy is smarter than some 18 year old /lit/boy “reading” Aristotle to be smart, and getting off on calling others niggers, trannies and Reddit

>> No.21318999

keep seething, nobody likes it but burned out boomers

>> No.21319028 [DELETED] 

You also have to remember that many boomers just want to read for pure fun. They see it as watching a movie. Nothing wrong with that. At least they read instead of lying on an anonymous Hungarian toast making website

>> No.21319036

deleted it do to horrid grammar mistakes I was hoping nobody would comment on it. I need to read out what I type.

>> No.21319048

it sucks that people this retarded are allowed to live

>> No.21319054

If literature is so great then it would not have declined so much.

>> No.21319232


>> No.21319247

>I'm also 22 and I read but I wouldn't consider myself a zoomer.
Too bad, you are

>> No.21319424

Required reading is cancer. Let them choose what they want to read ffs
Krashen was right about everything. Free Voluntary Reading (FVR) is the way to go.

>> No.21319521
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I read the three musketeers and foundation this year
t. zoomer

>> No.21319578

I am 18 and in highschool. Guys dont read anymore. I read, and one other guy I know reads, and that's it in my school of around 3-4 thousand people.

I would say that around 30% of the girls at my highschool read semi-regularly, but the majority of these readers read shitty modern romance novels. Of the 3 girls I know that read other books, 2 are slightly autistic (not obvious, noticeable autism). Reading isn't dead in our generation, it is just a very niche hobby now. The very small reading community I have in my school is actually really cozy.

These numbers are probably more than typical too, seeing as that I go to a very nice highschool (still public, but in a rich area).

>> No.21319722

>>Free Voluntary Reading (FVR) is the way to go.
>I choose 120 Days of Sodom, teacher.

>> No.21319778

I read.

>> No.21319894
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Actually I read-

Damn, I am 23.

>> No.21320006

The Novel peaked sometime in the 20th Century. Even on here, people mostly want to discuss books from no later than the 20th Century, perhaps barring a select few meme-tier authors.

>> No.21320305

>Tanya the evil
Obligatory "KILL YOURSELF".

>> No.21320338

>Mistrust in political systems
You're full of shit

>> No.21320364

Good going anon

>> No.21320929

sound like brave new world, op.

>> No.21320983

I was going to bitch about how I am a zoomer and read but then I realized this is b8
So here's a (you) instead

>> No.21321066
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>Yeah, zoomers suck, but it's funny that all of this irrational seething hatred toward anyone in this age range statistically is likely to come from almost all millenials, who basically debuted and pioneered every negative and positive trait of zoomers as a generation

Exactly. Every single problem people love to bitch about came from millennials.

>Elliot Rodger? Millennial.
>Seung-Hi Cho? Millennial.
>Adam Lanza? Millennial.
>SJWs? Millennials.
>"Sex work is real work"? Millennials.
>Incels? Millennials,
>Femcels? Millennials.
>Wokeness? Millennials.
>Anti-whiteness? Millennials.
>Radfems? Millennials.
>Most mass shooters? Millennials.
>Most ISIS recruits? Millennials.
>Refugees welcome? Millennials.
>Brandon Tarrant? Millennial.
>Consoomers? Millennials.
>Everyone's favorite franchises going up in flames? Millennials.

Need I go on? Why are millennials always at the forefront of every fucked up thing in society? How did a generation raised on the Attitude Era, classic Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead and the like grow up to be even worse than the religious right?

>> No.21321070
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For all their talk about how bad the religious right was, I don't see them trying to be any better. That's their problem, these millennials. They're emotional and mental cripples. You look up any batshit hot take online or wherever and look up the birth year and there it is: it's a millennial. Try it sometime. Millennials also are behind every destructive force in our culture today. Shitty game devs? Millennials enable them. No one reads anymore? Millennials enable publishers putting out total dross. Everything today is a reboot, retread, whatever? Millennials are the ones demanding it. The millennial cannot create, it can only destroy. And you watch, in a few years, as zoomers take the rest of the spotlight, millennials are gonna get even more batshit insane. The blue checks are gonna start talking about "trans-ageism" and the like. You just watch. Twitter is going to be so much worse when the blue checks have their midlife crises. My hot take is that 10 years from now ageism will be the next big thing as the current blue checks in media/academia get replaced by future zoomer blue checks. Twitter is going to be full of today’s blue checks but even more insufferable due to menopause hormones and the well known decline in happiness in middle age, as well as future zoomer blue checks who will be in an arms race for the most absurd and novel niche identities to get attention/jobs/funding/etc. Millennials will try to play catch up by larping as those identities once they get made up, but zoomers will be given priority in terms of hiring and exposure in media/academia and other industries as they will be the trailblazers of these new oppressed identities, causing an outpouring of millennial rage over not having the spotlight any more, leading to ever more intensely absurd identities being manufactured by millennials to compensate for their increasing invisibility and irrelevance due to age. I also predict that there will be trans-age people, mainly women (as aging will make a bigger difference to the attention they’re used to getting than it will for men), so don’t be surprised when 45 year old women come out as identifying as 22 year olds and demand to be treated as such. Much like pronouns are mentioned in bios today, their bios will mention the year they identify as being born in. And, as it does today, the nonsense from Twitter will permeate other aspects of society, so it won’t be contained there. If you think it’s grim now just you wait. If you thought boomers were bad, millennials will be even worse. I can only imagine the suicide rates once they hit old age and look back at all the shit they wasted their time on.

