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21319443 No.21319443 [Reply] [Original]

>fantasy series allows bugmen to adopt a safe misanthropic stance and say things like "humans are so evil hehe"

>> No.21319450

>The NEETS are waking up

>> No.21319505
File: 98 KB, 551x572, soy 37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fantasy series proves that you should kill people who are not the same haplogroup as you with spears

>> No.21319704

Humans are evil though

>> No.21319709

Is being a misanthrope supposed to be bad?

>> No.21319716

>Is being a misanthrope supposed to be bad?
misanthropy is for pussies who can't handle life. Like anti-natalism, it's a weak nigger philosophy.

>> No.21319735

Sounds like an opinion loaded in emotion, why is your emotional output valid and mine not?

>> No.21319981

It's supposed to be onions (which means z0y but with an "so" instead of a "z0"; or "onions", if you will).

>> No.21320008

Again, because it is onions (which can be written as sӧy or even "onions", if you please)

>> No.21320050

Huh? Do you look like that? You're ugly.

>> No.21320065

What are you trying to say? I have a hard time reading what is your angle on this...

>> No.21320066

it warrants the same questions that anti-natalism raises. Why not kill yourself? Why stick around?