>> No.21321073
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I'm 20 going on 21 and am about to finish The Idiot, making it my 41st book this year. I started reading once Covid hit and I realized I needed a new hobby, started with Stephen King and now I'm deep into the classics, though I would like some more understated stuff like Stoner. I'm always trying to get some of my other friends to read, one of my closest friends just bought a bunch of books including V. and The Stranger after I've told him how much better reading is compared to vidya or TV shows since they all sort of "suck now". I hope he sticks with it.

>> No.21321076
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There's a reason millennials are called Generation Y. Y as in "WHY?" "Why do I have to adult?" "Why boomers do this?" "Why do zoomers do that?" Millennials are called Gen Y because all they know is to ask "Why?" They don't bother to fix the why. They don't wanna. Adulting is the curse of living for them. They'll blame everyone else on the planet for why they can't get their shit together. It's always amusing seeing Millennials bitch about how hard they have it when I know exactly what their spending habits are.

>> No.21321102
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Same here broski, I go to the gym for about an hour and a half every morning, 5-6 days a week. I'm known as the "reader, intellectual". I've read about on average three to four books a month (varying depending on the length of some like 2666 taking a whole month). I go to university full-time and have an internship lined up for next semester. What I see whenever I log on is that people in their free time just doomscroll or ladderfag on valorant or other similar vidyas. It's depressing.

Anytime I try to extoll the amount of enjoyment of just reading, not because it makes me smarter so I can show off but just, the same enjoyment people get from any great story in movies, TV shows, or video games. It's still something unique, I don't get why it's seen as this impossible bar for so many people my age to do (i'm 20).

>> No.21321121

Tons of my students read. They read what they're interested in, which has its own merits. I try to recommend stuff within similar genres to them but is a little more complex thematically

>> No.21321162

EVERYONE READS MORE THAN EVER. how are you engaging with anything on this screen otherwise? you guys are so fucking stupid you've completely objectified a faculty of the brain. if it's not a book you're not "reading". if it's not in certain typeset and block-format it's not "literature" but a comic. if you don't hold it with your hands it's not like, approved to be logged on goodreads tm, bro, computers hurt my eyes. good god. get a fucking grip. you guys think you are above everyone else when you've got more hiccups than any npc ass bitch out there who is, in fact, reading more ever and certainly more than you. >>21319054 only non retard on the thread

>> No.21321188

18. My best friend also reads. He is the only one I see as a perfect equal and can have a real conversation with.

No others in my school even have original thought. No ideas, nothing. If I'm lucky, the rest will ask questions during conversation, but they will never contribute their own thoughts.

>> No.21321195
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>No others in my school even have original thought. No ideas, nothing. If I'm lucky, the rest will ask questions during conversation, but they will never contribute their own thoughts.

>> No.21321200
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>How did a generation raised on the Attitude Era, classic Simpsons, Beavis and Butthead
thats it... as a millenial myself. we were raised in a culture where having radical attitudes was cool. were detachment was cool. if you are the most radical skate board nike surfer guy you are just real, not like everybody else. millenials are just like jaded and sarcastic hippys but ulitmately in love with his own branch of "radicalism" or progresivisim or tolerance seeing in his mind as that nike surfer cool guy. if a millenial dont see a freshness of a soda commercial in the cause he is followig, he just feel vapid and empty, he dont care about the cause at all. he care about the perceived radicality and coolness of the cause.

>> No.21321204

My fictional wife

>> No.21321211
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>you guys are so fucking stupid you've completely objectified a faculty of the brain.

Dude, you're reading too much into it. These anons are just glorified attention whores who come up with more and more outlandish propositions to justify their own self-loathing. It's a common habit among failed millennials. Getting an actual life and personality is too hard, so just say whatever you can that gets a reaction for those sweet, sweet internet points so people know how heckin cute and based/valid you are. Whenever I see anons whining about women or blue checks about white men, I know exactly who they are: bored with life, too lazy to change it, desperate for someone, anyone, to notice 'em, 'cause being noticed as a tremendous faggot is better than being ignored just like >>21321200 pointed out.

>> No.21321340

>>The greatest minds in history could have only dreamed of the information now available to the average person (online and print).
What's the best way to make use of it bros? I already read and have a vast general knowledge. I want to git gud at something hard and useful.

>> No.21321364

Totally correct. I hate using generational labels in general but the "Millennial" generation (people raised from the late 80s to early 2000s, usually in their 30s now) is the source of every social cancer that you see grifted by the media and every other institution. People love to shit on Zoomers but they have no real stake in society yet, they're a lost generation raised on Internet consumption and apathy. Millennials on the other hand are already settled in society as workers, politicians, academics, etc, and they are the ones who are usually infantilized worthless dregs. The largest demographic in America will eventually be unmarried 30-somethings with more college degrees than children. They are a miserable people, filled with spite and anxiety but still feeling entitled to all the riches their parents had. Their politics of resentment is almost like a form of revenge, and everything bad you can say about Zoomers is just residue from their older siblings, the Millennials.

>> No.21321442
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>I hate using generational labels in general

I hate using 'em too, but it's pretty sad that millennials spent over a decade whining about boomers shitting on them only to parrot the exact same arguments to use as a cudgel on the zoomers—and when you point out how millennials were just as cringy and dorky as zoomers can be today, they tell you oh, that's different. Excuse after excuse. Remember the Saints Row reboot? The devs literally said it was a MILLENNIAL power fantasy and yet everyone blamed zoomers. So many millennials love to act like their shit don't stink, yet it's always a millennial whining about how "problematic" or "degenerate" something is, and if you dare to tell 'em to knock that faggotry off and get a life, suddenly you're every kind of -ist in the book. Like, dude, Stacy won’t give me the coochie—oh my God, I’m so blackpilled, man! Muh peepee no get the succ! Millennials claim to be the first generation to have the Internet? Wrong. That was Gen X. Millennials were there for the grand opening day of AOL and Newgrounds, and within a single decade, basically killed ‘em off in favor of sterile shitloads of fuck like Twitter and Reddit. Saints Row reboot devs explictly state it's a MILLENNIAL power fantasy? Nah, man, it's the zoomers who ruined yet another franchise. So many millennials are a bunch of disgustingly cynical fauxnatic pretend zealots who decide that such a cause is the perfect excuse to act like the biggest and most obnoxious and offensive scumbags they can think of in order to get social media asspats for stunning and brave radicalism, to act out masturbatory LARP revolutionary fantasies. They mindlessly latch on to whatever is in vogue, mindlessly run it into the ground by forcing it to conform to the ever changing ever more obnoxious and insufferable and insincencere groupthink politics that are fashionable wherever they are trying to grift. mindlessly lash out and try to demonise and silence anyone who speaks out in any way against them, and then once it has become a burnt out husk they will mindlessly drop it and move onto the next big thing. This is true for everything from politics to pop culture to science to media to academia. They will do this for any petty amount of money, fame, or power, or even just to satisfy either some mental illness or some petty grudge on their part. My only hopes is that by the time I grow to be in my seventies and eighties, I won't be dementia addled enough to be unable to laugh my ass off at all them. Take every Incel, Doomer, Dangerhair, Basedboy, e-Thot, Troon, any other stereotypical trope the millenial generation got dealt with, and just picture how they'll all be in the next fifty to sixty years from now. And the saddest shit is that we'll all have to cry and pretend that it's oh so sad they're all offing themselves one after the other as if they didn't make the conscious choice to waste their lives "pretending to be retarded" or whatever.

>> No.21321464

>fluent in Greek and Latin
Why not Aramaic and Nahuatl?
Useless garbage. Learn to think for yourselves and not regurgitate outdated memes from people you want to impersonate. Anybody who isn't a scholar doing translations learning these dead languages are fucking retarded posers

>> No.21321472
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Look no further than this obession over trannies. We went from "lol nobody watches women's sports, bro," to "WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE FEMALE ATHLETES?!" literally overnight, and why? Because terminally online millennials have to get that sweet, sweet, validation somehow. And what's even sadder is that the media actually fans the flames of this shit and makes it sound like (insert country here) will soon be destroyed by (insert group of terminally online dorks here) when the reality is that you will never meet any of them in real life. The truth is going to be hard for "culture warriors" to swallow, but the culture war has lost its relevance (if it even had any) in the modern world. Sure, you still have local media, corporate, and government organs expressing support for things like LGBTQ or abortion, but it's more of a token gesture of support rather than a genuine expression of solidarity. Even the TV series "The Boys" highlighted this by having a segment where the megacorporation known as Vought shows open support for things like BLM and LGBT, but behind closed doors, they couldn't be bothered to give a shit about those groups. In the real world, very few people gave a shit about things like Gamergate, even at its height, and now that things are dying down, Trump's popularity is dying, and both the SJWs and their enemies are growing less relevant by the day, and very few people still care anymore about propagating or countering SJW influence in things like games, comic books, or movies. Things that reach real success, like Cobra Kai, House of the Dragon, Andor, the new God of War, and tons of manga and anime either don't bother with SJW bullshit or keep it subtle enough that normies (aka "people whom I'm totally not jealous and envious of, honest!") who don't like or care about SJW nonsense won't get bothered by it. Within 20 years or so, we'll see a millennial version of Cotton Hill on an animated sitcom talking about how they owned fiddy libs or cancelled fiddy cishets, and that will be the lasting legacy of the culture war: a fucking punchline.

>> No.21321475

Why is this special? There are plenty of children fluent in multiple languages today. I spoke 3 languages from 2 different language families fluently by the time I was around 20.
What exactly makes learning meme faggot languages like latin and greek any different?
Lets see this "prodigies" learn arabic or those super smart college boys from the 1920s be tested in Chinese

>> No.21321484

this is just cope, I'm sure loads of retards said the same shit before the commies/nazis/any extremists took power in any state.

>> No.21321492
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>I'm sure loads of retards said the same shit before the commies/nazis/any extremists took power in any state.

First off, today's "extremists" are good for nothing LARPing faggots waiting for someone else to do the dirty work. They ain't taking power anywhere, and you know it. Secondly, take the latest political nonsense for example. Trumpsters are as bad as the Democrats that cried about hanging chads and that Bush the Younger stole the election from Al Gore back in 2000, except Al Gore admitted he lost and conceded the election. Life continued. What fascinates me is that when Trump was elected, people had years-long meltdowns, thinking they'd get thrown in FEMA camps and get gassed, while Trump would sell out the country to Russia. We had a good laugh and nothing happened. And then Biden gets elected and what is the first reaction of Trumptards? Hurr durr, they stole the election, they'll put us in FEMA camps and gas us! America is fucked, Biden will sell out the country to China! Abloo bloo bloo. Can't make this shit up. I stopped paying attention after a while because it as a lot of stupid. But what I do remember is something that always comes up whenever there's going to be a regime change. The opposition always says the same thing, “there's going to be a crisis right before the election. President (whoever) will suspend the election, declare martial law and will be set up as El Presidente for life and the Republicans or Democrats will go along with it. We'll then be rounded up and sent to re-education camps and blah blah blah. This has been going on since Bush the Younger was in office or at least that's when I noticed it the first time. I'd be surprised if it hasn't been going back for longer at least since the eighties but social media has invaded our very lives meaning it's so much easier to find now. Clinton didn't suspend elections. Busch didn't suspend elections. Gore didn't suspend elections. Trump didn't suspend elections, and Biden won't suspend elections. Please. Find another empty conspiracy to push forward. This one is really getting tired.

>> No.21321499
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>YouTube videos (for non fiction

>> No.21321513

>except Al Gore admitted he lost and conceded the election. Life continued.
he start the whole climate change agenda as a cope for that fact. he make that "cinematographic masterpiece" you should remember. he was as uncontrollably hunger of relevance as a pathetic tik toker.

>> No.21321523

>he start the whole climate change agenda as a cope for that fact.

But that has nothing to do with my premise, which is that (insert president here) will establish absolute control, etc, etc. Great, Al Gore made some silly little film. But where is he now? Dude's basically irrelevant - hell, he already was when the Simpsons made that joke about Lisa buying his book.

>> No.21321538

Well you don't get to pick and choose lol.
You are a zoomer. Objectively aswell as metaphysically judging by this response.

>> No.21321556

trump make his own "unconfortable truth". this stupidity will be forgotten, as you already said.its not something new at this level, its just a new can with the same shit inside.

>> No.21321575
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Exactly. What i'm getting at is that people constantly overblow things, and if people really believed we were as fucked as they claim, wouldn't they just kill themselves now and save themselves the trouble? Or wouldn't they try to do something about it? Of course, call 'em out on their cowardice, their obvious waiting for someone else to do all the heavy lifting so they can stroll in and act like they did anything, and again, you'll be called every name in the book. That's when I realized how it's really all a grift. The so called "culture war" is the ultimate evolution of the participation trophy. An entire generation of kids who passed K-12 because of shit like No Child Left Behind (hell, even before it, you had reports of kids being given passing grades despite not putting in the work) and were coddled by parents and educators alike (because it's easier to shut 'em up than to roll up your sleeves and educate) via unnecessary prescriptions and toxic positivity, were suddenly thrust into the real world, and had no real means of coping with their inability to adjust. So why not blame "those people" for your inability to adult? Why not generalize entire generations and genders and whatever else and say man, if it wasn't for THEM, I'd totally have something of a life! And then you realize that the vast majority of people overall are just, y'know, living life. Bonus points to the anons/blue checks who make up obvious bullshit stories about how they "totally" met an SJW/Antifa/MAGA/etc loony in the wild, though.

>> No.21321585
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So you're suggesting that history is pretty much stagnant and there's not enough true conflict or competition to our core values to progress people into newer forms of administration? Interesting

>> No.21321587
File: 30 KB, 656x527, 1618961452081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tolstoy is not an inherently better artist than Steven Spielberg

>> No.21321604
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The problem is, we’ve lost the initiative. There’s absolutely no incentive whatsoever to consider anything radical or intellectual anymore. Culture is outsourced from communities to the whims of millionaires. Censorship and surveillance creep back over the population faster than they can probably be stopped. Poverty and homelessness are dismissed as inevitable for the greater good of landlording profits. Drug lords, murderers, and rapists are shielded by the state at the highest levels while the poor are sacrificed as scapegoats for these systemic crimes. These trends seldom falter, and on the occasions that they do falter they never fail to return en force and more than undo any good which may have been done in their absence. Philosophy is basically dead. Art solely exists as a division of marketing for faceless men in business suits, or it is cast aside for its irrelevance, and the people are cut off from its deeper aesthetic metaphysical relevance for a lack of knowing that it even exists because their minds are purely conditioned for materialism.As for creative ideas and revolutionary theory? “Nice LARP, bud.” “Oh wow, you’re edgy.” Nothing has defeated people more than their own acceptance of a banal life adrift in a world without meaning. They have chosen to be battered in the face with a simple life stuck in a cube and there is no escapism accept for maybe video games and movies, or if you’re conservative enough you’re probably terrified that even video games and movies will be stripped from you. As for books, can you name ten prominent writers of the 21st century who had half the relevance as a writer from, say, the early 20th century? Do we have any prominent writers left at all? Nobody thinks about new ideas, so nobody writes them, and the cycle of banality feeds itself. Conservatives can’t create anything new because it is against their very nature to do anything but hold onto tradition with contempt as the world moves ahead of them. Liberals don’t want to create anything new that does not serve a bourgeoisie madhouse of elites assfucking everything into a chaotic vortex with no meaning. People love to whine about how "woke" everything is, but that's just the latest method of the System to sell you the exact same shit you got tired of a decade plus ago. They saw how much people were getting tired of reboots and retreads, so they started black/queerwashing shit. Sports went "woke" because people got burned out on the big markets winning every year and turning small markets into glorified farm teams (MLB being an extreme example of this - how many teams can legit sign Aaron Judge?). And so it goes.

>> No.21321610

I suffer from this, how do I even fix this? I spend hours doing literally nothing in my phone, just numb scrolling away. I wanna use the technology to actually make me smarter instead of it absolutely enslaving me.

>> No.21321620

Stop wanking to tiktok thots.

>> No.21321631

Ok, now what

>> No.21321632
File: 26 KB, 267x362, 1669530574326610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good i will own hundreds of zoomer slaves in the future

>> No.21321635
File: 436 KB, 571x664, C7C39000-84C7-4440-BAE3-D4FC0CB87837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People love to whine about how "woke" everything is, but that's just the latest method of the System to sell you the exact same shit you got tired of a decade plus ago.

Seriously, it's funny when people act like this is part of some big old conspiracy when it's just capitalism in action. Amoral corpos, the very same who ravage the environment, who exploit the Third World, who are up to so much shit that you don't even know about, are somehow proponents of woke communist tyranny? It's all a grift they came up with to sell you shit. Do you honestly think the same companies that have little Chinese kids making their shit for pennies gives a fuck about trannies or BLM? Of fucking course not. They are just making sure that you don't get any funny ideas about calling 'em out on their shit, because you wouldn't want to be a bigot, would you? That's why big publishing companies are so insistent on publishing mediocre at best IDpol hacks - because they know people will eat the same old shit up if you repackage it. Suddenly, that totally original YA dystopia about how love will save the world has a PEE-OH-CEE protagonist and boom! Instant bestseller. Nevermind it's indistinguishable from all the others with white protags, of course. I see this all the time; remember when the NBA pulled the All Star Game from South Carolina over their bathroom bill that one year? The NBA is well aware that the American audience is burnt out on its ever declining product, whether it's the quality of play being not even remotely close to the 90s and earlier, the fact that rivalries are essentially dead because all the players are too chummy (a problem you see in all sports - you'll never see another Detroit/Colorado storyline), the fact that the big names all flee to big markets to form superteams.....so they hide behind being "woke" as a shield to deflect well deserved criticism. Hell, why do you think they simp for China? Chinese folks are willing to shell out big bucks for the shitty product! Even in Canada, you see this sorta shit with the TFWs - the Jamaicans literally sent a delegation to Ontario to investigate once they got wind from Jamaican laborers that Canada wasn't the woke wonderland they were led to believe it was, and go out west to Alberta and see how many Filipinos are hired for pennies to work the same entry level jobs that you, as a local, born and raised Canadian, are told you need X years of experience for. It's so fucking obvious that I am legit surprised so many people don't get it. On this very thread, >>21320006 nailed it. Nobody talks about today's shit, because what IS there to talk about? All there is is shitposting for (You's) like >>21321632 is doing. I mean, what, a serious discussion about literature? A serious discussion at all that doesn't devolve into TFW NO GF, trannysperging, or other examples of shitposting that does nothing to start or further a conversation? Ha! You wish!

>> No.21321668

Progressivism isn’t used only to sell more products. The institutions that enforce it genuinely believe in it. They require more non-white and diverse demographics to be accepted into liberal cosmopolitanism because they’re quickly outnumbering the whites themselves. They need trannies because gender relations are collapsing, they need to grift OnlyFans and “sex worker rights” because more women are being forced into prostitution, they need the LGBT because basic family structures are dying, etc etc. The reasons for progressivism being enforced are definitely material but it’s wrong to suggest that the people in power don’t believe in the shit they’re selling either. Modern problems require modern solutions.

>> No.21321680
File: 84 KB, 697x768, I think you just need to stop being such a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Progressivism isn’t used only to sell more products. The institutions that enforce it genuinely believe in it.
>They need trannies because gender relations are collapsing, they need to grift OnlyFans and “sex worker rights” because more women are being forced into prostitution
>they need the LGBT because basic family structures are dying, etc etc.

My God, man, can you be any more stereotypical? You're too terminally online for your own good. I hate to be just as cliche as you are, but go outside. Nothing is as dire as you seem to think it is.

>> No.21321690

What exactly did I say that was wrong? You’re right that most people that use the Internet frequently and discuss politics have an embarrassingly pessimistic view of the world that isn’t accurate, but you seem to be on the opposite extreme of believing that literally nothing is wrong at all with 21st century society. It’s an absolute fact that fertility is declining, culture is stagnating, gender relations are being shattered, sexual fluidity is becoming the dominant form of identity for people, etc. It’s observable at every basic level. With these material conditions comes the proliferation of ideology that facilitates them (Wokeness, or liberalism 2.0). These values are not really new, these phenomenons aren’t going to trigger a civil war, but they’re still symptoms of a great decadence that we all endure today.

>> No.21321697


>> No.21321703

>The millennial cannot create, it can only destroy.
Kek. I'm going to print this post and hang on my wall. Thx.
Signed - T. Millenial

>> No.21321706

>future zoomer blue checks
Implying twitter will still exist.

>> No.21321712


>> No.21321734

Your “trans-ageism” prediction is silly. Transgenderism took off because the element of perception still allows people to pass as a certain identity or gender. Age on the other hand will be clearly visible on most people no matter what they identify as, even if they pull different calendars or concepts of time out of their ass the way they do for gender identity. Everything else you said it spot on though. I personally predict that euthanasia will become the hot new activist movement for millennials once they desire suicide en masse

>> No.21321811

“Young adult” books bought by 30+ cat moms is just another sign of social retardation. That this category didn’t even exist until recently should clue you in to what’s happening.

>> No.21321823

> EVERYONE READS MORE THAN EVER. how are you engaging with anything on this screen
You just put the bar of “reading” on the ground and declared twitter posting definitively counts as reading, in a conversation about book reading and the dearth of intellectual capacity in literary analysis. You’re illustrating the exact problem this thread is talking about with your flailing halfwitted attempt to declare basic reading competency.

>> No.21321827

Transsexuals weren’t just silly but mentally disturbed until 20 years ago. If you think there’s some magical barrier between that and trans-age or trans racial, you’re just suffering from a myopic view of history.

>> No.21321830

Life will force them to read.

>> No.21321831 [DELETED] 

No one has been able to tell me why reading is different from watching a movie or listening to music and nobody has told me why consuming media is a virtue
Good riddance to literacy. It has done nothing positive in my life.
It's just consumption and escapism.

>> No.21321833

Trans-classism when?
I identify myself as a multi-billionaire capitalist, despite people refusing to acknowledge me as one.

>> No.21321851

What about tansniggers? I mean, transracial.

>> No.21321888

>that pic
kaliyugafags were unironically right and I’m terrified

>> No.21321901

Image is just boomer cope,with possibly a hint of american derangement.

in the rest of the world weve just lived the age of Messi x CR7 possibly the 2 best of all time active together. and the next generation (Mbappe, Haaland) is already here.

>> No.21321903

The Beatles are much more artistic and have more integrity than Spielberg! Also Mozart is known as a classical composer uniquely popular with the masses and who still appeals to modern middle class taste, it is a poor example.

>> No.21321912

This is what i love. It's obvious he is just a child who as he became an adult realized he was not going to become Arthur or Hannah Montana and is now blaming this inevitable loss of innocence and childhood on broader society.

>> No.21321917

Everything he said in that post is correct except for sports. Every other form of media and entertainment has become mediocre and stagnant. Keep seething faggots, we’re never getting another Scorsese/Pynchon/Bob Dylan after they die.

>> No.21321920

It’s obvious you’re just an old out of touch guy (not a bad thing) who has no idea the absolute mire that culture has become. Install tiktok on a burner device and scroll around for a watching the absolute dregs that are supposed to be the cool people of this generation. That anon is on the mark and you have to be a serious historylet to not see that that pic combined with unprecedented system-breaking hyperinflation and economic immobility leads to guaranteed catastrophe.

>> No.21321924

No one is happy with the current period. You'll see in 50 years that all singers, filmmakers, writers who are taken for granted today will be praised as masters in the future.

>> No.21321928

Well, acceleration then revolution. I'm jumping for joy!

>> No.21321933

Despite your obliviousness of them objective standards exist brainlet.

>> No.21321938

I agree. However, objectively good stuff is being made today.

>> No.21321947

There will be no great millennial, but I bet there will be great zoomers for they are superior to millennials in that they have a filter so schismatic wherein the ones with souls of even a slightly poor quality will sink into the neurosis of the web and the ones that remain by sheer fact of their survival will have souls so manifestly beautiful and great. I think the proof is in the revival of the Jungians on YouTube like Meme Analysis and Whatitis. There is also great young writers such as Esme L K Partridge. Being a peer of all of these people is completely humbling for I am not even an atom's weight comparable. Exciting stuff for a zoomer.

>> No.21321973

Cope. You’re outright lying and won’t state any examples.

>> No.21321977

Hope you have your tv license

>> No.21321981

>Meme Analysis and Whatitis
This is bait right?
>Esme L K Partridge
Literally who?

>> No.21322004
File: 195 KB, 637x478, 1669682108520496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 39 cunt and it was exactly the same when I was in high school. Absolutely nothing has changed.

>> No.21322019

No it is not bait. They make interesting points about the internet and tradition that influenced my thought personally. Why would your recognition of them matter?

>> No.21322030

I like all the haters seethe replying

Good to hear, I have many interests and hobbies and still read every day

>> No.21322063

I know dozens of channels of that high quality and I'm certain none of them will be remembered a decade from now.

>> No.21322078

>Calls an expression of despair and hopelessness “cope”
What do you think the word “cope” means?

>> No.21322232

Esme will not die of obscurity because she's an actual academic, with YouTube channels that's just inevitable although I think their particular synthesis of Crowley, Jung and Nick Land as a method to analyse memes is quite interesting I don't think my intrigue will die anytime soon.

>> No.21322439

It's (You) that needs to go outside anon. At the risk of sounding like a generic /pol/tard, I will say that degeneracy has been inorganically on the rise since around twenty or so years ago. Immigration and basic racial tension has already made the nation lose its identity, and pretty much everyone is okay with faggots.Trannies went from nonexistent to being relatively prominent in the span of ten years. You can say that you never see them, but that's because you're likely only seeing adults.
Trannies aren't emerging from adulthood, they're the young population being indoctrinated with those types of basic ideas. I know for a fact that there's at least four trannies at the school I live next to, and I've occasionally seen some in the streets as well.
This isn't an internet-exclusive movement.

>> No.21322556

Thanks anon

>> No.21323252

And most of them who do get a job with their gender studies degree are the products of nepotism.

I'm double majoring in philosophy and english lit, the latter in case the former doesn't work out and I can become an english teacher, and you're right the propoganda is real and most of the people in my courses are brainwashed and just right virtue signalling essays, get their biscuit and move on. I've been trying to write distinction level but with the feminist heavy subjects it's difficult. Still you learn more if you apply yourself than if you don't.

>> No.21323566

i do, i am 19
the spirit of your post is of course corect

>> No.21323572

i want to talk to people about things i find interesting - fewer peple are interested in those things means fewer conversations

>> No.21323782

I'm twenty and the only thing I've read this year is 'Book Of The New Sun' and Gotrek and Felix novels.

>> No.21323899

I ask them. I go out of my way to give them an opportunity to present their ideas. But they dont. They talk about actions rather than thoughts.

>> No.21323905

Seriously? Where are you from?

>> No.21324112

bussin fr fr no cap

>> No.21325302

I appreciate the anti-millennial posts in this thread. The worst generation in human history. Take 30 minutes one of these days and just go through twitter profiles of people from ages of late 20s-late 30s. Disgusting people. I will welcome their mass suicides.

>> No.21325376


>> No.21325491

I'm 22 but only read Infinite Jest this year. Why does DFW talk like a valley girl always saying "like"? He's really funny though. I have no interest in reading any other book.

>> No.21325769


>> No.21326295

People used to have a really bad habit saying the word "like", rather than "um" or something else. Its not as bad nowadays. It was the millennial version of frfr.

>> No.21326536

There's no way anybody actually says this.

>> No.21326634

I hear this so many times, it has got to be the most pathetically midwit take ever.

>"people are getting worse in X? Said every generation ever."
>decline continues to accelerate

Always boil a frog slowly.

>> No.21326692


>> No.21326699

OP is a projecting zoomer and booklet

>> No.21326734

/// As an overarching theory, the idea that humans moved from freedom to stuckness seems to reinscribe some of the schematic evolutionary folktales that the book exists to critique /// She delivered her speech with tremendous wit and verve /// The chassis lurched forward and then back sharply, knocking the four passengers off balance /// The unrest has cast a pall over what is usually a day of national rejoicing ///Just put it in my in tray and I'll look at it later /// This odious walled vertical suburb is a civic embarrassment, the embodiment of a runaway plutocracy that places its own interests over the commonweal — and common decency /// They spent their honeymoon in a cruddy beachside hotel /// He broached the subject they had been avoiding all evening /// We should have sat down and addressed the issues head-on /// It felt churlish to tell him that I was in a hurry, that the coffee would have to be quick /// /// I don't understand this form - it's all couched in legal terminology /// These countries are on the brink of cataclysmic famine /// The government has turned a minor local problem into a full-blown regional conflagration /// There's a famous statue by Rodin, which shows the soul of a young woman striving to break free of the flesh of an old crone /// He gathered up the twigs and cast them into the fire /// Educational reform was one of the main planks of their election campaign /// He looked unusually chipper this morning /// All the rest is not evidence, it is just scurrilous gossip and rumour /// Trying to read between the lines of CEO departure statements is a longstanding parlor game for investors, journalists and academics who study succession /// Our fashion editor gives you the lowdown on winter coats for this season /// The stilted conversation turned to whether horse-drawn carriages were superior to riding on camel, horse or elephant /// He started issuing peremptory instructions /// Cut it out, you two – I'm tired of listening to you argue! /// The lift is driven by hydraulics /// Bubbeleh, you've got to stop stressing about what other people think /// Whether they had been successful or not was a moot point /// She tried to hit me up for a loan till payday, but I didn’t have any money to give her /// The president's trip had all the trappings of a state visit /// He gets astonishing levels of media attention and that is a cross the young player has to bear /// His avuncular image belies his steely determination /// After a sudden burst of activity, the team lapsed back into indolence /// Such controversies have waxed and waned but continue to this day /// International support has given rise to a new optimism in the company /// Further analysis showed the absence of pathogenic bacteria /// The septuagenarian brothers are still heavily involved in the running of the business and they have no desire to relinquish control /// Later on, she would prevail on somebody else to chauffeur her home ///

>> No.21326768


>> No.21326770

That was Gen X

>> No.21326788

why are some people so obsessed with generational cohorts
it's pretty silly

>> No.21326890

Kamasi Washington's music is greatness. Get fucked

>> No.21327588

like up the difference in technique between an opera singer like Pavarotti and a modern singer. It's like comparing a fashion runway model to a model for target.

>> No.21327607

There's a clear difference between zoomers born before 2000 and after. Younger zoomers seem to lack basic social and life skills and I know this from the army.
T. 23y

>> No.21327649

>Mixed race people cannot be zoomers
Get out of lit, now.

>> No.21327650

I'm 21 and I don't brag that I read on a basket weaving forum

>> No.21327682


Wtf are you smoking? 35 yr olds dont have much impact on the world either. With few exceptions they are barely getting into middle management and low level political roles.

>> No.21328334

My negro I'm 22 as well but that's the age people used to die in wars or rear children. Besides, we were born just right before the Internet became an all-important thing. This is talking about literal children and how they won't read because they grew up with Cocomelon and satisfying tiktok videos. Besides, how many of our peers read after all that Spongebob and PS2 gibberish?

>> No.21328413


>> No.21328460

Also 23, when I was 13 I had a nokia dumbphone that I barely used. My sister is 13 and buried in her smartphone all day. Probably one of the differences.

>> No.21328664
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People haven't been reading for decades and centuries. Especially since the invention of the radio and television. Reading has always been a niche hobby/habit. Smartphones and social media put the final nail in the coffin. People now literally don't have the attention span to even focus on and comprehend a single page of a book. And that's not just zoomers but everyone of any age who use a smartphone these days.

>> No.21328675 [DELETED] 

irrelevant boomer losers in their mid-30s are butthurt that they wasted their youth playing nintendos so they care way too much about what the younger, relevant generation are doing

>> No.21328679 [DELETED] 

Nobody reads, millenials don't read either. Oh sorry, some of them read harry potter and twilight, would you like an award?.

>> No.21328720

Você é brasileiro ?

>> No.21328748
File: 97 KB, 1548x1068, attention-spans-are-getting-shorter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back to college at 24 to get a certification for my job and I'm shocked at how different it is from when I was 18/19. I feel like the literacy has definitely tanked; I'd like to blame TikTok and Instagram for shorter attention spans but it may be more than that. I took an elective history class over Zoom during 2020 and I remember a BIPOCLGBTQA+ girl asking the professor if she could listen to a podcast instead of doing the readings... he was just in shock.

>> No.21328756


Niggers don’t even care about hiding their chimp IQs anymore, that’s it

>> No.21328771

WTF is that even supposed to be? Don't tell me that's real.

>> No.21328862

BIPOC = Acronym for shitkins, it’s supposed to be Black, Indigenous + some other shit I don’t remember

The rest is the usual LGBTQA+

>> No.21329415
File: 94 KB, 728x726, 1641609790128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single educator
Speak for yourself numbnuts, I'm 3 acts deep into "Julius Caesar" with 140 kids.

>> No.21329566

basado y chingon

>> No.21329610

Ingroup vs outgroup is pretty universal human behavior.

>> No.21329663

I'm 21 and bought The Sound and the Fury and The Castle today and am reading Mrs Dalloway at the moment.

>> No.21329788

>tfw indigenous white European
>tfw confers no brownie points

>> No.21329997

>indigenous white European
Not to be pedantic but the modern inhabitants of Europe aren't autochthonous, they only arrived in Europe around 4500 years ago (Bell Beaker culture).

>> No.21330053

Doubt it.

>> No.21330137

I read, I just don't post about it on /lit/.

>> No.21330191


>> No.21330448

Year of the Golden Dragon chads rise up!

>> No.21330454 [DELETED] 

That's the same with every race you dimwit

>> No.21330461 [DELETED] 

Im not racist (left winger here) but posts like these are so funny

>> No.21330462

Typical jewish response. Neck yourself you faggot nigger.

>> No.21330470

Typical jewish response. Kys you faggot nigger.

>> No.21330480

How can israel claim Palestine then to be its rightful soil when most jews there have been there for less than a century?

>> No.21330483

7/10, got too obvious with the last couple sentences
>also, section.80 and gkmc are the only good kendrick albums

>> No.21330495

The only intelligent post in this thread, also:
>midwits are more susceptible to propaganda
>trad-caths are an obvious psyop

>> No.21330579

Not true. I’m a zoomer that uses tiktok. There is a subculture called booktok made up of young people, mostly gays and women, who discuss YA/romance/fantasy type books. Trashy books but books nonetheless.

>> No.21330589


>This isn't an internet-exclusive movement.

My brother in Christ, ALL this shit is fucking internet exclusive. I have yet to meet a single "SJW," "tranny," "incel," "femcel," "doomer," "MAGAt," etc, etc. At best, I meet the most milquetoast, indifferent "that's nice, honey" level people who couldn't give less of a fuck about politics, period, especially when the game's on. I know it's hip and cool to act like everything's gonna hit a breaking point, but trust me, NOTHING is gonna fucking happen. The bread is still plentiful, the circuses are still performing...

>> No.21330599


>why are some people so obsessed with generational cohorts

I just like to poke fun at the millennials who whine about zoomers as if they weren't cringy dorky kids themselves growing up. Most millennials are fine just like most boomers, zoomers, etc.

>> No.21330939

I've already told you that I've seen trannies, who are supposed to be an extreme outlier, become relatively common where I am.
I'm not even going to touch up on the topic of faggots.
The rest of your examples, "SJW," "incel," "femcel," "doomer," "MAGAt," generally don't make themselves overt and aren't seen much as a result , as its only the radicals of these groups that feel the need to advertise themselves to the world.
One can be a part of them without broadcasting it, and its usually the case.
Either way, you can say these things are "internet exclusive" but the internet isn't a niche thing of the past anymore; the vast, vast majority of people under 25 use and are influenced by social media in one way or another. Its not like the internet is an entirely foreign entity from one's experiences and existence. It is a form of communication. the ideas and notions being perpetuated thorugh the internet aren't any less substantial than someone writing a letter to an acquaintance, calling for the hanging of all (insert political group here).
>I know it's hip and cool to act like everything's gonna hit a breaking point, but trust me, NOTHING is gonna fucking happen.
Agreed. We're probably just going to experience a slow waltz through entropy.

>> No.21331236


>> No.21331293


I guess I just don't buy into a lot of the media's fearmongering and clickbaiting. As far as I can make out, most people are pretty chill. Some of them even make off color jokes, and no one tries to cancel them, no one reports them, nothing. I guess I just don't want to fall into the doomer trap then, 'cause then what's the fucking point? Might as well just end it all if I really thought we were SOL.
>Agreed. We're probably just going to experience a slow waltz through entropy.
And that's why I'm gonna just live it up as much as I can, come what may. And when time runs out, I'll deal with it then.

>> No.21331576

yeah; murdoch murdoch proves this. gen x could never.
(side note: they give good lit recommendations).
t. zoomer who spent late adolescence / young adulthood watching them
impossible. they only saw what was force-fed to them on tv. they are pozzed to shit.

>> No.21331599

devil's advocate: technically zoomers spend more time reading words even if it's in the form of reading reddit/tumblr/4chan/wikipedia/articles, therefore nonfiction reading of sorts has gone way up, though of course it leans toward being informed about current events (twitter, not textbooks). and i would argue that reading about the real world is more valuable than reading fiction.
almost everybody on this board probably spends more time reading this site than they do reading novels, but won't admit it.
ultimately, it has always been the case that only 0.0001% of people matter, anyway, and those are the genius ones who read obsessively and read 1 fiction book for every 100 nonfiction books or research papers they read. for this reason a board dedicated mostly to fiction will inherently be full of pretentious midwits.

>> No.21331696

I tried reading it to be an edgelord and it's actually shit. Like legitimate fetish schlock. Like reading someone's 500 page furry vore novel. It's like reading Ayn Rand. It just sucks.

>> No.21331845

They read more than this board.